Administrative Code

Virginia Administrative Code

Article 2. Permitting

4VAC25-150-80. Application for a permit.

A. Applicability.

1. Persons required in § 45.2-1631 of the Code of Virginia to obtain a permit or permit modification shall apply to the division on the forms prescribed by the director. All lands on which gas, oil, or geophysical operations are to be conducted shall be included in a permit application.

2. In addition to specific requirements for variances in other sections of this chapter, any applicant for a variance shall, in writing, document the need for the variance and describe the alternate measures or practices to be used.

3. Prior to accepting an application for a permit to drill for gas or oil in Tidewater Virginia, the department shall convene a pre-application meeting within the locality where the operation is proposed. The pre-application meeting shall ensure those who desire to submit an application are aware of the requirements established in § 62.1-195.1 of the Code of Virginia and 9VAC15-20. The department, in conjunction with the Department of Environmental Quality, shall conduct the meeting. The meeting shall be open to the public, and the department shall notify the locality in which the meeting is to take place and adjacent localities. No application for a permit to drill for gas or oil in Tidewater Virginia shall be accepted until the meeting is completed.

B. The application for a permit shall, as applicable, be accompanied by the fee in accordance with § 45.2-1631 of the Code of Virginia, the bond in accordance with § 45.2-1633 of the Code of Virginia, and the fee for the Orphaned Well Fund in accordance with § 45.2-1642 of the Code of Virginia.

C. Each application for a permit shall include information on all activities, including those involving associated facilities, to be conducted on the permitted site. This shall include the following:

1. The name and address of:

a. The gas, oil, or geophysical applicant;

b. The agent required to be designated under § 45.2-1639 of the Code of Virginia; and

c. Each person whom the applicant must notify under § 45.2-1632 of the Code of Virginia;

2. The certifications required in § 45.2-1631 E of the Code of Virginia;

3. Certification from the applicant that the proposed operation complies with all applicable local land use ordinances;

4. The proof of notice to affected parties required in § 45.2-1631 E of the Code of Virginia, which shall be:

a. A copy of a signed receipt or electronic return receipt of delivery of notice by certified mail;

b. A copy of a signed receipt acknowledging delivery of notice by hand; or

c. If all copies of receipt of delivery of notice by certified mail have not been signed and returned within 15 days of mailing, a copy of the mailing log or other proof of the date the notice was sent by certified mail, return receipt requested;

5. If the application is for a permit modification, proof of notice to affected parties, as specified in subdivision C 4 of this section;

6. Identification of the type of well or other gas, oil, or geophysical operation being proposed;

7. A list of ingredients anticipated to be used in any hydraulic fracturing operations. The applicant should identify any ingredients claimed to be trade secrets, and the department shall utilize the process described in 4VAC25-150-365 C to determine if the identified ingredients are entitled to trade secret protection;

8. The groundwater baseline sampling, analysis, and monitoring plan in accordance with 4VAC25-150-95;

9. The plat in accordance with 4VAC25-150-90;

10. The operations plan in accordance with 4VAC25-150-100;

11. The information required for operations involving hydrogen sulfide in accordance with 4VAC25-150-350;

12. The spill prevention, control, and countermeasure (SPCC) plan, if one is required;

13. The emergency response plan;

14. The Department of Energy, Division of Mined Land Repurposing's permit number for any area included in a Division of Mined Land Repurposing permit on which a proposed gas, oil, or geophysical operation is to be located;

15. For an application for a conventional well, the information required in 4VAC25-150-500;

16. For an application for a coalbed methane gas well, the information required in 4VAC25-150-560;

17. For an application for a geophysical operation, the information required in 4VAC25-150-670; and

18. For an application for a permit to drill for gas or oil in Tidewater Virginia, the environmental impact assessment meeting the requirements of § 62.1-195.1 B of the Code of Virginia and 9VAC15-20.

D. All permit applications and plats submitted to the division shall be in electronic form or a format prescribed by the director.

Statutory Authority

§ 45.2-103 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR480-05-22.1 § 1.8, eff. September 25, 1991; amended, Virginia Register Volume 15, Issue 2, eff. November 11, 1998; Volume 29, Issue 3, eff. November 8, 2012; Volume 30, Issue 1, eff. October 10, 2013; Volume 33, Issue 7, eff. December 28, 2016; Volume 38, Issue 13, eff. March 31, 2022.

