Code of Virginia

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Code of Virginia
Title 58.1. Taxation
Subtitle IV. Other Sources of State Revenue
Chapter 40. Virginia Lottery Law; Sports Betting

Chapter 40. Virginia Lottery Law; Sports Betting.

Article 1. Powers and Duties of Virginia Lottery Board; Administration of Tickets and Prizes.

§ 58.1-4000. Short title.

This article shall be known and may be cited as the "Virginia Lottery Law."

1987, c. 531; 2020, cc. 1218, 1256.

§ 58.1-4001. Establishment of state lottery.

This chapter establishes a lottery to be operated by the Commonwealth which will produce revenue consonant with the probity of the Commonwealth and the general welfare of its people, to be used for the public purpose.

1987, c. 531.

§ 58.1-4002. Definitions.

As used in this chapter, unless the context requires a different meaning:

"Board" means the Virginia Lottery Board established by this chapter.

"Casino gaming" or "game" means baccarat, blackjack, twenty-one, poker, craps, dice, slot machines, roulette wheels, Klondike tables, punchboards, faro layouts, numbers tickets, push cards, jar tickets, or pull tabs and any other activity that is authorized by the Board as a wagering game or device under Chapter 41 (§ 58.1-4100 et seq.). "Casino gaming" or "game" includes on-premises mobile casino gaming.

"Department" means the independent agency responsible for the administration of the Virginia Lottery pursuant to this article and sports betting pursuant to Article 2 (§ 58.1-4030 et seq.).

"Director" means the Director of the Virginia Lottery.

"Lottery" or "state lottery" means the lottery or lotteries established and operated pursuant to this chapter.

"On-premises mobile casino gaming" means casino gaming offered by a casino gaming operator at a casino gaming establishment using a computer network of both federal and nonfederal interoperable packet-switched data networks through which the casino gaming operator may offer casino gaming to individuals who have established an on-premises mobile casino gaming account with the casino gaming operator and who are physically present on the premises of the casino gaming establishment, as authorized by regulations promulgated by the Board.

"Sports betting" means placing wagers on sporting events as such activity is regulated by the Board.

"Ticket courier service" means a service operated for the purpose of purchasing Virginia Lottery tickets on behalf of individuals located within or outside the Commonwealth and delivering or transmitting such tickets, or electronic images thereof, to such individuals as a business-for-profit delivery service.

"Voluntary exclusion program" means a program established by the Board pursuant to § 58.1-4015.1 that allows individuals to voluntarily exclude themselves from engaging in the activities described in subdivision B 1 of § 58.1-4015.1 by placing their name on a voluntary exclusion list and following the procedures set forth by the Board.

1987, c. 531; 2014, c. 225; 2016, c. 461; 2020, cc. 1197, 1218, 1248, 1256.

§ 58.1-4003. Virginia Lottery established.

Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 1 (§ 18.2-325 et seq.) of Chapter 8 of Title 18.2 or any other provision of law, there is hereby established as an independent agency of the Commonwealth, exclusive of the legislative, executive or judicial branches of government, the Virginia Lottery, which shall include a Director and a Virginia Lottery Board for the purpose of operating a state lottery.

1987, c. 531; 2014, c. 225.

§ 58.1-4004. Membership of Board; appointment; terms; vacancies; removal; expenses.

A. The Board shall consist of seven members, all of whom shall be citizens and residents of the Commonwealth and all of whom shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Governor, subject to confirmation by a majority of the members elected to each house of the General Assembly if in session when the appointment is made, and if not in session, then at its next succeeding session. At least one member shall be a law-enforcement officer, and at least one member shall be a certified public accountant authorized to practice in the Commonwealth. Prior to the appointment of any Board members, the Governor shall consider the political affiliation and the geographic residence of the Board members. The members shall be appointed for terms of five years. The members shall annually elect one member as chairman of the Board.

B. Any vacancy on the Board occurring for any reason other than the expiration of a term shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as the original term.

C. The members of the Board shall receive such compensation as provided in § 2.2-2813, shall be subject to the requirements of such section, and shall be allowed reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties.

D. Before entering upon the discharge of their duties, the members of the Board shall take an oath that they will faithfully and honestly execute the duties of the office during their continuance therein and they shall give bond in such amount as may be fixed by the Governor, conditioned upon the faithful discharge of their duties. The premium on such bond shall be paid out of the Virginia Lottery Fund.

E. No member of the Board shall:

1. Have any direct or indirect financial, ownership, or management interest in any gaming activities, including any casino gaming operation, charitable gaming, pari-mutuel wagering, or lottery.

2. Receive or share in, directly or indirectly, the receipts or proceeds of any gaming activities, including any casino gaming operation, charitable gaming, pari-mutuel wagering, or lottery.

3. Have an interest in any contract for the manufacture or sale of gaming devices, the conduct of any gaming activity, or the provision of independent consulting services in connection with any gaming establishment or gaming activity.

1987, c. 531; 2004, c. 630; 2014, c. 225; 2020, cc. 1197, 1248.

§ 58.1-4005. Appointment, qualifications and salary of Director.

A. The Department shall be under the immediate supervision and direction of a Director, who shall be a person of good reputation, particularly as to honesty and integrity, and shall be subject to a thorough background investigation conducted by the Department of State Police prior to appointment. The Director shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Governor, subject to confirmation by a majority of the members elected to each house of the General Assembly if in session when the appointment is made, and if not in session, then at its next succeeding session. The Director shall receive a salary as provided in the general appropriations act.

B. The Director shall devote his full time to the performance of his official duties and shall not be engaged in any other profession or occupation.

C. Before entering upon the discharge of his duties, the Director shall take an oath that he will faithfully and honestly execute the duties of his office during his continuance therein and shall give bond in such amount as may be fixed by the Governor, conditioned upon the faithful discharge of his duties. The premium on such bond shall be paid out of the Virginia Lottery Fund.

1987, c. 531; 2014, c. 225.

§ 58.1-4006. Powers of the Director.

A. The Director shall supervise and administer:

1. The operation of the lottery in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and with the rules and regulations promulgated hereunder; and

2. The regulation of casino gaming in accordance with Chapter 41 (§ 58.1-4100 et seq.).

B. The Director shall also:

1. Employ such deputy directors, professional, technical and clerical assistants, and other employees as may be required to carry out the functions and duties of the Department.

2. Act as secretary and executive officer of the Board.

3. Require bond or other surety satisfactory to the Director from licensed agents as provided in subsection E of § 58.1-4009 and Department employees with access to Department funds or lottery funds, in such amount as provided in the rules and regulations of the Board. The Director may also require bond from other employees as he deems necessary.

4. Confer regularly, but not less than four times each year, with the Board on the operation and administration of the lottery and the regulation of casino gaming; make available for inspection by the Board, upon request, all books, records, files, and other information and documents of the Department; and advise the Board and recommend such matters as he deems necessary and advisable to improve the operation and administration of the lottery and the regulation of casino gaming.

5. Suspend, revoke, or refuse to renew any license issued pursuant to this chapter or the rules and regulations adopted hereunder.

6. Suspend, revoke, or refuse to renew any license or permit issued pursuant to Chapter 41 (§ 58.1-4100 et seq.).

7. Eject or exclude from a casino gaming establishment any person, whether or not he possesses a license or permit, whose conduct or reputation is such that his presence may, in the opinion of the Director, reflect negatively on the honesty and integrity of casino gaming or interfere with the orderly gaming operations.

8. Immediately upon the receipt of a credible complaint of an alleged criminal violation of Chapter 41 (§ 58.1-4100 et seq.), report the complaint to the Attorney General and the State Police for appropriate action.

9. Inspect and investigate, and have free access to, the offices, facilities, or other places of business of any licensee or permit holder and may compel the production of any of the books, documents, records, or memoranda of any licensee or permit holder for the purpose of ensuring compliance with Chapter 41 (§ 58.1-4100 et seq.) and Department regulations.

10. Compel any person holding a license or permit pursuant to Chapter 41 (§ 58.1-4100 et seq.) to file with the Department such information as shall appear to the Director to be necessary for the performance of the Department's functions, including financial statements and information relative to principals and all others with any pecuniary interest in such person.

11. Impose a fine or penalty not to exceed $1 million upon any person determined, in proceedings commenced pursuant to § 58.1-4105, to have violated any of the provisions of Chapter 41 (§ 58.1-4100 et seq.) or regulations promulgated by the Board.

12. Enter into arrangements with any foreign or domestic governmental agency for the purposes of exchanging information or performing any other act to better ensure the proper conduct of casino gaming operations or the efficient conduct of the Director's duties.

13. Enter into contracts for the operation of the lottery, or any part thereof, for the promotion of the lottery and into interstate lottery contracts with other states. A contract awarded or entered into by the Director shall not be assigned by the holder thereof except by specific approval of the Director.

14. Certify monthly to the State Comptroller and the Board a full and complete statement of lottery revenues, prize disbursements and other expenses for the preceding month.

15. Report monthly to the Governor, the Secretary of Finance, and the Chairmen of the Senate Committee on Finance and Appropriations, House Committee on Finance, and House Committee on Appropriations the total lottery revenues, prize disbursements, and other expenses for the preceding month and make an annual report, which shall include a full and complete statement of lottery revenues, prize disbursements, and other expenses, as well as a separate financial statement of the expenses incurred in the regulation of casino gaming operations as defined in § 58.1-4100, to the Governor and the General Assembly. Such annual report shall also include such recommendations for changes in this chapter and Chapter 41 (§ 58.1-4100 et seq.) as the Director and Board deem necessary or desirable.

16. Report immediately to the Governor and the General Assembly any matters that require immediate changes in the laws of the Commonwealth in order to prevent abuses and evasions of this chapter and Chapter 41 (§ 58.1-4100 et seq.) or the rules and regulations adopted hereunder or to rectify undesirable conditions in connection with the administration or operation of the lottery.

17. Notify prize winners and appropriate state and federal agencies of the payment of prizes in excess of $600 in the manner required by the lottery rules and regulations.

18. Provide for the withholding of the applicable amount of state and federal income tax of persons claiming a prize for a winning ticket in excess of $5,001.

19. Participate in the Problem Gambling Treatment and Support Advisory Committee established pursuant to § 37.2-304 by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services to enable collaboration among prevention and treatment providers and operators of legal gaming in the Commonwealth on efforts to reduce the negative effects of problem gambling.

C. The Director and the director of security or investigators appointed by the Director shall be vested with the powers of sheriff and sworn to enforce the statutes and regulations pertaining to the Department and to investigate violations of the statutes and regulations that the Director is required to enforce.

D. The Director may authorize temporary bonus or incentive programs for payments to licensed sales agents that he determines will be cost effective and support increased sales of lottery products.

1987, c. 531; 1992, cc. 422, 449; 2004, c. 630; 2006, c. 598; 2008, c. 302; 2014, c. 224; 2020, cc. 1197, 1248; 2023, cc. 588, 589.

