Code of Virginia

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Code of Virginia
Title 6.2. Financial Institutions and Services
Chapter 1. Definitions and General Provisions

Article 2. General Provisions.

§ 6.2-101. Confidentiality of information.

A. Except as otherwise provided in this title or § 12.1-19, the following shall not be disclosed by the Commission or any of its employees: (i) a report of examination of any person subject to this title, including any contents thereof; (ii) any information furnished to or obtained by the Bureau, the disclosure of which, in the opinion of the Commissioner, could endanger the safety and soundness of a bank, savings institution, or credit union; or (iii) any personal financial information furnished to, or obtained by the Bureau.

B. Any reports and information described in subsection A may be provided to:

1. Members and employees of the Commission in the performance of their duties;

2. In the case of an entity, directors and officers thereof and such other persons as may be authorized by resolution of the entity's board of directors;

3. Such governmental officers, instrumentalities, or agencies as the Commissioner may determine, in his discretion, to be proper recipients of such reports or information;

4. Any persons pursuant to lawful process and, if necessary to protect the confidentiality of the reports and information, an appropriate protective order issued by or under the authority of any appropriate court;

5. Other persons pursuant to grand jury subpoenas; or

6. Any other persons with the consent of the person to whom the report or information pertains.

1988, c. 555, § 6.1-1.1; 1991, c. 127; 2004, c. 165; 2010, c. 794.

§ 6.2-101.1. Certified mail; subsequent mail or notices may be sent by regular mail.

Whenever in this title the Commission is required to send any mail or notice by certified mail and such mail or notice is sent certified mail, return receipt requested, then any subsequent, identical mail or notice that is sent by the Commission may be sent by regular mail.

2011, c. 566.

§ 6.2-102. Use of funds collected under this title.

A. All fees assessed under any provision of this title and paid into the state treasury shall be deposited to a special fund designated "Financial Institutions Special Fund -- State Corporation Commission," and out of such special fund and the unexpended balance thereof shall be appropriated the sums necessary for the regulation, supervision, and examination of all entities subject to regulation under this title. The Commission shall have the authority to maintain a reasonable margin in the nature of a reserve in the Financial Institutions Special Fund for the expenses of operating the Bureau.

B. In order to provide additional funds for the operation of the Bureau, the Commission is authorized to increase the fees and assessments for the examination and supervision of banks, trust companies, savings institutions, industrial loan associations, credit unions, consumer finance licensees, mortgage lenders, and mortgage brokers by an amount not to exceed 50 percent of the fees and assessments provided for in §§ 6.2-908, 6.2-1033, 6.2-1202, 6.2-1310, 6.2-1414, 6.2-1532, and 6.2-1612.

Code 1950, § 6-4; 1966, c. 584, § 6.1-2; 1974, c. 183; 1987, cc. 556, 558; 1988, c. 303; 1993, cc. 419, 432; 1994, c. 312; 2010, c. 794.

§ 6.2-103. Financial institutions to furnish certain information to fiduciaries.

The provisions of this title and any other provisions of law notwithstanding, any financial institution subject to the provisions of this title shall make available to any fiduciary, upon request, all information concerning assets or liabilities in which his decedent or ward had or has any interest.

1970, c. 270, § 6.1-2.1; 1976, c. 658; 1978, c. 683; 1983, c. 491; 1996, c. 16; 2010, c. 794.

§ 6.2-103.1. Financial institutions to furnish certain information as part of adult protective services investigation.

Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any financial institution subject to the provisions of this title shall cooperate in any investigation of alleged adult abuse, neglect, or exploitation conducted by a local department of social services pursuant to Chapter 16 (§ 63.2-1600 et seq.) of Title 63.2 and shall make any financial records or information relevant to such investigation available to the local department and to any court-appointed guardian ad litem for the adult who is the subject of such adult protective services investigation upon request to the extent allowed under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (15 U.S.C. § 6801 et seq.) and 12 U.S.C. § 3403. Absent gross negligence or willful misconduct, any financial institution and its staff shall be immune from civil or criminal liability for providing information or records to the local department of social services or to a court-appointed guardian ad litem pursuant to this section.

2022, c. 743; 2023, cc. 260, 261.

