Code of Virginia

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Code of Virginia
Title 4.1. Alcoholic Beverage and Cannabis Control
Chapter 2. Administration of Licenses

Article 2. Licenses Granted by Board; Limitations; Revocation and Suspension.

§ 4.1-206. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 2020, cc. 1113 and 1114, as amended by Acts 2021, Sp. Sess. I, c. 82, effective January 1, 2022.

§ 4.1-206.1. Manufacturer licenses.

The Board may grant the following manufacturer licenses:

1. Distiller's licenses, which shall authorize the licensee to manufacture alcoholic beverages other than wine and beer, and to sell and deliver or ship the same, in accordance with Board regulations, in closed containers, to the Board and to persons outside the Commonwealth for resale outside the Commonwealth. When the Board has established a government store on the distiller's licensed premises pursuant to subsection D of § 4.1-119, such license shall also authorize the licensee to make a charge to consumers to participate in an organized tasting event conducted in accordance with subsection G of § 4.1-119 and Board regulations.

2. Limited distiller's licenses, to distilleries that (i) are located on a farm in the Commonwealth on land zoned agricultural and owned or leased by such distillery or its owner and (ii) use agricultural products that are grown on the farm in the manufacture of their alcoholic beverages. Limited distiller's licensees shall be treated as distillers for all purposes of this title except as otherwise provided in this subdivision. For purposes of this subdivision, "land zoned agricultural" means (a) land zoned as an agricultural district or classification or (b) land otherwise permitted by a locality for limited distillery use. For purposes of this subdivision, "land zoned agricultural" does not include land zoned "residential conservation." Except for the limitation on land zoned "residential conservation," nothing in this definition shall otherwise limit or affect local zoning authority.

3. Brewery licenses, which shall authorize the licensee to manufacture beer and to sell and deliver or ship the beer so manufactured, in accordance with Board regulations, in closed containers to (i) persons licensed to sell the beer at wholesale and (ii) persons outside the Commonwealth for resale outside the Commonwealth. Such license shall also authorize the licensee to sell at retail at premises described in the brewery license (a) the brands of beer that the brewery owns for on-premises consumption, provided that not less than 20 percent of the volume of beer sold for on-premises consumption in any calendar year is manufactured on the licensed premises, and (b) beer in closed containers, which shall include growlers and other reusable containers, for off-premises consumption.

4. Limited brewery licenses, to breweries that manufacture no more than 15,000 barrels of beer per calendar year, provided that (i) the brewery is located on a farm in the Commonwealth on land zoned agricultural and owned or leased by such brewery or its owner and (ii) agricultural products, including barley, other grains, hops, or fruit, used by such brewery in the manufacture of its beer are grown on the farm. The licensed premises shall be limited to the portion of the farm on which agricultural products, including barley, other grains, hops, or fruit, used by such brewery in the manufacture of its beer are grown and that is contiguous to the premises of such brewery where the beer is manufactured, exclusive of any residence and the curtilage thereof. However, the Board may, with notice to the local governing body in accordance with the provisions of § 4.1-230, also approve other portions of the farm to be included as part of the licensed premises. For purposes of this subdivision, "land zoned agricultural" means (a) land zoned as an agricultural district or classification or (b) land otherwise permitted by a locality for limited brewery use. For purposes of this subdivision, "land zoned agricultural" does not include land zoned "residential conservation." Except for the limitation on land zoned "residential conservation," nothing in this definition shall otherwise limit or affect local zoning authority.

Limited brewery licensees shall be treated as breweries for all purposes of this title except as otherwise provided in this subdivision.

5. Winery licenses, which shall authorize the licensee to (i) manufacture wine and to sell and deliver or ship such wine, in accordance with Board regulations, in closed containers, to persons licensed to sell the wine so manufactured at wholesale for the purpose of resale, and to persons outside the Commonwealth for resale outside the Commonwealth; (ii) operate distilling equipment on the premises of the licensee in the manufacture of spirits from fruit or fruit juices only, which shall be used only for the fortification of wine produced by the licensee; (iii) operate a contract winemaking facility on the premises of the licensee in accordance with Board regulations; (iv) store wine in bonded warehouses on or off the licensed premises upon permit issued by the Board; and (v) sell wine at retail at the place of business designated in the winery license for on-premises consumption or in closed containers for off-premises consumption, provided that any brand of wine not owned by the winery licensee is purchased from a wholesale wine licensee and no less than 20 percent of the wine sold for on-premises consumption is manufactured on the licensed premises.

6. Farm winery licenses, which shall authorize the licensee to (i) manufacture wine containing 21 percent or less of alcohol by volume and to sell, deliver, or ship such wine, in accordance with Board regulations, in closed containers, to the Board, persons licensed to sell the wine so manufactured at wholesale for the purpose of resale, or persons outside the Commonwealth; (ii) acquire and receive deliveries and shipments of wine and sell and deliver or ship such wine, in accordance with Board regulations, to the Board, persons licensed to sell wine at wholesale for the purpose of resale, or persons outside the Commonwealth; (iii) operate a contract winemaking facility on the premises of the licensee in accordance with the provisions of this subtitle and Board regulations; (iv) enter into an agreement with a contract winemaking facility in accordance with the provisions of this subtitle and Board regulations; and (v) store wine in bonded warehouses located on or off the licensed premises upon permits issued by the Board. For the purposes of this title, a farm winery license shall be designated either as a Class I, Class II, Class III, or Class IV farm winery license in accordance with the limitations set forth in § 4.1-219.

Such licenses shall also authorize the licensee to sell wine at retail for on-premises consumptions or in closed containers for off-premises consumption at the places of business designated in the licenses, which may include no more than five additional retail establishments of the licensee. The licensee may sell at these places of business wine manufactured by such licensee, wine manufactured by a contract winemaking facility with which the licensee has entered into an agreement pursuant to the provisions of this subtitle and Board regulations, and wine purchased from a wholesale wine licensee. In addition, the licensee may pre-mix wine and sell such wine at these places of business.

7. Wine importer's licenses, which shall authorize persons located within or outside the Commonwealth to sell and deliver or ship wine, in accordance with Board regulations, in closed containers, to persons in the Commonwealth licensed to sell such wine at wholesale for the purpose of resale, and to persons outside the Commonwealth for resale outside the Commonwealth.

8. Beer importer's licenses, which shall authorize persons located within or outside the Commonwealth to sell and deliver or ship beer, in accordance with Board regulations, in closed containers, to persons in the Commonwealth licensed to sell such beer at wholesale for the purpose of resale and to persons outside the Commonwealth for resale outside the Commonwealth.

2020, cc. 756, 1008, 1113, 1114; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, cc. 281, 282; 2023, c. 731.

§ 4.1-206.2. Wholesale licenses.

The Board may grant the following wholesale licenses:

1. Wholesale beer licenses, including those granted pursuant to subdivision 2, which shall authorize the licensee to acquire and receive deliveries and shipments of beer and to sell and deliver or ship the beer from one or more premises identified in the license, in accordance with Board regulations, in closed containers to (i) persons licensed under this chapter to sell such beer at wholesale or retail for the purpose of resale, (ii) owners of boats registered under the laws of the United States sailing for ports of call of a foreign country or another state, and (iii) persons outside the Commonwealth for resale outside the Commonwealth.

No wholesale beer licensee shall purchase beer for resale from a person outside the Commonwealth who does not hold a beer importer's license unless such wholesale beer licensee holds a beer importer's license and purchases beer for resale pursuant to the privileges of such beer importer's license.

2. Restricted wholesale beer licenses, which shall authorize a nonprofit, nonstock corporation created in accordance with subdivision B 3 of § 3.2-102 to provide wholesale beer distribution services to brewery and limited brewery licensees, provided that no more than 500 barrels of beer shall be distributed by the corporation to each licensee in any one calendar year. The corporation shall provide such distribution services in accordance with the terms of a written agreement with the brewery or limited brewery licensee, which shall comply with the provisions of this subtitle and Board regulations. The corporation shall receive all of the privileges of, and be subject to all laws and regulations governing, wholesale beer licenses granted under subdivision 1. The board of directors of such corporation shall develop procedures and guidelines related to the sale and delivery of beer by the corporation to holders of banquet and special events licenses when such events are located within the exclusive distribution territory of another wholesale beer licensee.

3. Wholesale wine licenses, including those granted pursuant to subdivision 4, which shall authorize the licensee to acquire and receive deliveries and shipments of wine and to sell and deliver or ship the wine from one or more premises identified in the license, in accordance with Board regulations, in closed containers, to (i) persons licensed to sell such wine in the Commonwealth, (ii) persons outside the Commonwealth for resale outside the Commonwealth, (iii) religious congregations for use only for sacramental purposes, and (iv) owners of boats registered under the laws of the United States sailing for ports of call of a foreign country or another state.

No wholesale wine licensee shall purchase wine for resale from a person outside the Commonwealth who does not hold a wine importer's license unless such wholesale wine licensee holds a wine importer's license and purchases wine for resale pursuant to the privileges of such wine importer's license.

4. Restricted wholesale wine licenses, which shall authorize a nonprofit, nonstock corporation created in accordance with subdivision B 2 of § 3.2-102 to provide wholesale wine distribution services to winery and farm winery licensees, provided that no more than 3,000 cases of wine produced by a winery or farm winery licensee shall be distributed by the corporation in any one year. The corporation shall provide such distribution services in accordance with the terms of a written agreement approved by the corporation between it and the winery or farm winery licensee, which shall comply with the provisions of this subtitle and Board regulations. The corporation shall receive all of the privileges of, and be subject to, all laws and regulations governing wholesale wine licenses granted under subdivision 3.

2020, cc. 1113, 1114; 2023, c. 597.

§ 4.1-206.3. (Effective until July 1, 2026) Retail licenses.

A. The Board may grant the following mixed beverages licenses:

1. Mixed beverage restaurant licenses, which shall authorize the licensee to sell and serve mixed beverages for on-premises consumption in dining areas and other designated areas of such restaurant or off-premises consumption. Such license may be granted only to persons (i) who operate a restaurant and (ii) whose gross receipts from the sale of food cooked, or prepared, and consumed on the premises and nonalcoholic beverages served on the premises, after issuance of such license, amount to at least 45 percent of the gross receipts from the sale of mixed beverages and food. For the purposes of this subdivision, other designated areas shall include outdoor dining areas, whether or not contiguous to the licensed premises, which outdoor dining areas may have more than one means of ingress and egress to an adjacent public thoroughfare, provided such areas are under the control of the licensee and approved by the Board. Such noncontiguous designated areas shall not be approved for any retail license issued pursuant to subdivision A 5 of § 4.1-201.

If the restaurant is located on the premises of a hotel or motel with no fewer than four permanent bedrooms where food and beverage service is customarily provided by the restaurant in designated areas, bedrooms, and other private rooms of such hotel or motel, such licensee may (a) sell and serve mixed beverages for on-premises consumption in such designated areas, bedrooms, and other private rooms or off-premises consumption and (b) sell spirits packaged in original closed containers purchased from the Board for on-premises consumption to registered guests and at scheduled functions of such hotel or motel only in such bedrooms or private rooms. However, with regard to a hotel classified as a resort complex, the Board may authorize the sale and on-premises consumption of alcoholic beverages in all areas within the resort complex deemed appropriate by the Board. Nothing herein shall prohibit any person from keeping and consuming his own lawfully acquired spirits in bedrooms or private rooms.

If the restaurant is located on the premises of and operated by a private, nonprofit, or profit club exclusively for its members and their guests, or members of another private, nonprofit, or profit club in another city with which it has an agreement for reciprocal dining privileges, such license shall also authorize the licensees to (1) sell and serve mixed beverages for on-premises or off-premises consumption and (2) sell spirits that are packaged in original closed containers with a maximum capacity of two fluid ounces or 50 milliliters and purchased from the Board for on-premises consumption. Where such club prepares no food in its restaurant but purchases its food requirements from a restaurant licensed by the Board and located on another portion of the premises of the same hotel or motel building, this fact shall not prohibit the granting of a license by the Board to such club qualifying in all other respects. The club's gross receipts from the sale of nonalcoholic beverages consumed on the premises and food resold to its members and guests and consumed on the premises shall amount to at least 45 percent of its gross receipts from the sale of mixed beverages and food. The food sales made by a restaurant to such a club shall be excluded in any consideration of the qualifications of such restaurant for a license from the Board.

If the restaurant is located on the premises of and operated by a municipal golf course, the Board shall recognize the seasonal nature of the business and waive any applicable monthly food sales requirements for those months when weather conditions may reduce patronage of the golf course, provided that prepared food, including meals, is available to patrons during the same months. The gross receipts from the sale of food cooked, or prepared, and consumed on the premises and nonalcoholic beverages served on the premises, after the issuance of such license, shall amount to at least 45 percent of the gross receipts from the sale of mixed beverages and food on an annualized basis.

If the restaurant is located on the premises of and operated by a culinary lodging resort, such license shall authorize the licensee to (A) sell alcoholic beverages, without regard to the amount of gross receipts from the sale of food prepared and consumed on the premises, for off-premises consumption or for on-premises consumption in areas upon the licensed premises approved by the Board and other designated areas of the resort, including outdoor areas under the control of the licensee, and (B) permit the possession and consumption of lawfully acquired alcoholic beverages by persons to whom overnight lodging is being provided in bedrooms and private guest rooms.

If the restaurant is located on the premises of a mixed beverage casino licensee owned by an operator licensed under Article 3 (§ 58.1-4108 et seq.) of Chapter 41 of Title 58.1, such mixed beverage restaurant license shall authorize the licensee to sell alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption on the licensed premises of the restaurant during all hours of operation of the mixed beverage casino licensee. Any alcoholic beverages purchased from such restaurant may be (I) taken onto the premises of the mixed beverage casino licensee and (II) possessed or consumed in areas designated by the Board, after consultation with the mixed beverage casino licensee. Designated areas may include any areas on the premises of the mixed beverage casino licensee, including entertainment venues, conference rooms, private rooms, hotels, pools, marinas, or green spaces. Alcoholic beverages purchased from a restaurant pursuant to this subdivision shall be contained in glassware or a paper, plastic, or similar disposable container that clearly displays the name or logo of the restaurant from which the alcoholic beverage was purchased.

The granting of a license pursuant to this subdivision shall automatically authorize the licensee to obtain a license to sell and serve wine and beer for on-premises consumption and in closed containers for off-premises consumption; however, the licensee shall be required to pay the local fee required for such additional license pursuant to § 4.1-233.1.

2. Mixed beverage caterer's licenses, which may be granted only to a person regularly engaged in the business of providing food and beverages to others for service at private gatherings or at special events, which shall authorize the licensee to sell and serve alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption. The annual gross receipts from the sale of food cooked and prepared for service and nonalcoholic beverages served at gatherings and events referred to in this subdivision shall amount to at least 45 percent of the gross receipts from the sale of mixed beverages and food.

3. Mixed beverage limited caterer's licenses, which may be granted only to a person regularly engaged in the business of providing food and beverages to others for service at private gatherings or at special events, not to exceed 12 gatherings or events per year, which shall authorize the licensee to sell and serve alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption. The annual gross receipts from the sale of food cooked and prepared for service and nonalcoholic beverages served at gatherings and events referred to in this subdivision shall amount to at least 45 percent of the gross receipts from the sale of mixed beverages and food.

4. Mixed beverage carrier licenses to (i) persons operating a common carrier of passengers by train, boat, bus, or airplane, which shall authorize the licensee to sell and serve mixed beverages anywhere in the Commonwealth to passengers while in transit aboard any such common carrier, and in designated rooms of establishments of air carriers at airports in the Commonwealth and (ii) financial institutions, subsidiaries of a financial institution, or persons approved by the applicable airport authority that have entered into a contract with a financial institution or subsidiary of a financial institution to operate a passenger lounge, which shall authorize the licensee to sell and serve mixed beverages in designated areas of a passenger lounge for ticketed air carrier passengers that is located within an airport in the Commonwealth. For purposes of supplying its airplanes, as well as any airplanes of a licensed express carrier flying under the same brand, an air carrier licensee may appoint an authorized representative to load alcoholic beverages onto the same airplanes and to transport and store alcoholic beverages at or in close proximity to the airport where the alcoholic beverages will be delivered onto airplanes of the air carrier and any such licensed express carrier. The air carrier licensee shall (a) designate for purposes of its license all locations where the inventory of alcoholic beverages may be stored and from which the alcoholic beverages will be delivered onto airplanes of the air carrier and any such licensed express carrier and (b) maintain records of all alcoholic beverages to be transported, stored, and delivered by its authorized representative. The granting of a license pursuant to this subdivision shall automatically authorize the licensee to obtain a license to sell and serve wine and beer for on-premises consumption or in closed containers for off-premises consumption; however, the licensee shall be required to pay the local fee required for such additional license pursuant to § 4.1-233.1.

For the purposes of this subdivision:

"Financial institution" means any bank, trust company, savings institution, industrial loan association, consumer finance company, or credit union.

"Passenger lounge" means any restricted-access passenger waiting room or lounge leased to persons by the applicable airport authority in which food and beverage services are provided to ticketed passengers.

5. Annual mixed beverage sports facility licenses to persons operating a sports facility or food concessions at a sports facility, which shall authorize the licensee to sell mixed beverages during any event and immediately subsequent thereto to patrons within all seating areas, concourses, walkways, concession areas, and additional locations designated by the Board (i) in closed containers for off-premises consumption or (ii) in paper, plastic, or similar disposable containers or in single original metal cans for on-premises consumption. Upon authorization of the licensee, any person may keep and consume his own lawfully acquired alcoholic beverages on the premises in all areas and locations covered by the license. The granting of a license pursuant to this subdivision shall automatically authorize the licensee to obtain a license to sell and serve wine and beer for on-premises consumption or in closed containers for off-premises consumption; however, the licensee shall be required to pay the local fee required for such additional license pursuant to § 4.1-233.1.

6. Limited mixed beverage restaurant licenses, which shall authorize the licensee to sell and serve dessert wines as defined by Board regulation and no more than six varieties of liqueurs, which liqueurs shall be combined with coffee or other nonalcoholic beverages, for on-premises consumption in dining areas of the restaurant or off-premises consumption. Such license may be granted only to persons who operate a restaurant and in no event shall the sale of such wine or liqueur-based drinks, together with the sale of any other alcoholic beverages, exceed 10 percent of the total annual gross sales of all food and alcoholic beverages. The granting of a license pursuant to this subdivision shall automatically authorize the licensee to obtain a license to sell and serve wine and beer for on-premises consumption or in closed containers for off-premises consumption; however, the licensee shall be required to pay the local fee required for such additional license pursuant to § 4.1-233.1.

7. Annual mixed beverage performing arts facility licenses, which shall (i) authorize the licensee to sell, on the dates of performances or events, alcoholic beverages in paper, plastic, or similar disposable containers or in single original metal cans for on-premises consumption in all seating areas, concourses, walkways, concession areas, similar facilities, and other areas upon the licensed premises approved by the Board and (ii) automatically authorize the licensee to obtain a license to sell and serve wine and beer for on-premises consumption or in closed containers for off-premises consumption; however, the licensee shall be required to pay the local fee required for such additional license pursuant to § 4.1-233.1. Such licenses may be granted to persons operating a performing arts facility or food concessions at a performing arts facility.

8. Combined mixed beverage restaurant and caterer's licenses, which may be granted to any restaurant or hotel that meets the qualifications for both a mixed beverage restaurant pursuant to subdivision 1 and mixed beverage caterer pursuant to subdivision 2 for the same business location, and which license shall authorize the licensee to operate as both a mixed beverage restaurant and mixed beverage caterer at the same business premises designated in the license, with a common alcoholic beverage inventory for purposes of the restaurant and catering operations. Such licensee shall meet the separate food qualifications established for the mixed beverage restaurant license pursuant to subdivision 1 and mixed beverage caterer's license pursuant to subdivision 2. The granting of a license pursuant to this subdivision shall automatically authorize the licensee to obtain a license to sell and serve wine and beer for on-premises consumption or in closed containers for off-premises consumption; however, the licensee shall be required to pay the local fee required for such additional license pursuant to § 4.1-233.1.

9. Bed and breakfast licenses, which shall authorize the licensee to (i) serve alcoholic beverages in dining areas, private guest rooms, and other designated areas to persons to whom overnight lodging is being provided, with or without meals, for on-premises consumption only in such rooms and areas, and without regard to the amount of gross receipts from the sale of food prepared and consumed on the premises and (ii) permit the consumption of lawfully acquired alcoholic beverages by persons to whom overnight lodging is being provided in (a) bedrooms or private guest rooms or (b) other designated areas of the bed and breakfast establishment. For purposes of this subdivision, "other designated areas" includes outdoor dining areas, whether or not contiguous to the licensed premises, which may have more than one means of ingress and egress to an adjacent public thoroughfare, provided that such outdoor dining areas are under the control of the licensee and approved by the Board. Such noncontiguous designated areas shall not be approved for any retail license issued pursuant to subdivision A 5 of § 4.1-201.

10. Museum licenses, which may be issued to nonprofit museums exempt from taxation under § 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, which shall authorize the licensee to (i) permit the consumption of lawfully acquired alcoholic beverages on the premises of the licensee by any bona fide member and guests thereof and (ii) serve alcoholic beverages on the premises of the licensee to any bona fide member and guests thereof. However, alcoholic beverages shall not be sold or charged for in any way by the licensee. The privileges of this license shall be limited to the premises of the museum, regularly occupied and utilized as such.