4VAC25-150-90. Plats.

A. When filing an application for a permit for a well or corehole, the applicant also shall file an accurate plat certified by a licensed professional engineer or licensed land surveyor on a scale, to be stated thereon, of 1 inch equals 400 feet (1:4800). The scope of the plat shall be large enough to show the board approved unit and all areas within the greater of 750 feet or one half of the distance specified in § 45.2-1616 of the Code of Virginia from the proposed well or corehole. The plat shall be submitted on a form prescribed by the director.

B. The known courses and distances of all property lines and lines connecting the permanent points, landmarks or corners within the scope of the plat shall be shown thereon. All lines actually surveyed shall be shown as solid lines. Lines taken from deed or chain of title descriptions only shall be shown by broken lines. All property lines shown on a plat shall agree with any one of the following: surveys, deed descriptions, or acreages used in county records for tax assessment purposes.

C. A north and south line shall be given and shown on the plat, and point to the top of the plat.

D. Wells or coreholes shall be located on the plat as follows:

1. The proposed or actual surface elevation of the subject well or corehole shall be shown on the plat, within an accuracy of one vertical foot. The surface elevation shall be tied to either a government benchmark or other point of proven elevation by differential or aerial survey, by trigonometric leveling, or by global positioning system (GPS) survey. The location of the government benchmark or the point of proven elevation and the method used to determine the surface elevation of the subject well or corehole shall be noted and described on the plat.

2. The proposed or actual horizontal location of the subject well or corehole determined by survey shall be shown on the plat. The proposed or actual well or corehole location shall be shown in accordance with the Virginia Coordinate System of 1983, as defined in § 1-600 of the Code of Virginia, also known as the State Plane Coordinate System.

3. The courses and distances of the well or corehole location from two permanent points or landmarks on the tract shall be shown; such landmarks shall be set stones, iron pipes, T-rails or other manufactured monuments, including mine coordinate monuments, and operating or abandoned wells which are platted to the accuracy standards of this section and on file with the division. If temporary points are to be used to locate the actual well or corehole location as provided for in 4VAC25-150-290, the courses and distances of the well or corehole location from the two temporary points shall be shown.

4. Any other well, permitted or drilled, within the distance specified in § 45.2-1616 of the Code of Virginia or the distance to the nearest well completed in the same pool, whichever is less, or within the boundaries of a drilling unit established by the board around the subject well shall be shown on the plat or located by notation. The type of each well shall be designated by the following symbols as described in the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) Digital Cartographic Standard for Geologic Map Symbolization:

Symbols for additional features as required in 4VAC25-150-510, 4VAC25-150-590, and 4VAC25-150-680 should be taken from the FDGC standard where applicable.

E. Plats shall also contain:

1. For a conventional gas and oil or injection well, the information required in 4VAC25-150-510;

2. For a coalbed methane gas well, the information required in 4VAC25-150-590; or

3. For a corehole, the information required in 4VAC25-150-680.

F. Any subsequent application for a new permit or permit modification shall include an accurate copy of the well plat, updated as necessary to reflect any changes on the site, newly discovered data or additional data required since the last plat was submitted. Any revised plat shall be certified as required in subsection A of this section.

Statutory Authority

§ 45.2-103 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR480-05-22.1 § 1.9, eff. September 25, 1991; amended, Virginia Register Volume 15, Issue 2, eff. November 11, 1998; Errata, 15:6 VA.R. 938 December 7, 1998; amended, Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 17, eff. June 12, 2008; Volume 29, Issue 3, eff. November 8, 2012; Volume 30, Issue 1, eff. October 10, 2013; Volume 38, Issue 13, eff. March 31, 2022.

4VAC25-150-95. Groundwater baseline sampling, analysis, and monitoring plan.

A. Each application for a permit shall include a groundwater baseline sampling, analysis, and monitoring plan. The groundwater monitoring program will consist of initial baseline groundwater sampling and testing followed by subsequent sampling and testing after setting the production casing or liner.

B. If four or fewer available groundwater sources are present within a one-quarter-mile radius of the location of a proposed oil or gas well, or department-approved monitoring well, the operator shall collect a sample from each available groundwater source.