§ 58.1-4006.1. Use of the phrase "Virginia is for Bettors" prohibited; civil penalty.

A. As used in this section, "gaming business" means any person who holds or has applied for a permit or license under the provisions of Article 2 (§ 58.1-4030 et seq.) or Chapter 41 (§ 58.1-4100 et seq.), or any affiliate thereof.

B. A gaming business is prohibited from using the phrase "Virginia is for Bettors" in an advertisement in association with its product or service. Any gaming business that violates the provision of this section shall be subject to a civil penalty of not more than $50,000. The Director shall enforce the provisions of this section.

C. All civil penalties collected pursuant to this section shall accrue to the general fund.

2022, c. 475.

§ 58.1-4007. Powers of the Board.

A. The Board shall have the power to adopt regulations governing the establishment and operation of a lottery pursuant to this article and sports betting pursuant to Article 2 (§ 58.1-4030 et seq.). The regulations governing the establishment and operation of the lottery and sports betting shall be promulgated by the Board after consultation with the Director. Such regulations shall be in accordance with the Administrative Process Act (§ 2.2-4000 et seq.). The regulations shall provide for all matters necessary or desirable for the efficient, honest, and economical operation and administration of the lottery and sports betting and for the convenience of the purchasers of tickets or shares, the holders of winning tickets or shares, and sports bettors. The regulations, which may be amended, repealed, or supplemented as necessary, shall include the following:

1. The type or types of lottery or game to be conducted in accordance with § 58.1-4001.

2. The price or prices of tickets or shares in the lottery.

3. The numbers and sizes of the prizes on the winning tickets or shares, including informing the public of the approximate odds of winning and the proportion of lottery revenues (i) disbursed as prizes and (ii) returned to the Commonwealth as net revenues.

4. The manner of selecting the winning tickets or shares.

5. The manner of payment of prizes to the holders of winning tickets or shares.

6. The frequency of the drawings or selections of winning tickets or shares without limitation.

7. Without limitation as to number, the type or types of locations at which tickets or shares may be sold.

8. The method to be used in selling tickets or shares, including the sale of tickets or shares over the Internet.

9. The advertisement of the lottery in accordance with the provisions of subsection E of § 58.1-4022.

10. The licensing of agents to sell tickets or shares who will best serve the public convenience and promote the sale of tickets or shares. No person under the age of 18 shall be licensed as an agent. A licensed agent may employ a person who is 16 years of age or older to sell or otherwise vend tickets at the agent's place of business so long as the employee is supervised in the selling or vending of tickets by the manager or supervisor in charge at the location where the tickets are being sold. Employment of such person shall be in compliance with Chapter 5 (§ 40.1-78 et seq.) of Title 40.1.

11. The manner and amount of compensation, if any, to be paid licensed sales agents necessary to provide for the adequate availability of tickets or shares to prospective buyers and for the convenience of the public. Notwithstanding the provisions of this subdivision, the Board shall not be required to approve temporary bonus or incentive programs for payments to licensed sales agents.

12. Apportionment of the total revenues accruing from the sale of tickets or shares and from all other sources and establishment of the amount of the special reserve fund as provided in § 58.1-4022.

13. Such other matters necessary or desirable for the efficient and economical operation and administration of the lottery.

14. The operation of sports betting pursuant to Article 2 (§ 58.1-4030 et seq.). In adopting such regulations, the Board shall establish a consumer protection program and publish a consumer protection bill of rights. Such program and bill of rights shall include measures to protect sports bettors, as defined in § 58.1-4030, with respect to identity, funds and accounts, consumer complaints, self-exclusion, and any other consumer protection measure the Board determines to be reasonable.

15. The administration of a voluntary exclusion program as provided in § 58.1-4015.1.

The Department shall not be subject to the provisions of Chapter 43 (§ 2.2-4300 et seq.) of Title 2.2; however, the Board shall promulgate regulations, after consultation with the Director, relative to departmental procurement which include standards of ethics for procurement consistent with the provisions of Article 6 (§ 2.2-4367 et seq.) of Chapter 43 of Title 2.2 and which ensure that departmental procurement will be based on competitive principles.

The Board shall have the power to advise and recommend, but shall have no power to veto or modify administrative decisions of the Director. However, the Board shall have the power to accept, modify or reject any revenue projections before such projections are forwarded to the Governor.

B. The Board shall carry on a continuous study and investigation of the lottery and sports betting throughout the Commonwealth to:

1. Ascertain any defects of this chapter or the regulations issued hereunder which cause abuses in the administration and operation of the lottery and sports betting and any evasions of such provisions.

2. Formulate, with the Director, recommendations for changes in this chapter and the regulations promulgated hereunder to prevent such abuses and evasions.

3. Guard against the use of this chapter and the regulations promulgated hereunder as a subterfuge for organized crime and illegal gambling.

4. Ensure that this law and the regulations of the Board are in such form and are so administered as to serve the true purpose of this chapter.

C. The Board shall make a continuous study and investigation of (i) the operation and the administration of similar laws that may be in effect in other states or countries, (ii) any literature on the subject that may be published or available, (iii) any federal laws that may affect the operation of the lottery and sports betting, and (iv) the reaction of Virginia citizens to the potential features of the lottery and sports betting with a view to recommending or effecting changes that will serve the purpose of this chapter.

D. The Board shall hear and decide an appeal of any denial by the Director of the licensing or revocation of a license of a lottery agent pursuant to subdivision A 10 of this section and subdivision B 5 of § 58.1-4006. The Board shall hear and decide an appeal of any penalty, denial of a permit or renewal, or suspension or revocation of a permit imposed by the Director pursuant to Article 2 (§ 58.1-4030 et seq.).

E. The Board shall have the authority to initiate procedures for the planning, acquisition, and construction of capital projects as set forth in Article 4 (§ 2.2-1129 et seq.) of Chapter 11 and Article 3 (§ 2.2-1819 et seq.) of Chapter 18 of Title 2.2.

F. The Board may adjust the percentage of uncollectible gaming receivables allowed to be subtracted from adjusted gross revenue, as defined in § 58.1-4030, if it determines that a different percentage is reasonable and customary in the sports betting industry.

1987, c. 531; 1988, c. 788; 1989, c. 228; 1990, c. 732; 1999, c. 716; 2004, c. 630; 2006, c. 598; 2008, c. 302; 2020, cc. 117, 332, 1218, 1256.

§ 58.1-4007.1. Lottery tickets to bear telephone number for compulsive gamblers.

All lottery tickets printed after July 1, 1997, shall bear a toll-free telephone number for "Gamblers Anonymous" or other organization which provides assistance to compulsive gamblers.

1997, cc. 64, 118; 1998, c. 201; 1999, c. 736.

§ 58.1-4007.2. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 2020, cc. 117 and 332, cl. 2.

§ 58.1-4007.3. Posting of illegal gaming tip line.

Every licensed lottery sales agent shall post in a conspicuous place in its retail establishment a sign that bears the toll-free telephone number and website for the illegal gaming tip line established and administered by the Office of the Gaming Enforcement Coordinator in the Department of State Police pursuant to § 52-54 for members of the public to report concerns about, or suspected instances of, illegal gaming activities.

2024, c. 593.

§ 58.1-4008. Employees of the Department; background investigations of employees.

All persons employed by the Department shall be fingerprinted before, and as a condition of, employment. These fingerprints shall be submitted to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for a National Criminal Records search and to the Department of State Police for a Virginia Criminal History Records search. All board members, officers and employees of any vendor to the Department of lottery on-line or instant ticket goods or services working directly on a contract with the Department for such goods or services shall be fingerprinted, and such fingerprints shall be submitted to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for a National Criminal Records search conducted by the chief security officer of the Virginia Lottery. A background investigation shall be conducted by the chief security officer of the Virginia Lottery on every applicant prior to employment by the Department. However, all division directors of the Virginia Lottery and employees of the Virginia Lottery performing duties primarily related to security matters shall be subject to a background investigation report conducted by the Department of State Police prior to employment by the Department. The Department of State Police shall be reimbursed by the Virginia Lottery for the cost of investigations conducted pursuant to this section or § 58.1-4005. No person who has been convicted of a felony, bookmaking or other forms of illegal gambling, or of a crime involving moral turpitude shall be employed by the Department or on contracts with vendors described in this section.

1987, c. 531; 1989, c. 478; 1992, c. 449; 2004, c. 555; 2014, c. 225.

§ 58.1-4009. Licensing of lottery sales agents; penalty.

A. No license as an agent to sell lottery tickets or shares shall be issued to any person to engage in business primarily as a lottery sales agent. Before issuing such license, the Director shall consider such factors as (i) the financial responsibility and security of the person and his business or activity; (ii) the accessibility of his place of business or activity to the public; (iii) the sufficiency of existing licensees to serve the public convenience; and (iv) the volume of expected sales.

B. For the purposes of this section, the term "person" means an individual, association, partnership, corporation, club, trust, estate, society, company, joint stock company, receiver, trustee, assignee, referee, or any other person acting in a fiduciary or representative capacity, whether appointed by a court or otherwise, and any combination of individuals. "Person" also means all departments, commissions, agencies and instrumentalities of the Commonwealth, including counties, cities, municipalities, agencies and instrumentalities thereof.

C. The chief security officer of the Virginia Lottery shall conduct a background investigation, to include a Virginia Criminal History Records search, and fingerprints that shall be submitted to the Federal Bureau of Investigation if the Director deems a National Criminal Records search necessary, on applicants for licensure as lottery sales agents. The Director may refuse to issue a license to operate as an agent to sell lottery tickets or shares to any person who has been (i) convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude, (ii) convicted of bookmaking or other forms of illegal gambling, (iii) found guilty of any fraud or misrepresentation in any connection, (iv) convicted of a felony, or (v) engaged in conduct prejudicial to public confidence in the Lottery. The Director may refuse to grant a license or may suspend, revoke or refuse to renew a license issued pursuant to this chapter to a partnership or corporation, if he determines that any general or limited partner, or officer or director of such partnership or corporation has been (a) convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude, (b) convicted of bookmaking or other forms of illegal gambling, (c) found guilty of any fraud or misrepresentation in any connection, (d) convicted of a felony, or (e) engaged in conduct prejudicial to public confidence in the Lottery. Whoever knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals or misrepresents a material fact or knowingly and willfully makes a false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or representation in any application for licensure to the Virginia Lottery for lottery sales agent is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.

D. In the event an applicant is a former lottery sales agent whose license was suspended, revoked, or refused renewal pursuant to this section or § 58.1-4012, no application for a new license to sell lottery tickets or shares shall be considered for a minimum period of 90 days following the suspension, revocation, or refusal to renew.

