Administrative Code

Virginia Administrative Code

Chapter 30. Virginia Rules and Regulations Declaring Hazardous Occupations

16VAC15-30-10. Hazardous occupations.

The Child Labor Laws of Title 40.1 of the Code of Virginia provide a minimum of 18 years of age for employment in any occupation determined by the Commissioner of the Virginia Department of Labor and Industry to be hazardous or detrimental to the health of minors under 18 years of age. This minimum age applies even when the minor is employed by his parents or persons standing in place of the parent.

Statutory Authority

§ 40.1-100 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR425-01-77, eff. October 15, 1979; rev. June 30, 1981.

16VAC15-30-20. Index of hazardous occupations.

The following occupations have been determined to be hazardous or detrimental to the health of minors under 18 years of age. Additional information on each group of occupations is provided in the referenced section.

1. Manufacturing or Storage Occupations Involving Explosives. (16VAC25-30-30)

2. Motor Vehicle Occupations. (16VAC15-30-40)

3. Logging and Sawmilling Occupations. (16VAC15-30-50)

4. Power-Driven Woodworking Machine Occupations. (16VAC15-30-60)

5. Occupations Involving Exposure to Radioactive Substances and to Ionizing Radiations. (16VAC15-30-70)

6. Power-Driven Hoisting Apparatus Occupations. (16VAC15-30-80)

7. Power-Driven Metal Forming, Punching, and Shearing Machine Occupations. (16VAC15-30-90)

8. Occupations in Connection with Any Mining Operation. (16VAC15-30-100)

9. Occupations Involving Slaughtering, Meat-Packing or Processing or Rendering. (16VAC15-30-110)

10. Power-Driven Bakery Machine Occupations. (16VAC15-30-120)

11. Power-Driven Paper Products Machine Occupations. (16VAC15-30-130)

12. Occupations Involved in the Manufacture of Brick, Tile, and Kindred Products. (16VAC15-30-140)

13. Occupations Involved in the Operation of Power-Driven Circular Saws, Band Saws, and Guillotine Shears. (16VAC15-30-150)

14. Occupations Involved in Wrecking, Demolition, and Shipbreaking Operations. (16VAC15-30-160)

15. Occupations in Roofing Operations. (16VAC15-30-170)

16. Occupations in Excavation Operations. (16VAC15-30-180)

17. Fire Fighting. (16VAC15-30-190)

18. Other Prohibited Occupations. (16VAC15-30-200)

Statutory Authority

§ 40.1-100 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR425-01-77, eff. October 15, 1979; rev. June 30, 1981; amended, Virginia Register Volume 17, Issue 1, eff. October 25, 2000.

16VAC15-30-30. Manufacturing or storage occupations involving explosives.

The following occupations in or about plants or establishments manufacturing or storing explosives or articles containing explosive components are prohibited:

1. All occupations in or about any plant or establishment manufacturing or storing explosives or articles containing explosive components except where the occupation is performed in a "nonexplosives area" as defined in subparagraph (3) of this section.

2. The following occupations in or about any plant or establishment manufacturing or storing small arms ammunition not exceeding .60 caliber in size, shotgun shells, or blasting caps when manufactured or stored in conjunction with the manufacture of small-arms ammunition:

(a) All occupations involved in the manufacturing, mixing, transporting, or handling of explosive compounds in the manufacture of small-arms ammunition and all other occupations requiring the performance of any duties in the explosives area in which explosive compounds are manufactured or mixed.

(b) All occupations involved in the manufacturing, transporting, or handling of primers and all other occupations requiring the performance of any duties in the same building in which primers are manufactured.

(c) All occupations involved in the priming of cartridges and all other occupations requiring the performance of any duties in the same workroom in which rim-fire cartridges are primed.

(d) All occupations involved in the plate loading of cartridges and in the operation of automatic loading machines.

(e) All occupations involved in the loading, inspecting, packing, shipping, and storage of blasting caps.

