Code of Virginia

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Code of Virginia
Title 58.1. Taxation
Subtitle II. Taxes Administered by Other Agencies.

Chapter 20. General Provisions.

Article 1. Tax on Wine and Other Beverages.

§ 58.1-2000. Repealed.


Article 2. Collections and Refunds.

§ 58.1-2020. Collection out of estate in hands of or debts due by third party.

Any state officer charged with the duty of collecting taxes may apply in writing to any person indebted to or having in his hands estate of a taxpayer for payment of any taxes more than thirty days delinquent, out of such debt or estate. Payment by such person of such taxes, penalties and interest, either in whole or in part, shall entitle him to a credit against such debt or estate. The taxes, penalties and interest shall constitute a lien on the debt or estate due the taxpayer from the time the application is received. For each application served, the person applied to shall be entitled to a fee of twenty dollars which shall constitute a charge or credit against the debt to or estate of the taxpayer.

The collecting officer shall send a copy of the application to the taxpayer, with a notice informing him of the remedies provided in this chapter.

If the person applied to does not pay so much as ought to be recovered out of such debt or estate, the collecting officer shall procure a summons directing such person to appear before the appropriate court, where the proper payment may be enforced. Any person so summoned shall have the same rights of removal and appeal as are applicable to disputes among individuals.

Code 1950, § 58-1010; 1960, c. 573; 1983, c. 481; 1984, c. 675.

§ 58.1-2021. Memorandum of lien for collection of taxes.

A. If any taxes or fees, including penalties and interest, assessed by the State Corporation Commission in pursuance of law against any person, are not paid within thirty days after the same become due, the State Corporation Commission may file a memorandum of lien in the circuit court clerk's office of the county or city in which the taxpayer's place of business is located, or in which the taxpayer resides. If the taxpayer has no place of business or residence within the Commonwealth, such memorandum may be filed in the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond. A copy of such memorandum may also be filed in the clerk's office of all counties and cities in which the taxpayer owns real estate. Such memorandum shall be recorded in the judgment docket book and shall have the effect of a judgment in favor of the Commonwealth, to be enforced as provided in Article 19 (§ 8.01-196 et seq.) of Chapter 3 of Title 8.01, except that a writ of fieri facias may issue at any time after the memorandum is filed. The lien on real estate shall become effective at the time the memorandum is filed in the jurisdiction in which the real estate is located.

B. Recordation of a memorandum of lien hereunder shall not affect the right to a refund or exoneration under this subtitle, nor shall an application for correction of an erroneous assessment affect the power of the State Corporation Commission to collect the tax, except as specifically provided in this title.

Code 1950, §§ 58-41 to 58-43; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 155; 1984, c. 675; 1985, c. 528.

§ 58.1-2022. Additional proceedings for the collection of taxes; jurisdiction and venue.

The payment of any state taxes and the filing of returns may, in addition to the remedies provided in this chapter be enforced by action at law, suit in equity or by attachment in the same manner, to the same extent and with the same rights of appeal as now exist or may hereafter be provided by law for the enforcement of demands between individuals. The venue for any such proceeding under this section shall be as specified in subdivision 13 a of § 8.01-261. Such proceedings shall be instituted and conducted in the name of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Code 1950, §§ 58-44, 58-1014, 58-1016; 1954, c. 333; 1977, c. 624; 1981, c. 421; 1984, c. 675.

§ 58.1-2023. Judgment or decree; effect thereof; enforcement.

In any proceeding under § 58.1-2022 the court shall have the power to determine the proper taxes, and to enter an order requiring the taxpayer to file all returns and pay all taxes, penalties and interest with which upon a correct assessment he is chargeable for any year or years not barred by the statute of limitations at the time the proceedings were instituted. If any taxes of which collection is sought have been erroneously charged, the court may order exoneration thereof. Payment of any judgment or decree shall be enforced against the taxpayer in the same manner that it could be enforced in a proceeding between individuals.

Code 1950, §§ 58-44, 58-1017; 1984, c. 675.

§ 58.1-2024. Collection in foreign jurisdiction.

When after the rendition of such a judgment or decree against a defendant it seems to the attorney having charge thereof that there may not be found within the Commonwealth sufficient property of the defendant out of which the same may be enforced, but that the same could be enforced in some other jurisdiction, he shall, with the concurrence of the Attorney General, institute in such foreign jurisdiction appropriate proceedings to enforce therein the payment of such judgment.

Code 1950, § 58-1018; 1984, c. 675.

§ 58.1-2025. Omitted taxes.

If any tax-assessing officer or body authorized by law to assess taxes on any subject of taxation pursuant to this subtitle, ascertains that any property, or any other subject of state taxation which such tax-assessing officer or body would have been authorized to assess during any current tax year has not been assessed for any tax year of the three years last past, or that the same has been assessed at less than the law required for any one or more of such years, or that the taxes thereon, for any cause, have not been realized, such tax-assessing officer or body shall list and assess the same with taxes at the rate prescribed for that year, adding thereto a penalty of ten percent, unless otherwise specifically provided by law, and interest at the rate established pursuant to § 58.1-15 which shall be computed upon the taxes and penalty from December 15 of the year in which such taxes should have been paid to the date of the assessment. If the assessment is not paid within thirty days after its date, interest at the rate established in § 58.1-15 shall accrue thereon from the date of such assessment until payment.

1985, c. 221.

§ 58.1-2026. Reserved.


§ 58.1-2030. Petition for correction of taxes, etc., assessed by State Corporation Commission.

Any person or corporation feeling aggrieved by reason of any registration fee, franchise tax, charter tax, entrance fee, license tax, fee or charge assessed or imposed by or under authority of the State Corporation Commission against and collected from any corporation, domestic or foreign, or any fee paid under the provisions of Chapter 5 (§ 13.1-501 et seq.) of Title 13.1, may, unless and except as otherwise specifically provided, within one year from the date of the payment of any such tax, fee or charge, apply to the State Corporation Commission for a correction of such assessment or charge and for a refund, in whole or in part, of the tax, fee or charge so assessed or imposed and paid. No payment shall be recovered after a formal adjudication in a proceeding in which the right of appeal existed and was not taken. Such application shall be by written petition, in duplicate and verified by affidavit. Such application shall be filed with the Commission and shall set forth the names and addresses of every party in interest.

Code 1950, § 58-1122; 1976, c. 563; 1984, c. 675.

§ 58.1-2031. Hearing; notice.

As soon as practicable after the filing of the petition, the State Corporation Commission shall set a date for the hearing. At least fifteen days' notice of such hearing shall be given by the Commission to the petitioner and to every party in interest, but such notice to the petitioner shall be sufficient in the form of an attested copy of the order fixing such hearing sent by ordinary mail, to the address furnished by the petitioner, or to the attorney of the petitioner, if any, provided it is certified in the record, by the clerk of the Commission, that such notice was deposited in the mail at least fifteen days prior to the date set for the hearing. Otherwise such notice may be served by an officer or may be served by registered mail, return receipt requested, and, except in the case of the petitioner shall be accompanied by a copy of the petition. The petitioner shall furnish the requisite number of copies of the petition for the giving of such notices herein required.

Code 1950, § 58-1123; 1978, c. 457; 1984, c. 675.

§ 58.1-2032. Determination by State Corporation Commission.

In determining the issue the State Corporation Commission shall sit in its capacity as a court and shall consider all matters of law and fact involved. If of the opinion that the petitioner is entitled to relief, in whole or in part, the Commission shall certify to the Comptroller its findings and judgment and the Comptroller shall draw his warrant on the State Treasurer in favor of the person or corporation for the erroneous or excessive amount so certified to have been paid.

Code 1950, § 58-1124; 1984, c. 675.

§ 58.1-2033. Appeal.

Any person in interest, including the Commonwealth, who considers himself aggrieved by any action of the State Corporation Commission under § 58.1-2032, irrespective of the amount involved, may appeal such action to the Supreme Court.

Code 1950, § 58-1126; 1984, c. 675.

§ 58.1-2034. Correction of other erroneous assessments made by the State Corporation Commission.

If any assessment is made by the State Corporation Commission of the real or personal property or of the franchises of any corporation in any case for which a remedy for the redress and correction of any such assessment is not otherwise expressly provided by law, any such corporation or the Commonwealth or any county or city, may, within sixty days after receiving a certified copy of the assessment of such taxes by the State Corporation Commission, apply to the Supreme Court in the manner and upon the terms prescribed by such court.

Code 1950, § 58-1129; 1984, c. 675.

§ 58.1-2035. Correction of mere clerical errors.

Without formal hearing or notice to the Attorney General the State Corporation Commission shall have the authority of its own motion to correct assessments; correct the names, addresses and gross receipts of telecommunications companies certified to the Department of Taxation pursuant to § 58.1-400.1 for eighteen months from the date of the certification; or certify to the Comptroller directing refund in any case in which there has been an erroneous assessment or erroneous payment involving or resulting from mere clerical error on the part of the Commission made in copying or typing or in arithmetic. No refund shall be ordered under the authority conferred by this section more than two years after the date of the erroneous payment.

Code 1950, § 58-1127; 1972, c. 776; 1984, c. 675; 2000, c. 368.

Chapter 21. Fuels Tax [Repealed].

§ 58.1-2100. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 2000, cc. 729 and 758, cl. 3, effective January 1, 2001.

Chapter 22. Virginia Fuels Tax Act.

Article 1. General Provisions.

§ 58.1-2200. Title; nature of tax.

A. This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "Virginia Fuels Tax Act."

B. All taxes levied under this chapter are imposed upon the ultimate consumer but are precollected as prescribed in this chapter. The levies and assessments imposed on licensees as provided in this chapter are imposed on them as agents of the Commonwealth for the precollection of the tax. The taxes levied under this chapter shall be collected and paid at those times, in the manner, and by those persons specified in this chapter.

2000, cc. 729, 758.

§ 58.1-2201. Definitions.

As used in this chapter, unless the context requires otherwise:

"Alternative fuel" means a combustible gas, liquid or other energy source that can be used to generate power to operate a highway vehicle and that is neither a motor fuel nor electricity used to recharge an electric motor vehicle or a hybrid electric motor vehicle.

"Alternative fuel vehicle" means a vehicle equipped to be powered by a combustible gas, liquid, or other source of energy that can be used to generate power to operate a highway vehicle and that is neither a motor fuel nor electricity used to recharge an electric motor vehicle or a hybrid electric motor vehicle.

"Assessment" means a written determination by the Department of the amount of taxes owed by a taxpayer. Assessments made by the Department shall be deemed to be made when a written notice of assessment is delivered to the taxpayer by the Department or is mailed to the taxpayer at the last known address appearing in the Commissioner's files.

"Aviation consumer" means any person who uses in excess of 100,000 gallons of aviation jet fuel in any fiscal year and is licensed pursuant to Article 2 (§ 58.1-2204 et seq.) of this chapter.

"Aviation fuel" means aviation gasoline or aviation jet fuel.

"Aviation gasoline" means fuel designed for use in the operation of aircraft other than jet aircraft, and sold or used for that purpose.

"Aviation jet fuel" means fuel designed for use in the operation of jet or turbo-prop aircraft, and sold or used for that purpose.

"Blended fuel" means a mixture composed of gasoline or diesel fuel and another liquid, other than a de minimis amount of a product such as carburetor detergent or oxidation inhibitor, that can be used as a fuel in a highway vehicle.

"Blender" means a person who produces blended fuel outside the terminal transfer system.

"Bonded aviation jet fuel" means aviation jet fuel held in bonded storage under United States Customs Law and delivered into a fuel tank of aircraft operated by certificated air carriers on international flights.

"Bonded importer" means a person, other than a supplier, who imports, by transport truck or another means of transfer outside the terminal transfer system, motor fuel removed from a terminal located in another state in which (i) the state from which the fuel is imported does not require the seller of the fuel to collect motor fuel tax on the removal either at that state's rate or the rate of the destination state; (ii) the supplier of the fuel is not an elective supplier; or (iii) the supplier of the fuel is not a permissive supplier.

"Bulk plant" means a motor fuel storage and distribution facility that is not a terminal and from which motor fuel may be removed at a rack.

"Bulk user" means a person who maintains storage facilities for motor fuel and uses part or all of the stored fuel to operate a highway vehicle, watercraft, or aircraft.

"Bulk user of alternative fuel" means a person who maintains storage facilities for alternative fuel and uses part or all of the stored fuel to operate a highway vehicle.

"Commercial watercraft" means a watercraft employed in the business of commercial fishing, transporting persons or property for compensation or hire, or any other trade or business unless the watercraft is used in an activity of a type generally considered entertainment, amusement, or recreation. The definition shall include a watercraft owned by a private business and used in the conduct of its own business or operations, including but not limited to the transport of persons or property.

"Commissioner" means the Commissioner of the Department of Motor Vehicles.

"Corporate or partnership officer" means an officer or director of a corporation, partner of a partnership, or member of a limited liability company, who as such officer, director, partner or member is under a duty to perform on behalf of the corporation, partnership, or limited liability company the tax collection, accounting, or remitting obligations.

"Department" means the Department of Motor Vehicles, acting directly or through its duly authorized officers and agents.

"Designated inspection site" means any state highway inspection station, weigh station, agricultural inspection station, mobile station, or other location designated by the Commissioner or his designee to be used as a fuel inspection site.

"Destination state" means the state, territory, or foreign country to which motor fuel is directed for delivery into a storage facility, a receptacle, a container, or a type of transportation equipment for the purpose of resale or use. The term shall not include a tribal reservation of any recognized Native American tribe.

"Diesel fuel" means any liquid that is suitable for use as a fuel in a diesel-powered highway vehicle or watercraft. The term shall include undyed #1 fuel oil and undyed #2 fuel oil, but shall not include gasoline or aviation jet fuel.

"Distributor" means a person who acquires motor fuel from a supplier or from another distributor for subsequent sale.

"Dyed diesel fuel" means diesel fuel that meets the dyeing and marking requirements of 26 U.S.C. § 4082.

"Elective supplier" means a supplier who (i) is required to be licensed in the Commonwealth and (ii) elects to collect the tax due the Commonwealth on motor fuel that is removed at a terminal located in another state and has Virginia as its destination state.

"Electric motor vehicle" means a motor vehicle that uses electricity as its only source of motive power.

"End seller" means the person who sells fuel to the ultimate user of the fuel.

"Export" means to obtain motor fuel in Virginia for sale or distribution in another state, territory, or foreign country. Motor fuel delivered out-of-state by or for the seller constitutes an export by the seller, and motor fuel delivered out-of-state by or for the purchaser constitutes an export by the purchaser.

"Exporter" means a person who obtains motor fuel in Virginia for sale or distribution in another state, territory, or foreign country.

"Fuel" includes motor fuel and alternative fuel.

"Fuel alcohol" means methanol or fuel grade ethanol.

"Fuel alcohol provider" means a person who (i) produces fuel alcohol or (ii) imports fuel alcohol outside the terminal transfer system by means of a marine vessel, a transport truck, a tank wagon, or a railroad tank car.

"Gasohol" means a blended fuel composed of gasoline and fuel grade ethanol.

"Gasoline" means (i) all products that are commonly or commercially known or sold as gasoline and are suitable for use as a fuel in a highway vehicle, aircraft, or watercraft, other than products that have an American Society for Testing Materials octane number of less than 75 as determined by the motor method; (ii) a petroleum product component of gasoline, such as naphtha, reformate, or toluene; (iii) gasohol; and (iv) fuel grade ethanol. The term does not include aviation gasoline sold for use in an aircraft engine.

"Governmental entity" means (i) the Commonwealth or any political subdivision thereof or (ii) the United States or its departments, agencies, and instrumentalities.

"Gross gallons" means an amount of motor fuel measured in gallons, exclusive of any temperature, pressure, or other adjustments.

"Heating oil" means any combustible liquid, including but not limited to dyed #1 fuel oil, dyed #2 fuel oil, and kerosene, that is burned in a boiler, furnace, or stove for heating or for industrial processing purposes.

"Highway" means every way or place of whatever nature open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular travel in the Commonwealth, including the streets and alleys in towns and cities.

"Highway vehicle" means a self-propelled vehicle designed for use on a highway.

"Hybrid electric motor vehicle" means a motor vehicle that uses electricity and another source of motive power.

"Import" means to bring motor fuel into Virginia by any means of conveyance other than in the fuel supply tank of a highway vehicle. Motor fuel delivered into Virginia from out-of-state by or for the seller constitutes an import by the seller, and motor fuel delivered into Virginia from out-of-state by or for the purchaser constitutes an import by the purchaser.

"Importer" means a person who obtains motor fuel outside of Virginia and brings that motor fuel into Virginia by any means of conveyance other than in the fuel tank of a highway vehicle. For purposes of this chapter, a motor fuel transporter shall not be considered an importer.

"In-state-only supplier" means (i) a supplier who is required to have a license and who elects not to collect the tax due the Commonwealth on motor fuel that is removed by that supplier at a terminal located in another state and has Virginia as its destination state or (ii) a supplier who does business only in Virginia.

"Licensee" means any person licensed by the Commissioner pursuant to Article 2 (§ 58.1-2204 et seq.) of this chapter or § 58.1-2244.

"Liquid" means any substance that is liquid above its freezing point.

"Motor fuel" means gasoline, diesel fuel, blended fuel, and aviation fuel.

"Motor fuel transporter" means a person who transports motor fuel for hire by means of a pipeline, a tank wagon, a transport truck, a railroad tank car, or a marine vessel.

"Net gallons" means the amount of motor fuel measured in gallons when adjusted to a temperature of 60 degrees Fahrenheit and a pressure of 14.7 pounds per square inch.

"Occasional importer" means any person who (i) imports motor fuel by any means outside the terminal transfer system and (ii) is not required to be licensed as a bonded importer.

"Permissive supplier" means an out-of-state supplier who elects, but is not required, to have a supplier's license under this chapter.

"Person" means any individual; firm; cooperative; association; corporation; limited liability company; trust; business trust; syndicate; partnership; limited liability partnership; joint venture; receiver; trustee in bankruptcy; club, society or other group or combination acting as a unit; or public body, including but not limited to the Commonwealth, any other state, and any agency, department, institution, political subdivision or instrumentality of the Commonwealth or any other state.

"Position holder" means a person who holds an inventory position of motor fuel in a terminal, as reflected on the records of the terminal operator. A person holds an "inventory position of motor fuel" when he has a contract with the terminal operator for the use of storage facilities and terminaling services for fuel at the terminal. The term includes a terminal operator who owns fuel in the terminal.

"Principal" means (i) if a partnership, all its partners; (ii) if a corporation, all its officers, directors, and controlling direct or indirect owners; (iii) if a limited liability company, all its members; and (iv) or an individual.

"Provider of alternative fuel" means a person who (i) acquires alternative fuel for sale or delivery to a bulk user or a retailer; (ii) maintains storage facilities for alternative fuel, part or all of which the person sells to someone other than a bulk user or a retailer to operate a highway vehicle; (iii) sells alternative fuel and uses part of the fuel acquired for sale to operate a highway vehicle by means of a fuel supply line from the cargo tank of the vehicle to the engine of the vehicle; or (iv) imports alternative fuel into Virginia, by a means other than the usual tank or receptacle connected with the engine of a highway vehicle, for sale or use by that person to operate a highway vehicle.

"Rack" means a facility that contains a mechanism for delivering motor fuel from a refinery, terminal, or bulk plant into a transport truck, railroad tank car, or other means of transfer that is outside the terminal transfer system.

"Refiner" means any person who owns, operates, or otherwise controls a refinery.

"Refinery" means a facility for the manufacture or reprocessing of finished or unfinished petroleum products usable as motor fuel and from which motor fuel may be removed by pipeline or marine vessel or at a rack.

"Removal" means a physical transfer other than by evaporation, loss, or destruction. A physical transfer to a transport truck or other means of conveyance outside the terminal transfer system is complete upon delivery into the means of conveyance.

"Retailer" means a person who (i) maintains storage facilities for motor fuel and (ii) sells the fuel at retail or dispenses the fuel at a retail location.

"Retailer of alternative fuel" means a person who (i) maintains storage facilities for alternative fuel and (ii) sells or dispenses the fuel at retail, to be used to generate power to operate a highway vehicle.

"Supplier" means (i) a position holder, or (ii) a person who receives motor fuel pursuant to a two-party exchange. A licensed supplier includes a licensed elective supplier and licensed permissive supplier.

"System transfer" means a transfer (i) of motor fuel within the terminal transfer system or (ii) of fuel grade ethanol by transport truck or railroad tank car.

"Tank wagon" means a straight truck or straight truck/trailer combination designed or used to carry fuel and having a capacity of less than 6,000 gallons.

"Terminal" means a motor fuel storage and distribution facility (i) to which a terminal control number has been assigned by the Internal Revenue Service, (ii) to which motor fuel is supplied by pipeline or marine vessel, and (iii) from which motor fuel may be removed at a rack.

"Terminal operator" means a person who owns, operates, or otherwise controls a terminal.

"Terminal transfer system" means a motor fuel distribution system consisting of refineries, pipelines, marine vessels, and terminals, and which is a "bulk transfer/terminal system" under 26 C.F.R. Part 48.4081-1.

"Transmix" means (i) the buffer or interface between two different products in a pipeline shipment or (ii) a mix of two different products within a refinery or terminal that results in an off-grade mixture.

"Transport truck" means a tractor truck/semitrailer combination designed or used to transport cargoes of motor fuel over a highway.

"Trustee" means a person who (i) is licensed as a supplier, an elective supplier, or a permissive supplier and receives tax payments from and on behalf of a licensed or unlicensed distributor, or other person pursuant to § 58.1-2231 or (ii) is licensed as a provider of alternative fuel and receives tax payments from and on behalf of a bulk user of alternative fuel, retailer of alternative fuel or other person pursuant to § 58.1-2252.

"Two-party exchange" means a transaction in which fuel is transferred from one licensed supplier to another licensed supplier pursuant to an exchange agreement, which transaction (i) includes a transfer from the person who holds the inventory position in taxable motor fuel in the terminal as reflected on the records of the terminal operator and (ii) is completed prior to removal of the product from the terminal by the receiving exchange partner.

"Undyed diesel fuel" means diesel fuel that is not subject to the United States Environmental Protection Agency or Internal Revenue Service fuel-dyeing requirements.

"Use" means the actual consumption or receipt of motor fuel by any person into a highway vehicle, aircraft, or watercraft.

"Watercraft" means any vehicle used on waterways.

"Wholesale price" means the price at the rack.

2000, cc. 729, 758; 2001, c. 802; 2002, cc. 4, 7; 2003, c. 781; 2004, c. 340; 2006, cc. 594, 912; 2011, c. 165; 2012, cc. 729, 733; 2013, c. 766.

§ 58.1-2202. Regulations; forms.

The Commissioner may promulgate regulations and shall prescribe forms as shall be necessary to effectuate and enforce this chapter.

2000, cc. 729, 758.

§ 58.1-2203. Exchange of information; penalties.

A. The Commissioner may, upon request from the officials entrusted with enforcing the fuels tax laws of any other state, forward to such officials any information that the Commissioner may have relative to the production, manufacture, refining, compounding, receipt, sale, use, transportation, or shipment by any person of such fuel.

B. The Commissioner may enter into written agreements with duly constituted tax officials of other states and of the United States for the inspection of tax returns, the making of audits, and the exchange of information relating to taxes administered by the Department pursuant to this chapter.

C. The Commissioner may divulge tax information to the Tax Commissioner, any commissioner of the revenue, director of finance or other authorized collector of county, city, or town taxes who, for the performance of his official duties, requests the same in writing setting forth the reasons for such request.

D. Any person to whom tax information is divulged pursuant to this section shall be subject to the prohibitions and penalties prescribed in § 58.1-3 as though that person were a tax official as defined in that section.

2000, cc. 729, 758.

Article 2. Motor Fuel Licensing.

§ 58.1-2204. Persons required to be licensed.

A. A person shall obtain a license issued by the Commissioner before conducting the activities of:

1. A refiner, who shall be licensed as a supplier;

2. A supplier;

3. A terminal operator;

4. An importer;

5. An exporter;

6. A blender;

7. A motor fuel transporter;

8. An aviation consumer;

9. A bonded importer;

10. An elective supplier; or

11. A fuel alcohol provider.

B. A person who is engaged in more than one activity for which a license is required shall have a separate license for each activity, except as provided in subsection C.

C. 1. A person who is licensed as a supplier shall not be required to obtain a separate license for any other activity for which a license is required and shall be considered to have a license as a distributor.

2. A person who is licensed as an occasional importer shall not be required to obtain a license as a distributor.

3. A person who is licensed as a distributor shall not be required to obtain a separate license as an importer if the distributor acquires fuel for import only from an elective supplier or permissive supplier. Such licensed distributor shall not be required to obtain a separate license as an exporter.