E. Prior to issuance of a license, every lottery sales agent shall either (i) be bonded by a surety company entitled to do business in this Commonwealth in such amount and penalty as may be prescribed by the regulations of the Department or (ii) provide such other surety as may be satisfactory to the Director, payable to the Virginia Lottery and conditioned upon the faithful performance of his duties.

F. Every licensed agent shall prominently display his license, or a copy thereof, as provided in the regulations of the Department.

1987, c. 531; 1989, c. 478; 2004, c. 555; 2006, c. 598; 2014, cc. 224, 225.

§ 58.1-4010. Authority of persons licensed as lottery sales agents; annual fee.

A. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any person licensed as provided in this chapter is hereby authorized to act as a lottery sales agent.

B. The rules and regulations of the lottery shall provide for an initial licensing fee and an annual license review fee to be collected from each lottery sales agent. Such fee, as promulgated by rule and regulation of the Board, shall be designed to recover all or such portion of the installation and annual operational costs borne by the Department in providing services to the agent.

1987, c. 531; 2004, c. 630.

§ 58.1-4011. Meaning of "gross receipts.".

A. Notwithstanding the provisions of Chapter 37 (§ 58.1-3700 et seq.) or § 58.1-4025 relating to local license taxes, the term "gross receipts" as used in Chapter 37 shall include only the compensation actually paid to a licensed sales agent as provided by rule or regulation adopted by the Board consistent with the provisions of subdivision A 11 of § 58.1-4007.

B. Unless otherwise provided by contract, any person licensed as a lottery agent who makes rental payments for the business premises on which state lottery tickets are sold on the basis of retail sales shall have that portion of rental payment based on sales of state lottery tickets or shares computed on the basis of the compensation received as a lottery agent from the Virginia Lottery.

1987, c. 531; 2014, c. 225.

§ 58.1-4012. Suspension and revocation of licenses.

The Director may suspend, revoke, or refuse to renew, after notice and a hearing, any license issued pursuant to this chapter. Such license may, however, be temporarily suspended by the Director without prior notice, pending any prosecution, hearing or investigation, whether by a third party or by the Director. A license may be suspended, revoked or refused renewal by the Director for one or more of the following reasons:

1. Failure to properly account for lottery tickets received or the proceeds of the sale of lottery tickets;

2. Failure to file a bond if required by the Director or to comply with instructions and rules and regulations of the Department concerning the licensed activity, especially with regard to the prompt payment of claims;

3. Conviction of any offense referenced in subsection C of § 58.1-4009 subsequent to licensure;

4. Failure to file any return or report, to keep records or to pay any fees or other charges required by this chapter;

5. Any act of fraud, deceit, misrepresentation or conduct prejudicial to public confidence in the Commonwealth lottery;

6. If the number of lottery tickets sold by the lottery sales agent is insufficient to meet administrative costs and public convenience is adequately served by other licensees;

7. A material change, since issuance of the license, with respect to any matters required to be considered by the Director under this chapter; or

8. Other factors established by Department regulation.

1987, c. 531; 1992, c. 449.

§ 58.1-4013. Right to prize not assignable; exceptions.

A. No right of any person to a prize drawn shall be assignable, except that: (i) payment of any prize drawn may be paid according to the terms of a deceased prize winner's beneficiary designation or similar form filed with the Department or to the estate of a deceased prize winner who has not completed such a form; (ii) the prize to which the winner is entitled may be paid to a person pursuant to an appropriate judicial order; and (iii) payment of any prize drawn may be paid in accordance with the provisions of § 58.1-4020.1. Payments made according to the terms of a deceased prize winner's beneficiary designation or similar form filed with the Department are effective by reason of the contract involved and this statute and are not to be considered as testamentary or subject to Chapter 4 (§ 64.2-400 et seq.) of Title 64.2. The Director shall be discharged of all liability upon payment of a prize pursuant to this section.

B. Investments of prize proceeds made by the Department to fund the payment of an annuitized prize are to be held in the name of the Department or the Commonwealth and not in the name of the prize winner. Any claim of a prize winner to a future payment remains inchoate until the date the payment is due under Department regulations.

C. Except as provided in Chapter 19 (§ 63.2-1900 et seq.) of Title 63.2 and this chapter, no lottery prize or installment thereof may be subject to garnishment or to a lien of any kind until such prize or installment thereof has been paid or distributed.

D. Whenever the Department or the Director is or may be named as a party in any proceeding instituted by or on behalf of one or more persons who claim ownership of a winning lottery ticket, prize, share or portion thereof for the purpose of determining the ownership or right to such ticket, prize, share or portion thereof, the Director may voluntarily pay or tender the prize, share or portion thereof into the circuit court where the action is filed, or may be ordered to do so by the court, and shall thereupon be discharged from all liability as between the claimants of such ticket, prize, share or portion thereof without regard to whether such payment was made voluntarily or pursuant to a court order.

Nothing in this section shall be deemed to constitute a waiver of the sovereign immunity of the Commonwealth or to authorize any attachment, garnishment, or lien against the prize, share or portion thereof paid into the court except as permitted by subsection C.

1987, c. 531; 1992, c. 449; 1995, c. 423; 2003, c. 924.

§ 58.1-4014. Price of tickets or shares; who may sell; penalty.

No person shall sell a ticket or share at any price or at any location other than that fixed by rules and regulations of the Department. No person other than a licensed lottery sales agent or his employee shall sell lottery tickets or shares, except that nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent any person from giving lottery tickets or shares to another person over the age of 18 years as a gift. No person shall operate a ticket courier service in the Commonwealth.

Any person convicted of violating this section is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.

1987, c. 531; 1992, c. 449; 2004, c. 630; 2006, c. 598; 2016, c. 461.

§ 58.1-4014.1. Method of payment for purchase of tickets or shares.

Lottery sales agents licensed in accordance with this chapter shall accept only cash or debit cards in payment for the purchase of lottery tickets or shares.

2006, c. 598.

§ 58.1-4015. Sale of ticket or share to person under eighteen prohibited; penalty.

No ticket or share shall be sold to or redeemed from any person under the age of eighteen years. Any licensee who knowingly sells or offers to sell or redeem a lottery ticket or share to or from any person under the age of eighteen years is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.

1987, c. 531; 1989, c. 478.

§ 58.1-4015.1. Voluntary exclusion program.

A. The Board shall adopt regulations to establish and implement a voluntary exclusion program.

B. The regulations shall include the following provisions:

1. Except as provided by regulation of the Board, a person who participates in the voluntary exclusion program agrees to refrain from (i) playing any account-based lottery game authorized under the provisions of this article; (ii) participating in sports betting, as defined in § 58.1-4030; (iii) engaging in any form of casino gaming that may be allowed under the laws of the Commonwealth; (iv) participating in charitable gaming, as defined in § 18.2-340.16; (v) participating in fantasy contests, as defined in § 59.1-556; or (vi) wagering on horse racing, as defined in § 59.1-365. Any state agency, at the request of the Department, shall assist in administering the voluntary exclusion program pursuant to the provisions of this section.

2. A person who participates in the voluntary exclusion program may choose an exclusion period of two years, five years, or lifetime.

3. Except as provided by regulation of the Board, a person who participates in the voluntary exclusion program may not petition the Board for removal from the program for the duration of his exclusion period.

4. The name of a person participating in the program shall be included on a list of excluded persons. The list of persons entering the voluntary exclusion program and the personal information of the participants shall be confidential, with dissemination by the Department limited to sales agents and permit holders, as defined in § 58.1-4030, and any other parties the Department deems necessary for purposes of enforcement. The list and the personal information of participants in the voluntary exclusion program shall not be subject to disclosure under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (§ 2.2-3700 et seq.). In addition, the Board may disseminate the list to other parties upon request by the participant and agreement by the Board.

5. Sales agents and permit holders shall make all reasonable attempts as determined by the Board to cease all direct marketing efforts to a person participating in the program. The voluntary exclusion program shall not preclude sales agents and permit holders from seeking the payment of a debt incurred by a person before entering the program. In addition, a permit holder may share the names of individuals who self-exclude across its corporate enterprise, including sharing such information with any of its affiliates.

2020, cc. 1218, 1256.

§ 58.1-4016. Gift to minor prohibited.

No ticket or share shall be given as a gift or otherwise to any person under the age of eighteen years. Any person who knowingly gives a lottery ticket or share to any person under the age of eighteen years is guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor.

1987, c. 531.

§ 58.1-4017. Alteration and forgery; presentation of counterfeit or altered ticket or share; penalty.

Any person who forges, alters or fraudulently makes any lottery ticket or share with intent to present for payment or to transfer to another person to be presented for payment or knowingly presents for payment or transfers to another person to be presented for payment such forged, altered or fraudulently made counterfeit lottery ticket or share sold pursuant to this chapter is guilty of a Class 6 felony.

1987, c. 531; 1989, c. 478; 1990, c. 732.

§ 58.1-4018. Prohibited actions; penalty.

Any person who wrongfully and fraudulently uses, disposes of, conceals or embezzles any public money or funds associated with the operation of the lottery shall be guilty of a Class 3 felony. Any person who wrongfully and fraudulently tampers with any equipment or machinery used in the operation of the lottery shall be guilty of a Class 3 felony. Any person who makes inaccurate entries regarding a financial accounting of the lottery in order to conceal the truth, defraud the Commonwealth and obtain money to which he is not entitled shall be guilty of a Class 3 felony.

1987, c. 531; 2006, c. 598.

§ 58.1-4018.1. Larceny of tickets; fraudulent notification of prizes; penalty.

A. Any person who steals or otherwise unlawfully converts to his own or another's use a lottery ticket, prize, share, or portion thereof shall be guilty of larceny. For purposes of this subsection, the value of a lottery ticket, prize, share, or portion thereof shall be deemed to be the greater of its face amount or its redemption value.

B. Any person who, with intent to defraud, steal, embezzle, or violate the provisions of § 18.2-186.3, designs, makes, prints, or otherwise produces, in whole or in part, a document or writing, whether in printed or electronic form, which falsely purports to be correspondence from or on behalf of the lottery shall be guilty of a Class 5 felony.

Jurisdiction shall lie and prosecution may proceed under this subsection in any county or city (i) in which the document was created; (ii) from which it was sent, regardless of the form of delivery; or (iii) in which it was received, regardless of the form of delivery.

2006, c. 598.

§ 58.1-4018.2. Ticket discounting; civil penalties.

A. As used in this section, "ticket discounting" means reselling or having a person other than the prize winner claim a winning lottery ticket or buying or claiming a winning lottery ticket for the purpose of assisting the original prize winner with concealing his identity as a prize winner.

B. No person shall engage in the practice of ticket discounting.

C. Any person found to have engaged in the practice of ticket discounting shall be fined as determined by the Director (i) for prizes of less than $1,000, not more than $250; (ii) for prizes of $1,000 or more but less than $5,000, more than $250 but not more than $500; and (iii) for prizes of $5,000 or more, no less than $1,000. All fines recovered for violations of this section shall be paid into the state treasury to the credit of the Literary Fund, in accordance with § 19.2-353.

