Code of Virginia

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Code of Virginia
Title 4.1. Alcoholic Beverage and Cannabis Control
Chapter 3. Prohibited Practices; Penalties; Procedural Matters

Article 2. Prohibited Practices by Licensees.

§ 4.1-324. Illegal sale or keeping of alcoholic beverages by licensees; penalty.

A. No licensee or any agent or employee of such licensee shall:

1. Sell any alcoholic beverages of a kind other than that which such license or this subtitle authorizes him to sell;

2. Sell beer to which wine, spirits or alcohol has been added, except that a mixed beverage licensee may combine wine or spirits, or both, with beer pursuant to a patron's order;

3. Sell wine to which spirits or alcohol, or both, have been added, otherwise than as required in the manufacture thereof under Board regulations, except that a mixed beverage licensee may (i) make sangria that contains brandy, triple sec, or other similar spirits and (ii) combine beer or spirits, or both, with wine pursuant to a patron's order;

4. Sell alcoholic beverages of a kind which such license or this subtitle authorizes him to sell, but to any person other than to those to whom such license or this subtitle authorizes him to sell;

5. Sell alcoholic beverages which such license or this subtitle authorizes him to sell, but in any place or in any manner other than such license or this subtitle authorizes him to sell;

6. Sell any alcoholic beverages when forbidden by this subtitle;

7. Keep or allow to be kept, other than in his residence and for his personal use, any alcoholic beverages other than that which he is authorized to sell by such license or by this subtitle;

8. Sell any beer to a retail licensee, except for cash, if the seller holds a brewery, bottler's or wholesale beer license;

9. Sell any beer on draft and fail to display to customers the brand of beer sold or misrepresent the brand of any beer sold;

10. Sell any wine for delivery within the Commonwealth to a retail licensee, except for cash, if the seller holds a wholesale wine or farm winery license;

11. Keep or allow to be kept or sell any vaporized form of an alcoholic beverage produced by an alcohol vaporizing device;

12. Keep any alcoholic beverage other than in the bottle or container in which it was purchased by him except: (i) for a frozen alcoholic beverage; and (ii) in the case of wine, in containers of a type approved by the Board pending automatic dispensing and sale of such wine; or

13. Establish any normal or customary pricing of its alcoholic beverages that is intended as a shift or device to evade any "happy hour" regulations adopted by the Board; however, a licensee may increase the volume of an alcoholic beverage sold to a customer if there is a commensurate increase in the normal or customary price charged for the same alcoholic beverage.

B. Any person convicted of a violation of this section shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.

C. Neither this section nor any Board regulation shall prohibit an on-premises restaurant licensee from using alcoholic beverages that the licensee otherwise is authorized to purchase and possess for the purposes of preparing and selling for on-premises consumption food products with a final alcohol content of more than one-half of one percent by volume, as long as such food products are sold to and consumed by persons who are 21 years of age or older.

Code 1950, § 4-60; 1970, c. 360; 1974, c. 460; 1984, c. 603; 1993, c. 866; 1998, c. 238; 2006, c. 714; 2008, cc. 513, 629, 875.

§ 4.1-325. Prohibited acts by mixed beverage licensees; penalty.

A. In addition to § 4.1-324, no mixed beverage licensee nor any agent or employee of such licensee shall:

1. Sell or serve any alcoholic beverage other than as authorized by law;

2. Sell any authorized alcoholic beverage to any person or at any place except as authorized by law;

3. Allow at the place described in his license the consumption of alcoholic beverages in violation of this subtitle;

4. Keep at the place described in his license any alcoholic beverage other than that which he is licensed to sell;

5. Misrepresent the brand of any alcoholic beverage sold or offered for sale;

6. Keep any alcoholic beverage other than in the bottle or container in which it was purchased by him except (i) for a frozen alcoholic beverage, which may include alcoholic beverages in a frozen drink dispenser of a type approved by the Board; (ii) in the case of wine, in containers of a type approved by the Board pending automatic dispensing and sale of such wine; and (iii) as otherwise provided by Board regulation. Neither this subdivision nor any Board regulation shall prohibit any mixed beverage licensee from premixing containers of sangria, to which spirits may be added, to be served and sold for consumption on the licensed premises;

7. Refill or partly refill any bottle or container of alcoholic beverage or dilute or otherwise tamper with the contents of any bottle or container of alcoholic beverage, except as provided by Board regulation adopted pursuant to subdivision B 11 of § 4.1-111;

8. Sell or serve any brand of alcoholic beverage which is not the same as that ordered by the purchaser without first advising such purchaser of the difference;

9. Remove or obliterate any label, mark, or stamp affixed to any container of alcoholic beverages offered for sale;

10. Deliver or sell the contents of any container if the label, mark, or stamp has been removed or obliterated;

11. Allow any obscene conduct, language, literature, pictures, performance, or materials on the licensed premises;

12. Allow any striptease act on the licensed premises;

13. Allow persons connected with the licensed business to appear nude or partially nude;

14. Consume or allow the consumption by an employee of any alcoholic beverages while on duty and in a position that is involved in the selling or serving of alcoholic beverages to customers.

