1964 Uncodified Acts Regular and Special Session

1964 Virginia Uncodified Acts

1964 Regular Session

Chapter 1 (S 17)
An Act to make the city of Staunton a part of the eighteenth judicial circuit; to establish a circuit court for such city
Chapter 6 (H 33)
An Act to authorize the Board of Visitors of the College of William and Mary in Virginia, to sell and convey certain property in the city of Williamsburg to Colonial Williamsburg, Incorporated
Chapter 29 (S 31)
An Act relating to the Portsmouth Port Commission
Chapter 30 (S 42)
An Act to authorize the governing bodies of certain counties, cities and towns to appropriate funds or supply goods and services to certain regional organizations under certain conditions
Chapter 35 (H 185)
An Act to authorize the Governor and Attorney General to execute, in the name of the Commonwealth, a deed or deeds conveying certain property to the city of Portsmouth
Chapter 43 (H 189)
An Act to provide how the office of general registrar may be created in certain counties; and to prescribe their powers, duties and compensation
Chapter 45 (H 238)
An Act which created a political subdivision known as Tidewater Airport Commission
Chapter 49 (H 19)
An Act to authorize the Board of Visitors of Virginia Polytechnic Institute to sell and convey certain real estate, with the approval of the Governor, and to provide for the disposition of the proceeds of such sale
Chapter 51 (H 158)
An Act to authorize the Governor to sell and convey certain real estate situated in the city of Hampton
Chapter 59 (H 52)
An Act to authorize the boards of supervisors of the counties of Ameila, Dinwiddie, Brunswick and Lunenburg to prohibit hunting with a rifle of a caliber larger than twenty-two/ one-hundredths
Chapter 78 (H 402)
An Act which created the Princess Anne-Virginia Beach Incinerator Commission
Chapter 82 (H 16)
An Act to authorize the clerk of the circuit court of Tazewell County to transmit certain birth records to the State Registrar of Vital Statistics upon the entry of an order authorizing such transmission by the judge of such court
Chapter 84 (H 132)
An Act to fix the salary of the Auditor of Public Accounts and to appropriate funds therefor
Chapter 91 (S 132)
An Act to authorize the Governor to appoint a commission to be known as the Virginia Commission on Higher Education Facilities; to define the duties of such commission and to appropriate funds necessary to carry out the purposes of such commission
Chapter 95 (H 128)
An Act relating to the season when squirrels may be taken in certain counties
Chapter 96 (H 147)
An Act to authorize the Governor to lease certain real estate owned by the Commonwealth to the Virginia Supplemental Retirement System
Chapter 98 (H 160)
An Act to authorize the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries, subject to the approval of the Governor, to sell and convey certain real estate, and to provide for disposition of the proceeds of such sale
Chapter 110 (H 315)
An Act to provide for the acquisition by certain cities of property for certain purposes; for conveyance therefor under certain circumstances to the State or federal governments; and providing for the exercise of the power of eminent domain in connection therewith
Chapter 114 (H 68)
An Act to authorize the State Board of Education, subject to the approval of the Governor, to sell and convey certain real estate owned by Virginia State College, and to provide for the application of the proceeds of such sale
Chapter 121 (H 340)
An Act to provide for the creation of dental service corporations; to establish plans for prepaid dental and related service; to provide how such corporation shall be regulated, supervised and taxed; and to provide a penalty
Chapter 134 (H 245)
An Act to authorize the Governor on behalf of the State to convey certain submerged land to the city of Norfolk
Chapter 141 (H 337)
An Act to authorize the School Board of Franklin County to convey certain real estate to Franklin County; to authorize the county of Franklin to convey or lease the said real estate
Chapter 144 (H 373)
An Act to direct the Commission for Economy in Governmental Expenditures to make certain studies and reports, to effectuate certain procedures, to require State agencies, institutions and officers to assist and cooperate with such Commission
Chapter 154 (H 246)
An Act to authorize the Governor, on behalf of the State of Virginia, to convey certain submerged and formerly submerged lands to the city of Norfolk
Chapter 155 (H 319)
An Act relating to squirrel season in certain counties and providing penalties for violations, so as to change the application thereof
Chapter 156 (H 346)
An Act relating to importation into or breeding of certain dogs in certain counties
Chapter 158 (H 406)
An Act to protect the public health insofar as protection from ionizing radiation is concerned; and to vest in the State Board of Health and the State Health Commissioner powers to regulate the receipt, storage and use of materials and substances emitting such radiation naturally or otherwise
Chapter 171 (H 321)
An Act to express the public policy of the Commonwealth of Virginia as to the acceptance of rewards by sheriffs or other officers; and to authorize such officers to receive such rewards
Chapter 173 (H 384)
An Act to authorize the council of certain cities to establish an auxiliary police force, and to prescribe the service and jurisdiction of such policemen
