1952 Uncodified Acts Regular and Special Session

1952 Virginia Uncodified Acts

1952 Regular Session

Chapter 2 (S 4)
An Act to provide for the coverage of officers and employees of the State, and local governments, instrumentalities, thereof, and other political subdivisions under the old-age and survivors insurance provisions of Title II of federal Social Security Act
Chapter 6 (H 21)
An Act to amend and reenact section 14 of Chapter 206 of (1926 Acts), as amended, relating to the borrowing of money by the town of Grundy
Chapter 10 (H 91)
An Act to ratify, validate and confirm a conveyance made by the city of Radford
Chapter 19 (H 100)
An Act to provide for the preparation, publication and adoption of certain texts in the public schools
Chapter 35 (H 103)
An Act to create the Virginia Beach Erosion Commission and to prescribe the powers, functions and duties of the Commission so created
Chapter 39 (H 153)
An Act to authorize the governing bodies of certain counties to levy a capitation tax
Chapter 47 (H 524)
An Act to amend and reenact section 9 of Chapter 15 (1952 Acts), providing for payment of employee contributions in connection with Social Security coverage and reimbursement therefor
Chapter 52 (H 7)
An Act to create the Potomac River Oyster Commission
Chapter 53 (H 8)
An Act to repeal Chapters 131, 132, 133 and 134 of (1950 Acts), all relating to the Potamac River Oyster Commission to be established by the State of Maryland and the State of Virginia
Chapter 65 (H 169)
An Act to validate a conveyance to G. K. Massie, Jr.
Chapter 68 (H 300)
An Act to permit banks to amend their charters under certain conditions
Chapter 85 (H 230)
An Act to authorize the governing body of certain counties to permit the killing of foxes
Chapter 86 (H 256)
An Act to require certain licenses to hunt certain game in Smyth County
Chapter 92 (H 149)
An Act to amend an reenact section 2 of Chapter 225 (1934 Acts), as amended, so as to make more definite the bounds of the town of Independence
Chapter 96 (H 287)
An Act to prohibit hunting with firearms in the State of Virginia while intoxicated; to prescribe penalties for violations; and to provide enforcement
Chapter 102 (H 201)
An Act to provide for the inspection of certain State facilities by persons who will be members of the General Assembly
Chapter 105 (H 281)
An Act relating to licenses to hunt certain wild animals in certain counties, and to authorize certain payments from the special fund created by that chapter
Chapter 116 (HB 151)
An Act to regulate the use of certain firearms in hunting in Appomattox and Buckingham Counties, and to provide penalties
Chapter 118 (H 351)
An Act to provide for the application for return and future administration of assets of the Virginia Rural Rehabilitation Corporation
Chapter 133 (S 59)
An Act to validate certain marriages
Chapter 138 (H 271)
An Act relating to licenses to hunt certain wild animals in certain counties, and to authorize certain payments from the special fund created by that chapter
Chapter 151 (H 288)
An Act to prohibit the felling, cutting and mutilating of trees which are the den or lair of wild game in Grayson County
Chapter 165 (H 389)
An Act to amend and reenact section 4 as amended of Chapter 370 (1930 Acts), relating to relief of volunteer firemen in Fairfax County, so as to broaden the scope of the relief provided
Chapter 180 (H 220)
An Act to impose certain duties upon the Commission of Fisheries and the Virginia Fisheries Laboratory
Chapter 181 (H 223)
An Act to prohibit the dredging for oysters in the James River at certain times
Chapter 193 (H 305)
An Act to prescribe the season for hunting squirrels in Grayson County, and to provide penalties for violations
Chapter 206 (H 357)
An Act to authorize the hunting of deer in certain counties and to prescribe a bag limit
Chapter 207 (H 358)
An Act to authorize the hunting of deer in certain counties and to prescribe a bag limit
Chapter 208 (H 359)
An Act to authorize the governing bodies of certain counties to provide for the hunting of deer therein and to prescribe a bag limit
Chapter 218 (H 432)
An Act authorizing the State Hospital Board to move a certain building, lease the same, and to take certain action in relation to the contents thereof
Chapter 220 (H 641)
An Act to prescribe the manner of execution of obligations of certain counties
Chapter 221 (H 643)
An Act to validate certain ordinances
Chapter 228 (H 33)
An Act to provide for the appointment of general registrars and assistants in counties; to prescribe their powers, duties, terms of office and compensation
Chapter 241 (H 213)
An Act to prohibit the leasing of certain oyster grounds
Chapter 254 (H 473)
An Act to provide for permissive destruction of certain papers by certain courts
Chapter 255 (H 476)
An Act to provide that certain persons shall be incompetent to testify in criminal proceedings under certain circumstances
Chapter 259 (H 512)
An Act to authorize the governing bodies of the city of Charlottesville to donate funds to the Miller Manual Labor Schoo; and to validate certain donations
Chapter 262 (H 539)
An Act to prescribe the regular terms of the courts of the 19th judicial circuit
Chapter 263 (H 544)
An Act to amend and reenact section 4, as amended, of Chapter 6 (1874-1875 Acts), which section relates to the election of justices of the peace, their terms of office, their qualifications and how they shall qualify
Chapter 266 (H 560)
An Act to amend and reenact section 1 of Chapter 85 (1948 Acts), relating to boards of assessors of real estate in certain counties
Chapter 277 (H 712)
An Act to permit certain counties to supplement salaries of certain employees
Chapter 288 (H 209)
An Act to prescribe limits upon haul seining in certain waters, to provide penaltise for violations, and when suhc become effective
Chapter 298 (S 196)
An Act to restrict the sale of certain commodities; to require certain permits and prescribe the fees therefor
Chapter 299 (S 204)
An Act to authorize the governing bodies of certain counties to enact ordinances relating to lotteries and providing punishment therefor
Chapter 319 (H 511)
An Act to prohibit the discharge of oil generally in certain waters, and to provide a penalty therefor
Chapter 322 (S 348)
An Act to raise the maximum compensation of clerks of courts of record
Chapter 326 (S 20)
An Act to prohibit the maintaining of actions or rendition of judgments with respect to articles sent by mail under certain conditions
Chapter 343 (S 219)
An Act to provide for an increase in the retirement compensation of certain retired State employees and teachers and beneficiaries thereof
Chapter 344 (S 233)
An Act to change the name of the Lee Boulevard in Arlington and Fairfax Counties
Chapter 352 (H 262)
An Act to permit the owners and operators of parking lots and lessees of space therein to provide for the removal of certain motor vehicles
Chapter 354 (HB 402)
An Act to provide for the beginning of the squirrel season in the county of Floyd
Chapter 356 (H 411)
An Act relating to special stamps for hunting deer and bear in Botetourt County and how the fees for such stamps shall be used
Chapter 357 (H 430)
An Act to provide for the liability of persons furnishing certain types of parking accomodations as to motor vehicles parked therein and property left in such vehicles