The provisions of this subdivision shall not prohibit any retail licensee or his designated employee from (i) consuming product samples or sample servings of (a) beer or wine provided by a representative of a licensed beer or wine wholesaler or manufacturer or (b) a distilled spirit provided by a permittee of the Board who represents a distiller, if such samples are provided in accordance with Board regulations and the retail licensee or his designated employee does not violate the provisions of subdivision A 1 f of § 4.1-225 or (ii) tasting an alcoholic beverage that has been or will be delivered to a customer for quality control purposes;

15. Deliver to a consumer an original bottle of an alcoholic beverage purchased under such license whether the closure is broken or unbroken except in accordance with § 4.1-206.3.

The provisions of this subdivision shall not apply to the delivery of:

a. "Soju." For the purposes of this subdivision, "soju" means a traditional Korean alcoholic beverage distilled from rice, barley or sweet potatoes; or

b. Spirits, provided (i) the original container is no larger than 375 milliliters, (ii) the alcohol content is no greater than 15 percent by volume, and (iii) the contents of the container are carbonated and perishable;

16. Be intoxicated while on duty or employ an intoxicated person on the licensed premises;

17. Conceal any sale or consumption of any alcoholic beverages;

18. Fail or refuse to make samples of any alcoholic beverages available to the Board upon request or obstruct special agents of the Board in the discharge of their duties;

19. Store alcoholic beverages purchased under the license in any unauthorized place or remove any such alcoholic beverages from the premises;

20. Knowingly employ in the licensed business any person who has the general reputation as a prostitute, panderer, habitual law violator, person of ill repute, user or peddler of narcotics, or person who drinks to excess or engages in illegal gambling;

21. Keep on the licensed premises, except for the premises of a mixed beverage casino licensee, a slot machine or any prohibited gambling or gaming device, machine, or apparatus;

22. Make any gift of an alcoholic beverage, other than as a gift made (i) to a personal friend, as a matter of normal social intercourse, so long as the gift is in no way a shift or device to evade the restriction set forth in this subdivision; (ii) to a person responsible for the planning, preparation or conduct on any conference, convention, trade show or event held or to be held on the premises of the licensee, when such gift is made in the course of usual and customary business entertainment and is in no way a shift or device to evade the restriction set forth in this subdivision; (iii) pursuant to subsection C of § 4.1-209; (iv) pursuant to subdivision A 10 of § 4.1-201; (v) by a mixed beverage casino licensee to a patron of such licensee in accordance with the provisions of subdivision A 14 of § 4.1-206.3; or (vi) pursuant to any Board regulation. Any gift permitted by this subdivision shall be subject to the taxes imposed by this subtitle on sales of alcoholic beverages. The licensee shall keep complete and accurate records of gifts given in accordance with this subdivision; or

23. Establish any normal or customary pricing of its alcoholic beverages that is intended as a shift or device to evade any "happy hour" regulations adopted by the Board; however, a licensee may increase the volume of an alcoholic beverage sold to a customer if there is a commensurate increase in the normal or customary price charged for the same alcoholic beverage.

B. Any person convicted of a violation of this section is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.

C. The provisions of subdivisions A 12 and A 13 shall not apply to persons operating theaters, concert halls, art centers, museums, or similar establishments that are devoted primarily to the arts or theatrical performances, when the performances that are presented are expressing matters of serious literary, artistic, scientific, or political value.

1968, c. 7, § 4-98.10; 1970, c. 120; 1974, c. 548; 1975, c. 483; 1976, cc. 750, 768; 1978, c. 69; 1979, c. 227; 1982, c. 316; 1983, c. 608; 1993, c. 866; 2000, c. 780; 2002, c. 105; 2003, c. 856; 2004, c. 913; 2006, cc. 256, 826; 2008, cc. 513, 629, 794, 875; 2009, cc. 20, 509; 2010, c. 481; 2013, c. 661; 2015, cc. 38, 404, 604, 730; 2017, c. 154; 2020, cc. 1113, 1114; 2022, cc. 589, 590; 2023, cc. 213, 214, 774; 2024, cc. 111, 255, 619, 622, 627.

