1968 Uncodified Acts Regular Session

1968 Virginia Uncodified Acts

1968 Regular Session

Chapter 2 (S 113)
An Act relating to the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Regulation Compact
Chapter 2 (S 188)
An Act to authorize councils of certain cities to adopt city sales tax ordinances as emergency measures
Chapter 16 (H 304)
An Act authorizing the issuance of State of Virginia Mental Hospitals and Institutions Bonds for paying the cost of acquiring or constructing capital improvements at mental hospitals and institutions in the State
Chapter 17 (H 305)
An Act authorizing the issuance of State of Virginia Higher Educational Institutions Bonds for paying the cost of acquiring or constructing capital improvements at institutions of higher education in the State
Chapter 18 (S 15)
An Act to authorize and empower the Commission of Fisheries to grant to Virginia Electric and Power Company a certain easement of right of way across the James River between Isle of Wight County and the city of Newport News
Chapter 34 (H 48)
An Act to authorize the Superintendent of State Police, with the approval of the Governor, to convey certain real estate and to provide for the disposition of the proceeds therefrom
Chapter 44 (H 36)
An Act to prohibit the examination of certain persons in certain proceedings except by certain physicians
Chapter 48 (H 345)
An Act to authorize the Virginia State Hospital Board with the approval of the Governor to negotiate with the First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Bristol in regard to the conveyance of certain real estate now owned by the State Hospital Board and to authorize the State Hospital Board to convey the same real estate
Chapter 82 (H 357)
An Act to authorize the Department of Welfare and Institutions, subject to the approval of the Governor, to convey certain real estate in the counties of Smyth and Scott, and to provide for the application of the proceeds
Chapter 84 (H 846)
An Act to fix the salary of the Auditor of Public Accounts
Chapter 91 (S 253)
An Act to authorize the Superintendent of State Police, subject to the approval of the Governor, to convey, under certain conditions, certain real estate owned by the Department of State Police
Chapter 98 (H 182)
An Act to require that certain State agencies report concerning the blind to the Division of Motor Vehicles
Chapter 101 (H 262)
An Act to authorize the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries to exchange certain land with the approval of the Governor in the counties of Greene and Madison for land owned by the United States for certain purposes
Chapter 118 (H 799)
An Act to provide when certain powers of attorney shall be presumed to be valid
Chapter 129 (H 744)
An Act to appropriate funds for the acquisition of land, the erection of a building thereon and for required improvements
Chapter 130 (H 745)
An Act to appropriate funds out of the Special Unemployment Compensation Administration Fund for the purchase of land, erection of a building thereon and for required improvements
Chapter 157 (H 319)
An Act to authorize the governing bodies of counties, cities and towns to establish auxiliary police forces, to prescribe the service and jurisdiction of such policemen
Chapter 166 (H 167)
An Act to adopt the Driver License Compact
Chapter 179 (S 94)
An Act to authorize the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia to convey real estate to the George Mason College Foundation, Incorporated
Chapter 180 (S 167)
An Act relating to a system of pensions and retirements of police departments of certain counties, the amended sections relating to disability retirement, salary deductions and investment of funds
Chapter 186 (S 464)
An Act to create a Commission to study the safety of combinations of three vehicles not exceeding 65 feet in length, and the economic effects on the industry, agriculture, communities and ports of the Commonwealth to be derived from the use thereof
Chapter 193 (H 314)
An Act to authorize the Governor to lease certain land to the city of Virginia Beach
Chapter 198 (H 628)
An Act to provide for the survey and establishment of the Upper Pocomoke Sound portion of the Virginia-Maryland boundary line
Chapter 207 (H 315)
An Act to authorize the Governor to lease certain land to the city of Virginia Beach
Chapter 210 (H 387)
An Act relating to the name of the Virginia Independence Bicentennial Preliminary Commission; to increase the membership of such Commission; and to eliminate the expiration date of the terms of the members
Chapter 228 (H 613)
An Act to provide when merged counties and cities, or combination of merged counties and cities, may have the services of the State Police
Chapter 231 (H 677)
An Act to authorize and direct the Commissioner of Fisheries to maintain certain fish hatcheries, and to appropriate funds
Chapter 265 (H 603)
An Act to authorize the Governor to convey certain land to the city of Virginia Beach
Chapter 296 (H 825)
An Act authorizing the Commission of Gamen and Inland Fisheries to exchange for other land certain of its lands in Highland County
Chapter 298 (H 829)
An Act to authorize the Director of the Department of Welfare and Institutions to develop a system of halfway houses for adults in the penal system
