1975 Uncodified Acts Regular Session

1975 Virginia Uncodified Acts

1975 Regular Session

Chapter 1 (H 1188)
An Act relating to merger of financial institutions
Chapter 38 (S 925)
An Act to provide for the retention of certain books furnished to Henry W. MacKenzie, Jr.
Chapter 71 (H 1137)
An Act relating to bird sanctuaries within certain areas of the county of Henrico
Chapter 90 (S 571)
An Act relating to salaries of members of town council of Blackstone
Chapter 131 (H 1233)
An Act to continue the Commission on City-County Relations; to allocate funds
Chapter 133 (H 1351)
An Act relating to selection of day of rest
Chapter 137 (H 1707)
An Act authorizing the Governor to convey to the city of Virginia Beach certain real estate owned by the Commonwealth
Chapter 177 (H 1213)
An Act authorizing the Superintendent of State Police, subject to the approval of the Governor, to convey, under certain conditions, certain real estate in the city of Norton, owned by the Department of State Police
Chapter 183 (H 1261)
An Act to remove certain areas in Northumberland County from the natural oyster beds, rocks and shoals of the Commonwealth
Chapter 219 (S 696)
An Act to authorize the issuance of Commonwealth of Virginia Higher Educational Institutions Bonds for the purpose of constructing a revenue producing capital project at the University of Virginia to be leased to the United States Government
Chapter 239 (S 893)
An Act directing a study of laws relating to conflicts of interest and disclosure by public officials
Chapter 269 (H 728)
An Act to prohibit the removal of shopping carts; providing penalties for violations
Chapter 271 (H 1138)
An Act to authorize the establishment of an airport commission by the governing bodies of Mecklenburg and Brunswick Counties and the towns of South Hill and LaCrosse, or any two more of them
Chapter 384 (S 701)
An Act to appropriate funds available under Section 903 of the Social Security Act for the acquisition of land, the erection of a building thereon and for required improvements, facilities, paving, landscaping and fixed equipment in connection therewith; and to prescribe the conditions for obligation and expenditure thereof
Chapter 385 (S 724)
An Act relating to the Peninsual Airport Commission's members and compensation
Chapter 391 (H 72)
An Act to provide for the designation of the Staunton State Scenic River and to authorize the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries to administer the Scenic River
Chapter 392 (H 1229)
An Act relating to a moratorium on the granting of certain city charters and the institution of suits for annexation
Chapter 401 (H 1524)
An Act relating to disposition of funds from sale of certain game stamps
Chapter 409 (H 1574)
An Act relating to disposition of funds from sale of certain game stamps
Chapter 414 (H 1814)
An Act approving emergency plans for bridge and bridge-tunnel facilities in the Tidewater area; designating the Secretary of Transportation and Public Safety as the coordinator for the implementation of such plan; and appropriating funds therefor
Chapter 435 (S 895)
An Act to provide immunity from liability for members of the rate review board established by the Virginia Hospital Association
Chapter 460 (H 1123)
An Act relating to counties which may adopt certain game stamp ordinances
Chapter 494 (H 1061)
An Act relating to refunds of certain fuel taxes to urban and suburban bus lines and taxicabs
Chapter 509 (S 471)
An Act to establish a State Office for Minority Business Enterprise
Chapter 537 (H 1541)
An Act to authorize certain counties, the city of Richmond, and the town of Ashland to create a commission known as the "Capital Regional Airport Commission," for the purpose of establishing and operating airports and air navigation facilities for such counties, city, and town
Chapter 548 (H 1627)
An Act prohibiting fishing in certain areas of Virginia Beach
Chapter 562 (H 1692)
An Act to broaden the scope of the study of the Virginia Housing Study Commission
Chapter 592 (H 1068)
An Act to provide for the designation of the Rivanna State Scenic River and to authorize Fluvanna County to administer the Scenic River in accordance with the Scenic Rivers Act
Chapter 600 (H 1645)
An Act prohibiting the use of State-owned lands in certain counties as a solid waste disposal site without prior approval
Chapter 634 (S 905)
An Act granting the board of supervisors of Gloucester County authority to have certain advisory referendum called

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