1960 Uncodified Acts Regular Session

1960 Virginia Uncodified Acts

1960 Regular Session

Chapter 2 (H 17)
An Act to authorize the Virginia State Hospital Board to negotiate with the Brunswick-Balke-Collender Company in regard to the conveyance of certain real estate now owned by the State Hospital Board and to authorize the State Hospital Board to convey the same real estate
Chapter 13 (H 19)
An Act to prohibit the killing of doe deer in Appomattox County between July 1, 1960 and June 30, 1962
Chapter 18 (H 116)
An Act relating to squirrel season in certain counties
Chapter 26 (H 49)
An Act to authorize the State Board of Education with the consent of the Governor to sell and convey certain real estate held for the use and benefit of Virginia State College and to appropriate the proceeds therefrom
Chapter 38 (H 55)
An Act to authorize the city of Suffolk to sell and convey or lease certain city-owned lands, with the improvements thereon, known as the City Hall and the Municipal Building
Chapter 44 (H 186)
An Act to provide for a Police Department and a Police and Trial Board in certain counties, and to provide their powers and duties and the powers, duties and rights of policemen serving in such police department
Chapter 51 (H 184)
An Act to authorize the Board of Trustees of the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts to institute proceedings in the Circuit Court of the City of RIchmond for the transfer of certain real and personal property to the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia for the benefit of Mary Washington College
Chapter 52 (H 189)
An Act to authorize the Board of Visitors of the College of William and Mary, with the approval of the Governor, to convey certain property
Chapter 53 (H 223)
An Act to provide for the appointment of an assistant Commonwealth's attorney in certain cities
Chapter 66 (H 101)
An Act validating the creation of the Hampton Roads Sanitation District
Chapter 72 (S 125)
An Act to appropriate funds available under Section 903 of the Social Security Act for the acquisition of land, the erection of a building thereon and for required improvements, facilities, paving, landscaping and equipment in connection therewith
Chapter 96 (S 275)
An Act to affirm and ratify the conveyance of certain lands owned by the Medical College of Virginia, a Virginia corporation, to the Commonwealth of Virginia, State Hospital Board
Chapter 109 (H 92)
An Act to fix the salary of the Auditor of Public Accounts and to appropriate funds therefor
Chapter 130 (H 383)
An Act relating to the season when squirrels may be lawfully taken in certain counties
Chapter 132 (S 31)
An Act to provide for recovering from the parents of certain minors damages for malicious or wilful destruction of public property by such minors
Chapter 137 (S 158)
An Act to establish the boundary between certain properties owned by the city of Staunton and the State, respectively
Chapter 139 (S 208)
An Act to authorize the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries to acquire certain land by purchase or condemnation and to prescribe procedure in connection therewith
Chapter 140 (H 36)
An Act to authorize a referendum in any city having power to adopt regulations or ordinances requiring that dogs be kept on leash or otherwise restrained, on the question of whether any such ordinance so adopted shall become effective in such city
Chapter 165 (H 296)
An Act to create a commission to determine and establish a part of the boundary line between Henry and Patrick counties
Chapter 171 (H 360)
An Act to prohibit, and provide a penalty for violations, in the counties of Goochland and Louisa, hunting with a rifle of a caliber larger than twenty-two/ one-hundredths or with a shotgun loaded with slugs, and to provide how such prohibition may become effective in such counties
Chapter 181 (H 502)
An Act to authorize the Board of Visitors of Virginia Polytechnic Institute to contract with the city of Radford for sewage disposal in connection with Radford College, Woman's Division of Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Chapter 190 (H 485)
An Act to appropriate funds for certain crop pest control
Chapter 191 (H 505)
An Act to provide that the governing bodies of counties, cities and towns may provide that contributions made by persons to certain nonprofit, nonsectarian, private schools shall constitute a credit against the liability for real estate or personal property taxes
Chapter 192 (S 186)
An Act to authorize the City of Danville to transfer, and the Board of Visitors of Virginia Polytechnic Institute to accept such transfer, the Danville Technical Institute, in whole or part, not earlier than July one, nineteen hundred sixty-one
Chapter 199 (H 431)
An Act relating to the jurisdiction of the courts of the county of Henrico with respect to real estate owned by the county situated in the city of Richmond and to certain acts or things done on such property
Chapter 210 (H 338)
An Act to permit the governing bodies of certain counties to lease lands designated on the county master plan as being intended for future public use
Chapter 212 (H 371)
An Act providing for establishment of a special police force in certain counties
Chapter 229 (H 525)
An Act to designate a portion of United States Highway No. 340 as "The Stonewall Jackson Memorial Highway" and to provide for marking same
Chapter 245 (H 351)
An Act to designate June 2, 1960, and the same date on each succeeding year as First Lady's Day in Virginia
Chapter 258 (H 581)
An Act to authorize the Board of Visitors of the College of William and Mary in Virginia to sell and convey certain property in the city of Williamsburg to Colonial Williamsburg, Incorporated
Chapter 259 (H 582)
An Act to authorize the Board of Visitors of the College of William and Mary in Virginia to sell and convey certain property in the city of Williamsburg and county of James City to Colonial Williamsburg, Incorporated