C. If more than four available groundwater sources are present within the one-quarter-mile radius, the operator shall submit a plan for approval to the director for selecting the available groundwater sources based on all of the following criteria:

1. Available groundwater sources closest to the location of the (i) proposed oil or gas well, (ii) department-approved monitoring well, or (iii) multi-well pad are preferred.

2. Sample locations shall be chosen in a radial pattern around the permitted location.

3. Where available groundwater sources are present in different aquifers, a sample shall be collected from each aquifer. Where multiple available groundwater sources are present in a single aquifer, an operator shall give adequate consideration to vertical separation and aquifer zones in selecting available groundwater sources for sampling.

4. If groundwater flow direction is known or reasonably can be inferred, samples from both upgradient and downgradient available groundwater sources are required, if available.

D. The initial sampling and testing shall be conducted within the 12-month period prior to drilling the well or the first well on a multi-well pad. Subsequent sampling and testing shall be conducted between six and 12 months after setting the production casing or liner. An operator shall make a reasonable attempt to conduct all sampling during the same month of the year. An operator may request in writing approval from the director to deviate from these sampling and testing timeframes in its permit application based on site specific geologic and hydrologic conditions (e.g., flow rate and direction). Previously sampled groundwater sources, including samples obtained by other operators, may be used if collection of the sample or samples meets all of the requirements of this section and are approved by the director.

E. All samples collected pursuant to this section shall be analyzed and tested by a laboratory certified or accredited under the Virginia Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program established in 1VAC30-45 and 1VAC30-46.

F. Copies of all final laboratory analytical results and spatial coordinates of the available water source shall be provided by the operator or its representative to the department and water source owner within three months of sample collection. All analytical results and spatial coordinates of the available water source shall be made available to the public by the department.

G. The initial and subsequent sampling and testing described in this section shall, at a minimum, include the following items:

1. Chlorides;

2. Total dissolved solids;

3. Dissolved gases (methane, ethane, propane);

4. Hardness;

5. Iron;

6. Manganese;

7. pH;

8. Sodium; and

9. Sulfate.

Field observations such as odor, water color, sediment, bubbles, and effervescence shall also be documented. Handheld detection devices shall be sufficient for testing for methane.

H. If free gas or a dissolved methane concentration greater than 10.0 milligrams per liter (mg/L) is detected in a water sample, gas compositional analysis and stable isotope analysis of the methane (carbon and hydrogen – 12C, 13C, 1H, and 2H) shall be performed to determine gas type.

I. The operator shall provide verbal and written notification to the director and groundwater source owner within 24 hours if test results indicate:

1. The presence of thermogenic or a mixture of thermogenic and biogenic gas;

2. The methane concentration increases by more than 5.0 mg/L between sampling periods;

3. The methane concentration is detected at or above 10.0 mg/L; or

4. Exceedances of the parameters listed in 9VAC25-280-70.

J. Upon receiving notification pursuant to this subsection, the director shall have the authority to order an additional sampling test to be completed within six months of the test that resulted in the notification. This authority is in addition to enforcement actions the director may utilize pursuant to 4VAC25-150-170.

Statutory Authority

§§ 45.1-161.3, 45.1-361.4, and 45.1-361.27 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 33, Issue 7, eff. December 28, 2016.

4VAC25-150-100. Operations plans.

A. Each application for a permit or permit modification shall include an operations plan, in a format approved by or on a form prescribed by the director. The operations plan and accompanying maps or drawings shall become part of the terms and conditions of any permit which is issued.

B. The operations plan shall describe the specifications for the use of centralizers to ensure casing is centered in the hole. The specifications shall include, at a minimum, one centralizer within 50 feet of the water protection string seat and then in intervals no greater than every 150 feet above the first centralizer and are subject to the approval of the director.

C. The applicant shall indicate how risks to the public safety or to the site and adjacent lands are to be managed, consistent with the requirements of § 45.2-1629 B of the Code of Virginia, and shall provide a short narrative, if pertinent. The operations plan shall identify red zone areas.

Statutory Authority

§ 45.2-103 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR480-05-22.1 § 1.10, eff. September 25, 1991; amended, Virginia Register Volume 15, Issue 2, eff. November 11, 1998; Volume 29, Issue 3, eff. November 8, 2012; Volume 30, Issue 1, eff. October 10, 2013; Volume 33, Issue 7, eff. December 28, 2016; Volume 38, Issue 13, eff. March 31, 2022.