Chapter 178 (S 207)
An Act to provide when certain property becomes taxable
Chapter 184 (H 113)
An Act to provide for acceptance of a gift or devise of certain property to the Commonwealth of Virginia, as an historic site
Chapter 196 (H 474)
An Act to provide for the acceptance of jurisdiction over federal lands whenever the federal government relinquishes its jurisdiction or a portion thereof over such lands located in certain cities
Chapter 197 (H 528)
An Act to authorize and direct the transfer of certain certificates to the name of the Educational Foundation of Old Dominion College
Chapter 199 (S 33)
An Act relating to hunting in certain counties with certain rifles
Chapter 204 (H 433)
An Act to prohibit the sale, offering for sale, bartering or giving away of living baby chicks, ducklings or other fowl under two months old in quantities of less than six
Chapter 206 (H 446)
An Act to ratify, validate and confirm the acceptance by the Governor on behalf of the Commonwealth of certain property conveyed to the Commonwealth by the United States of America
Chapter 216 (H 475)
An Act to enable cities, towns and counties to provide for certain presumptions as to the disability of certain firemen caused by respiratory disease, hypertension or heart disease, resulting in total or partial disability, and to base eligibility for certain benefits thereon
Chapter 229 (S 40)
An Act to create a Commission to study and report on the boundary line between Carroll and Grayson Counties, Virginia and Surry and Alleghany Counties, North Carolina; and to appropriate funds for the use of the Commission
Chapter 237 (S 68)
An Act to provide for the duties of general registrars in certain counties and cities in connection with certain lists of registered voters, the number of election districts, and numbers of voters therein
Chapter 243 (S 77)
An Act to validate all proceedings in the creation of all sanitary districts in the State of Virginia, and all proceedings in connection with bond issues of such sanitary districts
Chapter 247 (S 84)
An Act to provide for the issuance of citations on arrest for certain offenses in lieu of requiring posting of bond or collateral for appearance for trial to persons who are residents of or licensed by certain states which confer the same privileges on residents of this State
Chapter 248 (S 86)
An Act relating to the construction of financing of certain buildings by The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
Chapter 263 (S 108)
An Act to provide a Highway Right-of-Way Fund, to provide the manner and purposes for which such fund is to be expended, and to appropriate the necessary funds therefor
Chapter 270 (S 127)
An Act relating to general powers of the Peninsula Airport Commission and to the issuance of revenue bonds by the Commission
Chapter 271 (S 128)
An Act to authorize the Commonwealth of Virginia by the Governor and the Secretary of the Commonwealth to convey by special warranty deed certain real estate to the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association of the Union
Chapter 277 (S 147)
An Act to create the Virginia Outdoor Recreation Study Commission; and to appropriate funds
Chapter 282 (S 155)
An Act to appropriate moneys to the Department of Taxation to enable it to augment and strengthen the appraisal and mapping of staff of its Division of Real Estate Appraisal and Mapping
Chapter 283 (S 156)
An Act to appropriate funds for the salary of an additional judge for the sixteenth judicial circuit
Chapter 289 (S 169)
An Act to impose and provide for the collection and disposition of certain costs in convictions upon crimes and offenses which are reportable to the Division of Motor Vehicles
Chapter 292 (S 172)
An Act establishing a compact with the Commonwealth of Kentucky creating the Breaks Interstate Park and a Breaks Interstate Park Commission
Chapter 293 (S 173)
An Act to authorize the Department of Conservation and Economic Development to convey certain real property to the Breaks Interstate Park Commission
Chapter 295 (S 177)
An Act to direct the Virginia Advisory Legislative Council to make a study of the State Police Retirement System, and to provide for the payment of certain costs in connection therewith
Chapter 305 (S 198)
An Act relating to prohibition of hunting of migratory waterfowl from floating blinds in certain counties, and prescribing penalties
Chapter 307 (S 203)
An Act to provide that cities and towns may provide for continuity of government in certain cases
Chapter 310 (S 212)
An Act to appropriate certain sums of money in aid of Confederate Memorial Associations and organizations of the United Daughters of the Confederacy in Virginia, to be used in caring for Confederate cemeteries and graves of Confederate soldiers and sailors
Chapter 315 (S 228)
An Act to regulate employment of persons for solicitation, sale, or obtaining of subscription contracts for certain periodical publications
Chapter 321 (S 241)
An Act to allow the governing bodies of certain counties to supplement the salaries and to reimburse traveling expenses of certain State employees
Chapter 329 (S 255)
An Act to require the State Library Board to have prepared and to erect an historical marker at or near St. Stephen's Parish
Chapter 330 (S 257)