Chapter 260 (S 70)
An Act to reappropriate from the public revenue to the Department of Conservation and Development the unexpended balance of Item 474-B of Chapter 716
Chapter 266 (S 149)
An Act to create a Commission for Economy in Governmental Expenditures
Chapter 270 (H 544)
An Act relating to authorization of sale of certain church property in the city of Richmond, and certain funds in connection therewith
Chapter 304 (S 28)
An Act to require persons possessing, storing or using radiation machines and radioactive materials to register with the State Health Department, and to provide penalties for violations
Chapter 308 (S 129)
An Act to provide for the removal and reinterment of remains which may be interred upon land to be acquired by the State Highway Commissioner for highway purposes
Chapter 312 (S 185)
An Act relating to powers of certain counties concerning sewers, sidewalks, curbs and gutters
Chapter 316 (S 225)
An Act relating to investment and expenditure of funds held by the trustees of Margaret Academy
Chapter 317 (S 226)
An Act to provide for certain payments in addition to the retirement allowance otherwise payable to certain retired game wardens who were members of the Virginia Retirement System
Chapter 323 (S 259)
An Act to authorize the city of Richmond to convey certain real estate to the Commonwealth
Chapter 326 (S 325)
An Act relating to seasons and means of taking or gigging carp in the Shenandoah River in certain counties
Chapter 337 (S 189)
An Act to appropriate certain sums of money in aid of certain Confederate Memorial Associations and organizations of the United Daughters of the Confederacy in Virginia, to be used in caring for Confederate cemeteries and graves of confederate soliders and sailors
Chapter 341 (S 240)
An Act to authorize the Governor and the State Hospital Board to convey certain property of the Petersburg Training School and Hospital to the College of William and Mary in Virginia
Chapter 344 (S 270)
An Act to authorize the State Library Board to erect a marker commemorating Operation Torch 1942
Chapter 345 (S 286)
An Act to authorize and empower the Commission of Fisheries to grant to the Commonwealth Natural Gas Corporation a certain permanent easement right of way under the waters of the James River near Hog Island between the counties of Surry and James City
Chapter 350 (H 506)
An Act relating to the shooting and gigging of certain fish in the counties of Scott and Russell
Chapter 351 (H 572)
An Act authorizing the Virginia Civil War Commission to form or participate in the formation of a nonprofit corporation or corporations
Chapter 353 (H 645)
An Act to prohibit deer hunting within one hundred yards of any primary or secondary highway in Stafford County
Chapter 354 (H 677)
An Act to designate that period of time between January nineteenth and February twenty-second as Virginia and American History Month
Chapter 377 (S 27)
An Act for the relief of certain students who attended Mary Washington College of the University of Virginia in the session of 1957-1958
Chapter 384 (S 78)
An Act to provide that it shall be unlawful to construct, install or maintain certain electric fences for use upon lands used for agricultural purposes
Chapter 392 (H 53)
An Act to levy excise taxes on certain tobacco products
Chapter 410 (H 204)
An Act to authorize the rector and visitors of the Unviersity of Virginia to borrow funds to erect apartments for married students and to prescribe the conditions in connection therewith
Chapter 422 (H 698)
An Act to create a political subdivision within Bath County, to be known as the Airport District of Bath County
Chapter 423 (S 116)
An Act to permit counties and certain cities, having a law library for the use of their courts, to assess certain costs in civil actions filed in their courts
Chapter 425 (S 128)
An Act to authorize the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia to borrow funds to erect certain dormitories, and to prescribe the conditions in connection therewith
Chapter 433 (S 165)
An Act to require the State Library Board to have prepared and erected historical markers commemorating Crawford House and Norfolk County Court House
Chapter 437 (S 201)
An Act to provide that only one bail bond shall be required in certain misdemeanor cases and to limit the security required thereon
Chapter 438 (S 206)
An Act to authorize those principally engaged in making real estate mortgage loans for resale to make certain charges on certain loans
Chapter 443 (S 227)
An Act to provide for keeping intact certain unused track of railroad companies; to provide for the acquisition thereof by the governing bodies of counties, cities and towns, or chambers of commerce or similar organizations; and to provide for the assessment of any such unused track
Chapter 448 (S 238)
An Act to encourage the education of the children of the Commonwealth by providing State scholarships and authorizing the governing bodies of counties, cities and towns to provide local scholarships for the education of such children in nonsectarian private schools or public schools located in or outside the locality in which they reside
Chapter 454 (S 260)
An Act to require the State Library Board to have prepared and erected in appropriate locations within the city of Staunton historical markers commemorating the Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind, and Mary Baldwin College
Chapter 455 (S 261)
An Act to authorize the State Board of Education to sell certain water rights and common land owned by Virginia State College and to provide for the application of the proceeds of such sale
Chapter 457 (S 272)
