1973 Uncodified Acts Regular Session

1973 Virginia Uncodified Acts

1973 Regular Session

Chapter 61 (H 1277)
An Act to regulate the use of certain firearms in hunting deer in Northampton County; providing penalties for violations
Chapter 110 (H 1481)
An Act to authorize the Board of Visitors of the College of William and Mary in Virginia to lease certain land in the city of Williamsburg as headquarters for the National Center for State Courts and the conditions thereof
Chapter 116 (H 1529)
An Act relating to seasons and means of taking or gigging carp in the Shenandoah River
Chapter 150 (S 796)
An Act relating to hunting in certain counties with certain rifles
Chapter 188 (S 702)
An Act to authorize the State Board of Education to operate certain pilot projects; and to appropriate funds therefor
Chapter 192 (S 785)
An Act to authorize the county of Henrico to hold certain courts in any area within one-half mile from the location of its county seat
Chapter 196 (S 835)
An Act to authorize and empower the Marine Resources Commission to grant to the Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company a certain easement for use of certain subaqueous lands in the James River at Newport News, Virginia
Chapter 203 (S 774)
An Act to authorize the transfer of the powers and obligations of the Elizabeth River Tunnel District and the Elizabeth River Tunnel Commission to the State Highway Commission and to dissolve the Elizabeth River Tunnel District and Elizabeth River Tunnel Commission
Chapter 206 (S 827)
An Act to authorize the issuance, from time to time, of Commonwealth of Virginia Higher Educational and Medical Facilities Bonds for paying the cost of acquiring, constructing, enlarging and improving a revenue producing capital project at the Medical College of Virginia
Chapter 211 (S 895)
An Act relating to assessments of real property to be reported to collector of taxes
Chapter 230 (H 1763)
An Act to authorize the issuance of Commonwealth of Virginia Transportation Facilities Bonds for paying the cost of enlarging and improving the existing Richmond-Petersburg Turnpike
Chapter 243 (H 1305)
An Act to authorize certain employees of the Medical College of Virginia, Health Sciences Division of Virginia Commonwealth University to waive the life insurance provided under the Virginia Supplemental Retirement Act
Chapter 248 (H 1576)
An Act to amend the Washington Area Transit Regulation Compact so as to eliminate any requirement of additional authentication of manual signature of bonds guaranteed by the United States
Chapter 255 (H 1885)
An Act to waive the sovereign immunity of the State in a certain case involving the Lynnhaven Marine Center, Inc.
Chapter 263 (H 1570)
An Act entering into and enacting the Southern Growth Policies Agreement and appropriating funds
Chapter 265 (H 1863)
An Act authorizing the Governor to convey certain land in the city of Virginia Beach to that city
Chapter 311 (S 764)
An Act relating to standards of quality for the several school divisions
Chapter 339 (H 1031)
An Act to authorize the Board of Directors of the Virginia Truck and Ornamentals Research Station to sell and convey certain real estate with the approval of the Governor and to provide for the disposition of the proceeds of such sale
Chapter 352 (H 1225)
An Act to authorize the purchase and transfer to the Secretary of the Navy of a silver service for use on the guided missle frigate U.S.S. Virginia
Chapter 362 (H 1343)
An Act relating to the season in which squirrels may be lawfully hunted in certain counties
Chapter 382 (S 878)
An Act to allow counties, cities and towns to authorize the maintenance and operation of living historical farm museums subject to zoning or planning ordinances
Chapter 384 (H 1541)
An Act require the filing of an environmental impact report on a major state facility with the Commissioner of Conservation, Development and Natural Resources
Chapter 422 (S 866)
An Act to authorize the issuance of Commonwealth of Virginia Higher Educational Institutions Bonds for paying the cost of acquiring or consturcting revenue producing capital projects at institutions of higher learning of the Commonwealth
Chapter 431 (H 1867)
An Act to establish a Citizens' Advisory Committee on Furnishing and Interpreting the Executive Mansion
Chapter 472 (H 1598)
An Act to authorize the Board of Welfare and Institutions to transfer certain public water and sewage facilities and land adjacent thereto to the county of Goochland and to prescribe conditions therefor
Chapter 481 (H 1850)
An Act to provide a prohibition on construction of other penal institutions on property of site of Hanover School for Boys and Correctional Field Unit
Chapter 494 (H 1319)
An Act relating to counties which may adopt certain game stamp ordinances
Chapter 499 (H 1434)
An Act relating to allowances by local governing bodies to injured employees and officials and police pensions and benefits during disability
Chapter 503 (H 1487)
An Act directing the Virginia Real Estate Commission to conduct a study of the State's condominium laws and appropriating funds therefor
Chapter 518 (H 1776)
An Act relating to the disposition of funds from the sale of certain game stamps
Chapter 525 (S 614)
An Act authorizing the Governor to acquire certain property in the city of Richmond by eminent domain for needed uses for the seat of government
Chapter 533 (S 707)
An Act authorizing the governing body of certain counties to restrict parking on certain highways within such counties; certain conditions; penalties for violations
Chapter 535 (S 795)
An Act to provide for certain public information concerning regulations adopted by State administrative agencies and formulation of a plan for publication thereof

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