1966 Uncodified Acts Regular Session

1966 Virginia Uncodified Acts

1966 Regular Session

Chapter 1 (H 44)
An Act to appropriate funds to certain State institutions and agencies for capital outlay purposes
Chapter 6 (S 41)
An Act to authorize the Governor to execute a compact to promote effective prevention and control of forest fires in the Middle Atlantic region of the United States
Chapter 31 (S 93)
An Act to authorize the Governor and the Attorney General to execute a deed conveying unto the United States of America certain formerly submerged lands in Hampton Roads
Chapter 32 (S 42)
An Act to designate a certain portion of State Primary Route 460 as the Charles T. Moses Memorial Highway, and to provide for marking the same
Chapter 56 (S 179)
An Act to authorize the Visitors of Madison College, with the approval of the Governor, to convey certain property of Madison College and to prescribe the conditions therefor
Chapter 57 (S 220)
An Act to designate certain existing and proposed highways and portions of highways as the "Woodrow Wilson Parkway" and to provide for the making thereof
Chapter 62 (H 146)
An Act to permit the taking of certain fish in Montgomery and other counties by trotlines or laylines and to prescribe what bait may be used
Chapter 63 (H 147)
An Act to authorize the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries, subject to the approval of the Governor, to sell and convey certain real estate, and to provide for the disposition of the proceeds of such sale
Chapter 69 (H 34)
An Act to require certain students and teachers to wear eye protective devices when participating in certain courses
Chapter 84 (H 129)
An Act to authorize the governing bodies of counties and cities to provide for annual assessment of real estate therein; to provide for assessments of real estate, appeals from assessments and other matters in connection therewith
Chapter 140 (S 478)
An Act to authorize the governing bodies of counties to provide motor vehicle liability insurance to protect operators of motor vehicles owned or leased by a county, and to appropriate and expend public funds for such purpose and to ratify previous expenditures for such purpose
Chapter 156 (H 605)
An Act to authorize the Governor of Virginia to convey to public utility companies, public service corporations and companies and political subdivisions certain interests in properties held by the Commonwealth for the use and benefit of the Virginia Associated Research Center
Chapter 164 (S 226)
An Act to direct the State Department of Health to establish and maintain a center for reserach into the causes and treatment of the disease of alcoholism
Chapter 167 (H 413)
An Act to establish the Sheriffs and City Sergeants Standard Car Marking and Uniform Commission and to define its powers and duties
Chapter 172 (H 75)
An Act authorizing the Commission of Fisheries, subject to the approval of the Governor, to convey, under certain conditions, certain real estate owned by the Commission of Fisheries
Chapter 176 (S 106)
An Act to create the Commission of Outdoor Recreation
Chapter 177 (S 202)
An Act to direct the State Department of Education for Virginia to reimubrse certain public employees for moneys expended for certain purposes; and to appropriate funds
Chapter 180 (H 354)
An Act to authorize the Virginia Commission for the Visually Handicapped to establish and construct a rehabilitation center for the visually handicapped on certain property; to relieve the Commission of responsibility for construction and operation of a Virginia School for the Blind; and to authorize the Commission to convey a portion or portions of such property and to use the proceeds of any such conveyance
Chapter 191 (S 249)
An Act provide for the distribution of certain revenues by certain counties to incorporated towns within such counties
Chapter 195 (S 308)
An Act to authorize the Commonwealth of Virginia by the Governor and the Secretary of the Commonwealth to convey an easement to the County of Stafford over certain real estate known as the Gari Melchers Memorial property acquired by deed from Corinne Lawton Melchers pursuant to Chapter 437, Acts of 1942
Chapter 199 (S 333)
An Act to validate all proceedings in the creation of all sanitary districts in the State of Virginia, and all proceedings in connection with bond issues of such sanitary districts
Chapter 215 (H 103)
An Act to provide for the withdrawl of clerks of the county courts from the Virginia Supplemental Retirement System under certain circumstances
Chapter 221 (H 141)
An Act to define certain work of internal improvements, and to authorize the governing bodies of cities, towns and counties to exempt such work of internal improvement from local taxation for a period not to exceed five years
Chapter 226 (H 168)
An Act relating to general registrars in certain counties and their powers, duties and compensation
Chapter 228 (H 186)
An Act to authorize the Governor to establish within the office of the Governor the Virginia Office of Economic Opportunity; to appoint a Co-ordinator of such office; to define the powers and duties and to fix the compensation of the Co-ordinator
Chapter 230 (H 199)
An Act relating to squirrel season in certain counties
Chapter 240 (H 246)
An Act to provide for interpreters for the deaf in all criminal cases
Chapter 257 (H 330)
An Act relating to condemnation of certain property for needed uses for the seat of government
Chapter 275 (H 434)
An Act to authorize the Governor to execute, in the name of the Commonwealth, a deed conveying unto Southern Block and Pipe Corporation certain submerged lands in the Southern Branch of the Elizabeth River at Chesapeake, Virginia