Statutory Authority

§ 40.1-100 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR425-01-77 § 1, eff. October 15, 1979; rev. June 30, 1981.

16VAC15-30-40. (Repealed.)

Historical Notes

Derived from VR425-01-77 § 2, eff. October 15, 1979; rev. June 30, 1981; amended, Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 25, eff. September 18, 2008; repealed, Virginia Register Volume 26, Issue 4, eff. November 25, 2009.

16VAC15-30-50. Logging and sawmilling occupations.

All occupations in logging and all occupations in the operation of any sawmill, lath mill, shingle mill, or cooperage-stock mill are prohibited for minors under the age of 18.

Statutory Authority

§ 40.1-100 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR425-01-77 § 3, eff. October 15, 1979; rev. June 30, 1981; amended, Virginia Register Volume 26, Issue 15, eff. April 29, 2010.

16VAC15-30-60. Power-driven woodworking machine occupations.

The following occupations involved in the operation of power-driven woodworking machines are prohibited:

1. The occupation of operating power-driven woodworking machines including supervising or controlling the operation of such machines, feeding material into such machines, and helping the operator to feed material into such machines, but not including the placing of material on a moving chain or in a hopper or slide for automatic feeding.

2. The occupations of setting up, adjusting, repairing, oiling, or cleaning power-driven woodworking machines.

3. The operations of off-bearing from circular saws and from guillotine-action veneer clippers.


The exemptions for properly certified apprentices and student-learners apply to this restriction.

Statutory Authority

§ 40.1-100 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR425-01-77 § 4, eff. October 15, 1979; rev. June 30, 1981.

16VAC15-30-70. Occupation involving exposure to radioactive substances and to ionizing radiations.

Any activity is prohibited in any workroom in which (a) radium is stored or used in the manufacture of self-luminous compound; (b) self-luminous compound is made, processed, or packaged; (c) self-luminous compound is stored, used, or worked upon; (d) incandescent mantles are made from fabric and solutions containing thorium salts, or are processed or packaged; (e) any activities that involve exposure to ionizing radiations including X-ray equipment; and (f) any other activities that involve exposure to radioactive substances or ionizing radiations in any capacity.

Statutory Authority

§ 40.1-100 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR425-01-77 § 5, eff. October 15, 1979; rev. June 30, 1981; amended, Virginia Register Volume 26, Issue 15, eff. April 29, 2010.

16VAC15-30-80. Power-driven hoisting apparatus occupations.

The following occupations involved in the operation of power-driven hoisting apparatus are prohibited:

1. Work of operating an elevator, crane, derrick, hoist, or high-lift truck, except operating an unattended automatic operation passenger elevator or an electric or air-operated hoist not exceeding one (1) ton capacity.

2. Work which involves riding on a manlift or on a freight elevator, except a freight elevator operated by an assigned operator.

3. Work which involves assisting in the operation of a crane, derrick, or hoist performed by crane hookers, crane chasers, hookers-on, riggers, rigger helpers, and like occupations.


This section shall not prohibit the operation of an automatic elevator and an automatic signal operation elevator provided that the exposed portion of the car interior (exclusive of vents and other necessary small openings), the car door, and the hoistway doors are constructed of solid surfaces without any opening through which a part of the body may extend; all hoistway openings at floor level have doors which are interlocked with the car door so as to prevent the car from starting until all such doors are closed and locked; the elevator (other than hydraulic elevators) is equipped with a device which will stop and hold the car in case of overspeed or if the cable slackens or breaks; and, the elevator is equipped with upper and lower travel limit devices which will normally bring the car to rest at either terminal and a final limit switch which will prevent the movement in either direction and will open in case of excessive over travel by the car.

For the purpose of this exception, the term "automatic elevator" shall mean a passenger elevator, a freight elevator, or a combination passenger-freight elevator, the operation of which is controlled by pushbuttons in such a manner that the starting, going to the landing selected, leveling and holding, and the opening and closing of the car and hoistway doors are entirely automatic.