11. Commercial lifestyle center licenses, which may be issued only to a commercial owners' association governing a commercial lifestyle center, which shall authorize any retail on-premises restaurant licensee that is a tenant of the commercial lifestyle center to sell alcoholic beverages to any bona fide customer to whom alcoholic beverages may be lawfully sold for consumption on that portion of the licensed premises of the commercial lifestyle center designated by the Board, including (i) plazas, seating areas, concourses, walkways, or such other similar areas and (ii) the premises of any tenant location of the commercial lifestyle center that is not a retail licensee of the Board, upon approval of such tenant, but excluding any parking areas. Only alcoholic beverages purchased from such retail on-premises restaurant licensees may be consumed on the licensed premises of the commercial lifestyle center, and such alcoholic beverages shall be contained in paper, plastic, or similar disposable containers with the name or logo of the restaurant licensee that sold the alcoholic beverage clearly displayed. Alcoholic beverages shall not be sold or charged for in any way by the commercial lifestyle center licensee. The licensee shall post appropriate signage clearly demarcating for the public the boundaries of the licensed premises; however, no physical barriers shall be required for this purpose. The licensee shall provide adequate security for the licensed premises to ensure compliance with the applicable provisions of this subtitle and Board regulations.

12. Mixed beverage port restaurant licenses, which shall authorize the licensee to sell and serve mixed beverages for consumption in dining areas and other designated areas of such restaurant. Such license may be granted only to persons operating a business (i) that is primarily engaged in the sale of meals; (ii) that is located on property owned by the United States government or an agency thereof and used as a port of entry to or egress from the United States; and (iii) whose gross receipts from the sale of food cooked, or prepared, and consumed on the premises and nonalcoholic beverages served on the premises, after issuance of such license, amount to at least 45 percent of the gross receipts from the sale of mixed beverages and food. For the purposes of this subdivision, other designated areas shall include outdoor dining areas, whether or not contiguous to the licensed premises, which outdoor dining areas may have more than one means of ingress and egress to an adjacent public thoroughfare, provided such areas are under the control of the licensee and approved by the Board. Such noncontiguous designated areas shall not be approved for any retail license issued pursuant to subdivision A 5 of § 4.1-201. The granting of a license pursuant to this subdivision shall automatically authorize the licensee to obtain a license to sell and serve wine and beer for on-premises consumption or in closed containers for off-premises consumption; however, the licensee shall be required to pay the local fee required for such additional license pursuant to § 4.1-233.1.

13. Annual mixed beverage special events licenses to (i) a duly organized nonprofit corporation or association operating either a performing arts facility or an art education and exhibition facility; (ii) a nonprofit corporation or association chartered by Congress for the preservation of sites, buildings, and objects significant in American history and culture; (iii) persons operating an agricultural event and entertainment park or similar facility that has a minimum of 50,000 square feet of indoor exhibit space and equine and other livestock show areas, which includes barns, pavilions, or other structures equipped with roofs, exterior walls, and open-door or closed-door access; or (iv) a locality for special events conducted on the premises of a museum for historic interpretation that is owned and operated by the locality. The operation in all cases shall be upon premises owned by such licensee or occupied under a bona fide lease, the original term of which was for more than one year's duration. Such license shall authorize the licensee to sell alcoholic beverages during scheduled events and performances for on-premises consumption in areas upon the licensed premises approved by the Board.

14. Mixed beverage casino licenses, which shall authorize the licensee to (i) sell and serve mixed beverages for on-premises consumption in areas designated by the Board, after consultation with the mixed beverage casino licensee, without regard to the amount of gross receipts from the sale of food prepared and consumed on the premises and (ii) provide complimentary mixed beverages to patrons for on-premises consumption in private areas or restricted access areas designated by the Board, after consultation with the mixed beverage casino licensee. Designated areas may include any areas on the premises of the mixed beverage casino licensee, including entertainment venues, private rooms, conference rooms, hotels, pools, marinas, or green spaces. The granting of a license pursuant to this subdivision shall authorize the licensee to obtain a license to sell and serve wine and beer for on-premises consumption and in closed containers for off-premises consumption in accordance with the provisions of this subdivision governing mixed beverages; however, the licensee shall be required to pay the local fee required for such additional license pursuant to § 4.1-233.1. Notwithstanding any law or regulation to the contrary, a mixed beverage casino licensee may exercise the privileges of its license as set forth in this subdivision during all hours of operation of the casino gaming establishment; however, such licensee shall not sell wine or beer for off-premises consumption between the hours of 12 a.m. and 6 a.m.

A mixed beverage casino licensee may (a) provide patrons gifts of alcoholic beverages in closed containers for personal consumption off the licensed premises or in areas designated by the Board, after consultation with the mixed beverage casino licensee, and (b) enable patrons who participate in a loyalty or reward credit program to redeem credits for the purchase of alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption. A summary of the operation of such loyalty or reward credit program shall be provided to the Board upon request.

A mixed beverage casino license may only be issued to a casino gaming establishment owned by an operator licensed under Article 3 (§ 58.1-4108 et seq.) of Chapter 41 of Title 58.1.

B. The Board may grant an on-and-off-premises wine and beer license to the following:

1. Hotels, restaurants, and clubs, which shall authorize the licensee to sell wine and beer (i) in closed containers for off-premises consumption or (ii) for on-premises consumption, either with or without meals, in dining areas and other designated areas of such restaurants, or in dining areas, private guest rooms, and other designated areas of such hotels or clubs, for consumption only in such rooms and areas. However, with regard to a hotel classified by the Board as (a) a resort complex, the Board may authorize the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages in all areas within the resort complex deemed appropriate by the Board or (b) a limited service hotel, the Board may authorize the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages in dining areas, private guest rooms, and other designated areas to persons to whom overnight lodging is being provided, for on-premises consumption in such rooms or areas, and without regard to the amount of gross receipts from the sale of food prepared and consumed on the premises, provided that at least one meal is provided each day by the hotel to such guests. With regard to facilities registered in accordance with Chapter 49 (§ 38.2-4900 et seq.) of Title 38.2 as continuing care communities that are also licensed by the Board under this subdivision, any resident may, upon authorization of the licensee, keep and consume his own lawfully acquired alcoholic beverages on the premises in all areas covered by the license. For purposes of this subdivision, "other designated areas" includes outdoor dining areas, whether or not contiguous to the licensed premises, which may have more than one means of ingress and egress to an adjacent public thoroughfare, provided that such outdoor dining areas are under the control of the licensee and approved by the Board. Such noncontiguous designated areas shall not be approved for any retail license issued pursuant to subdivision A 5 of § 4.1-201.

2. Hospitals, which shall authorize the licensee to sell wine and beer (i) in the rooms of patients for their on-premises consumption only in such rooms, provided the consent of the patient's attending physician is first obtained or (ii) in closed containers for off-premises consumption.

3. Rural grocery stores, which shall authorize the licensee to sell wine and beer for on-premises consumption or in closed containers for off-premises consumption. No license shall be granted unless (i) the grocery store is located in any town or in a rural area outside the corporate limits of any city or town and (ii) it appears affirmatively that a substantial public demand for such licensed establishment exists and that public convenience and the purposes of this subtitle will be promoted by granting the license.

4. Coliseums, stadiums, and racetracks, which shall authorize the licensee to sell wine and beer during any event and immediately subsequent thereto to patrons within all seating areas, concourses, walkways, concession areas, and additional locations designated by the Board (i) in closed containers for off-premises consumption or (ii) in paper, plastic, or similar disposable containers or in single original metal cans for on-premises consumption. Upon authorization of the licensee, any person may keep and consume his own lawfully acquired alcoholic beverages on the premises in all areas and locations covered by the license. Such licenses may be granted to persons operating food concessions at coliseums, stadiums, racetracks, or similar facilities.

5. Performing arts food concessionaires, which shall authorize the licensee to sell wine and beer during the performance of any event to patrons within all seating areas, concourses, walkways, or concession areas, or other areas approved by the Board (i) in closed containers for off-premises consumption or (ii) in paper, plastic, or similar disposable containers or in single original metal cans for on-premises consumption. Upon authorization of the licensee, any person may keep and consume his own lawfully acquired alcoholic beverages on the premises in all areas and locations covered by the license. Such licenses may be granted to persons operating food concessions at any performing arts facility.

6. Exhibition halls, which shall authorize the licensee to sell wine and beer during the event to patrons or attendees within all seating areas, exhibition areas, concourses, walkways, concession areas, and such additional locations designated by the Board in such facilities (i) in closed containers for off-premises consumption or (ii) in paper, plastic, or similar disposable containers or in single original metal cans for on-premises consumption. Upon authorization of the licensee, any person may keep and consume his own lawfully acquired alcoholic beverages on the premises in all areas and locations covered by the license. Such licenses may be granted to persons operating food concessions at exhibition or exposition halls, convention centers, or similar facilities located in any county operating under the urban county executive form of government or any city that is completely surrounded by such county. For purposes of this subdivision, "exhibition or exposition hall" and "convention centers" mean facilities conducting private or public trade shows or exhibitions in an indoor facility having in excess of 100,000 square feet of floor space.

7. Concert and dinner-theaters, which shall authorize the licensee to sell wine and beer during events to patrons or attendees within all seating areas, exhibition areas, concourses, walkways, concession areas, dining areas, and such additional locations designated by the Board in such facilities, for on-premises consumption or in closed containers for off-premises consumption. Persons licensed pursuant to this subdivision shall serve food, prepared on or off premises, whenever wine or beer is served. Such licenses may be granted to persons operating concert or dinner-theater venues on property fronting Natural Bridge School Road in Natural Bridge Station and formerly operated as Natural Bridge High School.

8. Historic cinema houses, which shall authorize the licensee to sell wine and beer, either with or without meals, during any showing of a motion picture to patrons to whom alcoholic beverages may be lawfully sold, for on-premises consumption or in closed containers for off-premises consumption. The privileges of this license shall be limited to the premises of the historic cinema house regularly occupied and utilized as such.

9. Nonprofit museums, which shall authorize the licensee to sell wine and beer for on-premises consumption or in closed containers for off-premises consumption in areas approved by the Board. Such licenses may be granted to persons operating a nonprofit museum exempt from taxation under § 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, located in the Town of Front Royal, and dedicated to educating the consuming public about historic beer products. The privileges of this license shall be limited to the premises of the museum, regularly occupied and utilized as such.

C. The Board may grant the following off-premises wine and beer licenses:

1. Retail off-premises wine and beer licenses, which may be granted to a convenience grocery store, delicatessen, drugstore, gift shop, gourmet oyster house, gourmet shop, grocery store, or marina store as defined in § 4.1-100 and Board regulations. Such license shall authorize the licensee to sell wine and beer in closed containers for off-premises consumption and, notwithstanding the provisions of § 4.1-308, to give to any person to whom wine or beer may be lawfully sold a sample of wine or beer for on-premises consumption; however, no single sample shall exceed four ounces of beer or two ounces of wine and no more than 12 ounces of beer or five ounces of wine shall be served to any person per day. The licensee may also give samples of wine and beer in designated areas at events held by the licensee for the purpose of featuring and educating the consuming public about the alcoholic beverages being tasted. With the consent of the licensee, farm wineries, wineries, breweries, distillers, and wholesale licensees or authorized representatives of such licensees may participate in such tastings, including the pouring of samples. The licensee shall comply with any food inventory and sales volume requirements established by Board regulation.

2. Gourmet brewing shop licenses, which shall authorize the licensee to sell to any person to whom wine or beer may be lawfully sold, ingredients for making wine or brewing beer, including packaging, and to rent to such persons facilities for manufacturing, fermenting, and bottling such wine or beer, for off-premises consumption in accordance with subdivision 6 of § 4.1-200.

3. Confectionery licenses, which shall authorize the licensee to prepare and sell on the licensed premises for off-premises consumption confectionery that contains five percent or less alcohol by volume. Any alcohol contained in such confectionery shall not be in liquid form at the time such confectionery is sold.

D. The Board may grant the following banquet, special event, and tasting licenses:

1. Per-day event licenses.

a. Banquet licenses to persons in charge of private banquets, and to duly organized nonprofit corporations or associations in charge of special events, which shall authorize the licensee to sell or give wine and beer in rooms or areas approved by the Board for the occasion for on-premises consumption in such rooms or areas. Licensees who are nonprofit corporations or associations conducting fundraisers (i) shall also be authorized to sell wine, as part of any fundraising activity, in closed containers for off-premises consumption to persons to whom wine may be lawfully sold; (ii) shall be limited to no more than one such fundraiser per year; and (iii) if conducting such fundraiser through an online meeting platform, may ship such wine, in accordance with Board regulations, in closed containers to persons located within the Commonwealth. Except as provided in § 4.1-215, a separate license shall be required for each day of each banquet or special event. For the purposes of this subdivision, when the location named in the original application for a license is outdoors, the application may also name an alternative location in the event of inclement weather. However, no such license shall be required of any hotel, restaurant, or club holding a retail wine and beer license.

b. Mixed beverage special events licenses to a duly organized nonprofit corporation or association in charge of a special event, which shall authorize the licensee to sell and serve mixed beverages for on-premises consumption in areas approved by the Board on the premises of the place designated in the license. A separate license shall be required for each day of each special event.

c. Mixed beverage club events licenses to a club holding a wine and beer club license, which shall authorize the licensee to sell and serve mixed beverages for on-premises consumption by club members and their guests in areas approved by the Board on the club premises. A separate license shall be required for each day of each club event. No more than 12 such licenses shall be granted to a club in any calendar year. The granting of a license pursuant to this subdivision shall automatically authorize the licensee to obtain a license to sell and serve wine and beer for on-premises consumption; however, the licensee shall be required to pay the local fee required for such additional license pursuant to § 4.1-233.1.

d. Tasting licenses, which shall authorize the licensee to sell or give samples of alcoholic beverages of the type specified in the license in designated areas at events held by the licensee. A tasting license shall be issued for the purpose of featuring and educating the consuming public about the alcoholic beverages being tasted. A separate license shall be required for each day of each tasting event. No tasting license shall be required for conduct authorized by § 4.1-201.1.

2. Annual licenses.

a. Annual banquet licenses to duly organized private nonprofit fraternal, patriotic, or charitable membership organizations that are exempt from state and federal taxation and in charge of banquets conducted exclusively for members and their guests, which shall authorize the licensee to serve wine and beer in rooms or areas approved by the Board for the occasion for on-premises consumption in such rooms or areas. Such license shall authorize the licensee to conduct no more than 12 banquets per calendar year. For the purposes of this subdivision, when the location named in the original application for a license is outdoors, the application may also name an alternative location in the event of inclement weather. However, no such license shall be required of any hotel, restaurant, or club holding a retail wine and beer license.

b. Banquet facility licenses to volunteer fire departments and volunteer emergency medical services agencies, which shall authorize the licensee to permit the consumption of lawfully acquired alcoholic beverages on the premises of the licensee by any person, and bona fide members and guests thereof, otherwise eligible for a banquet license. However, lawfully acquired alcoholic beverages shall not be purchased or sold by the licensee or sold or charged for in any way by the person permitted to use the premises. Such premises shall be a volunteer fire or volunteer emergency medical services agency station or both, regularly occupied as such and recognized by the governing body of the county, city, or town in which it is located. Under conditions as specified by Board regulation, such premises may be other than a volunteer fire or volunteer emergency medical services agency station, provided such other premises are occupied and under the control of the volunteer fire department or volunteer emergency medical services agency while the privileges of its license are being exercised.

c. Designated outdoor refreshment area licenses to a locality, business improvement district, or nonprofit organization, which shall authorize (i) the licensee to permit the consumption of alcoholic beverages within the area designated by the Board for the designated outdoor refreshment area and (ii) any permanent retail on-premises licensee that is located within the area designated by the Board for the designated outdoor refreshment area to sell alcoholic beverages within the permanent retail location for consumption in the area designated for the designated outdoor refreshment area, including sidewalks and the premises of businesses not licensed to sell alcoholic beverages at retail, upon approval of such businesses. In determining the designated area for the designated outdoor refreshment area, the Board shall consult with the locality. Designated outdoor refreshment area licensees shall be limited to 16 events per year, and the duration of any event shall not exceed three consecutive days. However, the Board may increase the frequency and duration of events after adoption of an ordinance by a locality requesting such increase in frequency and duration. Such ordinance shall include the size and scope of the area within which such events will be held, a public safety plan, and any other considerations deemed necessary by the Board. Such limitations on the number of events that may be held shall not apply during the effective dates of any rule, regulation, or order that is issued by the Governor or State Health Commissioner to meet a public health emergency and that effectively reduces allowable restaurant seating capacity; however, designated outdoor refreshment area licensees shall be subject to all other applicable provisions of this subtitle and Board regulations and shall provide notice to the Board regarding the days and times during which the privileges of the license will be exercised. Only alcoholic beverages purchased from permanent retail on-premises licensees located within the designated area may be consumed at the event, and such alcoholic beverages shall be contained in paper, plastic, or similar disposable containers that clearly display the name or logo of the retail on-premises licensee from which the alcoholic beverage was purchased. Alcoholic beverages shall not be sold or charged for in any way by the designated outdoor refreshment area licensee. The designated outdoor refreshment area licensee shall post appropriate signage clearly demarcating for the public the boundaries of the event; however, no physical barriers shall be required for this purpose. The designated outdoor refreshment area licensee shall provide adequate security for the event to ensure compliance with the applicable provisions of this subtitle and Board regulations.

d. Annual mixed beverage banquet licenses to duly organized private nonprofit fraternal, patriotic, or charitable membership organizations that are exempt from state and federal taxation and in charge of banquets conducted exclusively for members and their guests, which shall authorize the licensee to serve mixed beverages for on-premises consumption in areas approved by the Board on the premises of the place designated in the license. Such license shall authorize the licensee to conduct no more than 12 banquets per calendar year. The granting of a license pursuant to this subdivision shall automatically authorize the licensee to obtain a license to sell and serve wine and beer for on-premises consumption; however, the licensee shall be required to pay the local fee required for such additional license pursuant to § 4.1-233.1.

e. Equine sporting event licenses, which may be issued to organizations holding equestrian, hunt, and steeplechase events, which shall authorize the licensee to permit the consumption of lawfully acquired alcoholic beverages on the premises of the licensee by patrons thereof during such event. However, alcoholic beverages shall not be sold or charged for in any way by the licensee. The privileges of this license shall be (i) limited to the premises of the licensee, regularly occupied and utilized for equestrian, hunt, and steeplechase events, and (ii) exercised on no more than four calendar days per year.

f. Annual arts venue event licenses, to persons operating an arts venue, which shall authorize the licensee participating in a community art walk that is open to the public to serve lawfully acquired wine or beer on the premises of the licensee to adult patrons thereof during such events. However, alcoholic beverages shall not be sold or charged for in any way, directly or indirectly, by the licensee, and the licensee shall not give more than two five-ounce glasses of wine or two 12-ounce glasses of beer to any one adult patron. The privileges of this license shall be (i) limited to the premises of the arts venue regularly occupied and used as such and (ii) exercised on no more than 12 calendar days per year.

E. The Board may grant a marketplace license to persons operating a business enterprise of which the primary function is not the sale of alcoholic beverages, which shall authorize the licensee to serve complimentary wine or beer to bona fide customers on the licensed premises subject to any limitations imposed by the Board; however, the licensee shall not give more than two five-ounce glasses of wine or two 12-ounce glasses of beer to any customer per day, nor shall it sell or otherwise charge a fee to such customer for the wine or beer served or consumed. In order to be eligible for and retain a marketplace license, the applicant's business enterprise must (i) provide a single category of goods or services in a manner intended to create a personalized experience for the customer; (ii) employ staff with expertise in such goods or services; (iii) be ineligible for any other license granted by the Board; (iv) have an alcoholic beverage control manager on the licensed premises at all times alcohol is served; (v) ensure that all employees satisfy any training requirements imposed by the Board; and (vi) purchase all wine and beer to be served from a licensed wholesaler or the Authority and retain purchase records as prescribed by the Board. In determining whether to grant a marketplace license, the Board shall consider (a) the average amount of time customers spend at the business; (b) the business's hours of operation; (c) the amount of time that the business has been in operation; and (d) any other requirements deemed necessary by the Board to protect the public health, safety, and welfare.

F. The Board may grant the following shipper, bottler, and related licenses:

1. Wine and beer shipper licenses, which shall carry the privileges and limitations set forth in § 4.1-209.1.

2. Internet wine and beer retailer licenses, which shall authorize persons located within or outside the Commonwealth to sell and ship wine and beer, in accordance with § 4.1-209.1 and Board regulations, in closed containers to persons in the Commonwealth to whom wine and beer may be lawfully sold for off-premises consumption. Such licensee shall not be required to comply with the monthly food sale requirement established by Board regulations.

3. Bottler licenses, which shall authorize the licensee to acquire and receive deliveries and shipments of beer in closed containers and to bottle, sell, and deliver or ship it, in accordance with Board regulations to (i) wholesale beer licensees for the purpose of resale, (ii) owners of boats registered under the laws of the United States sailing for ports of call of a foreign country or another state, and (iii) persons outside the Commonwealth for resale outside the Commonwealth.

4. Fulfillment warehouse licenses, which shall authorize associations as defined in § 13.1-313 with a place of business located in the Commonwealth to (i) receive deliveries and shipments of wine or beer owned by holders of wine and beer shipper's licenses; (ii) store such wine or beer on behalf of the owner; and (iii) pick, pack, and ship such wine or beer as directed by the owner, all in accordance with Board regulations. No wholesale wine or wholesale beer licensee, whether licensed in the Commonwealth or not, or any person under common control of such licensee, shall acquire or hold any financial interest, direct or indirect, in the business for which any fulfillment warehouse license is issued.

