1950 Uncodified Acts Regular Session

1950 Virginia Uncodified Acts

1950 Regular Session

Chapter 1 (H 58)
An Act to direct the Virginia Code Commission to include the Rules adopted by the Supreme Court of Appeals and to provide that such rules shall supersede statutory provisions in conflict therewith.
Chapter 2 (H 70)
An Act to authorize the Keeper of the Rolls of the State to correct typographical errors
Chapter 3 (H 8)
An Act to validate all proceedings in the creation of any sanitary district in the State and all proceedings in connection with bond issues of such sanitary districts.
Chapter 4 (S 185)
An Act to amend and reenact chapter 130 (1942 Acts), the section relating to powers of the Elizabeth River Tunner Commission, so as to provide the procedure for the exercise of the power of eminent domain.
Chapter 8 (H 39)
An Act to provide a trial board for members of fire departments of certain counties
Chapter 12 (H 82)
An Act relating to the shooting of fish in certain waters to remove from its provisions the South fork of Holston River in Washington County
Chapter 14 (H 96)
An Act to provide for State aid to counties and cities in the construction of public school buildings; to appropriate funds therefor; and to provide the terms and conditions for the expenditure of the funds appropriated
Chapter 20 (S 24)
An Act to authorize the acquisition, construction, operation and maintenance of swimming pools in certain counties
Chapter 22 (H 113)
An Act to authorize the Governor to declare an emergency when there is threatened or exists a substantial interruption of the production of coal
Chapter 24 (S 9)
An Act to authorize the Board of Visitors of Virginia Polytechnic Institute to convey certain property in the city of Radford in connection with the improvement of Radford College, Woman's Division
Chapter 29 (S 49)
An Act to name State Highway Number 626, in Patrick and Henry Counties, the Abram Penn Highway
Chapter 30 (S 51)
An Act to amend Chapter 280 (1932 Acts) by adding a new section to empower the City of Alexandria to impose, levy and collect a consumer or subscriber tax upon the amount paid for public utility services
Chapter 36 (H 36)
An Act to provide for a special police force in certain counties
Chapter 40 (H 91)
An Act to name a portion of a certain State highway and to impose duties on the State Department of Highways
Chapter 51 (H 133)
An Act to transfer the jurisdiction and control of certain parcels of land through and along Catawba Sanatorium, in Roanoke County, from the State Board of Health to the State Highway Commission
Chapter 53 (H 171)
An Act to prohibit commingling of burley tobacco; to definte methods of sales on loosefloors; to prohibit the dissemination of false information
Chapter 57 (H 61)
An Act to establish the Judicial Conference of Virginia
Chapter 72 (S 91)
An Act relating to the creation of mosquito control districts, so as to make the same applicable to all counties and cities of the State
Chapter 76 (H 55)
An Act to prohibit fishing on Sunday in certain waters in Tazewell County; and to prescribe penalties
Chapter 83 (H 75)
An Act to prescribe the open season on bear and deer in certain counties or portions thereof; to prescribe penalties and to repeal inconsistent acts
Chapter 87 (S 13)
An Act to fix the season when squirrels may lawfully be taken in certain counties and to provide penalties for violations
Chapter 101 (H 104)
An Act to fix the season for hunting squirrels in certain counties and to prescribe penalties for violations
Chapter 103 (H 161)
An Act to authorize the board of county supervisors of the county of Warwick to construct, maintain and operate certain harbor facilities; to prescribe the powers of the board in connection therewith
Chapter 123 (H 307)
An Act to authorize the town of South Hill to dispose of certain property
Chapter 124 (H 330)
An Act to approve, confirm, and ratify a certain deed in exchange for land needed for public highway purposes, in Bermuda Magisterial District, Chesterfield County
Chapter 131 (H 1)
An Act to levy and provide for the collection of taxes on certain oysters
Chapter 132 (H 2)
An Act to authorize the Potomac River Oyster Commission to close certain areas to the taking of oysters, and to authorize the re-shelling and re-seeding of such areas
Chapter 133 (H 3)
An Act to create the Potomac River Commission
Chapter 134 (H 4)
An Act to permit the use of certain devices for the taking of oysters in the waters of the Potomac
Chapter 140 (S 29)
An Act to require the preparation of certain fiscal date relating to proposed expenditures for certain public welfare purposes.