2019, c. 762.

§ 58.1-4019. Certain persons ineligible to purchase tickets or shares or receive prizes.

A. No ticket or share shall be purchased by, and no prize shall be paid on a ticket purchased by or transferred to, any Board member, officer or employee of the lottery, or any board member, officer or employee of any vendor to the lottery of lottery on-line or instant ticket goods or services working directly on a contract with the Department for such goods or services, or any person residing in the same household of such member, officer or employee or any person under the age of eighteen years, or transferee of any such persons.

B. Only natural persons may purchase lottery tickets and claim prize winnings. In all cases, the identity and social security number of all natural persons who receive a prize greater than $100 from a winning ticket redeemed at any Department office shall be provided in order to comply with this section and §§ 58.1-4015, 58.1-4016 and 58.1-4026, and Chapter 19 (§ 63.2-1900 et seq.) of Title 63.2.

1987, c. 531; 1989, c. 478; 1992, c. 449; 1996, c. 954; 1999, c. 34.

§ 58.1-4019.1. License required for "instant ticket" games or contests.

No person who owns or is employed by any retail establishment in the Commonwealth shall use any "instant ticket" game or contest for the purpose of promoting or furthering the sale of any product without first obtaining a license to do so from the Director. For the purposes of this section, an "instant ticket" game or contest means a game of chance played on a paper ticket or card where (i) a person may receive gifts, prizes, or gratuities and (ii) winners are determined by preprinted concealed letters, numbers, or symbols which, when exposed, reveal immediately whether the player has won a prize or entry into a prize drawing, but shall not include any "instant ticket" game or contest licensed by the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services pursuant to Article 1.1:1 (§ 18.2-340.15 et seq.) of Title 18.2. The fact that no purchase is required in order to participate shall not exclude such game or contest from the provisions of this section; however, nothing in this section shall prohibit any retail establishment from using a Virginia lottery ticket to promote or further the sale of any products except those having both a federal and state excise tax placed on them. Any person convicted of a violation of this section shall be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor.

1996, cc. 462, 505; 2003, c. 884; 2008, cc. 387, 689.

§ 58.1-4020. Unclaimed prizes.

A. Unclaimed prizes for a winning ticket or share shall be retained by the Director for the person entitled thereto for 180 days after the drawing in which the prize was won in the case of a drawing prize and for 180 days after the announced end of the lottery game in the case of a prize determined in any manner other than by means of a drawing. If no claim is made for the prize within the 180 days, the Director shall deem such prize forfeited by the person entitled to claim such winnings.

B. All prizes deemed forfeited pursuant to subsection A shall be paid into the Literary Fund. The Director may develop procedures, to be approved by the Auditor of Public Accounts, for estimating the cumulative total of such unclaimed prizes in any lottery game in lieu of specifically identifying unclaimed prizes where such specific identification would not be cost effective. The Director, within 60 days after the end of each 180-day retention period, shall report the total value of prizes forfeited at the end of such period to the Comptroller, who shall promptly transfer the total of such prizes to the Literary Fund. The total value of prizes forfeited during the fiscal year shall be audited by the Auditor of Public Accounts in accordance with § 58.1-4023. In the case of a prize payable over time on one or more winning tickets, if one or more winning tickets is not claimed within the 180-day redemption period, the Department shall transfer the then current monetary value of such portion of the prize remaining unclaimed to the Literary Fund in accordance with procedures approved by the State Treasurer. "Current monetary value" shall be determined by the net proceeds from the sale of that portion of jackpot securities allocated to the unclaimed winner plus the amount of the initial cash payment.

C. Subsection B of this section shall not apply to prizes of $25 or less resulting from any lottery game other than a lottery game in which a drawing determined the prize. The Board shall adopt regulations for the disposition of all such unclaimed prizes of $25 or less not resulting from a drawing. Such disposition shall be directed in whole or in part to either the Virginia Lottery Fund or to other forms of compensation to licensed sales agents.

D. For purposes of this section, "prize" refers to a cash prize. In the case of a prize payable over time and not as a lump sum payment, "prize" means the present cash value of the prize, not the value paid over time.

E. In accordance with the provisions of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act of 1940 (50 App. U.S.C.A. § 525), any person whose unclaimed prize was deemed forfeited pursuant to subsection A while he was in active military service may claim such forfeited prize by presenting his winning ticket to the Director no later than 180 days after his discharge from active military service. Within 30 days of such presentation, the Director shall verify the claim and report the verification to the Comptroller. The Comptroller shall promptly pay the verified claim first from funds available in the Unclaimed Property Trust Fund in § 3-2.00 of the general appropriations act; if such funds are insufficient, then, from any undesignated, unreserved year-end balance of the general fund. All verified claims shall be paid in accordance with the Board's rules and regulations then in effect regarding the manner of payment of prizes to the holders of winning tickets or shares.

1987, c. 531; 1989, c. 478; 1992, c. 449; 1994, c. 49; 1996, c. 975; 2014, c. 225.

§ 58.1-4020.1. Voluntary assignment of lottery prizes or pledge as collateral for a loan; requirements for the assignees and lenders.

A. Lottery prizes, payable in installments over a period of time, excluding prizes payable for the winner's life, may be voluntarily assigned or pledged as collateral for a loan, in whole or in part, by the person entitled to such installments, by written contract affirming that the requirements of this section have been met and endorsed by written order of a court of competent jurisdiction after a hearing. The order shall specify the name, address and social security number or tax identification number of the assignee or lender and shall specifically describe the payments be assigned or pledged as collateral by date and gross pre-tax amount. The Department shall be given notice of any hearing held pursuant to this section and shall have the right to appear and participate in such hearing. Venue for hearings held pursuant to this section shall be in the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond.

The rate charged for any such assignment or loan shall not exceed 15 percent.

The contract shall:

1. Be signed by the assignor and the assignee or the lender and the borrower, and the assignor or borrower shall affirm the assignment or loan has been voluntarily executed.

2. Include or be accompanied by a sworn statement attesting that the assignor or borrower (i) is of sound mind and not acting under duress; (ii) has been advised in writing by the assignee or lender to seek independent legal counsel and independent financial counsel concerning the implications of the assignment or loan, including the tax consequences, and has either received such advice or knowingly waived such advice in writing; (iii) understands that he is relinquishing or limiting his rights to receive the lottery proceeds; and (iv) has received from the Virginia Lottery, in response to a written request therefor, confirmation of the assignee's or lender's registration with the Virginia Lottery in accordance with subsection E of this section.

3. Include a disclosure statement setting forth (i) the amounts assigned or loaned; (ii) the dates such amounts are payable; (iii) the purchase price paid for the assignment or loan; (iv) the rate of discount to present value, assuming daily compounding and funding on the contract date; (v) the amount of any fees associated with the assignment or loan and by whom such fees are payable; and (vi) the tax identification number of the assignee.

4. Expressly state that the assignor or borrower has three business days after signing the contract to cancel the assignment or loan.

5. Expressly state that the assignee or lender is eligible to purchase, share or receive prizes of the Virginia Lottery pursuant to §§ 58.1-4015, 58.1-4016 and subsection A of § 58.1-4019, and that the Virginia Lottery has complied with subsection B of § 58.1-4019 in that the original prizewinner is (or if deceased, was) a natural person if and to the extent that the prize was awarded on or after the effective date pursuant to subsection B of § 58.1-4019.

6. Expressly state that no amounts assigned or loaned are subject to setoff pursuant to Article 21 (§ 58.1-520 et seq.) of Chapter 3 of this title.

B. The Commonwealth, the Virginia Lottery and any employee or representative of either shall be indemnified and held harmless upon payment of amounts due as set forth in the court order.

C. The Lottery may establish a reasonable fee to process the assignments provided for in this section and to receive, review and file the registration required by subsection E and confirm compliance with the registration requirements. The fee shall be reflective of the direct and indirect costs of processing the assignments or registrations.

D. Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, the Commonwealth and the Virginia Lottery shall not accept any assignment if either of the following has occurred:

1. Federal law provides that the right to assign lottery proceeds is deemed receipt of income in the year the lottery prize is won for all installment lottery prize winners. "Federal law" includes statutory law, rulings of courts of competent jurisdiction, and published rulings by the Internal Revenue Service.

2. State law provides that the right to assign lottery proceeds is deemed receipt of income in the year the lottery prize is won for all installment lottery prize winners. "State law" includes statutory law, rulings of courts of competent jurisdiction, and published rulings by the Department of Taxation.

E. An assignee, prospective assignee, lender or prospective lender shall not make any representation in any written or oral communications with a lottery winner that implies that the assignee, prospective assignee, lender or prospective lender is associated with or an agent of the Virginia Lottery. Every prospective assignee or prospective lender shall register with the Virginia Lottery, prior to contracting for any assignment or loan pursuant to this section. The registration shall include (i) the assignee's or lender's standard information packet or materials given or sent to prospective assignees or borrowers, (ii) the assignee's or lender's standard form of agreement, (iii) the assignee's or lender's federal tax identification number, and (iv) where applicable, the assignee's or lender's most recent public financial statement. The Director may deny, suspend or revoke a registration for a violation of this chapter or for such other reason as the Board, by regulation, may establish.

2003, c. 924; 2004, c. 630.

§ 58.1-4021. Deposit of moneys received by agents; performance of functions, etc., in connection with operation of lottery; compensation of agents.

A. The Director shall require all lottery sales agents to deposit to the credit of the Virginia Lottery Fund in banks, designated by the State Treasurer, all moneys received by such agents from the sale of lottery tickets or shares, less any amount paid as prizes or retained as compensation to agents for the sale of the tickets or shares, and to file with the Director, or his designated agents, reports of their receipts, transactions and disbursements pertaining to the sale of lottery tickets in such form and containing such information as he may require. Such deposits and reports shall be submitted at such times and within such intervals as shall be prescribed by rule and regulation of the Department. The Director may arrange for any person, including a bank, to perform such functions, activities or services in connection with the operation of the lottery as he may deem advisable pursuant to this chapter and the rules and regulations of the Department, and such functions, activities and services shall constitute lawful functions, activities and services of the person.

B. The rules and regulations of the Department shall provide for a service charge to the licensed agent if any payor bank dishonors a check or draft tendered for deposit to the credit of the Virginia Lottery Fund by a licensed agent or for an electronic transfer of funds to the Virginia Lottery Fund from the account of a licensed agent for money received from the sale of lottery tickets.

The regulations of the Department shall provide for a service charge and penalty to a licensed agent if any payor bank dishonors a check or draft from the account of a licensed agent tendered for payment of any prize by a licensed agent to any claimant. Any such charge or penalty so collected by the Department shall be used first to reimburse the claimant for any charges or penalties incurred by him as a result of the licensed agent's dishonored check tendered as payment of any prize and the remainder to offset the Department's administrative costs.