Statutory Authority

§ 40.1-100 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR425-01-77 § 6, eff. October 15, 1979; rev. June 30, 1981.

16VAC15-30-90. Power-driven metal forming, punching, and shearing machine occupations.

The occupations of operator of or helper on the following power-driven metal forming, punching, and shearing machines are prohibited activities for minors under 18 years of age:

1. All rolling machines, such as beading, straightening, corrugating, flanging, or bending rolls; and hot or cold rolling mills.

2. All pressing or punching machines, such as punch presses, except those provided with full automatic feed and ejection and with a fixed barrier guard to prevent the hands or fingers of the operator from entering the area between the dies; power presses; and plate punches.

3. All bending machines, such as apron brakes and press brakes.

4. All hammering machines, such as drop hammers and power hammers; and powder actuated tools.

5. All shearing machines, such as guillotine or squaring shears; alligator shears; and rotary shears.

The occupations of setting up, adjusting, repairing, oiling, or cleaning these machines including those with automatic feed and ejection are prohibited.


The exemptions for properly certified apprentices and student-learners apply to this restriction.

Statutory Authority

§ 40.1-100 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR425-01-77 § 7, eff. October 15, 1979; rev. June 30, 1981; amended, Virginia Register Volume 26, Issue 15, eff. April 29, 2010.

16VAC15-30-100. Occupations in connection with any mining operation.

All occupations in or about any coal mine are prohibited except the occupation of slate or other refuse picking at a picking table or picking chute in a tipple or breaker and occupations requiring the performance of duties solely in offices or in repair or maintenance shops located in the surface part of any coal-mining plant.


The term "coal" shall mean any rank of coal, including lignite, bituminous, and anthracite coals.

The term "all occupations in or about any coal mine" shall mean all types of work performed in any underground working, open pit, or surface part of any coal-mining plant that contributes to the extraction, grading, cleaning, or other handling of coal.

All occupations in connection with any mining operation are prohibited, except the following:

1. Work in offices, in the warehouse or supply house, in the change house, in the laboratory, and in repair or maintenance shops not located underground.

2. Work in the operation and maintenance of living quarters.

3. Work outside the mine in surveying, in the repair and maintenance of roads, and in general clean-up about the mine property such as clearing brush and digging drainage ditches.

4. Work of track crews in the building and maintaining of sections of railroad tracks located in those areas of open-cut metal mines where mining and haulage activities are not being conducted at the time and place that such building and maintenance work is being done.

5. Work in or about surface placer mining operations other than placer dredging operations and hydraulic placer mining operations.

6. The following work in metal mills other than in mercury-recovery mills or mills using the cyanide process:

(a) Work involving the operation of jigs, sludge tables, flotation cells, or drier-filters.

(b) Work of hand sorting at picking table or picking belt.

(c) General clean-up work.

Statutory Authority

§ 40.1-100 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR425-01-77 § 8, eff. October 15, 1979; rev. June 30, 1981.

16VAC15-30-110. Occupations involving slaughtering, meat-packing, or processing, or rendering.

The following occupations in or about slaughtering and meat-packing establishments, rendering plants, or wholesale, retail, or service establishments are prohibited:

1. All occupations on the killing floor, in curing cellars, and in hide cellars, except work of messengers, runners, hand-truckers, and similar occupations which require entering such workrooms or workplaces infrequently and for short periods of time.

2. All occupations involved in the recovery of lard and oils, except packaging and shipping of such products and the operations of lard-roll machines.

3. All occupations involved in tankage or rendering of dead animals, animal offal, animal fats, scrap meats, blood, and bones into stock feeds, tallow, inedible greases, fertilizer ingredients, and similar products.

4. All occupations involved in the operation or feeding of the following power-driven meat-processing machines, including the occupation of setting up, adjusting, repairing, oiling, or cleaning such machines: meat patty forming machines, meat and bone cutting saws, knives, power-driven slicing machines (*except bacon-slicing machines), head splitters, and guillotine cutters; snout pullers and jaw pullers; skinning machines; horizontal rotary washing machines; casing-cleaning machines such as crushing, stripping, and finishing machines; and, grinding, mixing, chopping, and hashing machines, and presses.