4VAC25-150-110. Permit supplements and permit modifications.

A. Permit supplements.

1. Standard permit supplements. A permittee shall be allowed to submit a permit supplement when work being performed:

a. Does not change the disturbance area as described in the original permit; and

b. Involves activities previously permitted.

The permittee shall submit written documentation of the changes made to the permitted area no later than 30 days after completing the change. All other changes to the permit shall require a permit modification in accordance with § 45.2-1631 of the Code of Virginia.

2. Permit supplements for disclosure of ingredients used in hydraulic fracturing. Prior to completion of a well, the permittee shall submit a permit supplement when the ingredients expected to be used in the hydraulic fracturing process differ in any way from that which was submitted pursuant to subdivision C 7 of 4VAC25-150-80. The permittee should identify any ingredients claimed to be trade secrets, and the department shall utilize the process described in 4VAC25-150-365 C to determine if the identified ingredients are entitled to trade secret protection.

3. Emergency permit supplements. If a change must be implemented immediately for an area off the disturbance area as described in the original permit, or for an activity not previously permitted due to actual or threatened imminent danger to the public safety or to the environment, the permittee shall:

a. Take immediate action to minimize the danger to the public or to the environment;

b. Notify the director as soon as possible of actions taken to minimize the danger and, if the director determines an emergency still exists and grants oral approval, commence additional changes if necessary; and

c. Submit a supplement to the permit within seven working days of notifying the director with a written description of the emergency and action taken. An incident report may also be required as provided for in 4VAC25-150-380.

Any changes to the permit are to be temporary and restricted to those that are absolutely necessary to minimize danger. Any permanent changes to the permit shall require a permit modification as provided for in subsection B of this section.

B. Permit modifications.

1. Applicability. All changes to the permit which do not fit the description contained in subsection A of this section shall require a permit modification in accordance with § 45.2-1631 of the Code of Virginia.

2. Notice and fees. Notice of a permit modification shall be given in accordance with § 45.2-1632 of the Code of Virginia. The application for a permit modification shall be accompanied, as applicable, by the fee in accordance with § 45.2-1631 of the Code of Virginia and the bond in accordance with § 45.2-1633 of the Code of Virginia.

3. Waiver of right to object. Upon receipt of notice, any person may, on a form approved by the director, waive the time requirements and their right to object to a proposed permit modification. The department shall be entitled to rely upon the waiver to approve the permit modification.

4. Permit modification. The permittee shall submit a written application for a permit modification on a form prescribed by the director. The permittee may not undertake the proposed work until the permit modification has been issued. As appropriate, the application shall include, but not be limited to:

a. The name and address of:

(1) The permittee; and

(2) Each person whom the applicant must notify under § 45.2-1632 of the Code of Virginia;

b. The certifications required in § 45.2-1631 E of the Code of Virginia;

c. The proof of notice required in § 45.2-1631 E of the Code of Virginia, as provided for in 4VAC25-150-80 C 4;

d. Identification of the type of work for which a permit modification is requested;

e. The plat in accordance with 4VAC25-150-90;

f. All data, maps, plats and plans in accordance with 4VAC25-150-100 necessary to describe the activity proposed to be undertaken;

g. When the permit modification includes abandoning a gas or oil well as a water well, a description of the plugging to be completed up to the water-bearing formation and a copy of the permit issued for the water well by the Virginia Department of Health;

h. The information required for operations involving hydrogen sulfide in accordance with 4VAC25-150-350 if applicable to the proposed operations;

i. The spill prevention, control, and countermeasure (SPCC) plan, if one has been developed for the site of the proposed operations, or the emergency response plan;

j. The Department of Energy, Division of Mined Land Repurposing's permit number for any area included in a Division of Mined Land Repurposing permit; and

k. The information, as appropriate, required in 4VAC25-150-500, 4VAC25-150-560, 4VAC25-150-670, or 4VAC25-150-720.

5. Upon receipt of an application for a permit modification for a well in Tidewater Virginia, the director may require additional documentation to supplement information submitted to the department pursuant to subsection B of § 62.1-195.1 of the Code of Virginia. If additional documentation is required, the operator shall submit that documentation to the director and the Department of Environmental Quality.