C. A licensed agent shall be charged interest as provided in § 58.1-15 on the money that is not timely paid to the Virginia Lottery Fund in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Department and shall in addition thereto pay penalties as provided by rules and regulations of the Department.

D. Should the Department refer the debt of any licensed agent to the Attorney General, the Department of Taxation as provided in § 58.1-520 et seq., or any other central collection unit of the Commonwealth, an additional service charge shall be imposed in the amount necessary to cover the administrative costs of the Department and agencies to which such debt is referred.

E. Notwithstanding the provisions of Chapter 5 (§ 8.01-257 et seq.) of Title 8.01, in any action for the collection of a debt owed by any licensed agent to the lottery, venue shall lie in the City of Richmond.

F. All proceeds from the sale of lottery tickets or shares received by a person in the capacity of a sales agent shall constitute a trust fund until deposited into the Virginia Lottery Fund either directly or through the Department's authorized collection representative. Proceeds shall include cash proceeds of the sale of any lottery products, less any amount paid as prizes or retained as compensation to agents for the sale of the tickets or shares. Sales agents shall be personally liable for all proceeds.

G. If the Director determines that the deposit or collection from any sales agent of any moneys or proceeds under this section is or will be jeopardized or will otherwise be delayed, he may adjust either the time or the interval or both for such deposits or collections of any sales agent; require that all such moneys or proceeds shall be kept separate and apart from all other funds and assets and shall not be commingled with any other funds or assets prior to their deposit or collection under this section; and require such other security of any sales agent as he may deem advisable to ensure the timely deposit or collection of moneys or proceeds to the credit of the Virginia Lottery Fund.

Collection of moneys or proceeds "is or will be jeopardized or will otherwise be delayed" when (i) a check, draft, or electronic funds transfer to the credit of the Virginia Lottery Fund is dishonored as described in subsection B; (ii) an independent auditor states that the lottery sales agent's financial condition raises substantial doubt about its ability to continue as a going concern; or (iii) the lottery sales agent (a) closes for business or fails to maintain normal business hours without reasonable explanation, (b) has a credit record reflecting recent actions which cast doubt as to its creditworthiness, (c) states it has or may have cash flow problems or may be unable to meet its financial obligations, (d) states it may seek the protection of the federal bankruptcy or state insolvency law, (e) refuses to purchase additional lottery tickets or returns tickets ordered without good cause, or (f) does any other act tending to prejudice or to render wholly or partially ineffectual proceedings to collect moneys or proceeds which are or will become due and payable to the Virginia Lottery Fund.

1987, c. 531; 1990, c. 732; 1990, Sp. Sess., c. 1; 2006, c. 598; 2014, c. 225.

§ 58.1-4022. Virginia Lottery Fund.

A. All moneys received from the sale of lottery tickets or shares, less payment for prizes and compensation of agents as authorized by regulation and any other revenues received under this chapter, shall be placed in a special fund known as the "Virginia Lottery Fund." Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, interest earned from moneys in the Virginia Lottery Fund shall accrue to the benefit of such Fund.

B. The total costs for the operation and administration of the lottery shall be funded from the Virginia Lottery Fund and shall be in such amount as provided in the general appropriation act. Appropriations to the Department during any fiscal year beginning on and after July 1, 1989, exclusive of agent compensation, shall at no time exceed 10 percent of the total annual estimated gross revenues to be generated from lottery sales. However, should it be anticipated at any time by the Director that such operational and administrative costs for a fiscal year will exceed the limitation provided herein, the Director shall immediately report such information to the Board, the Governor and the Chairmen of the Senate Committee on Finance and Appropriations and the House Committee on Appropriations. From the moneys in the Fund, the Comptroller shall establish a special reserve fund in such amount as shall be provided by regulation of the Department for (i) operation of the lottery, (ii) use if the game's pay-out liabilities exceed its cash on hand, or (iii) enhancement of the prize pool with income derived from lending securities held for payment of prize installments, which lending of securities shall be conducted in accordance with lending programs approved by the Department of the Treasury.

C. The Comptroller shall transfer to the Lottery Proceeds Fund established pursuant to § 58.1-4022.1, less the special reserve fund, the audited balances of the Virginia Lottery Fund at the close of each fiscal year. The transfer for each year shall be made in two parts: (i) on or before June 30, the Comptroller shall transfer balances of the Virginia Lottery Fund for the fiscal year, based on an estimate determined by the Virginia Lottery, and (ii) no later than 10 days after receipt of the annual audit report required by § 58.1-4023, the Comptroller shall transfer to the Lottery Proceeds Fund the remaining audited balances of the Virginia Lottery Fund for the fiscal year. If such annual audit discloses that the actual revenue is less than the estimate on which the transfer was based, the State Comptroller shall transfer the difference between the actual revenue and the estimate from the Lottery Proceeds Fund to the Virginia Lottery Fund.

D. In addition to such other funds as may be appropriated, 100 percent of the lottery revenues transferred to the Lottery Proceeds Fund shall be appropriated entirely and solely for the purpose of public education in the Commonwealth unless otherwise redirected pursuant to Article X, Section 7-A of the Constitution of Virginia. The additional appropriation of lottery revenues to local school divisions for public education purposes consistent with this provision shall be used for operating, capital outlay, or debt service expenses, as determined by the appropriation act. The additional appropriation of lottery revenues shall not be used by any local school division to reduce its total local expenditures for public education in accordance with the provisions of the general appropriation act.

E. As a function of the administration of this chapter, funds may be expended for the purposes of reasonably informing the public concerning (i) the facts embraced in the subjects contained in subdivisions A 1 through 7 of § 58.1-4007 and (ii) the fact that the net proceeds are paid into the Lottery Proceeds Fund of the Commonwealth, but no funds shall be expended for the primary purpose of inducing persons to participate in the lottery.

1987, c. 531; 1989, c. 478; 1995, cc. 831, 852; 2002, cc. 829, 866; 2014, c. 225.

§ 58.1-4022.1. Lottery Proceeds Fund.

A. There is hereby created in the state treasury a special nonreverting fund to be known as the Lottery Proceeds Fund, hereafter referred to as the "Fund." The Fund shall be established on the books of the Comptroller and interest earned on moneys in the Fund shall remain in the Fund and be credited to it. Any moneys remaining in the Fund, including interest thereon, at the end of each fiscal year shall not revert to the general fund but shall remain in the Fund. The Fund shall consist of amounts deposited into it from the net revenues of any lottery conducted by the Commonwealth pursuant to Article X, Section 7-A of the Constitution of Virginia.

B. For purposes of any appropriation act enacted by the General Assembly and for the purposes of the Comptroller's preliminary and final annual reports required by § 2.2-813, all deposits to and appropriations from the Lottery Proceeds Fund shall be accounted for and considered to be a part of the general fund of the state treasury.

2000, cc. 622, 713; 2002, cc. 829, 866.

§ 58.1-4023. Post-audit of accounts and transactions of Department; post-compliance audits.

A regular post-audit shall be conducted of all accounts and transactions of the Department. An annual audit of a fiscal and compliance nature of the accounts and transactions of the Department shall be conducted by the Auditor of Public Accounts on or before August 15 of each year. The cost of the annual audit and post-audit examinations shall be borne by the Department. The Board may order such other audits as it deems necessary and desirable.

1987, c. 531; 1989, c. 478.

§ 58.1-4024. Employees of the Department.

Employees of the Department shall be exempt from the provisions of the Virginia Personnel Act, Chapter 29 (§ 2.2-2900 et seq.) of Title 2.2. Personnel actions shall be taken without regard to race, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, color, national origin, religion, age, disability, or political affiliation.

1987, c. 531; 1994, c. 48; 2020, c. 1137; 2023, cc. 148, 149.

§ 58.1-4025. Exemption of lottery prizes and sales of tickets from state and local taxation.

Except as provided in Chapter 3 of Title 58.1 and § 58.1-4011, no state or local taxes of any type whatsoever shall be imposed upon any prize awarded or upon the sale of any lottery ticket sold pursuant to the Virginia Lottery Law.

1987, c. 531; 2014, c. 225.

§ 58.1-4026. Set-off of debts to the Commonwealth from prizes.

The Director shall establish by rule and regulation a set-off debt collection program in accordance with the provisions of the Setoff Debt Collection Act, Article 21 (§ 58.1-520 et seq.) of Chapter 3 of this title, wherein certain prizes shall be subjected to delinquent debts of agencies and institutions of the Commonwealth. The Director shall be responsible for the administration of the program and shall ensure by rule and regulation of the Department that any agency eligible to participate in the Setoff Debt Collection Act, Article 21 (§ 58.1-520 et seq.) of Chapter 3 of this title, shall be eligible to participate in the lottery prize set-off. The Tax Commissioner shall transmit to the Director, at such intervals as requested by the Director, a listing of claimant agencies and delinquent debts owed thereto.

1987, c. 531.

§ 58.1-4027. Judicial review.

The action of the Board in (i) granting or denying a license or registration or in suspending or revoking any license or registration under the provisions of this article and (ii) granting, denying, suspending, or revoking any permit or imposing any penalty pursuant to Article 2 (§ 58.1-4030 et seq.) shall be subject to review in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Process Act (§ 2.2-4000 et seq.). Such review shall be limited to the evidential record of the proceedings provided by the Board. Both the petitioner and the Board shall have the right to appeal to the Court of Appeals from any order of the court.

1987, c. 531; 2020, cc. 1218, 1256.

§ 58.1-4028. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 2002, c. 3.

§ 58.1-4029. Disclosure of identity of winners by the Department.

Except as provided in subsection B of § 58.1-4019, the Department shall not disclose information about the identity of an individual lottery winner if the value of the prize won by the winner exceeds $10 million, unless the winner consents in writing to such disclosure.

2019, cc. 163, 247.

Article 2. Sports Betting.

§ 58.1-4030. Definitions.

As used in this article, unless the context requires a different meaning:

"Adjusted gross revenue" means gross revenue minus:

1. All cash and the cash value of merchandise paid out as winnings to bettors, and the value of all bonuses or promotions provided to patrons as an incentive to place or as a result of their having placed Internet sports betting wagers;

2. Uncollectible gaming receivables, which shall not exceed two percent, or a different percentage as determined by the Board pursuant to subsection F of § 58.1-4007, of gross revenue minus all cash paid out as winnings to bettors;

3. If the permit holder is a significant infrastructure limited licensee, as defined in § 59.1-365, any funds paid into the horsemen's purse account pursuant to the provisions of subdivision 14 of § 59.1-369; and

4. All excise taxes on sports betting paid pursuant to federal law.

"Amateur sports" means any sports or athletic event that is not professional sports, college sports, Virginia college sports, or youth sports. "Amateur sports" includes domestic, international, and Olympic sports or athletic events. "Amateur sports" does not include charitable gaming, as defined in § 18.2-340.16; fantasy contests, as defined in § 59.1-556; or horse racing, as defined in § 59.1-365.