Chapter 361 (HB 474)
An Act relating to special stamps for the privilege of hunting certain wild animals in Craig County, to the collection and use of fees in connection with the issuance of such stamps, and to penalties for violations
Chapter 363 (H 546)
An Act to amend and reenact section 1 of Chapter 93 (1946 Acts), which provided the Publice Facilities District Law, so as to include certain counties therein
Chapter 364 (H 554)
An Act to confer certain powers in relation to taxation upon the governing bodies of certain counties
Chapter 365 (H 555)
An Act to prohibit hunting in certain counties with axes or saws under certain conditions
Chapter 372 (H 658)
An Act to provide for the regulation by certain counties of taxicabs and other motor vehicles used for the transportation of passengers for a consideration, and for the levying and collection of license taxes thereon
Chapter 373 (H 665)
An Act to authorize the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries, under certain conditions, to prescribe a special hunting season for doe in the county of Shenandoah
Chapter 374 (H 674)
An Act to authorize the board of supervisors of Pittsylvania County to convey a strip of land lying in the city of Danville and heretofore used as a part of the right of way of State Road No. 125
Chapter 379 (H 781)
An Act to authorize the governing bodies of certain counties to levy a tax upon real property for the purpose of providing and maintaining shelters at certain school bus stops
Chapter 380 (H 782)
An Act to repeal Chapter 76 (1950 Acts) relating to fishing in Tazewell County
Chapter 381 (H 796)
An Act to allow payments by localities to certain volunteer rescue squads for work done by such squads, and to provide from what funds such payments may be made
Chapter 383 (H 809)
An Act to permit fishing in certain rivers in certain counties on certain days
Chapter 421 (S 304)
An Act to amend and reenact section 9 of Chapter 303 (1944 Acts), section relating to the refund of contributions, the chapter relating to the establishment, maintenance and administration of a system of pensions and retirements for certain employees of certain counties
Chapter 428 (S 333)
An Act to authorize the Medical College of Virginia to sell and convey its undivided interest in certain real property acquired by will from Raphael Levy
Chapter 439 (S 403)
An Act to provide notice of Federal tax liens on personal property and satisfaction and release of such liens
Chapter 442 (S 429)
An Act to validate certain bonds heretofore or heretoafter issued for certain purpose by counties notwithstanding certain defects and to validate the judgments and acts of certain persons under certain circumstances in connection with any such bond issue
Chapter 447 (H 51)
An Act to provide for the exclusion from income of certain payments; and to exempt the same from the State income tax applicable to individuals
Chapter 476 (H 713)
An Act to permit certain insurance companies to enforce their right of subrogation in the name of the assured
Chapter 483 (S 310)
An Act to prohibit the wearing of masks in certain places except under certain circumstances
Chapter 499 (S 421)
An Act to provide for the use of streams and low lands obstructed by newly constructed highways as fish ponds or water storage areas under certain conditions and circumstances
Chapter 506 (H 41)
An Act to provide an Executive Secretary to the Supreme Court of Appeals; to provide for the qualifications, appointment and term of such officer; and to define his duties
Chapter 506 (H 41)
An Act to provide an Executive Secretary to the Supreme Court of Appeals; to provide for the qualifications, appointment and terms of such officer; and to define his duties
Chapter 525 (H 426)
An Act to prohibit employers from charging individuals a fee for medical examination as a condition of employment
Chapter 554 (H 98)
An Act to provide for traffic counts on certain highways in certain counties
Chapter 576 (H 541)
An Act to prohibit the throwing or depositing of certain substances upon the highways, to provide for the removal of such substances and to provide for the punishment of violators and fix penalties therefor
Chapter 592 (H 654)
An Act to require licenses of and to impose a trailer tax upon the operation of trailer camps and trailer parks and the parking of trailers and to provide penalties for violations
Chapter 600 (H 687)
An Act to require certain licenses to hunt certain game in certain counties
Chapter 621 (h 790)
An Act to amend and reenact section 3 of Chapter 523 (1948 Acts), creating Weber City Sanitation District in Estillville Magisterial District of Scott County, so as to extend and enlarge the boundaries of said district to embrace certain territory adjacent to the district
Chapter 624 (H 807)
An Act to define the correct boundaries of territory annexed to the city of Fredericksburg
Chapter 629 (H 822)
An Act to appropriate funds for the salary of a judge of the Corporation Court for the city of South Norfolk
Chapter 631 (S 177)
An Act to appropriate certain sums of money in aid of certain Confederate Memorial Associations and organizations of the United Daughters of the Confederacy in Virginia, to be used in caring for Confederate cemeteries and graves of Confederate soldiers and sailors
Chapter 642 (S 396)
An Act to provide for the recording of the evidence in certain cases and the payment of the costs thereof and to provide for the costs of transcripts
Chapter 648 (H 216)
An Act to require the setting aside of oyster shell; to provide for the disposition thereof; and to provide for the payment therefor
Chapter 650 (H 221)
An Act to impose a tax on oysters taken from the public rocks
Chapter 653 (H 253)
An Act to prescribe when licenses issued by the Commission of Fisheries shall terminate and to permit proration of such licenses
Chapter 654 (H 254)
An Act to prohibit the possession of oysters on certain boats and to prescribe penalties for violations
Chapter 672 (H 675)
An Act to prohibit the selling or offering for sale of any agricultural implements, farm tractors, farm machinery or equipment, the original serial number of which has been destroyed, removed, altered, covered or defaced, and providing a penalty for violation thereof
Chapter 675 (H 728)
An Act to require certain tags for placement upon motor vehicles to be supplied certain persons by the Commissioner of the Division of Motor Vehicles
Chapter 679 (H 752)
An Act relating to the taxation of certain poultry and livestock producers
Chapter 684 (H 787)
An Act to provide for the transfer of possession of real estate between agencies of the Commonwealth
Chapter 685 (H 789)
An Act to amend and reenact Chapter 202 (1950 Acts), relating to the season in which squirrels may be lawfully taken in certain counties, and providing penalties for violations
Chapter 694 (H 682)
An Act to authorize the governing bodies of certain counties to adopt ordinances regulating the keeping of animals therein
Chapter 707 (H 42)
An Act declaring the public policy of the State in respect to endowment funds of State-supported institutions of higher education
Chapter 713 (H 594)
An Act to empower the governing bodies of certain counties to authorize the killing of raccoon