Chapter 145 (H 241)
An Act to fix the season for taking fish in certain counties and to prescribe penalties for violations
Chapter 149 (H 317)
An Act to fix the opening date for hunting bear in certain counties
Chapter 155 (H 365)
An Act to reestablish, fix and make certain a portion of the boundary line between the counties of New Kent and Henrico
Chapter 162 (H 540)
An Act to limit the placing, setting and use of certain devices to take crabs in the Piankitank river; and to prescribe penalties for violations
Chapter 166 (H 160)
An Act to authorize the governing bodies of certain counties to require licenses of persons dealing in antiques, and to regulate the sale of antiques in such counties, and to provide penalties for violations
Chapter 169 (H 358)
An Act to provide for, establish, and fix a portion of the boundary line of certain magisterial districts in Mathews County
Chapter 177 (S 126)
An Act to establish a State Commission On Local Debt, define its powers and duties, and to provide for the payment of its expenses
Chapter 179 (S 160)
An Act to provide for the selection of an additional corporation court judge for certain cities, his powers, and jurisdiction
Chapter 187 (S 216)
An Act to provide for the submission of proposed amendments to section 98 of the Constitution of Virginia to the qualified voters for ratification or rejection
Chapter 189 (S 245)
An Act to provide for the furnishing and improvement of certain facilities at the Appomattox Surrender Grounds; and to appropriate funds
Chapter 196 (H 200)
An Act to allow the town of Wytheville to use, for certain public purposes, a certain lot in such town; and to vest title to such lot in such town
Chapter 197 (242)
An Act to require the governing bodies of certain counties to make payments to certain persons
Chapter 202 (H 312)
An Act to fix the season when squirrels may lawfully be taken in certain counties and to provide penalties for violations
Chapter 208 (H 377)
An Act to require a license to hunt certain wild animals in certain counties
Chapter 209 (H 394)
An Act to authorize school boards of counties, cities or towns to permit the use of school property; and to permit the use thereof under certain conditions
Chapter 221 (H 310)
An Act to provide for the submission of proposed amendments to section 133 of the Constitution of Virginia to the qualified voters for ratification or rejection
Chapter 230 (H 496)
An Act to vest in the governing bodies of certain counties additional powers and duites as to constructing, reconstructing, extending, altering, maintaining and repairing sewer systems
Chapter 249 (H 270)
An Act to amend and reenact section 11 and 31 of 239 (1934 Acts), to broaden the powers of the Council of the City of Staunton respecting real estate, and the board of health and department of public welfare
Chapter 257 (H 420)
An Act to permit deer killed or injured by motor vehicles to be kept by the operators of such motor vehicles; to prescribe the circumstances under which such deer may be kept and to repeal certain acts and regulations
Chapter 261 (H 473)
An Act to authorize the governing bodies of certain counties to require certain purchasing and equipment maintenance practices on the part of all departments of county government
Chapter 272 (H 7)
An Act to prescribe the compensation of clerks of courts in cities of this Commonwealth
Chapter 278 (H 106)
An Act to prohibit free passage on certain ferries, bridges and other property of the State
Chapter 292 (H 363)
An Act to prohibit fishing, except under certain conditions, on or below the Chickahominy Dam at Walker's, on the Chickahominy River, in Charles City County, Virginia
Chapter 295 (387)
An Act to ratify and confirm a deed from Virginia Military Institute to Mrs. Martha Field Blair
Chapter 296 (H 405)
An Act to repeal Chapter 282 (1946 Acts) which provided for the creation of police and firemen's pensions and benefits in certain counties
Chapter 301 (H 468)
An Act to provide for the installation in the circuit court clerk's office of each county a book to be provided by the Department of Highways and known as "State Highway Plat Book"
Chapter 312 (H 537)
An Act to permit the use of standard cattle guards along secondary highways in certain counties
Chapter 315 (H 560)
An Act to provide the effect of certain references in statutes adopted by the General Assembly of 1950
Chapter 319 (H 575)
An Act to provide that certain counties shall require water companies laying pipes or mains on highway rights of way to furnish water supply and hydrant connections adequate for fire protection
Chapter 322 (H 608)
An Act providing for the acquisition, construction, improvement, operation nad maintenance of a turnpike to facilitate vehicular traffic between Virginia Beach and points on the coast of North Carolina.