Chapter 277 (H 439)
An Act to authorize the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries to exchange certain lands, easements and rights in Walker's Creek Magisterial District of Rockbridge County with the National Capital Area Council, Boy Scouts of America
Chapter 282 (H 455)
An Act to authorize the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries to provide for the clarification, revision and publication of certain regulations and to adopt the same by reference
Chapter 291 (H 483)
An Act authorizing certain counties to regulate private detectives by requiring investigations of moral character of applicants for licenses
Chapter 305 (H 568)
An Act to provide when police officers are deemed to be on duty in certain cities
Chapter 306 (H 570)
An Act to transfer ownership of the Merrimac-Monitor diorama from the Virginia Civil War Commission to the Mariners Museum
Chapter 311 (H 642)
An Act to provide for the assessment and equalization of assessments of real estate in certain counties
Chapter 316 (H 804)
An Act to authorize the county of Rockbridge to expend certain funds and acquire certain property; and to dispose of such property under certain conditions
Chapter 317 (H 805)
An Act to require the State Library Board to have prepared and to erect an historical marker at the site of Moomaw's landing on the North River Canal; and to appropriate funds
Chapter 351 (S 149)
An Act which provided a system of pensions and retirements for police departments of certain counties
Chapter 358 (S 230)
An Act relating to the duration of excise taxes levied on certain tobacco products
Chapter 374 (S 305)
An Act to authorize governing bodies of counties, cities, and towns to levy and impose taxes on a fiscal year basis of July one to June thirty, and to change the rate of levy during the fiscal year
Chapter 380 (S 326)
An Act to authorize counties, cities and towns to make assessments of property for taxation effective for tax purposes on July one of each year when the fiscal year of a county, city or town begins on July one
Chapter 387 (S 365)
An Act to construe the effect of certain statutes requiring certain reports upon the charters of certain societies incorporated by the General Assembly of Virginia prior to nineteen hundred
Chapter 389 (S 370)
An Act to authorize certain cities to lease or assign certain public parking facilities on certain conditions
Chapter 402 (S 414)
An Act to authorize the Adjutant General of the Commonwealth of Virginia to provide group health and hospitalization insurance for employees of the Military Department
Chapter 403 (S 421)
An Act to prohibit clerks and deputy clerks from changing certain records except under certain conditions
Chapter 412 (H 591)
An Act to authorize the Governor to accept, on behalf of the Commonwealth, certain properties of the Confederate Memorial Literary Society; and to provide for the creation of a Board of Trustees to administer such properties and to take, hold and expend certain funds in connection therewith
Chapter 414 (H 596)
An Act to prohibit hunting with a rifle of a caliber larger than twenty-two/one hundredths of an inch
Chapter 419 (H 609)
An Act relating to transportation districts, the sections relating to the creation of districts, members of commission, quorum and action by commission and certain powers and duties of commission
Chapter 429 (H 656)
An Act to authorize the governing bodies of certain counties to adopt ordinances regulating the tracking of mud and debris upon their highways
Chapter 448 (H 765)
An Act to authorize the State Hospital Board to establish, construct, equip and operate a State hospital within certain geographic limits for mentally retarded persons under certain conditions
Chapter 461 (S 107)
An Act to provide for the acquisition and designation of real property by certain public bodies for use as permanent open-space land, and to that end to confer certain powers upon such public bodies
Chapter 462 (S 180)
An Act relating to the Miller Fund and the Miller School of Albemarle, the section relating to the charter of such school
Chapter 468 (S 272)
An Act relating to the Portsmouth Port and Industrial Commission, relating to the appointment of commissioners
Chapter 479 (S 463)
An Act to create a Virginia Metropolitan Areas Study Commission, to provide for its composition and to prescribe its powers and duties
Chapter 480 (S 464)
An Act to provide that the governing bodies of certain counties may perpetuate historical sites and to protect same by regulating the architectural design of structures in the area of such sites
Chapter 487 (H 290)
An Act to permit the governing bodies of certain counties to eliminate public hearings before planning commissions
Chapter 489 (H 363)
An Act to provide for the establishment of The Virginia Research Center for Historic Archaeology
Chapter 497 (H 520)
An Act to create the State Air Pollution Control Board and prescribing matters related to it
Chapter 503 (H 619)
An Act to validate and provide for the legal effect of certain records in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Chesterfield
Chapter 517 (H 862)
An Act to provide for the admission of results of blood tests into evidence in certain cases
Chapter 525 (S 109)
An Act to create the Virginia Outdoors Foundation and governing body, and to prescribe its powers and functions
Chapter 537 (S 245)
An Act relating to incidental powers of the Elizabeth Tunnel Commission
Chapter 541 (S 258)
An Act relating to the assessment of property of public service corporations for local taxation and prescribing the procedure therefor
Chapter 542 (S 289)
