Administrative Code

Virginia Administrative Code

Part II. Administration

8VAC20-800-30. Operational responsibilities.

A. The provider shall ensure compliance with these standards and the terms of the current license issued by the department and with relevant federal, state or local laws, and other relevant regulations.

B. The provider will ensure compliance with the home's policies that have been disclosed to the parents as required by 8VAC20-800-70.

C. The provider shall be of good character and reputation. Character and reputation investigation includes, but is not limited to, background checks as required by §§ 22.1-289.034 et seq. of the Code of Virginia.

D. The provider shall meet the requirements specified in 8VAC20-770, Background Checks for Child Day Programs and Family Day Systems.

E. The provider shall ensure that the home's activities, services, and facilities are conducive to the welfare of children in care.

F. The provider shall be responsible for the home's day-to-day operation.

G. The provider shall ensure that any advertising is not misleading or deceptive as required by § 22.1-289.027 of the Code of Virginia.

H. The provider shall meet the requirements specified in 8VAC20-820, General Procedures and Information for Licensure.

Statutory Authority

§§ 22.1-16 and 22.1-289.046 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Former 22VAC40-111-30 derived from Virginia Register Volume 26, Issue 7, eff. July 1, 2010; amended, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 21, eff. July 17, 2013; amended and renumbered, Virginia Register Volume 37, Issue 24, eff. July 1, 2021.

8VAC20-800-40. Capacity.

A. The provider shall ensure that the total number of children receiving care at any one time does not exceed the maximum licensed capacity of the home.

B. When at least one child receives care for compensation, all children, exclusive of the provider's own children and children who reside in the home, who are in the care and supervision of a provider, count in the licensed capacity.

C. The department will establish the home's maximum capacity based on the following factors:

1. The availability of adequate space to allow each child free movement and active play indoors and outdoors as required by 8VAC20-800-380;

2. The provider's responsibility to care for another individual who may require special attention or care, including but not limited to a child with a serious physical, emotional, or behavioral condition; or

3. The issuance of a special order to limit capacity pursuant to § 22.1-289.023 of the Code of Virginia.

Statutory Authority

§§ 22.1-16 and 22.1-289.046 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Former 22VAC40-111-40 derived from Virginia Register Volume 26, Issue 7, eff. July 1, 2010; amended and renumbered, Virginia Register Volume 37, Issue 24, eff. July 1, 2021.

8VAC20-800-50. General recordkeeping.

A. The family day home shall keep a written record of children in attendance each day.

B. The provider's records shall be maintained in the home and made accessible to the department's representative.

C. Information contained in a child's record shall be privileged and confidential. The provider shall not distribute or release information in a child's record to any unauthorized person without the written consent of the child's parent.

D. Children's records shall be made available to a child's parent upon request, unless otherwise ordered by the court.

E. Records and reports on children, caregivers, and household members required by this chapter shall be maintained and made accessible to the department's representative for two years from the date of termination of services for a child, date of separation from employment for caregivers, or date of termination of residence for a household member, or unless specified otherwise.

Statutory Authority

§§ 22.1-16 and 22.1-289.046 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Historical Notes Former 22VAC40-111-50 derived from Virginia Register Volume 26, Issue 7, eff. July 1, 2010; renumbered, Virginia Register Volume 37, Issue 24, eff. July 1, 2021.

8VAC20-800-60. Children's records.

A. The provider shall maintain an up-to-date record at the family day home for each enrolled child.

B. A child's record shall contain the following information:

1. Child's full name, nickname (if any), sex, address, and birth date;

2. Emergency contact information including:

a. Name, home address, and telephone number of each parent who has custody;

b. Name, address and telephone number of each custodial parent's place of employment;

c. Name, office address and telephone number of the child's physician;

d. Name, address and telephone number of two designated persons to contact in case of an emergency if the parent cannot be reached;

e. Information on allergies and intolerance to food, medication, or any other substances, and actions to take in an emergency situation;

f. Name and policy number of the child's medical insurance, if applicable;

g. Names of persons other than the custodial parents who are authorized to pick up the child;

h. Appropriate legal paperwork when a custodial parent does not authorize the provider to release the child to the other parent; and

i. Chronic physical problems, pertinent developmental information, and any special accommodations needed;

3. First and last dates of attendance;

4. Parent's signed acknowledgement of the receipt of the information required by 8VAC20-800-70;

5. Proof of the child's age and identity and the names and addresses of previously attended child day care and schools as required by 8VAC20-800-80;