Chapter 327 (S 42)
An Act to require public utilities to secure certificates of convenience and necessity in certain cases and to prescribe the powers of the State Corporation Commission
Chapter 332 (S 117)
An Act to provide for the admissibility in evidence of certain photostatic or photographic reproductions, and the effect thereof
Chapter 335 (S 139)
An Act to establish and continue the Commission on Veterens' Affairs
Chapter 336 (S 140)
An Act to appropriate certain sums of money in aid of certain Confederate Memorial Associations and organizations of the United Daughters of the Confederacy in Virginia, to be used in caring for Confederate cemeteries and graves of Confederate soldiers and sailors
Chapter 341 (S 145)
An Act to provide the regular terms of the circuit court of Dickenson county
Chapter 342 (S 151)
An Act to authorize the governing bodies of counties to prohibit the possession, sale, storage, or use of certain fireworks, and to provide penalties for violations
Chapter 347 (S 192)
An Act to repeal Chapter 509 (1948 Acts) relating to open seasons for killing deer in the county of Middlesex
Chapter 359 (H 254)
An Act to authorize the Treasurer to dispose of certain obligations and property and to prescribe how the proceeds thereform shall be disposed and held
Chapter 364 (H 331)
An Act to provide for the reduction and elimination of occupational disease, and to this confer powers upon the State Health Commissioner
Chapter 367 (H 368)
An Act to repeal section 28-90.1 of Code of 1950 prohibiting taking of fish in certain waters during certain hours
Chapter 370 (H 372)
An Act to validate general reassessments of real estate in certain counties for the year 1948
Chapter 371 (H 375)
An Act to require local boards of public welfare to furnish certain information to the governing bodies of their counties and cities
Chapter 389 (H 549)
An Act to validate a lease entered into by the Director of the Department of Welfare
Chapter 395 (H 582)
An Act to provide for the participation by the Commonwealth of Virginia in the commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the establishment of the seat of the Federal Government in the District of Columbia
Chapter 407 (H 656)
An Act to provide that certain employee trusts shall not be considered invalid as violating the rule against perpetuities, or restraints on powers of alienation of title to property
Chapter 410 (H 677)
An Act to amend an act entitled "An Act to incorporate the City of Danville," by adding a section in Chapter V numbered 7-a, relating to trial of misdemeanors by police justice in absence of accused
Chapter 412 (H 680)
An Act to amend an act entitled " An Act to incorporate the City of Danville," by adding Chapter VII thereof a section numbered 1-a, relating to the annual assessment and equalization of real estate, in lieu of methods prescribed by general law
Chapter 415 (H 686)
An Act to provide that the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries shall have jurisdiction for the control of seasons, bag limits and all other matters relating to fish and fishing in Clayton Lake in Pulaski County
Chapter 418 (H 692)
An Act to amend and reenact Chapter II of an act entitled " An Act to incorporate the City of Danville," (1980), as amended, relating to the form of city government so as to provide a special form of government for the city
Chapter 419 (H 693)
An Act to empower the County of Greensville to build a health center in the courthouse square
Chapter 423 (S 202)
An Act to permit civil proceedings to compel the support of dependent wifes, children, and poor relations within and without the State of Virginia and to proscribe the proceedure therefor
Chapter 429 (S 256)
An Act to rafity and confirm the conveyance by the Medical College of Virginia of all its right, title and interest in and to certain property located in the County of Pinellas, Florida
Chapter 439 (S 345)
An Act to regulate fishing on Sunday in certain counties; and to provide the conditions under which the Act shall become effective
Chapter 440 (S 346)
An Act to amend and reenact section 9, as amended and section 36 of Chapter 217 (1918 Acts), relating, respectively, to election of mayor and the levying of license taxes, in the city of Clifton Forge
Chapter 441 (S 350)
An Act to authorize the Board of Visitors of The Virginia Polytechnic Institute to sell certain lands at private or public sale, and to appropriate the proceeds from the sale of any such lands to the general fund of the State treasury
Chapter 447 (H 570)
An Act to amend and act entitled " An act to incorporate the town of Saltville," (1896), by adding a section numbered 2-a, so as to provide for the dissolution of the special town school district, and how same may be accomplished
Chapter 450 (S 80)
