Code of Virginia

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Code of Virginia
Title 54.1. Professions and Occupations
Chapter 33. Pharmacy

Article 3. Licensure of Pharmacists.

§ 54.1-3310. Unlawful to practice without license.

Except as prescribed in this chapter or by Board regulations it shall be unlawful for any person to practice pharmacy, or to engage in, carry on, or be employed in the dispensing, or compounding of drugs within this Commonwealth unless licensed by the Board as a pharmacist. The possession by any person in any place of a miscellaneous stock of drugs shall be prima facie evidence that such person is practicing pharmacy.

Code 1950, § 54-475; 1970, c. 650; 1976, c. 614, § 54-524.48; 1988, c. 765.

§ 54.1-3311. Application and examination.

Every person desiring to be licensed as a pharmacist shall file with the executive director of the Board an application, verified under oath, setting forth the name and age of the applicant, the place or places at which, and the time spent in, the study of pharmacy, and other information required by the Board.

The Board shall conduct examinations of applicants for licensure at least twice a calendar year.

Code 1950, §§ 54-420, 54-423; 1958, c. 551; 1970, c. 650, §§ 54-524.23, 54-524.25; 1972, c. 798; 1976, c. 614; 1980, c. 288; 1988, c. 765.

§ 54.1-3312. Qualifications of pharmacist; approved school of pharmacy defined.

A. In order to be licensed as a pharmacist within the meaning of this chapter, an applicant shall present to the Board satisfactory evidence that he:

1. Is at least eighteen years of age;

2. Is of good moral character;

3. Is a graduate of a school of pharmacy approved by the Board, or a foreign college of pharmacy, if the graduate has satisfactorily completed (i) a college of pharmacy equivalency examination program approved by the Board and (ii) written and oral communication ability tests of the English language approved by the Board;

4. Has had a period of practical experience in the United States in accordance with the Board's regulations; however, such requirement shall not exceed twelve months; and

5. Has passed the examination prescribed by the Board.

B. As used in this article, an approved school of pharmacy shall be an institution which meets the minimum standards of the American Council on Pharmaceutical Education and appears on the Council's list of schools of pharmacy as published annually.

Code 1950, § 54-422; 1952, c. 230; 1958, c. 551, § 54-524.21; 1970, c. 650; 1972, cc. 798, 824; 1974, c. 686; 1976, c. 614; 1988, c. 765; 1994, c. 657.

§ 54.1-3313. Licensure by endorsement.

The Board of Pharmacy may issue a license by endorsement, without examination, except as provided in this section, to practice pharmacy to persons who hold a current and unrestricted license as pharmacists in other states, the District of Columbia or possessions or territories of the United States. The applicant for such license shall present satisfactory evidence of the qualifications equal to those required of applicants for licensure by examination in Virginia and that he was licensed by examination by the board of pharmacy in such other jurisdiction. The standard of competence required in such other jurisdiction shall not be lower than that required in Virginia.

Prior to the issuance of a license, the Board may require applicants for licensure by endorsement to pass an examination on Virginia drug laws and Board of Pharmacy regulations equal to that required of applicants for licensure by examination in Virginia.

Code 1950, § 54-423.1; 1958, c. 551; 1970, c. 650, § 54-524.26; 1976, c. 614; 1980, c. 288; 1988, cc. 251, 765; 1990, c. 269.

§ 54.1-3314. Display of license.

Every person licensed to practice as a pharmacist must at all times display his license conspicuously in the place in which he regularly practices.

Code 1950, § 54-431; 1958, c. 551; 1970, c. 650, § 54-524.30; 1988, c. 765.

§ 54.1-3314.1. Continuing education requirements; exemptions; extensions; procedures; out-of-state licensees; nonpractice licenses.

A. Each pharmacist shall have obtained a minimum of 15 continuing education hours of pharmaceutical education through an approved continuing pharmaceutical education program during the year immediately preceding his license renewal date.

B. An approved continuing pharmaceutical education program shall be any program approved by the Board.

C. Pharmacists who have been initially licensed by the Board during the one year preceding the license renewal date shall not be required to comply with the requirement on the first license renewal date that would immediately follow.

D. The Board may grant an exemption from the continuing education requirement if the pharmacist presents evidence that failure to comply was due to circumstances beyond the control of the pharmacist.

E. Upon the written request of a pharmacist, the Board may grant an extension of one year in order for a pharmacist to fulfill the continuing education requirements for the period of time in question. Such extension shall not relieve the pharmacist of complying with the continuing education requirement for the current period.

F. The pharmacist shall attest to the fact that he has completed the continuing education requirements as specified by the Board.

G. The following shall apply to the requirements for continuing pharmaceutical education:

1. The provider of an approved continuing education program shall issue to each pharmacist who has successfully completed a program certification that the pharmacist has completed a specified number of hours.