5. Marketing portal licenses, which shall authorize agricultural cooperative associations organized under the provisions of the Agricultural Cooperative Association Act (§ 13.1-312 et seq.), with a place of business located in the Commonwealth, in accordance with Board regulations, to solicit and receive orders for wine or beer through the use of the Internet from persons in the Commonwealth to whom wine or beer may be lawfully sold, on behalf of holders of wine and beer shipper's licenses. Upon receipt of an order for wine or beer, the licensee shall forward it to a holder of a wine and beer shipper's license for fulfillment. Marketing portal licensees may also accept payment on behalf of the shipper.

6. Third-party delivery licenses, which shall carry the privileges and limitations set forth in § 4.1-212.2.

2020, cc. 15, 16, 32, 34, 400, 1009, 1113, 1114, 1179; 2020, Sp. Sess. I, c. 34; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, cc. 182, 281, 282, 390, 391; 2022, cc. 78, 79, 589, 590; 2023, cc. 408, 409; 2024, cc. 105, 111, 159, 255, 619, 622, 627.

§ 4.1-206.3. (Effective July 1, 2026) Retail licenses.

A. The Board may grant the following mixed beverages licenses:

1. Mixed beverage restaurant licenses, which shall authorize the licensee to sell and serve mixed beverages for consumption in dining areas and other designated areas of such restaurant. Such license may be granted only to persons (i) who operate a restaurant and (ii) whose gross receipts from the sale of food cooked, or prepared, and consumed on the premises and nonalcoholic beverages served on the premises, after issuance of such license, amount to at least 45 percent of the gross receipts from the sale of mixed beverages and food. For the purposes of this subdivision, other designated areas shall include outdoor dining areas, whether or not contiguous to the licensed premises, which outdoor dining areas may have more than one means of ingress and egress to an adjacent public thoroughfare, provided such areas are under the control of the licensee and approved by the Board. Such noncontiguous designated areas shall not be approved for any retail license issued pursuant to subdivision A 5 of § 4.1-201.

If the restaurant is located on the premises of a hotel or motel with no fewer than four permanent bedrooms where food and beverage service is customarily provided by the restaurant in designated areas, bedrooms, and other private rooms of such hotel or motel, such licensee may (a) sell and serve mixed beverages for consumption in such designated areas, bedrooms, and other private rooms and (b) sell spirits packaged in original closed containers purchased from the Board for on-premises consumption to registered guests and at scheduled functions of such hotel or motel only in such bedrooms or private rooms. However, with regard to a hotel classified as a resort complex, the Board may authorize the sale and on-premises consumption of alcoholic beverages in all areas within the resort complex deemed appropriate by the Board. Nothing herein shall prohibit any person from keeping and consuming his own lawfully acquired spirits in bedrooms or private rooms.

If the restaurant is located on the premises of and operated by a private, nonprofit, or profit club exclusively for its members and their guests, or members of another private, nonprofit, or profit club in another city with which it has an agreement for reciprocal dining privileges, such license shall also authorize the licensees to (1) sell and serve mixed beverages for on-premises consumption and (2) sell spirits that are packaged in original closed containers with a maximum capacity of two fluid ounces or 50 milliliters and purchased from the Board for on-premises consumption. Where such club prepares no food in its restaurant but purchases its food requirements from a restaurant licensed by the Board and located on another portion of the premises of the same hotel or motel building, this fact shall not prohibit the granting of a license by the Board to such club qualifying in all other respects. The club's gross receipts from the sale of nonalcoholic beverages consumed on the premises and food resold to its members and guests and consumed on the premises shall amount to at least 45 percent of its gross receipts from the sale of mixed beverages and food. The food sales made by a restaurant to such a club shall be excluded in any consideration of the qualifications of such restaurant for a license from the Board.

If the restaurant is located on the premises of and operated by a municipal golf course, the Board shall recognize the seasonal nature of the business and waive any applicable monthly food sales requirements for those months when weather conditions may reduce patronage of the golf course, provided that prepared food, including meals, is available to patrons during the same months. The gross receipts from the sale of food cooked, or prepared, and consumed on the premises and nonalcoholic beverages served on the premises, after the issuance of such license, shall amount to at least 45 percent of the gross receipts from the sale of mixed beverages and food on an annualized basis.

If the restaurant is located on the premises of and operated by a culinary lodging resort, such license shall authorize the licensee to (A) sell alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption, without regard to the amount of gross receipts from the sale of food prepared and consumed on the premises, in areas upon the licensed premises approved by the Board and other designated areas of the resort, including outdoor areas under the control of the licensee, and (B) permit the possession and consumption of lawfully acquired alcoholic beverages by persons to whom overnight lodging is being provided in bedrooms and private guest rooms.

If the restaurant is located on the premises of a mixed beverage casino licensee owned by an operator licensed under Article 3 (§ 58.1-4108 et seq.) of Chapter 41 of Title 58.1, such mixed beverage restaurant license shall authorize the licensee to sell alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption on the licensed premises of the restaurant during all hours of operation of the mixed beverage casino licensee. Any alcoholic beverages purchased from such restaurant may be (I) taken onto the premises of the mixed beverage casino licensee and (II) possessed or consumed in areas designated by the Board, after consultation with the mixed beverage casino licensee. Designated areas may include any areas on the premises of the mixed beverage casino licensee, including entertainment venues, conference rooms, private rooms, hotels, pools, marinas, or green spaces. Alcoholic beverages purchased from a restaurant pursuant to this subdivision shall be contained in glassware or a paper, plastic, or similar disposable container that clearly displays the name or logo of the restaurant from which the alcoholic beverage was purchased.

The granting of a license pursuant to this subdivision shall automatically authorize the licensee to obtain a license to sell and serve wine and beer for on-premises consumption and in closed containers for off-premises consumption; however, the licensee shall be required to pay the local fee required for such additional license pursuant to § 4.1-233.1.

2. Mixed beverage caterer's licenses, which may be granted only to a person regularly engaged in the business of providing food and beverages to others for service at private gatherings or at special events, which shall authorize the licensee to sell and serve alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption. The annual gross receipts from the sale of food cooked and prepared for service and nonalcoholic beverages served at gatherings and events referred to in this subdivision shall amount to at least 45 percent of the gross receipts from the sale of mixed beverages and food.

3. Mixed beverage limited caterer's licenses, which may be granted only to a person regularly engaged in the business of providing food and beverages to others for service at private gatherings or at special events, not to exceed 12 gatherings or events per year, which shall authorize the licensee to sell and serve alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption. The annual gross receipts from the sale of food cooked and prepared for service and nonalcoholic beverages served at gatherings and events referred to in this subdivision shall amount to at least 45 percent of the gross receipts from the sale of mixed beverages and food.

4. Mixed beverage carrier licenses to (i) persons operating a common carrier of passengers by train, boat, bus, or airplane, which shall authorize the licensee to sell and serve mixed beverages anywhere in the Commonwealth to passengers while in transit aboard any such common carrier, and in designated rooms of establishments of air carriers at airports in the Commonwealth and (ii) financial institutions, subsidiaries of a financial institution, or persons approved by the applicable airport authority that have entered into a contract with a financial institution or subsidiary of a financial institution to operate a passenger lounge, which shall authorize the licensee to sell and serve mixed beverages in designated areas of a passenger lounge for ticketed air carrier passengers that is located within an airport in the Commonwealth. For purposes of supplying its airplanes, as well as any airplanes of a licensed express carrier flying under the same brand, an air carrier licensee may appoint an authorized representative to load alcoholic beverages onto the same airplanes and to transport and store alcoholic beverages at or in close proximity to the airport where the alcoholic beverages will be delivered onto airplanes of the air carrier and any such licensed express carrier. The air carrier licensee shall (a) designate for purposes of its license all locations where the inventory of alcoholic beverages may be stored and from which the alcoholic beverages will be delivered onto airplanes of the air carrier and any such licensed express carrier and (b) maintain records of all alcoholic beverages to be transported, stored, and delivered by its authorized representative. The granting of a license pursuant to this subdivision shall automatically authorize the licensee to obtain a license to sell and serve wine and beer for on-premises consumption or in closed containers for off-premises consumption; however, the licensee shall be required to pay the local fee required for such additional license pursuant to § 4.1-233.1.

For the purposes of this subdivision:

"Financial institution" means any bank, trust company, savings institution, industrial loan association, consumer finance company, or credit union.

"Passenger lounge" means any restricted-access passenger waiting room or lounge leased to persons by the applicable airport authority in which food and beverage services are provided to ticketed passengers.

5. Annual mixed beverage sports facility licenses to persons operating a sports facility or food concessions at a sports facility, which shall authorize the licensee to sell mixed beverages during any event and immediately subsequent thereto to patrons within all seating areas, concourses, walkways, concession areas, and additional locations designated by the Board (i) in closed containers for off-premises consumption or (ii) in paper, plastic, or similar disposable containers or in single original metal cans for on-premises consumption. Upon authorization of the licensee, any person may keep and consume his own lawfully acquired alcoholic beverages on the premises in all areas and locations covered by the license. The granting of a license pursuant to this subdivision shall automatically authorize the licensee to obtain a license to sell and serve wine and beer for on-premises consumption or in closed containers for off-premises consumption; however, the licensee shall be required to pay the local fee required for such additional license pursuant to § 4.1-233.1.

6. Limited mixed beverage restaurant licenses, which shall authorize the licensee to sell and serve dessert wines as defined by Board regulation and no more than six varieties of liqueurs, which liqueurs shall be combined with coffee or other nonalcoholic beverages, for consumption in dining areas of the restaurant. Such license may be granted only to persons who operate a restaurant and in no event shall the sale of such wine or liqueur-based drinks, together with the sale of any other alcoholic beverages, exceed 10 percent of the total annual gross sales of all food and alcoholic beverages. The granting of a license pursuant to this subdivision shall automatically authorize the licensee to obtain a license to sell and serve wine and beer for on-premises consumption or in closed containers for off-premises consumption; however, the licensee shall be required to pay the local fee required for such additional license pursuant to § 4.1-233.1.

7. Annual mixed beverage performing arts facility licenses, which shall (i) authorize the licensee to sell, on the dates of performances or events, alcoholic beverages in paper, plastic, or similar disposable containers or in single original metal cans for on-premises consumption in all seating areas, concourses, walkways, concession areas, similar facilities, and other areas upon the licensed premises approved by the Board and (ii) automatically authorize the licensee to obtain a license to sell and serve wine and beer for on-premises consumption or in closed containers for off-premises consumption; however, the licensee shall be required to pay the local fee required for such additional license pursuant to § 4.1-233.1. Such licenses may be granted to persons operating a performing arts facility or food concessions at a performing arts facility.

8. Combined mixed beverage restaurant and caterer's licenses, which may be granted to any restaurant or hotel that meets the qualifications for both a mixed beverage restaurant pursuant to subdivision 1 and mixed beverage caterer pursuant to subdivision 2 for the same business location, and which license shall authorize the licensee to operate as both a mixed beverage restaurant and mixed beverage caterer at the same business premises designated in the license, with a common alcoholic beverage inventory for purposes of the restaurant and catering operations. Such licensee shall meet the separate food qualifications established for the mixed beverage restaurant license pursuant to subdivision 1 and mixed beverage caterer's license pursuant to subdivision 2. The granting of a license pursuant to this subdivision shall automatically authorize the licensee to obtain a license to sell and serve wine and beer for on-premises consumption or in closed containers for off-premises consumption; however, the licensee shall be required to pay the local fee required for such additional license pursuant to § 4.1-233.1.

9. Bed and breakfast licenses, which shall authorize the licensee to (i) serve alcoholic beverages in dining areas, private guest rooms, and other designated areas to persons to whom overnight lodging is being provided, with or without meals, for on-premises consumption only in such rooms and areas, and without regard to the amount of gross receipts from the sale of food prepared and consumed on the premises and (ii) permit the consumption of lawfully acquired alcoholic beverages by persons to whom overnight lodging is being provided in (a) bedrooms or private guest rooms or (b) other designated areas of the bed and breakfast establishment. For purposes of this subdivision, "other designated areas" includes outdoor dining areas, whether or not contiguous to the licensed premises, which may have more than one means of ingress and egress to an adjacent public thoroughfare, provided that such outdoor dining areas are under the control of the licensee and approved by the Board. Such noncontiguous designated areas shall not be approved for any retail license issued pursuant to subdivision A 5 of § 4.1-201.

10. Museum licenses, which may be issued to nonprofit museums exempt from taxation under § 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, which shall authorize the licensee to (i) permit the consumption of lawfully acquired alcoholic beverages on the premises of the licensee by any bona fide member and guests thereof and (ii) serve alcoholic beverages on the premises of the licensee to any bona fide member and guests thereof. However, alcoholic beverages shall not be sold or charged for in any way by the licensee. The privileges of this license shall be limited to the premises of the museum, regularly occupied and utilized as such.

11. Commercial lifestyle center licenses, which may be issued only to a commercial owners' association governing a commercial lifestyle center, which shall authorize any retail on-premises restaurant licensee that is a tenant of the commercial lifestyle center to sell alcoholic beverages to any bona fide customer to whom alcoholic beverages may be lawfully sold for consumption on that portion of the licensed premises of the commercial lifestyle center designated by the Board, including (i) plazas, seating areas, concourses, walkways, or such other similar areas and (ii) the premises of any tenant location of the commercial lifestyle center that is not a retail licensee of the Board, upon approval of such tenant, but excluding any parking areas. Only alcoholic beverages purchased from such retail on-premises restaurant licensees may be consumed on the licensed premises of the commercial lifestyle center, and such alcoholic beverages shall be contained in paper, plastic, or similar disposable containers with the name or logo of the restaurant licensee that sold the alcoholic beverage clearly displayed. Alcoholic beverages shall not be sold or charged for in any way by the commercial lifestyle center licensee. The licensee shall post appropriate signage clearly demarcating for the public the boundaries of the licensed premises; however, no physical barriers shall be required for this purpose. The licensee shall provide adequate security for the licensed premises to ensure compliance with the applicable provisions of this subtitle and Board regulations.

12. Mixed beverage port restaurant licenses, which shall authorize the licensee to sell and serve mixed beverages for consumption in dining areas and other designated areas of such restaurant. Such license may be granted only to persons operating a business (i) that is primarily engaged in the sale of meals; (ii) that is located on property owned by the United States government or an agency thereof and used as a port of entry to or egress from the United States; and (iii) whose gross receipts from the sale of food cooked, or prepared, and consumed on the premises and nonalcoholic beverages served on the premises, after issuance of such license, amount to at least 45 percent of the gross receipts from the sale of mixed beverages and food. For the purposes of this subdivision, other designated areas shall include outdoor dining areas, whether or not contiguous to the licensed premises, which outdoor dining areas may have more than one means of ingress and egress to an adjacent public thoroughfare, provided such areas are under the control of the licensee and approved by the Board. Such noncontiguous designated areas shall not be approved for any retail license issued pursuant to subdivision A 5 of § 4.1-201. The granting of a license pursuant to this subdivision shall automatically authorize the licensee to obtain a license to sell and serve wine and beer for on-premises consumption or in closed containers for off-premises consumption; however, the licensee shall be required to pay the local fee required for such additional license pursuant to § 4.1-233.1.

13. Annual mixed beverage special events licenses to (i) a duly organized nonprofit corporation or association operating either a performing arts facility or an art education and exhibition facility; (ii) a nonprofit corporation or association chartered by Congress for the preservation of sites, buildings, and objects significant in American history and culture; (iii) persons operating an agricultural event and entertainment park or similar facility that has a minimum of 50,000 square feet of indoor exhibit space and equine and other livestock show areas, which includes barns, pavilions, or other structures equipped with roofs, exterior walls, and open-door or closed-door access; or (iv) a locality for special events conducted on the premises of a museum for historic interpretation that is owned and operated by the locality. The operation in all cases shall be upon premises owned by such licensee or occupied under a bona fide lease, the original term of which was for more than one year's duration. Such license shall authorize the licensee to sell alcoholic beverages during scheduled events and performances for on-premises consumption in areas upon the licensed premises approved by the Board.

14. Mixed beverage casino licenses, which shall authorize the licensee to (i) sell and serve mixed beverages for on-premises consumption in areas designated by the Board, after consultation with the mixed beverage casino licensee, without regard to the amount of gross receipts from the sale of food prepared and consumed on the premises and (ii) provide complimentary mixed beverages to patrons for on-premises consumption in private areas or restricted access areas designated by the Board, after consultation with the mixed beverage casino licensee. Designated areas may include any areas on the premises of the mixed beverage casino licensee, including entertainment venues, private rooms, conference rooms, hotels, pools, marinas, or green spaces. The granting of a license pursuant to this subdivision shall authorize the licensee to obtain a license to sell and serve wine and beer for on-premises consumption and in closed containers for off-premises consumption in accordance with the provisions of this subdivision governing mixed beverages; however, the licensee shall be required to pay the local fee required for such additional license pursuant to § 4.1-233.1. Notwithstanding any law or regulation to the contrary, a mixed beverage casino licensee may exercise the privileges of its license as set forth in this subdivision during all hours of operation of the casino gaming establishment; however, such licensee shall not sell wine or beer for off-premises consumption between the hours of 12 a.m. and 6 a.m.

A mixed beverage casino licensee may (a) provide patrons gifts of alcoholic beverages in closed containers for personal consumption off the licensed premises or in areas designated by the Board, after consultation with the mixed beverage casino licensee, and (b) enable patrons who participate in a loyalty or reward credit program to redeem credits for the purchase of alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption. A summary of the operation of such loyalty or reward credit program shall be provided to the Board upon request.

A mixed beverage casino license may only be issued to a casino gaming establishment owned by an operator licensed under Article 3 (§ 58.1-4108 et seq.) of Chapter 41 of Title 58.1.

B. The Board may grant an on-and-off-premises wine and beer license to the following:

1. Hotels, restaurants, and clubs, which shall authorize the licensee to sell wine and beer (i) in closed containers for off-premises consumption or (ii) for on-premises consumption, either with or without meals, in dining areas and other designated areas of such restaurants, or in dining areas, private guest rooms, and other designated areas of such hotels or clubs, for consumption only in such rooms and areas. However, with regard to a hotel classified by the Board as (a) a resort complex, the Board may authorize the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages in all areas within the resort complex deemed appropriate by the Board or (b) a limited service hotel, the Board may authorize the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages in dining areas, private guest rooms, and other designated areas to persons to whom overnight lodging is being provided, for on-premises consumption in such rooms or areas, and without regard to the amount of gross receipts from the sale of food prepared and consumed on the premises, provided that at least one meal is provided each day by the hotel to such guests. With regard to facilities registered in accordance with Chapter 49 (§ 38.2-4900 et seq.) of Title 38.2 as continuing care communities that are also licensed by the Board under this subdivision, any resident may, upon authorization of the licensee, keep and consume his own lawfully acquired alcoholic beverages on the premises in all areas covered by the license. For purposes of this subdivision, "other designated areas" includes outdoor dining areas, whether or not contiguous to the licensed premises, which may have more than one means of ingress and egress to an adjacent public thoroughfare, provided that such outdoor dining areas are under the control of the licensee and approved by the Board. Such noncontiguous designated areas shall not be approved for any retail license issued pursuant to subdivision A 5 of § 4.1-201.

2. Hospitals, which shall authorize the licensee to sell wine and beer (i) in the rooms of patients for their on-premises consumption only in such rooms, provided the consent of the patient's attending physician is first obtained or (ii) in closed containers for off-premises consumption.

3. Rural grocery stores, which shall authorize the licensee to sell wine and beer for on-premises consumption or in closed containers for off-premises consumption. No license shall be granted unless (i) the grocery store is located in any town or in a rural area outside the corporate limits of any city or town and (ii) it appears affirmatively that a substantial public demand for such licensed establishment exists and that public convenience and the purposes of this subtitle will be promoted by granting the license.

4. Coliseums, stadiums, and racetracks, which shall authorize the licensee to sell wine and beer during any event and immediately subsequent thereto to patrons within all seating areas, concourses, walkways, concession areas, and additional locations designated by the Board (i) in closed containers for off-premises consumption or (ii) in paper, plastic, or similar disposable containers or in single original metal cans for on-premises consumption. Upon authorization of the licensee, any person may keep and consume his own lawfully acquired alcoholic beverages on the premises in all areas and locations covered by the license. Such licenses may be granted to persons operating food concessions at coliseums, stadiums, racetracks, or similar facilities.

5. Performing arts food concessionaires, which shall authorize the licensee to sell wine and beer during the performance of any event to patrons within all seating areas, concourses, walkways, or concession areas, or other areas approved by the Board (i) in closed containers for off-premises consumption or (ii) in paper, plastic, or similar disposable containers or in single original metal cans for on-premises consumption. Upon authorization of the licensee, any person may keep and consume his own lawfully acquired alcoholic beverages on the premises in all areas and locations covered by the license. Such licenses may be granted to persons operating food concessions at any performing arts facility.

6. Exhibition halls, which shall authorize the licensee to sell wine and beer during the event to patrons or attendees within all seating areas, exhibition areas, concourses, walkways, concession areas, and such additional locations designated by the Board in such facilities (i) in closed containers for off-premises consumption or (ii) in paper, plastic, or similar disposable containers or in single original metal cans for on-premises consumption. Upon authorization of the licensee, any person may keep and consume his own lawfully acquired alcoholic beverages on the premises in all areas and locations covered by the license. Such licenses may be granted to persons operating food concessions at exhibition or exposition halls, convention centers, or similar facilities located in any county operating under the urban county executive form of government or any city that is completely surrounded by such county. For purposes of this subdivision, "exhibition or exposition hall" and "convention centers" mean facilities conducting private or public trade shows or exhibitions in an indoor facility having in excess of 100,000 square feet of floor space.