An Act to require the Division of Parks of the Department of Conservation and Economic Development to determine the advisability of a State park; and to appropriate funds
Chapter 335 (S 275)
An Act to authorize the board of supervisors of Northumberland County to take certain measures to perpetuate and preserve certain monuments
Chapter 339 (S 289)
An Act to direct the State Library Board to erect a certain historical marker and to appropriate funds therefor
Chapter 343 (S 294)
An Act to authorize the Commissioner of the Virginia Employment Commission, subject to the approval of the Governor, to sell and convey any rights and interests that the Commonwealth of Virginia may have to the air space above a private alley located in the City of Richmond
Chapter 348 (S 304)
An Act relating to the police powers of the Chesapeake Bay Ferry Commission, now known as the Chesapeake Bay Bridge and Tunnel Commission, the jurisdiction and trial of certain cases, and the disposition of fines collected therefrom
Chapter 357 (S 328)
An Act to authorize the State Library Board to erect a certain historical marker at Elk Creek in Grayson County
Chapter 360 (S 332)
An Act to authorize the governing bodies of certain counties to adopt certain ordinances imposing license taxes upon persons selling or furnishing minnows to others and to provide penalties for violations
Chapter 364 (S 339)
An Act to authorize the Governor and the Attorney General to execute a deed conveying unto the United States of America certain formerly submerged lands in the Elizabeth River as required by the U.S. Naval Station, Norfolk, Virginia, for national defense purposes
Chapter 365 (S 340)
An Act to authorize the Governor to execute, in the name of the Commonwealth, a deed conveying unto Lafayette Yacht Club certain formerly submerged lands in the Lafayette River at Norfolk, Virginia
Chapter 368 (S 346)
An Act to create the Magna Carta Commission of 1965, to define its duties and to appropriate funds
Chapter 370 (S 350)
An Act to authorize the State Council of Higher Education to make a study and report upon the need for certain educational offerings and facilities
Chapter 379 (SB 373)
An Act to create the Twin County Airport Commission; to provide for its composition; and to confer certain powers on and require the perfromance of certain duties by such commission.
Chapter 385 (H 49)
An Act to require the Division of Parks of the Department of Conservation and Economic Development to determine the advisability of a State park; and to appropriate funds
Chapter 398 (H 161)
An Act to appropriate funds in aid of the restoration of "Scotchtown", the home of Patrick Henry during the American Revolution
Chapter 401 (H 170)
An Act relating to the season in which squirrels may be lawfully hunted in certain counties
Chapter 426 (H 263)
An Act to prescribe a uniform fiscal year for all cities of the Commonwealth, and city and town school boards; and to require cities to adopt uniform fiscal year accounting procedures satisfactory to the Auditor of Public Accounts
Chapter 427 (H 265)
An Act to provide for the licensing and regulation of certain businesses by counties, cities and towns, and penalties for violations
Chapter 431 (H 294)
An Act to authorize the Medical College of Virginia to borrow funds for the purpose of constructing certain facilities; and to issue revenue bonds therefor; to provide from what revenues such bonds shall be repaid, and to impose certain restrictions and conditions
Chapter 450 (H 392)
An Act to authorize and direct the Commissioner of Fisheries to restablish and maintain fish hatcheries, and to appropriate funds
Chapter 480 (H 467)
An Act relating to definitions under the act and to the powers of the Alexandria Port Commission
Chapter 481 (H 470)
An Act to authorize the Board of Visitors of the Medical College of Virginia and/or the State Hospital Board to sell and convey certain real estate and to provide for disposition of the proceeds of such sale
Chapter 482 (H 471)
An Act to authorize the Medical College of Virginia to borrow funds for the purpose of building a multi-story parking garage, and to issue revenue bonds therefor; to provide from what revenues such bonds shall be repaid; and to impose certain restrictions and conditions
Chapter 489 (H 488)
An Act to provide for a referendum on creation of office of county attorney in certain counties, duties, terms, qualifications, election, and amtters in connection with any such attorney;
Chapter 491 (H 491)
An Act to permit the gigging of nongame fish in the New River in Grayson County; to fix the season for the same; to permit the governing body of Grayson County to close such season
Chapter 496 (H 501)
An Act to validate certain contracts between the school boards of counties and cities, and the governing bodies of such counties and cities relating to the operation of joint schools for any such counties and cities, and to provide for the effect of such contracts
Chapter 508 (H 530)
An Act to authorize certain cities to expend funds in furtherance of the use of certain property owned by the city
Chapter 509 (H 534)
An Act to require the State Library Board to have prepared and to erect certain historical markers in the city of Chesapeake; and to make an appropriation
Chapter 519 (H 554)
An Act relating to seasons and means of taking or gigging carp in the Shenandoah River in certain counties
Chapter 520 (H 555)
An Act relating to Hampton Roads Sanitation District Commission, and construction contracts let thereby