4. A person who is licensed as a distributor or a blender shall not be required to obtain a separate license as a motor fuel transporter if he does not transport motor fuel for others for hire.

2000, cc. 729, 758; 2003, c. 781; 2004, c. 340; 2012, c. 363.

§ 58.1-2205. Types of importers; qualification for license as an importer.

A. An applicant for a license as an importer shall indicate whether he is applying for a license as a bonded importer or an occasional importer.

B. A person shall not be licensed as more than one type of importer. A bulk user who imports motor fuel from a terminal of a supplier who is not an elective or a permissive supplier shall be licensed as a bonded importer. A bulk user who imports motor fuel from a bulk plant and is not required to be licensed as a bonded importer shall be licensed as an occasional importer. A bulk user who imports motor fuel only from a terminal of an elective or a permissive supplier shall not be required to be licensed as an importer.

2000, cc. 729, 758.

§ 58.1-2206. Persons who may obtain a license.

A person who conducts the activities of a distributor or a permissive supplier may obtain a license issued by the Commissioner for that activity.

2000, cc. 729, 758.

§ 58.1-2207. Restrictions on qualification for license as a distributor.

A bulk user of motor fuel shall not be licensed as a distributor.

2000, cc. 729, 758.

§ 58.1-2208. License application procedure.

A. To obtain a license under this article, an applicant shall file an application with the Commissioner on a form provided by the Commissioner. An application shall include the applicant's name, address, federal employer identification number, and any other information required by the Commissioner.

B. An applicant for a license as a motor fuel transporter, supplier, terminal operator, importer, blender, distributor, or aviation consumer shall satisfy the following requirements:

1. If the applicant is a corporation, the applicant shall either be incorporated in the Commonwealth or authorized to transact business in the Commonwealth;

2. If the applicant is a limited liability company, the applicant shall be organized in the Commonwealth or authorized to transact business in the Commonwealth;

3. If the applicant is a limited liability partnership, the applicant shall either be formed in the Commonwealth or authorized to transact business in the Commonwealth; or

4. If the applicant is an individual or a general partnership, the applicant shall designate an agent for service of process and provide the agent's name and address.

C. An applicant for a license as a supplier, terminal operator, blender, or permissive supplier shall have a federal certificate of registry issued under 26 U.S.C. § 4101 that authorizes the applicant to enter into federal tax-free transactions in taxable motor fuel in the terminal transfer system. An applicant who is required to have a federal certificate of registry shall include the registration number of the certificate on the application for a license under this section. An applicant for a license as an importer, an exporter, or a distributor who has a federal certificate of registry issued under 26 U.S.C. § 4101 shall include the registration number of the certificate on the application for a license under this section.

D. An applicant for a license as an importer or distributor shall list on the application each state from which the applicant intends to import motor fuel and, if required by a state listed, shall be licensed or registered for motor fuel tax purposes in that state. If a state listed requires the applicant to be licensed or registered, the applicant shall provide the applicant's license or registration number of that state. A licensee who intends to import motor fuel from a state not listed on his application for an importer's license or a distributor's license shall provide the Commissioner written notice of such action before importing motor fuel from that state. The notice shall include the information that is required on the license application.

E. An applicant for a license as an exporter shall designate an agent located in Virginia for service of process and provide the agent's name and address. An applicant for a license as an exporter or distributor shall list on the application each state to which the applicant intends to export motor fuel received in Virginia by means of a transfer that is outside the terminal transfer system and, if required by a state listed, shall be licensed or registered for motor fuel tax purposes in that state. If a state listed requires the applicant to be licensed or registered, the applicant shall provide the applicant's license or registration number of that state. A licensee who intends to export motor fuel to a state not listed on his application for an exporter's license or a distributor's license shall provide the Commissioner written notice of such action before exporting motor fuel to that state. The notice shall include the information required on the license application.

2000, cc. 729, 758; 2002, c. 7; 2012, c. 363.

§ 58.1-2209. Supplier election to collect tax on out-of-state removals.

A. An applicant for a license as a supplier may elect on the application to collect the tax due the Commonwealth on motor fuel that is removed at a terminal located in another state and has Virginia as its destination state. The Commissioner shall provide for this election on the application form. A supplier who makes the election allowed by this section shall be an elective supplier. A supplier who does not make the election allowed by this section shall be an in-state-only supplier. A supplier who does not make the election on the application for a supplier's license may make the election later by completing an election form provided by the Commissioner. A supplier who has not made the election shall not act as an elective supplier for purposes of this chapter.

B. A supplier who makes the election allowed by this section shall comply with all of the following with respect to motor fuel that is removed at a terminal located in another state and has Virginia as its destination state:

1. Collect the tax due the Commonwealth on the fuel;

2. Waive any defense that the Commonwealth lacks jurisdiction to require the supplier to collect the tax due the Commonwealth on the fuel under this chapter;

3. Report and pay the tax due on the fuel in the same manner as if the removal had occurred at a terminal located in Virginia;

4. Keep records of the removal of the fuel and submit to audits concerning the fuel as if the removal had occurred at a terminal located in Virginia; and

5. Report sales by the supplier to a person who is not licensed in the state where the removal occurred if the destination state is Virginia.

C. A supplier who makes the election allowed by this section (i) acknowledges that the Commonwealth imposes the requirements listed in subsection B of this section on the supplier under its general police power and (ii) submits to the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth only for purposes related to the administration of this chapter.

2000, cc. 729, 758.

§ 58.1-2210. Permissive supplier election to collect tax on out-of-state removals.

A. An out-of-state supplier who is not required to be licensed under this chapter may elect to obtain a license and thereby become a permissive supplier. An out-of-state supplier who does not make this election shall not act as a permissive supplier for motor fuel that is removed at a terminal in another state and has Virginia as its destination state.

B. An out-of-state supplier who elects to be licensed as a permissive supplier shall comply with (i) the same requirements imposed on a supplier and (ii) all of the following with respect to motor fuel that is removed by the permissive supplier at a terminal located in another state and has Virginia as its destination state:

1. Collect the tax due the Commonwealth on the fuel;

2. Waive any defense that the Commonwealth lacks jurisdiction to require the supplier to collect the tax due the Commonwealth on the motor fuel under this chapter;

3. Report and pay the tax due on the fuel in the same manner as if the removal had occurred at a terminal located in Virginia;

4. Keep records of the removal of the fuel and submit to audits concerning the fuel as if the removal had occurred at a terminal located in Virginia; and

5. Report sales by the supplier to a person who is not licensed in the state where the removal occurred if the destination state is Virginia.

C. An out-of-state supplier who makes the election allowed by this section (i) acknowledges that the Commonwealth imposes the requirements listed in subsection B on the supplier under its general police power and (ii) submits to the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth only for purposes related to the administration of this chapter.

2000, cc. 729, 758.

§ 58.1-2211. Bond or certificate of deposit requirements.

A. An applicant for a license as a terminal operator, supplier, importer, blender, permissive supplier, distributor, or aviation consumer shall file with the Commissioner a bond or certificate of deposit. The bond or certificate of deposit shall be conditioned upon compliance with the requirements of this chapter, be payable to the Commonwealth, and be in the form required by the Commissioner. The amount of the bond or certificate of deposit shall be as follows:

1. For an applicant for a license as a (i) terminal operator, (ii) supplier who is a position holder or a person who receives motor fuel pursuant to a two-party exchange, (iii) bonded importer, or (iv) permissive supplier, the amount shall be $2,000,000; and

2. For an applicant for a license as (i) a supplier who is a fuel alcohol provider but is neither a position holder nor a person who receives motor fuel pursuant to a two-party exchange; (ii) an occasional importer; (iii) a distributor; (iv) a blender; or (v) an aviation consumer, the amount shall be three times the applicant's average expected monthly tax liability under this chapter, as determined by the Commissioner. The amount shall not be less than $2,000 nor more than $300,000.

B. An applicant for a license both as a distributor and as a bonded importer shall file only the bond or certificate of deposit required of a bonded importer. An applicant for two or more of the licenses listed in subdivision A 2 may file one bond or certificate of deposit that covers the combined liabilities of the applicant under all the activities, in which event the amount of the bond or certificate of deposit for the combined activities shall not exceed $300,000.

C. When notified to do so by the Commissioner, a person who has filed a bond or certificate of deposit and who holds a license listed in subdivision A 2 shall file an additional bond or certificate of deposit in the amount required by the Commissioner. The person shall file the additional bond or certificate of deposit within thirty days after receiving the notice from the Commissioner. However, the amount of the initial bond or certificate of deposit and any additional bond or certificate of deposit filed by the licensee shall not exceed $300,000.

Any licensee who disagrees with the Commissioner's decision requiring new or additional security shall be entitled to a hearing. Such matter shall, within thirty days, be scheduled for a prompt hearing before the Commissioner after written request for such hearing is received by the Commissioner.

2000, cc. 729, 758; 2006, c. 594.

§ 58.1-2212. Grounds for denial of license.

A. The Commissioner may refuse to issue a license under this article to an applicant if (i) the applicant or (ii) any principal of the applicant has:

1. Had a license or registration issued under prior law or this chapter canceled by the Commissioner for cause;

2. Had a motor fuel license or registration issued by another state canceled for cause;

3. Had a federal Certificate of Registry issued under § 4101 of the Internal Revenue Code, or a similar federal authorization, revoked;

4. Been convicted of any offense involving fraud or misrepresentation; or

5. Been convicted of any other offense that indicates that the applicant may not comply with this chapter if issued a license.

B. For purposes of subdivisions 1, 2 and 3 of subsection A, it shall be sufficient cause for the Commissioner to refuse to issue a license if the canceled or revoked license, registration or Certificate of Registry was held by a business entity of which the applicant, or any principal of the applicant, was a principal.

2000, cc. 729, 758; 2003, c. 781.

§ 58.1-2213. Issuance of license.

Upon approval of an application, the Commissioner shall issue to the applicant a license and a duplicate copy of the license for each place of business of the applicant. A supplier's license shall indicate the category of the supplier. A licensee shall display the license issued under this chapter in a conspicuous place at each place of business of the licensee. A license shall not be transferable and shall remain in effect until surrendered or canceled.

2000, cc. 729, 758.

§ 58.1-2214. Notice of discontinuance, sale or transfer of business.

A. A licensee who discontinues in the Commonwealth the business for which the license was issued shall notify the Commissioner in writing of such discontinuance and shall surrender the license to the Commissioner. The notice shall state the effective date of the discontinuance and, if the licensee has transferred the business or otherwise relinquished control to another person by sale or otherwise, the date of the sale or transfer and the name and address of the person to whom the business is transferred or relinquished. The notice shall also include any other information required by the Commissioner.

B. If the licensee is a supplier, all taxes for which the supplier is liable under this chapter but are not yet due shall be due on the date of the discontinuance. If the supplier has transferred the business to another person and does not give the notice required by this section, the person to whom the business was transferred shall be liable for the amount of any tax owed by the supplier to the Commonwealth on the date the business was transferred. The liability of the person to whom the business was transferred shall not exceed the value of the property acquired from the supplier.

2000, cc. 729, 758.

§ 58.1-2215. License cancellation.

A. The Commissioner may cancel the license of any person licensed under this article, upon written notice sent by certified mail to the licensee's last known address appearing in the Commissioner's files, for any of the following reasons:

1. Filing by the licensee of a false report of the data or information required by this chapter;

2. Failure, refusal, or neglect of the licensee to file a report required by this chapter;

3. Failure of the licensee to pay the full amount of the tax due or pay any penalties or interest due as required by this chapter;

4. Failure of the licensee to keep accurate records of the quantities of motor fuel received, produced, refined, manufactured, compounded, sold, or used in Virginia;

5. Failure to file a new or additional bond or certificate of deposit upon request of the Commissioner pursuant to § 58.1-2211;

6. Conviction of the licensee or a principal of the licensee for any act prohibited under this chapter;

7. Failure, refusal, or neglect of a licensee to comply with any other provision of this chapter or any regulation promulgated pursuant to this chapter; or

8. A change in the ownership or control of the business.

B. Upon cancellation of any license for any cause listed in subsection A, the tax levied under this chapter shall become due and payable on (i) all untaxed motor fuel held in storage or otherwise in the possession of the licensee and (ii) all motor fuel sold, delivered, or used prior to the cancellation on which the tax has not been paid.

C. The Commissioner may cancel any license upon the written request of the licensee.

D. Upon cancellation of any license and payment by the licensee of all taxes due, including all penalties accruing due to any failure by the licensee to comply with the provisions of this chapter, the Commissioner shall cancel and surrender the bond or certificate of deposit filed by such licensee.

2000, cc. 729, 758; 2006, c. 594.

§ 58.1-2216. Records and lists of license applicants and licensees.

A. The Commissioner shall keep a record of (i) applicants for a license under this chapter; (ii) persons to whom a license has been issued under this chapter; and (iii) persons holding a current license issued under this chapter, by license category.

B. The Commissioner shall provide a list of licensees to any licensee, as well as to any unlicensed distributor who requests a copy. The list shall state the name and business address of each licensee on the list and may include other information determined appropriate by the Commissioner.

2000, cc. 729, 758; 2004, c. 340.

Article 3. Motor Fuel Tax; Liability.

§ 58.1-2217. Taxes levied; rate.

A. (For contingent expiration date, see Acts 2020, cc. 1230 and 1275) There is hereby levied an excise tax on gasoline and gasohol as follows:

1. On and after July 1, 2020, but before July 1, 2021, the rate shall be 21.2 cents per gallon;

2. On and after July 1, 2021, but before July 1, 2022, the rate shall be 26.2 cents per gallon; and

3. On and after July 1, 2022, the rate shall be adjusted annually based on the greater of (i) the change in the United States Average Consumer Price Index for all items, all urban consumers (CPI-U), as published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics for the U.S. Department of Labor for the previous year or (ii) zero.

A. (For contingent effective date, see Acts 2020, cc. 1230 and 1275) There is hereby levied an excise tax on gasoline and gasohol at a rate of 16.2 cents per gallon.

B. (For contingent expiration date, see Acts 2020, cc. 1230 and 1275) There is hereby levied an excise tax on diesel fuel as follows:

1. On and after July 1, 2020, but before July 1, 2021, the rate shall be 20.2 cents per gallon;

2. On and after July 1, 2021, but before July 1, 2022, the rate shall be 27 cents per gallon; and

3. On and after July 1, 2022, the rate shall be adjusted annually based on the greater of (i) the change in the United States Average Consumer Price Index for all items, all urban consumers (CPI-U), as published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics for the U.S. Department of Labor for the previous year or (ii) zero.

B. (For contingent effective date, see Acts 2020, cc. 1230 and 1275) There is hereby levied an excise tax on diesel fuel at a rate of 20.2 cents per gallon.

C. Blended fuel that contains gasoline shall be taxed at the rate levied on gasoline. Blended fuel that contains diesel fuel shall be taxed at the rate levied on diesel fuel.

D. There is hereby levied a tax at the rate of five cents per gallon on aviation gasoline. Any person, whether or not licensed under this chapter, who uses, acquires for use, sells or delivers for use in highway vehicles any aviation gasoline shall be liable for the tax at the rate levied on gasoline and gasohol, along with any penalties and interest that may accrue.

E. There is hereby levied a tax at the rate of five cents per gallon on aviation jet fuel purchased or acquired for use by a user of aviation fuel other than an aviation consumer. There is hereby levied a tax at the rate of five cents per gallon upon the first 100,000 gallons of aviation jet fuel, excluding bonded aviation jet fuel, purchased or acquired for use by any aviation consumer in any fiscal year. There is hereby levied a tax at the rate of one-half cent per gallon on all aviation jet fuel, excluding bonded aviation jet fuel, purchased or acquired for use by an aviation consumer in excess of 100,000 gallons in any fiscal year. Any person, whether or not licensed under this chapter, who uses, acquires for use, sells or delivers for use in highway vehicles any aviation jet fuel taxable under this chapter shall be liable for the tax imposed at the rate levied on diesel fuel, along with any penalties and interest that may accrue.

F. In accordance with § 62.1-44.34:13, a storage tank fee is imposed on each gallon of gasoline, aviation gasoline, diesel fuel (including dyed diesel fuel), blended fuel, and heating oil sold and delivered or used in the Commonwealth.

2000, cc. 729, 758; 2007, c. 896; 2013, c. 766; 2019, c. 854; 2020, cc. 1230, 1275.

§ 58.1-2217.1. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 2020, cc. 1230 and 1275, cl. 4.

§ 58.1-2218. Point of imposition of motor fuels tax.

The tax levied pursuant to § 58.1-2217 is imposed at the point that the motor fuel is:

1. Removed from a refinery or a terminal and, upon removal, is subject to the federal excise tax imposed by 26 U.S.C. § 4081;

2. Imported by a system transfer to a refinery or a terminal and, upon importation, is subject to the federal excise tax imposed by 26 U.S.C. § 4081;

3. Imported by a means of transfer outside the terminal transfer system for sale, use, or storage in Virginia and would have been subject to the federal excise tax imposed by 26 U.S.C. § 4081 if it had been removed at a terminal or bulk plant rack in Virginia instead of being imported;

4. If the motor fuel is gasohol, (i) removed from a terminal or distribution facility, unless the removed fuel is received by a supplier for subsequent sale or (ii) imported into Virginia outside the terminal transfer system by a means other than a marine vessel, a transport truck, or a railroad tank car;

5. If the motor fuel is blended fuel, made within Virginia or imported into Virginia; or

6. Transferred within the terminal transfer system and, upon transfer, is subject to the federal excise tax imposed by 26 U.S.C. § 4081.

2000, cc. 729, 758; 2003, c. 781.

§ 58.1-2219. Liability for tax on removals from a terminal.

A. The tax imposed pursuant to § 58.1-2217 at the point that motor fuel is removed by a system transfer from a terminal in Virginia shall be paid by the position holder of the fuel; however, if the position holder is not the terminal operator, the terminal operator and position holder shall be jointly and severally liable for the tax.

B. The tax imposed pursuant to § 58.1-2217 at the point that motor fuel is removed at a terminal rack in Virginia shall be payable by the person that first receives the fuel upon its removal from the terminal. If the motor fuel is first received by an unlicensed distributor, the supplier of the fuel shall be liable for payment of the tax due on the fuel. If the motor fuel is sold by a person who is not licensed as a supplier, then (i) the terminal operator and (ii) the person selling the fuel shall be jointly and severally liable for payment of the tax due on the fuel. If the motor fuel removed is not dyed diesel fuel but the shipping document issued for the fuel states that the fuel is dyed diesel fuel, the terminal operator, the supplier, and the person removing the fuel shall be jointly and severally liable for payment of the tax due on the fuel.

2000, cc. 729, 758.

§ 58.1-2220. Liability for tax on imports.

A. The tax imposed pursuant to § 58.1-2217 at the point that motor fuel is imported by a system transfer (i) to a refinery shall be payable by the refiner or (ii) to a terminal shall be jointly and severally payable by the person importing the fuel and by the terminal operator.

B. The tax imposed pursuant to § 58.1-2217 at the point that motor fuel is removed from a terminal rack located in another state and has Virginia as its destination state shall be payable:

1. If the importer of the fuel is a licensed supplier in Virginia and the fuel is removed for the supplier's own account for use in Virginia, by the supplier;

2. If the supplier of the fuel is licensed in Virginia as an elective supplier or a permissive supplier, by the importer of the fuel to the supplier as trustee; or

3. If subdivisions 1 and 2 do not apply, by the importer of the fuel when filing a return with the Commissioner.

C. The tax imposed pursuant to § 58.1-2217 at the point that motor fuel is removed from a bulk plant located in another state shall be payable by the person that imports the fuel.

2000, cc. 729, 758.

§ 58.1-2221. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 2003, c. 781, cl. 2.

§ 58.1-2222. Liability for tax on blended fuel.

A. The tax imposed pursuant to § 58.1-2217 at the point that blended fuel is made in Virginia shall be payable by the blender. The number of gallons of blended fuel on which the tax is payable is the difference between the number of gallons of blended fuel made and the number of gallons of previously taxed motor fuel used to make the blended fuel.

B. The tax imposed pursuant to § 58.1-2217 at the point that blended fuel is imported to Virginia shall be payable by the importer.

C. The following blended fuel shall be considered to have been made by the supplier of gasoline or undyed diesel fuel used in the blend:

1. An in-line-blend made by combining a liquid with gasoline or undyed diesel fuel as the fuel is delivered at a terminal rack into the motor fuel storage compartment of a transport truck or a tank wagon; and

2. A kerosene splash-blend made when kerosene is delivered into a motor fuel storage compartment of a transport truck or a tank wagon and undyed diesel fuel is also delivered into the same storage compartment, if the buyer of the kerosene notified the supplier before or at the time of delivery that the kerosene would be used to make a splash-blend.

2000, cc. 729, 758.

§ 58.1-2223. Liability for tax on fuel transferred within terminal transfer system.

The tax imposed pursuant to § 58.1-2217 at the point that motor fuel is transferred within the terminal transfer system shall be jointly and severally payable by the supplier of the fuel, the person receiving the fuel, and the terminal operator of the terminal at which the fuel was transferred.

2000, cc. 729, 758.

§ 58.1-2224. Tax on unaccounted for motor fuel losses; liability.

A. There is hereby levied a tax at the rate specified by § 58.1-2217 annually on taxable unaccounted for motor fuel losses at a terminal. "Taxable unaccounted for motor fuel losses" means the number of gallons of unaccounted for motor fuel losses that exceed one-half of one percent of the number of net gallons removed from the terminal during the year by a system transfer or at the terminal rack. "Unaccounted for motor fuel losses" means the difference between (i) the amount of motor fuel in inventory at the terminal at the beginning of the year plus the amount of motor fuel received by the terminal during the year and (ii) the amount of motor fuel in inventory at the terminal at the end of the year plus the amount of motor fuel removed from the terminal during the year. Accounted for motor fuel losses which have been approved by the Commissioner or motor fuel losses constituting part of a transmix shall not constitute unaccounted for motor fuel losses.

B. The terminal operator whose motor fuel is unaccounted for shall be liable for the tax imposed by this section, together with a penalty equal to the amount of tax payable. Motor fuel received by a terminal operator and not shown on an informational return filed by the terminal operator with the Commissioner as having been removed from the terminal shall be presumed to be unaccounted for motor fuel losses. A terminal operator may rebut this presumption by establishing that motor fuel received at a terminal, but not shown on an informational return as having been removed from the terminal, was an accounted for loss or constitutes part of a transmix.

2000, cc. 729, 758.

§ 58.1-2225. Backup tax; liability.

A. There is hereby levied a tax at the rate specified in § 58.1-2217 on the following:

1. Dyed diesel fuel that is used to operate a highway vehicle for a taxable use other than a use allowed under 26 U.S.C. § 4082;

2. Motor fuel that was allowed an exemption from the motor fuel tax and was then used for a taxable purpose; and

3. Motor fuel that is used to operate a highway vehicle after an application for a refund of tax paid on the motor fuel is made or allowed on the basis that the motor fuel was used for an off-highway purpose.

B. The operator of a highway vehicle that uses motor fuel that is taxable under this section is liable for the tax. If the highway vehicle that uses the fuel is owned by or leased to a motor carrier, the operator of the highway vehicle and the motor carrier shall be jointly and severally liable for the tax. If the end seller of motor fuel taxable under this section knew or had reason to know that the motor fuel would be used for a purpose that is taxable under this section, the operator of the highway vehicle and the end seller shall be jointly and severally liable for the tax.

C. The tax liability imposed by this section shall be in addition to any other penalty imposed pursuant to this chapter.

D. Persons diverting motor fuel into Virginia that had an original destination outside of Virginia shall incur liability for the tax levied for such motor fuel, as specified in § 58.1-2217, and shall be subject to the reporting and payment requirements set forth in subsection E of § 58.1-2230.

2000, cc. 729, 758; 2003, c. 781.

§ 58.1-2226. Exemptions from tax.

No tax shall be levied or collected pursuant to this chapter on:

1. Motor fuel sold and delivered to a governmental entity for the exclusive use by the governmental entity. This exemption shall not apply with respect to fuel sold or delivered to any person operating under contract with the governmental entity;

2. Motor fuel sold and delivered to a nonprofit charitable organization that is exempt from taxation under § 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and which is organized and operated exclusively for the purpose of providing charitable, long-distance, advanced life-support, air transportation services using emergency medical services vehicles for low-income medical patients in the Commonwealth, for the exclusive use of such organization in the operation of an aircraft;

3. Bonded aviation jet fuel;

4. Dyed diesel fuel, except as provided in subdivision A 1 of § 58.1-2225;

5. Motor fuel removed, by transport truck or another means of transfer outside the terminal transfer system, from a terminal for export, if the supplier of the motor fuel collects tax on the fuel at the rate of the motor fuel's destination state; or

6. Heating oil, as defined in § 58.1-2201.

2000, cc. 729, 758; 2015, cc. 502, 503.