2. The certificates so issued to the pharmacist shall be maintained by the pharmacist for a period of two years following the renewal of his license.

3. The pharmacist shall provide the Board, upon request, with certification of completion of continuing education programs in a manner to be determined by the Board.

H. Pharmacists who are also licensed in other states and who have obtained a minimum of fifteen hours of approved continuing education requirements of such other states need not obtain additional hours.

I. The Board shall provide for an inactive status for those pharmacists who do not wish to practice in Virginia. The Board shall require upon request for change from inactive to active status proof of continuing education hours as specified in regulations. No person shall practice in Virginia unless he holds a current active license.

J. As part of the annual 15-hour requirement, the Board may require up to two hours of continuing education in a specific subject area. If the Board designates a subject area for continuing education, it shall publish such requirement no later than January 1 of the calendar year for which the specific continuing education is required.

1992, c. 868; 2008, c. 672.

§ 54.1-3315. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 2007, c. 662, cl. 2.

§ 54.1-3316. Refusal; revocation; suspension and denial.

The Board may refuse to admit an applicant to any examination; refuse to issue a license, permit, certificate, or registration to any applicant; or reprimand, impose a monetary penalty, place on probation, impose such terms as it may designate, suspend for a stated period of time or indefinitely, or revoke any license, permit, certificate, or registration if it finds that an applicant or a person holding a license, permit, certificate, or registration:

1. Has been negligent in the practice of pharmacy or in any activity requiring a license, permit, certificate, or registration from the Board;

2. Has engaged in unprofessional conduct specified in regulations promulgated by the Board;

3. Has become incompetent to practice pharmacy or to engage in any activity requiring a license, permit, certificate, or registration from the Board because of a mental or physical condition;

4. Uses drugs or alcohol to the extent that he is rendered unsafe to practice pharmacy or to engage in any activity requiring a license, permit, certificate, or registration from the Board;

5. Has engaged in or attempted any fraud or deceit in connection with the practice of pharmacy or any activity requiring a license, permit, certificate, or registration from the Board, including any application to the Board for such license, permit, certificate, or registration;

6. Has engaged in activities beyond the scope of a license, permit, certificate, or registration or has assisted or allowed unlicensed persons to engage in the practice of pharmacy or perform duties related to the practice of pharmacy for which a license or registration is required;

7. Has violated or cooperated with others in violating any provisions of law or regulation relating to practice of pharmacy or any activity requiring a license, permit, certificate, or registration from the Board;

8. Has had revoked or suspended any registration issued by the United States Drug Enforcement Administration or other federal agency that is necessary to conduct an activity also requiring a license, permit, certificate, or registration from the Board;

9. Has engaged in the theft or diversion of controlled substances or has violated any federal drug law or any drug law of Virginia or of another state;

10. Has had denied, suspended, or revoked in any other state a license to practice pharmacy or any license, permit, certificate, or registration necessary to conduct an activity requiring a license, permit, certificate, or registration from the Board, or has surrendered in another state such license, permit, certificate, or registration;

11. Has been convicted of any felony or of any misdemeanor involving moral turpitude;

12. Has issued or published statements intended to deceive or defraud about his professional service or an activity requiring a license, permit, certificate, or registration from the Board;

13. Has conducted his practice, or activity requiring a license, permit, certificate, or registration from the Board in such a manner as to be a danger to the health and welfare of the public; or

14. Has failed to comply with requirements of this chapter or any regulation of the Board relating to continuing education.

1972, c. 798, § 54-524.22:1; 1976, c. 614; 1977, c. 86; 1982, c. 401; 1988, c. 765; 1992, c. 868; 1994, c. 296; 2007, c. 662.

§ 54.1-3317. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 1997, c. 556.

§ 54.1-3318. Notification of revocation.

Whenever the Board revokes the license of any pharmacist, it shall notify the licensee of such action, and he shall immediately deliver his license to the Board or its representative.

Code 1950, § 54-427; 1970, c. 650, § 54-524.28; 1988, c. 765.

§ 54.1-3319. Counseling.

A. A pharmacist shall conduct a prospective drug review before each new prescription is dispensed or delivered to a patient or a person acting on behalf of the patient. Such review shall include screening for potential drug therapy problems due to therapeutic duplication, drug-disease contraindications, drug-drug interactions, including serious interactions with nonprescription or over-the-counter drugs, incorrect drug dosage or duration of drug treatment, drug-allergy interactions, and clinical abuse or misuse. A pharmacist may conduct a prospective drug review before refilling a prescription to the extent the pharmacist deems appropriate in his professional judgment.