Statutory Authority

§ 45.2-103 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR480-05-22.1 § 1.11, eff. September 25, 1991; amended, Virginia Register Volume 15, Issue 2, eff. November 11, 1998; Volume 29, Issue 3, eff. November 8, 2012; Volume 30, Issue 1, eff. October 10, 2013; Volume 33, Issue 7, eff. December 28, 2016; Volume 38, Issue 13, eff. March 31, 2022.

4VAC25-150-120. Transfer of permit rights.

A. Applicability.

1. No transfer of rights granted by a permit shall be made without prior approval from the director.

2. Any approval granted by the director of a transfer of permit rights shall be conditioned upon the proposed new operator complying with all requirements of the Act, this chapter and the permit.

B. Application. Any person requesting a transfer of rights granted by a permit shall submit a written application on a form prescribed by the director. The application shall be accompanied by a fee of $75 and bond, in the name of the person requesting the transfer, in accordance with § 45.2-1633 of the Code of Virginia. The application shall contain, but is not limited to:

1. The name and address of the current permittee, the current permit number and the name of the current operation;

2. The name and address of the proposed new operator and the proposed new operations name;

3. Documentation of approval of the transfer by the current permittee;

4. If the permit was issued on or before September 25, 1991, an updated operations plan, in accordance with 4VAC25-150-100, showing how all permitted activities to be conducted by the proposed new permittee will comply with the standards of this chapter;

5. If the permit was issued on or before September 25, 1991, for a well, a plat meeting the requirements of 4VAC25-150-90 updated to reflect any changes on the site, newly discovered data or additional data required since the last plat was submitted, including the change in ownership of the well; and

6. If the permit was issued on or before September 25, 1991, if applicable, the docket number and date of recordation of any order issued by the board for a pooled unit, pertaining to the current permit.

C. Standards for approval. The director shall approve the transfer of permit rights when the proposed new permittee:

1. Has registered with the department in accordance with § 45.2-1639 of the Code of Virginia;

2. Has posted acceptable bond in accordance with § 45.2-1633 of the Code of Virginia; and

3. Has no outstanding debt pursuant to § 45.2-1634 of the Code of Virginia.

D. The new permittee shall be responsible for any violations of or penalties under the Act, this chapter, or conditions of the permit after the director has approved the transfer of permit rights.

Statutory Authority

§ 45.2-103 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR480-05-22.1 § 1.12, eff. September 25, 1991; amended, Virginia Register Volume 15, Issue 2, eff. November 11, 1998; Volume 19, Issue 18, eff. July 1, 2003; Volume 29, Issue 3, eff. November 8, 2012; Volume 30, Issue 1, eff. October 10, 2013; Volume 38, Issue 13, eff. March 31, 2022.

4VAC25-150-130. Notice of permit applications and modifications.

A. Gas, oil or geophysical operators shall provide notice of an application for a permit or permit modification in accordance with § 45.2-1632 of the Code of Virginia, as identified on the "Technical Data Sheet for Permit Applications," prescribed by the director.

B. If notice required under § 45.2-1632 of the Code of Virginia has been sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, and the notice has not been delivered within 15 days of mailing the notice, the director shall consider notice to be given as of the end of the 15-day period and the objection period specified in § 45.2-1637 of the Code of Virginia shall commence.

Statutory Authority

§ 45.2-103 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR480-05-22.1 § 1.13, eff. September 25, 1991; amended, Virginia Register Volume 15, Issue 2, eff. November 11, 1998; Volume 38, Issue 13, eff. March 31, 2022.

4VAC25-150-135. Waiver of right to object to permit applications.

Upon receipt of notice, any person may, on a form approved by the director, waive the time requirements and their right to object to a proposed permit application. The director shall be entitled to rely upon the waiver to approve the permit application.

Statutory Authority

§§ 45.1-161.3 and 45.1-361.27 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 15, Issue 2, eff. November 11, 1998; amended, Volume 29, Issue 3, eff. November 8, 2012; Volume 30, Issue 1, eff. October 10, 2013.

4VAC25-150-140. Objections to permit applications.

A. Objections shall be filed in writing, at the office of the division, in accordance with § 45.2-1637 of the Code of Virginia. The director shall notify affected parties of an objection as soon as practicable.