§ 58.1-2227. Sales of aviation jet fuel to licensed aviation consumers.

A licensed aviation consumer required to file a monthly return and remit taxes to the Department pursuant to § 58.1-2230 shall not be required to remit tax to a supplier or distributor for purchases of aviation jet fuel.

2000, cc. 729, 758.

§ 58.1-2228. Exempt access cards; exempt access codes.

A. A licensed distributor, licensed importer or, in the case of aviation jet fuel, a licensed aviation consumer shall only remove motor fuel from a terminal by means of a supplier-issued exempt access card or exempt access code if (i) the motor fuel will be resold to a governmental entity or an organization exempt from tax under subdivision 2 of § 58.1-2226 for a purpose that is exempt from the tax or (ii) the aviation jet fuel will be used by the aviation consumer or resold to a licensed aviation consumer. The use of such exempt access card or exempt access code shall constitute a representation by the licensed distributor, licensed importer or licensed aviation consumer that the removal of the motor fuel is permitted. A supplier shall be authorized to rely on this representation. A licensed distributor or licensed importer who does not resell motor fuel removed from a terminal by means of an exempt access card or exempt access code to an exempt governmental unit or an organization exempt from tax under subdivision 2 of § 58.1-2226 is liable for any tax due on the fuel. A licensed distributor or licensed importer who does not resell aviation jet fuel removed from a terminal by means of an exempt access card or exempt access code to a licensed aviation consumer is liable for any tax due on the aviation jet fuel.

B. A supplier who issues to, or authorizes another person to issue to, another person an exempt access card or an exempt access code that enables the person to buy motor fuel without paying the tax on the fuel shall determine if the person is exempt from the tax or, in the case of aviation jet fuel, is a licensed aviation consumer allowed to purchase aviation jet fuel without payment of tax. A supplier is liable for tax due on motor fuel purchased at retail by use of an exempt access card or an exempt access code issued to a person who is not exempt from the tax or, in the case of aviation jet fuel, is not a licensed aviation consumer allowed to purchase aviation jet fuel without payment of tax.

C. A person to whom an exempt access card or exempt access code is issued for use at a terminal is liable for any tax due on fuel purchased with the exempt access card or exempt access code for a purpose that is not exempt. A person who misuses an exempt access card or exempt access code by purchasing fuel with the card or code for a purpose that is not exempt is liable for the tax due on the fuel. The provisions of this subsection shall apply to the misuse of a card or code that allows a person to purchase aviation jet fuel without paying the tax.

D. The tax liability imposed by this section shall be in addition to any other penalty imposed pursuant to this chapter.

2000, cc. 729, 758.

§ 58.1-2229. Removals by out-of-state bulk user.

An out-of-state bulk user shall not remove motor fuel from a terminal in the Commonwealth for use in the state in which the bulk user is located unless the bulk user is licensed under this chapter as an exporter.

2000, cc. 729, 758.

Article 4. Payment and Reporting of Tax on Motor Fuel.

§ 58.1-2230. When tax return and payment are due.

A. A return for the tax on motor fuel and gasohol levied by this chapter shall be filed with the Commissioner and be in the form and contain the information required by the Commissioner. The return and the payment for the tax on motor fuel levied by this chapter shall be due for each full month in a calendar year. Any return and payment required under this section shall be deemed timely filed if received by the Commissioner by midnight of the twentieth day of the second month succeeding the month for which the return and payment are due. Each return shall report tax liabilities that accrue in the month for which the return is due.

B. Returns and payments shall be (i) postmarked on or before the fifteenth day of the second month succeeding the month for which the return and payment are due or (ii) received by the Department by the twentieth day of the second month succeeding the month for which the return and payment are due. However, a monthly return of the tax for the month of May shall be (i) postmarked by June 25 or (ii) received by the Commissioner by the last business day the Department is open for business in June.

If a tax return and payment due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a state or banking holiday, the return shall be postmarked on or before the fifteenth day of the second month succeeding the month for which the return and payment are due or received by the Department by midnight of the next business day the Department is open for business. This provision shall not apply to a return of the tax for the month of May.

A return and payment shall be deemed postmarked if it carries the official cancellation mark of the United States Postal Service or other postal or delivery services.

C. The following shall file a monthly return as required by this section:

1. A refiner;

2. A terminal operator;

3. A supplier;

4. A distributor;

5. An importer to include a bonded importer;

6. A blender;

7. An aviation consumer;

8. An elective supplier; and

9. A fuel alcohol provider.

D. Notwithstanding the provisions of any other section in this chapter, the Commissioner may require all or certain licensees to file tax returns and payments electronically.

E. Persons incurring liability under § 58.1-2225 for the backup tax on motor fuel shall file a return together with a payment of tax due within 30 calendar days of incurring such liability.

2000, cc. 729, 758; 2002, c. 7; 2003, c. 781.

§ 58.1-2231. Remittance of tax to supplier.

A. A distributor shall remit tax due on motor fuel removed at a terminal rack to the supplier of the fuel. A licensed distributor shall not be required to remit the tax to the supplier until the date the supplier is required to pay the tax to the Commonwealth or to another state. All tax payments received by a supplier shall be held in trust by the supplier until the supplier remits the tax payment to the Commonwealth or to another state, and the supplier shall constitute the trustee for such tax payments. The date by which an unlicensed distributor is required to remit the tax to a supplier shall be governed by agreement between the supplier and the unlicensed distributor.

B. A licensed exporter shall remit tax due on motor fuel removed at a terminal rack to the supplier of the fuel. The date by which an exporter shall remit tax shall be governed by the law of the destination state of the exported motor fuel.

C. A licensed importer shall remit tax due on motor fuel removed at a terminal rack of a permissive or an elective supplier to the supplier of the fuel. A licensed importer who removes fuel from a terminal rack of a permissive or an elective supplier shall not be required to remit the tax to the supplier until the date the supplier is required to pay the tax to the Commonwealth.

D. The license of a licensed distributor, exporter or importer who fails to pay the full amount of tax required by this chapter is subject to cancellation as provided in § 58.1-2215.

2000, cc. 729, 758.

§ 58.1-2232. Notice of cancellation or reissuance of licenses; effect of notice.

A. If the Commissioner cancels the license of a distributor, importer, or aviation consumer, the Commissioner shall notify all suppliers of the cancellation. If the Commissioner issues a license to a distributor, importer or aviation consumer whose license was previously canceled, the Commissioner shall notify all suppliers of the issuance.

B. A supplier who sells motor fuel to a distributor, importer or aviation consumer after receiving notice from the Commissioner that the Commissioner has canceled the distributor's, importer's or aviation consumer's license shall be jointly and severally liable with the distributor, importer or aviation consumer for any tax due on motor fuel the supplier sells to the distributor, importer or aviation consumer after receiving the notice; however, the supplier shall not be liable for tax due on motor fuel sold to a previously unlicensed distributor, importer or aviation consumer after the supplier receives notice from the Commissioner that the Commissioner has issued another license to the distributor, importer or aviation consumer.

C. If the Commissioner cancels the license of a supplier, the Commissioner shall notify all licensed distributors, exporters, importers and aviation consumers of the cancellation. If the Commissioner issues a license to a supplier whose license was previously canceled, the Commissioner shall notify all licensed distributors, exporters, importers and aviation consumers of the issuance.

D. A licensed distributor, exporter, importer, or aviation consumer who purchases motor fuel from a supplier after receiving notice from the Commissioner that the Commissioner has canceled the supplier's license shall be jointly and severally liable with the supplier for any tax due on motor fuel purchased from the supplier after receiving the notice; however, the licensed distributor, exporter, importer, or aviation consumer shall not be liable for tax due on motor fuel purchased from a previously unlicensed supplier after the licensee receives notice from the Commissioner that the Commissioner has issued another license to the supplier.

2000, cc. 729, 758; 2002, c. 7.

§ 58.1-2233. Deductions; percentage discount.

A. A licensed importer who removes motor fuel from a terminal rack of a permissive or an elective supplier or licensed distributor may deduct from the amount of tax otherwise payable to a supplier the amount calculated on motor fuel that the licensee received from the supplier and resold to a governmental entity, or resold to an organization described in subdivision 2 of § 58.1-2226 for use in the operation of an aircraft if, when removing the fuel, the licensee used an exempt access card or exempt access code specified by the supplier to notify the supplier of the licensee's intent to resell the fuel in an exempt sale.

B. A licensed importer who removes motor fuel from a terminal rack of a permissive supplier, an elective supplier, or a licensed distributor may deduct from the amount of tax otherwise payable to a supplier the amount calculated on aviation jet fuel that the licensee received from the supplier and resold to a licensed aviation consumer if, when removing the fuel, the licensee used an exempt access card or exempt access code specified by the supplier to notify the supplier of the licensee's intent to resell the aviation jet fuel to a licensed aviation consumer.

C. A licensed distributor who pays the tax due a supplier by the date the supplier is required to remit the tax to this Commonwealth may deduct from the amount due a discount of one percent of the amount of tax payable. A licensed importer who (i) removes motor fuel from a terminal rack of a permissive or an elective supplier and (ii) pays the tax due to the supplier by the date the supplier is required to remit the tax to the Commonwealth may deduct from the amount due a discount of one percent of the amount of tax payable. A supplier shall not directly or indirectly deny this discount to a licensed distributor or licensed importer who pays the tax due the supplier by the date the supplier is required to remit the tax to the Commonwealth.

2000, cc. 729, 758.

§ 58.1-2234. Monthly reconciling returns.

A. A licensed distributor or a licensed importer who deducts exempt sales under subsection A of § 58.1-2233 or sales of aviation jet fuel to a licensed aviation consumer under subsection B of § 58.1-2233 when paying tax to a supplier shall file a monthly reconciling return for the exempt sales and sales to a licensed aviation consumer. The return shall list the following information and any other information required by the Commissioner:

1. The number of gallons for which a deduction was taken during the month, by supplier;

2. The number of gallons sold in exempt sales during the month, by type of sale, and the purchasers of the fuel in the exempt sales; and

3. The number of gallons of aviation jet fuel sold without collection of the tax during the month, and the purchasers of the fuel.

B. If the number of gallons for which a licensed distributor or licensed importer takes a deduction during a month exceeds the number of exempt gallons sold or, in the case of aviation jet fuel, the number of gallons sold without collection of the tax, the licensed distributor or licensed importer shall pay tax on the difference at the rate imposed by § 58.1-2217. The licensed distributor or licensed importer shall not be allowed a percentage discount on any tax payable under this subsection.

C. If the number of gallons for which a licensed distributor or licensed importer takes a deduction during a month is less than the number of exempt gallons sold or, in the case of aviation jet fuel, is less than the number of gallons sold without collection of the tax, the Commissioner shall refund the amount of tax paid on the difference. The Commissioner shall reduce the amount of the refund by the amount of the percentage discount received on the fuel.

2000, cc. 729, 758.

§ 58.1-2235. Information required on return filed by supplier.

A. A return of a supplier shall list all of the following information and any other information required by the Commissioner:

1. The number of gallons of tax-paid motor fuel received by the supplier during the month, sorted by type of fuel, seller, point of origin, destination state, and carrier;

2. The number of gallons of motor fuel removed at a terminal rack during the month from the account of the supplier, sorted by type of fuel, person receiving the fuel, terminal code, and carrier;

3. The number of gallons of motor fuel removed during the month for export, sorted by type of fuel, person receiving the fuel, terminal code, destination state, and carrier;

4. The number of gallons of motor fuel removed during the month from a terminal located in another state for conveyance to Virginia, as indicated on the shipping document for the fuel, sorted by type of fuel, person receiving the fuel, terminal code, and carrier;

5. The number of gallons of motor fuel the supplier sold during the month to the following, sorted by type of fuel, exempt entity, person receiving the fuel, terminal code, and carrier:

a. A governmental entity whose use of fuel is exempt from the tax;

b. A licensed aviation consumer purchasing aviation jet fuel;

c. A licensed distributor or importer who resold the motor fuel to a governmental unit whose use of fuel is exempt from the tax, as indicated by the distributor or importer;

d. A licensed distributor or importer who resold aviation jet fuel to a licensed aviation consumer as indicated by the distributor or importer;

e. A licensed exporter who resold the motor fuel to a person whose use of the fuel is exempt from tax in the destination state, as indicated by the exporter;

f. A nonprofit charitable organization which is exempt from taxation under § 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and which is organized and operated exclusively for the purpose of providing charitable, long-distance, advanced life-support, air transportation services using emergency medical services vehicles for low-income medical patients in the Commonwealth, for the exclusive use of such organization in the operation of an aircraft; and

g. A licensed distributor or importer who resold the motor fuel to a nonprofit charitable organization which is exempt from taxation under § 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and which is organized and operated exclusively for the purpose of providing charitable, long-distance, advanced life-support, air transportation services using emergency medical services vehicles for low-income medical patients in the Commonwealth, for the exclusive use of such organization in the operation of an aircraft; and

6. The amount of discounts allowed under subsection C of § 58.1-2233 on motor fuel sold during the month to licensed distributors or licensed importers.

B. Suppliers shall not require information identifying who purchased exempt fuel from persons licensed under this chapter.

2000, cc. 729, 758; 2015, cc. 502, 503.

§ 58.1-2236. Deductions and discounts allowed a supplier when filing a return.

A. The supplier may deduct from the next monthly return those tax payments that were not remitted for the previous month to the supplier by (i) a licensed distributor or (ii) a licensed importer who removed the motor fuel on which the tax is due from a terminal of an elective or a permissive supplier. A supplier shall not be liable for the tax such a licensee owes the supplier but fails to pay. If such licensee pays the tax owed to a supplier after the supplier deducts the amount of such tax on a return, the supplier shall remit the payment to the Commissioner with the next monthly return filed subsequent to receipt of the tax.

B. A supplier who timely files a return with the payment due may deduct, from the amount of tax payable with the return, an administrative discount of one-tenth of one percent of the amount of tax payable to the Commonwealth, not to exceed $5,000 per month.

C. A supplier who sells motor fuel directly to an unlicensed distributor or to a bulk user, retailer, or user of the fuel may take one-half of the same percentage discount on the fuel that a licensed distributor may take under subsection C of § 58.1-2233 when making deferred payments of tax to the supplier.

D. When filing a return, a supplier who issues or authorizes the issuance of an exempt access card or an exempt access code to a person that enables the person to buy motor fuel at retail without paying tax on the fuel may deduct the amount of tax imposed on fuel purchased with the exempt access card or exempt access code. The amount of tax imposed on fuel purchased at retail with an exempt access card or exempt access code is the amount that was imposed on the fuel when it was delivered to the retailer of the fuel.

2000, cc. 729, 758.

§ 58.1-2237. Duties of supplier as trustee.

A. All tax payments due to the Commonwealth received by a supplier pursuant to § 58.1-2231 shall be held by the supplier as trustee in trust for the Commonwealth, and a supplier has a fiduciary duty to remit to the Commissioner the amount of tax received by the supplier. A supplier shall be liable for the taxes paid to him.

B. A supplier shall notify a licensed distributor, licensed exporter, or licensed importer who received motor fuel from the supplier during a reporting period of the number of taxable gallons received. The supplier shall give this notice after the end of each reporting period and before the licensee is required to remit to the supplier the amount of tax due on the fuel.

C. A supplier of motor fuel at a terminal shall notify the Commissioner within 10 business days after a return is due of any licensed distributor or licensed importer who did not pay the tax due the supplier when the supplier filed his return. The notice shall be transmitted to the Commissioner in the form required by the Commissioner.

D. A supplier who receives a payment of tax shall not apply the payment to a debt that the person making the payment owes the supplier for motor fuel purchased from the supplier.

2000, cc. 729, 758; 2004, c. 340.

§ 58.1-2238. Returns and discounts of importers.

A. A monthly return of a bonded importer or an occasional importer shall contain the following information concerning motor fuel imported during the period covered by the return and any other information required by the Commissioner:

1. The number of gallons of imported motor fuel acquired from a supplier who collected the tax due the Commonwealth on the fuel;

2. The number of gallons of imported motor fuel acquired from a supplier who did not collect the tax due the Commonwealth on the fuel, listed by source state, supplier, and terminal; and

3. If he is an occasional importer, the number of gallons of imported motor fuel acquired from a bulk plant, listed by bulk plant.

B. An importer shall not deduct an administrative discount under subsection C of § 58.1-2233 from the amount remitted with a return. An importer who imports motor fuel received from an elective supplier or a permissive supplier may deduct the percentage discount allowed by subsection C of § 58.1-2233 when remitting tax to the supplier, as trustee, for payment to the Commonwealth. An importer who imports motor fuel received from a supplier who is not an elective supplier or a permissive supplier shall not deduct the percentage discount allowed by subsection C of § 58.1-2233 when filing a return for the tax due.

2000, cc. 729, 758; 2003, c. 781.

§ 58.1-2239. Returns and discounts of aviation consumers.

A. A monthly return of an aviation consumer shall state the number of gallons of aviation jet fuel acquired from a supplier or distributor who did not collect the tax due the Commonwealth on the fuel, listed by source state, supplier or distributor, and terminal or other source, with respect to aviation jet fuel purchased during the period covered by the return and any other information required by the Commissioner.

B. An aviation consumer shall be allowed a credit for aviation jet fuel purchased, on which tax has already been paid. The amount of such credit shall not exceed the amount of fuel taxes due from such aviation consumer, nor shall the credit be carried forward to the next fiscal year.

2000, cc. 729, 758.

§ 58.1-2240. Informational returns of terminal operators.

A terminal operator shall file a monthly informational return with the Commissioner that shows the amount of motor fuel received or removed from the terminal during the month. The return is due by the twentieth day of the second month following the month covered by the return. The return shall contain the following information and any other information required by the Commissioner:

1. The number of gallons of motor fuel received in inventory at the terminal during the month and each position holder for the fuel;

2. The number of gallons of motor fuel removed from inventory at the terminal during the month and, for each removal, the position holder for the fuel and the destination state of the fuel; and

3. The number of gallons of motor fuel gained or lost at the terminal during the month.

2000, cc. 729, 758.

§ 58.1-2241. Informational returns of motor fuel transporters.

A motor fuel transporter shall file a monthly informational return with the Commissioner.

The return required by this section is due by the twentieth day of the second month following the month covered by the return. The return shall contain the following information and any other information required by the Commissioner:

1. The name and address of each person from whom the transporter received motor fuel outside Virginia for delivery in Virginia, the amount of motor fuel received, the date the motor fuel was received, and the destination state of the fuel; and

2. The name and address of each person from whom the transporter received motor fuel in Virginia for delivery outside Virginia, the amount of motor fuel delivered, the date the motor fuel was delivered, and the destination state of the fuel.

2000, cc. 729, 758; 2006, c. 594.

§ 58.1-2242. Return of distributors and certain other licensees; exports.

A. A distributor or any other licensee required to make monthly reports who exports motor fuel from a bulk plant located in Virginia shall file a monthly return with the Commissioner identifying the exports. The return is due by the twentieth day of the second month following the month covered by the return. The return shall serve as a claim for a refund by the distributor or such other licensee for tax paid to the Commonwealth on the exported motor fuel.

B. The return shall contain the following information and any other information required by the Commissioner:

1. The number of gallons of motor fuel exported during the month;

2. The destination state of the motor fuel exported during the month; and

3. A certification that the distributor or such other licensee has paid to the destination state of the motor fuel exported during the month, or will timely pay, the amount of tax due that state on the fuel.

2000, cc. 729, 758; 2003, c. 781.

§ 58.1-2243. Use of name and account number on return.

When a transaction with a person licensed under this chapter is required to be reported on a return, the return must state the licensee's name and account number as stated on the lists compiled by the Commissioner under § 58.1-2216.

2000, cc. 729, 758.

Article 5. Provisions Applicable to Alternative Fuels.

§ 58.1-2244. Persons required to be licensed.

A person shall obtain a license before conducting the activities of:

1. A provider of alternative fuel;

2. A bulk user of alternative fuel;

3. A retailer of alternative fuel; or

4. A person who fuels his highway vehicle from his private source, if the alternative fuels tax on alternative fuel used in the vehicle has not been paid.

2000, cc. 729, 758.

§ 58.1-2245. License application procedure.

To obtain a license under this article, an applicant shall file an application with the Commissioner on a form provided by the Commissioner. The application shall include the applicant's name, address, federal employer identification number, and any other information required by the Commissioner.

2000, cc. 729, 758.

§ 58.1-2246. Bond or certificate of deposit requirements.

A. An applicant for a license as a (i) provider of alternative fuel, (ii) retailer of alternative fuel or bulk user of alternative fuel who stores highway and nonhighway alternative fuel in the same storage tank, or (iii) retailer of alternative fuel or a bulk user of alternative fuel who wishes to defer the remittance of tax to the provider until the date the provider of alternative fuel is required to pay the tax to the Commonwealth, shall file with the Commissioner a bond or certificate of deposit.

B. The amount of the bond or certificate of deposit shall be three times the applicant's average expected monthly tax liability under this article, as determined by the Commissioner. The amount shall not be less than $2,000 nor more than $300,000. An applicant who is also required to file a bond or a certificate of deposit under § 58.1-2211 to obtain a license as a distributor of motor fuel may file a single bond or certificate of deposit under § 58.1-2211 for the combined amount and shall not be required to file a bond or certificate of deposit for more than $300,000 for the combined amount.

C. A bond or certificate of deposit filed under this section shall be conditioned upon compliance with this chapter, be payable to the Commonwealth, and be in the form required by the Commissioner. The Commissioner may require a bond or a certificate of deposit issued under this section to be adjusted in accordance with the procedure set out in subsection C of § 58.1-2211 for adjusting a bond or certificate of deposit filed by a distributor of motor fuel.

2000, cc. 729, 758; 2006, c. 594.

§ 58.1-2247. Issuance, denial or cancellation of license.

A. The Commissioner shall issue a license to each applicant whose application is approved. A license shall not be transferable and remains in effect until surrendered or canceled.

B. The Commissioner may refuse to issue a license under this article to an applicant if (i) the applicant or (ii) any principal of the applicant that is a business entity has:

1. Had a license or registration issued under prior law or this chapter canceled by the Commissioner for cause;

2. Had an alternative fuel license or registration issued by another state canceled for cause;

3. Had a federal Certificate of Registry issued under § 4101 of the Internal Revenue Code, or a similar federal authorization, revoked;

4. Been convicted of any offense involving fraud or misrepresentation; or

5. Been convicted of any other offense that indicates that the applicant may not comply with this chapter if issued a license.

C. The Commissioner may cancel the license of any person licensed under this article, upon written notice sent by certified mail to the licensee's last known address appearing in the Commissioner's files, for any of the following reasons:

1. Filing by the licensee of a false report of the data or information required by this article;

2. Failure, refusal, or neglect of the licensee to comply with any provision of this chapter or any regulation promulgated pursuant to this chapter;

3. Failure of the licensee to pay the full amount of the tax required by this article;

4. Failure of the licensee to keep accurate records of the quantities of alternative fuel received, produced, refined, manufactured, compounded, sold, or used in the Commonwealth;

5. Failure to file a new or additional bond or certificate of deposit upon request of the Commissioner pursuant to § 58.1-2246; or

6. Conviction of the licensee or a principal of the licensee for any prohibited act listed under this article.

D. Upon cancellation of any license for any cause listed in subsection C, the tax levied under this chapter shall become due and payable on (i) all untaxed alternative fuel held in storage or otherwise in the possession of the licensee and (ii) all alternative fuel sold, delivered, or used prior to the cancellation on which the tax has not been paid.

E. The Commissioner may cancel any license upon the written request of the licensee.

F. Upon cancellation of any license and payment by the licensee of all taxes due, including all penalties accruing due to any failure by the licensee to comply with the provisions of this article, the Commissioner shall cancel and surrender the bond or certificate of deposit filed by such licensee.

2000, cc. 729, 758; 2006, c. 594.

§ 58.1-2248. Notice of discontinuance, sale or transfer of business.

A. A licensee who discontinues in the Commonwealth the business for which the license was issued shall notify the Commissioner in writing of such discontinuance and shall surrender the license to the Commissioner. The notice shall state the effective date of the discontinuance and, if the license holder has transferred the business or otherwise relinquished control to another person by sale or otherwise, the date of the sale or transfer and the name and address of the person to whom the business is transferred or relinquished. The notice shall also include any other information required by the Commissioner.

B. All taxes for which the license holder is liable under this article but are not yet due shall be due on the date of the discontinuance. If the license holder has transferred the business to another person and does not give the notice required by this section, the person to whom the business was transferred shall be liable for the amount of any tax owed by the license holder to the Commonwealth on the date the business was transferred. The liability of the person to whom the business was transferred shall not exceed the value of the property acquired from the license holder.