5. All boning occupations.

6. All occupations that involve the pushing or dropping of any suspended carcass, half carcass, or quarter carcass.

7. All occupations involving hand- lifting or hand-carrying any carcass or half carcass of beef, pork, or horse, or any quarter carcass of beef or horse.

*Note: The term "bacon-slicing machine" as used in this restriction refers to those machines which are designed solely for the purpose of slicing bacon and are equipped with enclosure or barrier guards that prevent the operator from coming in contact with the blade or blades, and with devices for automatic feeding, slicing, shingling, stacking, and conveying the sliced bacon away from the point of operation.


The exemptions for properly certified apprentices and student-learners apply to this restriction.

Note: This restriction shall not apply to the killing and processing of poultry, rabbits, or small game in areas physically separated from the "killing floor."

Statutory Authority

§ 40.1-100 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR425-01-77 § 9, eff. October 15, 1979; rev. June 30, 1981.

16VAC15-30-120. Power-driven bakery machine occupations.

Occupations involving the operation of or assisting in the operation of power-driven bakery machines are prohibited activities for minors under 18 years of age.

Note: This restriction does not apply to the operation of noncommercial grade bakery appliances not specifically designed for commercial use including, but not limited to, hand held mixers, blenders, and food processors.


The exemptions for properly certified apprentices and student-learners apply to this restriction.

Statutory Authority

§ 40.1-100 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR425-01-77 § 10, eff. October 15, 1979; rev. June 30, 1981; amended, Virginia Register Volume 26, Issue 15, eff. April 29, 2010.

16VAC15-30-130. Power-driven paper-products machine occupations.

The occupations of operating or assisting to operate power-driven paper-products machines, including, but not limited to, the following, are prohibited activities for minors under 18:

1. Arm-type wire stitcher or stapler, circular or band saw, corner cutter or mitering machines, corrugating single-facing or double-facing machine, envelope die-cutting press, guillotine paper cutter or shear, horizontal bar scorer, laminating or combining machine, sheeting machine, scrap-paper baler, or vertical slotter.

2. Platen die-cutting press, platen printing press, or punch press that involves hand feeding of the machine.

The occupations of setting up, adjusting, repairing, oiling, or cleaning these machines, including those that do not involve hand feeding, are prohibited for minors under 18.


The exemptions for properly certified apprentices and student-learners apply to this restriction.

Statutory Authority

§ 40.1-100 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR425-01-77 § 11, eff. October 15, 1979; rev. June 30, 1981; amended, Virginia Register Volume 26, Issue 15, eff. April 29, 2010.

16VAC15-30-140. Occupations involved in the manufacture of brick, tile, and kindred products.

Occupations involved in the manufacture of brick, tile, and kindred products, including but not limited to the following, are prohibited activities for minors under 18 years of age:

1. All work in or about establishments in which clay construction products are manufactured.

2. All work in or about establishments in which silica brick or other silica refractories are manufactured.

Note: Minors at least 14 years of age may perform office work of a clerical nature in a bona fide office at a brick yard.

Statutory Authority

§ 40.1-100 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR425-01-77 § 12, eff. October 15, 1979; rev. June 30, 1981; amended, Virginia Register Volume 26, Issue 15, eff. April 29, 2010.

16VAC15-30-150. Occupations involved in the operation of power-driven circular saws, band saws, and guillotine shear.

The occupations of operator of or helper on the following power driven fixed or portable machines are prohibited except for machines equipped with full automatic feed and ejection:

Circular saws

Band saws

Guillotine shears

The occupations of setting up, adjusting, repairing, oiling, or cleaning circular saws, band saws, and guillotine shears are prohibited.


The exemptions for properly certified apprentices and student-learners apply to this restriction.