B. If after the director has considered notice to be given under 4VAC25-150-130 B of this chapter, a person submits an objection with proof of receipt of actual notice within 15 days prior to submitting the objection, then the director shall treat the objection as timely.

C. Objections to an application for a new or modified permit shall contain:

1. The name of the person objecting to the permit;

2. The date the person objecting to the permit received notice of the permit application;

3. Identification of the proposed activity being objected to;

4. A statement of the specific reason for the objection;

5. A request for a stay to the permit, if any, together with justification for granting a stay; and

6. Any other information the person objecting to the permit wishes to provide.

D. When deciding to convene a hearing pursuant to § 45.2-1637 of the Code of Virginia, the director shall consider the following:

1. Whether the person objecting to the permit has standing to object as provided in § 45.2-1632 of the Code of Virginia;

2. Whether the objection is timely; and

3. Whether the objection meets the applicable standards for objections as provided in § 45.2-1637 of the Code of Virginia.

E. If the director decides not to hear the objection, then he shall notify the person who objects and the permit applicant in writing, indicating his reasons for not hearing the objection, and shall advise the objecting person of his right to appeal the decision.

Statutory Authority

§ 45.2-103 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR480-05-22.1 § 1.14, eff. September 25, 1991; amended Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 3, eff. November 8, 2012; Volume 30, Issue 1, eff. October 10, 2013; Volume 38, Issue 13, eff. March 31, 2022.

4VAC25-150-150. Hearing and decision on objections to permit applications.

A. In any hearing on objections to a permit application:

1. The hearing shall be an informal fact finding hearing in accordance with the Administrative Process Act, § 2.2-4019 of the Code of Virginia.

2. The permit applicant and any person with standing in accordance with § 45.2-1632 of the Code of Virginia may be heard.

3. Any valid issue in accordance with § 45.2-1637 of the Code of Virginia may be raised at the hearing. The director shall determine the validity of objections raised during the hearing.

B. The director shall, as soon after the hearing as practicable, issue his decision in writing and hand deliver or send the decision by certified mail to all parties to the hearing. The decision shall include:

1. The subject, date, time and location of the hearing;

2. The names of the persons objecting to the permit;

3. A summary of issues and objections raised at the hearing;

4. Findings of fact and conclusions of law;

5. The text of the decision, including any voluntary agreement; and

6. Appeal rights.

C. Should the director deny the permit issuance and allow the objection, a written notice of the decision shall be sent to any person receiving notice of the application.

Statutory Authority

§ 45.2-103 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR480-05-22.1 § 1.15, eff. September 25, 1991; amended, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 3, eff. November 8, 2012; Volume 30, Issue 1, eff. October 10, 2013; Volume 38, Issue 13, eff. March 31, 2022.

4VAC25-150-160. Approval of permits and permit modifications.

A. Permits, permit modifications, permit renewals, and transfer of permit rights shall be granted in writing by the director.

B. The director may not issue a permit, permit renewal, or permit modification prior to the end of the time period for filing objections pursuant to § 45.2-1637 of the Code of Virginia unless, upon receipt of notice, any person may, on a form approved by the director, waive the time requirements and their right to object to a proposed permit application or permit modification application. The director shall be entitled to rely upon the waiver to approve the permit application or permit modification.

C. The director may not issue a permit to drill for gas or oil or approve a permit modification for a well where additional documentation is required pursuant to subdivision B 5 of 4VAC25-150-110 in Tidewater Virginia until he has collaborated with the Department of Environmental Quality to ensure permit conditions accurately reflect the results from the Department of Environmental Quality's coordinated review of the environmental impact assessment required pursuant to § 62.1-195.1 of the Code of Virginia.

D. The provisions of any order of the Virginia Gas and Oil Board that govern a gas or oil well permitted by the director shall become conditions of the permit.

Statutory Authority

§ 45.2-103 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR480-05-22.1 § 1.16, eff. September 25, 1991; amended, Virginia Register Volume 15, Issue 2, eff. November 11, 1998; Volume 29, Issue 3, eff. November 8, 2012; Volume 30, Issue 1, eff. October 10, 2013; Volume 33, Issue 7, eff. December 28, 2016; Volume 38, Issue 13, eff. March 31, 2022.

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