An Act to authorize the owner of a motor vehicle to use the license plates assigned thereto by the Division of Motor Vehicles upon other motor vehicles under certain circumstances, to provide for the coverage of the owner's policy of public liability and property damage in such cases
Chapter 461 (S 284)
An Act to encourage the education of the children of the Commonwealth by authorizing the governing body of any county, city, or town to appropriate and expend funds for educational purposes in furtherance of the elementary and secondary education of children residing in the county, city, or town
Chapter 470 (S 321)
An Act to authorize certain counties to issue bonds to finance acquisition of land for public purposes and to prescribe certain conditions in connection with issuance of such bonds
Chapter 471 (S 326)
An Act to authorize the Governor and Attorney General to execute a deed conveying unto the United States of America certain formerly submerged lands in Willoughby Bay, Mason Creek, Theleball's Creek and Boush Creek in the city of Norfolk, Virginia
Chapter 493 (H 332)
An Act to provide for dismissal of dual misdemeanor charges upon conviction of any one such charge
Chapter 500 (H 373)
An Act to require and provide for the safe operation of certain motorboats on the waters of this State over which the State now has or hereafter obtains jurisdiction
Chapter 507 (H 422)
An Act to permit physicians to disclose certain information in connection with the conduct of certain medical studies, to provide for the confidential nature of such information in the hands of those conducting the study, and to protect the anonymity of the patient and physician concerned
Chapter 509 (H 428)
An Act to require the State Library Board to have prepared and to erect an historical marker near the home of Judge Paul Carrington in Charlotte County
Chapter 512 (H 454)
An Act relating to the season in which squirrels may be lawfully taken in certain counties
Chapter 515 (H 462)
An Act which authorized certain counties and towns to expend general funds to provide sources of public water supply
Chapter 516 (H 465)
An Act to authorize the governing bodies of certain counties, cities and towns to construct dams, levees, sea walls and other structures and devices for th purpose, among others, of preventing flooding or inundation by sea or tidal waters
Chapter 520 (H 476)
An Act to authorize the State Corporation Commission to adopt standards and regulations relating to the manufacturing, disposition and installation of boilers and pressure vessels
Chapter 533 (H 535)
An Act to permit the governing bodies of counties, cities or towns to provide for the establishment and operation of educational television stations
Chapter 538 (H 547)
An Act to authorize the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries to prescribe seasons, bag limits and methods of taking and killing game on lands and waters owned by such Commission and on other lands and waters controlled by such Commission
Chapter 549 (H 570)
An Act to authorize the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries to convey its interest in certain property and to take certain other property in exchange
Chapter 552 (H 574)
An Act authorizing and empowering the Governor to execute in the name of the Commonwealth of Virginia a deed conveying to the United States of America, certain lands containing 50 acres, more or less, situate in the James River, in the city of Newport News, Virginia
Chapter 555 (H 580)
An Act to authorize the Governor of Virginia and the State Hospital Board to sell and convey to the town of Marion certain property
Chapter 560 (H 606)
An Act relating to the season in which squirrels may be lawfully hunted in certain counties
Chapter 561 (H 611)
An Act relating to sanitary districts in certain counties, and validating proceedings had in the creation of such sanitary districts and in connection with bond issues thereof
Chapter 562 (H 612)
An Act to validate all proceedings in the creation of all sanitary districts in the State of Virginia, and all proceedings in connection with bond issues of such sanitary districts
Chapter 564 (H 616)
An Act to permit fiscal agents for any counties to destroy bonds and bond coupons when payment in full has been made thereon;
Chapter 578 (H 703)
An Act to regulate the sale, transfer of possession or possession of explosives; to require reports of thefts of explosives; and to provide penalties
Chapter 585 (H 667)
An Act to appropriate funds for the payment of the salary of the additional judge of Hustings Court of the city of Richmond
Chapter 586 (H 668)
An Act to create the Richmond-Henrico Metropolitan Area Commission
Chapter 592 (H 630)
An Act to authorize construction, maintenance and operation of information centers at the entrance of federal interstate highways into this Commonwealth
Chapter 595 (H 642)
An Act to authorize the Governor and Attorney General to execute deeds conveying unto Lafayette Yacht Club, Incorporated, certain formerly submerged lands in the Lafayette River at Norfolk, Virginia
Chapter 596 (H 646)
An Act relating to the area which may be served by the water works system of the city of Newport News
Chapter 597 (H 648)
An Act authorizing Eastern State Hospital to convey certain real estate to The College of William and Mary in Virginia and to further authorize The College of William and Mary in Virginia to negotiate with Colonial Williamsburg, Incorporated, for the exchange of certain real estate

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The Code of Virginia online database excludes material copyrighted by the publisher, Michie, a division of Matthew Bender. Copyrighted material includes annotations and revisors' notes, which may be found in the print version of the Code of Virginia. Annotated print copies of the Code of Virginia are available in most Virginia public library systems, from LexisNexis (1-800-446-3410), and from West, a Thomson-Reuters business (1-800-344-5008).