Chapter 299 (H 833)
An Act to permit the governing bodies of certain counties to reimburse or pay for damage to property owners as a result of sewer backup
Chapter 307 (H 859)
An Act to appropriate certain sums of money in aid of Confederate Memorial Associations and organizations of the United Daughters of the Confederacy in Virginia, to be used in caring for Confederate cemeteries and graves of Confederate soldiers and sailors
Chapter 316 (H 924)
An Act to create the Virginia Commission for Children and Youth; to provide for the selection and terms of office of its members; and to prescribe its functions and duties
Chapter 317 (H 925)
An Act to prohibit the taking of fish for commercial purposes from Ward's Creek; exceptions; penalties for violations
Chapter 329 (H 1020)
An Act to establish a Metropolitan Uniform Laws Commission for the cities of Chesapeake, Portsmouth, Norfolk and Virginia Beach; to provide its powers and duties; localities to appropriate funds
Chapter 331 (H 1033)
An Act to provide assistance to needy persons engaged in certain work or training programs
Chapter 332 (H 1034)
An Act to prohibit the disclosure by certain persons of certain information concerning customers of telephone companies
Chapter 340 (H 1121)
An Act to prohibit the use of plastic cleaning bags; providing a penalty
Chapter 353 (H 1193)
An Act to appropriate funds for the salaries of certain judges
Chapter 356 (H 1102)
An Act to provide for the licensing and regulation of polygraph examiners and fixing the fees thereof
Chapter 363 (S 55)
An Act relating to the authorization of counties or cities to enter into contracts or agreements with the commission
Chapter 379 (S 373)
An Act to create the Twin County Airport Commission; to provide for its compensation; and to confer certain powers on and require the performance of certain duties by such commission
Chapter 388 (S 312)
An Act to provide when warrants may issue for certain violations; conditions precedent or to be fulfilled before issuance of such warrants
Chapter 394 (S 354)
An Act to permit certain cities to pay the salaries of their constitutional officers biweekly
Chapter 397 (S 385)
An Act to authorize the judges of courts of record for the city of Portsmouth to act for one another in certain circumstances
Chapter 405 (S 434)
An act relating to the incidental powers of the Elizabeth River Tunnel Commission
Chapter 424 (S 518)
An Act to provide how the judges of the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court of certain cities shall be elected
Chapter 449 (HB 306)
An Act providing for the compensation of the members of the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission
Chapter 475 (H 475)
An Act to permit the school boards in counties, cities and towns to expend funds for the education of certain children in certain schools; how such expenditures shall be limited; rules and regulations governing expenditures authorized
Chapter 479 (H 602)
An Act to require that meetings and official records of agencies, boards, commissions, etc., of the State and local governments, and certain public organizations, be open to the public; to provide for exceptions; to prescribe remedies; and to repeal acts in conflict
Chapter 491 (S 72)
An Act to provide that the Department of Health in certain counties may be a division of the State Board of Health
Chapter 499 (S 154)
An Act to provide for research, evaluation and traffic accident prevention work by contract or through establishment of a Center for such purposes
Chapter 527 (S 330)
An Act authorizing certain counties to require special stamps for hunting bear and deer, which section relates to same and to disposition of funds therefrom
Chapter 528 (S 352)
An Act relating to squirrel season in certain counties
Chapter 529 (S 353)
An Act relating to the open season for squirrels in Brunswick County
Chapter 531 (S 369)
An Act to authorize the Board of Agriculture and Commerce to sell and convey certain real estate owned by the Department of Agriculture and Commerce, and to provide for the application of the proceeds of such sale
Chapter 533 (S 382)
An Act to invest the Attorney General with the power of eminent domain with respect to certain monuments or memorials in certain instances; and to declare the policy of the Commonwealth with respect to its traditional memorials
Chapter 544 (S 454)
An Act relating respectively, to definitions; issuance of revenue bonds; trust agreements to secure such bonds; contributions by a certain municipality; competing parking facilities; construction of the Chapter
Chapter 547 (S 461)
An Act to create a Commission to study the advisability and feasibility of utilizing certain medical facilities in Virginia for clinical instruction of medical students and for training of students in allied health fields
Chapter 564 (H 447)
An Act to provide that the Commonwealth of Virginia shall be a party to a certain interstate compact known as the Compact for Education; how the State's member commisssioners shall be selected and define their powers and duties
Chapter 567 (H 862)
An Act to establish the Commission of Arts and Humanities
Chapter 587 (H 423)