2000, cc. 729, 758.

§ 58.1-2249. Tax on alternative fuel.

There is hereby levied a tax at the rate levied on gasoline and gasohol on liquid alternative fuel used to operate a highway vehicle by means of a vehicle supply tank that stores fuel only for the purpose of supplying fuel to operate the vehicle. There is hereby levied a tax at a rate equivalent to that levied on gasoline and gasohol on all other alternative fuel used to operate a highway vehicle. The Commissioner shall determine the equivalent rate applicable to such other alternative fuels.

2000, cc. 729, 758; 2007, c. 896; 2012, cc. 729, 733; 2013, c. 766; 2014, cc. 14, 43; 2020, cc. 1230, 1275.

§ 58.1-2250. Exemptions from tax.

No tax shall be levied or collected pursuant to this article on:

1. Alternative fuel sold and delivered to a governmental entity for the exclusive use by the governmental entity. This exemption shall not apply with respect to alternative fuel sold or delivered to any person operating under contract with the governmental entity;

2. Alternative fuel sold and delivered to a nonprofit charitable organization that is exempt from taxation under § 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and that is organized and operated exclusively for the purpose of providing charitable, long-distance, advanced life-support, air transportation services using emergency medical services vehicles for low-income medical patients in the Commonwealth, for the exclusive use of such organization in the operation of an aircraft; or

3. Alternative fuel produced by the owner or lessee of an agricultural operation, as defined in § 3.2-300, and used (i) exclusively for farm use by the owner or lessee or (ii) in any motor vehicles operated by the producer of such fuel.

2000, cc. 729, 758; 2009, c. 530; 2015, cc. 502, 503.

§ 58.1-2251. Liability for tax; filing returns; payment of tax.

A. A bulk user of alternative fuel or retailer of alternative fuel who stores highway and nonhighway alternative fuel in the same storage tank shall be liable for the tax imposed by this article, and shall file tax returns and remit taxes in accordance with subsection D. The tax payable by a bulk user of alternative fuel or retailer of alternative fuel is imposed at the point that alternative fuel is withdrawn from the storage tank.

B. A provider of alternative fuel who sells or delivers alternative fuel shall be liable for the tax imposed by this article (i) on sales to a bulk user of alternative fuel or retailer of alternative fuel who stores highway product in a separate storage tank or (ii) if the alternative fuel is sold or used by the provider of alternative fuel for highway use.

C. The owner of a highway vehicle subject to an annual license tax pursuant to subsection B of § 58.1-2249 shall be liable for such annual license tax. The annual license tax shall be due when the highway vehicle is first registered in Virginia and upon each subsequent renewal of registration.

D. 1. Each (i) bulk user of alternative fuel or retailer of alternative fuel liable for tax pursuant to subsection A and (ii) provider of alternative fuel liable for the tax pursuant to subsection B shall file a monthly tax return with the Department. The tax on alternative fuel levied by this article, except for the annual license tax imposed under subsection B of § 58.1-2249, that is required to be remitted to the Commonwealth shall be payable to the Commonwealth not later than the date on which the return is due. A return and payment shall be (i) postmarked on or before the fifteenth day of the second month succeeding the month for which the return and payment are due or (ii) received by the Department by the twentieth day of the second month succeeding the month for which the return and payment are due. However, a monthly return of the tax for the month of May shall be (i) postmarked by June 25 or (ii) received by the Commissioner by the last business day the Department is open for business in June.

2. If a tax return and payment due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a state or banking holiday, the return shall be postmarked on or before the fifteenth day of the second month succeeding the month for which the return and payment are due or received by the Department by midnight of the next business day the Department is open for business. This provision shall not apply to a return of the tax for the month of May.

3. A return and payment shall be deemed postmarked if it carries the official cancellation mark of the United States Postal Service or other postal or delivery service.

4. A return shall be filed with the Commissioner and shall be in the form and contain the information required by the Commissioner.

2000, cc. 729, 758; 2002, c. 7; 2013, c. 766.

§ 58.1-2252. Remittance of tax to provider of alternative fuel.

A purchaser of alternative fuel, other than a bulk user of alternative fuel or a retailer of alternative fuel who is liable for the tax pursuant to subsection A of § 58.1-2251, shall remit the tax due on the fuel to the provider of the fuel. A bulk user of alternative fuel or retailer of alternative fuel who has posted a bond in accordance with § 58.1-2246 shall not be required to remit the tax to the provider until the date the provider is required to pay the tax to the Commonwealth. All tax payments received by a provider of alternative fuel from a bulk user of alternative fuel or retailer of alternative fuel shall be held in trust by the provider until the provider remits the tax payments to the Commonwealth, and the provider shall constitute the trustee for such tax payments. The date by which other purchasers of alternative fuel are required to remit tax to a provider shall be determined by agreement between the provider and the purchaser.

2000, cc. 729, 758.

§ 58.1-2253. Notice to providers of alternative fuel of cancellation or reissuance of certain licenses; effect of notice.

A. If the Commissioner cancels the license of a bulk user of alternative fuel or retailer of alternative fuel who has posted a bond in accordance with § 58.1-2246, the Commissioner shall notify all providers of alternative fuel of the cancellation. If the Commissioner issues a license to a bulk user of alternative fuel or retailer of alternative fuel whose license was previously canceled, the Commissioner shall notify all providers of alternative fuel of the issuance.

B. A provider of alternative fuel who sells alternative fuel to a bulk user of alternative fuel or retailer of alternative fuel who has posted a bond in accordance with § 58.1-2246, after receiving notice from the Commissioner that the Commissioner has canceled the license of a bulk user of alternative fuel or of a retailer of alternative fuel, is jointly and severally liable with the bulk user of alternative fuel or retailer of alternative fuel for any tax due on the alternative fuel that the provider of alternative fuel sells to the bulk user of alternative fuel or retailer of alternative fuel after receiving the notice; however, the provider of alternative fuel shall not be liable for tax due on alternative fuel sold to a previously unlicensed bulk user of alternative fuel or retailer of alternative fuel after the provider of alternative fuel receives notice from the Commissioner that the Commissioner has issued another license to the bulk user of alternative fuel or retailer of alternative fuel.

2000, cc. 729, 758.

§ 58.1-2254. Exempt sale deduction.

A licensed retailer of alternative fuel who has posted a bond in accordance with § 58.1-2246 may deduct from the amount of tax otherwise payable to a provider of alternative fuel the amount calculated on alternative fuel that the licensee received from the provider and resold to a governmental entity, or resold to an organization described in subdivision 2 of § 58.1-2250 for use in the operation of an aircraft, whose purchases of alternative fuel are exempt from the tax under such section if, when purchasing the fuel, the retailer notified the provider of the retailer's intent to resell the fuel in an exempt sale.

2000, cc. 729, 758.

§ 58.1-2255. Returns and payments by bulk users and retailers of alternative fuel; storage.

A. Each bulk user of alternative fuel and retailer of alternative fuel shall file a monthly informational return with the Commissioner. A monthly return covers a calendar month and is due by the twentieth day of the second month that follows such month.

The return shall include the following information and any other information required by the Commissioner:

1. The amount of alternative fuel received during the month;

2. The amount of alternative fuel sold or used during the month;

3. The number of gallons for which a deduction was taken during the month pursuant to § 58.1-2254, by provider, if applicable; and

4. The number of gallons sold in exempt sales during the month, by type of sale, and the purchaser of the fuel in the exempt sales, if applicable.

B. If the number of gallons for which an eligible retailer of alternative fuel takes a deduction during a month exceeds the number of exempt gallons or gallon equivalent sold, the retailer of alternative fuel shall pay tax on the difference at the rate imposed by § 58.1-2249. The tax shall be payable when the informational return is due.

C. A bulk user of alternative fuel or a retailer of alternative fuel may store highway and nonhighway alternative fuel in separate storage tanks or in the same storage tank. If highway and nonhighway alternative fuel are stored in separate storage tanks, the tank for the nonhighway fuel shall be marked in accordance with the requirements set by § 58.1-2279 for dyed diesel storage facilities. If highway and nonhighway alternative fuel are stored in the same storage tank, the storage tank shall be equipped with separate metering devices for the highway fuel and the nonhighway fuel. If the Commissioner determines that a bulk user of alternative fuel or retailer of alternative fuel used or sold alternative fuel to operate a highway vehicle when the fuel was dispensed from a storage tank or through a meter marked for nonhighway use, all fuel delivered into that storage tank shall be presumed to have been used to operate a highway vehicle.

2000, cc. 729, 758; 2002, c. 7.

§ 58.1-2256. Deductions and discounts for providers of alternative fuel filing returns.

A. When a provider of alternative fuel files a return, the provider of alternative fuel may deduct from the amount of tax payable with the return the amount of tax any of the following licensees owes the provider of alternative fuel but failed to remit to the provider of alternative fuel:

1. A licensed bulk user of alternative fuel who has posted a bond in accordance with § 58.1-2246; and

2. A licensed retailer of alternative fuel who has posted a bond in accordance with § 58.1-2246.

A provider of alternative fuel shall not be liable for tax that such a licensee owes the provider of alternative fuel but fails to pay. If such licensee pays the tax owed to a provider of alternative fuel after the provider of alternative fuel deducts the amount of such tax on a return, the provider of alternative fuel shall remit the payment to the Commissioner with the next monthly return filed subsequent to receipt of the tax.

B. A provider of alternative fuel who timely files a return with the payment due may deduct, from the amount of tax payable with the return, an administrative discount of one-tenth of one percent of the amount of tax payable to this Commonwealth, not to exceed a total of $5,000 per month. The administrative discount allowed a provider of alternative fuel who is also licensed as a supplier under Article 2 (§ 58.1-2204 et seq.) of this chapter shall not exceed $5,000 per month for both licenses.

2000, cc. 729, 758.

§ 58.1-2257. Duties of provider of alternative fuel as trustee.

A. All tax payments due to the Commonwealth received by a provider of alternative fuel pursuant to § 58.1-2252 shall be held by the provider of alternative fuel as trustee in trust for the Commonwealth, and a provider of alternative fuel has a fiduciary duty to remit to the Commissioner the amount of tax received by the provider of alternative fuel. A provider of alternative fuel shall be liable for the taxes paid to him.

B. A provider of alternative fuel shall notify a bulk user of alternative fuel or retailer of alternative fuel who has posted a bond in accordance with § 58.1-2246 and who received alternative fuel from the provider of alternative fuel during a reporting period of the number of taxable gallons or equivalent taxable gallons received. The provider of alternative fuel shall give this notice after the end of each reporting period and before the licensee is required to remit to the provider of alternative fuel the amount of tax due on the fuel.

C. A provider of alternative fuel shall notify the Commissioner within ten business days after a return is due of any licensed bulk user of alternative fuel or retailer of alternative fuel who (i) has posted a bond in accordance with § 58.1-2246 and (ii) did not pay the tax due the provider of alternative fuel when the provider filed his return. The notice shall be transmitted to the Commissioner in the form required by the Commissioner.

D. A provider of alternative fuel who receives a payment of tax shall not apply the payment to a debt that the person making the tax payment owes to the provider of alternative fuel for alternative fuel purchased from the provider of alternative fuel.

2000, cc. 729, 758.

§ 58.1-2258. Use of name and account number on return.

When a transaction with a person licensed under this article is required to be reported on a return, the return shall state the licensee's name and account number as stated on the lists compiled by the Commissioner under § 58.1-2216.

2000, cc. 729, 758.

Article 6. Refunds.

§ 58.1-2259. Fuel uses eligible for refund of taxes paid for motor fuels.

A. A refund of the tax paid for the purchase of fuel in quantities of five gallons or more at any time shall be granted in accordance with the provisions of § 58.1-2261 to any person who establishes to the satisfaction of the Commissioner that such person has paid the tax levied pursuant to this chapter upon any fuel:

1. Sold and delivered to a governmental entity for its exclusive use;

2. Used by a governmental entity, provided persons operating under contract with a governmental entity shall not be eligible for such refund;

3. Sold and delivered to an organization described in subdivision 2 of § 58.1-2226 or subdivision 2 of § 58.1-2250 for its exclusive use in the operation of an aircraft;

4. Used by an organization described in subdivision 2 of § 58.1-2226 or subdivision 2 of § 58.1-2250 for its exclusive use in the operation of an aircraft, provided persons operating under contract with such an organization shall not be eligible for such refund;

5. Purchased by a licensed exporter and subsequently transported and delivered by such licensed exporter to another state for sales or use outside the boundaries of the Commonwealth if the tax applicable in the destination state has been paid, provided a refund shall not be granted pursuant to this section on any fuel which is transported and delivered outside of the Commonwealth in the fuel supply tank of a highway vehicle or an aircraft;

6. Used by any person performing transportation under contract or lease with any transportation district for use in a highway vehicle controlled by a transportation district created under the Transportation District Act of 1964 (§ 33.2-1900 et seq.) and used in providing transit service by the transportation district by contract or lease, provided the refund shall be paid to the person performing such transportation;

7. Used by any private, nonprofit agency on aging, designated by the Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services, providing transportation services to citizens in highway vehicles owned, operated or under contract with such agency;

8. Used in operating or propelling highway vehicles owned by a nonprofit organization that provides specialized transportation to various locations for elderly or disabled individuals to secure essential services and to participate in community life according to the individual's interest and abilities;

9. Used in operating or propelling buses owned and operated by a county or the school board thereof while being used to transport children to and from public school or from school to and from educational or athletic activities;

10. Used by buses owned or solely used by a private, nonprofit, nonreligious school while being used to transport children to and from such school or from such school to and from educational or athletic activities;

11. Used by any county or city school board or any private, nonprofit, nonreligious school contracting with a private carrier to transport children to and from public schools or any private, nonprofit, nonreligious school, provided the tax shall be refunded to the private carrier performing such transportation;

12. Used in operating or propelling the equipment of volunteer firefighting companies and of volunteer emergency medical services agencies within the Commonwealth used actually and necessarily for firefighting and emergency medical services purposes;

13. Used in operating or propelling motor equipment belonging to counties, cities and towns, if actually used in public activities;

14. Used for a purpose other than in operating or propelling highway vehicles, watercraft or aircraft;

15. Used off-highway in self-propelled equipment manufactured for a specific off-road purpose, which is used on a job site and the movement of which on any highway is incidental to the purpose for which it was designed and manufactured;

16. Proven to be lost by accident, including the accidental mixing of (i) dyed diesel fuel with tax-paid motor fuel, (ii) gasoline with diesel fuel, or (iii) undyed diesel fuel with dyed kerosene, but excluding fuel lost through personal negligence or theft;

17. Used in operating or propelling vehicles used solely for racing other vehicles on a racetrack;

18. Used in operating or propelling unlicensed highway vehicles and other unlicensed equipment used exclusively for agricultural or horticultural purposes on lands owned or leased by the owner or lessee of such vehicles and not operated on or over any highway for any purpose other than to move it in the manner and for the purpose mentioned. The amount of refund shall be equal to the amount of the taxes paid less one-half cent per gallon on such fuel so used which shall be paid by the Commissioner into the state treasury to the credit of the Virginia Agricultural Foundation Fund;

19. Used in operating or propelling commercial watercraft. The amount of refund shall be equal to the amount of the taxes paid less one and one-half cents per gallon on such fuel so used which shall be paid by the Commissioner into the state treasury to be credited as provided in subsection D of § 58.1-2289. If any applicant so requests, the Commissioner shall pay into the state treasury, to the credit of the Game Protection Fund, the entire tax paid by such applicant for the purposes specified in subsection D of § 58.1-2289. If any applicant who is an operator of commercial watercraft so requests, the Commissioner shall pay into the state treasury, to the credit of the Marine Fishing Improvement Fund, the entire tax paid by such applicant for the purposes specified in § 28.2-208;

20. Used in operating stationary engines, or pumping or mixing equipment on a highway vehicle if the fuel used to operate such equipment is stored in an auxiliary tank separate from the fuel tank used to propel the highway vehicle, and the highway vehicle is mechanically incapable of self-propulsion while fuel is being used from the auxiliary tank;

21. Used in operating or propelling recreational and pleasure watercraft; or

22. Used in operating or propelling highway vehicles owned by any entity that is exempt from taxation under § 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended or renumbered, and organized with a principal purpose of providing hunger relief services or food to the needy, if such vehicle is used solely for the purpose of providing hunger relief services or food to the needy.

B. 1. Any person purchasing fuel for consumption in a solid waste compacting or ready-mix concrete highway vehicle, or a bulk feed delivery truck, where the vehicle's equipment is mechanically or hydraulically driven by an internal combustion engine that propels the vehicle, is entitled to a refund in an amount equal to 35 percent of the tax paid on such fuel. For purposes of this section, a "bulk feed delivery truck" means bulk animal feed delivery trucks utilizing power take-off (PTO) driven auger or air feed discharge systems for off-road deliveries of animal feed.

2. Any person purchasing fuel for consumption in a vehicle designed or permanently adapted solely and exclusively for bulk spreading or spraying of agricultural liming materials, chemicals, or fertilizer, where the vehicle's equipment is mechanically or hydraulically driven by an internal combustion engine that propels the vehicle, is entitled to a refund in an amount equal to 55 percent of the tax paid on such fuel.

C. Any person purchasing any fuel on which tax imposed pursuant to this chapter has been paid may apply for a refund of the tax if such fuel was consumed by a highway vehicle used in operating an urban or suburban bus line or a taxicab service. This refund also applies to a common carrier of passengers which has been issued a certificate pursuant to § 46.2-2075 or 46.2-2099.4 providing regular route service over the highways of the Commonwealth. No refund shall be granted unless the majority of the passengers using such bus line, taxicab service or common carrier of passengers do so for travel of a distance of not more than 40 miles, one way, in a single day between their place of abode and their place of employment, shopping areas or schools.

If the applicant for a refund is a taxicab service, he shall hold a valid permit from the Department to engage in the business of a taxicab service. No applicant shall be denied a refund by reason of the fee arrangement between the holder of the permit and the driver or drivers, if all other conditions of this section have been met.

Under no circumstances shall a refund be granted more than once for the same fuel. The amount of refund under this subsection shall be equal to the amount of the taxes paid, except refunds granted on the tax paid on fuel used by a taxicab service shall be in an amount equal to the tax paid less $0.01 per gallon on the fuel used.

Any refunds made under this subsection shall be deducted from the urban highway funds allocated to the highway construction district, pursuant to Article 5 (§ 33.2-351 et seq.) of Chapter 3 of Title 33.2, in which the recipient has its principal place of business.

Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, all provisions of law applicable to the refund of fuel taxes by the Commissioner generally shall apply to the refunds authorized by this subsection. Any county having withdrawn its roads from the secondary system of state highways under provisions of § 11 of Chapter 415 of the Acts of 1932 shall receive its proportionate share of such special funds as is now provided by law with respect to other fuel tax receipts.

D. Any person purchasing fuel for consumption in a vehicle designed or permanently adapted solely and exclusively for bulk spreading or spraying of agricultural liming materials, chemicals, or fertilizer, where the vehicle's equipment is mechanically or hydraulically driven by an internal combustion engine that propels the vehicle, is entitled to a refund in an amount equal to 55 percent of the tax paid on such fuel.

E. Any person purchasing diesel fuel used in operating or propelling a passenger car, a pickup or panel truck, or a truck having a gross vehicle weight rating of 10,000 pounds or less is entitled to a refund of a portion of the taxes paid in an amount equal to the difference between the rate of tax on diesel fuel and the rate of tax on gasoline and gasohol pursuant to § 58.1-2217. For purposes of this subsection, "passenger car," "pickup or panel truck," and "truck" shall have the meaning given in § 46.2-100. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, diesel fuel used in a vehicle upon which the fuels tax has been refunded pursuant to this subsection shall be exempt from the tax imposed under Chapter 6 (§ 58.1-600 et seq.).

F. Refunds resulting from any fuel shipments diverted from Virginia shall be based on the amount of tax paid for the fuel less discounts allowed by § 58.1-2233.

G. Any person who is required to be licensed under this chapter and is applying for a refund shall not be eligible for such refund if the applicant was not licensed at the time the refundable transaction was conducted.

2000, cc. 247, 347, 729, 758; 2001, c. 167; 2003, c. 781; 2005, cc. 243, 782, 928; 2011, cc. 881, 889; 2012, cc. 803, 835; 2013, c. 766; 2015, cc. 502, 503; 2016, c. 34.

§ 58.1-2260. Refund of taxes erroneously or illegally collected.

If it appears to the satisfaction of the Commissioner that any taxes or penalties imposed by this chapter have been erroneously or illegally collected from any person, such person shall be entitled to a refund upon proper application to the Commissioner. No refund shall be made under the provisions of this section unless a written statement, setting forth the circumstances and reasons why such refund is claimed, is filed with the Commissioner within one year of the date of payment of the tax for which the refund is claimed. The claim shall be in such form as the Commissioner shall prescribe and shall be sworn to by the claimant.

2000, cc. 729, 758.

§ 58.1-2261. Refund procedure; investigations.

A. Any person entitled to a refund pursuant to § 58.1-2259 shall file with the Commissioner an application on a form prepared and furnished by the Commissioner. Such application shall contain the information and certifications required by the Commissioner. The applicant shall set forth the basis for the claimed refund, the total amount of such fuel purchased and used by such applicant, and how such fuel was used. The applicant shall retain the paid ticket, invoice, or other document from the seller documenting the purchase of the fuel on which a refund is claimed for a period of time to be determined by the Commissioner. The Commissioner, upon the presentation of such application shall refund to the claimant the proper amount of the tax paid as provided in this chapter, subject to the provisions of subsection D. A ticket issued to the holder of a credit card as evidence of the delivery to such holder of tax-paid fuel shall, for the purpose of this section, be a paid ticket or invoice. Tickets or invoices marked "duplicate" shall not be acceptable.

B. The application for a refund shall be filed within one year from the date of the sale as shown on the paid ticket or invoice. For those that pay the motor fuels tax in accordance with § 58.1-2200, if the refund amount certified by the Commissioner is different from the amount requested by the applicant, the Commissioner shall provide an explanation to the applicant of why the refund amount differs from the amount requested.

C. In the event an assessment is rendered for failure to report and pay the tax imposed as provided in § 58.1-2217 or § 58.1-2249 and such fuel is subject to refund under the provisions of § 58.1-2259, the application for a refund shall be filed with the Commissioner by the person entitled to such refund within one year from the date such assessment is paid and shall be accompanied by invoices covering the sale of the fuel and billing of tax to such person.

D. The Department may make any investigation it considers necessary before refunding the fuels tax to a person, and may investigate a refund after the refund has been issued and within the time frame for adjusting tax under this chapter. As a part of such investigation, the Department may require that the person provide the paid ticket, invoice, or other document from the seller documenting the purchase of the fuel on which a refund is claimed. Failure to provide a ticket, invoice, or other document evidencing the purchase of such fuel on which a refund is requested or was previously granted will result in the denial or reversal of that refund.

E. In accordance with § 58.1-609.1, any person who is refunded tax pursuant to § 58.1-2259 shall be subject to the taxes imposed by Chapter 6 (§ 58.1-600 et seq.) of this title, unless such transaction is specifically exempted pursuant to § 58.1-609.1.

2000, cc. 729, 758; 2003, c. 325; 2009, c. 419.

§ 58.1-2262. Payment of refund.

Whenever it appears to the satisfaction of the Commissioner that any person is entitled to a refund for taxes paid pursuant to this chapter, the Commissioner shall forthwith certify the amount of the refund to the Comptroller and shall send to the applicant an explanation of the basis of such refund. The amount of the refund shall be paid by check issued by the State Treasurer on warrant of the Comptroller.

2000, cc. 729, 758; 2003, c. 325.

Article 7. Enforcement and Administration.

§ 58.1-2263. Shipping documents; transportation of motor fuel loaded at a terminal rack or bulk plant rack; civil penalty.

A. A person shall not transport motor fuel loaded at a terminal rack or bulk plant rack unless the person has a shipping document for its transportation that complies with this section. A terminal operator or operator of a bulk plant shall give a shipping document to the person who operates the means of conveyance into which motor fuel is loaded at the terminal rack or bulk plant rack.

B. The shipping document issued by the terminal operator shall be machine-printed and that issued by the operator of a bulk plant shall be on a printed form and both shall contain the following information and any other information required by the Commissioner:

1. Identification, including address, of the terminal or bulk plant from which the motor fuel was received;

2. Date the motor fuel was loaded;

3. Gross gallons loaded;

4. Destination state of the motor fuel, as represented by the purchaser of the motor fuel or the purchaser's agent;

5. In the case of aviation jet fuel sold to an aviation consumer, the shipping document shall be marked with the phrase "Aviation Jet Fuel, Not for On-road Use" or a similar phrase; and

6. If the document is issued by a terminal operator, (i) net gallons loaded and (ii) tax responsibility statement indicating the name of the supplier who is responsible for the tax due on the motor fuel.

