1978 Uncodified Acts Regular Session

1978 Virginia Uncodified Acts

1978 Regular Session

Chapter 18 (S 464)
An Act relating to the Shenanadoah Valley Joint Airport Commission
Chapter 33 (S 222)
An Act to authorize the continuation of tolls for the use of the two Elizabeth River vehicular connections between the cities of Norfolk and Portsmouth for a period of two years after the bonds issued therefor are paid
Chapter 38 (S 443)
An Act transferring Blue Ridge Sanatorium to the University of Virginia
Chapter 45 (S 342)
An Act to authorize the expenditure of certain highway revenues allocated to the secondary road system for use in Accomack and Northampton Counties
Chapter 55 (S 26)
An Act relating to the naming of U.S. Route 13
Chapter 97 (S 418)
An Act to authorize and empower the Virginia Marine Resources Commission to grant to Joseph L. Conboy and M. Elinor Conboy a certain easement for use of certain subaqueous and filled lands in the Rappahannock River, Middlesex County, Virginia
Chapter 154 (S 264)
An Act to provide for grants to certain school divisions which submit plans for the use of volunteers and to establish the Council on Volunteerism in Public Schools
Chapter 169 (S 533)
An Act to authorize the Director of the Department of Conservation and Economic Development to make a land exchange involving certain recreational demonstration project lands
Chapter 170 (S 534)
An Act to create a Virginia Center on Aging at Virginia Commonwealth University
Chapter 286 (H 577)
An Act authorizing the Governor to convey certain real estate at Southwestern Virginia Training Center
Chapter 287 (H 594)
An Act relating to appointment of Commissioners of the Portsmouth Port and Industrial Commission, term and filling of vacancies
Chapter 312 (H 1191)
An Act to authorize the city of Norfolk to sell or lease certain city-owned real property
Chapter 313 (H 154)
An Act providing for the designation of the Staunton State Scenic River and to authorize the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries to administer
Chapter 316 (S 547)
An Act authorizing the city of Radford and the county of Pulaski to execute an agreement wherein the city shall relinquish annexation rights for the county agreeing to share certain revenues
Chapter 387 (H 94)
An Act authorizing the Governor of the Commonwealth to accept Leesylvania as a State park
Chapter 391 (S 58)
An Act awarding to Edmond M. Boggs the chair used by him as Commissioner of Labor and Industry
Chapter 398 (S 503)
An Act authorizing the Governor to convey to the Northern Virginia 4-H Educational Center, Incorporated certain real estate owned by the Commonwealth
Chapter 423 (H 1064)
An Act to permit certain members of the City of Portsmouth Retirement System to elect to become members of the Virginia Supplemental Retirement System
Chapter 458 (S 548)
An Act to authorize a referendum in Giles County for the purpose of determining whether two supervisors elected at-large shall be added to the board of supervisors
Chapter 464 (H 237)
An Act relating to the Moccasin Gap Sanitation Commission
Chapter 519 (H 506)
An Act relating to the squirrel season in certain counties
Chapter 523 (H 1019)
An Act to authorize the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries to convey certain real property located in Charles City County to the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities
Chapter 529 (H 402)
An Act relating to the standards of quality for the several school divisions
Chapter 556 (H 527)
An Act to remove certain areas in the waters of Hampton Roads and the Elizabeth River from the natural oyster rocks, beds, and shoals embraced within the Baylor Survey
Chapter 582 (H 631)
An Act to authorize the Department of Military Affairs, with approval of the Governor, to convey a certain easement on real property in Virginia Beach
Chapter 591 (H 895)
An Act appropriating one hundred twenty dollars and forty-five cents to Lanier Business Products
Chapter 619 (S 513)
An Act to declare those provisions of the Virginia Unemployment Compensation Act requiring benefits for employees of political subsdivisions null and void if P.L. 94-566 is declared unconstitutional
Chapter 637 (H 486)
An Act appropriating money to the towns of Cedar Bluff, Brodnax, New Market, and Pound
Chapter 809 (H 1034)
An Act to authorize the issuance of Commonwealth of Virginia Higher Educational Institutions Bonds for paying the cost of acquiring, constructing and equipping revenue producing capital projects at institutions of higher learning of the Commonwealth

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