Statutory Authority

§ 40.1-100 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR425-01-77 § 13, eff. October 15, 1979; rev. June 30, 1981.

16VAC15-30-160. Occupations involved in wrecking, demolition, and ship-breaking operations.

All occupations in wrecking, demolition, and shipbreaking operations are prohibited: the term "wrecking, demolition, and shipbreaking operations" shall mean all work, including clean-up and salvage work, performed at the site of the total or partial razing, demolishing, or dismantling of a building, bridge, steeple, tower, chimney, other structure, ship, or other vessel.

Statutory Authority

§ 40.1-100 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR425-01-77 § 14, eff. October 15, 1979; rev. June 30, 1981.

16VAC15-30-170. Occupations in roofing operations.

All activities in roofing operations are prohibited. The term "roofing operations" shall mean all work performed in connection with the application of weather-proofing materials and substances such as tar or pitch, asphalt, prepared paper, tile, slate, metal, translucent materials, and shingles of asbestos, asphalt or wood to roofs of buildings or other structures. The term shall also include all work performed in connection with: (1) the installation of roofs, including related metal work such as flashing and (2) alterations, additions, maintenance, and repair, including painting and coating of existing roofs. In addition, the term shall include gutter and downspout work; the construction of the sheathing or base of roofs; the installation of television antennas, communications satellites, air conditioners, exhaust and ventilating equipment, or any similar appliances attached to roofs; and any similar work required to be performed on or about roofs including work performed on the ground.


The exemptions for properly certified apprentices and student-learners apply to this restriction.

Statutory Authority

§ 40.1-100 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR425-01-77 § 15, eff. October 15, 1979; rev. June 30, 1981; amended, Virginia Register Volume 26, Issue 15, eff. April 29, 2010.

16VAC15-30-180. Occupations in excavation operations.

The following occupations in excavation operations are prohibited:

1. Excavating, working in, or backfilling (refilling) trenches, except (a) manually excavating or manually backfilling trenches that do not exceed four feet in depth at any point, or (b) working in trenches that do not exceed four feet in depth at any point.

2. Excavating for buildings or other structures or working in such excavations, except (a) manually excavating to a depth not exceeding four feet below any ground surface adjoining the excavation, or (b) working in an excavation not exceeding such depth, or (c) working in an excavation where the side walls are shored or sloped to the angle of repose.

3. Working within tunnels prior to the completion of all driving and shoring operations.

4. Working within shafts prior to the completion of all sinking and shoring operations.

Statutory Authority

§ 40.1-100 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR425-01-77 § 16, eff. October 15, 1979; rev. June 30, 1981.

16VAC15-30-190. Fire fighting.

The following activities involving fire fighting are prohibited:

1. Minors 16 years and 17 years of age shall not enter a burning structure.

The term "burning structure" as used in this restriction shall not include a structure which contains burning materials.

2. Minors 14 years and 15 years of age shall not participate in fire fighting or support activities at the fire scene, enter a burning structure, enter a structure which contains burning materials, or engage in any other activity prohibited in this chapter.

3. Minors under 14 years of age shall not participate in any activity related to fire fighting.

4. Exemptions. A county, city or town may authorize by ordinance that a 16 or 17 year old minor who resides in the Commonwealth, who is a member of a volunteer fire company, within that locality, with the approval of a parent or guardian, may seek certification under National Fire Protection Association 1001, level one, firefighter standards, as administered by the Department of Fire Programs, and, after attaining such certification, may work with or participate fully in all activities of the volunteer fire company. A local ordinance may not require minors who achieved certification under National Fire Protection Association 1001, level one, firefighter standards, as administered by the Department of Fire Programs, on or before January 1, 2006, between age 15 and 16, to repeat the certification after the sixteenth birthday.