C. A terminal operator or bulk plant operator may rely on the representation made by the purchaser of motor fuel or the purchaser's agent concerning the destination state of the motor fuel. A purchaser shall be liable for any tax due as a result of the purchaser's diversion of fuel from the represented destination state.

D. A person to whom a shipping document was issued shall:

1. Carry the shipping document in the means of conveyance for which it was issued when transporting the motor fuel described;

2. Show the shipping document to a law-enforcement officer upon request when transporting the motor fuel described;

3. Deliver motor fuel described in the shipping document to the destination state printed on it unless the person:

a. Notifies the Commissioner before transporting the motor fuel into a state other than the printed destination state that the person has received instructions after the shipping document was issued to deliver the motor fuel to a different destination state;

b. Receives from the Commissioner a confirmation number authorizing the diversion; and

c. Writes on the shipping document the change in destination state and the confirmation number for the diversion; and

4. Give a copy of the shipping document to the distributor or other person to whom the motor fuel is delivered.

E. The person to whom motor fuel is delivered shall not accept delivery of the motor fuel if the destination state shown on the shipping document for the motor fuel is a state other than Virginia. To determine if the shipping document shows Virginia as the destination state, the person to whom the fuel is delivered shall examine the shipping document and keep a copy of the shipping document (i) at the place of business where the motor fuel was delivered for 90 days following the date of delivery and (ii) at such place or another place for at least three years following the date of delivery. The person who accepts delivery of motor fuel in violation of this subsection and any person liable for the tax on the motor fuel pursuant to Article 3 (§ 58.1-2217 et seq.) shall be jointly and severally liable for any tax due on the fuel.

F. Any person who (i) transports motor fuel loaded at a terminal rack or bulk plant rack without a shipping document or with a false or an incomplete shipping document or (ii) delivers motor fuel to a destination state other than that shown on the shipping document, shall be subject to a civil penalty. If the fuel is transported in a railroad tank car, the civil penalty imposed under this subsection shall be payable by the person responsible for the movement of the motor fuel in the railroad tank car. If the fuel is transported by any other means of conveyance, the civil penalty imposed under this subsection shall be payable by the person in whose name the means of conveyance is registered. The amount of the civil penalty assessed against a person for his first violation shall be $5,000. The amount of the civil penalty assessed against a person for his second or subsequent violation shall be $10,000.

2000, cc. 729, 758; 2001, c. 167; 2012, c. 363.

§ 58.1-2264. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 2003, c. 781, cl. 2.

§ 58.1-2265. Improper sale or use of untaxed fuel; civil penalty.

A. Any person committing any of the following acts shall be subject to the civil penalty specified in subsection B:

1. Selling or storing any dyed diesel fuel for use in a highway vehicle that is licensed or required to be licensed, unless that use is allowed under 26 U.S.C. § 4082;

2. Willfully altering or attempting to alter the strength or composition of any dye or marker in any dyed diesel fuel;

3. Using dyed diesel fuel in a highway vehicle unless that use is allowed under 26 U.S.C. § 4082;

4. Acquiring, selling or storing any fuel for use in a watercraft, aircraft, or highway vehicle that is licensed or required to be licensed unless the tax levied by this chapter has been paid; or

5. Using any fuel in a watercraft, aircraft, or highway vehicle that is licensed or required to be licensed unless the tax levied by this chapter has been paid.

B. The amount of the civil penalty for any act described in subsection A shall be the greater of $1,000 or ten dollars per gallon of fuel, based on the maximum storage capacity of the storage tank, container or storage tank of the highway vehicle, watercraft or aircraft.

C. The Commissioner is authorized to reduce or waive any civil penalties under this section if the violation is due to a reasonable or good cause shown to the satisfaction of the Commissioner.

2000, cc. 729, 758.

§ 58.1-2266. Late filing or payment; civil penalty.

A. Any person committing any of the following acts shall be subject to the civil penalty specified in subsections B and C:

1. Failure to submit a report required by this chapter on a timely basis;

2. Failure to submit the data required by this chapter; or

3. Failure to pay to the Commissioner or to a trustee on a timely basis the amount of taxes due under this chapter.

B. The amount of the civil penalty for any act described in subdivision A 1 or 2 shall be as follows:

1. $50 for the first violation;

2. $200 for the second violation;

3. $500 for the third violation; and

4. $1,000 for the fourth and subsequent violations.

After imposition of the penalty under this subsection, the amount of the penalty, if not paid within 30 days of receipt of notice of such penalty, shall bear interest at the rate of one percent per month until the penalty is paid.

C. The amount of the civil penalty for any act described in subdivision A 3 shall be equal to 10 percent of the tax due or $50, whichever is greater; however, penalties resulting from an audit shall be equal to 10 percent of the tax due. After imposition of the penalty under this subsection, the amount of the tax and the penalty, if not paid within 30 days of receipt of notice of such penalty, shall bear interest at the rate of one percent per month until the tax and penalty are paid.

D. The Commissioner is authorized to reduce or waive any penalties under this section if the violation is due to a reasonable or good cause shown to the satisfaction of the Commissioner.

2000, cc. 729, 758; 2004, c. 340.

§ 58.1-2267. Refusal to allow inspection or taking of fuel sample; civil penalty.

Any person who refuses to allow an inspection or allow the taking of a fuel sample authorized by § 58.1-2276 or § 58.1-2277 shall be subject to a civil penalty of $5,000 for each refusal. If the refusal is for a sample to be taken from a vehicle, the penalty shall be payable by the person in whose name the vehicle is registered. If the refusal is for a sample to be taken from any other storage tank or container, the penalty shall be payable by the owner of such storage tank or container.

2000, cc. 729, 758.

§ 58.1-2268. Engaging in business without a license; civil penalty.

Any person who engages in any business activity within the Commonwealth for which a license is required by this chapter without a valid license shall be subject to a civil penalty. The amount of the civil penalty assessed against a person for his first violation shall be $5,000. The amount of the civil penalty assessed against a person for his second or subsequent violation shall be $10,000.

2000, cc. 729, 758.

§ 58.1-2268.1. Preventing a person from obtaining a license; civil penalty.

Any terminal operator, supplier, or position holder in the terminal who, by use of coercion, threat, intimidation or any other means of interference, intentionally prevents any person from applying for and obtaining a license issued under this chapter shall be subject to a civil penalty. The amount of the civil penalty assessed against a person for his (i) first violation shall be $5,000 and (ii) second and subsequent violations shall be $10,000.

2000, cc. 729, 758.

§ 58.1-2269. False or fraudulent return; civil penalty.

Any person liable for a tax levied under this chapter who files a false or fraudulent return with the intent to evade the tax shall be subject to a civil penalty. The amount of the civil penalty shall be equal to fifty percent of the amount of the tax intended to be evaded by the filing of such return. The civil penalty shall be in addition to the amount of the tax intended to be evaded.

2000, cc. 729, 758.

§ 58.1-2270. Failure to keep or retain records; civil penalty.

Any person who fails to keep or retain records as required by this chapter shall be subject to a civil penalty. The amount of the civil penalty assessed against a person for his first violation shall be $1,000. The amount of the civil penalty assessed against a person for each subsequent violation shall be $1,000 more than the amount of the civil penalty for the preceding violation.

2000, cc. 729, 758.

§ 58.1-2271. Payment of civil penalties; disposition; waiver.

Any civil penalty assessed pursuant to this chapter shall be payable to the Department, shall be in addition to any other penalty or tax that may be imposed as provided in this chapter, and shall be collectible by the Commissioner in the same manner as if it were part of the tax levied. The amount of any civil penalty imposed under this chapter shall bear interest at the rate of one percent per month until paid. All civil penalties imposed under this chapter shall be deposited as provided in § 58.1-2289. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, the Commissioner is authorized to reduce or waive any civil penalties under this chapter if the violation is due to a reasonable or good cause shown to the satisfaction of the Commissioner.

2000, cc. 729, 758; 2004, c. 340.

§ 58.1-2272. Prohibited acts; criminal penalties.

A. Any person who commits any of the following acts shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor:

1. Failing to obtain a license required by this chapter;

2. Failing to file a return required by this chapter;

3. Failing to pay a tax when due under this chapter;

4. Failing to pay a tax collected on behalf of a destination state to that state when it is due;

5. Making a false statement in an application, return, ticket, invoice, statement, or any other document required under this chapter;

6. Making a false statement in an application for a refund;

7. Failing to keep records as required under this chapter;

8. Refusing to allow the Commissioner or a representative of the Commissioner to examine the person's books and records concerning fuel;

9. Failing to make a required disclosure of the correct amount of fuel sold or used in the Commonwealth;

10. Failing to file a replacement or additional bond or certificate of deposit as required under this chapter;

11. Failing to show or give a shipping document as required under this chapter;

12. Refusing to allow a licensed distributor, licensed exporter, or licensed importer to defer payment of tax to the supplier, as required by § 58.1-2231;

13. Refusing to allow a bulk user of alternative fuel or a retailer of alternative fuel who has posted a bond in accordance with § 58.1-2246 to defer payment of tax to the provider of alternative fuel, as required by § 58.1-2252;

14. Refusing to allow a licensed distributor or a licensed importer to take a deduction or discount allowed by § 58.1-2233 when remitting the tax to the supplier, or to allow a licensed retailer of alternative fuel to take a deduction or discount allowed by § 58.1-2254 when remitting the tax to the provider of alternative fuel;

15. Using, delivering, or selling any aviation fuel for use or intended for use in highway vehicles or watercraft;

16. Violating the provisions of § 58.1-2278;

17. Interfering with or refusing to permit seizures authorized under § 58.1-2274; or

18. Delivering fuel from a transport truck or tank wagon to the fuel tank of a highway vehicle, except in an emergency.

B. A person who knowingly commits any of the following acts shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor:

1. Dispenses any fuel on which tax levied pursuant to this chapter has not been paid into the supply tank of a highway vehicle, watercraft, or aircraft; or

2. Allows any fuel on which tax levied pursuant to this chapter has not been paid to be dispensed into the supply tank of a highway vehicle, watercraft, or aircraft.

2000, cc. 729, 758; 2006, c. 594.

§ 58.1-2273. Willful commission of prohibited acts; criminal penalties.

Any person who willfully commits any of the following acts, with the intent to (i) evade or circumvent the Commonwealth's fuels tax laws or (ii) assist any other person in efforts to evade or circumvent such laws, shall be guilty of a Class 6 felony, if he:

1. Alters, manipulates, replaces, or in any other manner tampers or interferes with, or causes to be altered, manipulated, replaced, tampered or interfered with, a totalizer attached to fuel pumps to measure the dispensing of fuel;

2. Does not pay fuels taxes and diverts such tax proceeds for other purposes;

3. Is a licensee or the agent or representative of a licensee, converts or attempts to convert fuel tax proceeds for the use of the licensee or the licensee's agent or representative, with the intent to defraud the Commonwealth;

4. Illegally collects fuel taxes when not authorized or licensed by the Commissioner to do so;

5. Illegally imports fuel into the Commonwealth;

6. Conspires with any other person or persons to engage in an act, plan, or scheme to defraud the Commonwealth of fuels tax proceeds;

7. Uses any dyed diesel fuel for a use that the user knows or has reason to know is a taxable use of the fuel, or sells any dyed diesel fuel to a person who the seller knows or has reason to know will use the fuel for a taxable purpose; however, if the amount of fuel involved is not more than twenty gallons, such person shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor;

8. Alters or attempts to alter the strength or composition of any dye or marker in any dyed diesel fuel intended to be used for a taxable purpose;

9. Fails to remit to the Commissioner any tax levied pursuant to this chapter, if he (i) has added, or represented that he has added, the tax to the sales price for the fuel and (ii) has collected the amount of the tax;

10. Applies for or collects from the Department a refund for fuels tax when the person knows or has reason to know that fuel for which the refund is claimed has been or will be used for a taxable purpose; however, if the amount of fuel involved is not more than 20 gallons, such person shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor; or

11. Uses any fuel for a taxable purpose for which the person knows or has reason to know that a refund of fuels tax has been issued; however, if the amount of fuel involved is not more than 20 gallons, such person shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.

2000, cc. 729, 758; 2006, c. 594.

§ 58.1-2274. Unlawful importing, transportation, delivery, storage, acquiring or sale of fuel; sale to enforce assessment.

A. Upon the discovery of any fuel illegally imported into, or illegally transported, delivered, stored, acquired, or sold in, the Commonwealth, the Commissioner may order the tank or other storage receptacle in which the fuel is located to be seized and locked or sealed until the tax, penalties and interest levied under this chapter are assessed and paid.

B. If the assessment for such tax is not paid within 30 days, the Commissioner is hereby authorized, in addition to the other remedies authorized in this chapter, to sell such fuel and use the proceeds of such sale to satisfy the assessment due, with any funds which exceed the assessment and costs of the sale being returned to the owner of the fuel.

C. All fuel and any property, tangible or intangible, which may be found upon the person or in any vehicle which such person is using, including the vehicle itself, to aid the person in the transportation or sale of illegally transported, delivered, stored, sold, imported or acquired fuel, and any property found in the immediate vicinity of any place where such illegally transported, delivered, stored, sold, imported or acquired fuel may be located, including motor vehicles, tanks, and other storage devices, used to aid in the illegal transportation or sale of such fuel, shall be deemed contraband and shall be forfeited to the Commonwealth.

D. Any efforts by the Department to effect the forfeiture allowed under the authority of this section shall be governed by Chapter 22.1 (§ 19.2-386.1 et seq.) of Title 19.2, mutatis mutandis. However, such procedures shall not be applicable to the Department's tax collection powers and the use of such powers to enforce a tax liability against the illegally transported, delivered, stored, sold, imported or acquired fuel.

2000, cc. 729, 758; 2012, cc. 283, 363, 756.

§ 58.1-2275. Record-keeping requirements.

Each (i) person required or electing to be licensed under Article 2 (§ 58.1-2204 et seq.) of this chapter, (ii) distributor, retailer and bulk user not licensed under this chapter, and (iii) person required to be licensed under § 58.1-2244, shall keep and maintain all records pertaining to fuel received, produced, manufactured, refined, compounded, used, sold or delivered, together with delivery tickets, invoices, bills of lading, and such other pertinent records and papers as may be required by the Commissioner for the reasonable administration of this chapter. Such records shall be kept and maintained for a period to include the Department's current fiscal year and the previous three fiscal years.

2000, cc. 729, 758; 2002, c. 7.

§ 58.1-2276. Inspection of records.

A. The Commissioner or any deputy, employee or agent authorized by the Commissioner may examine, during the usual business hours of the day, records, books, papers, storage tanks and any other equipment of any person required to maintain records as provided in § 58.1-2275 for the purpose of ascertaining the quantity of fuel received, produced, manufactured, refined, compounded, used, sold, shipped, or delivered, to verify the truth and accuracy of any statement, report or return or to ascertain whether or not the tax levied by this chapter has been paid.

B. If a person required to maintain records as provided in § 58.1-2275 is open for business during hours of the day which might not be considered usual business hours for the Department, the Commissioner may examine the person's books and records during the person's normal business hours, which shall be those hours when the person is open for business.

2000, cc. 729, 758; 2001, c. 167.

§ 58.1-2277. Administrative authority.

A. Employees of the Department designated by the Commissioner, upon presenting appropriate credentials and a written notice to the owner, operator, or agent in charge, are authorized to enter any place and to conduct inspections in accordance with this section. Inspections shall be performed in a reasonable manner and at times that are reasonable under the circumstances, taking into consideration the normal business hours of the place to be inspected.

B. Inspections may be conducted at any place where taxable fuel or fuel dyes or markers are, or may be, produced, altered, or stored, or at any inspection site where evidence of production, alteration, or storage may be discovered. These places may include, but shall not be limited to any: (i) terminal, (ii) fuel storage facility that is not a terminal, (iii) retail fuel facility, and (iv) designated inspection site.

C. Employees of the Department designated by the Commissioner may physically inspect, examine, and otherwise search any tank, reservoir, or other container that can or may be used for the production, storage, or transportation of fuel, fuel dyes or markers. Inspection may also be made of any equipment used for, or in connection with, the production, storage, or transportation of fuel, fuel dyes or markers, including equipment used for the dyeing or marking of fuel. Such employees may also inspect the books and records kept to determine fuel tax liability under this chapter.

D. Employees of the Department designated by the Commissioner may, on the premises or at a designated inspection site, take and remove samples of fuel in such reasonable quantities as are necessary to determine its composition.

2000, cc. 729, 758.

§ 58.1-2278. Equipment requirements.

A. All fuel dispensed at retail shall be dispensed from metered pumps that indicate the total amount of fuel measured through the pumps. Each pump shall be marked to indicate the type of fuel dispensed.

B. A highway vehicle that transports fuel in a tank that is separate from the fuel supply tank of the vehicle shall not have a connection from the transporting tank to the motor or to the supply tank of the vehicle.

2000, cc. 729, 758.

§ 58.1-2279. Marking requirements for dyed diesel fuel storage facilities.

A. A person who is a retailer of dyed diesel fuel or who stores dyed diesel fuel for use by that person or another person shall mark, with the phrase "Dyed Diesel Fuel, Nontaxable Use Only, Penalty for Taxable Use," or a similar phrase that clearly indicates that the diesel fuel is not to be used to operate a highway vehicle, each storage facility or pump from which dyed diesel fuel is dispensed, as follows:

1. The storage tank of the storage facility, if the storage tank is visible; and

2. The dispensing device that serves the storage facility.

B. The marking requirements of this section shall not apply to a storage facility that contains fuel used only in a heating, crop-drying, or manufacturing process, and is installed in a manner that makes use of the fuel for any other purpose improbable.

2000, cc. 729, 758.

Article 8. Assessments and Collections.

§ 58.1-2280. Estimates of fuel subject to tax; assessments; notice of assessment.

When any licensee neglects, fails or refuses to make and file any report as required by this chapter or files an incorrect or fraudulent report, the Commissioner shall determine, from any information obtainable, the number of gallons of fuel with respect to which the licensee has incurred liability under this chapter. The Commissioner is authorized to make an assessment for the tax and any penalty and interest properly due against such licensee. The notice of assessment shall be sent to the licensee or delivered by the Department to the last known address appearing in the Commissioner's files. Such notice, when sent or delivered in accordance with these requirements, shall be sufficient regardless of whether or not it was ever received.

2000, cc. 729, 758; 2006, c. 594.

§ 58.1-2281. Application to Commissioner for correction.

A. Any person assessed with any tax administered by the Department may, within thirty days from the date of such assessment, apply for relief to the Commissioner. Such application shall be in the form prescribed by the Department, and shall fully set forth the grounds upon which the taxpayer relies and all facts relevant to the taxpayer's contention. The Commissioner may also require such additional information, testimony or documentary evidence as he deems necessary to a fair determination of the application.

B. On receipt of a written notice of intent to file under this section, the Commissioner shall refrain from collecting the tax until the time for filing hereunder has expired, unless he determines that collection is in jeopardy.

2000, cc. 729, 758.

§ 58.1-2282. Appeal of Commissioner's decisions.

A. Any person against whom an assessment, order or decision of the Commissioner has been adversely rendered, which assessment, order, or decision relates to the collection of unreported, incorrectly or fraudulently reported taxes, the granting or canceling of a license, the filing of a bond, an increase in the amount of a bond, a change of surety on a bond, the filing of reports, the examination of records, or any other matter wherein the findings are in the discretion of the Commissioner, may, within 30 days from the date thereof, file a petition of appeal from such assessment, order, or decision, in the circuit court in the city or county wherein such person resides, provided that any petition for a refund for taxes timely paid shall be filed within one year of the date of payment. A copy of the petition shall be sent to the Commissioner at the time of the filing with the court. The original shall show, by certificate, the date of mailing such copy to the Commissioner.

B. In any proceeding under this section, the assessments by the Commissioner shall be presumed correct. The burden of proof shall be upon the petitioner to show that the assessment was incorrect and contrary to law. The circuit court is authorized to enter judgment against such person for the taxes, penalty, and interest due. The failure by any such person to appeal under the provisions of this section within the time period specified shall render the assessment, order, or decision of the Commissioner conclusively valid and binding upon such person. Such person or the Commissioner may appeal from the final decision of the circuit court to the Court of Appeals.

2000, cc. 729, 758; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, c. 489.

§ 58.1-2283. Jeopardy assessment.

If the Commissioner (i) receives notice from a supplier pursuant to subsection C of § 58.1-2237 of any licensed distributor or licensed importer who did not pay the tax due the supplier, or (ii) is of the opinion that the collection of any tax or any amount of tax required to be collected and paid under this chapter will be jeopardized by delay, the Commissioner shall make an assessment of the tax or amount of tax required to be collected and shall mail or issue a notice of such assessment to the taxpayer with a demand for immediate payment of the tax or of the deficiency in tax declared to be in jeopardy, including penalties and interest. In the case of a tax for a current period, the Commissioner may declare the taxable period of the taxpayer immediately terminated and shall mail or issue the notice of such finding and declaration to the taxpayer with a demand for immediate payment of the tax based on the period declared terminated, and such tax shall be immediately due and payable. Assessments provided for in this section shall become immediately due and payable. If any such tax, penalty or interest is not paid upon demand, the Commissioner may proceed to (i) collect the same by legal process, including but not limited to filing a memorandum of lien pursuant to § 58.1-2284 or (ii) accept a surety bond or other security deemed to sufficiently ensure full payment of the amount of tax, penalty and interest assessed against the taxpayer.

2000, cc. 729, 758; 2004, c. 340.

§ 58.1-2284. Memorandum of lien for collection of taxes.

A. If any taxes or fees, including penalties and interest, due under this chapter become delinquent or are past due, the Commissioner may file a memorandum of lien in the circuit court clerk's office of the county or city in which the taxpayer's place of business is located, or in which the taxpayer resides. If the taxpayer has no place of business or residence within the Commonwealth, such memorandum may be filed in the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond. A copy of such memorandum may also be filed in the clerk's office of all counties and cities in which the taxpayer owns real estate. Such memorandum shall be recorded in the judgment docket book and shall have the effect of a judgment in favor of the Commonwealth, to be enforced as provided in Article 19 (§ 8.01-196 et seq.) of Chapter 3 of Title 8.01, mutatis mutandis, except that a writ of fieri facias may be issued any time after the memorandum is filed. The lien on real estate shall become effective at the time the memorandum is filed in the jurisdiction in which the real estate is located.

B. Recordation of a memorandum of lien hereunder shall not affect the right to a refund or exoneration under this chapter nor shall an application for correction pursuant to § 58.1-2281 affect the power of the Commissioner to collect the tax, except as specifically provided in this chapter.

2000, cc. 729, 758.

§ 58.1-2285. Period of limitations.

The taxes imposed by this chapter shall be assessed within three years from the date on which such taxes became due and payable. In the case of a false or fraudulent return with intent to evade payment of the taxes imposed by this chapter, or a failure to file a return, the taxes may be assessed, or a proceeding in court for the collection of such taxes may be begun without assessment, at any time. The Commissioner shall not examine any person's records beyond the three-year period of limitations unless he has reasonable evidence of fraud, or reasonable cause to believe that such person was required by law to file a return and failed to do so.

2000, cc. 729, 758.

§ 58.1-2286. Waiver of time limitation on assessment of taxes.

If, before the expiration of the time prescribed for assessment of any tax levied pursuant to this title and assessable by the Department, both the Commissioner and the taxpayer have consented in writing to its assessment after such time, the tax may be assessed any time prior to the expiration of the period agreed upon. The period so agreed upon may be extended by subsequent agreements in writing made before the expiration of the period previously agreed upon.

2000, cc. 729, 758.

§ 58.1-2287. Suits to recover taxes.

If any person fails to pay the tax or any civil penalty levied under this chapter, including accrued penalties and interest, when due, the Attorney General or the Commissioner may bring an appropriate action for the recovery of such tax, penalty and interest, provided that if it is found that such failure to pay was willful, judgment shall be rendered for double the amount of the tax or civil penalty found to be due, with costs.

2000, cc. 729, 758.

§ 58.1-2288. Liability of corporate or partnership officer; penalty.

Any corporate or partnership officer who directs or causes the business of which he is a corporate or partnership officer to fail to pay, collect, or truthfully account for and pay over any fuels tax for which the business is liable to the Commonwealth or to a trustee, shall, in addition to other penalties provided by law, be liable for a penalty in the amount of the tax evaded, or not paid, collected, or accounted for and paid over. The penalty shall be assessed and collected in the same manner as such taxes are assessed and collected. However, this penalty shall be dischargeable in bankruptcy proceedings.