An Act to establish a Commission on Mental Indigent and Geriatric Patients for the purpose of a study and report; and to appropriate funds
Chapter 616 (H 923)
An Act to authorize certain counties, cities, and towns to pay funds to the Commonwealth, or any political subdivision or agency thereof, and to authorize the Commonwealth or any political subdivision or agency thereof to receive funds for certain purposes
Chapter 620 (H 990)
An Act to permit the deputy sheriff in certain counties to also serve as dog warden of such county and as town sergeant of the county seat of such county
Chapter 624 (H 1030)
An Act authorizing the governing body of any city having a population within certain stated limitations to elect one or more assessors to assess and equalize real estate assessments in the city, and prescribe powers and duties of the assessor
Chapter 671 (H 416)
An Act to continue the study of the Department of Welfare and Institutions and programs administered by such Department
Chapter 678 (H 668)
An Act relating to the powers of boards of supervisors or other local governing bodies with respect to any and all sanitary districts of whatsoever kind
Chapter 688 (H 884)
An Act relating to the Portsmouth Port and Industrial Commission
Chapter 690 (H 903)
An Act to regulate the cost and handling of flue-cured tobacco
Chapter 692 (H 939)
An Act relating to the disposition of funds from the sale of certain stamps
Chapter 697 (H 1057)
An Act to authorize the Department of Conservation and Economic Development to acquire part of the area in this State commonly known as the Dismal Swamp for certain purposes
Chapter 698 (H 1061)
An Act to provide for the creation of optometric service corporations; to establish plans for prepaid optometric service; to provide how such corporation shall be regulated, supervised and taxed; and to provide a penalty
Chapter 701 (H 1079)
An Act relating to the carrying of loaded firearms on highways in certain counties
Chapter 703 (H 1113)
An Act relating to the season in which squirrels may be lawfully hunted in Scott County
Chapter 716 (S 193)
An Act to abolish causes of action for alienation of affection, breach of promise, criminal conversation and to provide that knowingly causing or contributing to the disruption of a marital relationship shall constitute a misdemeanor; punishment therefor and jurisdiction thereof
Chapter 718 (S 328)
An Act which authorized the city of Norfolk to acquire and convey certain property for certain purposes and to authorize the city of Richmond to acquire and convey certain property for certain purposes
Chapter 727 (S 471)
An Act to permit certain banks to utilize armored trucks to pick up the deposits of its customers
Chapter 744 (H 574)
An Act to forbid the erection of structures over a certain height without the approval of the State Corporation Commission; and to establish the procedures for securing such approval
Chapter 760 (H 910)
An Act relating to the furnishing of copies of certain reports to the Department of State Police and others
Chapter 765 (H 1032)
An Act to provide when certain children whose age is not ascertainable shall be admitted in the public schools of this state
Chapter 768 (H 1137)
An Act to create a Rural Affairs Study Commission, provide for its membership, delineate its powers and duties, and appropriate funds
Chapter 771 (H 1190)
An Act to levy a tax on certain packages of alcoholic beverages bought for resale by the drink, to provide for disposition of such tax and to provide penalties for violations
Chapter 776 (H 146)
An Act to authorize the boards of supervisors of certain counties to acquire land outside the boundaries of such counties for certain purposes
Chapter 777 (H 226)
An Act relating to the powers of the Peninsula Airport Commission
Chapter 787 (H 706)
An Act to provide for the assessment and equalization of assessments of real estate in certain counties; to authorize the transfer to the assessor appointed pursuant to this act of certain duties of the commissioner of the revenue in respect to the assessment of real estate in such counties; to provide for the appointment of boards of equalization in such counties and to prescribe their powers and duties; and to repeal certain acts
Chapter 795 (H 1191)
An Act to authorize the Board of Visitors of Virginia State College to convey land to the county of Chesterfield, Virginia
Chapter 798 (S 323)
An Act relating to representation on certain county school boards
Chapter 799 (S 446)
An Act to authorize certain cities to require repair of certain housing facilities
Chapter 804 (H 1194)
An Act supplementing the State of Virginia Mental Hospitals and Institutions Bond Act of 1968
Chapter 805 (H 1195)
An Act supplementing the State of Virginia Higher Educational Institutions Bond Act of 1968

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The Code of Virginia online database excludes material copyrighted by the publisher, Michie, a division of Matthew Bender. Copyrighted material includes annotations and revisors' notes, which may be found in the print version of the Code of Virginia. Annotated print copies of the Code of Virginia are available in most Virginia public library systems, from LexisNexis (1-800-446-3410), and from West, a Thomson-Reuters business (1-800-344-5008).