1952 Special Session I

Chapter 6 (S 10)
An Act relating to a system of pensions and retirement for the benefit of the personnel of police departments in certain counties
Chapter 7 (S 11)
An Act relating to powers of the council of the town of Haymarket
Chapter 19 (S 3)
An Act to authorize the Governor to exercise such powers in the area immediately adjacent to such real estate and continuing certain of his powers in connection with such real estate
Chapter 20 (S 4)
An Act to amend Chapter 202 (1946 Acts) relates to the construction of a building to be used by certain State agencies and departments, by adding a section number 3-a, relating to the acquisition by purchase or by the exercise of the power of eminent domain of real property in connection with construction, maintenance, convenient use and occupation of such building
Chapter 21 (S 5)
An Act to provide that State, county and municipal officers and employees may serve in the Selective Service System of the United States without forfeiting their State, county or municipal office or posititon
Chapter 24 (S 16)
An Act to authorize the Board of Visitors of Virginia Military Institute to convey certain property to the George C. Marshall Research Foundation, Incorporated; and to prescribe the terms and conditions of such conveyance
Chapter 27 (H 7)
An Act to prescribe the compensation of clerks of courts of record in certain cities, provide the method of payment of compensation and expenses of such officers
Chapter 30 (H 16)
An Act to validate, ratify and confirm under certain conditions the actions of certain county governing bodies to discontinue and declare abandoned certain highways and streets and rights thereunder, notwithstanding certain defects in such actions

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