2000, cc. 729, 758.

Article 9. Disposition of Tax Revenues.

§ 58.1-2289. Disposition of tax revenue generally.

A. Unless otherwise provided in this section, all taxes and fees, including civil penalties, collected by the Commissioner pursuant to this chapter, less a reasonable amount to be allocated for refunds, shall be promptly paid into the state treasury and shall constitute special funds within the Commonwealth Transportation Fund. Any balances remaining in these funds at the end of the year shall be available for use in subsequent years for the purposes set forth in this chapter, and any interest income on such funds shall accrue to these funds.

The Governor is hereby authorized to transfer out of such fund an amount necessary for the inspection of gasoline and motor grease measuring and distributing equipment, and for the inspection and analysis of gasoline for purity.

B. The tax collected on each gallon of aviation fuel sold and delivered or used in this Commonwealth, less refunds, shall be paid into a special fund of the state treasury. Proceeds of this special fund within the Commonwealth Transportation Fund shall be disbursed upon order of the Department of Aviation, on warrants of the Comptroller, to defray the cost of the administration of the laws of this Commonwealth relating to aviation, for the construction, maintenance and improvement of airports and landing fields to which the public now has or which it is proposed shall have access, and for the promotion of aviation in the interest of operators and the public generally.

C. One-half cent of the tax collected on each gallon of fuel on which a refund has been paid for gasoline, gasohol, diesel fuel, blended fuel, or alternative fuel, for fuel consumed in tractors and unlicensed equipment used for agricultural purposes shall be paid into a special fund of the state treasury, known as the Virginia Agricultural Foundation Fund, to be disbursed to make certain refunds and defray the costs of the research and educational phases of the agricultural program, including supplemental salary payments to certain employees at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and the Virginia Truck and Ornamentals Research Station, including reasonable expenses of the Virginia Agricultural Council.

D. One and one-half cents of the tax collected on each gallon of fuel used to propel a commercial watercraft upon which a refund has been paid shall be paid to the credit of the Game Protection Fund of the state treasury to be made available to the Board of Wildlife Resources until expended for the purposes provided generally in subsection C of § 29.1-701, including acquisition, construction, improvement and maintenance of public boating access areas on the public waters of this Commonwealth and for other activities and purposes of direct benefit and interest to the boating public and for no other purpose. However, one and one-half cents per gallon on fuel used by commercial fishing, oystering, clamming, and crabbing boats shall be paid to the Department of Transportation to be used for the construction, repair, improvement and maintenance of the public docks of this Commonwealth used by said commercial watercraft. Any expenditures for the acquisition, construction, improvement and maintenance of the public docks shall be made according to a plan developed by the Virginia Marine Resources Commission.

From the tax collected pursuant to the provisions of this chapter from the sales of gasoline used for the propelling of watercraft, after deduction for lawful refunds, there shall be paid into the state treasury for use by the Marine Resources Commission, the Virginia Soil and Water Conservation Board, the State Water Control Board, and the Commonwealth Transportation Board to (i) improve the public docks as specified in this section, (ii) improve commercial and sports fisheries in Virginia's tidal waters, (iii) make environmental improvements including, without limitation, fisheries management and habitat enhancement in the Chesapeake and its tributaries, and (iv) further the purposes set forth in § 33.2-1510, a sum as established by the General Assembly.

E. All remaining revenue shall be deposited into the Commonwealth Transportation Fund established pursuant to § 33.2-1524.

2000, cc. 729, 758; 2007, c. 896; 2013, c. 766; 2015, c. 684; 2018, cc. 854, 856; 2020, cc. 958, 1230, 1275.

Article 10. Tax on Fuel in Inventory.

§ 58.1-2290. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 2013, c. 766, cl. 4.

§ 58.1-2290.1. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 2016, c. 305, cl. 2.

Chapter 22.1. Motor Vehicle Fuels Sales Tax in Certain Transportation Districts.

§ 58.1-2291. Title.

This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "Motor Vehicle Fuels Sales Tax Act."

2012, cc. 217, 225.

§ 58.1-2292. Definitions.

As used in this chapter unless the context requires a different meaning:

"Alternative fuel" means the same as that term is defined in § 58.1-2201.

"Applied period" means the period of time in which a tax rate is imposed.

"Base period" means the period of time used to calculate the statewide average distributor price.

"Commissioner" means the Commissioner of the Department of Motor Vehicles.

"Department" means the Department of Motor Vehicles, acting directly or through its duly authorized officers and agents.

"Diesel fuel" means the same as that term is defined in § 58.1-2201.

"Distributor" means (i) any person engaged in the business of selling fuels in the Commonwealth who brings, or causes to be brought, into the Commonwealth from outside the Commonwealth any fuels for sale, or any other person engaged in the business of selling fuels in the Commonwealth; (ii) any person who makes, manufactures, fabricates, processes, or stores fuels in the Commonwealth for sale in the Commonwealth; or (iii) any person engaged in the business of selling fuels outside the Commonwealth who ships or transports fuels to any person in the business of selling fuels in the Commonwealth.

"Distributor charges" means the amount calculated by the Department to approximate the value of the items, on a per gallon basis, excluding the wholesale price of a gallon of fuel, upon which the tax imposed by § 58.1-2295 was calculated prior to July 1, 2018.

"Fuel" means any fuel subject to tax under Chapter 22 (§ 58.1-2200 et seq.).

"Gasoline" means the same as that term is defined in § 58.1-2201.

"Liquid" means the same as that term is defined in § 58.1-2201.

"Retail dealer" means any person, including a distributor, that sells fuels to a consumer or to any person for any purpose other than resale.

"Sale" means the same as that term is defined in § 58.1-602 and also includes the distribution of fuel by a distributor to itself as a retail dealer.

"Statewide average distributor price" means the statewide average wholesale price of a gallon of unleaded regular gasoline or diesel fuel, as appropriate, plus distributor charges.

"Statewide average wholesale price" means the statewide average wholesale price of a gallon of unleaded regular gasoline or diesel fuel, as appropriate, calculated pursuant to § 58.1-2217.

"Wholesale price" means the same as that term is defined in § 58.1-2201.

2012, cc. 217, 225; 2018, cc. 797, 798.

§ 58.1-2293. Regulation; forms.

The Commissioner may promulgate regulations and shall prescribe such forms as shall be necessary to effectuate and enforce this chapter.

2012, cc. 217, 225.

§ 58.1-2294. Disclosure of information; penalties.

A. The Commissioner may divulge tax information collected in administering this chapter to the Tax Commissioner, or to any director of finance or other authorized collector of county, city, or town taxes who, for the performance of his official duties, requests the same in writing setting forth the reasons for such request. The Commissioner may also divulge to the executive directors of the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission and the Potomac and Rappahannock Transportation Commission for their confidential use such tax information as may be necessary to facilitate the collection of the taxes levied under this chapter.

B. Any person to whom tax information is divulged pursuant to this section shall be subject to the prohibitions and penalties prescribed in § 58.1-3 as though that person were a tax official as defined in that section.

2012, cc. 217, 225.

§ 58.1-2295. Levy; payment of tax.

A. 1. (For contingent expiration, see Acts 2013, cc. 766) In addition to all other taxes now imposed by law, there is hereby imposed a tax upon every distributor who engages in the business of selling fuels at wholesale to retail dealers for retail sale in any county or city that is a member of (i) any transportation district in which a rapid heavy rail commuter mass transportation system operating on an exclusive right-of-way and a bus commuter mass transportation system are owned, operated, or controlled by an agency or commission as defined in § 33.2-1901 or (ii) any transportation district that is subject to subsection C of § 33.2-1915 and that is contiguous to the Northern Virginia Transportation District.

2. (For contingent expiration, see Acts 2013, cc. 766) In addition to all other taxes now imposed by law, there is hereby imposed a tax upon every distributor who engages in the business of selling fuels at wholesale to retail dealers for retail sale in any county or city that is located in a Planning District established pursuant to Chapter 42 (§ 15.2-4200 et seq.) of Title 15.2 that (i) as of January 1, 2013, has a population of not less than 1.5 million but fewer than two million, as shown by the most recent United States Census, has not less than 1.2 million but fewer than 1.7 million motor vehicles registered therein, and has a total transit ridership of not less than 15 million but fewer than 50 million riders per year across all transit systems within the Planning District or (ii) as shown by the most recent United States Census meets the population criteria set forth in clause (i) and also meets the vehicle registration and ridership criteria set forth in clause (i). In any case in which the tax is imposed pursuant to clause (ii), such tax shall be effective beginning on the July 1 immediately following the calendar year in which all of the criteria have been met.

3. (For contingent expiration, see Acts 2019, cc. 837 and 846) In addition to all other taxes now imposed by law, there is hereby imposed a tax upon every distributor who engages in the business of selling fuels at wholesale to retail dealers for retail sale in (i) any county or city, or (ii) any city wholly embraced by a county, through which an interstate passes that (a) is more than 300 miles in length in the Commonwealth and (b) as of January 1, 2019, carried more than 40 percent of interstate vehicle miles traveled for vehicles classified as Class 6 or higher.

4. (For contingent expiration, see Acts 2020, cc. 1230 and 1275) In addition to all other taxes now imposed by law, there is hereby imposed a tax upon every distributor who engages in the business of selling fuels at wholesale to retail dealers for retail sale in any county or city in which a tax is not otherwise imposed pursuant to this section.

5. (For contingent expiration, see Acts 2020, cc. 1235) In addition to all other taxes now imposed by law, there is hereby imposed a tax upon every distributor who engages in the business of selling fuels at wholesale to retail dealers for retail sale in any county or city located in Planning District 15, as established pursuant to Chapter 42 (§ 15.2-4200) of Title 15.2, in which a tax is not otherwise imposed pursuant to this section.

B. 1. The tax shall be imposed on each gallon of fuel, other than diesel fuel, sold by a distributor to a retail dealer for retail sale in any such county or city described in subsection A at a rate of 7.6 cents per gallon on gasoline and gasohol. Beginning July 1, 2021, the tax rate shall be adjusted annually based on the greater of (i) the change in the United States Average Consumer Price Index for all items, all urban consumers (CPI-U), as published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics for the U.S. Department of Labor for the previous year, or (ii) zero. For alternative fuels other than liquid alternative fuels, the Commissioner shall determine an equivalent tax rate based on gasoline gallon equivalency.

2. The tax shall be imposed on each gallon of diesel fuel sold by a distributor to a retail dealer for retail sale in any such county or city at a rate of 7.7 cents per gallon on diesel fuel. Beginning July 1, 2021, the tax rate shall be adjusted annually based on the greater of (i) the change in the United States Average Consumer Price Index for all items, all urban consumers (CPI-U), as published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics for the U.S. Department of Labor for the previous year or (ii) zero.

C. The tax levied under this section shall be imposed at the time of sale by the distributor to the retail dealer.

D. The tax imposed by this section shall be paid by the distributor, but the distributor shall separately state the amount of the tax and add such tax to the price or charge. Thereafter, such tax shall be a debt from the retail dealer to the distributor until paid and shall be recoverable at law in the same manner as other debts. No action at law or suit in equity under this chapter shall be maintained in the Commonwealth by any distributor who is not registered under § 58.1-2299.2 or is delinquent in the payment of taxes imposed under this chapter.

E. Nothing in this section shall be construed to exempt the imposition and remittance of tax pursuant to this section in a sale to a retail dealer in which the distributor and the retail dealer are the same person.

2012, cc. 217, 225; 2013, c. 766; 2018, cc. 797, 798; 2020, cc. 1230, 1235, 1275.

§ 58.1-2295.1. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 2020, cc. 1230 and 1275, cl. 4.

§ 58.1-2296. Backup tax; liability.

A. There is hereby imposed a tax at the rate specified by § 58.1-2295 on fuel not subject to the tax imposed under that section at the time of sale by the distributor to the retail dealer, but subsequently sold or used in such a manner that the previous sale should have been taxed under that section.

B. The person selling or using fuel that is subject to the tax imposed by this section shall be liable for the tax.

C. The tax liability imposed by this section shall be in addition to any other penalty imposed pursuant to this chapter.

2012, cc. 217, 225.

§ 58.1-2297. When tax return and payment are due; credits for overpayment.

A. Every distributor required to collect the taxes imposed under this chapter shall file a return with the Commissioner. Such return shall be in the form specified by the Commissioner and contain the information required by the Commissioner. The return and the payment for the taxes levied pursuant to this chapter shall be due for each full month in a calendar year. Any return and payment required under this section shall be deemed timely filed if received by the Commissioner by midnight of the twentieth day of the second month succeeding the month for which the return and payment are due. Each return shall report tax liabilities that accrue in the month for which the return is due.

B. Returns and payments shall be (i) postmarked on or before the fifteenth day of the second month succeeding the month for which the return and payment are due or (ii) received by the Department by the twentieth day of the second month succeeding the month for which the return and payment are due. However, a monthly return of the tax for the month of May shall be (a) postmarked by June 25 or (b) received by the Commissioner by the last business day the Department is open for business in June.

If a tax return and payment due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a state or banking holiday, the return shall be postmarked on or before the fifteenth day of the second month succeeding the month for which the return and payment are due or received by the Department by midnight of the next business day the Department is open for business. This provision shall not apply to a return of the tax for the month of May.

A return and payment shall be deemed postmarked if it carries the official cancellation mark of the United States Postal Service or other postal or delivery service.

C. Notwithstanding the provisions of any other section in this chapter, the Commissioner may require all or certain distributors to file tax returns and payments electronically.

D. Persons incurring liability under § 58.1-2296 for the backup tax on fuel shall file a return together with a payment of tax due within 30 calendar days of incurring such liability.

E. Any person entitled to a credit for overpayment of a tax levied under this chapter shall claim such credit on his monthly return no later than one year following the date of the overpayment.

2012, cc. 217, 225.

§ 58.1-2298. Deductions.

For purposes of compensating a distributor for accounting for and remitting the tax levied by this chapter, such distributor shall be allowed to deduct two percent of the tax otherwise due in submitting his return and paying the amount due by him if the amount was not delinquent at the time of payment.

2012, cc. 217, 225.

§ 58.1-2299. Bad debts.

A. In any return filed under the provisions of this chapter, a distributor may credit, against the tax shown to be due on the return, the amount of tax previously returned and paid on accounts which are owed to the distributor and which have been found to be worthless within the period covered by the return. The credit, however, shall not exceed the amount of tax due pursuant to § 58.1-2295 for the relevant applied period for the fuel delivered to the worthless accounts. The amount of accounts for which a credit has been taken that are thereafter in whole or in part paid to the dealer shall be included in the first return filed after such collection.

B. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, a distributor whose volume and character of uncollectible accounts, including checks returned for insufficient funds, renders it impractical to substantiate the credit on an account-by-account basis may, subject to the approval of the Department, utilize an alternative method of substantiating the credit.

2012, cc. 217, 225; 2018, cc. 797, 798.

§ 58.1-2299.1. Exclusion from professional license tax.

The amount of the tax imposed by this chapter and collected by a distributor in any taxable year shall be excluded from gross receipts for purposes of any tax imposed under Chapter 37 (§ 58.1-3700 et seq.).

2012, cc. 217, 225.

§ 58.1-2299.2. Certificates of registration; issuance; civil penalty.

A. Every person desiring to engage in the business of a distributor and to sell fuel to a retail dealer for retail sale within any county or city that is a member of (i) any transportation district in which a rapid heavy rail commuter mass transportation system operating on an exclusive right-of-way and a bus commuter mass transportation system are owned, operated, or controlled by an agency or commission as defined in § 33.2-1901 or (ii) any transportation district that is subject to subsection C of § 33.2-1915 and that is contiguous to the Northern Virginia Transportation District shall file an application for a certificate of registration with the Commissioner for collection and payment of the tax imposed pursuant to this chapter.

B. The application for certificate of registration shall be on a form prescribed by the Commissioner and shall set forth the name under which the applicant intends to transact the business for which registration is required under subsection A, the principal location of the place of business, and such other information as the Commissioner may require.

Each applicant shall sign the application as owner of the business. If the business is owned by an association, partnership, or corporation, the application shall be signed by a member, partner, executive officer, or other person specifically authorized by the association, partnership, or corporation to sign.

C. Upon approval of the application by the Commissioner, a certificate of registration shall be issued. The certificate is not assignable but shall be valid only for the person in whose name it is issued.

D. If the holder of a certificate of registration issued under this section ceases to conduct his business in the Commonwealth at the principal place of business designated in the certificate, the certificate shall automatically expire. The holder shall notify the Commissioner, in writing, within 30 days after he has ceased to conduct the business. If the holder of the certificate desires to continue in the business for which he was registered but at a different location, he shall so inform the Commissioner, in writing, at least 30 days prior to the contemplated relocation. The Commissioner shall then issue an amended certificate designating the new principal place of business. The amended certificate shall become effective on the date that the certificate for the previous place of business expires. There shall be no charge for obtaining an amended certificate.

E. The holder of the certificate of registration issued under this chapter who discontinues in the Commonwealth the business for which the certificate was issued, whether by transferring his business to another person, by selling out his business or stock of goods, or by quitting the business, shall notify the Commissioner in writing within 15 days of such discontinuance and shall surrender the certificate to the Commissioner. The notice shall state the effective date of the discontinuance and, if the certificate holder has transferred the business or otherwise relinquished control to another person by sale or otherwise, the date of the sale or transfer and the name and address of the person to whom the business is transferred or relinquished. The notice shall also include any other information required by the Commissioner.

F. Whenever a person fails to comply with any provision of this chapter or any rule or regulation relating thereto, the Commissioner, after giving such person 10 days' notice in writing, may revoke or suspend the certificate of registration held by such person. The notice may be personally served or served by registered mail directed to the last known address of such person.

G. Any person required to obtain a certificate of registration under this chapter who engages in business in the Commonwealth without obtaining such certificate, or after such certificate has been suspended or revoked, and each officer of any corporation which so engages in business, shall be subject to a civil penalty. The amount of the civil penalty assessed against a person for his (i) first violation shall be $5,000 and (ii) second and subsequent violations shall be $10,000. Each day's continuance in business in violation of this section shall constitute a separate offense.

2012, cc. 217, 225.

§ 58.1-2299.3. Collection of tax.

Any distributor collecting the tax on transactions exempt or not taxable under this chapter shall transmit to the Commissioner such erroneously or illegally collected tax unless or until he can affirmatively show that the tax has since been refunded to the purchaser or credited to his account.

Any distributor who neglects, fails, or refuses to collect such tax upon every taxable sale made by him, his agents, or his employees shall be liable for and pay the tax himself, and such distributor shall not thereafter be entitled to sue for or recover in the Commonwealth any part of the purchase price from the purchaser until such tax is paid. Moreover, any distributor who neglects, fails, or refuses to pay or collect the tax herein provided, either by himself or through his agents or employees, is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.

All sums collected by a distributor as required by this chapter shall be deemed to be held in trust for the Commonwealth.

2012, cc. 217, 225.

§ 58.1-2299.4. Absorption of tax prohibited.

No person shall advertise or hold out to the public, directly or indirectly, that he will absorb all or any part of the tax levied under this chapter, or that he will relieve the purchaser of the payment of all or any part of such tax. Any person who violates this section shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor.

2012, cc. 217, 225.

§ 58.1-2299.5. Sale of business.

If any distributor liable for any tax, penalty, or interest levied under this chapter sells out his business or stock of goods or quits the business, he shall make a final return and payment within 15 days after the date of selling or quitting the business. His successors or assigns, if any, shall withhold sufficient of the purchase money to cover the amount of such taxes, penalties, and interest due and unpaid until such former owner produces a receipt from the Commissioner showing that they have been paid or a certificate stating that no taxes, penalties, or interest are due. If the purchaser of a business or stock of goods fails to withhold the purchase money as provided in this section, he shall be personally liable for the payment of the taxes, penalties, and interest due and unpaid on account of the operation of the business by any former owner.

2012, cc. 217, 225.

§ 58.1-2299.6. Late filing or payment; civil penalty.

A. Any person who fails to file a return required by this chapter on a timely basis shall be subject to a civil penalty. The amount of the civil penalty shall be as follows:

1. $50 for the first violation;

2. $200 for the second violation;

3. $500 for the third violation; and

4. $1,000 for the fourth and subsequent violations.

After imposition of the penalty under this subsection, the amount of the penalty, if not paid within 30 days of receipt of notice of such penalty, shall bear interest at the rate of one percent per month or fraction thereof until the penalty has been paid.

B. Interest at the rate of one percent per month or fraction thereof shall accrue on the amount of any taxes due under this chapter that have not been paid to the Commissioner on a timely basis. Such interest shall continue to accrue until such taxes have been paid.

Any person who fails to pay the Commissioner on a timely basis the amount of taxes due under this chapter shall also be subject to a civil penalty. The amount of the civil penalty shall be equal to 10 percent of the tax due or $50, whichever is greater; however, penalties resulting from an audit shall be equal to 10 percent of the tax due.

After imposition of the civil penalty under this subsection, the amount of the penalty, if not paid within 30 days of receipt of notice of such penalty, shall bear interest at the rate of one percent per month until both tax and penalty have been paid.

C. The Commissioner is authorized to reduce or waive any penalties under this section if the violation is due to a reasonable or good cause shown to the satisfaction of the Commissioner.

2012, cc. 217, 225.

§ 58.1-2299.7. False or fraudulent return; civil penalty.

Any person liable for a tax levied under this chapter who files a false or fraudulent return with the intent to evade the tax shall be subject to a civil penalty. The amount of the civil penalty shall be equal to 50 percent of the amount of the tax intended to be evaded by the filing of such return. The civil penalty shall be in addition to the amount of the tax intended to be evaded.

2012, cc. 217, 225.

§ 58.1-2299.8. Payment of civil penalty; disposition; waiver.

Any civil penalty assessed pursuant to this chapter shall be payable to the Department, shall be in addition to any other penalty or tax that may be imposed as provided in this chapter, and shall be collectible by the Commissioner in the same manner as if it were part of the tax levied. The amount of any civil penalty imposed under this chapter shall bear interest at the rate of one percent per month until paid. All civil penalties imposed under this chapter shall be deposited as provided in § 58.1-2299.20. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, the Commissioner is authorized to reduce or waive any civil penalties under this chapter if the violation is due to a reasonable or good cause shown to the satisfaction of the Commissioner.

2012, cc. 217, 225.

§ 58.1-2299.9. Prohibited acts; criminal penalties.

A. Any person who commits any of the following acts is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor:

1. Failing to obtain a certificate of registration required by this chapter;

2. Failing to file a return required by this chapter;

3. Failing to pay a tax when due under this chapter;

4. Making a false statement in an application, return, ticket, invoice, statement, or any other document required under this chapter;

5. Failing to keep records as required under this chapter; or

6. Refusing to allow the Commissioner or a representative of the Commissioner to examine the person's books and records concerning transactions taxable under this chapter.

B. A person who knowingly commits any of the following acts is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor:

1. Dispenses into the supply tank of a highway vehicle, watercraft, or aircraft any fuel on which a tax required to be levied under this chapter has not been paid; or

2. Allows to be dispensed into the supply tank of a highway vehicle, watercraft, or aircraft any fuel on which a tax required to be levied under this chapter has not been paid.

2012, cc. 217, 225.

§ 58.1-2299.10. Willful commission of prohibited acts; criminal penalties.

Any person who willfully commits any of the following acts with the intent to (i) evade or circumvent the taxes imposed under this chapter or (ii) assist any other person in efforts to evade or circumvent such taxes is guilty of a Class 6 felony, if he:

1. Does not pay the taxes imposed under this chapter and diverts the proceeds from such taxes for other purposes;

2. Is a distributor required to be registered under the provisions of this chapter, or the agent or representative of such a distributor, and converts or attempts to convert proceeds from taxes imposed under this chapter for the use of the distributor or the distributor's agent or representative, with the intent to defraud the Commonwealth;

3. Illegally collects taxes imposed under this chapter when not authorized or licensed by the Commissioner to do so;

4. Conspires with any other person or persons to engage in an act, plan, or scheme to defraud the Commonwealth of proceeds from taxes levied under this chapter;

5. Fails to remit to the Commissioner any tax levied pursuant to this chapter, if he (i) has added, or represented that he has added, the tax to the price for the fuel and (ii) has collected the amount of the tax; or

6. Applies for or collects from the Department a tax credit when the person knows or has reason to know that fuel for which the credit is claimed has been or will be used for a taxable purpose; however, if the amount of fuel involved is not more than 20 gallons, such person is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.

2012, cc. 217, 225; 2018, cc. 797, 798.

§ 58.1-2299.11. Bond.