A trainer or instructor of the aforesaid minors and any member of a paid or volunteer fire company who supervises any such minors shall be exempt from child labor law provisions in the Code of Virginia concerning cruelty and injuries to children, provided that the provisions of § 40.1-100 of the Code of Virginia have not been violated when the minor has been engaged in the activities of a volunteer fire company, and provided that either the volunteer fire company or the governing body of the county, city or town has purchased insurance that provides coverage for injuries to, or the death of, a minor in performing such firefighting activities.

Statutory Authority

§§ 40.1-6 and 40.1-100 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR425-01-77 § 17, eff. October 15, 1979; rev. June 30, 1981; amended, Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 23, eff. August 21, 2008.

16VAC15-30-200. Other prohibited occupations.

In addition to the prohibited occupations listed in this chapter, the following occupations are prohibited:

1. In any capacity in the manufacturing of paints, colors, white lead.

2. In any place where goods of alcoholic content are manufactured, bottled, or sold for consumption on the premises except in places where the sale of alcoholic beverages is merely incidental to the main business actually conducted, or to deliver alcoholic goods.

3. Shall not perform in or be a subject of sexually explicit visual material which depicts nudity, sexual excitement, sexual conduct, sexual intercourse, or sadomasochistic abuse, or a book, magazine, or pamphlet which contains such a visual representation. An undeveloped photograph or similar visual material may be sexually explicit material notwithstanding that processing or other action is necessary to make its sexually explicit content apparent.

4. In a capacity in preparing any composition in which dangerous poisonous chemicals are used.

Statutory Authority

§ 40.1-100 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR425-01-77 § 18 and Appendix, eff. October 15, 1979; rev. June 30, 1981; amended, Virginia Register Volume 17, Issue 1, eff. October 25, 2000.

16VAC15-30-210. Employment of minors under age 14.

Minors under 14 years of age may not be employed in any occupation except the following:

1. Bootblacks, caddies, selling newspapers, magazines, periodicals or circulars, running errands or delivering parcels or messages where none of the duties are to be performed inside any commercial establishment and are under the direction and supervision of an employer.

2. Distributing newspapers on regularly established routes.

3. Farms, gardens and orchards.

4. Domestic duties in and around private homes.

5. On school playgrounds or playgrounds operated by the state, city, county or by a corporation the property of which is tax exempt.

6. For one day or less in connection with their studies at any public or accredited private school.

7. Employed by their parents in any occupation other than manufacturing, or mining, or an occupation declared hazardous by the Commissioner of Labor and Industry.

Statutory Authority

§ 40.1-100 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 17, Issue 1, eff. October 25, 2000.

16VAC15-30-220. Employment of 14- and 15-year-old minors generally.

A. Minors 14 and 15 years old may not be employed in any occupation declared hazardous for 16- and 17-year-old minors and, in addition, are prohibited from being employed in any of the following:

1. In any mechanical establishment.

2. In any commercial cannery.

3. In the operation of any automatic passenger or freight elevator.

4. In any dance studio.

5. In any hospital, nursing home, clinic, or other establishments providing care for resident patients.

6. As a laboratory helper, therapist, orderly, or nurse's aide.

7. At any veterinary hospital.

8. In any undertaking establishment or funeral home.

9. In curb service at restaurants.

10. In hotel and motel room service.

11. In any brick, coal, or lumber yard.

12. In any ice plant.

13. As ushers in theaters.

14. In any scaffolding work or construction trade.

15. In any outdoor theater, cabaret, carnival, fair, floor show, pool hall, club, or roadhouse.

16. As a lifeguard at a beach.

17. In the solicitation, sale, or obtaining of subscription contracts or orders for books, magazines, or other periodical publications other than newspapers.

18. Any manufacturing occupation.

19. Any mining occupation.

20. Processing occupations such as filleting of fish, dressing poultry, cracking nuts, or laundering as performed by commercial laundries and dry cleaning (except in a retail, food service, or gasoline service establishment in those specific occupations expressly permitted in 16VAC15-30-230).