"College sports" means an athletic event (i) in which at least one participant is a team from a public or private institution of higher education, regardless of where such institution is located, and (ii) that does not include a team from a Virginia public or private institution of higher education.

"Covered persons" means athletes; umpires, referees, and officials; personnel associated with clubs, teams, leagues, and athletic associations; medical professionals and athletic trainers who provide services to athletes and players; and the immediate family members and associates of such persons.

"Gross revenue" means the total of all cash, property, or any other form of remuneration, whether collected or not, received by a permittee from its sports betting operations.

"Major league sports franchise" means a professional baseball, basketball, football, hockey, or soccer team that is at the highest-level league of play for its respective sport.

"Motor sports facility" means an outdoor motor sports facility that hosts a National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing (NASCAR) national touring race.

"Official league data" means statistics, results, outcomes, and other data relating to a professional sports event obtained by a permit holder under an agreement with a sports governing body or with an entity expressly authorized by a sports governing body for determining the outcome of tier 2 bets.

"Permit holder" means a person to which the Director issues a permit pursuant to §§ 58.1-4032 and 58.1-4033.

"Personal biometric data" means any information about an athlete that is derived from his DNA, heart rate, blood pressure, perspiration rate, internal or external body temperature, hormone levels, glucose levels, hydration levels, vitamin levels, bone density, muscle density, or sleep patterns, or other information as may be prescribed by the Board by regulation.

"Principal" means any individual who solely or together with his immediate family members (i) owns or controls, directly or indirectly, five percent or more of the pecuniary interest in any entity that is a permit holder or (ii) has the power to vote or cause the vote of five percent or more of the voting securities or other ownership interests of such entity. "Principal" includes any individual who is employed in a managerial capacity for a sports betting platform or sports betting facility on behalf of a permit holder.

"Professional sports" means an athletic event involving at least two human competitors who receive compensation, in excess of their expenses, for participating in such event. "Professional sports" does not include charitable gaming, as defined in § 18.2-340.16; fantasy contests, as defined in § 59.1-556; or horse racing, as defined in § 59.1-365.

"Prohibited conduct" means any statement, action, or other communication intended to influence, manipulate, or control a betting outcome of a sports event or of any individual occurrence or performance in a sports event in exchange for financial gain or to avoid financial or physical harm. "Prohibited conduct" includes statements, actions, and communications made to a covered person by a third party. "Prohibited conduct" does not include statements, actions, or communications made or sanctioned by a sports team or sports governing body.

"Proposition bet" means a bet on an individual action, statistic, occurrence, or non-occurrence to be determined during an athletic event and includes any such action, statistic, occurrence, or non-occurrence that does not directly affect the final outcome of the athletic event to which it relates.

"Sports betting" means placing wagers on professional sports, college sports, amateur sports, sporting events, or any other event approved by the Director, and any portion thereof, and includes placing wagers related to the individual performance statistics of athletes in such sports and events. "Sports betting" includes any system or method of wagering approved by the Director, including single-game bets, teaser bets, parlays, over-under, moneyline, pools, exchange wagering, in-game wagering, in-play bets, proposition bets, and straight bets. "Sports betting" does not include participating in charitable gaming authorized by Article 1.1:1 (§ 18.2-340.15 et seq.) of Chapter 8 of Title 18.2; participating in any lottery game authorized under Article 1 (§ 58.1-4000 et seq.); wagering on horse racing authorized by Chapter 29 (§ 59.1-364 et seq.) of Title 59.1; or participating in fantasy contests authorized by Chapter 51 (§ 59.1-556 et seq.) of Title 59.1. "Sports betting" does not include placing a wager on a college sports event in which a Virginia public or private institution of higher education is a participant.

"Sports betting facility" means an area, kiosk, or device located inside a casino gaming establishment licensed pursuant to Chapter 41 (§ 58.1-4100 et seq.) that is designated for sports betting.

"Sports betting permit" means a permit to operate a sports betting platform or sports betting facility issued pursuant to the provisions of §§ 58.1-4032, 58.1-4033, and 58.1-4034.

"Sports betting platform" means a website, app, or other platform accessible via the Internet or mobile, wireless, or similar communications technology that sports bettors use to participate in sports betting.

"Sports betting program" means the program established by the Board to allow sports betting as described in this article.

"Sports bettor" means a person physically located in Virginia who participates in sports betting.

"Sports event" or "sporting event" means professional sports, college sports, amateur sports, and any athletic event, motor race event, electronic sports event, competitive video game event, or any other event approved by the Director.

"Sports governing body" means an organization, headquartered in the United States, that prescribes rules and enforces codes of conduct with respect to a professional sports or college sports event and the participants therein. "Sports governing body" includes a designee of the sports governing body.

"Stadium" means the physical facility that is the primary location at which a major league sports franchise hosts athletic events and any appurtenant facilities.

"Tier 1 bet" means a bet that is placed using the Internet and that is not a tier 2 bet.

"Tier 2 bet" means a bet that is placed using the Internet and that is placed after the event it concerns has started.

"Virginia college sports" means an athletic event in which at least one participant is a team from a Virginia public or private institution of higher education.

"Youth sports" means an athletic event (i) involving a majority of participants under age 18 or (ii) in which at least one participant is a team from a public or private elementary, middle, or secondary school, regardless of where such school is located. However, if an athletic event meets the definition of college sports or professional sports, such event shall not be considered youth sports regardless of the age of the participants. An international athletic event organized by the International Olympic Committee shall not be considered to be youth sports, regardless of the age of the participants.

2020, cc. 1218, 1256; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, cc. 351, 352.

§ 58.1-4031. Powers and duties of the Director related to sports betting; reporting.

A. The Department shall operate a sports betting program under the direction of the Director, who shall allow applicants to apply for permits to engage in sports betting operations in the Commonwealth. The Board shall regulate such operations. The Department shall not operate a sports betting platform or a sports betting facility.

B. The Director may:

1. Require bond or other surety satisfactory to the Director from permit holders in such amount as provided in the rules and regulations of the Board adopted under this article;

2. Suspend, revoke, or refuse to renew any permit issued pursuant to this article or the rules and regulations adopted under this article; and

3. Enter into contracts for the operation of the sports betting program, and enter into contracts with other states related to sports betting, provided that a contract awarded or entered into by the Director shall not be assigned by the holder thereof except by specific approval of the Director.

C. The Director shall:

1. Certify monthly to the State Comptroller and the Board a full and complete statement of sports betting revenues and expenses for the previous month;

2. Report monthly to the Governor, the Secretary of Finance, and the Chairmen of the Senate Committee on Finance and Appropriations, House Committee on Finance, and House Committee on Appropriations the total sports betting revenues and expenses for the previous month and make an annual report, which shall include a full and complete statement of sports betting revenues and expenses, to the Governor and the General Assembly, including recommendations for changes in this article as the Director and Board deem prudent; and

3. Report immediately to the Governor and the General Assembly any matters that require immediate changes in the laws of the Commonwealth in order to prevent abuses and evasions of this article or the rules and regulations adopted under this article or to rectify undesirable conditions in connection with the administration or operation of the sports betting program.

D. In accordance with sports betting program regulations, the Director shall approve methods for sports bettors to fund sports betting accounts, including automated clearing house payments, credit cards, debit cards, wire transfers, and any other method that the Board determines is appropriate for sports betting.

2020, cc. 1218, 1256; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, cc. 351, 352.

§ 58.1-4032. Application for a sports betting permit; penalty.

A. An applicant for a sports betting permit shall:

1. Submit an application to the Director, on forms prescribed by the Director, containing the information prescribed in subsection B; and

2. Pay to the Department a nonrefundable fee of $50,000 for each principal at the time of filing to defray the costs associated with the background investigations conducted by the Department. If the reasonable costs of the investigation exceed the application fee, the applicant shall pay the additional amount to the Department. The Board may establish regulations calculating the reasonable costs to the Department in performing its functions under this article and allocating such costs to the applicants for licensure at the time of filing. The fees for each principal and any additional investigation costs paid to the Department shall be deposited into the Gaming Regulatory Fund established pursuant to § 58.1-4048.

B. An application for a sports betting permit shall include the following information:

1. The applicant's background in sports betting;

2. The applicant's experience in wagering activities in other jurisdictions, including the applicant's history and reputation of integrity and compliance;

3. The applicant's proposed internal controls, including controls to ensure that no prohibited or voluntarily excluded person will be able to participate in sports betting;

4. The applicant's history of working to prevent compulsive gambling, including training programs for its employees;

5. If applicable, any supporting documentation necessary to establish eligibility for substantial and preferred consideration pursuant to the provisions of this section;

6. The applicant's proposed procedures to detect and report suspicious or illegal betting activity; and

7. Any other information the Director deems necessary.

C. The Department shall conduct a background investigation on the applicant. The background investigation shall include a credit history check, a tax record check, and a criminal history records check.

D. 1. The Director shall not issue any permit pursuant to this article until the Board has established a consumer protection program and published a consumer protection bill of rights pursuant to the provisions of subdivision A 14 of § 58.1-4007.

2. The Director shall issue no fewer than four and no more than 12 permits pursuant to this section; however, if an insufficient number of applicants apply for the Director to satisfy the minimum, this provision shall not be interpreted to direct the Director to issue a permit to an unqualified applicant. A permit shall not count toward the minimum or maximum if it (i) is issued pursuant to subdivision 4 or 5 to a major league sports franchise or to the operator of a facility; (ii) is issued pursuant to subdivision 6 to an applicant that operates or intends to operate a casino gaming establishment; or (iii) is revoked, expires, or otherwise becomes not effective.

3. In issuing permits to operate sports betting platforms and sports betting facilities, the Director shall consider the following factors:

a. The contents of the applicant's application as required by subsection B;

b. The extent to which the applicant demonstrates past experience, financial viability, compliance with applicable laws and regulations, and success with sports betting operations in other states;

c. The extent to which the applicant will be able to meet the duties of a permit holder, as specified in § 58.1-4034;

d. Whether the applicant has demonstrated to the Department that it has made serious, good-faith efforts to solicit and interview a reasonable number of investors that are minority individuals, as defined in § 2.2-1604;

e. The amount of adjusted gross revenue and associated tax revenue that an applicant is expected to generate;

f. The effect of issuing an additional permit on the amount of gross revenue and associated tax revenue generated by all existing permit holders, considered in the aggregate; and

g. Any other factor the Director considers relevant.

4. In issuing permits to operate sports betting platforms prior to July 1, 2025, the Director shall give substantial and preferred consideration to any applicant that is a major league sports franchise headquartered in the Commonwealth that remitted personal state income tax withholdings based on taxable wages in the Commonwealth in excess of $200 million for the 2019 taxable year. Any permit holder granted a permit pursuant to this subdivision shall receive substantial and preferred consideration of its first, second, and third applications for renewal pursuant to the provisions of § 58.1-4033; however, such permit holder shall not receive substantial and preferred consideration of its fourth and subsequent applications for renewal. Any permit granted pursuant to this subdivision shall expire if the permit holder ceases to maintain its headquarters in the Commonwealth.