The Commissioner may, when in his judgment it is necessary and advisable so to do in order to secure the collection of the tax levied by this chapter, require any person subject to such tax to file with him a bond, with such surety as the Commissioner determines is necessary to secure the payment of any tax, penalty, or interest due or which may become due from such person. In lieu of such bond, securities approved by the Commissioner may be deposited with the State Treasurer, which securities shall be kept in the custody of the State Treasurer and shall be sold by him, at the request of the Commissioner, at public or private sale if it becomes necessary to do so in order to recover any tax, penalty, or interest due the Commonwealth under this chapter. Upon any such sale, the surplus, if any, above the amounts due under this chapter shall be returned to the person who deposited the securities.

2012, cc. 217, 225.

§ 58.1-2299.12. Jeopardy assessment.

If the Commissioner is of the opinion that the collection of any tax or any amount of tax required to be collected and paid under this chapter will be jeopardized by delay, he shall make an assessment of the tax or amount of tax required to be collected and shall mail or issue a notice of such assessment to the taxpayer together with a demand for immediate payment of the tax or of the deficiency in tax declared to be in jeopardy including penalties. In the case of a tax for a current period, the Commissioner may declare the taxable period of the taxpayer immediately terminated and shall cause notice of such finding and declaration to be mailed or issued to the taxpayer together with a demand for immediate payment of the tax based on the period declared terminated and such tax shall be immediately due and payable, whether or not the time otherwise allowed by law for filing a return and paying the tax has expired. Assessments provided for in this section shall become immediately due and payable, and if any such tax, penalty, or interest is not paid upon demand of the Commissioner, he shall proceed to collect the same by legal process, or, in his discretion, he may require the taxpayer to file such bond as in his judgment may be sufficient to protect the interest of the Commonwealth.

2012, cc. 217, 225.

§ 58.1-2299.13. Memorandum of lien for collection of taxes.

A. If any taxes or fees, including penalties and interest, due under this chapter become delinquent or are past due, the Commissioner may file a memorandum of lien in the circuit court clerk's office of the county or city in which the taxpayer's place of business is located or in which the taxpayer resides. If the taxpayer has no place of business or residence within the Commonwealth, such memorandum may be filed in the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond. A copy of such memorandum may also be filed in the clerk's office of all counties and cities in which the taxpayer owns real estate. Such memorandum shall be recorded in the judgment docket book and shall have the effect of a judgment in favor of the Commonwealth, to be enforced as provided in Article 19 (§ 8.01-196 et seq.) of Chapter 3 of Title 8.01, mutatis mutandis, except that a writ of fieri facias may be issued any time after the memorandum is filed. The lien on real estate shall become effective at the time the memorandum is filed in the jurisdiction in which the real estate is located.

B. Recordation of a memorandum of lien hereunder shall not affect the right to exoneration under this chapter nor shall an application for correction pursuant to § 58.1-2299.15 affect the power of the Commissioner to collect the tax, except as specifically provided in this chapter.

2012, cc. 217, 225.

§ 58.1-2299.14. Recordkeeping requirements; inspection of records; civil penalties.

A. Every distributor required to make a return and pay or collect any tax under this chapter shall keep and preserve suitable records of the sales taxable under this chapter, and such other books of account as may be necessary to determine the amount of tax due hereunder, and such other pertinent information as may be required by the Commissioner. Such records shall be kept and maintained for a period to include the Department's current fiscal year and the previous three fiscal years.

B. The Commissioner or any agent authorized by him may examine during the usual business hours all records, books, papers, or other documents of any distributor required to be registered under this chapter relating to the amount of any fuel subject to taxation under this chapter to verify the truth and accuracy of any statement or any other information as to a particular sale.

C. Any person who fails to keep or retain records as required by this section shall be subject to a civil penalty. The amount of the civil penalty assessed against a person for his first violation shall be $1,000. The amount of the civil penalty assessed against a person for each subsequent violation shall be $1,000 more than the amount of the civil penalty for the preceding violation.

D. Any person who refuses to allow an inspection authorized under this section shall be subject to a civil penalty of $5,000 for each refusal.

2012, cc. 217, 225; 2018, cc. 797, 798.

§ 58.1-2299.15. Application to Commissioner for correction; appeal.

A. Any person assessed with any tax administered by the Department pursuant to this chapter or against whom an order or decision of the Commissioner has been adversely rendered relating to the provisions of this chapter may, within 30 days from the date of such assessment, order, or decision apply for relief to the Commissioner. Such application shall be in the form prescribed by the Department and shall fully set forth the grounds upon which the applicant relies and all facts relevant to the applicant's contention. The Commissioner may also require such additional information, testimony, or documentary evidence as he deems necessary to make a fair determination of the application.

B. On receipt of a written notice of intent to file under subsection A for relief from a tax assessment, the Commissioner shall refrain from collecting the tax until the time for filing hereunder has expired, unless he determines that collection is in jeopardy.

C. Any person against whom an order or decision of the Commissioner has been adversely rendered relating to the provisions of this chapter may, within 15 days of such order or decision, appeal from such order or decision to the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond.

2012, cc. 217, 225.

§ 58.1-2299.16. Period of limitations.

The taxes imposed by this chapter shall be assessed within three years from the date on which such taxes became due and payable. In the case of a false or fraudulent return with intent to evade payment of the taxes imposed by this chapter, or a failure to file a return, the taxes may be assessed, or a proceeding in court for the collection of such taxes may be begun without assessment, at any time. The Commissioner shall not examine any person's records beyond the three-year period of limitations unless he has reasonable evidence of fraud or reasonable cause to believe that such person was required by law to file a return and failed to do so.

2012, cc. 217, 225.

§ 58.1-2299.17. Waiver of time limitation on assessment of taxes.

If, before the expiration of the time prescribed for assessment of any tax levied pursuant to this chapter and assessable by the Department, both the Commissioner and the taxpayer have consented in writing to its assessment after such time, the tax may be assessed any time prior to the expiration of the period agreed upon. The period so agreed upon may be extended by subsequent agreements in writing made before the expiration of the period previously agreed upon.

2012, cc. 217, 225.

§ 58.1-2299.18. Suits to recover taxes.

If any person fails to pay the tax or any civil penalty levied under this chapter, including accrued penalties and interest, when due, the Attorney General or the Commissioner may bring an appropriate action for the recovery of such tax, penalty, and interest, provided that if it is found that such failure to pay was willful, judgment shall be rendered for double the amount of the tax or civil penalty found to be due, with costs.

2012, cc. 217, 225.

§ 58.1-2299.19. Liability of corporate or partnership officer; penalty.

Any corporate or partnership officer who directs or causes the business of which he is a corporate or partnership officer to fail to pay, collect, or truthfully account for and pay over any fuels tax for which the business is liable to the Commonwealth or to a trustee shall, in addition to other penalties provided by law, be liable for a penalty in the amount of the tax evaded or not paid, collected, or accounted for and paid over. The penalty shall be assessed and collected in the same manner as such taxes are assessed and collected. However, this penalty shall be dischargeable in bankruptcy proceedings.

2012, cc. 217, 225.

§ 58.1-2299.20. Disposition of tax revenues.

A. (For contingent expiration date, see Acts 2013, c. 766) All taxes, interest, and civil penalties paid to the Commissioner pursuant to this chapter for the sale of fuels at wholesale to retail dealers for retail sale in any county or city set forth in clause (i) of subdivision A 1 of § 58.1-2295, after subtraction of the direct costs of administration by the Department, shall be deposited each month as follows:

1. One-twelfth of an amount determined by multiplying $15 million by a fraction, the numerator of which shall be such transportation district's share of funding for the commuter rail service jointly operated by the two transportation districts and the denominator of which shall be the total funding share for such commuter rail service, shall be deposited in the Commuter Rail Operating and Capital Fund established pursuant to § 33.2-3500;

2. One-twelfth of $22.183 million shall be deposited in the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Capital Fund established pursuant to § 33.2-3401; and

3. All remaining funds shall be deposited in a special fund entitled the "Special Fund Account of the Transportation District of ____." The amounts deposited in the special fund shall be distributed monthly to the applicable transportation district commission of which the county or city is a member to be applied to the operating deficit, capital, and debt service of the mass transit system of such district or, in the case of a transportation district subject to the provisions of subsection C of § 33.2-1915, to be applied to and expended for any transportation purpose of such district. In the case of a jurisdiction which, after July 1, 1989, joins a transportation district which was established on or before January 1, 1986, and is also subject to subsection C of § 33.2-1915, the funds collected from that jurisdiction shall be applied to and expended for any transportation purpose of such jurisdiction.

B. (For contingent expiration date, see Acts 2013, c. 766) All taxes, interest, and civil penalties paid to the Commissioner pursuant to this chapter for the sale of fuels at wholesale to retail dealers for retail sale in any county or city set forth in clause (ii) of subdivision A 1 of § 58.1-2295, after subtraction of the direct costs of administration by the Department, shall be deposited each month as follows:

1. One-twelfth of an amount determined by multiplying $15 million by a fraction, the numerator of which shall be such transportation district's share of funding for the commuter rail service jointly operated by the two transportation districts and the denominator of which shall be the total funding share for such commuter rail service, shall be deposited in the Commuter Rail Operating and Capital Fund established pursuant to § 33.2-3500; and

2. All remaining funds shall be deposited in a special fund entitled the "Special Fund Account of the Transportation District of ____." The amounts deposited in the special fund shall be distributed monthly to the applicable transportation district commission of which the county or city is a member to be applied to the operating deficit, capital, and debt service of the mass transit system of such district or, in the case of a transportation district subject to the provisions of subsection C of § 33.2-1915, to be applied to and expended for any transportation purpose of such district. In the case of a jurisdiction which, after July 1, 1989, joins a transportation district that was established on or before January 1, 1986, and is also subject to subsection C of § 33.2-1915, the funds collected from that jurisdiction shall be applied to and expended for any transportation purpose of such jurisdiction.

C. (For contingent expiration date, see Acts 2013, c. 766) All taxes, interest, and civil penalties paid to the Commissioner pursuant to this chapter for the sale of fuels at wholesale to retail dealers for retail sale in any county or city set forth in subdivision A 2 of § 58.1-2295, after subtraction of the direct costs of administration by the Department, shall be deposited into special funds established by law. In the case of Planning District 23, the revenue generated and collected therein shall be deposited into the fund established in § 33.2-2600. For additional Planning Districts that may become subject to this section, funds shall be established by appropriate legislation.

D. (For contingent expiration date, see Acts 2019, cc. 837 and 846) All taxes, interest, and civil penalties paid to the Commissioner pursuant to this chapter for the sale of fuels at wholesale to retail dealers for retail sale in any county or city set forth in subdivision A 3 of § 58.1-2295, after subtraction of the direct costs of administration by the Department, shall be deposited into the Interstate 81 Corridor Improvement Fund established pursuant to Chapter 36 (§ 33.2-3600) of Title 33.2.

E. (For contingent expiration date, see Acts 2020, cc. 1230 and 1275) All taxes, interest, and civil penalties paid to the Commissioner pursuant to this chapter for the sale of fuels at wholesale to retail dealers for retail sale in any county or city set forth in subdivision A 4 of § 58.1-2295, after subtraction of the direct costs of administration by the Department, shall be deposited in a special fund titled the "Special Fund Account for the Highway Construction District Grant Program" to be allocated by the Commonwealth Transportation Board as highway construction district grants pursuant to § 33.2-371 to the construction districts in which the taxes, interest, and civil penalties were generated.

F. (For contingent expiration date, see Acts 2020, c. 1235) All taxes, interest, and civil penalties paid to the Commonwealth pursuant to this chapter for the sale of fuels at wholesale to retail dealers for retail sale in any county or city set forth in subdivision A 5 of § 58.1-2295, after subtraction of the direct costs of administration by the Department, shall be deposited into the fund established pursuant to § 33.2-3701.

G. The direct cost of administration of this section shall be credited to the funds appropriated to the Department.

2012, cc. 217, 225; 2013, c. 766; 2018, cc. 854, 856; 2019, cc. 837, 846; 2020, cc. 1230, 1235, 1275.

Chapter 23. Oil Company Excise Tax [Repealed].

§ 58.1-2300. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 1986, c. 553.

Chapter 24. Virginia Motor Vehicle Sales and Use Tax.

§ 58.1-2400. Title.

This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "Virginia Motor Vehicle Sales and Use Tax Act."

Code 1950, § 58-685.10; 1966, c. 587; 1984, c. 675.

§ 58.1-2401. Definitions.

As used in this chapter, unless the context requires a different meaning:

"Commissioner" means the Commissioner of the Department of Motor Vehicles of the Commonwealth.

"Department" means the Department of Motor Vehicles of the Commonwealth, acting through its duly authorized officers and agents.

"Mobile office" means an industrialized building unit not subject to the federal regulation, which may be constructed on a chassis for the purpose of towing to the point of use and designed to be used with or without a permanent foundation, for commercial use and not for residential use; or two or more such units separately towable, but designed to be joined together at the point of use to form a single commercial structure, and which may be designed for removal to, and installation or erection on other sites.

"Motor vehicle" means every vehicle, except for mobile office as herein defined, that is self-propelled or designed for self-propulsion and every vehicle drawn by or designed to be drawn by a motor vehicle, including all-terrain vehicles, manufactured homes, mopeds, and off-road motorcycles as those terms are defined in § 46.2-100 and every device in, upon and by which any person or property is, or can be, transported or drawn upon a highway, but excepting devices moved by human or animal power, devices used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks and vehicles, other than manufactured homes, used in the Commonwealth but not required to be licensed by the Commonwealth.

"Sale" means any transfer of ownership or possession, by exchange or barter, conditional or otherwise, in any manner or by any means whatsoever, of a motor vehicle. "Sale" also includes a transaction whereby possession is transferred but title is retained by the seller as security. "Sale" does not include a transfer of ownership or possession made to secure payment of an obligation, nor does it include a refund for, or replacement of, a motor vehicle of equivalent or lesser value pursuant to the Virginia Motor Vehicle Warranty Enforcement Act (§ 59.1-207.9 et seq.). Where the replacement motor vehicle is of greater value than the motor vehicle replaced, only the difference in value shall constitute a sale.

"Sale price" means the total price paid for a motor vehicle and all attachments thereon and accessories thereto, as determined by the Commissioner, exclusive of any federal manufacturers' excise tax, without any allowance or deduction for trade-ins or unpaid liens or encumbrances. However, "sale price" does not include (i) any manufacturer rebate or manufacturer incentive payment applied to the transaction by the customer or dealer whether as a reduction in the sales price or as payment for the vehicle and (ii) the cost of controls, lifts, automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes or any other equipment installed in or added to a motor vehicle that is required by law or regulation as a condition for operation of a motor vehicle by an individual with a disability.

Code 1950, §§ 58-685.11, 58-685.13, 58-685.13:2; 1966, c. 587; 1968, c. 321; 1970, cc. 409, 489; 1972, cc. 302, 680; 1973, c. 207; 1974, c. 477; 1976, cc. 567, 610; 1977, c. 537; 1978, cc. 656, 758, 766; 1979, cc. 310, 436; 1982, c. 541; 1983, c. 386; 1984, c. 675; 1986, Sp. Sess., c. 11; 1995, c. 50; 1997, cc. 283, 853; 1999, c. 77; 2011, cc. 405, 639; 2013, c. 766; 2018, cc. 838, 840; 2023, cc. 148, 149.

§ 58.1-2402. (Contingent expiration date) Levy.

A. (For contingent expiration date — see Acts 2019, c. 52, cl. 2) There is hereby levied, in addition to all other taxes and fees of every kind now imposed by law, a tax upon the sale or use of motor vehicles in Virginia, other than a sale to or use by a person for rental as an established business or part of an established business or incidental or germane to such business.

The amount of the tax to be collected shall be determined by the Commissioner by the application of the following rates against the gross sales price:

1. Three percent through midnight on June 30, 2013, four percent beginning July 1, 2013, through midnight on June 30, 2014, 4.05 percent beginning July 1, 2014, through midnight on June 30, 2015, 4.1 percent beginning July 1, 2015, through midnight on June 30, 2016, and 4.15 percent beginning on and after July 1, 2016, of the sale price of each motor vehicle sold in Virginia. If such motor vehicle is a manufactured home as defined in § 36-85.3, the tax shall be three percent of the sale price of each such manufactured home sold in the Commonwealth; if such vehicle is a mobile office as defined in § 58.1-2401, the tax shall be two percent of the sale price of each mobile office sold in the Commonwealth; if such vehicle has a gross vehicle weight rating or gross combination weight rating of 26,001 pounds or more and is neither (i) a manufactured home as defined in § 36-85.3, (ii) a mobile office as defined in § 58.1-2401, (iii) a trailer or semitrailer as severally defined in § 46.2-100 that is not designed or used to carry property, nor (iv) a vehicle registered under § 46.2-700, the tax shall be zero percent of the sale price of each such vehicle sold in the Commonwealth; and if such vehicle is an all-terrain vehicle, moped, or off-road motorcycle, as those terms are defined in § 46.2-100, sold by a Virginia dealer, or, if sold by anyone other than a Virginia dealer, used or stored for use (a) in a county or city located in a planning district described in § 58.1-603.1, the tax shall be six percent of the sales price of each such vehicle or (b) in any county or city other than those set forth in clause (a), the tax shall be 5.3 percent of the sales price of each such vehicle. In any city or county located within the Historic Triangle, as defined in § 58.1-603.2, an additional one percent tax shall be imposed in addition to the tax prescribed in clause (a) if such vehicle is an all-terrain vehicle, moped, or off-road motorcycle.

2. Three percent through midnight on June 30, 2013, four percent beginning July 1, 2013, through midnight on June 30, 2014, 4.05 percent beginning July 1, 2014, through midnight on June 30, 2015, 4.1 percent beginning July 1, 2015, through midnight on June 30, 2016, and 4.15 percent beginning on and after July 1, 2016, of the sale price of each motor vehicle, not sold in Virginia but used or stored for use in the Commonwealth; or three percent of the sale price of each manufactured home as defined in § 36-85.3, or two percent of the sale price of each mobile office as defined in § 58.1-2401, not sold in Virginia but used or stored for use in this Commonwealth. If such vehicle has a gross vehicle weight rating or gross combination weight rating of 26,001 pounds or more and is neither (i) a manufactured home as defined in § 36-85.3, (ii) a mobile office as defined in § 58.1-2401, (iii) a trailer or semitrailer as severally defined in § 46.2-100 that is not designed or used to carry property, nor (iv) a vehicle registered under § 46.2-700, the tax shall be zero percent of the sale price of each such vehicle not sold in the Commonwealth but used or stored for use in the Commonwealth. If such vehicle is an all-terrain vehicle, moped, or off-road motorcycle, as those terms are defined in § 46.2-100, not sold in the Commonwealth but used or stored for use in the Commonwealth (a) in a county or city located in a planning district described in § 58.1-603.1, the tax shall be six percent of the sales price of each such vehicle or (b) in any county or city other than those set forth in clause (a), the tax shall be 5.3 percent of the sales price of each such vehicle. In any city or county located within the Historic Triangle, as defined in § 58.1-603.2, an additional one percent tax shall be imposed in addition to the tax prescribed in clause (a) if such vehicle is an all-terrain vehicle, moped, or off-road motorcycle. When any motor vehicle or manufactured home not sold in the Commonwealth is first used or stored for use in Virginia six months or more after its acquisition, the tax shall be based on its current market value.

3. The minimum tax levied on the sale of any motor vehicle in the Commonwealth that is subject to taxation at a rate exceeding zero percent shall be $75, except as provided by those exemptions defined in § 58.1-2403. This subdivision shall not apply to any all-terrain vehicle, moped, or off-road motorcycle subject to taxation under this chapter.

A. (For contingent effective date — see Acts 2019, c. 52, cl. 2) There is hereby levied, in addition to all other taxes and fees of every kind now imposed by law, a tax upon the sale or use of motor vehicles in Virginia, other than a sale to or use by a person for rental as an established business or part of an established business or incidental or germane to such business.

The amount of the tax to be collected shall be determined by the Commissioner by the application of the following rates against the gross sales price:

1. Three percent through midnight on June 30, 2013, four percent beginning July 1, 2013, through midnight on June 30, 2014, 4.05 percent beginning July 1, 2014, through midnight on June 30, 2015, 4.1 percent beginning July 1, 2015, through midnight on June 30, 2016, and 4.15 percent beginning on and after July 1, 2016, of the sale price of each motor vehicle sold in Virginia. If such motor vehicle is a manufactured home as defined in § 36-85.3, the tax shall be three percent of the sale price of each such manufactured home sold in the Commonwealth; if such vehicle is a mobile office as defined in § 58.1-2401, the tax shall be two percent of the sale price of each mobile office sold in the Commonwealth; if such vehicle has a gross vehicle weight rating or gross combination weight rating of 26,001 pounds or more and is neither (i) a manufactured home as defined in § 36-85.3, (ii) a mobile office as defined in § 58.1-2401, (iii) a trailer or semitrailer as severally defined in § 46.2-100 that is not designed or used to carry property, nor (iv) a vehicle registered under § 46.2-700, the tax shall be zero percent of the sale price of each such vehicle sold in the Commonwealth; and if such vehicle is an all-terrain vehicle, moped, or off-road motorcycle, as those terms are defined in § 46.2-100, sold by a Virginia dealer, or, if sold by anyone other than a Virginia dealer, used or stored for use (a) in a county or city located in a planning district described in § 58.1-603.1, the tax shall be six percent of the sales price of each such vehicle or (b) in any county or city other than those set forth in clause (a), the tax shall be 5.3 percent of the sales price of each such vehicle.

2. Three percent through midnight on June 30, 2013, four percent beginning July 1, 2013, through midnight on June 30, 2014, 4.05 percent beginning July 1, 2014, through midnight on June 30, 2015, 4.1 percent beginning July 1, 2015, through midnight on June 30, 2016, and 4.15 percent beginning on and after July 1, 2016, of the sale price of each motor vehicle, not sold in Virginia but used or stored for use in the Commonwealth; or three percent of the sale price of each manufactured home as defined in § 36-85.3, or two percent of the sale price of each mobile office as defined in § 58.1-2401, not sold in Virginia but used or stored for use in this Commonwealth. If such vehicle has a gross vehicle weight rating or gross combination weight rating of 26,001 pounds or more and is neither (i) a manufactured home as defined in § 36-85.3, (ii) a mobile office as defined in § 58.1-2401, (iii) a trailer or semitrailer as severally defined in § 46.2-100 that is not designed or used to carry property, nor (iv) a vehicle registered under § 46.2-700, the tax shall be zero percent of the sale price of each such vehicle not sold in the Commonwealth but used or stored for use in the Commonwealth. If such vehicle is an all-terrain vehicle, moped, or off-road motorcycle, as those terms are defined in § 46.2-100, not sold in the Commonwealth but used or stored for use in the Commonwealth (a) in a county or city located in a planning district described in § 58.1-603.1, the tax shall be six percent of the sales price of each such vehicle or (b) in any county or city other than those set forth in clause (a), the tax shall be 5.3 percent of the sales price of each such vehicle. When any motor vehicle or manufactured home not sold in the Commonwealth is first used or stored for use in Virginia six months or more after its acquisition, the tax shall be based on its current market value.

3. The minimum tax levied on the sale of any motor vehicle in the Commonwealth that is subject to taxation at a rate exceeding zero percent shall be $75, except as provided by those exemptions defined in § 58.1-2403. This subdivision shall not apply to any all-terrain vehicle, moped, or off-road motorcycle subject to taxation under this chapter.

B. A transaction taxed under subdivision A 1 shall not also be taxed under subdivision A 2, nor shall the same transaction be taxed more than once under either subdivision.

C. Any motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer exempt from this tax under subdivision 1 or 2 of § 58.1-2403 shall be subject to the tax, based on the current market value when such vehicle is no longer owned or used by the United States government or any governmental agency, or the Commonwealth of Virginia or any political subdivision thereof, unless such vehicle is then rented, in which case the tax imposed by § 58.1-1736 shall apply, subject to the exemptions provided in § 58.1-1737. Further, any motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer exempt from the tax imposed by this chapter under subdivision 11 of § 58.1-2403 or §§ 46.2-663 through 46.2-674 shall be subject to the tax, based on the current market value, when such vehicle is subsequently licensed to operate on the highways of the Commonwealth.

D. Any person who with intent to evade or to aid another person to evade the tax provided for herein falsely states the selling price of a vehicle on a bill of sale, assignment of title, application for title, or any other document or paper submitted to the Commissioner pursuant to any provisions of this title or Title 46.2 shall be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor.

E. Effective January 1, 1997, any amount designated as a "processing fee" and any amount charged by a dealer for processing a transaction, which is required to be included on a buyer's order pursuant to subdivision A 10 of § 46.2-1530, shall be subject to the tax.