21. Occupations requiring the performance of any duties in workrooms or workplaces where goods are manufactured, mined, or otherwise processed (except to the extent expressly permitted in retail, food service, or gasoline service establishments in accordance with 16VAC15-30-230).

22. Operation or tending of hoisting apparatus or of any power-driven machinery (other than office machines and machines in retail, food service, and gasoline service establishments that are specified in 16VAC15-30-230 as machines that such minors may operate in such establishments).

23. Occupations in connection with:

a. Transportation of persons or property by rail, highway, air, on water, pipeline, or other means. Exception: Office or sales work in connection with these activities is permitted.

b. Warehousing and storage. Exception: Office or sales work in connection with these activities is permitted.

c. Communications and public utilities. Exception: Office or sales work in connection with these activities is permitted.

B. EXCEPTIONS: Activities 14- and 15-year-old minors may be engaged in include:

1. Children 14 years of age and over may be engaged in office work of a clerical nature in bona fide office rooms in the establishments listed in subsection A of this section.

2. Children 14 years of age and over may be employed by dry cleaning or laundry establishments in branch stores where no processing is done on the premises.

3. Children 14 years of age and over may be employed in hospitals, nursing homes, and clinics where they may be engaged in kitchen work, tray service, or room and hall cleaning.

4. Children 14 years of age and over may be employed in bowling alleys completely equipped with automatic pin setters, but not in or about such machines.

Statutory Authority

§ 40.1-100 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 17, Issue 1, eff. October 25, 2000.

16VAC15-30-230. Employment of 14- and 15-year-old minors in retail food service and gasoline establishments.

A. Minors 14 and 15 years of age are prohibited from being employed in the following occupations in retail food service and gasoline service establishments:

1. Work performed in or about boiler or engine rooms.

2. Work in connection with maintenance or repair of the establishments, machines, or equipment.

3. Outside window washing that involves working from windowsills, and all work requiring the use of ladders, scaffolds, or their substitutes.

4. Cooking and baking (except at soda fountains, lunch counters, snack bars, or cafeteria serving counters).

5. Occupations that involve operating, setting up, adjusting, cleaning, oiling, or repairing power-driven food slicers and grinders, food choppers and cutters, and bakery-type mixers.

6. Work in freezers and meat coolers and all work in preparation of meats for sale (except wrapping, sealing, labeling, weighing, pricing, and stocking when performed in other areas).

7. Loading and unloading goods to and from trucks, railroad cars, or conveyors.

8. All occupations in warehouses except office and clerical work.

9. Work in connection with cars and trucks involving:

a. Use of pits, racks, or lifting apparatus.

b. Inflation of any tire mounted on a rim equipped with a removable retaining ring.

B. Minors 14 and 15 years of age may be employed in the following occupations in retail food service and gasoline service establishments:

1. Office and clerical work (including operation of office machines).

2. Cashiering, selling, modeling, art work, work in advertising departments, window trimming, and comparative shopping.

3. Price marking and tagging by hand or by machine, assembling orders, packing, and shelving.

4. Bagging and carrying out customers' orders.

5. Errand and delivery work by foot, bicycle, and public transportation.

6. Clean-up work, including the use of vacuum cleaners and floor waxers, and maintenance of grounds, but not including the use of power-driven mowers or cutters.

7. Kitchen work and other work involved in preparing and serving food and beverages, including the operation of machines and devices used in the performance of such work, such as, but not limited to, dishwashers, toasters, dumbwaiters, popcorn poppers, milk shake blenders, and coffee grinders.

8. Cleaning vegetables and fruits, and wrapping, sealing, labeling, weighing, pricing, and stocking goods when performed in areas physically separate from areas where meat is prepared for sale and outside freezers or meat coolers.

9. Work in connection with cars and trucks if confined to the following:

a. Dispensing gasoline and oil.

b. Courtesy service on premises of gasoline service station.

c. Car cleaning, hand washing and polishing.

d. Sales and clerical work.

Statutory Authority

§ 40.1-100 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 17, Issue 1, eff. October 25, 2000.

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