7. Concert and dinner-theaters, which shall authorize the licensee to sell wine and beer during events to patrons or attendees within all seating areas, exhibition areas, concourses, walkways, concession areas, dining areas, and such additional locations designated by the Board in such facilities, for on-premises consumption or in closed containers for off-premises consumption. Persons licensed pursuant to this subdivision shall serve food, prepared on or off premises, whenever wine or beer is served. Such licenses may be granted to persons operating concert or dinner-theater venues on property fronting Natural Bridge School Road in Natural Bridge Station and formerly operated as Natural Bridge High School.

8. Historic cinema houses, which shall authorize the licensee to sell wine and beer, either with or without meals, during any showing of a motion picture to patrons to whom alcoholic beverages may be lawfully sold, for on-premises consumption or in closed containers for off-premises consumption. The privileges of this license shall be limited to the premises of the historic cinema house regularly occupied and utilized as such.

9. Nonprofit museums, which shall authorize the licensee to sell wine and beer for on-premises consumption or in closed containers for off-premises consumption in areas approved by the Board. Such licenses may be granted to persons operating a nonprofit museum exempt from taxation under § 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, located in the Town of Front Royal, and dedicated to educating the consuming public about historic beer products. The privileges of this license shall be limited to the premises of the museum, regularly occupied and utilized as such.

C. The Board may grant the following off-premises wine and beer licenses:

1. Retail off-premises wine and beer licenses, which may be granted to a convenience grocery store, delicatessen, drugstore, gift shop, gourmet oyster house, gourmet shop, grocery store, or marina store as defined in § 4.1-100 and Board regulations. Such license shall authorize the licensee to sell wine and beer in closed containers for off-premises consumption and, notwithstanding the provisions of § 4.1-308, to give to any person to whom wine or beer may be lawfully sold a sample of wine or beer for on-premises consumption; however, no single sample shall exceed four ounces of beer or two ounces of wine and no more than 12 ounces of beer or five ounces of wine shall be served to any person per day. The licensee may also give samples of wine and beer in designated areas at events held by the licensee for the purpose of featuring and educating the consuming public about the alcoholic beverages being tasted. With the consent of the licensee, farm wineries, wineries, breweries, distillers, and wholesale licensees or authorized representatives of such licensees may participate in such tastings, including the pouring of samples. The licensee shall comply with any food inventory and sales volume requirements established by Board regulation.

2. Gourmet brewing shop licenses, which shall authorize the licensee to sell to any person to whom wine or beer may be lawfully sold, ingredients for making wine or brewing beer, including packaging, and to rent to such persons facilities for manufacturing, fermenting, and bottling such wine or beer, for off-premises consumption in accordance with subdivision 6 of § 4.1-200.

3. Confectionery licenses, which shall authorize the licensee to prepare and sell on the licensed premises for off-premises consumption confectionery that contains five percent or less alcohol by volume. Any alcohol contained in such confectionery shall not be in liquid form at the time such confectionery is sold.

D. The Board may grant the following banquet, special event, and tasting licenses:

1. Per-day event licenses.

a. Banquet licenses to persons in charge of private banquets, and to duly organized nonprofit corporations or associations in charge of special events, which shall authorize the licensee to sell or give wine and beer in rooms or areas approved by the Board for the occasion for on-premises consumption in such rooms or areas. Licensees who are nonprofit corporations or associations conducting fundraisers (i) shall also be authorized to sell wine, as part of any fundraising activity, in closed containers for off-premises consumption to persons to whom wine may be lawfully sold; (ii) shall be limited to no more than one such fundraiser per year; and (iii) if conducting such fundraiser through an online meeting platform, may ship such wine, in accordance with Board regulations, in closed containers to persons located within the Commonwealth. Except as provided in § 4.1-215, a separate license shall be required for each day of each banquet or special event. For the purposes of this subdivision, when the location named in the original application for a license is outdoors, the application may also name an alternative location in the event of inclement weather. However, no such license shall be required of any hotel, restaurant, or club holding a retail wine and beer license.

b. Mixed beverage special events licenses to a duly organized nonprofit corporation or association in charge of a special event, which shall authorize the licensee to sell and serve mixed beverages for on-premises consumption in areas approved by the Board on the premises of the place designated in the license. A separate license shall be required for each day of each special event.

c. Mixed beverage club events licenses to a club holding a wine and beer club license, which shall authorize the licensee to sell and serve mixed beverages for on-premises consumption by club members and their guests in areas approved by the Board on the club premises. A separate license shall be required for each day of each club event. No more than 12 such licenses shall be granted to a club in any calendar year. The granting of a license pursuant to this subdivision shall automatically authorize the licensee to obtain a license to sell and serve wine and beer for on-premises consumption; however, the licensee shall be required to pay the local fee required for such additional license pursuant to § 4.1-233.1.

d. Tasting licenses, which shall authorize the licensee to sell or give samples of alcoholic beverages of the type specified in the license in designated areas at events held by the licensee. A tasting license shall be issued for the purpose of featuring and educating the consuming public about the alcoholic beverages being tasted. A separate license shall be required for each day of each tasting event. No tasting license shall be required for conduct authorized by § 4.1-201.1.

2. Annual licenses.

a. Annual banquet licenses to duly organized private nonprofit fraternal, patriotic, or charitable membership organizations that are exempt from state and federal taxation and in charge of banquets conducted exclusively for members and their guests, which shall authorize the licensee to serve wine and beer in rooms or areas approved by the Board for the occasion for on-premises consumption in such rooms or areas. Such license shall authorize the licensee to conduct no more than 12 banquets per calendar year. For the purposes of this subdivision, when the location named in the original application for a license is outdoors, the application may also name an alternative location in the event of inclement weather. However, no such license shall be required of any hotel, restaurant, or club holding a retail wine and beer license.

b. Banquet facility licenses to volunteer fire departments and volunteer emergency medical services agencies, which shall authorize the licensee to permit the consumption of lawfully acquired alcoholic beverages on the premises of the licensee by any person, and bona fide members and guests thereof, otherwise eligible for a banquet license. However, lawfully acquired alcoholic beverages shall not be purchased or sold by the licensee or sold or charged for in any way by the person permitted to use the premises. Such premises shall be a volunteer fire or volunteer emergency medical services agency station or both, regularly occupied as such and recognized by the governing body of the county, city, or town in which it is located. Under conditions as specified by Board regulation, such premises may be other than a volunteer fire or volunteer emergency medical services agency station, provided such other premises are occupied and under the control of the volunteer fire department or volunteer emergency medical services agency while the privileges of its license are being exercised.

c. Designated outdoor refreshment area licenses to a locality, business improvement district, or nonprofit organization, which shall authorize (i) the licensee to permit the consumption of alcoholic beverages within the area designated by the Board for the designated outdoor refreshment area and (ii) any permanent retail on-premises licensee that is located within the area designated by the Board for the designated outdoor refreshment area to sell alcoholic beverages within the permanent retail location for consumption in the area designated for the designated outdoor refreshment area, including sidewalks and the premises of businesses not licensed to sell alcoholic beverages at retail, upon approval of such businesses. In determining the designated area for the designated outdoor refreshment area, the Board shall consult with the locality. Designated outdoor refreshment area licensees shall be limited to 16 events per year, and the duration of any event shall not exceed three consecutive days. However, the Board may increase the frequency and duration of events after adoption of an ordinance by a locality requesting such increase in frequency and duration. Such ordinance shall include the size and scope of the area within which such events will be held, a public safety plan, and any other considerations deemed necessary by the Board. Such limitations on the number of events that may be held shall not apply during the effective dates of any rule, regulation, or order that is issued by the Governor or State Health Commissioner to meet a public health emergency and that effectively reduces allowable restaurant seating capacity; however, designated outdoor refreshment area licensees shall be subject to all other applicable provisions of this subtitle and Board regulations and shall provide notice to the Board regarding the days and times during which the privileges of the license will be exercised. Only alcoholic beverages purchased from permanent retail on-premises licensees located within the designated area may be consumed at the event, and such alcoholic beverages shall be contained in paper, plastic, or similar disposable containers that clearly display the name or logo of the retail on-premises licensee from which the alcoholic beverage was purchased. Alcoholic beverages shall not be sold or charged for in any way by the designated outdoor refreshment area licensee. The designated outdoor refreshment area licensee shall post appropriate signage clearly demarcating for the public the boundaries of the event; however, no physical barriers shall be required for this purpose. The designated outdoor refreshment area licensee shall provide adequate security for the event to ensure compliance with the applicable provisions of this subtitle and Board regulations.

d. Annual mixed beverage banquet licenses to duly organized private nonprofit fraternal, patriotic, or charitable membership organizations that are exempt from state and federal taxation and in charge of banquets conducted exclusively for members and their guests, which shall authorize the licensee to serve mixed beverages for on-premises consumption in areas approved by the Board on the premises of the place designated in the license. Such license shall authorize the licensee to conduct no more than 12 banquets per calendar year. The granting of a license pursuant to this subdivision shall automatically authorize the licensee to obtain a license to sell and serve wine and beer for on-premises consumption; however, the licensee shall be required to pay the local fee required for such additional license pursuant to § 4.1-233.1.

e. Equine sporting event licenses, which may be issued to organizations holding equestrian, hunt, and steeplechase events, which shall authorize the licensee to permit the consumption of lawfully acquired alcoholic beverages on the premises of the licensee by patrons thereof during such event. However, alcoholic beverages shall not be sold or charged for in any way by the licensee. The privileges of this license shall be (i) limited to the premises of the licensee, regularly occupied and utilized for equestrian, hunt, and steeplechase events, and (ii) exercised on no more than four calendar days per year.

f. Annual arts venue event licenses, to persons operating an arts venue, which shall authorize the licensee participating in a community art walk that is open to the public to serve lawfully acquired wine or beer on the premises of the licensee to adult patrons thereof during such events. However, alcoholic beverages shall not be sold or charged for in any way, directly or indirectly, by the licensee, and the licensee shall not give more than two five-ounce glasses of wine or two 12-ounce glasses of beer to any one adult patron. The privileges of this license shall be (i) limited to the premises of the arts venue regularly occupied and used as such and (ii) exercised on no more than 12 calendar days per year.

E. The Board may grant a marketplace license to persons operating a business enterprise of which the primary function is not the sale of alcoholic beverages, which shall authorize the licensee to serve complimentary wine or beer to bona fide customers on the licensed premises subject to any limitations imposed by the Board; however, the licensee shall not give more than two five-ounce glasses of wine or two 12-ounce glasses of beer to any customer per day, nor shall it sell or otherwise charge a fee to such customer for the wine or beer served or consumed. In order to be eligible for and retain a marketplace license, the applicant's business enterprise must (i) provide a single category of goods or services in a manner intended to create a personalized experience for the customer; (ii) employ staff with expertise in such goods or services; (iii) be ineligible for any other license granted by the Board; (iv) have an alcoholic beverage control manager on the licensed premises at all times alcohol is served; (v) ensure that all employees satisfy any training requirements imposed by the Board; and (vi) purchase all wine and beer to be served from a licensed wholesaler or the Authority and retain purchase records as prescribed by the Board. In determining whether to grant a marketplace license, the Board shall consider (a) the average amount of time customers spend at the business; (b) the business's hours of operation; (c) the amount of time that the business has been in operation; and (d) any other requirements deemed necessary by the Board to protect the public health, safety, and welfare.

F. The Board may grant the following shipper, bottler, and related licenses:

1. Wine and beer shipper licenses, which shall carry the privileges and limitations set forth in § 4.1-209.1.

2. Internet wine and beer retailer licenses, which shall authorize persons located within or outside the Commonwealth to sell and ship wine and beer, in accordance with § 4.1-209.1 and Board regulations, in closed containers to persons in the Commonwealth to whom wine and beer may be lawfully sold for off-premises consumption. Such licensee shall not be required to comply with the monthly food sale requirement established by Board regulations.

3. Bottler licenses, which shall authorize the licensee to acquire and receive deliveries and shipments of beer in closed containers and to bottle, sell, and deliver or ship it, in accordance with Board regulations to (i) wholesale beer licensees for the purpose of resale, (ii) owners of boats registered under the laws of the United States sailing for ports of call of a foreign country or another state, and (iii) persons outside the Commonwealth for resale outside the Commonwealth.

4. Fulfillment warehouse licenses, which shall authorize associations as defined in § 13.1-313 with a place of business located in the Commonwealth to (i) receive deliveries and shipments of wine or beer owned by holders of wine and beer shipper's licenses; (ii) store such wine or beer on behalf of the owner; and (iii) pick, pack, and ship such wine or beer as directed by the owner, all in accordance with Board regulations. No wholesale wine or wholesale beer licensee, whether licensed in the Commonwealth or not, or any person under common control of such licensee, shall acquire or hold any financial interest, direct or indirect, in the business for which any fulfillment warehouse license is issued.

5. Marketing portal licenses, which shall authorize agricultural cooperative associations organized under the provisions of the Agricultural Cooperative Association Act (§ 13.1-312 et seq.), with a place of business located in the Commonwealth, in accordance with Board regulations, to solicit and receive orders for wine or beer through the use of the Internet from persons in the Commonwealth to whom wine or beer may be lawfully sold, on behalf of holders of wine and beer shipper's licenses. Upon receipt of an order for wine or beer, the licensee shall forward it to a holder of a wine and beer shipper's license for fulfillment. Marketing portal licensees may also accept payment on behalf of the shipper.

2020, cc. 15, 16, 32, 34, 400, 1009, 1113, 1114, 1179; 2020, Sp. Sess. I, c. 34; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, cc. 182, 281, 282, 390, 391; 2022, cc. 78, 79, 589, 590; 2023, cc. 408, 409; 2024, cc. 105, 111, 159, 255, 619, 622, 627.

§ 4.1-207. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 2020, cc. 1113 and 1114, cl. 2, effective January 1, 2024

§ 4.1-207.1. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 2020, cc. 1113 and 1114, as amended by Acts 2021, Sp. Sess. I, c. 82, effective January 1, 2022.

§ 4.1-208. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 2020, cc. 1113 and 1114, cl. 2, effective January 1, 2024

§ 4.1-209. Wine and beer license privileges; advertising; displays; tastings.

A. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, persons granted a wine and beer license pursuant to § 4.1-206.3 may display within their licensed premises point-of-sale advertising materials that incorporate the use of any professional athlete or athletic team, provided that such advertising materials (i) otherwise comply with the applicable regulations of the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and (ii) do not depict any athlete consuming or about to consume alcohol prior to or while engaged in an athletic activity, do not depict an athlete consuming alcohol while the athlete is operating or about to operate a motor vehicle or other machinery, and do not imply that the alcoholic beverage so advertised enhances athletic prowess.

B. Persons granted a license to sell wine and beer for off-premises consumption that display such wine and beer outside a clearly discernible location reserved for alcoholic beverages shall (i) not place wine or beer in an area immediately adjacent to nonalcoholic beverages containing the same or similar brand name, logo, or packaging as an alcoholic beverage and (ii) equip any such display with signage that indicates the product is an alcoholic beverage, is clearly visible to consumers, and is of sufficient size to notify the consumer that the product contains alcohol. Nothing in this subsection shall prohibit the placement of nonalcoholic wine or beer in or near a display of alcoholic beverages that contain the same or similar brand name, logo, or packaging as the nonalcoholic wine or beer.

C. Persons granted retail on-and-off-premises wine and beer licenses pursuant to the following provisions may conduct wine or beer tastings sponsored by the licensee for its customers for on-premises consumption:

1. Subdivision A 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 13 of § 4.1-206.3;

2. Subdivision B 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 of § 4.1-206.3;

3. Subdivision C 1 or 2 of § 4.1-206.3;

4. Subdivision D 1 a, b, or d or 2 a of § 4.1-206.3; or

5. Subdivision F 4 or 5 of § 4.1-206.3.

Such licensees may sell or give samples of wine and beer in designated areas at events held by the licensee for the purpose of featuring and educating the consuming public about the alcoholic beverages being tasted. Additionally, with the consent of the licensee, farm wineries, wineries, and breweries may participate in tastings held by licensees authorized to conduct tastings, including the pouring of samples to any person to whom alcoholic beverages may be lawfully sold. No single sample shall exceed four ounces of beer or two ounces of wine, and no more than 12 ounces of beer or five ounces of wine shall be given or sold to any person per day.

Code 1950, § 4-25; 1952, c. 535; 1956, c. 520; 1962, c. 532; 1964, c. 210; 1970, cc. 627, 723; 1972, c. 679; 1973, c. 343; 1974, c. 267; 1975, c. 408; 1976, cc. 134, 447, 496, 703; 1977, c. 439; 1978, c. 190; 1979, c. 258; 1980, cc. 526, 528; 1981, cc. 410, 412; 1982, c. 66; 1984, c. 200; 1987, c. 365; 1988, c. 893; 1989, c. 42; 1990, c. 707; 1991, c. 628; 1992, cc. 215, 350; 1993, cc. 190, 828, 866; 1994, c. 585; 1995, cc. 544, 570; 1996, cc. 443, 604; 1997, c. 489; 2001, c. 361; 2002, c. 204; 2003, cc. 329, 589, 1029, 1030; 2004, c. 487; 2005, cc. 652, 784; 2006, cc. 94, 153, 256, 826, 845; 2007, c. 813; 2008, cc. 179, 186, 192, 875; 2010, cc. 317, 561; 2011, c. 626; 2014, cc. 125, 612; 2015, c. 412; 2016, c. 654; 2017, cc. 76, 151, 152, 153, 154, 745; 2020, cc. 1113, 1114, 1179; 2023, cc. 213, 214; 2024, cc. 111, 255, 619, 622, 627.

§ 4.1-209.1. Direct shipment of wine and beer; shipper's license.

A. Holders of wine and beer shipper's licenses issued pursuant to subdivision F 1 of § 4.1-206.3 may sell and ship not more than two cases of wine per month nor more than two cases of beer per month to any person in Virginia to whom alcoholic beverages may be lawfully sold. All such sales and shipments shall be for personal consumption only and not for resale. A case of wine shall mean any combination of packages containing not more than nine liters of wine. A case of beer shall mean any combination of packages containing not more than 288 ounces of beer. Any winery or farm winery located within or outside the Commonwealth may apply to the Board for issuance of a wine and beer shipper's license that shall authorize the shipment of brands of wine and farm wine identified in such application. Any brewery located within or outside the Commonwealth may apply to the Board for issuance of a wine and beer shipper's license that shall authorize the shipment of brands of beer identified in such application. Any person located within or outside the Commonwealth who is authorized to sell wine or beer at retail in their state of domicile and who is not a winery, farm winery, or brewery may nevertheless apply for a wine and beer shipper's license if such person satisfies the requirements of this section. Any brewery, winery, or farm winery that applies for a shipper's license or authorizes any other person, other than a retail off-premises licensee, to apply for a license to ship such brewery's, winery's or farm winery's brands of wine or beer shall notify any wholesale licensees that have been authorized to distribute such brands that an application has been filed for a shipper's license. The notice shall be in writing and in a form prescribed by the Board. The Board may adopt such regulations as it reasonably deems necessary to implement the provisions of this section, including regulations that permit the holder of a shipper's license to amend the same by, among other things, adding or deleting any brands of wine, farm wine, or beer identified in such shipper's license.

B. Any applicant for a wine and beer shipper's license that does not own or have the right to control the distribution of the brands of wine, farm wine, or beer identified in such person's application may be issued a shipper's license for wine and beer, if the applicant has obtained and filed with its application for a shipper's license, and with any subsequent application for renewal thereof, the written consent of either (i) the winery, farm winery, or brewery whose brands of wine, farm wine, or beer are identified therein or (ii) any wholesale distributor authorized to distribute the wine or beer produced by the winery, farm winery or brewery. Any winery, farm winery, or brewery, or its wholesale distributor, that has provided written authorization to a shipper licensed pursuant to this section to sell and ship its brand or brands of wine, farm wine, or beer shall not be restricted by any provision of this section from withdrawing such authorization at any time. If such authorization is withdrawn, the winery, farm winery, or brewery shall promptly notify such shipper licensee and the Board in writing of its decision to withdraw from such shipper licensee the authority to sell and ship any of its brands, whereupon such shipper licensee shall promptly file with the Board an amendment to its license eliminating any such withdrawn brand or brands from the shipper's license.

C. The direct shipment of beer and wine by holders of licenses issued pursuant to subdivision F 1 of § 4.1-206.3 shall be by approved common carrier only. The Board shall develop regulations pursuant to which common carriers may apply for approval to provide common carriage of wine or beer, shipped by holders of licenses issued pursuant to subdivision F 1 of § 4.1-206.3. Such regulations shall include provisions that require (i) the recipient to demonstrate, upon delivery, that he is at least 21 years of age; (ii) the recipient to sign an electronic or paper form or other acknowledgement of receipt as approved by the Board; and (iii) the Board-approved common carrier to submit to the Board such information as the Board may prescribe. The Board-approved common carrier shall refuse delivery when the proposed recipient appears to be under the age of 21 years and refuses to present valid identification. All licensees shipping wine or beer pursuant to this section shall affix a conspicuous notice in 16-point type or larger to the outside of each package of wine or beer shipped within or into the Commonwealth, in a conspicuous location stating: "CONTAINS ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES; SIGNATURE OF PERSON AGED 21 YEARS OR OLDER REQUIRED FOR DELIVERY." Any delivery of alcoholic beverages to a minor by a common carrier shall constitute a violation by the common carrier. The common carrier and the shipper licensee shall be liable only for their independent acts.