6. Immunization records for the child as required by 8VAC20-800-90;

7. Results of the health examination for the child as required by 8VAC20-800-100;

8. Written authorization for emergency medical care should an emergency occur and the parent cannot be located immediately unless the parent presents a written objection to provision of medical treatment on religious or other grounds;

9. Written authorization if a caregiver is to administer prescription or nonprescription medication to the child as required by 8VAC20-800-700 A 2;

10. Written authorization if the child is to participate in swimming or wading activities as required by 8VAC20-800-660 B;

11. Written authorization if the child is taken off the premises of the family day home as required by 8VAC20-800-980;

12. Special instructions to the provider including, but not limited to, exception to an infant's sleeping position as required in 8VAC20-800-590 A, recommendations for the care and activities of a child with special needs as required in 8VAC20-800-620 A, and exception to an infant's being fed on demand as required in 8VAC20-800-960 A;

13. Record of any accidents or injuries sustained by the child while at the family day home as required by 8VAC20-800-840; and

14. Documentation of the review of the child's emergency contact information as required by 8VAC20-800-780 B.

Statutory Authority

§§ 22.1-16 and 22.1-289.046 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Former 22VAC40-111-60 derived from Virginia Register Volume 26, Issue 7, eff. July 1, 2010; amended and renumbered, Virginia Register Volume 37, Issue 24, eff. July 1, 2021.

8VAC20-800-70. Written information for parents.

A. Before the child's first day of attendance, parents shall be provided in writing the following information:

1. Operating information including the hours and days of operation, holidays or other times closed, and the telephone number where a message can be left for a caregiver;

2. Schedule of fees and payment plans;

3. Check in and check out procedures;

4. Policies for the administration of medications;

5. Whether or not there is liability insurance of at least $100,000 per occurrence and $300,000 aggregate in force on the family day home operation as required by § 22.1-289.050 of the Code of Virginia;

6. Requirement for the family day home to notify the parent when the child becomes ill and for the parent to arrange to have the child picked up as soon as possible if so requested by the home;

7. Requirement for the parent to inform the family day home within 24 hours or the next business day after his child or any member of the immediate household has developed any reportable communicable disease, as defined by the State Board of Health, except for life-threatening diseases, which must be reported immediately;

8. Requirement for the child to be adequately immunized as required by 8VAC20-800-90;

9. Requirement for paid caregivers to report suspected child abuse or neglect according to § 63.2-1509 of the Code of Virginia;

10. Custodial parent's right to be admitted to the family day home any time the child is in care as required by § 22.1-289.054 of the Code of Virginia;

11. General daily schedule that is appropriate for the age of the enrolling child;

12. Policies for the provision of food;

13. Presence of a pet or animal in the home;

14. Discipline policies including acceptable and unacceptable discipline measures;

15. Amount of time per week that an adult assistant or substitute provider instead of the provider is scheduled to care for the child and the name of the adult assistant or substitute provider;

16. Provisions of the family day home's emergency preparedness and response plan;

17. Parental notifications required in 8VAC20-800-650;

18. Policies for termination of care; and

19. Address of the website of the department, with a note that a copy of this chapter and additional information about the family day home may be obtained from the website, including compliance history that includes information after July 1, 2003.

B. The provider shall obtain the parent's written acknowledgement of the receipt of the information in this section.

Statutory Authority

§§ 22.1-16 and 22.1-289.046 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Former 22VAC40-111-70 derived from Virginia Register Volume 26, Issue 7, eff. July 1, 2010; amended and renumbered, Virginia Register Volume 37, Issue 24, eff. July 1, 2021.

8VAC20-800-80. Proof of age and identity; record of child care and schools.

A. Within seven business days of the child's first day of attendance at the family day home, the provider shall obtain from the parent:

1. Verification of the identity and age of the child; and

2. Name and location of previous day care programs and schools the child has attended.

B. The provider shall verify the identity and age of a child by viewing one of the following:

1. Certified birth certificate;

2. Birth registration card;

3. Notification of birth, i.e., hospital, physician, or midwife record;

4. Passport;

5. Copy of the placement agreement or other proof of the child's identity from a child placing agency;

6. Original or copy of a record or report card from a public school in Virginia;

7. Signed statement on letterhead stationery from a public school principal or other designated official that assures the child is or was enrolled in the school; or

8. Child identification card issued by the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles.

C. The provider shall document in the child's record:

1. The method of verification of the child's age and identity; and

2. The names and locations of the previous child care programs and schools the child has attended.

D. The provider shall notify the local law-enforcement agency if the parent does not provide the information required in 8VAC20-800-80 A within seven business days of the child's first day of attendance at the family day home.

