1946 Uncodified Acts Regular Session

1946 Virginia Uncodified Acts

1946 Regular Session

Chapter 5 (HB 48)
An ACT to amend and re-enact Section 3, as amended, of an act entitled "An Act to incorporate the Medical College of Virginia.", passed February 25, 1854, as it has been from time to time amended, particularly by Chapter 508, Acts of 1916, approved March 23. 1916, and by Chapter 283, Acts of 1944, approved March 25, 1944, Section 3 relating to the Board of Visitors of the Medical College of Virginia, in order to make certain changes relative to the Executive Committee.
Chapter 31 (HB 44)
An ACT to empower the Boards of Supervisors of certain counties and the Council of certain towns to make gifts and donations of property, real or personal, and of money, to certain charitable institutions and associations.
Chapter 32 (HB 47)
An ACT to amend and re-enact chapter 472, as amended, of the Acts of Assembly of 1942, approved April 6, 1942, relating to special license to hunt bear and deer in Bath county, and punishment for violation, so as to include Highland and Rockbridge Counties in the provisions of the act.
Chapter 42 (HB 24)
An ACT to authorize the board of supervisors of Wythe County to levy a special license tax on certain kinds of dogs in the county; to prescribe the fees to be paid for such licenses, the procedure for obtaining the same, and penalties for failure to pay such license tax; and to provide how funds derived from such special licenses shall be disposed of.
Chapter 49 (SB 27)
An ACT to provide that certain property occupied as a residence by a circuit judge and excluded from territory annexed to a city because of such residence, shall remain a part of the county as long as it is so occupied.
Chapter 60 (HB 78)
An ACT to amend Chapter 227 of the Acts of Assembly of 1942, approved March 14, 1942, relating to child welfare, children's homes, et cetera, by adding a new section numbered 21, excepting certain institutions from the provisions of the chapter.
Chapter 76 (SB 20)
An ACT to create a permanent commission to be known as the Museum of Science Commission, and to prescribe its powers, duties and functions in the establishment and operation of a museum of science for the state of Virginia and to provide for quarters for the museum.
Chapter 117 (HB 248)
An ACT to confer certain jurisdiction upon the circuit court and the trial justice of Norfolk county.
Chapter 127 (HB 247)
An ACT to amend and re-enact Sections 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, and 8, and to repeal Sections 9, 11, 13, and 19, of Chapter 49 of the Acts of the Extra Session of the General Assembly of 1933, relating to the issuance and sale of revenue bonds by certain educational institutions.
Chapter 139 (SB 135)
An ACT to reduce the number of trustees of Margaret Academy, and to provide how such trustees shall be appointed; and to confer certain powers and impose certain duties upon such trustees with respect to trust funds held by them.
Chapter 158 (HB 197)
An ACT relating to apples; to create the Virginia State Apple Commission and to prescribe its powers and duties; to promote the sale and consumption of Virginia apples by providing for campaigns of education,advertising, publicity, sales promotion and research; to levy an excise tax on apples packed in closed packages, to provide for its collection, and to appropriate the revenue derived from it; and to provide penalties for violations of this act.
Chapter 173 (HB 276)
An ACT to authorize the counties of Warwick, Elizabeth City and York, the Cities of Newport News and Hampton, and the Town of Phoebus, or any two or more of them, to create a commission, to be known as the "Grandview State Park Commission" for the purpose of establishing and operating a State Park and park facilities for public use, for such counties, cities and towns, and the general public at large until such park and facilities shall be transferred to the Virginia Conservation Commission for operation; and to prescribe the rights, powers, duties and functions of such commission when so formed and of the counties, cities, and towns for which such commission is created.
Chapter 179 (SB 38)
An ACT to amend and re-enact Chapter 142 of the Acts of Assembly of 1922, approved March 9, 1922, which provided for appointment of an assistant attorney for the Commonwealth for the City of Norfolk, so as to authorize appointment, by the attorney for the Commonwealth of such city, of an additional assistant attorney for the Commonwealth, and to prescribe his power, duties, functions and compensation.
Chapter 239 (SB 205)
An ACT to validate certain land grants and to limit certain actions.
Chapter 258 (HB 283)
An ACT to amend and re-enact Section 1, as amended, of chapter 61 of the Acts of Assembly of 1874, approved February 24, 1874, relating to Miller Fund and Miller Manual Labor School, the section relating to charter of the corporation.
Chapter 259 (HB 292)
An ACT to amend and re-enact Chapter 354 of the Acts of Assembly of 1942, approved April 1, 1942, relating to establishment, terms and conditions of certain medical scholarships, so as to expand the provisions thereof and make an appropriation therefor.
Chapter 261 (HB 311)
An ACT to make it unlawful to hunt or shoot deer with a rifle in New Kent county.
Chapter 314 (HB 423)
An ACT to amend and re-enact Chapter 355 of the Acts of Assembly of 1944, approved March 30, 1944, authorizing the killing of deer damaging crops in certain counties so as to extend the application thereof.
Chapter 336 (HB 208)
An ACT to enable the Virginia Conservation Commission to render scientific forestry services to private timberland owners for a fee, and to render forestry advice free of charge; and to appropriate funds to carry out provisions of this act.
Chapter 390 (HB 271)
An ACT to provide for the creation of an Advisory Committee on Aviation in the Department of Corporations, State Corporation Commission; to prescribe the number and terms of the members, the duties of the Committee and other related matters.

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