An Act to provide certain benefits for retired former State employees and teachers; and to appropriate funds
Chapter 451 (S 93)
An Act to provide a retirement system for certain State employees
Chapter 461 (S 217)
An Act to authorize the governing bodies of certain counties to provide that certain charges and taxes shall be a lien on property served thereby and to provide for the enforcement thereof
Chapter 470 (S 272)
An Act to provide for the appointment of general registrars in certain counties
Chapter 484 (S 324)
An Act to require certain licenses to hunt certain game in certain counties
Chapter 490 (S 347)
An Act to amend Chapter 4 (1947 Acts), which provided for the creation of a retirement system for the employees of certain counties, by adding section numbered 4-a, providing for the purchase of certain benefits by the governing body of the county
Chapter 491 (S 348)
An Act to amend Chapter 303 (1944 Acts), which provided for the creation of a retirement system in certain counties for certain employees thereof, by adding a section numbered 9-a, providing for the purchase of certain retirement benefits by the governing bodies of such counties
Chapter 492 (S 349)
An Act to amend Chapter 45 of (1948 Acts), which authorized the establishment of retirement systems in certain counties, by adding a section numbered 8-a, providing an alternative method for the creation and payment of retirement benefits in such counties
Chapter 493 (S 351)
An Act to provide that, upon certain contingencies, certain credits shall be allowed upon the State income taxes of individuals, fiduciaries and corporations, and to provide the method of taking such credits
Chapter 504 (H 252)
An Act to authorize the Department of Welfare and Institutions to sell and convey certain timber, and to appropriate funds
Chapter 506 (HB 321)
An Act to prohibit carrying of loaded firearms on public highways in certain counties under certain conditions.
Chapter 507 (H 335)
An Act to define "Dental Hygiene" and "Dental Hygienist," to regulate the practice of dental hygiene and to provide penalties for the violations of the provisions of this act
Chapter 524 (H 592)
An Act to provide additional methods of vacating certain streets or alleys or parts thereof
Chapter 525 (H 596)
An Act to direct the Virginaia Advisory Legislative Council to study certain statutes relating to the seafood industry
Chapter 527 (H 612)
An Act to create a State Seed Potato Committee and to prescribe its powers and duties
Chapter 531 (H 679)
An Act to amend an act entitled "An Act to incorporate the City of Danville," (1890), by adding in Chapter VII, thereof a section numbered 1-b, relating to the taxation of corporations, businesses and trades, and levy of such additional taxes as are not prohibited by the laws of the state
Chapter 532 (H 681)
An Act to prescribe the season for hunting squirrels in certain counties, and to provide penalties for violations
Chapter 539 (H 701)
An Act to provide for fixing the squirrel season in certain counties; and to provide penalties for violations
Chapter 541 (H 703)
An Act to amend and reenact sections 3, 13 and 14, as amended of Chapter 145 (1887-8 Acts) which incorporated the town of Rocky Mount and to add to such chapter a section numbered 3-a, providing under certain conditions for the adoption of the town manager form of government in such town
Chapter 542 (H 704)
An Act to amend and reenact section 2, as amended, of Chapter 379 (1946 Acts), the section and act relating to subdivisions of land in certain counties and approval of plats therefor, so as to provide for additional matters in relation thereto
Chapter 543 (H 705)
An Act to permit the taking of fish by trap nets in certain waters of a certain county
Chapter 545 (H 707)
An Act to prohibit the taking of fish in certain counties by certain means, and to prescribe penalties for violations
Chapter 556 (H 721)
An Act to appropriate funds for payment of the salaries of the judges of certain courts
Chapter 566 (H 229)
An Act to establish an engineering experiment station at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Chapter 571 (S 213)
An Act to appropriate funds to the State Oil and Gas Board
Chapter 575 (S 247)
An Act to appropriate funds from the "Sinking Fund" to the Literary Fund and to provide that annual installments totaling said sum shall thereafter be transferred to the Virginia Retirement System
Chapter 579 (H 43)
An Act to protect blind and partially blind pedestrians on public streets and highways
Chapter 584 (H 362)
An Act to eliminate and prohibit certain restrictions on tidal waters and marshlands heretofore established as within the jurisdiction of the Commission of Fisheries
Chapter 594 (H 723)
An Act to authorize the town of Phoebus to borrow money and issue bonds for certain purposes

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