Chapter 524 (H 560)
An Act to provide for the election of certain justices in towns, and to prescribe their powers, duties and compensation
Chapter 532 (H 572)
An Act to require the payment to counties and cities in which certain State-owned land is situated of 25% of the proceeds of sale of timber thereon
Chapter 546 (H 591)
An Act to authorize the Governor and Attorney General to execute in the name of the Commonwealth, deeds conveying unto Francis T. Murtha, Trustee, and Hunting Towers Operating Co., Incorporated, certain formerly submerged lands in the city of Alexandria
Chapter 548 (H 602)
An Act to provide for the annual assessment and equalization of assessments of real estate in certain counties, by boards of real estate assessments
Chapter 559 (H 623)
An Act to authorize and empower the State Hospital Board to convey to the Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad Company, a parcel of land in exchange for land now owned by said railroad
Chapter 561 (H 633)
An Act to direct the State Library Board to have prepared and erected a historical marker at Hanging Rock, in the county of Roanoke; and to appropriate funds
Chapter 563 (H 641)
An Act to provide for a memorial to Dr. Jack W. Witten; and to this end to authorize the Department of Conservation and Economic Development to accept and maintain certain property in the town of Tazewell
Chapter 566 (H 652)
An Act to designate certain portions State Primary Routes 80 and 83 as "Cumberland Scenic Trail" and to provide for marking the same
Chapter 567 (H 654)
An Act to authorize the Board of Directors of the Virginia Truck Experiment Station at Norfolk to lease certain real estate with the approval of the Governor, and to provide for disposition of the funds derived from such lease
Chapter 573 (H 669)
An Act to authorize the Governor to convey certain land to the city of Virginia Beach
Chapter 582 (H 702)
An Act to authorize the Governor on behalf of the State to convey certain formerly submerged land to the city of Portsmouth
Chapter 582 (H 702)
An Act to provide for the donation by adult individuals of their eyes or any party thereof; to provide how the donations may be effectuated; and to provide for other matters in connection with the foregoing
Chapter 584 (H 711)
An Act to provide for the assessment and equalization of assessments of real estate in certain cities
Chapter 587 (H 727)
An Act to provide, subject to a referendum, for the levy of a tax on sweet potatoes
Chapter 591 (H 735)
An Act to authorize certain counties to regulate private detectives by requiring investigations of moral character of applicants for licenses, providing for issues related to licensing
Chapter 592 (H 736)
An Act to authorize the Governor to restore the privilege of registering and voting to persons convicted of certain felonies
Chapter 595 (H 743)
An Act to direct the Virginia Advisory Legislative Council to study the Virginia Supplemental Retirement System for State employees, and to provide for the payment of certain costs with respect thereto
Chapter 604 (H 760)
An Act to provide how certain town officers in certain counties shall be chosen, and to repeal certain acts
Chapter 626 (H 805)
An Act relating to the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Regulation Compact
Chapter 627 (H 809)
An Act to provide, subject to a referendum, for the levy of a tax on poultry and poultry products
Chapter 630 (HB 814)
An Act to protect and further the public interest, economy, safety and convenience through the provision of transportation facilities, highways and other modes of transport; and to this end to create the Northern Virginia Transportation District in certain counties and cities under the control of the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission
Chapter 631 (H 815)
An Act to provide for the creation of transportation districts and the powers and duties thereof and to declare the need for action in relation thereto and to create certain facilities
Chapter 633 (H 818)
An Act to authorize the State Hospital Board to sell and convey certain real property to the city of Petersburg with the consent of the Governor
Chapter 634 (H 819)
An Act to authorize the governing body of Radford College to convey certain real estate to the city of Radford, subject to the approval of the Governor
Chapter 638 (H 836)
An Act to require the State Library Board to have prepared and to erect an historical marker near Tye River in Amherst or in Nelson County, and to appropriate funds
Chapter 639 (H 838)
An Act to appropriate funds for the salaries of additional judges for the Sixteenth and Twenty-first Judicial Circuits and the Hustings Court of the city of Portsmouth; and for the salary of the judge of the Court of Law and Chancery of the city of Hampton
Chapter 641 (S 180)
An Act to approve and accept a deed of gift dated January 21, 1964, of the property of the James Monroe Law Office-Museum, located in the city of Fredericksburg

1964 Special Session I

Chapter 7 (S 20)
An Act to authorize the displaying of Presidential Inauguration license plates on motor vehicles in lieu of regular license plates
Chapter 19 (H 16)
An Act to authorize the Governor on behalf of the State to convey certain submerged and formerly submerged land to Arlington Trust Company, Inc.

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