§ 4.1-325.01. Combined licenses for same premises.

On and after July 1, 2015, any licensee of the Board that holds both a mixed beverage restaurant license and a mixed beverage caterer's license for the same business premises may, upon request in writing to the Board, be granted a combined mixed beverage restaurant and caterer's license for the same business premises. The Board may require such licensee to surrender the previously granted mixed beverage restaurant license and mixed beverage caterer's license for the same licensed location. No additional license fee shall be assessed for this change.

2015, c. 404.

§ 4.1-325.1. Falsifying application; penalty.

It shall be unlawful for any applicant for a banquet, special events, or mixed beverage special events license pursuant to § 4.1-206.3 to knowingly make a false statement in order to secure a license or to alter, change, borrow, or lend or attempt to use, borrow, or lend a license. Any person violating this provision shall be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor.

2002, c. 104; 2020, cc. 1113, 1114.

§ 4.1-325.2. Prohibited acts by employees of wine or beer licensees; penalty.

A. In addition to the provisions of § 4.1-324, no retail wine or beer licensee or his agent or employee shall consume any alcoholic beverages while on duty and in a position that is involved in the selling or serving of alcoholic beverages to customers.

The provisions of this subsection shall not prohibit any retail licensee or his designated employee from (i) consuming product samples or sample servings of beer or wine provided by a representative of a licensed beer or wine wholesaler or manufacturer, if such samples are provided in accordance with Board regulations and the retail licensee or his designated employee does not violate the provisions of subdivision A 1 f of § 4.1-225 or (ii) tasting an alcoholic beverage that has been or will be delivered to a customer for quality control purposes.

B. For the purposes of subsection A, a wine or beer wholesaler or farm winery licensee or its employees that participate in a wine or beer tasting sponsored by a retail wine or beer licensee shall not be deemed to be agents of the retail wine or beer licensee.

C. No retail wine or beer licensee, or his agent or employee shall make any gift of an alcoholic beverage, other than as a gift made (i) to a personal friend, as a matter of normal social intercourse, so long as the gift is in no way a shift or device to evade the restriction set forth in this subsection; (ii) to a person responsible for the planning, preparation or conduct on any conference, convention, trade show or event held or to be held on the premises of the licensee, when such gift is made in the course of usual and customary business entertainment and is in no way a shift or device to evade the restriction set forth in this subsection; (iii) pursuant to subsection C of § 4.1-209; (iv) pursuant to subdivision A 10 of § 4.1-201; or (v) pursuant to any Board regulation. Any gift permitted by this subsection shall be subject to the taxes imposed by this subtitle on sales of alcoholic beverages. The licensee shall keep complete and accurate records of gifts given in accordance with this subsection.

D. Any person convicted of a violation of this section shall be subject to a civil penalty in an amount not to exceed $500.

2002, c. 105; 2003, c. 856; 2006, cc. 256, 826; 2013, c. 661; 2015, cc. 404, 604; 2017, c. 154; 2020, cc. 1113, 1114; 2023, cc. 213, 214, 774.

§ 4.1-326. Sale of; purchase for resale; wine or beer from a person without a license; penalty.

No licensee, other than a common carrier operating in interstate or foreign commerce, licensed to sell wine or beer at retail shall purchase for resale or sell any wine or beer purchased from anyone other than a wholesale wine or wholesale beer licensee.

Nothing in this section shall prohibit the holder of a retail license issued pursuant to subdivision A 5 of § 4.1-201 from the purchase or sale of wine or beer from the winery or brewery located on or contiguous to the licensed retail premises.

Any person convicted of a violation of this section shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.

Code 1950, §§ 4-64, 4-66; 1984, c. 200; 1988, c. 261; 1993, c. 866; 2015, c. 412.

§ 4.1-327. Prohibiting transfer of wine or beer by licensees; penalty.

A. No retail licensee, except a retail on-premises wine and beer licensee, shall transfer any wine or beer from one licensed place of business to another licensed place of business whether such places of business are under the same ownership or not.

B. Any person convicted of a violation of this section shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.

1954, c. 338, § 4-34.1; 1993, c. 866; 2020, cc. 1113, 1114.

§ 4.1-328. Prohibited trade practices; penalty.

A. No person subject to the jurisdiction of the Board shall violate, attempt to violate, solicit another person to violate or consent to any violation of § 4.1-216 or 4.1-216.1, or regulations adopted pursuant to subdivision B 3 of § 4.1-111.

B. Any person found by the Board to have committed a violation of this section shall be subject to a civil penalty as provided in § 4.1-227.

1989, c. 528, § 4-79.1; 1992, c. 349; 1993, c. 866; 2007, c. 494.