D. For purposes of §§ 4.1-234 and 4.1-236 and Chapter 6 (§ 58.1-600 et seq.) of Title 58.1, each shipment of wine or beer by a wine and beer shipper licensee shall constitute a sale in Virginia. The licensee shall collect the taxes due to the Commonwealth and remit any excise taxes monthly to the Authority and any sales taxes to the Department of Taxation.

E. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 4.1-203, the holder of a wine and beer shipper license may solicit and receive applications for subscription to a wine-of-the-month or beer-of-the-month club at in-state or out-of-state locations for which a license for on-premises consumption has been issued, other than the place where the licensee carries on the business for which the license is granted. For the purposes of this subsection, "wine-of-the-month club" or "beer-of-the-month club" shall mean an agreement between an in-state or out-of-state holder of a wine and beer shipper license and a consumer in Virginia to whom alcoholic beverages may be lawfully sold that the shipper will sell and ship to the consumer and the consumer will purchase a lawful amount of wine or beer each month for an agreed term of months.

F. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 4.1-203, a wine and beer shipper licensee may ship wine or beer as authorized by this section through the use of the services of an approved fulfillment warehouse. For the purposes of this section, a "fulfillment warehouse" means a business operating a warehouse and providing storage, packaging, and shipping services to wineries or breweries. The Board shall develop regulations pursuant to which fulfillment warehouses may apply for approval to provide storage, packaging, and shipping services to holders of licenses issued pursuant to this section. Such regulations shall include provisions that require (i) the fulfillment warehouse to demonstrate that it is appropriately licensed for the services to be provided by the state in which its place of business is located, (ii) the Board-approved fulfillment warehouse to maintain such records and to submit to the Board such information as the Board may prescribe, and (iii) the fulfillment warehouse and each wine and beer shipper licensed under subdivision F 1 of § 4.1-206.3 to whom services are provided to enter into a contract designating the fulfillment warehouse as the agent of the shipper for purposes of complying with the provisions of this section.

G. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 4.1-203, a wine and beer shipper licensee may sell wine or beer as authorized by this section through the use of the services of an approved marketing portal. For the purposes of this section, a "marketing portal" means a business organized as an agricultural cooperative association under the laws of a state, soliciting and receiving orders for wine or beer and accepting and processing payment of such orders as the agent of a licensed wine and beer shipper. The Board shall develop regulations pursuant to which marketing portals may apply for approval to provide marketing services to holders of licenses issued pursuant to subdivision F 1 of § 4.1-206.3. Such regulations shall include provisions that require (i) the marketing portal to demonstrate that it is appropriately organized as an agricultural cooperative association and licensed for the services to be provided by the state in which its place of business is located, (ii) the Board-approved marketing portal to maintain such records and to submit to the Board such information as the Board may prescribe, and (iii) the marketing portal and each wine and beer shipper licensed under this section to whom services are provided to enter into a contract designating the marketing portal as the agent of the shipper for purposes of complying with the provisions of this section.

2007, cc. 99, 799; 2009, c. 292; 2010, cc. 317, 561; 2015, cc. 38, 730; 2020, cc. 1113, 1114.

§ 4.1-210. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 2020, cc. 1113 and 1114, cl. 2, effective January 1, 2024.

§ 4.1-211. Temporary licenses.

Notwithstanding subsection D of § 4.1-203, the Board may grant a temporary license to any of the licensed retail operations authorized by § 4.1-206.3. A temporary license may be granted only after an application has been filed in accordance with the provisions of § 4.1-230 and in cases where the sole objection to granting a license is that the establishment will not be qualified in terms of the sale of food. If a temporary license is not granted, the applicant is entitled to a hearing on the issue of qualifications. The decision to refuse to grant a temporary license shall not be subject to a hearing.

If a temporary license is granted, the Board shall conduct an audit of the business after a reasonable period of operation not to exceed 180 days. If the audit indicates that the business is qualified, the license applied for may be granted. If the audit indicates that the business is not qualified, the applicant is entitled to a hearing. No further temporary license shall be granted to the applicant or to any other person at that location for a period of one year from expiration and, once the application becomes the subject of a hearing, no temporary license may be granted.

A temporary license may be revoked summarily by the Board for any cause set forth in § 4.1-225 without complying with subsection A of § 4.1-227. Revocation of a temporary license shall be effective upon service of the order of revocation upon the licensee or upon the expiration of three business days after the order of the revocation has been mailed to the licensee at either his residence or the address given for the business in the license application. No further notice shall be required.

Code 1950, § 4-34; 1972, c. 178; 1974, c. 460; 1980, c. 524; 1984, c. 180; 1993, c. 866; 2020, cc. 1113, 1114.

§ 4.1-212. Permits required in certain instances.

A. The Board may grant the following permits which shall authorize:

1. Wine and beer salesmen representing any out-of-state wholesaler engaged in the sale of wine and beer, or either, to sell or solicit the sale of wine or beer, or both in the Commonwealth.

2. Any person having any interest in the manufacture, distribution or sale of spirits or other alcoholic beverages to solicit any mixed beverage licensee, his agent, employee or any person connected with the licensee in any capacity in his licensed business to sell or offer for sale such spirits or alcoholic beverages.

3. Any person to keep upon his premises alcoholic beverages that he is not authorized by any license to sell and which shall be used for culinary purposes only.

4. Any person to transport lawfully purchased alcoholic beverages within, into or through the Commonwealth, except that no permit shall be required for any person shipping or transporting into the Commonwealth a reasonable quantity of alcoholic beverages when such person is relocating his place of residence to the Commonwealth in accordance with § 4.1-311.

5. Any person to keep, store, or possess any still or distilling apparatus for the purpose of distilling alcohol.

6. The release of alcoholic beverages not under United States custom bonds or internal revenue bonds stored in Board approved warehouses for delivery to the Board or to persons entitled to receive them within or outside of the Commonwealth.

7. The release of alcoholic beverages from United States customs bonded warehouses for delivery to the Board or to licensees and other persons enumerated in subsection B of § 4.1-131.

8. The release of alcoholic beverages from United States internal revenue bonded warehouses for delivery in accordance with subsection C of § 4.1-132.

9. A secured party or any trustee, curator, committee, conservator, receiver or other fiduciary appointed or qualified in any court proceeding, to continue to operate under the licenses previously issued to any deceased or other person licensed to sell alcoholic beverages for such period as the Board deems appropriate.

10. The one-time sale of lawfully acquired alcoholic beverages belonging to any person, or which may be a part of such person's estate, including a judicial sale, estate sale, sale to enforce a judgment lien or liquidation sale to satisfy indebtedness secured by a security interest in alcoholic beverages, by a sheriff, personal representative, receiver or other officer acting under authority of a court having jurisdiction in the Commonwealth, or by any secured party as defined in subdivision (a)(73) of § 8.9A-102 of the Virginia Uniform Commercial Code. Such sales shall be made only to persons who are licensed or hold a permit to sell alcoholic beverages in the Commonwealth or to persons outside the Commonwealth for resale outside the Commonwealth and upon such conditions or restrictions as the Board may prescribe.

11. Any person who purchases at a foreclosure, secured creditor's or judicial auction sale the premises or property of a person licensed by the Board and who has become lawfully entitled to the possession of the licensed premises to continue to operate the establishment to the same extent as a person holding such licenses for a period not to exceed 60 days or for such longer period as determined by the Board. Such permit shall be temporary and shall confer the privileges of any licenses held by the previous owner to the extent determined by the Board. Such temporary permit may be issued in advance, conditioned on the above requirements.

12. The storage of lawfully acquired alcoholic beverages not under customs bond or internal revenue bond in warehouses located in the Commonwealth.

13. The storage of wine by a licensed winery or farm winery under internal revenue bond in warehouses located in the Commonwealth.

14. Any person to conduct tastings in accordance with § 4.1-201.1, provided that such person has filed an application for a permit in which the applicant represents (i) that he or she is under contract to conduct such tastings on behalf of the alcoholic beverage manufacturer or wholesaler named in the application; (ii) that such contract grants to the applicant the authority to act as the authorized representative of such manufacturer or wholesaler; and (iii) that such contract contains an acknowledgment that the manufacturer or wholesaler named in the application may be held liable for any violation of § 4.1-201.1 by its authorized representative. A permit issued pursuant to this subdivision shall be valid for at least one year, unless sooner suspended or revoked by the Board in accordance with § 4.1-229.

15. Any person who, through contract, lease, concession, license, management or similar agreement (hereinafter referred to as the contract), becomes lawfully entitled to the use and control of the premises of a person licensed by the Board to continue to operate the establishment to the same extent as a person holding such licenses, provided such person has made application to the Board for a license at the same premises. The permit shall (i) confer the privileges of any licenses held by the previous owner to the extent determined by the Board and (ii) be valid for a period of 120 days or for such longer period as may be necessary as determined by the Board pending the completion of the processing of the permittee's license application. No permit shall be issued without the written consent of the previous licensee. No permit shall be issued under the provisions of this subdivision if the previous licensee owes any state or local taxes, or has any pending charges for violation of this subtitle or any Board regulation, unless the permittee agrees to assume the liability of the previous licensee for the taxes or any penalty for the pending charges. An application for a permit may be filed prior to the effective date of the contract, in which case the permit when issued shall become effective on the effective date of the contract. Upon the effective date of the permit, (a) the permittee shall be responsible for compliance with the provisions of this subtitle and any Board regulation and (b) the previous licensee shall not be held liable for any violation of this subtitle or any Board regulation committed by, or any errors or omissions of, the permittee.

16. Any sight-seeing carrier or contract passenger carrier as defined in § 46.2-2000 transporting individuals for compensation to a winery, brewery, or restaurant, licensed under this chapter and authorized to conduct tastings, to collect the licensee's tasting fees from tour participants for the sole purpose of remitting such fees to the licensee.

17. Any tour company guiding individuals for compensation on a walking tour to one or more establishments licensed to sell alcoholic beverages at retail for on-premises consumption to collect as one fee from tour participants (i) the licensee's fee for the alcoholic beverages served as part of the tour, (ii) a fee for any food offered as part of the tour, and (iii) a fee for the walking tour service. The tour company shall remit to the licensee any fee collected for the alcoholic beverages and any food served as part of the tour. The tour company shall ensure that (a) each tour includes no more than 15 participants per tour guide and no more than three tour guides, (b) a tour guide is present with the participants throughout the duration of the tour, and (c) all participants are persons to whom alcoholic beverages may be lawfully sold.

B. Nothing in subdivision 9, 10, or 11 shall authorize any brewery, winery or affiliate or a subsidiary thereof which has supplied financing to a wholesale licensee to manage and operate the wholesale licensee in the event of a default, except to the extent authorized by subdivision B 3 a of § 4.1-216.

Code 1950, §§ 4-26, 4-59, 4-61.2, 4-72, 4-77, 4-86; 1950, p. 879; 1954, cc. 21, 351; 1962, c. 200, § 4-84.1; 1968, c. 7, § 4-98.16; 1972, cc. 138, 717; 1974, c. 460, § 4-72.1; 1975, c. 480; 1976, c. 696; 1978, c. 436; 1984, c. 53; 1986, c. 190; 1988, c. 786; 1990, cc. 442, 773; 1993, cc. 221, 866; 1994, cc. 825, 826; 1997, c. 801; 2003, c. 564; 2006, c. 826; 2008, c. 453; 2012, c. 155; 2014, c. 617; 2017, c. 675; 2020, cc. 386, 816, 1113, 1114; 2022, c. 201.

§ 4.1-212.1. (Effective until July 1, 2026) Delivery of wine and beer; kegs; regulations of Board.

A. Any brewery, winery, or farm winery located within or outside the Commonwealth that is authorized to engage in the retail sale of wine or beer for off-premises consumption may deliver the brands of beer, wine, and farm wine produced by the same brewery, winery, or farm winery in closed containers to consumers within the Commonwealth for personal off-premises consumption.

B. Any person licensed to sell wine and beer at retail for off-premises consumption in the Commonwealth, and who is not a brewery, winery, or farm winery, may deliver the brands of beer, wine, and farm wine it is authorized to sell in closed containers to consumers within the Commonwealth for personal off-premises consumption. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, such deliveries may be made to (i) a person's vehicle if located in a designated parking area of the licensee's premises where such person has electronically ordered beer, wine, or farm wine in advance of the delivery or (ii) such other locations as may be permitted by Board regulation.

C. Any person located outside the Commonwealth who is authorized to sell wine or beer at retail for off-premises consumption in its state of domicile, and who is not a brewery, winery, or farm winery, may apply for a delivery permit that shall authorize the delivery of any brands of beer, wine, and farm wine it is authorized to sell in its state of domicile, in closed containers, to consumers within the Commonwealth for personal off-premises consumption.

D. Any person licensed to sell mixed beverages at retail for off-premises consumption in the Commonwealth may deliver any mixed beverages it is authorized to sell in closed containers to consumers within the Commonwealth for personal off-premises consumption. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, such deliveries may be made to (i) a person's vehicle if located in a designated parking area of the licensee's premises where such person has electronically ordered mixed beverages in advance of the delivery or (ii) such other locations as may be permitted by Board regulation.

E. Any distiller that has been appointed as an agent of the Board pursuant to subsection D of § 4.1-119 may deliver to consumers within the Commonwealth for personal consumption any alcoholic beverages the distiller is authorized to sell through organized tasting events in accordance with subsection G of § 4.1-119 and Board regulations. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, such deliveries may be made to (i) a person's vehicle if located in a designated parking area of the licensee's premises where such person has electronically ordered mixed beverages in advance of the delivery or (ii) such other locations as may be permitted by Board regulation.

F. All deliveries made pursuant to this section shall be to consumers within the Commonwealth for personal consumption only and not for resale. Such deliveries shall be performed by either (i) the owner or any officer, director, shareholder, or employee of the licensee or permittee or (ii) a third party delivery licensee pursuant to § 4.1-212.2. The licensee performing the delivery shall be liable for any administrative violations of this section or § 4.1-304 committed during transport through completion of the delivery. Alcoholic beverages shall not be delivered after 11:00 p.m. or before 6:00 a.m. Only one individual may take possession of the alcoholic beverages during the course of the delivery. No more than four cases of wine nor more than four cases of beer may be delivered at one time to any person in Virginia to whom alcoholic beverages may be lawfully sold, except that the licensee or permittee may deliver more than four cases of wine or more than four cases of beer if he notifies the Authority in writing at least one business day in advance of any such delivery, which notice contains the name and address of the intended recipient. Except as otherwise provided in this subtitle, alcoholic beverages sold for off-premises consumption or delivered pursuant to this section that are not in the manufacturer's original sealed container shall (a) be enclosed in a container that has no straw holes or other openings and is sealed in a manner that allows a person to readily discern whether the container has been opened or tampered with subsequent to its original closure; (b) display the name of the licensee from which the alcoholic beverages were purchased; (c) be clearly marked with the phrase "contains alcoholic beverages"; (d) in the case of wine, beer, or, if purchased from a mixed beverage restaurant or limited mixed beverage restaurant licensee, mixed beverages, have a maximum volume of 16 ounces per beverage; and (e) during delivery, be stored (1) in the trunk of the vehicle, (2) in an area that is rear of the driver's seat, (3) in a locked container or compartment, or (4) in the case of delivery by bicycle, in a compartment behind the bicyclist.

The Board may adopt such regulations as it reasonably deems necessary to implement the provisions of this section. Such regulations shall include provisions that require (A) the recipient to demonstrate, upon delivery, that he is at least 21 years of age and (B) the recipient to sign an electronic or paper form or other acknowledgement of receipt as approved by the Board.

G. In addition to other applicable requirements set forth in this section, the following provisions shall apply to the sale of mixed beverages for off-premises consumption and the delivery of mixed beverages pursuant to this section:

1. No distiller shall sell for off-premises consumption or deliver more than two mixed beverages at any one time, and no mixed beverage restaurant or limited mixed beverage restaurant licensee may sell for off-premises consumption or deliver more than four mixed beverages at any one time;

2. All mixed beverages sold for off-premises consumption or delivered by a mixed beverage restaurant or limited mixed beverage restaurant licensee shall contain at least one mixer; and

3. Mixed beverage restaurant and limited mixed beverage restaurant licensees shall serve at least one meal with every two mixed beverages sold for off-premises consumption or delivered.

The Board may summarily revoke a licensee's privileges to sell or deliver mixed beverages for off-premises consumption for noncompliance with the provisions of this section or § 4.1-225 or 4.1-325. Any summary revocation by the Board pursuant to this paragraph (i) shall not be subject to the provisions of § 4.1-227, (ii) shall not be subject to appeal, and (iii) shall become effective upon personal service of the notice of summary revocation to the licensee or upon the fourth business day after such notice is mailed to the licensee's residence or the address listed for the licensed premises on the initial license application.

H. For purposes of §§ 4.1-234 and 4.1-236 and Chapter 6 (§ 58.1-600 et seq.) of Title 58.1, each delivery of wine, beer, or mixed beverages by a licensee or permittee shall constitute a sale in Virginia. The licensee or permittee shall collect the taxes due to the Commonwealth and remit any excise taxes monthly to the Authority and any sales taxes to the Department of Taxation, if such taxes have not already been paid.

I. Any manufacturer or retailer who is licensed to sell wine, beer, or both for off-premises consumption may sell such wine or beer in kegs, subject to any limitations imposed by Board regulation. The Board may impose a fee for keg registration seals. For purposes of this subsection, "keg registration seal" means any document, stamp, declaration, seal, decal, sticker, or device that is approved by the Board, designed to be affixed to kegs, and displays a registration number and such other information as may be prescribed by the Board.

2007, cc. 99, 799; 2015, cc. 38, 730; 2019, c. 706; 2020, cc. 1113, 1114; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, cc. 281, 282; 2022, cc. 78, 79; 2024, cc. 105, 159.

§ 4.1-212.1. (Effective July 1, 2026) Delivery of wine and beer; kegs; regulations of Board.

A. Any brewery, winery, or farm winery located within or outside the Commonwealth that is authorized to engage in the retail sale of wine or beer for off-premises consumption may deliver the brands of beer, wine, and farm wine produced by the same brewery, winery, or farm winery in closed containers to consumers within the Commonwealth for personal off-premises consumption.

B. Any person licensed to sell wine and beer at retail for off-premises consumption in the Commonwealth, and who is not a brewery, winery, or farm winery, may deliver the brands of beer, wine, and farm wine it is authorized to sell in closed containers to consumers within the Commonwealth for personal off-premises consumption. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, such deliveries may be made to (i) a person's vehicle if located in a designated parking area of the licensee's premises where such person has electronically ordered beer, wine, or farm wine in advance of the delivery or (ii) such other locations as may be permitted by Board regulation.

C. Any person located outside the Commonwealth who is authorized to sell wine or beer at retail for off-premises consumption in its state of domicile, and who is not a brewery, winery, or farm winery, may apply for a delivery permit that shall authorize the delivery of any brands of beer, wine, and farm wine it is authorized to sell in its state of domicile, in closed containers, to consumers within the Commonwealth for personal off-premises consumption.

D. All such deliveries shall be to consumers within the Commonwealth for personal consumption only and not for resale. All such deliveries of beer, wine, or farm wine shall be performed by the owner or any officer, director, shareholder, or employee of the licensee or permittee. The licensee performing the delivery shall be liable for any administrative violations of this section or § 4.1-304 committed during transport through completion of the delivery. Alcoholic beverages shall not be delivered after 11:00 p.m. or before 6:00 a.m. Only one individual may take possession of the beer, wine, or farm wine during the course of the delivery. No more than four cases of wine nor more than four cases of beer may be delivered at one time to any person in Virginia to whom alcoholic beverages may be lawfully sold, except that the licensee or permittee may deliver more than four cases of wine or more than four cases of beer if he notifies the Authority in writing at least one business day in advance of any such delivery, which notice contains the name and address of the intended recipient. Except as otherwise provided in this subtitle, wine or beer sold for off-premises consumption or delivered pursuant to this section that are not in the manufacturer's original sealed container shall (i) be enclosed in a container that has no straw holes or other openings and is sealed in a manner that allows a person to readily discern whether the container has been opened or tampered with subsequent to its original closure; (ii) display the name of the licensee from which the wine or beer was purchased; (iii) be clearly marked with the phrase "contains alcoholic beverages"; (iv) have a maximum volume of 16 ounces per beverage; and (v) during delivery, be stored (a) in the trunk of the vehicle, (b) in an area that is rear of the driver's seat, (c) in a locked container or compartment, or (d) in the case of delivery by bicycle, in a compartment behind the bicyclist.

The Board may adopt such regulations as it reasonably deems necessary to implement the provisions of this section. Such regulations shall include provisions that require (1) the recipient to demonstrate, upon delivery, that he is at least 21 years of age and (2) the recipient to sign an electronic or paper form or other acknowledgement of receipt as approved by the Board.

E. For purposes of §§ 4.1-234 and 4.1-236 and Chapter 6 (§ 58.1-600 et seq.) of Title 58.1, each delivery of wine or beer by a licensee or permittee shall constitute a sale in Virginia. The licensee or permittee shall collect the taxes due to the Commonwealth and remit any excise taxes monthly to the Authority and any sales taxes to the Department of Taxation, if such taxes have not already been paid.

F. Any manufacturer or retailer who is licensed to sell wine, beer, or both for off-premises consumption may sell such wine or beer in kegs, subject to any limitations imposed by Board regulation. The Board may impose a fee for keg registration seals. For purposes of this subsection, "keg registration seal" means any document, stamp, declaration, seal, decal, sticker, or device that is approved by the Board, designed to be affixed to kegs, and displays a registration number and such other information as may be prescribed by the Board.