§ 6.2-103.2. Reporting financial exploitation of elderly or vulnerable adults.

A. As used in this section, unless the context requires a different meaning:

"Elderly or vulnerable adult" has the same meaning as provided for "adult" in § 63.2-1603.

"Financial exploitation" and "financial institution staff" have the same meanings as provided for those terms in § 63.2-1603, except that for the purposes of this section, "financial institution staff" shall not include an employee, agent, qualified individual, or representative of an investment company, investment advisor, securities firm, accounting firm, or insurance company.

B. 1. A financial institution may offer to an elderly or vulnerable adult the opportunity to submit and update a list of trusted persons that such elderly or vulnerable adult authorizes the financial institution or financial institution staff to contact when such financial institution or financial institution staff has reasonable cause to suspect that such elderly or vulnerable adult is a victim or target of financial exploitation.

2. Notwithstanding subdivision 1, a financial institution or financial institution staff with reasonable cause to suspect that an elderly or vulnerable adult is a victim or target of financial exploitation may convey the suspicion to one or more of the following, provided that the recipient of such conveyance is not the suspected perpetrator of financial exploitation:

a. Any person on the trusted contact list described in subdivision 1, if such a list has been provided;

b. A co-owner, additional authorized signatory, or beneficiary on any account that the elderly or vulnerable adult holds with the financial institution;

c. Any person known by the financial institution or financial institution staff to be reasonably associated with an elderly or vulnerable adult, including a family member, except that a financial institution shall only contact such reasonably associated person if (i) such financial institution is unable to contact any of the other permitted recipients listed in this subdivision and (ii) the elderly or vulnerable adult is unable to designate a trusted contact; or

d. An agent under a valid power of attorney.

3. When providing information under this subsection, a financial institution or financial institution staff may limit the information provided and disclose only that there is reasonable cause to suspect that the elderly or vulnerable adult may be a victim or target of financial exploitation without disclosing any other details or confidential, personal, or financial information.

4. A financial institution or financial institution staff shall be immune from any civil or administrative liability for any act taken or omission made in good faith and in accordance with the provisions of this subsection. Information shared pursuant to this subsection is exempt from any customer consent or customer notice requirements.

C. 1. A financial institution or third party selected by a financial institution may provide training relating to identifying and reporting the suspected financial exploitation of an elderly or vulnerable adult as described in subdivision 2 to financial institution staff who may (i) come into contact with elderly or vulnerable adults in the course of employment or (ii) review the financial documents, records, or transactions of an elderly or vulnerable adult in connection with providing financial services to such elderly or vulnerable adult.

2. The content of any training provided by a financial institution relating to identifying and reporting suspected financial exploitation of an elderly or vulnerable adult shall:

a. Be maintained by such financial institution and be made available to the financial regulatory agency with examination authority over such financial institution upon request, except that a financial institution shall not be required to maintain or make available such content relating to any individual who is no longer employed by or affiliated or associated with such financial institution;

b. Instruct individuals attending such training on how to identify the suspected financial exploitation of an elderly or vulnerable adult, including common signs of financial exploitation, and how to report such suspected financial exploitation internally at such financial institution, to a designated trusted contact, and to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the local department of social services of the county or city wherein such elderly or vulnerable adult resides or where such suspected financial exploitation occurs, the adult protective services hotline, and local law-enforcement authorities;

c. Discuss the need to protect the privacy and respect the integrity of each customer of such financial institution; and

d. Be appropriate to the job responsibilities of the individuals attending such training.

3. A financial institution that conducts such training as provided in subdivision 2 shall maintain records of all financial institution staff who complete such training and the date of such completion. Such financial institution shall make such records available to the financial regulatory agency with examination authority over such financial institution upon request.

D. Financial institution staff who reasonably believe that the financial exploitation of an elderly or vulnerable adult may have occurred, may have been attempted, or is being attempted may report such suspected financial exploitation to the FBI, the local department of social services of the county or city wherein such elderly or vulnerable adult resides or where such suspected financial exploitation occurs, the adult protective services hotline, or local law-enforcement authorities. In support of such a report, the financial institution shall cooperate in any investigation and provide financial records and information relevant to such investigation in conformance with § 6.2-103.1. No record disclosed pursuant to this subsection shall be subject to the mandatory disclosure provisions of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (§ 2.2-3700 et seq.).