E. The proof of identity, if reproduced or retained by the family day home, shall be destroyed two years after termination of services to the child. The procedures for the disposal, physical destruction, or other disposition of the proof of identity containing social security numbers shall include all reasonable steps to destroy such documents by:

1. Shredding;

2. Erasing; or

3. Otherwise modifying the social security numbers in those records to make them unreadable or indecipherable by any means.

Statutory Authority

§§ 22.1-16 and 22.1-289.046 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Former 22VAC40-111-80 derived from Virginia Register Volume 26, Issue 7, eff. July 1, 2010; amended and renumbered, Virginia Register Volume 37, Issue 24, eff. July 1, 2021.

8VAC20-800-90. Immunizations for children.

A. Before a child may attend the family day home, the provider shall obtain documentation that the child has been adequately immunized according to the requirements of § 32.1-46 A of the Code of Virginia and applicable State Board of Health regulations.

B. Pursuant to subsection C of § 22.1-271.2 of the Code of Virginia, documentation of immunizations is not required for any child whose:

1. Parent submits an affidavit to the family day home on the current form approved by the Virginia Department of Health stating that the administration of immunizing agents conflicts with the parent's or child's religious tenets or practices; or

2. Physician or a local health department states on a Department of Health-approved form that one or more of the required immunizations may be detrimental to the child's health, indicating the specific nature and probable duration of the medical condition or circumstance that contraindicates immunization.

C. The family day home shall obtain documentation of additional immunizations for a child who is not exempt from the immunization requirements according to subsection B of this section:

1. Once every six months for children under the age of two years; and

2. Once between each child's fourth and sixth birthdays.

Statutory Authority

§§ 22.1-16 and 22.1-289.046 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Former 22VAC40-111-90 derived from Virginia Register Volume 26, Issue 7, eff. July 1, 2010; renumbered, Virginia Register Volume 37, Issue 24, eff. July 1, 2021.

8VAC20-800-100. Physical examinations for children.

A. The provider shall obtain documentation of a physical examination by or under the direction of a physician prior to a child's attendance or within 30 days after the first day of attendance.

B. The physical examination prior to attendance shall have been conducted within:

1. Two months prior to attendance for children six months of age or younger;

2. Three months prior to attendance for children age seven months through 18 months;

3. Six months prior to attendance for children age 19 months through 24 months;

4. Twelve months prior to attendance for children two years of age through five years of age; or

5. Twenty-four months prior to attendance for children six years of age and above.


1. A new physical examination is not required if a copy of the physical examination is available to the admitting family day home for a child transferring from a facility licensed by the Virginia Department of Education, approved by a licensed family day system, voluntarily registered by the Virginia Department of Education or by a contract agency of the Virginia Department of Education, or transferring from a Virginia Department of Education-approved child care program.

2. Pursuant to subsection D of § 22.1-270 of the Code of Virginia, physical examinations are not required for any child whose parent objects on religious grounds. The parent must submit a signed statement noting that the parent objects on religious grounds and certifying that to the best of the parent's knowledge the child is in good health and free from communicable or contagious disease.

3. For a school age child, a copy of the physical examination required for his entry into a Virginia public kindergarten or elementary school is acceptable documentation.

Statutory Authority

§§ 22.1-16 and 22.1-289.046 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Former 22VAC40-111-100 derived from Virginia Register Volume 26, Issue 7, eff. July 1, 2010; amended and renumbered, Virginia Register Volume 37, Issue 24, eff. July 1, 2021.

8VAC20-800-110. Form and content of immunization and physical examination reports for children.

A. The current form approved by the Virginia Department of Health or a physician's form shall be used to record immunizations received and the results of the required physical examination.

B. Each report shall include the date of the physical examination and dates immunizations were received and shall be signed by a licensed physician, the physician's designee, or an official of a local health department.

Statutory Authority

§§ 22.1-16 and 22.1-289.046 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Former 22VAC40-111-110 derived from Virginia Register Volume 26, Issue 7, eff. July 1, 2010; renumbered, Virginia Register Volume 37, Issue 24, eff. July 1, 2021.

Website addresses provided in the Virginia Administrative Code to documents incorporated by reference are for the reader's convenience only, may not necessarily be active or current, and should not be relied upon. To ensure the information incorporated by reference is accurate, the reader is encouraged to use the source document described in the regulation.

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