G. In addition to other applicable requirements set forth in this section, the following provisions shall apply to the sale of mixed beverages for off-premises consumption and the delivery of mixed beverages pursuant to this section:

1. No distiller shall sell for off-premises consumption or deliver more than two mixed beverages at any one time, and no mixed beverage restaurant or limited mixed beverage restaurant licensee may sell for off-premises consumption or deliver more than four mixed beverages at any one time;

2. All mixed beverages sold for off-premises consumption or delivered by a mixed beverage restaurant or limited mixed beverage restaurant licensee shall contain at least one mixer; and

3. Mixed beverage restaurant and limited mixed beverage restaurant licensees shall serve at least one meal with every two mixed beverages sold for off-premises consumption or delivered.

The Board may summarily revoke a licensee's privileges to sell or deliver mixed beverages for off-premises consumption for noncompliance with the provisions of this section or § 4.1-225 or 4.1-325. Any summary revocation by the Board pursuant to this paragraph (i) shall not be subject to the provisions of § 4.1-227, (ii) shall not be subject to appeal, and (iii) shall become effective upon personal service of the notice of summary revocation to the licensee or upon the fourth business day after such notice is mailed to the licensee's residence or the address listed for the licensed premises on the initial license application.

2007, cc. 99, 799; 2015, cc. 38, 730; 2019, c. 706; 2020, cc. 1113, 1114; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, cc. 281, 282; 2022, cc. 78, 79; 2024, cc. 105, 159.

§ 4.1-212.2. (Repealed effective July 1, 2026) Third-party deliveries; limitations; penalties.

A. For the purposes of this section, "delivery personnel" means any employee, agent, or independent contractor of the third-party delivery licensee that engages in direct-to-consumer alcoholic beverage delivery on behalf of the third-party delivery licensee.

B. A third-party delivery license shall authorize the licensee to deliver alcoholic beverages to a consumer pursuant to an order for such alcoholic beverages placed with a licensee vested with delivery privileges. Except as otherwise permitted under § 4.1-212.1, no person shall provide alcoholic beverage delivery services in the Commonwealth unless such person holds a third-party delivery license and is registered with the State Corporation Commission. All deliveries of alcoholic beverages by a third-party delivery licensee shall comply with the following: (i) alcoholic beverages shall be delivered only to persons who are 21 years of age or older and have provided valid identification that provides bona fide evidence of legal age, as prescribed in § 4.1-304; (ii) the third-party delivery licensee shall verify at the time of delivery that the recipient is 21 years of age or older, ensure that the recipient's identification bears a photograph that reasonably appears to match the appearance of the recipient, and record the recipient's name and date of birth and the address to which the alcoholic beverages were delivered; (iii) alcoholic beverages shall not be delivered to any person whom the third-party delivery licensee knows or has reason to believe is intoxicated; (iv) except for deliveries made on behalf of the Authority, alcoholic beverages shall be delivered only for personal use and not for resale; (v) alcoholic beverages shall not be delivered to a correctional facility, a reformatory, a locker mailbox, a package shipping or storage facility, a retail licensee, or undergraduate housing at an institution of higher education; (vi) any alcoholic beverage that cannot be lawfully delivered shall be promptly returned to the licensed establishment at which the alcoholic beverage was purchased; (vii) only alcoholic beverages obtained directly from the licensed establishment with which the order was placed may be delivered; and (viii) the provisions of § 4.1-212.1 and any other requirements imposed on the delivery of alcoholic beverages by this subtitle or Board regulation.

C. In addition to the application requirements set forth in § 4.1-230 and any regulations or requirements adopted pursuant thereto, third-party delivery licensees shall provide to the Board, at the time of application and annually thereafter or as otherwise required by the Board, written certification that the third-party delivery licensee is in compliance with all applicable requirements set forth in Article 2 (§ 46.2-2141 et seq.) of Chapter 21 of Title 46.2. Third-party delivery licensees shall also provide to the Board, upon request, a copy of any contracts entered into by the licensee with any person offering alcoholic beverages for delivery.

D. Third-party delivery licensees shall provide to the Board, at the time of application and annually thereafter or as otherwise required by the Board, written certification that all delivery personnel (i) prior to delivering alcoholic beverages and annually thereafter, have completed and passed with a score of no less than 80 percent a Board-approved public safety course; (ii) are 21 years of age or older; (iii) have a valid driver's license, vehicle inspection, and vehicle registration; (iv) within the last seven years, have not been convicted of any of the following offenses under Virginia law or a substantially similar ordinance or law in any other jurisdiction: driving under the influence in violation of § 18.2-266 or 46.2-341.24 or a violation of § 4.1-304, 18.2-36.1, 18.2-51.4, 18.2-95, 18.2-357.1, or 46.2-894; (v) within the last three years, have not been convicted of more than three vehicle moving violations; and (vi) are not required to register with the Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Registry pursuant to Chapter 9 (§ 9.1-900 et seq.) of Title 9.1 or listed on the U.S. Department of Justice's National Sex Offender Public Website.

E. Any person who violates the provisions of this section shall be required to pay (i) $2,500 for a first violation and (ii) $5,000 for any second or subsequent violation. The penalties provided under this subsection may be imposed in addition to or without imposing any other penalties or actions provided by law.

F. Notwithstanding subsection B, a third-party delivery licensee may deliver alcoholic beverages to a retail licensee if such alcoholic beverages are being delivered on behalf of the Authority.

2022, cc. 78, 79; 2024, cc. 105, 159.

§ 4.1-213. Manufacture and sale of cider.

A. Any winery licensee or farm winery licensee may manufacture and sell cider to (i) the Board, (ii) any wholesale wine licensee, and (iii) persons outside the Commonwealth.

B. Any wholesale wine licensee may acquire and receive shipments of cider, and sell and deliver and ship the cider in accordance with Board regulations to (i) the Board, (ii) any wholesale wine licensee, (iii) any retail licensee approved by the Board for the purpose of selling cider, and (iv) persons outside the Commonwealth for resale outside the Commonwealth.

C. Any licensee authorized to sell alcoholic beverages at retail may sell cider in the same manner and to the same persons, and subject to the same limitations and conditions, as such license authorizes him to sell other alcoholic beverages.

D. Cider containing less than seven percent of alcohol by volume may be sold in any containers that comply with federal regulations for wine or beer, provided such containers are labeled in accordance with Board regulations. Cider containing seven percent or more of alcohol by volume may be sold in any containers that comply with federal regulations for wine, provided such containers are labeled in accordance with Board regulations.

E. No additional license fees shall be charged for the privilege of handling cider.

F. The Board shall collect such markup as it deems appropriate on all cider manufactured or sold, or both, in the Commonwealth.

G. The Board shall adopt regulations relating to the manufacture, possession, transportation and sale of cider as it deems necessary to prevent any unlawful manufacture, possession, transportation or sale of cider and to ensure that the markup required to be paid will be collected.

H. For the purposes of this section:

"Chaptalization" means a method of increasing the alcohol in a wine by adding sugar to the must before or during fermentation.

"Cider" means any beverage, carbonated or otherwise, obtained by the fermentation of the natural sugar content of apples or pears (i) containing not more than 10 percent of alcohol by volume without chaptalization or (ii) containing not more than seven percent of alcohol by volume regardless of chaptalization. Cider shall be treated as wine for all purposes of this subtitle, except as otherwise provided in this subtitle or Board regulations.

I. This section shall not limit the privileges set forth in subdivision 8 of § 4.1-200, nor shall any person be denied the privilege of manufacturing and selling sweet cider.

Code 1950, § 4-27; 1978, c. 174; 1980, c. 324; 1992, c. 349; 1993, c. 866; 2011, cc. 265, 288; 2014, c. 787; 2015, c. 412; 2017, c. 160.

§ 4.1-214. Limitations on licenses; sale outside the Commonwealth.

No deliveries or shipments of alcoholic beverages to persons outside the Commonwealth for resale outside the Commonwealth authorized by this chapter shall be made into any state the laws of which prohibit the consignee from receiving or selling the same.

Code 1950, §§ 4-25, 4-27, 4-37; 1952, c. 535; 1956, cc. 520, 521; 1962, c. 532; 1964, c. 210; 1970, cc. 545, 627, 676, 723; 1972, c. 679; 1973, c. 343; 1974, c. 267; 1975, c. 408; 1976, cc. 134, 447, 496, 696, 698, 702, 703; 1977, c. 439; 1978, cc. 174, 190, 579; 1979, cc. 258, 537; 1980, cc. 299, 324, 526, 528, § 4-25.1; 1981, cc. 24, 410, 412, 586, 600; 1982, cc. 66, 214; 1983, c. 608; 1984, cc. 180, 200, 559, 703; 1985, cc. 457, 559; 1986, cc. 101, 190, 318, 615; 1987, cc. 252, 365; 1988, c. 893; 1989, c. 42; 1990, cc. 300, 390, 707, 810; 1991, cc. 468, 628; 1992, cc. 161, 215, 349, 350, 820; 1993, c. 866; 2017, c. 160.

§ 4.1-215. Limitation on manufacturers, bottlers, and wholesalers; exemptions.

A. 1. Unless exempted pursuant to subsection B, no retail license for the sale of alcoholic beverages shall be granted to any (i) manufacturer, bottler, or wholesaler of alcoholic beverages, whether licensed in the Commonwealth or not; (ii) officer or director of any such manufacturer, bottler, or wholesaler; (iii) partnership or corporation, where any partner or stockholder is an officer or director of any such manufacturer, bottler, or wholesaler; (iv) corporation which is a subsidiary of a corporation which owns or has interest in another subsidiary corporation which is a manufacturer, bottler, or wholesaler of alcoholic beverages; or (v) manufacturer, bottler, or wholesaler of alcoholic beverages who has a financial interest in a corporation which has a retail license as a result of a holding company, which owns or has an interest in such manufacturer, bottler, or wholesaler of alcoholic beverages. Nor shall such licenses be granted in any instances where such manufacturer, bottler, or wholesaler and such retailer are under common control, by stock ownership or otherwise.

2. Notwithstanding any other provision of this subtitle, a manufacturer of wine or malt beverages, or two or more of such manufacturers together, whether licensed in the Commonwealth or not, may obtain a banquet license as provided in § 4.1-206.3 upon application to the Board, provided that the event for which a banquet license is obtained is (i) at a place approved by the Board and (ii) conducted for the purposes of featuring and educating the consuming public about wine or malt beverage products. Such manufacturer shall be limited to eight banquet licenses, whether or not jointly obtained, for such events per year without regard to the number of wineries or breweries owned or operated by such manufacturer or by any parent, subsidiary, or company under common control with such manufacturer. Where the event occurs on no more than three consecutive days, a manufacturer need only obtain one such license for the event.

3. Notwithstanding any other provision of this subtitle, a manufacturer of distilled spirits, whether licensed in the Commonwealth or not, may obtain a banquet license for a special event as provided in subdivision D 1 b of § 4.1-206.3 upon application to the Board, provided that such event is (i) at a place approved by the Board and (ii) conducted for the purposes of featuring and educating the consuming public about the manufacturer's spirits products. Such manufacturer shall be limited to no more than eight banquet licenses for such special events per year. Where the event occurs on no more than three consecutive days, a manufacturer need only obtain one such license for the event. Such banquet license shall authorize the manufacturer to sell or give samples of spirits to any person to whom alcoholic beverages may be lawfully sold in designated areas at the special event, provided that (a) no single sample shall exceed one-half ounce per spirits product offered, unless served as a mixed beverage, in which case a single sample may contain up to one and one-half ounces of spirits, and (b) no more than three ounces of spirits may be offered to any patron per day. Nothing in this paragraph shall prohibit such manufacturer from serving such samples as part of a mixed beverage.

B. This section shall not apply to:

1. Corporations operating dining cars, buffet cars, club cars, or boats;

2. Brewery, distillery, or winery licensees engaging in conduct authorized by subdivision A 5 of § 4.1-201;

3. Farm winery licensees engaging in conduct authorized by subdivision 6 of § 4.1-206.1;

4. Manufacturers, bottlers, or wholesalers of alcoholic beverages who do not (i) sell or otherwise furnish, directly or indirectly, alcoholic beverages or other merchandise to persons holding a retail license or banquet license as described in subsection A and (ii) require, by agreement or otherwise, such person to exclude from sale at his establishment alcoholic beverages of other manufacturers, bottlers, or wholesalers;

5. Wineries, farm wineries, or breweries engaging in conduct authorized by subsection F of § 4.1-206.3 or § 4.1-209.1 or 4.1-212.1; or

6. One out-of-state winery, not under common control or ownership with any other winery, that is under common ownership or control with one restaurant licensed to sell wine at retail in Virginia, so long as any wine produced by that winery is purchased from a Virginia wholesale wine licensee by the restaurant before it is offered for sale to consumers.

C. The General Assembly finds that it is necessary and proper to require a separation between manufacturing interests, wholesale interests, and retail interests in the production and distribution of alcoholic beverages in order to prevent suppliers from dominating local markets through vertical integration and to prevent excessive sales of alcoholic beverages caused by overly aggressive marketing techniques. The exceptions established by this section to the general prohibition against tied interests shall be limited to their express terms so as not to undermine the general prohibition and shall therefore be construed accordingly.

Code 1950, § 4-32; 1978, c. 108; 1982, c. 66; 1984, c. 68, § 4-32.1; 1993, c. 866; 1995, cc. 456, 630; 2003, cc. 1029, 1030; 2005, c. 784; 2007, cc. 99, 799; 2013, cc. 266, 604; 2015, c. 604; 2016, cc. 132, 141; 2017, c. 159; 2018, c. 734; 2020, cc. 1113, 1114.

§ 4.1-216. Further limitations on manufacturers, bottlers, importers, brokers or wholesalers; ownership interests prohibited; exceptions; prohibited trade practices.

A. As used in this section:

"Broker" means any person, other than a manufacturer or a licensed beer or wine importer, who regularly engages in the business of bringing together sellers and purchasers of alcoholic beverages for resale and arranges for or consummates such transactions with persons in the Commonwealth to whom such alcoholic beverages may lawfully be sold and shipped into the Commonwealth pursuant to the provisions of this subtitle.

"Manufacturer, bottler, importer, broker or wholesaler of alcoholic beverages" includes any officers or directors of any such manufacturer, bottler, importer, broker or wholesaler.

B. Except as provided in this subtitle, no manufacturer, importer, bottler, broker or wholesaler of alcoholic beverages, whether licensed in the Commonwealth or not, shall acquire or hold any financial interest, direct or indirect, (i) in the business for which any retail license is issued or (ii) in the premises where the business of a retail licensee is conducted.

1. Subdivision B (ii) shall not apply so long as such manufacturer, bottler, importer, broker or wholesaler does not sell or otherwise furnish, directly or indirectly, alcoholic beverages or other merchandise to such retail licensee and such retailer is not required by agreement or otherwise to exclude from sale at his establishment alcoholic beverages of other manufacturers, bottlers, importers, brokers or wholesalers.

2. Service as a member of the board of directors of a corporation licensed as a retailer, the shares of stock of which are sold to the general public on any national or local stock exchange, shall not be deemed to be a financial interest, direct or indirect, in the business or the premises of the retail licensee.

3. A brewery, winery or subsidiary or affiliate thereof, hereinafter collectively referred to as a financing corporation, may participate in financing the business of a wholesale licensee in the Commonwealth by providing debt or equity capital or both but only if done in accordance with the provisions of this subsection.

a. In order to assist a proposed new owner of an existing wholesale licensee, a financing corporation may provide debt or equity capital, or both, if prior approval of the Board has been obtained pursuant to subdivision 3 b of subsection B. A financing corporation which proposes to provide equity capital shall cause the proposed new owner to form a Virginia limited partnership in which the new owner is the general partner and the financing corporation is a limited partner. If the general partner defaults on any financial obligation to the limited partner, which default has been specifically defined in the partnership agreement, or, if the new owner defaults on its obligation to pay principal and interest when due to the financing corporation as specifically defined in the loan documents, then, and only then, shall such financing corporation be allowed to take title to the business of the wholesale licensee. Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary and provided written notice has been given to the Board within two business days after taking title, the wholesale licensee may be managed and operated by such financing corporation pursuant to the existing wholesale license for a period of time not to exceed 180 days as if the license had been issued in the name of the financing corporation. On or before the expiration of such 180-day period, the financing corporation shall cause ownership of the wholesale licensee's business to be transferred to a new owner. Otherwise, on the 181st day, the license shall be deemed terminated. The financing corporation may not participate in financing the transfer of ownership to the new owner or to any other subsequent owner for a period of twenty years following the effective date of the original financing transaction; except where a transfer takes place before the expiration of the eighth full year following the effective date of the original financing transaction in which case the financing corporation may finance such transfer as long as the new owner is required to return such debt or equity capital within the originally prescribed eight-year period. The financing corporation may exercise its right to take title to, manage and operate the business of, the wholesale licensee only once during such eight-year period.

b. In any case in which a financing corporation proposes to provide debt or equity capital in order to assist in a change of ownership of an existing wholesale licensee, the parties to the transaction shall first submit an application for a wholesale license in the name of the proposed new owner to the Board.

The Board shall be provided with all documents that pertain to the transaction at the time of the license application and shall ensure that the application complies with all requirements of law pertaining to the issuance of wholesale licenses except that if the financing corporation proposes to provide equity capital and thereby take a limited partnership interest in the applicant entity, the financing corporation shall not be required to comply with any Virginia residency requirement applicable to the issuance of wholesale licenses. In addition to the foregoing, the applicant entity shall certify to the Board and provide supporting documentation that the following requirements are met prior to issuance of the wholesale license: (i) the terms and conditions of any debt financing which the financing corporation proposes to provide are substantially the same as those available in the financial markets to other wholesale licensees who will be in competition with the applicant, (ii) the terms of any proposed equity financing transaction are such that future profits of the applicant's business shall be distributed annually to the financing corporation in direct proportion to its percentage of ownership interest received in return for its investment of equity capital, (iii) if the financing corporation proposes to provide equity capital, it shall hold an ownership interest in the applicant entity through a limited partnership interest and no other arrangement and (iv) the applicant entity shall be contractually obligated to return such debt or equity capital to the financing corporation not later than the end of the eighth full year following the effective date of the transaction thereby terminating any ownership interest or right thereto of the financing corporation.

Once the Board has issued a wholesale license pursuant to an application filed in accordance with this subdivision 3 b, any subsequent change in the partnership agreement or the financing documents shall be subject to the prior approval of the Board. In accordance with the previous paragraph, the Board may require the licensee to resubmit certifications and documentation.

c. If a financing corporation wishes to provide debt financing, including inventory financing, but not equity financing, to an existing wholesale licensee or a proposed new owner of an existing wholesale licensee, it may do so without regard to the provisions of subdivisions 3 a and 3 b of subsection B under the following circumstances and subject to the following conditions: (i) in order to secure such debt financing, a wholesale licensee or a proposed new owner thereof may grant a security interest in any of its assets, including inventory, other than the wholesale license itself or corporate stock of the wholesale licensee; in the event of default, the financing corporation may take title to any assets pledged to secure such debt but may not take title to the business of the wholesale licensee and may not manage or operate such business; (ii) debt capital may be supplied by such financing corporation to an existing wholesale licensee or a proposed new owner of an existing wholesale licensee so long as debt capital is provided on terms and conditions which are substantially the same as those available in the financial markets to other wholesale licensees in competition with the wholesale licensee which is being so financed; and (iii) the licensee or proposed new owner shall certify to the Board and provide supporting documentation that the requirements of (i) and (ii) of this subdivision 3 c have been met.

Nothing in this section shall eliminate, affect or in any way modify the requirements of law pertaining to issuance and retention of a wholesale license as they may apply to existing wholesale licensees or new owners thereof which have received debt financing prior to the enactment of this subdivision 3 c.

4. Except for holders of retail licenses issued pursuant to subdivision A 5 of § 4.1-201, brewery licensees may sell beer to retail licensees for resale only under the following conditions: If such brewery or an affiliate or subsidiary thereof has taken title to the business of a wholesale licensee pursuant to the provisions of subdivision 3 a of subsection B, direct sale to retail licensees may be made during the 180-day period of operation allowed under that subdivision. Moreover, the holder of a brewery license may make sales of alcoholic beverages directly to retail licensees for a period not to exceed thirty days in the event that such retail licensees are normally serviced by a wholesale licensee representing that brewery which has been forced to suspend wholesale operations as a result of a natural disaster or other act of God or which has been terminated by the brewery for fraud, loss of license or assignment of assets for the benefit of creditors not in the ordinary course of business.

5. Notwithstanding any provision of this section, including but not limited to those provisions whereby certain ownership or lease arrangements may be permissible, no manufacturer, bottler, importer, broker or wholesaler of alcoholic beverages shall make an agreement, or attempt to make an agreement, with a retail licensee pursuant to which any products sold by a competitor are excluded in whole or in part from the premises on which the retail licensee's business is conducted.

6. Nothing in this section shall prohibit a winery, brewery, or distillery licensee from paying a royalty to a historical preservation entity pursuant to a bona fide intellectual property agreement that (i) authorizes the winery, brewery, or distillery licensee to manufacture wine, beer, or spirits based on authentic historical recipes and identified with brand names owned and trademarked by the historical preservation entity; (ii) provides for royalties to be paid based solely on the volume of wine, beer, or spirits manufactured using such recipes and trademarks, rather than on the sales revenues generated from such wine, beer, or spirits; and (iii) has been approved by the Board.