E. No financial institution staff who have received the training described in subsection C shall be liable, including in any civil or administrative proceeding, for disclosing the suspected financial exploitation of an elderly or vulnerable adult pursuant to this section if such disclosure was made in good faith and with reasonable care. No financial institution that has provided the training described in subsection C shall be liable for any such disclosure by financial institution staff.

F. The provisions of this section applicable to financial institutions may be applied to national banking associations, federal savings banks, federal savings and loan associations, or institutions chartered or organized as a federal credit union under the laws of the United States, to the extent that such entities have voluntarily implemented the requirements of this section and provided that any such provision is not expressly preempted by federal law, rule, regulation, or order.

2024, cc. 530, 578.

§ 6.2-104. Directors to serve only one institution.

A. No officer or director of any financial institution, other than a consumer finance company or credit union domiciled in the Commonwealth, shall at the same time serve as an officer or director of any other financial institution unless both such institutions are within a single financial institution holding company.

B. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection A, the Commission, upon petition brought on behalf of an individual, may permit him to serve on the boards of more than one such institution if the Commission finds that the financial institutions are not in competition with each other or that one or both of the institutions might otherwise be denied capable management or direction from an individual residing in or employed in the locality served by an institution.

1978, c. 683, § 6.1-2.7; 1979, c. 376; 1987, c. 556; 1989, c. 162; 2010, c. 794.

§ 6.2-105. Reclassification or conversion of banking institution shares.

A. As used in this section, unless the context requires otherwise:

"Banking institution" means a corporation that is organized under the Virginia Stock Corporation Act (§ 13.1-601 et seq.) and that is a (i) bank, (ii) savings institution, (iii) bank holding company as defined in 12 U.S.C. § 1841 or § 6.2-800, (iv) savings and loan holding company, or (v) multiple or diversified savings and loan holding company as defined in 12 U.S.C. § 1467a.

"Issuer" means a banking institution required to file periodic reports under § 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. § 78m or 78o(d)).

B. A banking institution may adopt an amendment to its articles of incorporation to reclassify or convert a portion of its issued and outstanding shares of common stock into a class or series of preferred stock for the purpose of ceasing to be, or avoiding the status of, an issuer, provided (i) such reclassification or conversion is authorized by the banking institution's original or amended articles of incorporation and (ii) the reclassified or converted shares continue to be a part of the equity capital of the corporation.

C. A reclassification or conversion of shares pursuant to this section shall not be subject to the provisions of Article 15 (§ 13.1-729 et seq.) of the Virginia Stock Corporation Act, notwithstanding that such shares are being reclassified or converted and other shares of the same class or series are not being reclassified or converted, if:

1. The board of directors of the banking institution has recommended to the shareholders approval of the amendment to reclassify or convert such shares;

2. The shareholders of the corporation approve the amendment;

3. All affected shares are reclassified or converted on the same terms; and

4. Articles of amendment are filed in accordance with § 13.1-710.

2009, cc. 253, 356, § 6.1-2.7:1; 2010, c. 794.

§ 6.2-106. Payment of civil penalties.

Civil penalties paid pursuant to this title, when collected, shall be paid by the Commission into the treasury of Virginia, in the manner provided for judgments collected as set forth in § 12.1-35.

2010, c. 794.

§ 6.2-107. Effect of contract provision requiring amendment or waiver to be in writing.

If any written contract to which a financial institution is a party contains a provision to the effect that no amendment or waiver of any terms or provisions thereof shall be valid unless such amendment or waiver is in writing, then any amendment or waiver of any terms or provisions of that contract by conduct, course of practice or dealing, or otherwise shall not apply to future rights and obligations under that contract unless it is in writing.

2013, cc. 67, 142.

§ 6.2-107.1. Certain payments required electronically.

Any financial institution that initiates an electronic fund transfer related to the sale to a consumer of a security issued by such financial institution shall make available to the consumer the option of completing any payment of principal, interest, dividend, or other distribution related to the security to the consumer via an electronic fund transfer.

2024, c. 422.