5. In issuing permits to operate sports betting platforms prior to July 1, 2025, the Director shall give substantial and preferred consideration to any applicant that is a major league sports franchise that plays five or more regular season games per year at a facility in the Commonwealth or that is the operator of a facility in the Commonwealth where a major league sports franchise plays five or more regular season games per year; however, the Director shall give such substantial and preferred consideration only if the applicant (i) is headquartered in the Commonwealth, (ii) has an annualized payroll for taxable wages in the Commonwealth that is in excess of $10 million over the 90-day period prior to the application date, and (iii) the total number of individuals working at the facility in the Commonwealth where the major league sports franchise plays five or more regular season games is in excess of 100.

6. If casino gaming is authorized under the laws of the Commonwealth, then in issuing permits to operate sports betting platforms and sports betting facilities, the Director shall give substantial and preferred consideration to any applicant that (i) has made or intends to make a capital investment of at least $300 million in a casino gaming establishment, including the value of the real property upon which such establishment is located and all furnishings, fixtures, and other improvements; (ii) has had its name submitted as a preferred casino gaming operator to the Department by an eligible host city; and (iii) has been certified by the Department to proceed to a local referendum on whether casino gaming will be allowed in the locality in which the applicant intends to operate a casino gaming establishment.

7. In issuing permits to operate sports betting platforms prior to July 1, 2025, the Director shall give substantial and preferred consideration to any applicant that demonstrates in its application (i) a description of any equity interest owned by minority individuals or minority-owned businesses, (ii) a detailed plan to achieve increased minority equity investment, (iii) a description of all efforts made to seek equity investment from minority individuals or minority-owned businesses, or (iv) a plan detailing efforts made to solicit participation of minority individuals or minority-owned businesses in the applicant's purchase of goods and services related to the sports betting platform or to provide assistance to a historically disadvantaged community or historically black colleges and universities located within the Commonwealth. As used in this subdivision, "historically black colleges and universities," "minority individual," and "minority-owned business" mean the same as those terms are defined in § 2.2-1604.

8. In a manner as may be required by Board regulation, any entity that applies pursuant to subdivision 4, 5, 6, or 7 may demonstrate compliance with the requirements of an application, the duties of a permit holder, and any other provision of this article through the use of a partner, subcontractor, or other affiliate of the applicant.

E. The Director shall make a determination on an initial application for a sports betting permit within 90 days of receipt. The Director's action shall be final unless appealed in accordance with § 58.1-4007.

F. The following shall be grounds for denial of a permit or renewal of a permit:

1. The Director reasonably believes the applicant will be unable to satisfy the duties of a permit holder as described in subsection A of § 58.1-4034;

2. The Director reasonably believes that the applicant or its directors lack good character, honesty, or integrity;

3. The Director reasonably believes that the applicant's prior activities, criminal record, reputation, or associations are likely to (i) pose a threat to the public interest, (ii) impede the regulation of sports betting, or (iii) promote unfair or illegal activities in the conduct of sports betting;

4. The applicant or its directors knowingly make a false statement of material fact or deliberately fail to disclose information requested by the Director;

5. The applicant or its directors knowingly fail to comply with the provisions of this article or any requirements of the Director;

6. The applicant or its directors were convicted of a felony, a crime of moral turpitude, or any criminal offense involving dishonesty or breach of trust within the 10 years prior to the submission date of the permit application;

7. The applicant's license, registration, or permit to conduct a sports betting operation issued by any other jurisdiction has been suspended or revoked;

8. The applicant defaults in payment of any obligation or debt due to the Commonwealth; or

9. The applicant's application is incomplete.

G. The Director shall have the discretion to waive any of the grounds for denial of a permit or renewal of a permit if he determines that denial would limit the number of applicants or permit holders in a manner contrary to the best interests of the Commonwealth.

H. Prior to issuance of a permit, each permit holder shall either (i) be bonded by a surety company entitled to do business in the Commonwealth in such amount and penalty as may be prescribed by the regulations of the Board or (ii) provide other surety, letter of credit, or reserve as may be satisfactory to the Director. Such surety shall be prescribed by Board regulations and shall not exceed a reasonable amount.

I. Any person who knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals, or misrepresents a material fact or knowingly and willfully makes a false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation in any application pursuant to this article is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.

J. In addition to the fee required pursuant to subdivision A 2, any applicant to which the Department issues a permit shall pay a nonrefundable fee of $250,000 to the Department prior to the issuance of such permit. Such fees shall be deposited by the Department into the Gaming Regulatory Fund established pursuant to § 58.1-4048.

2020, cc. 1218, 1256; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, cc. 351, 352; 2023, cc. 586, 587.

§ 58.1-4033. Renewals of permits.

A. A permit issued pursuant to § 58.1-4032 shall be valid for three years from the date issued.

B. At least 60 days before the expiration of a permit, the permit holder shall submit a renewal application, on forms prescribed by the Director, with a nonrefundable renewal fee of $200,000. Such fees shall be deposited into the Gaming Regulatory Fund established pursuant to § 58.1-4048.

C. The Director may deny a permit renewal if he finds grounds for denial as described in subsection F of § 58.1-4032. The Director's action shall be final unless appealed in accordance with § 58.1-4007.

D. The Director shall make a determination on an application for a renewal of a sports betting permit within 60 days of receipt. The Director's action shall be final unless appealed in accordance with § 58.1-4007.

2020, cc. 1218, 1256; 2023, cc. 586, 587.

§ 58.1-4034. Duties of permit holders.

A. A permit holder shall ensure that its sports betting operation takes reasonable measures to:

1. Ensure that only persons physically located in Virginia are able to place bets through its sports betting platform, if applicable;

2. Protect the confidential information of bettors using its sports betting platform or placing bets at its sports betting facility;

3. Prevent betting on events that are prohibited by § 58.1-4039, underage betting as prohibited by § 58.1-4040, and bets by persons who are prohibited from sports betting by § 58.1-4041;

4. Allow persons to restrict themselves from placing bets with the permit holder, including sharing, at the person's request, his request for self-exclusion with the Department for the sole purpose of disseminating the request to other permit holders;

5. Establish procedures to detect suspicious or illegal betting activity, including measures to immediately report such activity to the Department;

6. Provide for the issuance of applicable tax forms to persons who meet the reporting threshold for income from sports betting; and

7. If applicable, allow sports bettors to establish and fund sports betting accounts over the Internet on a sports betting platform, which may be funded through methods including automated clearing house payments, credit cards, debit cards, wire transfers, or any other method approved by the Director under § 58.1-4031.

B. A permit holder shall maintain records on:

1. All bets, including the bettor's personal information, the amount and type of bet, the time and location of the bet, and the outcome of the bet; and

2. Suspicious or illegal betting activity.

C. A permit holder shall disclose the records described in subsection B to the Department upon request and shall maintain such records for at least three years after the related sports event occurs.

D. 1. If a sports governing body notifies the Department that real-time information-sharing for bets placed on its sporting events is necessary and desirable, permit holders shall, as soon as is commercially reasonable, share the information required to be retained pursuant to subdivision B 1 of § 58.1-4034 with the sports governing body or its designee with respect to bets on its sporting events. The information shared pursuant to this subsection shall be shared pseudonymously and shall not include personal information associated with any bettor. A permit holder shall not be required to share any information that is required to be kept confidential under federal or Virginia law.

2. A sports governing body shall use information shared pursuant to this subsection only for the purpose of integrity monitoring and shall not use such information for any commercial purpose. A sports governing body shall provide for security measures with respect to such information so as to prevent unauthorized access and distribution.

E. In advertising its sports betting operations, a permit holder shall ensure that its advertisements:

1. Do not target persons under the age of 21;

2. Disclose the identity of the permit holder;

3. Provide information about or links to resources related to gambling addiction; and

4. Are not misleading to a reasonable person.

F. A permit holder shall not sublicense, convey, concede, or otherwise transfer its permit to a third party unless granted approval by the Director. The Director shall charge a nonrefundable fee of $200,000 for a permit transfer. Such fees shall be deposited into the Gaming Regulatory Fund established pursuant to § 58.1-4048.

G. 1. A permit holder may operate its sports betting platform under a brand other than its own but is prohibited from holding itself out to the public as a sports betting operation under more than one brand, and a permit holder shall conspicuously display its utilized brand to sports bettors; however, if a permit holder is a major league sports franchise, it shall not be required to associate the name of its sports betting platform with the name of the major league sports franchise and shall be allowed to hold its sports betting platform out to the public under a separate brand name.

2. A permit holder is prohibited from cooperatively marketing its sports betting platform with any business issued a license pursuant to the provisions of Title 4.1. This prohibition shall not apply to any motor sports facility, major league sports franchise, or operator of a facility issued a permit pursuant to the provisions of subdivision D 4 or D 5 of § 58.1-4032, provided that such motor sports facility, major league sports franchise, or operator of a facility shall be authorized to cooperatively market only on the premises of its stadium. If casino gaming is authorized under the laws of the Commonwealth and a casino gaming operator is licensed by the Department as a permit holder, the prohibition in this subdivision shall not apply to such operator, provided that such operator shall be authorized to cooperatively market only on the premises of its casino gaming establishment. A permit holder shall not be allowed an exemption from the prohibition in this subdivision unless (i) such permit holder complies with any applicable local zoning ordinances and (ii) the local governing body approves by ordinance cooperative marketing with respect to the permit holder's stadium or casino gaming establishment.

H. A permit holder shall not purchase or use any personal biometric data unless the permit holder has received written permission from the athlete's exclusive bargaining representative.

I. Permit holders shall at all times maintain cash reserves in amounts to be established by Board regulation.

2020, cc. 1218, 1256; 2023, cc. 586, 587.

§ 58.1-4035. Suspension and revocation of permits; civil penalties.

If the Director determines that a permit holder has violated this article, he may, with at least 15 days' notice and a hearing, (i) suspend or revoke the permit holder's permit and (ii) impose a monetary penalty of not more than $1,000 for each violation per day of this article. The Department shall enforce civil penalties under this section and shall deposit all collected penalties to the general fund. The Director's action shall be final unless appealed in accordance with § 58.1-4007.

2020, cc. 1218, 1256.

§ 58.1-4036. Use of official league data.

A. A permit holder may use any data source for determining the result of a tier 1 bet.

B. A sports governing body may notify the Department that it desires permit holders to use official league data to settle tier 2 bets. A notification under this subsection shall be made according to forms and procedures prescribed by the Director. The Director shall notify each permit holder of the sports governing body's notification within five days after the Department's receipt of the notification. If a sports governing body does not notify the Department of its desire to supply official league data, a permit holder may use any data source for determining the result of a tier 2 bet on a professional sports event of the league governed by the sports governing body.