For purposes of this subdivision, "historical preservation entity" means an entity (a) that is exempt from income taxation under § 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; (b) whose declared purposes include the preservation, restoration, and protection of a historic community in the Commonwealth that is the site of at least 50 historically significant houses, shops, and public buildings dating to the eighteenth century; and (c) that owns not more than 12 retail establishments in the Commonwealth for which retail licenses have been issued by the Board.

C. Subject to such exceptions as may be provided by statute or Board regulations, no manufacturer, bottler, importer, broker or wholesaler of alcoholic beverages, whether licensed in the Commonwealth or not, shall sell, rent, lend, buy for or give to any retail licensee, or to the owner of the premises in which the business of any retail licensee is conducted, any (i) money, equipment, furniture, fixtures, property, services or anything of value with which the business of such retail licensee is or may be conducted, or for any other purpose; (ii) advertising materials; and (iii) business entertainment, provided that no transaction permitted under this section or by Board regulation shall be used to require the retail licensee to partially or totally exclude from sale at its establishment alcoholic beverages of other manufacturers or wholesalers.

The provisions of this subsection shall apply to manufacturers, bottlers, importers, brokers and wholesalers selling alcoholic beverages to any governmental instrumentality or employee thereof selling alcoholic beverages at retail within the exterior limits of the Commonwealth, including all territory within these limits owned by or ceded to the United States of America.

The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to any commercial lifestyle center licensee.

1989, c. 528, § 4-79.1; 1992, c. 349; 1993, c. 866; 2015, c. 421; 2020, cc. 1113, 1114.

§ 4.1-216.1. Point-of-sale advertising materials authorized under certain conditions; civil penalties.

A. As used in this section:

"Alcoholic beverage advertising material" or "advertising material" means any item, other than an illuminated device, which contains one or more references to a brand of alcoholic beverage and which is used to promote the sale of alcoholic beverages within the interior of a licensed retail establishment and which otherwise complies with Board regulations.

"Authorized vendor" or "vendor" means any person, other than a wholesale wine or beer licensee, that a manufacturer has authorized to engage in a business consisting in whole or in part of the sale and distribution of any articles of tangible personal property bearing any of the manufacturer's alcoholic beverage trademarks.

"Manufacturer" means any brewery, winery, distillery, bottler, broker, importer and any person that a brewery, winery, or distiller has authorized to sell or arrange for the sale of its products to wholesale wine and beer licensees in Virginia or, in the case of spirits, to the Board.

B. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 4.1-215 or 4.1-216 and Board regulations adopted thereunder, a manufacturer or its authorized vendor and a wholesale wine and beer licensee may lend, buy for, or give to a retail licensee any alcoholic beverage advertising material made of paper, cardboard, canvas, rubber, foam, or plastic, provided the advertising materials have a wholesale value of $40 or less per item.

C. Alcoholic beverage advertising materials, other than those authorized by subsection B to be given to a retailer, may be displayed by a retail licensee in the interior of its licensed establishment provided:

1. The wholesale value of the advertising material does not exceed $250 per item, and

2. The advertising material is not obtained from a manufacturer, its authorized vendor, or any wholesale wine or beer licensee.

A retail licensee shall retain for at least two years a record of its procurement of, including any payments for, such advertising materials along with an invoice or sales ticket containing a description of the item so purchased or otherwise procured.

D. Except as otherwise provided in this subtitle, a retail licensee shall not display in the interior of its licensed establishment any alcoholic beverage advertising materials, other than those that may be lawfully obtained and displayed in accordance with this section or Board regulation.

E. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit any advertising materials permitted under Board regulations in effect on January 1, 2007.

2007, c. 494.

§ 4.1-217. Limitation on brewery licenses.

No beer reconstituted from beer concentrate, other than reconstituted beer originally manufactured, concentrated and reconstituted at the same plant located in the Commonwealth, shall be sold by any brewery licensee to persons licensed to sell beer at retail for purposes of resale.

Code 1950, § 4-25; 1952, c. 535; 1956, c. 520; 1962, c. 532; 1964, c. 210; 1970, cc. 627, 723; 1972, c. 679; 1973, c. 343; 1974, c. 267; 1975, c. 408; 1976, cc. 134, 447, 496, 703; 1977, c. 439; 1978, c. 190; 1979, c. 258; 1980, cc. 526, 528; 1981, cc. 410, 412; 1982, c. 66; 1984, c. 200; 1987, c. 365; 1988, c. 893; 1989, c. 42; 1990, c. 707; 1991, c. 628; 1992, cc. 215, 350; 1993, cc. 190, 828, 866.

§ 4.1-218. Limitation on wine and beer importers.

Wine importer licensees and beer importer licensees shall not sell and deliver or ship any brand of beer or wine to wholesale licensees for the purpose of resale until such importer has also complied with the provisions of this section and Board regulations for each such brand.

Any licensed importer, if not also the owner of the brand to be imported into the Commonwealth, shall provide to the Board written authorization from the brand owner entitling the importer to (i) sell and deliver or ship such brand into the Commonwealth and (ii) establish written agreements of a definite duration and within the meaning of the Wine Franchise Act (§ 4.1-400 et seq.) and the Beer Franchise Act (§ 4.1-500 et seq.), on behalf of the brand owner, as its authorized representative, with each wholesale licensee to whom the importer sells any brand of beer or wine owned by the brand owner. In addition, each such licensed importer shall file and maintain with the Board a current list of all wholesale licensees authorized by such importer, as the authorized representative of the brand owner, to distribute such brand within the Commonwealth.

Code 1950, § 4-25; 1952, c. 535; 1956, c. 520; 1962, c. 532; 1964, c. 210; 1970, cc. 627, 723; 1972, c. 679; 1973, c. 343; 1974, c. 267; 1975, c. 408; 1976, cc. 134, 447, 496, 703; 1977, c. 439; 1978, c. 190; 1979, c. 258; 1980, cc. 526, 528; 1981, cc. 410, 412; 1982, c. 66; 1984, c. 200; 1987, c. 365; 1988, c. 893; 1989, c. 42; 1990, c. 707; 1991, c. 628; 1992, cc. 215, 350; 1993, c. 866.

§ 4.1-219. Limitations on Class I, II, III, and IV farm wineries.

A. For Class I farm winery licensees, all of the fruits or agricultural products used by the licensee to manufacture wine shall be grown or produced on the licensed premises. Class I farm winery licensees shall have on the licensed premises a growing area no smaller than one and one-half acres that produces fruits or agricultural products used to manufacture the wine of such farm winery. Class I farm winery licensees shall ferment on the licensed premises no less than 2,250 liters of wine per year, and all of the wine sold by such licensee shall be fermented on the licensed premises.

B. For Class II farm winery licensees, at least 51 percent of the fruits or agricultural products used by the licensee to manufacture wine shall be grown or produced on property in the Commonwealth that is owned or leased by the licensee and no more than 25 percent of the fruits or agricultural products used by the licensee to manufacture wine shall be grown or produced outside the Commonwealth. Class II farm winery licensees shall have on the licensed premises a growing area no smaller than three acres that produces fruits or agricultural products used to manufacture the wine of such farm winery.

C. For Class III farm winery licensees, 75 percent of the fruits or agricultural products used by the licensee to manufacture wine shall be grown or produced in the Commonwealth. Class III farm winery licensees shall ferment on the licensed premises no less than 4,500 liters of wine per year, and no less than 75 percent of the wine sold by such licensee shall be fermented on the licensed premises.

D. For Class IV farm winery licensees, 75 percent of the fruits or agricultural products used by the licensee to manufacture wine shall be grown or produced in the Commonwealth. Class IV farm winery licensees shall have on the licensed premises a growing area no smaller than 10 acres that produces fruits or agricultural products used to manufacture the wine of such farm winery. No Class IV farm winery license shall be issued to any person that has not operated under an existing farm winery license for at least seven years.

E. A farm winery licensee may trade with other farm winery licensees fruits or agricultural products grown or produced on property in the Commonwealth that is owned or leased by such farm winery licensees. For the purposes of this section, fruit or agricultural products traded or exchanged between farm winery licensees shall be considered grown or produced on the licensed premises of the receiving licensee for the purposes of meeting the fruit sourcing requirement in subsections A, B, C, and D, provided that verification is provided to the receiving licensee that the fruit or agricultural products traded or exchanged were grown or produced in the Commonwealth by the farm winery licensee engaging in such trade or exchange. Both licensees shall maintain complete and accurate records of the quantity and source of any fruit or agricultural products traded or exchanged. Such trades or exchanges shall be bona fide transactions based on the fair market value of the fruits or agricultural products traded or exchanged. For the purposes of this subsection, "agricultural products" means the raw materials used or intended to be used in the manufacture of wine or cider by farm winery licensees.

F. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections A, B, C, and D, upon petition by the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the Board may permit the use (i) of a greater quantity of out-of-state products if supplies grown or produced in the Commonwealth are insufficient for a farm winery licensee, whether Class I, Class II, Class III, or Class IV, to achieve the level of production that otherwise could be anticipated during a given license year or (ii) by a Class I, Class II, or Class IV farm winery of a lesser percentage of products grown or produced on the licensed premises or on property in the Commonwealth that is owned or leased by the licensee, as applicable, if unusually severe weather or disease conditions cause a significant reduction in the availability of fruit or other agricultural products grown or produced on such property to manufacture wine during a given license year.

G. As used in this section, the phrase "property in the Commonwealth that is owned or leased by the licensee" shall include, in the case of a cooperative licensed as a farm winery, any property in the Commonwealth that is owned or leased by a member of such cooperative.

Code 1950, § 4-2; 1952, c. 496; 1954, c. 682; 1962, c. 533; 1970, cc. 302, 309; 1974, cc. 460, 497; 1975, c. 408; 1976, cc. 64, 702; 1977, c. 280; 1980, c. 324, § 4-25.1; 1981, c. 410; 1984, cc. 200, 559; 1985, cc. 448, 457; 1986, c. 190; 1990, cc. 300, 390, 707, 810, 932; 1991, c. 426; 1993, c. 866; 2000, cc. 1037, 1052; 2003, c. 631; 2008, c. 194; 2016, c. 656; 2023, c. 731.

§ 4.1-220. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 2020, cc. 1113 and 1114, as amended by Acts 2021, Sp. Sess. I, c. 82, effective January 1, 2022.

§ 4.1-221. Limitation on mixed beverage licensees; exceptions.

A. Unless excepted by subsection B, all alcoholic beverages sold as mixed beverages shall be purchased from the Board.

B. Mixed beverage carrier licensees may obtain from other lawful sources alcoholic beverages to be sold as mixed beverages on trains, boats or airplanes of the licensees provided there is paid to the Board in lieu of the taxes otherwise directly imposed under this chapter and any markup otherwise charged by the Board, a tax of ten cents for each of the average number of drinks of mixed beverages determined by the Board as having been consumed within the geographical confines of the Commonwealth on such trains, boats or airplanes. Such tax shall be calculated on the basis of the proportionate number of revenue passenger miles traveled within the Commonwealth by such a licensee in relation to the total quantity of all alcoholic beverages obtained either inside or outside the Commonwealth by the licensee for consumption on trains, boats or airplanes of the licensee. Such tax shall be paid to the Board on a quarterly basis.

C. The entire contents of a closed container of distilled spirits shall not be served to an individual for on-premises consumption or for off-premises consumption pursuant to § 4.1-212.1 except as may be provided by Board regulation.

1968, c. 7, § 4-98.11; 1972, c. 17; 1974, c. 460; 1984, c. 318; 1986, c. 374; 1993, c. 866; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, cc. 281, 282; 2022 cc. 78, 79.

§ 4.1-221.1. Limitation of tasting licenses.

Single samples of alcoholic beverages given or sold by a licensee shall not exceed four ounces of beer, two ounces of wine, or one-half ounce of spirits, unless served as a mixed beverage, in which case a single sample of spirits may contain up to one and one-half ounces of spirits; and no more than 12 ounces of beer, five ounces of wine, or three ounces of spirits shall be offered to any person per day. Tasting licenses for mixed beverages shall be issued only for events to be held in localities that do not prohibit the sale of mixed beverages pursuant to § 4.1-124. No license shall be issued to any person to whom issuance of a retail license is prohibited. No more than 12 tasting licenses annually shall be issued to any person. The provisions of this section shall not apply to tastings conducted pursuant to § 4.1-201.1.

1996, cc. 584, 596; 2006, c. 826; 2019, cc. 37, 178; 2020, cc. 1113, 1114, 1177.

§ 4.1-222. Conditions under which Board may refuse to grant licenses.

The Board may refuse to grant any license if it has reasonable cause to believe that:

1. The applicant, or if the applicant is a partnership, any general partner thereof, or if the applicant is an association, any member thereof, or limited partner of 10 percent or more with voting rights, or if the applicant is a corporation, any officer, director, or shareholder owning 10 percent or more of its capital stock, or if the applicant is a limited liability company, any member-manager or any member owning 10 percent or more of the membership interest of the limited liability company:

a. Is not 21 years of age or older;

b. Has been convicted in any court of a felony or any crime or offense involving moral turpitude under the laws of any state, or of the United States;

c. Has been convicted, within the five years immediately preceding the date of the application for such license, of a violation of any law applicable to the manufacture, transportation, possession, use or sale of alcoholic beverages;

d. Is not a person of good moral character and repute;

e. Is not the legitimate owner of the business proposed to be licensed, or other persons have ownership interests in the business which have not been disclosed;

f. Has not demonstrated financial responsibility sufficient to meet the requirements of the business proposed to be licensed;

g. Has maintained a noisy, lewd, disorderly or unsanitary establishment;

h. Has demonstrated, either by his police record or by his record as a former licensee of the Board, a lack of respect for law and order;

i. Is unable to speak, understand, read and write the English language in a reasonably satisfactory manner;

j. Is a person to whom alcoholic beverages may not be sold under § 4.1-304;

k. Has the general reputation of drinking alcoholic beverages to excess or is addicted to the use of narcotics;

l. Has misrepresented a material fact in applying to the Board for a license;

m. Has defrauded or attempted to defraud the Board, or any federal, state or local government or governmental agency or authority, by making or filing any report, document or tax return required by statute or regulation which is fraudulent or contains a false representation of a material fact; or has willfully deceived or attempted to deceive the Board, or any federal, state or local government, or governmental agency or authority, by making or maintaining business records required by statute or regulation which are false and fraudulent;

n. Is violating or allowing the violation of any provision of this subtitle in his establishment at the time his application for a license is pending;

o. Is a police officer with police authority in the political subdivision within which the establishment designated in the application is located;

p. Is physically unable to carry on the business for which the application for a license is filed or has been adjudicated incapacitated; or

q. Is a member, agent or employee of the Board.

2. The place to be occupied by the applicant:

a. Does not conform to the requirements of the governing body of the county, city or town in which such place is located with respect to sanitation, health, construction or equipment, or to any similar requirements established by the laws of the Commonwealth or by Board regulation;

b. Is so located that granting a license and operation thereunder by the applicant would result in violations of this subtitle, Board regulations, or violation of the laws of the Commonwealth or local ordinances relating to peace and good order;

c. Is so located with respect to any church; synagogue; hospital; public, private, or parochial school or an institution of higher education; public or private playground or other similar recreational facility; or any state, local, or federal government-operated facility, that the operation of such place under such license will adversely affect or interfere with the normal, orderly conduct of the affairs of such facilities or institutions;

d. Is so located with respect to any residence or residential area that the operation of such place under such license will adversely affect real property values or substantially interfere with the usual quietude and tranquility of such residence or residential area; or

e. Under a retail on-premises license is so constructed, arranged or illuminated that law-enforcement officers and special agents of the Board are prevented from ready access to and reasonable observation of any room or area within which alcoholic beverages are to be sold or consumed.

3. The number of licenses existent in the locality is such that the granting of a license is detrimental to the interest, morals, safety or welfare of the public. In reaching such conclusion the Board shall consider the (i) character of, population of, the number of similar licenses and the number of all licenses existent in the particular county, city or town and the immediate neighborhood concerned; (ii) effect which a new license may have on such county, city, town or neighborhood in conforming with the purposes of this subtitle; and (iii) objections, if any, which may have been filed by a local governing body or local residents.

4. There exists any law, ordinance, or regulation of the United States, the Commonwealth or any political subdivision thereof, which warrants refusal by the Board to grant any license.

5. The Board is not authorized under this chapter to grant such license.

Code 1950, § 4-31; 1954, c. 301; 1956, c. 523; 1972, c. 178; 1974, c. 267; 1976, cc. 67, 698; 1978, c. 446; 1980, c. 299; 1982, c. 66; 1984, c. 703; 1986, cc. 94, 615; 1989, c. 311; 1990, c. 727; 1992, c. 161; 1993, c. 866; 1997, c. 801; 2002, c. 420; 2007, c. 103; 2020, c. 534.

§ 4.1-223. Conditions under which Board shall refuse to grant licenses.

The Board shall refuse to grant any:

1. Wholesale beer or wine license to any person, unless such person has established or will establish a place or places of business within the Commonwealth at which will be received and from which will be distributed all alcoholic beverages sold by such person in the Commonwealth. However, in special circumstances, the Board, subject to any regulations it may adopt, may permit alcoholic beverages to be received into or distributed from places other than established places of business.

2. Wholesale wine license to any entity that is owned, in whole or in part, by any manufacturer of alcoholic beverages, any subsidiary or affiliate of such manufacturer, or any person under common control with such manufacturer. This subdivision, however, shall not apply to (i) any applicant for a wholesale beer or wine license filed pursuant to subdivision B 3 b of § 4.1-216 or (ii) the nonprofit, nonstock corporation established pursuant to subdivision B 2 of § 3.2-102 in exercising any privileges granted under subdivision 4 of § 4.1-206.2.

3. Wholesale beer license to any (i) entity that is owned, in whole or in part, by any manufacturer of alcoholic beverages; (ii) subsidiary or affiliate of a manufacturer of alcoholic beverages; (iii) officer, director, or principal stockholder of a manufacturer of alcoholic beverages; (iv) spouse of an officer, director, or principal stockholder of a manufacturer of alcoholic beverages; or (v) person under common control with a manufacturer of alcoholic beverages. This subdivision, however, shall not apply to (a) any applicant for a wholesale beer or wine license filed pursuant to subdivision B 3 b of § 4.1-216 or (b) the nonprofit, nonstock corporation established pursuant to subdivision B 3 of § 3.2-102 in exercising any privileges granted under subdivision 2 of § 4.1-206.2.

As used in this subdivision, the term "manufacturer" includes any person (i) who brews, vinifies, or distills alcoholic beverages for sale or (ii) engaging in business as a contract brewer, winery, or distillery that owns alcoholic beverage product brand rights, but arranges the manufacture of such products by another person.

4. Mixed beverage license if the Board determines that in the licensed establishment there (i) is entertainment of a lewd, obscene or lustful nature including what is commonly called stripteasing, topless entertaining, and the like, or which has employees who are not clad both above and below the waist, or who uncommonly expose the body or (ii) are employees who solicit the sale of alcoholic beverages.

5. Wholesale wine license until the applicant has filed with the Board a bond payable to the Commonwealth, in a sum not to exceed $10,000, upon a form approved by the Board, signed by the applicant or licensee and a surety company authorized to do business in the Commonwealth as surety, and conditioned upon such person's (i) securing wine only in a manner provided by law, (ii) remitting to the Board the proper tax thereon, (iii) keeping such records as may be required by law or Board regulations, and (iv) abiding by such other laws or Board regulations relative to the handling of wine by wholesale wine licensees. The Board may waive the requirement of both the surety and the bond in cases where the wholesaler has previously demonstrated his financial responsibility.

6. Mixed beverage license to any member, agent, or employee of the Board or to any corporation or other business entity in which such member, agent or employee is a stockholder or has any other economic interest.

Whenever any other elective or appointive official of the Commonwealth or any political subdivision thereof applies for such a license or continuance thereof, he shall state on the application the official position he holds, and whenever a corporation or other business entity in which any such official is a stockholder or has any other economic interests applies for such a license, it shall state on the application the full economic interest of each such official in such corporation or other business entity.

7. License authorized by this chapter until the license tax required by § 4.1-231.1 is paid to the Board.

Code 1950, § 4-31; 1954, c. 301; 1956, c. 523; 1968, c. 7, §§ 4-98.9, 4-98.17; 1972, cc. 178, 525; 1974, cc. 267, 548; 1975, c. 413; 1976, cc. 67, 698; 1978, c. 446; 1980, c. 299; 1982, c. 66; 1984, c. 703; 1986, cc. 94, 615; 1989, c. 311; 1990, c. 727; 1992, c. 161; 1993, c. 866; 2000, c. 823; 2007, cc. 870, 932; 2012, cc. 803, 835; 2020, cc. 1113, 1114; 2023, c. 597.

§ 4.1-224. Notice and hearings for refusal to grant licenses; Administrative Process Act; exceptions.

A. The action of the Board in granting or in refusing to grant any license shall be subject to review in accordance with the Administrative Process Act (§ 2.2-4000 et seq.), except as provided in subsections B and C. Review shall be limited to the evidential record of the proceedings provided by the Board. Both the petitioner and the Board shall have the right to appeal to the Court of Appeals from any order of the court.

B. The Board may refuse a hearing on any application for the granting of any retail alcoholic beverage or mixed beverage license, including a banquet license, provided such:

1. License for the applicant has been refused or revoked within a period of twelve months;

2. License for any premises has been refused or revoked at that location within a period of twelve months;

3. Applicant, within a period of twelve months immediately preceding, has permitted a license granted by the Board to expire for nonpayment of license tax, and at the time of expiration of such license, there was a pending and unadjudicated charge, either before the Board or in any court, against the licensee alleging a violation of this subtitle; or

4. Applicant has received a restricted license and reapplies for a lesser-restricted license at the same location within twelve months of the date of the issuance of the restricted license.

