1976 Uncodified Acts Regular Session

1976 Virginia Uncodified Acts

1976 Regular Session

Chapter 72 (H 224)
An Act relating to the members of the Capital Region Airport Commission
Chapter 102 (S 43)
An Act to appropriate three thousand dollars from the general fund to cover the expenses of the Special Commission on Lobbying
Chapter 130 (S 168)
An Act authorizing the Director of the Division of Engineering and Buildings to award a side arm to Charles J. Marion
Chapter 141 (HB 202)
An Act relating to the Virginia Housing Study Commission
Chapter 167 (H 979)
An Act authorizing the Governor to convey certain land in Carroll County to such county
Chapter 168 (H 991)
An Act authorizing the Governor to convey to the county of Dinwiddie certain real estate owned by the Commonwealth
Chapter 173 (H 31)
An Act relating to the membership of the Alexandria Historical Restoration and Preservation Commission
Chapter 195 (S 35)
An Act to provide for the designation of the Goose Creek State Scenic River and to authorize the Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority to administer the Scenic River in accordance with the Scenic Rivers Act
Chapter 197 (S 98)
An Act relating to the establishment of a police pension board; its powers and duties, when members can retire, disablement, death, salary deductions and other matters related to a system of pension and retirement for police departments of certain counties
Chapter 237 (S 323)
An Act to authorize the continuation of tolls for the use of the two Elizabeth River vehicular connections between the cities of Norfolk and Portsmouth for a period of two years after the bonds issued therefor are paid
Chapter 309 (H 167)
An Act relating to certain facilities of the Department of Corrections in the county of Goochland
Chapter 325 (H 835)
An Act to authorize and empower the Marine Resources Commission to grant to Rappahannock Properties, Inc. a certain easement for use of certain subaqueous and filled lands in Greenvale Creek, Lancaster County, Virginia
Chapter 376 (S 120)
An Act to provide for the assistance of the Commonwealth and its subdivisions in the United States census of nineteen hundred eighty; to establish certain requirements for election districts and precincts; and to allocate funds therefor
Chapter 486 (H 116)
An Act relating to certain tax exemption information
Chapter 508 (S 534)
An Act to direct the State Corporation Commission to make a study and report upon whether certain differences between railroad management and labor organizations can be handled by contractual arrangements between the parties or by action under the National Railway Labor Act
Chapter 524 (H 465)
An Act relating to the Newport News Oyster Point Development Corporation and the bonds of the corporation
Chapter 578 (H 531)
An Act to continue the Commission on City-County Relationships; to allocate funds
Chapter 606 (S 269)
An Act relating to planning by State Council of Higher Education for Virginia for a regional school of optometry and appropriating funds
Chapter 637 (H 88)
An Act relating to Hampton Roads Sanitation District Commission and Commission membership
Chapter 639 (H 117)
An Act to provide for the retention of certain books by Vincent L. Sexton, Jr.
Chapter 648 (H 196)
An Act relating to counties which may adopt certain game stamp ordinances
Chapter 714 (H 256)
An Act to revise the standards of quality for the several school divisions and to repeal Chapter 316 of the Acts of Assembly of 1974, relating to such standards of quality
Chapter 727 (S 488)
An Act relating to the creation of a Commission on State Governmental Management and appropriating funds therefor
Chapter 766 (H 850)
An Act relating to a moratorium on the granting of certain city charters and institution of suits for annexation

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