An Act to prohibit certain counties from levying certain taxes when certain other taxes are imposed by such counties
Chapter 553 (S 353)
An Act to permit the sheriffs of certain counties to receive additional compensation for certain acts; validate previous payments
Chapter 563 (S 402)
An Act to direct the State Board of Education to recognize certain teaching service in the preparation of the State minimum salary schedule
Chapter 578 (H 85)
An Act to prescribe the duty of certain persons relating to the provision of medical treatment for injured minors, and to provide a penalty for violations
Chapter 591 (H 377)
An Act to authorize United States Commissioners to revoke operators' and chauffeurs' licenses under certain conditions
Chapter 592 (H 395)
An Act to prohibit the sale of certain motor vehicle tires; providing penalties for violations
Chapter 602 (H 529)
An Act to create the Roanoke Metropolitan Area Study Commission; to provide for its composition, organization and functioning and how it shall be financed; to require it to consider certain matters and to report thereon; and to provide for a referendum on certain questions
Chapter 609 (H 593)
An Act for the establishment of textbook lending libraries and maintenance of free textbooks within the public school system
Chapter 619 (H 768)
An Act to authorize certain counties, cities, and towns to pay funds to the Commonwealth and to authorize the Commonwealth to receive funds
Chapter 632 (S 108)
An Act to create the Virginia Historic Landmarks Commission; to provide for the appointment of the members thereof; to prescribe the powers and duties of the Commission with reference to the establishment
Chapter 633 (S 131)
An Act to authorize the Governor to convey certain formerly submerged land to the city of Portsmouth
Chapter 646 (S 346)
An Act to authorize the Visitors of Madison College to grant easements over, across or under the property of Madison College
Chapter 652 (S 419)
An Act to authorize the Governor to execute and deliver a deed conveying the reversionary rights and interests of the Commonwealth and the Historic Richmond Foundation a portion of the Robert E. Lee House to Seventh and Franklin, Incorporated
Chapter 658 (H 63)
An Act to create the Virginia Pork Industry Commission and to prescribe its powers and duties
Chapter 660 (H 94)
An Act to appropriate funds for the salaries for additional judges
Chapter 661 (H 108)
An Act to authorize and direct the Commissioner of Fisheries to reestablish and maintain fish hatcheries, and to appropriate funds
Chapter 667 (H 181)
An Act to require licenses for certain surface mining operations and to fix conditions for issuance thereof
Chapter 669 (H 201)
An Act to create, as a division in the Attorney General's Office, the Central Criminal Records Exchange
Chapter 678 (H 299)
An Act to authorize The Visitors of Longwood College, subject to the approval of the Governor, to sell and convey certain real estate owned by Longwood College, and to provide for the application of the proceeds of such sale
Chapter 680 (H 343)
An Act to create a Commission to study and report on the boundary line between Loudoun County, Virginia, and Jefferson County, West Virginia; and to appropriate funds for the use of the Commission
Chapter 682 (H 362)
An Act to provide for the disposition of proceeds from the sale of certain property by the Board of Visitors of the College of William and Mary
Chapter 692 (H 507)
An Act to appropriate certain sums of money in aid of Confederate Memorial Associations and organizations of the United Daughters of the Confederacy in Virginia, to be used in caring for Confederate cemeteries and graves of Confederate soldiers and sailors
Chapter 698 (H 560)
An Act to create a Preliminary Commission to commemorate the bicentennial of the War of American Independence
Chapter 700 (H 588)
An Act to create a commission to study, revise and report on the laws relating to welfare, embracing Title 63 and other relevant portions of the Code of Virginia and the organization and functioning of the Department of Welfare and Institutions and related agencies; and to appropriate funds
Chapter 705 (HB 657)
An Act authorizing The College of William and Mary, the University of Virginia and Virginia Polytechnic Institute to enter into a joint agreement and to contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for the operation and management of a space radiation effects laboratory
Chapter 708 (H 724)
An Act to create the Virginia Traffic Safety Study Commission; to define its powers and duties; and to appropriate funds therefor
Chapter 713 (H 851)
An Act to authorize the Board of Visitors of the College of William and Mary in Virginia, with the approval of the Governor, to convey certain parcels of land to the city of Williamsburg
Chapter 716 (H 865)
An Act to direct the State Board of Health to transfer one of the State sanatoria to the State Hospital Board; and to authorize the State Hospital Board to operate the Sanatorium for the care of certain persons committed to it
Chapter 717 (H 869)
An Act to provide for the construction of certain acts of the General Assembly at its regular session of nineteen hundred sixty-six

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The Code of Virginia online database excludes material copyrighted by the publisher, Michie, a division of Matthew Bender. Copyrighted material includes annotations and revisors' notes, which may be found in the print version of the Code of Virginia. Annotated print copies of the Code of Virginia are available in most Virginia public library systems, from LexisNexis (1-800-446-3410), and from West, a Thomson-Reuters business (1-800-344-5008).