§ 4.1-329. Illegal advertising materials; penalty.

No person subject to the jurisdiction of the Board shall induce, attempt to induce, or consent to, any manufacturer, as defined in § 4.1-216.1, or any wholesale licensee selling, renting, lending, buying for or giving to any person any advertising materials or decorations under circumstances prohibited by this subtitle or Board regulations.

Any person found by the Board to have violated this section shall be subject to a civil penalty as provided in § 4.1-227.

1981, c. 574, § 4-69.2; 1993, c. 866; 2007, c. 494.

§ 4.1-330. Solicitation by persons interested in manufacture, etc., of alcoholic beverages; penalty.

A. No person having any interest, direct or indirect, in the manufacture, distribution, or sale of spirits or other alcoholic beverages shall, without a permit granted by the Board and upon such conditions as the Board may prescribe, solicit either directly or indirectly (i) a mixed beverage licensee; (ii) any agent, servant, or employee of such licensee; or (iii) any person connected with the licensee in any capacity whatsoever in his licensed business, to sell or offer for sale the particular spirits or other alcoholic beverage in which such person may be so interested.

The Board, upon proof of any solicitation in violation of this subsection, may suspend or terminate the sale through government stores or its purchase of the brand of spirits or other alcoholic beverage which was the subject matter of the unlawful solicitation or promotion. In addition, the Board may suspend or terminate the sale through such stores or its purchase of all brands of spirits or other alcoholic beverages manufactured or distributed by either the employer or principal of such solicitor, the broker, or by the owner of the brand of spirits unlawfully solicited or promoted. The Board may impose a civil penalty not to exceed $250,000 in lieu of such suspension or termination of sales through government stores or purchases by the Board or portion thereof, or both.

Any person convicted of a violation of this subsection shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.

B. No mixed beverage licensee or any agent, servant, or employee of such licensee, or any person connected with the licensee in any capacity whatsoever in his licensed business shall, either directly or indirectly, be a party to, consent to, solicit, or aid or abet another in a violation of subsection A.

The Board may suspend or revoke the license granted to such licensee, or may impose a civil penalty not to exceed $25,000 in lieu of such suspension or any portion thereof, or both.

Any person convicted of a violation of this subsection shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.

1968, c. 7, § 4-98.16; 1988, c. 786; 1990, c. 442; 1993, c. 866.

§ 4.1-331. Failure to pay tax or to deliver, keep and preserve records and accounts, or to allow examination and inspection; penalty.

No licensee shall fail or refuse to (i) pay any tax provided for in § 4.1-234 or § 4.1-236; (ii) deliver, keep and preserve such records, invoices and accounts as are required by § 4.1-204 or Board regulation; or (iii) allow such records, invoices and accounts or his place of business to be examined and inspected in accordance with § 4.1-204.

Any person convicted of a violation of this section shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.

Code 1950, § 4-65; 1988, c. 261, § 4-136; 1993, c. 866.

§ 4.1-332. Nonpayment of excise tax on beer, wine coolers, and wine; additional penalties.

A. No person shall sell (i) beer or wine coolers to retailers or consumers without paying the excise tax imposed by § 4.1-236 or (ii) wine to retailers or consumers without paying the excise tax imposed by subsection A of § 4.1-234. No retailer shall purchase, receive, transport, store or sell any beer, wine coolers, or wine on which such retailer has reason to know such tax has not been paid and may not be paid.

Any person convicted of a violation of this subsection shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.

B. In addition to subsection A, on each manufacturer, bottler or wholesaler who fails to make any return and pay the full amount of the tax required by § 4.1-236 or subsection A of § 4.1-234, as applicable, there shall be imposed a civil penalty to be added to the tax in the amount of five percent of the proper tax due if the failure is for not more than thirty days, with an additional five percent for each additional thirty days, or fraction thereof, during which the failure continues. Such civil penalty shall not exceed twenty-five percent in the aggregate. In the case of a false or fraudulent return, where willful intent exists to defraud the Commonwealth of any excise tax due on beer, wine coolers, or wine, a civil penalty of fifty percent of the amount of the proper tax due shall be assessed. All penalties and interest shall be payable to the Board and if not so paid shall be collectible in the same manner as if they were a part of the tax imposed.

C. After reasonable notice to the manufacturer, bottler, wholesaler or retailer, the Board may suspend or revoke the license of the manufacturer, bottler, wholesaler or retailer who has failed to make any return or to pay the full amount of the excise tax.

1988, c. 261, §§ 4-139, 4-140; 1993, c. 866; 2018, cc. 405, 406.