1977 Uncodified Acts Regular Session

1977 Virginia Uncodified Acts

1977 Regular Session

Chapter 1 (S 552)
An Act to validate certain reapportionments of election districts and voting precincts and to authorize additional boundary changes under certain conditions
Chapter 11 (S 556)
An Act to provide for the erection of permanent boundary markers on the Virginia-Maryland boundary line in Upper Pocomoke Sound
Chapter 12 (S 602)
An Act relating to the location at Mount Vernon of the wills of the late General George Washington and Martha Washington
Chapter 16 (S 912)
An Act relating to bear hunting seasons in certain counties
Chapter 19 (H 1384)
An Act relating to fishing in certain counties
Chapter 22 (H 1654)
An Act to authorize the exchange of certain land owned by the Commonwealth for a lot situated in the city of Virginia Beach with the approval of the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries, the Attorney General, and the Governor
Chapter 23 (H 1684)
An Act relating to hunting wild birds and animals in Caroline County
Chapter 24 (H 2084)
An Act to authorize the State Board of Health to present Mack Irvin Shanholtz the chair used by him during his term of office
Chapter 29 (H 1409)
An Act authorizing the Director of Conservation and Economic Development to execute a lease agreement with Isle of Wight County for the lease of the historic area known nas Fort Boykin
Chapter 46 (H 270)
An Act to authorize the State Board of Education to present Woodrow Wilson Wilkerson the chair used by him during his term of office
Chapter 64 (S 627)
An Act to provide for the designation of the Catoctin Creek State Scenic River and to authorize the Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority to administer the Scenic River in accordance with the Scenic Rivers Act
Chapter 75 (H 1534)
An Act to provide for the designation of the Appomattox State Scenic River and to authorize the Virginia Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries to administer the Scenic River in accordance with the Scenic Rivers Act
Chapter 171 (S 592)
An Act relating to the boundary line between the city of Alexandria and the county of Arlington
Chapter 176 (S 652)
An Act relating to tolls for the use of vehicular connections between the cities of Norfolk and Portsmouth
Chapter 211 (H 1290)
An Act to abate personal property taxes on certain vessels and containers
Chapter 234 (H 2079)
An Act to authorize the expenditure of certain highway revenues allocated to the secondary road system for the use in Accomack and Northampton Counties
Chapter 266 (S 723)
An Act relating to authorizing the Governor to lease a certain easement on real estate in Virginia Beach
Chapter 270 (H 1643)
An Act relating to the Home for Needy Confederate Women
Chapter 271 (H 1673)
An Act relating to approval by the State Corporation Commission of bonds issued by the Hampton Roads Sanitation District
Chapter 272 (H 1935)
An Act to create the Commission on Mental Health and Mental Retardation; allocation of funds therefor
Chapter 350 (H 1503)
An Act authorizing the Governor to convey certain real estate at Central State Hospital
Chapter 353 (H 1637)
An Act providing for payment of principal of and interest on general obligation bonds of Accomack County issued under the Public Finance Act
Chapter 420 (H 2172)
An Act relating to the powers of the Portsmouth Port and Industrial Commission and the transfer of property
Chapter 421 (H 2173)
An Act to accept the gift of Mary Scott Reed to the Commonweatlh of Virginia according to its terms and to establish the William T. Reed, Jr. Memorial Fund
Chapter 448 (S 725)
An Act relating to the Commission on State Governmental Management; appropriating funds therefor
Chapter 468 (H 809)
An Act authorizing the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia to execute the Interstate Mining Compact and appropriate funds therefor
Chapter 494 (H 1864)
An Act to authorize the Board of Supervisors of York County to establish by ordinance the position of administrator of subdivision ordinance
Chapter 528 (H 1682)
An Act relating to the standards of quality for public schools
Chapter 541 (H 2186)
An Act to award a chair and service revolver to Harold W. Burgess for faithful service
Chapter 543 (S 761)
An Actr to create a Virginia Center for Coal and Energy Research at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; and to create the Virginia Coal Research and Development Advisory Committee
Chapter 592 (S 617)
Amending an Act which created the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Regulation Compact, the amendment relating to the Metro Transit Police Force
Chapter 605 (H 2105)
An Act to authorize the Governor to convey certain lands known as Craney Island to the city of Portsmouth, Virginia, upon reimbursement of costs
Chapter 650 (S 937)
An Act authorizing the issuance of Commonwealth of Virginia Educational Institutions Bonds for paying, together with any other available funds, the cost of acquiring, constructing and equipping capital projects for educational institutions of the Commonwealth
Chapter 651 (S 938)
An Act authorizing the issuance of Commonwealth of Virginia Correctional Facilities Bonds
Chapter 652 (S 939)
An Act authorizing the issuance of Commonwealth of Virginia Mental Health Facilities Bonds
Chapter 653 (S 940)
An Act authorizing the issuance of Commonwealth of Virginia Park and Recreational Facilities Bonds
Chapter 654 (S 941)
An Act authorizing the issuance of Commonwealth of Virginia Port Facilities Bonds
Chapter 661 (H 2096)
An Act to create a commission to consider and report upon various State formulas used to compute the amount of State aid given to Virginia's counties, cities and towns and the need to modify such formulas; and to appropriate funds

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