2016 Uncodified Acts Regular Session

2016 Virginia Uncodified Acts

2016 Regular Session

Chapter 12 (HB 4)
Constitutional amendment; right to work (submitting to qualified voters). 
Chapter 17 (HB 865)
Constitutional amendment; real property tax exemptions. 
Chapter 41 (HB 315)
Conservation police officers; certain officers of Department of Game and Inland Fisheries. 
Chapter 54 (SB 557)
Reformulated gasoline (RFG) program; sale by marina. 
Chapter 67 (SB 643)
U.S. Department of the Interior; monitoring by VMRC, Assateague Island National Seashore. 
Chapter 73 (HB 202)
Anatomical gifts; search and rescue dog training. 
Chapter 79 (HB 311)
Emergency medical services providers; interstate agreements. 
Chapter 80 (HB 312)
SHHR; increase sharing of electronic health records, report. 
Chapter 114 (SB 774)
DMAS; Request for Proposal. 
Chapter 118 (HB 184)
Trooper Nathan-Michael W. Smith Memorial Bridge; designating as Rt. 301 bridge over Interstate 95. 
Chapter 119 (HB 200)
State parks; establishing fee schedule. 
Chapter 134 (SB 107)
Designating the Trooper Nathan-Michael W. Smith Memorial Bridge. 
Chapter 138 (SB 448)
Trooper Harry Lee Henderson Memorial Bridge; designating as Interstate 66 bridge in Warren County. 
Chapter 148 (HB 478)
High school graduation and dropout data; on-time graduation. 
Chapter 217 (SB 736)
Landscape cover materials; local ordinances concerning installation or use. 
Chapter 247 (HB 138)
Virginia Beach arena; extends an existing contingent sunset provision. 
Chapter 255 (SB 395)
Investor-owned electric utilities; establishment of protocols for energy efficiency programs. 
Chapter 258 (SB 642)
Virginia Beach arena. 
Chapter 319 (HB 340)
Private animal shelters; Board of Agriculture and Consumer Services shall adopt regulations. 
Chapter 355 (HB 676)
Financial exploitation of adults; DARS work group to study. 
Chapter 366 (HB 477)
Veterans care centers; issuance of bonds for certain projects. 
Chapter 394 (HB 1105)
Virginia Criminal Sentencing Commission; recidivism rate for certain released federal prisoners. 
Chapter 398 (HB 1059)
Heroin possession; Virginia Criminal Sentencing Commission to evaluate sentencing guidelines. 
Chapter 440 (HB 903)
Recurrent Flooding Resiliency, Commonwealth Center for; at various educational institutions. 
Chapter 444 (HB 558)
Onsite sewage systems and private wells; evaluation and design, report. 
Chapter 506 (SB 446)
Constitutional amendment (voter referendum); right to work. 
Chapter 508 (HB 851)
Insurance policy; electronic delivery of information, repeals sunset provision. 
Chapter 517 (HB 1053)
Investor-owned electric utilities; establishment of protocols for energy efficiency programs. 
Chapter 530 (HB 1376)
Claims; Paul R. DesRoches II. 
Chapter 537 (SB 343)
Cancer; possession or distribution of marijuana for medical purposes. 
Chapter 566 (HB 1127)
Forest fire protection compacts; codification. 
Chapter 592 (HB 525)
Standards of Learning Innovation Committee; review of standardized testing in public high schools. 
Chapter 600 (SB 553)
Nursing facilities; electronic monitoring. 
Chapter 601 (HB 41)
Thomas Jefferson Scenic Byway Loop; Virginia byway designation. 
Chapter 602 (HB 256)
Relief; Robert Scott. 
Chapter 606 (HB 1312)
Special license plates; MEG'S MILES. 
Chapter 647 (HB 942)
School boards; reasonable access by certain youth groups. 
Chapter 706 (HB 98)
License plates, special; issuance to family members of persons who have died in military service. 
Chapter 722 (HB 700)
Claims; Michael Kenneth McAlister. 
Chapter 730 (HB 1063)
Bonds for institutions of higher education. 
Chapter 731 (SB 61)
Commonwealth of Virginia Institutions of Higher Education Bond Act of 2016; created. 
Chapter 732 (HB 29)
Budget Bill. 
Chapter 733 (HJ 2)
Constitutional amendment; right to work (second reference). 
Chapter 734 (HJ 123)
Constitutional amendment; real property tax exemption. 
Chapter 735 (SJ 70)
Constitutional amendment; right to work (second reference). 
Chapter 736 (SJ 127)
Constitutional amendment; right to work (submitting to qualified voters). 
Chapter 741 (HB 97)
Interstate 95; VDOT, et al., to evaluate traffic congestion in Stafford and Spotsylvania Counties. 
Chapter 759 (HB 1344)
Bonds; certain capital projects. 
Chapter 763 (SB 369)
Telemedicine pilot program; to expand access, etc., to health care services in certain areas. 
Chapter 769 (SB 731)
Capital outlay funding; issuance of bonds by VPBA & VCBA for certain projects & programs. 
Chapter 780 (HB 30)
Budget Bill. 

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