C. If an applicant has permitted a license to expire for nonpayment of license tax, and at the time of expiration there remained unexecuted any period of suspension imposed upon the licensee by the Board, the Board may refuse a hearing on an application for a new license until after the date on which the suspension period would have been executed had the license not have been permitted to expire.

Code 1950, § 4-31; 1954, c. 301; 1956, c. 523; 1972, c. 178; 1974, c. 267; 1976, cc. 67, 698; 1978, c. 446; 1980, c. 299; 1982, c. 66; 1984, c. 703; 1986, cc. 94, 615; 1989, c. 311; 1990, c. 727; 1992, c. 161; 1993, c. 866; 2000, c. 147.

§ 4.1-225. Grounds for which Board may suspend or revoke licenses; exception.

A. The Board may suspend or revoke any license other than a brewery license, in which case the Board may impose penalties as provided in § 4.1-227, if it has reasonable cause to believe that:

1. The licensee, or if the licensee is a partnership, any general partner thereof, or if the licensee is an association, any member thereof, or a limited partner of 10 percent or more with voting rights, or if the licensee is a corporation, any officer, director, or shareholder owning 10 percent or more of its capital stock, or if the licensee is a limited liability company, any member-manager or any member owning 10 percent or more of the membership interest of the limited liability company:

a. Has misrepresented a material fact in applying to the Board for such license;

b. Within the five years immediately preceding the date of the hearing held in accordance with § 4.1-227, has (i) been convicted of a violation of any law, ordinance, or regulation of the Commonwealth, of any county, city, or town in the Commonwealth, of any state, or of the United States, applicable to the manufacture, transportation, possession, use, or sale of alcoholic beverages; (ii) violated any provision of Chapter 3 (§ 4.1-300 et seq.); (iii) committed a violation of the Wine Franchise Act (§ 4.1-400 et seq.) or the Beer Franchise Act (§ 4.1-500 et seq.) in bad faith; (iv) violated or failed or refused to comply with any regulation, rule, or order of the Board; or (v) failed or refused to comply with any of the conditions or restrictions of the license granted by the Board;

c. Has been convicted in any court of a felony or of any crime or offense involving moral turpitude under the laws of any state, or of the United States;

d. Is not the legitimate owner of the business conducted under the license granted by the Board, or other persons have ownership interests in the business which have not been disclosed;

e. Cannot demonstrate financial responsibility sufficient to meet the requirements of the business conducted under the license granted by the Board;

f. Has been intoxicated or under the influence of some self-administered drug while upon the licensed premises;

g. Has maintained the licensed premises in an unsanitary condition, or allowed such premises to become a meeting place or rendezvous for members of a criminal street gang as defined in § 18.2-46.1 or persons of ill repute, or has allowed any form of illegal gambling to take place upon such premises;

h. Knowingly employs in the business conducted under such license, as agent, servant, or employee, other than a busboy, cook, or other kitchen help, any person who has been convicted in any court of a felony or of any crime or offense involving moral turpitude, or who has violated the laws of the Commonwealth, of any other state, or of the United States, applicable to the manufacture, transportation, possession, use, or sale of alcoholic beverages;

i. Subsequent to the granting of his original license, has demonstrated by his police record a lack of respect for law and order;

j. Has allowed the consumption of alcoholic beverages upon the licensed premises by any person whom he knew or had reason to believe was (i) less than 21 years of age, (ii) interdicted, or (iii) intoxicated, or has allowed any person whom he knew or had reason to believe was intoxicated to loiter upon such licensed premises;

k. Has allowed any person to consume upon the licensed premises any alcoholic beverages except as provided under this subtitle;

l. Is physically unable to carry on the business conducted under such license or has been adjudicated incapacitated;

m. Has allowed any obscene literature, pictures, or materials upon the licensed premises;

n. Has possessed any illegal gambling apparatus, machine, or device upon the licensed premises;

o. Has upon the licensed premises (i) illegally possessed, distributed, sold, or used, or has knowingly allowed any employee or agent, or any other person, to illegally possess, distribute, sell, or use marijuana, controlled substances, imitation controlled substances, drug paraphernalia, or controlled paraphernalia as those terms are defined in Articles 1 (§ 18.2-247 et seq.) and 1.1 (§ 18.2-265.1 et seq.) of Chapter 7 of Title 18.2 and the Drug Control Act (§ 54.1-3400 et seq.); (ii) laundered money in violation of § 18.2-246.3; or (iii) conspired to commit any drug-related offense in violation of Article 1 or 1.1 of Chapter 7 of Title 18.2 or the Drug Control Act. The provisions of this subdivision shall also apply to any conduct related to the operation of the licensed business that facilitates the commission of any of the offenses set forth herein;

p. Has failed to take reasonable measures to prevent (i) the licensed premises, (ii) any premises immediately adjacent to the licensed premises that are owned or leased by the licensee, or (iii) any portion of public property immediately adjacent to the licensed premises from becoming a place where patrons of the establishment commit criminal violations of Article 1 (§ 18.2-30 et seq.), 2 (§ 18.2-38 et seq.), 2.1 (§ 18.2-46.1 et seq.), 2.2 (§ 18.2-46.4 et seq.), 3 (§ 18.2-47 et seq.), 4 (§ 18.2-51 et seq.), 5 (§ 18.2-58 et seq.), 6 (§ 18.2-59 et seq.), or 7 (§ 18.2-61 et seq.) of Chapter 4 of Title 18.2; Article 2 (§ 18.2-266 et seq.) of Chapter 7 of Title 18.2; Article 3 (§ 18.2-346 et seq.) or 5 (§ 18.2-372 et seq.) of Chapter 8 of Title 18.2; or Article 1 (§ 18.2-404 et seq.), 2 (§ 18.2-415), or 3 (§ 18.2-416 et seq.) of Chapter 9 of Title 18.2 and such violations lead to arrests that are so frequent and serious as to reasonably be deemed a continuing threat to the public safety; or

q. Has failed to take reasonable measures to prevent an act of violence resulting in death or serious bodily injury, or a recurrence of such acts, from occurring on (i) the licensed premises, (ii) any premises immediately adjacent to the licensed premises that is owned or leased by the licensee, or (iii) any portion of public property immediately adjacent to the licensed premises.

2. The place occupied by the licensee:

a. Does not conform to the requirements of the governing body of the county, city, or town in which such establishment is located, with respect to sanitation, health, construction, or equipment, or to any similar requirements established by the laws of the Commonwealth or by Board regulations;

b. Has been adjudicated a common nuisance under the provisions of this subtitle or § 18.2-258; or

c. Has become a meeting place or rendezvous for illegal gambling, illegal users of narcotics, drunks, prostitutes, pimps, panderers, or habitual law violators or has become a place where illegal drugs are regularly used or distributed. The Board may consider the general reputation in the community of such establishment in addition to any other competent evidence in making such determination.

3. The licensee or any employee of the licensee discriminated against any member of the armed forces of the United States by prices charged or otherwise.

4. The licensee, his employees, or any entertainer performing on the licensed premises has been convicted of a violation of a local public nudity ordinance for conduct occurring on the licensed premises and the licensee allowed such conduct to occur.

5. Any cause exists for which the Board would have been entitled to refuse to grant such license had the facts been known.

6. The licensee is delinquent for a period of 90 days or more in the payment of any taxes, or any penalties or interest related thereto, lawfully imposed by the locality where the licensed business is located, as certified by the treasurer, commissioner of the revenue, or finance director of such locality, unless (i) the outstanding amount is de minimis; (ii) the licensee has pending a bona fide application for correction or appeal with respect to such taxes, penalties, or interest; or (iii) the licensee has entered into a payment plan approved by the same locality to settle the outstanding liability.

7. Any other cause authorized by this subtitle.

B. Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision A 1 h, a licensee may employ a person who has been convicted of a felony or a crime involving moral turpitude if (i) except for violations of § 18.2-54.1 or 18.2-54.2, two years have elapsed following the conviction and the person has completed and been released from the term of any probation or parole, if applicable, or (ii) the licensee has obtained written approval for such employment from the Authority and, in instances in which the person has not completed or been released from the term of any probation or parole, the Authority has consulted with the person's probation and parole officer.

Code 1950, § 4-37; 1956, c. 521; 1970, cc. 545, 676; 1976, cc. 696, 698, 702; 1978, c. 579; 1979, c. 537; 1980, c. 299; 1981, cc. 24, 586, 600; 1982, c. 214; 1983, c. 608; 1984, cc. 180, 200, 703; 1985, c. 559; 1986, cc. 101, 318, 615; 1987, c. 252; 1991, c. 468; 1992, cc. 161, 820; 1993, c. 866; 1996, c. 404; 1997, c. 801; 2002, c. 352; 2003, c. 594; 2007, c. 103; 2008, cc. 185, 794; 2009, c. 486; 2011, cc. 384, 410; 2013, c. 661; 2014, cc. 233, 674, 719; 2017, cc. 698, 707; 2020, c. 122; 2023, c. 774.

§ 4.1-225.1. Summary suspension in emergency circumstances; grounds; notice and hearing.

A. Notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary in Article 3 (§ 2.2-4018 et seq.) of the Administrative Process Act or § 4.1-227 or 4.1-229, the Board may summarily suspend any license or permit if it has reasonable cause to believe that an act of violence resulting in death or serious bodily injury, or a recurrence of such acts, has occurred on (i) the licensed premises, (ii) any premises immediately adjacent to the licensed premises that is owned or leased by the licensee, or (iii) any portion of public property immediately adjacent to the licensed premises, and the Board finds that there exists a continuing threat to public safety and that summary suspension of the license or permit is justified to protect the health, safety, or welfare of the public.

B. Prior to issuing an order of suspension pursuant to this section, special agents of the Board shall conduct an initial investigation and submit all findings to the Secretary of the Board within 48 hours of any such act of violence; however, if the 48-hour period terminates on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the initial investigation findings may be submitted to the Secretary of the Board any time prior to the close of business on the next day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday. If the Board determines suspension is warranted, it shall immediately notify the licensee of its intention to temporarily suspend his license pending the outcome of a formal investigation. Such temporary suspension shall remain effective for a minimum of 48 hours. After the 48-hour period, the licensee may petition the Board for a restricted license pending the results of the formal investigation and proceedings for disciplinary review. If the Board determines that a restricted license is warranted, the Board shall have discretion to impose appropriate restrictions based on the facts presented.

C. Upon a determination to temporarily suspend a license, the Board shall immediately commence a formal investigation. The formal investigation shall be completed within 10 days of its commencement and the findings reported immediately to the Secretary of the Board. If, following the formal investigation, the Secretary of the Board determines that suspension of the license is warranted, a hearing shall be held within five days of the completion of the formal investigation. A decision shall be rendered within 10 days of conclusion of the hearing. If a decision is not rendered within 10 days of the conclusion of the hearing, the order of suspension shall be vacated and the license reinstated. Any appeal by the licensee shall be filed within 10 days of the decision and heard by the Board within 20 days of the decision. The Board shall render a decision on the appeal within 10 days of the conclusion of the appeal hearing.

D. Service of any order of suspension issued pursuant to this section shall be made by a special agent of the Board in person and by certified mail to the licensee. The order of suspension shall take effect immediately upon service.

E. This section shall not apply to (i) temporary licenses granted under § 4.1-211 or temporary permits granted under § 4.1-212, either of which may be revoked summarily in accordance with § 4.1-211, or (ii) licenses granted pursuant to subdivision 7 or 8 of § 4.1-206.1 or subdivision 1 or 3 of § 4.1-206.2.

2016, c. 42; 2020, cc. 1113, 1114; 2023, c. 597; 2024, c. 256.

§ 4.1-226. Grounds for which Board shall suspend or revoke licenses.

The Board shall suspend or revoke any license, other than a brewery license, in which case the Board may impose penalties as provided in § 4.1-227, if it finds that:

1. A licensee has violated or permitted the violation of § 18.2-331, relating to the illegal possession of a gambling device, upon the premises for which the Board has granted a license for the sale of alcoholic beverages to the public.

2. In the licensed establishment of a mixed beverage licensee there (i) is entertainment of an obscene nature, entertainment commonly called stripteasing, topless entertaining, or entertainment that has employees who are not clad both above and below the waist or (ii) are employees who solicit the sale of alcoholic beverages. The provisions of clause (i) shall not apply to persons operating theaters, concert halls, art centers, museums, or similar establishments that are devoted primarily to the arts or theatrical performances, when the performances that are presented are expressing matters of serious literary, artistic, scientific, or political value.

3. A licensee has defrauded or attempted to defraud the Board, or any federal, state, or local government or governmental agency or authority, by making or filing any report, document, or tax return required by statute or regulation that is fraudulent or contains a willful or knowing false representation of a material fact or has willfully deceived or attempted to deceive the Board, or any federal, state, or local government or governmental agency or authority, by making or maintaining business records required by statute or regulation that are false or fraudulent.

Code 1950, § 18.1-335; 1960, c. 358, § 4-37.1; 1968, c. 7, § 4-98.9; 1974, c. 548; 1975, c. 224; 1993, c. 866; 2008, c. 794; 2013, c. 661.

§ 4.1-227. Suspension or revocation of licenses; notice and hearings; imposition of penalties.

A. Except for temporary licenses, before the Board may impose a civil penalty against a brewery licensee or suspend or revoke any license, reasonable notice of such proposed or contemplated action shall be given to the licensee in accordance with the provisions of § 2.2-4020 of the Administrative Process Act (§ 2.2-4000 et seq.).

Notwithstanding the provisions of § 2.2-4022, the Board shall, upon written request by the licensee, permit the licensee to inspect and copy or photograph all (i) written or recorded statements made by the licensee or copies thereof or the substance of any oral statements made by the licensee or a previous or present employee of the licensee to any law-enforcement officer, the existence of which is known by the Board and upon which the Board intends to rely as evidence in any adversarial proceeding under this chapter against the licensee, and (ii) designated books, papers, documents, tangible objects, buildings, or places, or copies or portions thereof, that are within the possession, custody, or control of the Board and upon which the Board intends to rely as evidence in any adversarial proceeding under this chapter against the licensee. In addition, any subpoena for the production of documents issued to any person at the request of the licensee or the Board pursuant to § 4.1-103 shall provide for the production of the documents sought within ten working days, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in § 4.1-103.

If the Board fails to provide for inspection or copying under this section for the licensee after a written request, the Board shall be prohibited from introducing into evidence any items the licensee would have lawfully been entitled to inspect or copy under this section.

The action of the Board in suspending or revoking any license or in imposing a civil penalty against the holder of a brewery license shall be subject to judicial review in accordance with the Administrative Process Act. Such review shall extend to the entire evidential record of the proceedings provided by the Board in accordance with the Administrative Process Act. An appeal shall lie to the Court of Appeals from any order of the court. Notwithstanding § 8.01-676.1, the final judgment or order of the circuit court shall not be suspended, stayed or modified by such circuit court pending appeal to the Court of Appeals. Neither mandamus nor injunction shall lie in any such case.

B. In suspending any license the Board may impose, as a condition precedent to the removal of such suspension or any portion thereof, a requirement that the licensee pay the cost incurred by the Board in investigating the licensee and in holding the proceeding resulting in such suspension, or it may impose and collect such civil penalties as it deems appropriate. In no event shall the Board impose a civil penalty exceeding $2,000 for the first violation occurring within five years immediately preceding the date of the violation or $5,000 for the second violation occurring within five years immediately preceding the date of the second violation. However, if the violation involved selling alcoholic beverages to a person prohibited from purchasing alcoholic beverages or allowing consumption of alcoholic beverages by underage, intoxicated, or interdicted persons, the Board may impose a civil penalty not to exceed $3,000 for the first violation occurring within five years immediately preceding the date of the violation and $6,000 for a second violation occurring within five years immediately preceding the date of the second violation in lieu of such suspension or any portion thereof, or both. The Board may also impose a requirement that the licensee pay for the cost incurred by the Board not exceeding $25,000 in investigating the licensee and in holding the proceeding resulting in the violation in addition to any suspension or civil penalty incurred.

C. Following notice to (i) the licensee of a hearing that may result in the suspension or revocation of his license or (ii) the applicant of a hearing to resolve a contested application, the Board may accept a consent agreement as authorized in subdivision 21 of § 4.1-103. The notice shall advise the licensee or applicant of the option to (a) admit the alleged violation or the validity of the objection; (b) waive any right to a hearing or an appeal under the Virginia Administrative Process Act (§ 2.2-4000 et seq.); and (c)(1) accept the proposed restrictions for operating under the license, (2) accept the period of suspension of the licensed privileges within the Board's parameters, (3) pay a civil penalty in lieu of the period of suspension, or any portion of the suspension as applicable, or (4) proceed to a hearing.

D. In case of an offense by the holder of a brewery license, the Board may (i) require that such holder pay the costs incurred by the Board in investigating the licensee, (ii) suspend or revoke the on-premises privileges of the brewery, and (iii) impose a civil penalty not to exceed $25,000 for the first violation, $50,000 for the second violation, and for the third or any subsequent violation, suspend or revoke such license or, in lieu of any suspension or portion thereof, impose a civil penalty not to exceed $100,000. Such suspension or revocation shall not prohibit the licensee from manufacturing or selling beer manufactured by it to the owners of boats registered under the laws of the United States sailing for ports of call of a foreign country or another state, and to persons outside the Commonwealth.

E. The Board shall, by regulation or written order:

1. Designate those (i) objections to an application or (ii) alleged violations that will proceed to an initial hearing;

2. Designate the violations for which a waiver of a hearing and payment of a civil charge in lieu of suspension may be accepted for a first offense occurring within three years immediately preceding the date of the violation;

3. Provide for a reduction in the length of any suspension and a reduction in the amount of any civil penalty for any retail licensee where the licensee can demonstrate that it provided to its employees alcohol server or seller training certified in advance by the Board;

4. Establish a schedule of penalties for such offenses, prescribing the appropriate suspension of a license and the civil charge acceptable in lieu of such suspension; and

5. Establish a schedule of offenses for which any penalty may be waived upon a showing that the licensee has had no prior violations within five years immediately preceding the date of the violation. No waiver shall be granted by the Board, however, for a licensee's willful and knowing violation of this subtitle or Board regulations.

Code 1950, § 4-37; 1956, c. 521; 1970, cc. 545, 676; 1976, cc. 696, 698, 702; 1978, c. 579; 1979, c. 537; 1980, c. 299; 1981, cc. 24, 586, 600; 1982, c. 214; 1983, c. 608; 1984, cc. 180, 200, 703; 1985, c. 559; 1986, cc. 101, 318, 615; 1987, c. 252; 1991, c. 468; 1992, cc. 161, 820; 1993, c. 866; 1995, cc. 549, 563; 1996, c. 309; 1999, c. 648; 2008, c. 513; 2009, cc. 135, 279; 2017, cc. 698, 707; 2020, cc. 1113, 1114.

§ 4.1-228. Suspension or revocation; disposition of beverages on hand; termination.

A. Alcoholic beverages, other than beer and wine, owned by or in possession of, or for sale by, any licensee at the time the license of such person is suspended or revoked may be disposed of as follows:

1. Sold by such person to the Board at prices and terms agreed upon by the Board and such person;

2. Sold to persons in the Commonwealth licensed to sell such alcoholic beverages upon permits granted by the Board and conditions specified by the Board; or

3. Sold to persons outside the Commonwealth for resale outside the Commonwealth upon permits granted by the Board.

B. Beer and wine owned and in possession of, or either, or for sale by, any licensee at the time the license of such person is suspended or revoked may be sold to any person authorized to purchase the same for resale upon permits granted by the Board and upon payment of any excise tax due thereon.

C. All alcoholic beverages owned by or in possession of any person whose license is suspended or revoked shall be disposed of by such person in accordance with the provisions of this section within sixty days from the date of such suspension or revocation.

D. Alcoholic beverages owned by, or in possession of, or for sale by persons whose licenses have been terminated other than by suspension or revocation may be disposed of in accordance with subsections A or B within such time as the Board deems proper. Such period shall not be less than sixty days.

E. All alcoholic beverages owned by or remaining in the possession of any person described in subsections A, B, or D after the expiration of such period shall be deemed contraband and forfeited to the Commonwealth in accordance with the provisions of § 4.1-338.

Code 1950, § 4-37; 1956, c. 521; 1970, cc. 545, 676; 1976, cc. 696, 698, 702; 1978, c. 579; 1979, c. 537; 1980, c. 299; 1981, cc. 24, 586, 600; 1982, c. 214; 1983, c. 608; 1984, cc. 180, 200, 703; 1985, c. 559; 1986, cc. 101, 318, 615; 1987, c. 252; 1991, c. 468; 1992, cc. 161, 820; 1993, c. 866.

§ 4.1-229. Suspension or revocation of permits; grounds; notice and hearing; exception.

A. The Board may suspend or revoke any permit. The suspension or revocation of any permit shall be in accordance with §§ 4.1-225 and 4.1-227.

B. This section shall not apply to temporary permits granted under § 4.1-212 which may be revoked summarily in the same manner as a temporary license may be revoked under § 4.1-211.

Code 1950, §§ 4-26, 4-59, 4-61.2; 1950, p. 879; 1954, c. 351; 1968, c. 7, § 4-98.16; 1972, cc. 138, 717; 1976, c. 696; 1984, c. 53; 1986, c. 190; 1988, c. 786; 1990, cc. 442, 773; 1993, c. 866.