Agency 5. Board of Accountancy
- Preface
The Board of Accountancy is authorized to qualify and issue CPA licenses to persons and firms to practice public accountancy in the Commonwealth; to establish requirements for education, experience and examination for licensure; to establish requirements for the renewal or reinstatement of licenses; to establish requirements for CPA firm peer reviews; to establish continuing professional education requirements for the issuance, renewal or reinstatement of a license; to levy and collect fees sufficient to cover all expenses of the board; to initiate or receive complaints concerning licensed CPAs, CPA firms or unlicensed individuals or firms in the Commonwealth; to take disciplinary action if warranted; to set standards of practice for professional conduct; and to promulgate regulations for those purposes. Code of Virginia, Title 54.1, Chapter 44.
The Board of Accountancy operates under the supervision of the Secretary of Finance. Regulations are available at the board's offices at 9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 402, Henrico, VA 23233, or at the board's website:
Rev. 07/2024
- Chapter 10
- Public Participation Guidelines [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Section 20
- [Repealed]
- Section 30
- [Repealed]
- Section 40
- [Repealed]
- Section 50
- [Repealed]
- Section 60
- [Repealed]
- Section 70
- [Repealed]
- Section 80
- [Repealed]
- Section 90
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 11
- Public Participation GuidelinesRead all
- Part I
- Purpose and Definitions
- Section 10
- Purpose
- Section 20
- Definitions
- Part II
- Notification of Interested Persons
- Section 30
- Notification List
- Section 40
- Information to Be Sent to Persons on the Notification List
- Part III
- Public Participation Procedures
- Section 50
- Public Comment
- Section 60
- Petition for Rulemaking
- Section 70
- Appointment of Regulatory Advisory Panel
- Section 80
- Appointment of Negotiated Rulemaking Panel
- Section 90
- Meetings
- Section 100
- Public Hearings on Regulations
- Section 110
- Periodic Review of Regulations
- Chapter 20
- Board for Accountancy Regulations [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 21
- Board of Accountancy Regulations [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Section 20
- [Repealed]
- Section 30
- [Repealed]
- Section 40
- [Repealed]
- Section 50
- [Repealed]
- Section 60
- [Repealed]
- Section 70
- [Repealed]
- Section 80
- [Repealed]
- Section 90
- [Repealed]
- Section 100
- [Repealed]
- Section 110
- [Repealed]
- Section 120
- [Repealed]
- Section 130
- [Repealed]
- Section 140
- [Repealed]
- Section 150
- [Repealed]
- Section 160
- [Repealed]
- Section 170
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 22
- Board of Accountancy RegulationsRead all
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- Fees
- Section 30
- Determining Whether Persons or Entities to Whom Communications Are Made, or for Whom Services Are Provided, Are Located in Virginia
- Section 40
- Determining Whether a Person Who Holds a Virginia License Is Providing Services to the Public Using the Cpa Title or to or on Behalf of an Employer Using the Cpa Title
- Section 50
- Determining Whether the Principal Place of Business of a Person or of a Firm Is in Virginia
- Section 60
- Determining Whether a College or University Is an Accredited Institution
- Section 70
- Education
- Section 80
- Examination
- Section 90
- Continuing Professional Education
- Section 91
- Documentation of Continuing Professional Education
- Section 100
- Experience
- Section 110
- Demonstrating That a Person's Education, Cpa Examination, and Experience Are Substantially Equivalent to the Requirements for Obtaining a Virginia...
- Section 120
- Supervision of Firm Personnel
- Section 130
- Owners of Firms Who Are Not Licensees
- Section 140
- Persons Who Release or Authorize the Release of Reports
- Section 150
- Monitoring Program and Peer Review
- Section 160
- Confidential Consent Agreements
- Section 170
- Communication with the Board
- Section 180
- Issuance, Renewal, and Reinstatement of Licenses
- Chapter 30
- Continuing Professional Education Sponsor Registration Rules and Regulations [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]