Chapter 20. Regulations Governing the Practice of Medicine, Osteopathic Medicine, Podiatry, and ChiropracticRead Chapter
- Part I.Read allGeneral Provisions
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- [Repealed]
- Section 21
- Current addresses
- Section 22
- Required fees
- Part II.Read allStandards of Professional Conduct
- Section 25
- Treating and prescribing for self or family
- Section 26
- Patient records
- Section 27
- Confidentiality
- Section 28
- Practitioner-patient communication; termination of relationship
- Section 29
- Practitioner responsibility
- Section 30
- Advertising ethics
- Section 40
- [Repealed]
- Section 50
- [Repealed]
- Section 60
- [Repealed]
- Section 80
- [Repealed]
- Section 90
- [Repealed]
- Section 91
- Practice and supervision of laser hair removal
- Section 100
- Sexual contact
- Section 105
- Refusal to provide information
- Section 110
- [Repealed]
- Part III.Read allLicensure: General and Educational Requirements
- Section 120
- Prerequisites to licensure
- Section 121
- Educational requirements: graduates of approved institutions
- Section 122
- Educational requirements: graduates and former students of institutions not approved by an accrediting agency recognized by the board
- Section 130
- [Repealed]
- Section 131
- Requirements to practice acupuncture
- Part IV.Read allLicensure: Examination Requirements
- Section 140
- Examinations, general
- Section 141
- Licensure by endorsement
- Section 150
- [Repealed]
- Section 160
- [Repealed]
- Part V.Read allLimited or Temporary Licenses
- Section 210
- Limited licenses to foreign medical graduates
- Section 220
- Temporary licenses to interns and residents
- Section 225
- Registration for voluntary practice by out-of-state licenses
- Section 226
- Restricted volunteer license
- Part VI.Read allRenewal of License; Reinstatement
- Section 230
- Renewal of an active license
- Section 235
- Continued competency requirements for renewal of an active license
- Section 236
- Inactive license
- Section 240
- Reinstatement of an inactive or lapsed license
- Section 250
- [Repealed]
- Section 270
- [Repealed]
- Part VII.Read allPractitioner Profile System
- Section 280
- Required information
- Section 285
- [Repealed]
- Section 290
- Reporting of medical malpractice judgments and settlements
- Section 300
- Noncompliance or falsification of profile
- Part VIII.Read allOffice-Based Anesthesia
- Section 310
- Definitions
- Section 320
- General provisions
- Section 330
- Qualifications of providers
- Section 340
- Procedure/anesthesia selection and patient evaluation
- Section 350
- [Repealed]
- Section 360
- Monitoring
- Section 370
- Emergency and transfer protocols
- Section 380
- Discharge policies and procedures
- Section 390
- Reporting requirements
- Part IX.Read allMixing, Diluting, or Reconstituting of Drugs for Administration
- Section 400
- [Repealed]
- Section 410
- [Repealed]
- Section 420
- [Repealed]