B. A pharmacist shall offer to counsel any person who presents a new prescription for filling. The offer to counsel may be made in any manner the pharmacist deems appropriate in his professional judgment, and may include any one or a combination of the following:

1. Face-to-face communication with the pharmacist or the pharmacist's designee;

2. A sign posted in such a manner that it can be seen by patients;

3. A notation affixed to or written on the bag in which the prescription is to be delivered;

4. A notation contained on the prescription container; or

5. By telephone.

For the purposes of medical assistance and other third-party reimbursement or payment programs, any of the above methods, or a combination thereof, shall constitute an acceptable offer to provide counseling, except to the extent this subsection is inconsistent with regulations promulgated by the federal Health Care Financing Administration governing 42 U.S.C. § 1396r-8 (g)(2)(A)(ii). A pharmacist may offer to counsel any person who receives a refill of a prescription to the extent deemed appropriate by the pharmacist in his professional judgment.

C. If the offer to counsel is accepted, the pharmacist shall counsel the person presenting the prescription to the extent the pharmacist deems appropriate in his professional judgment. Such counseling shall be performed by the pharmacist himself and may, but need not, include the following:

1. The name and description of the medication;

2. The dosage form, dosage, route of administration, and duration of drug therapy;

3. Special directions and precautions for preparation, administration, and use by the patient;

4. Common adverse or severe side effects or interactions and therapeutic contraindications that may be encountered, including their avoidance, and the action required if they occur;

5. Techniques for self-monitoring drug therapy;

6. Proper storage and disposal;

7. Prescription refill information; and

8. Action to be taken in the event of a missed dose.

Nothing in this section shall be construed as requiring a pharmacist to provide counseling when the person presenting the prescription fails to accept the pharmacist's offer to counsel. If the prescription is delivered to a person residing outside of the local telephone calling area of the pharmacy, the pharmacist shall either provide a toll-free telephone number or accept reasonable collect calls from such person.

D. Reasonable efforts shall be made to obtain, record, and maintain the following patient information generated at the individual pharmacy:

1. Name, address, telephone number, date of birth or age, and gender;

2. Individual history where significant, including known allergies and drug reactions, and a comprehensive list of medications and relevant devices; and

3. Any additional comments relevant to the patient's drug use, including any failure to accept the pharmacist's offer to counsel.

Such information may be recorded in the patient's manual or electronic profile, or in the prescription signature log, or in any other system of records and may be considered by the pharmacist in the exercise of his professional judgment concerning both the offer to counsel and content of counseling. The absence of any record of a failure to accept the pharmacist's offer to counsel shall be presumed to signify that such offer was accepted and that such counseling was provided.

E. This section shall not apply to any drug dispensed to an inpatient of a hospital or nursing home, except to the extent required by regulations promulgated by the federal Health Care Financing Administration implementing 42 U.S.C. § 1396r-8 (g)(2)(A).

1992, c. 689; 2019, cc. 96, 135.

§ 54.1-3320. Acts restricted to pharmacists.

A. Within the practice of pharmacy as defined in § 54.1-3300, the following acts shall be performed by pharmacists, except as provided in subsection B:

1. The review of a prescription, in conformance with this chapter and Chapter 34 (§ 54.1-3400 et seq.) of this title and with current practices in pharmacy, for its completeness, validity, safety, and drug-therapy appropriateness, including, but not limited to, interactions, contraindications, adverse effects, incorrect dosage or duration of treatment, clinical misuse or abuse, and noncompliance and duplication of therapy;

2. The receipt of an oral prescription from a practitioner or his authorized agent;

3. The conduct of a prospective drug review and counseling as required by § 54.1-3319 prior to the dispensing or refilling of any prescription;

4. The provision of information to the public or to a practitioner concerning the therapeutic value and use of drugs in the treatment and prevention of disease;

5. The communication with the prescriber, or the prescriber's agent, involving any modification other than refill authorization of a prescription or of any drug therapy, resolution of any drug therapy problem, or the substitution of any drug prescribed, except for tasks that may be performed by a pharmacy technician as set forth in subdivisions A 7 and 8 of § 54.1-3321;

6. The verification of the accuracy of a completed prescription prior to dispensing the prescription;

7. The supervision of pharmacy interns and pharmacy technicians; and

8. Any other activity required by regulation to be performed by a pharmacist.

B. A pharmacy intern may engage in the acts to be performed by a pharmacist as set forth in subsection A or the Drug Control Act (§ 54.1-3400 et seq.) for the purpose of obtaining practical experience required for licensure as a pharmacist, if the supervising pharmacist is directly monitoring these activities.

C. A registered pharmacy technician, working under the direct supervision of a qualified nuclear pharmacist, as defined by regulations of the Board, may accept oral prescriptions for diagnostic, nonpatient specific radiopharmaceuticals in accordance with subsection C of § 54.1-3410.1.

D. Consistent with patient safety, a pharmacist shall exercise sole authority in determining the maximum number of pharmacy technicians that he shall supervise; however, no pharmacist shall supervise more pharmacy technicians than allowed by Board regulations.

2001, c. 317; 2005, c. 403; 2006, c. 626; 2010, c. 90; 2024, c. 214.