1980 Uncodified Acts Regular Session

1980 Virginia Uncodified Acts

1980 Regular Session

Chapter 22 (S 427)
An Act to authorize the town of Colonial Beach to operate a transit system
Chapter 41 (S 538)
An Act to provide that the primary election preceding the May nineteen hundred eighty general election shall be held on the second Tuesday in March
Chapter 46 (H 101)
An Act relating to powers of the Oyster Point Development Corporation, the purpose of the corporation, issuance of bonds, liability for corporation's debt, and payment of such bonds
Chapter 57 (S 361)
An Act to designate a certain portion of U.S. Route 50 from U.S. Route 29/211 in Fairfax County through Middleburg and Upperville to Winchester as the John S. Mosby Highway
Chapter 66 (H 881)
An Act to authorize the sheriff of certain counties to serve as such county's chief of police
Chapter 114 (S 311)
An Act to authorize the duly constituted authorities of the Pamunkey Indian Tribe to convey to the Commonwealth of Virginia an easement of right-of-way for the construction, reconstruction and maintenance of certain highways on the Pamunkey Indian Reservation; and to authorize the State Highway and Transportation Commission to construct, reconstruct and maintain such highways
Chapter 115 (S 312)
An Act to ratify the Settlement Agreement dated November 21, 1979, between the Pamunkey Indian Tribe and the Southern Railway Company
Chapter 121 (H 93)
An Act to designate certain portions of the State Highway System as the Washington-Rochambeau Highway, and to provide for marking of such highway
Chapter 126 (H 238)
An Act to designate a certain portion of State Route 39 as the Andrew Lewis and Charles Lewis Highway
Chapter 131 (H 354)
An Act authorizing the Governor to convey certain real estate at the Southwestern State Hospital
Chapter 132 (H 389)
An Act to authorize the Department of Conservation and Economic Development to convey an easement in the Buckingham-Appomattox State Forest to the Peter Francisco Soil and Water Conservation District
Chapter 144 (HB 175)
An Act relating to the membership of the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission
Chapter 193 (H 577)
An Act to authorize the Board of Supervisors of Henry County to call for an advisory vote in the county on adoption of an ordinance to prohibit dogs from running at large
Chapter 196 (H 582)
An Act to provide for the preservation of certain historical documents currently located in the City of Richmond Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court
Chapter 219 (S 457)
An Act to correct the description of certain easements in certain subaqueous lands in the James River at Newport News, Virginia, granted to the Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company from the Marine Resources Commission
Chapter 224 (H 418)
An Act providing traveling expense reimbursement for persons on State business
Chapter 225 (H 631)
An Act to levy a sales tax on fuel within certain transportation districts
Chapter 226 (H 632)
An Act to permit localities to designate a reliable source of revenue for a specific purpose
Chapter 254 (H 97)
An Act authorizing the Governor to convey to the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities certain real property owned by the Commonwealth
Chapter 302 (H 951)
An Act to authorize the Director of the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries to execute an easement on the Robert E. Lee Forest
Chapter 370 (S 45)
An Act relating to issuance of bonds and additional powers of the Peninsula Airport Commission
Chapter 375 (H 370)
An Act to authorize the expenditure of certain highway revenues allocated to the secondary road system in Accomack and Northampton Counties
Chapter 380 (H 800)
An Act to continue the Capital Region Airport Commission; to provide for its rights, powers, duties and functions
Chapter 393 (H 251)
An Act relating to the organization and duties of police forces and certain trial boards
Chapter 418 (H 328)
An Act to authorize the sale of wine at all government stores
Chapter 429 (H 172)
An Act to create a legal holiday to be known as Yorktown Day in the year nineteen hundred eighty-one
Chapter 662 (S 350)
An Act creating the Chesapeake Bay Commission, stating its purposes; defining its powers and duties; duration and dissolution
Chapter 667 (H 351)
An Act to prescribe the standards of quality for the several school divisions for the 1980-1982 biennium
Chapter 669 (H 419)
An Act to require the State Council of Higher Education to conduct a study concerning graduate and continuing education in engineering; and to appropriate funds
Chapter 693 (H 916)
An Act to appropriate funds to aid in the restoration of the Greene County Courthouse
Chapter 697 (S 292)
An Act to authorize a vote in Highland County on the question of enlarging the board of supervisors
Chapter 700 (S 410)
An Act relating to cost-of-living increases to certain retired members of police departments of certain counties

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The Code of Virginia online database excludes material copyrighted by the publisher, Michie, a division of Matthew Bender. Copyrighted material includes annotations and revisors' notes, which may be found in the print version of the Code of Virginia. Annotated print copies of the Code of Virginia are available in most Virginia public library systems, from LexisNexis (1-800-446-3410), and from West, a Thomson-Reuters business (1-800-344-5008).