C. Within 60 days after the Director notifies each permit holder as required under subsection B, permit holders shall use only official league data to determine the results of tier 2 bets on professional sports events of the league governed by the sports governing body, unless any of the following apply:

1. The sports governing body is unable to provide a feed, on commercially reasonable terms, of official league data to determine the results of a tier 2 bets, in which case permit holders may use any data source for determining the results of tier 2 bets until the data feed becomes available on commercially reasonable terms.

2. A permit holder demonstrates to the Department that the sports governing body has not provided or offered to provide a feed of official league data to such permit holder on commercially reasonable terms, according to criteria identified in subsection D.

D. The Director shall consider the following information in determining whether a sports governing body has provided or offered to provide a feed of official league data on commercially reasonable terms:

1. The availability of a sports governing body's official league data for tier 2 bets from more than one authorized source;

2. Market information regarding the purchase, in Virginia and in other states, by permit holders of data from all authorized sources;

3. The nature and quantity of the data, including the quality and complexity of the process used for collecting the data; and

4. Any other information the Director deems relevant.

E. During any time period in which the Director is determining whether official league data is available on commercially reasonable terms pursuant to the provisions of subsections C and D, a permit holder may use any data source for determining the results of any tier 2 bets. The Director shall make a determination under subsections C and D within 120 days after a permit holder notifies the Department that it desires to demonstrate that a sports governing body has not provided or offered to provide a feed of official league data to the permit holder on commercially reasonable terms.

2020, cc. 1218, 1256.

§ 58.1-4037. Tax on adjusted gross revenue.

A. There shall be imposed a tax of 15 percent on a permit holder's adjusted gross revenue.

B. The tax imposed pursuant to this section is due monthly to the Department, and the permit holder shall remit it on or before the twentieth day of the next succeeding calendar month. If the permit holder's accounting necessitates corrections to a previously remitted tax, the permit holder shall document such corrections when it pays the following month's taxes.

C. If the permit holder's adjusted gross revenue for a month is a negative number, the permit holder may carry over the negative amount to a return filed for a subsequent month and deduct such amount from its tax liability for such month, provided that such amount shall not be carried over and deducted against tax liability in any month that is more than 12 months later than the month in which such amount was accrued.

2020, cc. 1218, 1256.

§ 58.1-4038. Distribution of tax revenue.

A. The Department shall allocate 2.5 percent of the tax revenue collected pursuant to § 58.1-4037 to the Problem Gambling Treatment and Support Fund established pursuant to § 37.2-314.2.

B. The Department shall allocate the remaining 97.5 percent of the tax revenue collected pursuant to § 58.1-4037 to the general fund.

2020, cc. 1218, 1256.

§ 58.1-4039. Events on which betting is prohibited; penalty.

A. 1. No person shall place or accept a bet on youth sports.

2. No person shall place or accept a proposition bet on college sports.

3. No person shall place or accept a bet on Virginia college sports.

B. 1. A sports governing body may notify the Department that it desires to restrict, limit, or prohibit sports betting on its sporting events by providing notice in accordance with requirements prescribed by the Director. A sports governing body also may request to restrict the types of bets that may be offered. Notwithstanding § 58.1-4030, for purposes of this section, "sports governing body" includes any organization that is not headquartered in the United States and that otherwise meets the definition of "sports governing body."

2. For any request made pursuant to subdivision 1, the requester shall bear the burden of establishing to the satisfaction of the Director that the relevant betting or other activity poses a significant and unreasonable integrity risk. The Director shall seek input from affected permit holders before making a determination on such request.

3. If the Director denies a request made pursuant to subdivision 1, the Director shall give the requester notice and the right to be heard and offer proof in opposition to such determination in accordance with regulations established by the Board. If the Director grants a request, the Board shall promulgate by regulation such restrictions, limitations, or prohibitions as may be requested.

4. A permit holder shall not offer or take any bets in violation of regulations promulgated by the Board pursuant to this subsection.

C. The prohibitions in subdivisions A 1 and A 3 shall be limited to the single game or match in which a youth sports or Virginia college sports team is a participant. The prohibitions shall not be construed to prohibit betting on other games in a tournament or multigame event in which a youth sports or Virginia college sports team participates, so long as such other games do not have a participant that is a youth sports or Virginia college sports team.

D. Any person convicted of violating this section is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.

2020, cc. 1218, 1256; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, cc. 351, 352.

§ 58.1-4040. Underage betting prohibited; penalty.

A. No person shall knowingly accept or redeem a sports bet by, or knowingly offer to accept or redeem a sports bet on behalf of, a person under the age of 21 years.

B. Any person convicted of violating this section is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.

2020, cc. 1218, 1256.

§ 58.1-4041. Persons prohibited from sports betting; penalty.

A. The following persons shall be prohibited from sports betting:

1. The Director and any Board member, officer, or employee of the Department;

2. Any permit holder;

3. Any director, officer, owner, or employee of a permit holder and any relative living in the same household as such persons; and

4. Any officer or employee of any entity working directly on a contract with the Department related to sports betting.

B. The persons described in subdivision A 3 shall be prohibited from sports betting only with respect to the related permit holder, but shall not be prohibited from placing sports bets with other permit holders.

C. Any competitor, coach, trainer, employee, or owner of a team in a professional or college sports event, or any referee for a professional or college sports event, shall be prohibited from placing a bet on any event in a league in which such person participates. In determining which persons are prohibited from placing wagers under this subsection, a permit holder shall use publicly available information and any lists of persons that a sports governing body may provide to the Department.

D. Any person convicted of violating this section is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.

2020, cc. 1218, 1256.

§ 58.1-4042. Operation and advertising of unpermitted facilities prohibited; penalty.

A. No person, except for a permit holder authorized pursuant to the provisions of this article, shall make its premises available for placing sports bets using the Internet or advertise that its premises may be used for such purpose.

B. The Director may impose a monetary penalty for each violation of this section. For a person determined to have made its premises available for placing sports bets using the Internet, the penalty shall not exceed $1,000 per day per individual who places a sports bet. For a person determined to have advertised that its premises may be used for such purpose, the penalty shall not exceed $10,000 per violation.

2020, cc. 1218, 1256.

§ 58.1-4043. Reporting and investigating prohibited conduct.

A. The Department shall establish a hotline or other method of communication that allows any person to confidentially report information about prohibited conduct to the Board.

B. The Department shall investigate all reasonable allegations of prohibited conduct by a permit holder. The Department shall refer credible allegations of prohibited conduct by any person to the appropriate law-enforcement entity.

C. The Department shall maintain the confidentiality of the identity of any reporting person unless such person authorizes disclosure of his identity or until such time as the allegation of prohibited conduct is referred to law enforcement. If an allegation of prohibited conduct is referred to law enforcement, the Department shall disclose a reporting person's identity only to the applicable law-enforcement agency. The identity of a reporting person shall be excluded from the provisions of § 2.2-3705.7.

D. If the Department receives a complaint of prohibited conduct by an athlete, the Department shall notify the appropriate sports governing body of the athlete to review the complaint.

E. The Department and permit holders shall cooperate with investigations conducted by sports governing bodies or law-enforcement agencies. Such cooperation shall include providing or facilitating the provision of account-level betting information and audio or video files relating to persons placing wagers.

2020, cc. 1218, 1256.

§ 58.1-4044. Required direct notification to the Department and to sports governing bodies.

A. A permit holder shall, as soon as is commercially reasonable, report to the Department any information relating to:

1. Criminal or disciplinary proceedings commenced against the permit holder in connection with its operations in the Commonwealth or in any other jurisdiction;

2. Abnormal betting activity or patterns that may indicate a risk to the integrity of a bet or wager;

3. Any potential breach of a sports governing body's rules and codes of conduct pertaining to sports betting, to the extent that such rules and codes of conduct are provided to and known by the permit holder;

4. Any conduct that may alter the outcome of an athletic event for purposes of financial gain, including match fixing; and

5. Suspicious or illegal wagering activities, including using funds derived from illegal activity to place bets, using bets to conceal or launder funds derived from illegal activity, using agents to place bets, and using false identification to place bets.

B. A permit holder shall, as soon as is commercially practicable, report the information described in subdivisions A 2, 3, and 4 to any sports governing body that may be affected by the activities described in subdivisions A 2, 3, and 4.

2020, cc. 1218, 1256.

§ 58.1-4045. Liquidity pools.

The Board may promulgate rules authorizing permit holders to offset loss and manage risk, directly or with a third party approved by the Director, through the use of a liquidity pool in Virginia or another jurisdiction so long as such permit holder, or an affiliate of such permit holder, is licensed by such jurisdiction to operate a sports betting business. However, a permit holder's use of a liquidity pool shall not eliminate its duty to ensure that it has sufficient funds available to pay bettors.

2020, cc. 1218, 1256.

§ 58.1-4046. Intermediate routing of electronic data.

All sports betting shall be initiated and received within Virginia unless otherwise permitted by federal law. Consistent with the intent of the United States Congress as expressed in the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act, 31 U.S.C. § 5361 et seq., the intermediate routing of electronic data relating to lawful intrastate sports betting authorized under this article shall not determine the location in which such bet is initiated and received.

2020, cc. 1218, 1256.

§ 58.1-4047. Certain provisions in Article 1 (§ 58.1-4000 et seq.) to apply, mutatis mutandis.

Except as provided in this article, the provisions of Article 1 (§ 58.1-4000 et seq.) shall apply to sports betting under this article. The Board shall promulgate regulations to interpret and clarify the applicability of Article 1 to this article.

2020, cc. 1218, 1256.

§ 58.1-4048. Gaming Regulatory Fund.

There is hereby created in the state treasury a special nonreverting fund to be known as the Gaming Regulatory Fund, referred to in this section as "the Fund." The Fund shall be established on the books of the Comptroller. All funds appropriated for such purpose and any gifts, donations, grants, bequests, and other funds received on its behalf shall be paid into the state treasury and credited to the Fund. Interest earned on moneys in the Fund shall remain in the Fund and be credited to it. Any moneys remaining in the Fund, including interest thereon, at the end of each fiscal year shall not revert to the general fund but shall remain in the Fund. Moneys in the Fund shall be used solely to offset the Department's costs associated with (i) the conduct of investigations required by § 58.1-4032, 58.1-4043, 58.1-4104, 58.1-4109, 58.1-4116, 58.1-4120, or 58.1-4121 or any other provision of this article or Chapter 41 (§ 58.1-4100 et seq.) and (ii) the enforcement of regulations promulgated by the Virginia Lottery Board pursuant to subdivisions A 14 and 15 of § 58.1-4007, subdivision 2 of § 58.1-4102, and § 58.1-4103. Expenditures and disbursements from the Fund shall be made by the State Treasurer on warrants issued by the Comptroller upon written request signed by the Director.

2023, cc. 586, 587.