Code 1950, §§ 58-685.12, 58-685.12:1; 1966, c. 587; 1970, c. 675; 1974, c. 477; 1976, cc. 567, 610; 1977, c. 537; 1981, c. 145; 1984, c. 675; 1985, c. 123; 1986, Sp. Sess., cc. 10, 11; 1988, c. 372; 1992, c. 384; 1993, c. 159; 1994, c. 527; 1996, c. 1047; 1997, cc. 283, 853; 2004, c. 522; 2005, c. 449; 2011, cc. 405, 639, 881, 889; 2012, cc. 22, 111; 2013, c. 766; 2018, cc. 838, 840; 2019, c. 52.

§ 58.1-2402. (Contingent effective date) Levy.

A. (For contingent expiration date — see Acts 2019, c. 52, cl. 2) There is hereby levied, in addition to all other taxes and fees of every kind now imposed by law, a tax upon the sale or use of motor vehicles in Virginia, other than a sale to or use by a person for rental as an established business or part of an established business or incidental or germane to such business.

The amount of the tax to be collected shall be determined by the Commissioner by the application of the following rates against the gross sales price:

1. Three percent of the sale price of each motor vehicle sold in Virginia. If such motor vehicle is a manufactured home as defined in § 36-85.3, the tax shall be three percent of the sale price of each such manufactured home sold in the Commonwealth; if such vehicle is a mobile office as defined in § 58.1-2401, the tax shall be two percent of the sale price of each mobile office sold in the Commonwealth; if such vehicle has a gross vehicle weight rating or gross combination weight rating of 26,001 pounds or more and is neither (i) a manufactured home as defined in § 36-85.3, (ii) a mobile office as defined in § 58.1-2401, (iii) a trailer or semitrailer as severally defined in § 46.2-100 that is not designed or used to carry property, nor (iv) a vehicle registered under § 46.2-700, the tax shall be zero percent of the sale price of each such vehicle sold in the Commonwealth; and if such vehicle is an all-terrain vehicle, moped, or off-road motorcycle, as those terms are defined in § 46.2-100, the tax shall be five percent of the sales price of each such vehicle; except that in any city or county located within the Historic Triangle, as defined in § 58.1-603.2, the tax shall be six percent of the sales price of each such vehicle.

2. Three percent of the sale price of each motor vehicle, or three percent of the sale price of each manufactured home as defined in § 36-85.3, or two percent of the sale price of each mobile office as defined in § 58.1-2401, not sold in Virginia but used or stored for use in the Commonwealth. If such vehicle has a gross vehicle weight rating or gross combination weight rating of 26,001 pounds or more and is neither (i) a manufactured home as defined in § 36-85.3, (ii) a mobile office as defined in § 58.1-2401, (iii) a trailer or semitrailer as severally defined in § 46.2-100 that is not designed or used to carry property, nor (iv) a vehicle registered under § 46.2-700, the tax shall be zero percent of the sale price of each such vehicle not sold in the Commonwealth but used or stored for use in the Commonwealth. If such vehicle is an all-terrain vehicle, moped, or off-road motorcycle, as those terms are defined in § 46.2-100, not sold in the Commonwealth but used or stored for use in the Commonwealth, the tax shall be five percent of the sales price of each such vehicle, except that in any city or county located within the Historic Triangle, as defined in § 58.1-603.2, the tax shall be six percent of the sales price of each such vehicle. When any motor vehicle or manufactured home not sold in the Commonwealth is first used or stored for use in Virginia six months or more after its acquisition, the tax shall be based on its current market value.

3. The minimum tax levied on the sale of any motor vehicle in the Commonwealth that is subject to taxation at a rate exceeding zero percent shall be $35, except as provided by those exemptions defined in § 58.1-2403. This subdivision shall not apply to any all-terrain vehicle, moped, or off-road motorcycle subject to taxation under this chapter.

A. (For contingent effective date — see Acts 2019, c. 52, cl. 2) There is hereby levied, in addition to all other taxes and fees of every kind now imposed by law, a tax upon the sale or use of motor vehicles in Virginia, other than a sale to or use by a person for rental as an established business or part of an established business or incidental or germane to such business.

The amount of the tax to be collected shall be determined by the Commissioner by the application of the following rates against the gross sales price:

1. Three percent of the sale price of each motor vehicle sold in Virginia. If such motor vehicle is a manufactured home as defined in § 36-85.3, the tax shall be three percent of the sale price of each such manufactured home sold in the Commonwealth; if such vehicle is a mobile office as defined in § 58.1-2401, the tax shall be two percent of the sale price of each mobile office sold in the Commonwealth; if such vehicle has a gross vehicle weight rating or gross combination weight rating of 26,001 pounds or more and is neither (i) a manufactured home as defined in § 36-85.3, (ii) a mobile office as defined in § 58.1-2401, (iii) a trailer or semitrailer as severally defined in § 46.2-100 that is not designed or used to carry property, nor (iv) a vehicle registered under § 46.2-700, the tax shall be zero percent of the sale price of each such vehicle sold in the Commonwealth; and if such vehicle is an all-terrain vehicle, moped, or off-road motorcycle, as those terms are defined in § 46.2-100, the tax shall be five percent of the sales price of each such vehicle.

2. Three percent of the sale price of each motor vehicle, or three percent of the sale price of each manufactured home as defined in § 36-85.3, or two percent of the sale price of each mobile office as defined in § 58.1-2401, not sold in Virginia but used or stored for use in the Commonwealth. If such vehicle has a gross vehicle weight rating or gross combination weight rating of 26,001 pounds or more and is neither (i) a manufactured home as defined in § 36-85.3, (ii) a mobile office as defined in § 58.1-2401, (iii) a trailer or semitrailer as severally defined in § 46.2-100 that is not designed or used to carry property, nor (iv) a vehicle registered under § 46.2-700, the tax shall be zero percent of the sale price of each such vehicle not sold in the Commonwealth but used or stored for use in the Commonwealth. If such vehicle is an all-terrain vehicle, moped, or off-road motorcycle, as those terms are defined in § 46.2-100, not sold in the Commonwealth but used or stored for use in the Commonwealth, the tax shall be five percent of the sales price of each such vehicle. When any motor vehicle or manufactured home not sold in the Commonwealth is first used or stored for use in Virginia six months or more after its acquisition, the tax shall be based on its current market value.

3. The minimum tax levied on the sale of any motor vehicle in the Commonwealth that is subject to taxation at a rate exceeding zero percent shall be $35, except as provided by those exemptions defined in § 58.1-2403. This subdivision shall not apply to any all-terrain vehicle, moped, or off-road motorcycle subject to taxation under this chapter.

B. A transaction taxed under subdivision A 1 shall not also be taxed under subdivision A 2, nor shall the same transaction be taxed more than once under either subdivision.

C. Any motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer exempt from this tax under subdivision 1 or 2 of § 58.1-2403 shall be subject to the tax, based on the current market value when such vehicle is no longer owned or used by the United States government or any governmental agency, or the Commonwealth of Virginia or any political subdivision thereof, unless such vehicle is then rented, in which case the tax imposed by § 58.1-1736 shall apply, subject to the exemptions provided in § 58.1-1737. Further, any motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer exempt from the tax imposed by this chapter under subdivision 11 of § 58.1-2403 or §§ 46.2-663 through 46.2-674 shall be subject to the tax, based on the current market value, when such vehicle is subsequently licensed to operate on the highways of the Commonwealth.

D. Any person who with intent to evade or to aid another person to evade the tax provided for herein falsely states the selling price of a vehicle on a bill of sale, assignment of title, application for title, or any other document or paper submitted to the Commissioner pursuant to any provisions of this title or Title 46.2 shall be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor.

E. Effective January 1, 1997, any amount designated as a "processing fee" and any amount charged by a dealer for processing a transaction, which is required to be included on a buyer's order pursuant to subdivision A 10 of § 46.2-1530, shall be subject to the tax.

Code 1950, §§ 58-685.12, 58-685.12:1; 1966, c. 587; 1970, c. 675; 1974, c. 477; 1976, cc. 567, 610; 1977, c. 537; 1981, c. 145; 1984, c. 675; 1985, c. 123; 1986, Sp. Sess., cc. 10, 11; 1988, c. 372; 1992, c. 384; 1993, c. 159; 1994, c. 527; 1996, c. 1047; 1997, cc. 283, 853; 2004, c. 522; 2005, c. 449; 2011, cc. 405, 639, 881, 889; 2012, cc. 22, 111; 2018, cc. 838, 840; 2019, c. 52.

§ 58.1-2402.1. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 2009, cc. 864 and 871, cl. 5.

§ 58.1-2403. Exemptions.

No tax shall be imposed as provided in § 58.1-2402 if the vehicle is:

1. Sold to or used by the United States government or any governmental agency thereof;

2. Sold to or used by the Commonwealth of Virginia or any political subdivision thereof;

3. Registered in the name of a volunteer fire department or volunteer emergency medical services agency not operated for profit;

4. Registered to any member of the Mattaponi, Pamunkey, or Chickahominy Indian tribes or any other recognized Indian tribe of the Commonwealth living on the tribal reservation;

5. Transferred incidental to repossession under a recorded lien and ownership is transferred to the lienholder;

6. A manufactured home permanently attached to real estate and included in the sale of real estate;

7. A gift to the spouse, son, daughter, or parent of the transferor. With the exception of a gift to a spouse, this exemption shall not apply to any unpaid obligation assumed by the transferee incidental to the transfer;

8. Transferred from an individual or partnership to a corporation or limited liability company or from a corporation or limited liability company to an individual or partnership if the transfer is incidental to the formation, organization or dissolution of a corporation or limited liability company in which the individual or partnership holds the majority interest;

9. Transferred from a wholly owned subsidiary to the parent corporation or from the parent corporation to a wholly owned subsidiary;

10. Being registered for the first time in the Commonwealth and the applicant holds a valid, assignable title or registration issued to him by another state or a branch of the United States Armed Forces and (i) has owned the vehicle for longer than 12 months or (ii) has owned the vehicle for less than 12 months and provides evidence of a sales tax paid to another state. However, when a vehicle has been purchased by the applicant within the last 12 months and the applicant is unable to provide evidence of a sales tax paid to another state, the applicant shall pay the Virginia sales tax based on the fair market value of the vehicle at the time of registration in Virginia;

11. a. Titled in a Virginia or non-Virginia motor vehicle dealer's name for resale; or

b. Titled in the name of an automotive manufacturer having its headquarters in Virginia, except for any commercially leased vehicle that is not described under subdivision 3 of § 46.2-602.2. For purposes of this subdivision, "automotive manufacturer" and "headquarters" means the same as such terms are defined in § 46.2-602.2;

12. A motor vehicle having seats for more than seven passengers and sold to an urban or suburban bus line the majority of whose passengers use the buses for traveling a distance of less than 40 miles, one way, on the same day;

13. Purchased in the Commonwealth by a nonresident and a Virginia title is issued for the sole purpose of recording a lien against the vehicle if the vehicle will be registered in a state other than Virginia;

14. A motor vehicle designed for the transportation of 10 or more passengers, purchased by and for the use of a church conducted not for profit;

15. Loaned or leased to a private nonprofit institution of learning, for the sole purpose of use in the instruction of driver's education when such education is a part of such school's curriculum for full-time students;

16. Sold to an insurance company or local government group self-insurance pool, created pursuant to § 15.2-2703, for the sole purpose of disposition when such company or pool has paid the registered owner of such vehicle a total loss claim;

17. Owned and used for personal or official purposes by accredited consular or diplomatic officers of foreign governments, their employees or agents, and members of their families, if such persons are nationals of the state by which they are appointed and are not citizens of the United States;

18. A self-contained mobile computerized axial tomography scanner sold to, rented or used by a nonprofit hospital or a cooperative hospital service organization as described in § 501(e) of the United States Internal Revenue Code;

19. A motor vehicle having seats for more than seven passengers and sold to a restricted common carrier or common carrier of passengers;

20. Beginning July 1, 1989, a self-contained mobile unit designed exclusively for human diagnostic or therapeutic service, sold to, rented to, or used by a nonprofit hospital, or a cooperative hospital service organization as described in § 501(e) of the United States Internal Revenue Code, or a nonprofit corporation as defined in § 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, established for research in, diagnosis of, or therapy for human ailments;

21. Transferred, as a gift or through a sale to an organization exempt from taxation under § 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided the motor vehicle is not titled and tagged for use by such organization;

22. A motor vehicle sold to an organization which is exempt from taxation under § 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and which is organized for the primary purpose of distributing food, clothing, medicines, and other necessities of life to, and providing shelter for, needy persons in the United States and throughout the world;

23. Transferred to the trustees of a revocable inter vivos trust, when the individual titleholder of a Virginia titled motor vehicle and the beneficiaries of the trust are the same persons, regardless of whether other beneficiaries of the trust may also be named in the trust instrument, when no consideration has passed between the titleholder and the beneficiaries; and transferred to the original titleholder from the trustees holding title to the motor vehicle;

24. Transferred to trustees of a revocable inter vivos trust, when the owners of the vehicle and the beneficiaries of the trust are the same persons, regardless of whether other beneficiaries may also be named in the trust instrument, or transferred by trustees of such a trust to beneficiaries of the trust following the death of the grantor, when no consideration has passed between the grantor and the beneficiaries in either case;

25. Sold by a vehicle's lessor to its lessee upon the expiration of the term of the vehicle's lease, if the lessee is a natural person and this natural person has paid the tax levied pursuant to this chapter with respect to the vehicle when he leased it from the lessor, and if the lessee presents an original copy of the lease upon request of the Department of Motor Vehicles or other evidence that the sales tax has been paid to the Commonwealth by the lessee purchasing the vehicle;

26. Titled in the name of a deceased person and transferred to the spouse or heir, or under the will, of such deceased person;

27. An all-terrain vehicle, moped, or off-road motorcycle, as those terms are defined in § 46.2-100, that:

a. Is being titled for the first time in the Commonwealth and that the applicant (i) has owned for more than 12 months or (ii) has owned for less than 12 months and provides evidence of tax paid pursuant to Chapter 6 (§ 58.1-600 et seq.); or

b. Would otherwise be eligible for an agricultural exemption, as provided in § 58.1-609.2;

28. A motor vehicle that is sold to an organization that is exempt from taxation under § 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and that is primarily used by the organization to transport to markets for sale produce that is (i) produced by local farmers and (ii) sold by such farmers to the organization;

29. Transferred from the purchaser of the vehicle back to the seller of the vehicle who (i) accepted the vehicle pursuant to the Virginia Motor Vehicle Warranty Enforcement Act (§ 59.1-207.9 et seq.) or (ii) otherwise agreed to accept the return of the vehicle due to a mechanical defect or failure and refunded to the purchaser the purchase price of the vehicle. Except when the return of the vehicle is pursuant to the Virginia Motor Vehicle Warranty Enforcement Act, the transfer shall occur within 45 days of the date of purchase; or

30. Any pickup or panel truck or sport utility vehicle for which the owner is required to obtain a permanent farm use placard pursuant to § 46.2-684.2. However, the tax as provided in § 58.1-2402 shall be imposed upon such vehicle based upon the current market value from the time such vehicle is (i) registered for a nonexempt use as required by § 46.2-600 or (ii) sold to a person who does not qualify for an exemption pursuant to this section.

Code 1950, §§ 58-685.13, 58-685.13:1; 1966, c. 587; 1970, c. 409; 1972, cc. 302, 680; 1973, c. 457; 1974, c. 477; 1976, c. 610; 1977, c. 537; 1978, cc. 758, 766; 1982, c. 541; 1984, c. 675; 1988, c. 372; 1990, cc. 40, 849; 1995, cc. 27, 247, 786; 1997, c. 283; 1998, c. 322; 1999, c. 77; 2000, cc. 576, 602, 1027; 2002, c. 513; 2003, c. 278; 2005, cc. 246, 274; 2006, c. 604; 2007, c. 896; 2008, cc. 304, 753; 2009, cc. 864, 871; 2011, cc. 405, 639; 2012, cc. 22, 111; 2013, c. 783; 2014, c. 243; 2015, cc. 159, 502, 503; 2017, c. 552; 2018, cc. 838, 840; 2019, c. 52; 2023, cc. 85, 86.

§ 58.1-2404. Time for payment of tax on sale or use of a motor vehicle.

The tax on the sale or use of a motor vehicle shall be paid by the purchaser or user of such motor vehicle and collected by the Commissioner at the time the owner applies to the Department of Motor Vehicles for, and obtains, a certificate of title. No tax shall be levied or collected under this chapter upon the sale or use of a motor vehicle for which no certificate of title is required by this Commonwealth.

Code 1950, § 58-685.14; 1966, c. 587; 1974, c. 477; 1984, c. 675; 2011, cc. 405, 639.

§ 58.1-2405. Basis of tax.

A. In the case of the sale or use of a motor vehicle upon which the pricing information is required by federal law to be posted, the Commissioner may collect the tax upon the basis of the total sale price shown on such document; however, if the Commissioner is satisfied that the purchaser has paid less than such price, by such evidence as the Commissioner may require, he may assess and collect the tax upon the basis of the sale price so found by him. In no case shall such lesser price include credits for trade-in or any other transaction of such nature.

B. In the case of the sale or use of a motor vehicle which is not a new motor vehicle, the Commissioner may employ such publications, sources of information, and other data as are customarily employed in ascertaining the maximum sale price of such used motor vehicles but in no case shall any credit be allowed for trade-in, prior rental or any other transaction of like nature.

C. In the case of the sale or use of a motor vehicle, which is not a new motor vehicle, between individuals who are not required to be licensed as dealers or salespersons under the provisions of § 46.2-1508, the Commissioner may collect the tax upon the basis of the total sale price as established by such evidence as the Commissioner may require; provided that if such motor vehicle is no more than five years old and is listed in a recognized pricing guide, the total sale price shall not be less than the value listed in such pricing guide for such vehicle, less an allowance of $1,500, unless the purchaser shall execute an affidavit under penalty of perjury stating a lesser total sale price and declaring such sale or use to be a bona fide transaction for full value. In using a recognized pricing guide, the Commissioner shall use the trade-in value specified in such guide, with no additions for optional equipment or subtractions for mileage, so long as uniformly applied for all types of motor vehicles. In no case shall any credit be allowed for trade-in, prior rental, or any other transaction of like nature.

Code 1950, § 58-685.15; 1966, c. 587; 1974, c. 477; 1984, c. 675; 2003, c. 328; 2015, c. 615.

§ 58.1-2406. Collection of tax; estimate of tax.

In the event any person submits with his application for a certificate of title a sum insufficient to pay the sale or use tax as determined by the Commissioner, it shall be the duty of the Commissioner or his authorized agent to make an estimate of the tax due the Commonwealth and to assess such tax. The notice of assessment shall be forthwith sent to such person by certified mail at the address of the person as it appears on the records of the Division. Such notice, when sent in accordance with these requirements, shall be sufficient regardless of whether or not it was ever received.

If any person fails to pay such tax, the Commissioner shall bring an appropriate action for the recovery of such tax plus interest. Judgment shall be rendered for the amount of the tax found to be due together with interest and costs.

Code 1950, § 58-685.17; 1966, c. 587; 1974, c. 477; 1984, c. 675.

§ 58.1-2407. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 2011, cc. 405 and 639, cl. 2, effective July 1, 2012.

§ 58.1-2411. Civil penalties upon failure to pay tax, etc.

When any person fails to pay the full amount of the tax required by this chapter, there shall be imposed, in addition to other penalties provided herein, a penalty to be added to the tax in the amount of ten percent or ten dollars, whichever is greater; however, if the failure is due to providential or other good cause, shown to the satisfaction of the Commissioner, the tax may be accepted exclusive of penalties. The $10 minimum penalty levied herein shall be applied only in cases where the payment of tax is not received within the time prescribed in this chapter and shall not be considered for audit purposes.

In the case of a false or fraudulent application, where willful intent exists to defraud the Commonwealth of any tax due under this chapter, a specific penalty of 50 percent of the amount of the proper tax shall be assessed. It shall be prima facie evidence of intent to defraud the Commonwealth of any tax due under this chapter when any person reports the sale price of a motor vehicle at 50 percent or less of the actual amount.

Interest at the rate of one and one-half of one percent per month, or a fraction thereof, shall accrue on both tax and penalty until paid.

Code 1950, § 58-685.17:2; 1974, c. 477; 1982, c. 141; 1984, c. 675; 2011, cc. 405, 639.

§ 58.1-2412. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 2011, cc. 405 and 639, cl. 2, effective July 1, 2012.

§ 58.1-2418. Local sales and use taxes prohibited.

No city, town or county shall impose or continue to impose any local sales or use tax on motor vehicles.

Code 1950, § 58-685.25; 1966, c. 587; 1974, c. 477; 1981, c. 145; 1984, c. 675.

§ 58.1-2419. Tax on sale to be separately stated.

In every transaction subject to the provisions of this chapter, the tax imposed by this chapter shall be separately stated from the sale price of such motor vehicle and shall be paid by the purchaser in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.

Code 1950, § 58-685.24; 1966, c. 587; 1974, c. 477; 1984, c. 675; 2011, cc. 405, 639.

§ 58.1-2420. Examination of dealer's records, etc.

The Commissioner or any agent authorized by him may examine during the usual business hours all records, books, papers or other documents of any dealer in motor vehicles relating to the sales price of any motor vehicle to verify the truth and accuracy of any statement or any other information as to a particular sale.

Code 1950, § 58-685.18; 1966, c. 587; 1974, c. 477; 1984, c. 675; 2011, cc. 405, 639.

§ 58.1-2421. Rules and regulations.

The Commissioner shall have the power to make and publish reasonable rules and regulations consistent with this chapter, other applicable laws, and the Constitutions of Virginia and the United States, for the enforcement of the provisions of this chapter and the collection of the revenues hereunder.

Such rules and regulations shall not be subject to Chapter 40 (§ 2.2-4000 et seq.) of Title 2.2.

Code 1950, § 58-685.16; 1966, c. 587; 1974, c. 477; 1984, c. 675; 2011, cc. 405, 639.

§ 58.1-2422. Forwarding of tax information to law-enforcement officials.

The Commissioner may, in his discretion, upon request duly received from the official charged with the duty of enforcement of motor vehicle tax laws of any other state, forward to such official any information which he may have in his possession relative to the registration and payment of any tax collected pursuant to this chapter.

Code 1950, § 58-685.21; 1966, c. 587; 1984, c. 675.

§ 58.1-2423. Refunds generally.

In the event that it appears to the satisfaction of the Commissioner that any tax imposed by this chapter has been erroneously or illegally collected from any person or paid by any person, the Commissioner shall certify the amount thereof to the Comptroller, who shall thereupon draw his warrant for such certified amount on the State Treasurer. Such refund shall be paid by the State Treasurer. A claimant who pays the tax, either for the claimant or for the benefit of another on whose behalf the tax is paid, shall make a sufficient showing that the tax was erroneously collected by providing an affidavit stating that (i) the vehicle identification information provided on the Application for Certificate of Title and Registration, the certificate of origin, manufacturer's statement of origin, or title, as the case may be, forwarded to the Department of Motor Vehicles by any means generally allowed was incorrect or (ii) the transaction would have been exempt from taxation had the titling documents been correct when submitted to the Department of Motor Vehicles and the tax was paid in error. In the event of such a showing, the refund shall be paid to the claimant.

In the event that it appears to the satisfaction of the Commissioner that any tax imposed by this chapter has been collected from a person who purchased and returned a vehicle pursuant to the Virginia Motor Vehicle Warranty Enforcement Act (§ 59.1-207.9 et seq.), the Commissioner shall certify the amount thereof to the Comptroller, who shall thereupon draw his warrant for such certified amount on the State Treasurer. Such refund shall be paid by the State Treasurer. A claimant who pays the tax, either for the claimant or for the benefit of another on whose behalf the tax is paid, shall provide a written statement in a manner prescribed by the Commissioner stating that the vehicle was returned under the Virginia Motor Vehicle Warranty Enforcement Act.

In the event that it appears to the satisfaction of the Commissioner that any tax imposed by this chapter has been collected from a person who purchased and within 45 days returned a vehicle not subject to the Virginia Motor Vehicle Warranty Enforcement Act (§ 59.1-207.9 et seq.) due to a mechanical defect or failure and received a refund of the purchase price, the Commissioner shall certify the amount thereof to the Comptroller, who shall thereupon draw his warrant for such certified amount on the State Treasurer. Such refund shall be paid by the State Treasurer. A claimant who pays the tax, either for the claimant or for the benefit of another on whose behalf the tax is paid, shall provide an affidavit stating that the vehicle was returned due to a mechanical defect or failure, the purchase price was refunded, the title was properly assigned to the person accepting return of the vehicle, and the purchaser no longer has possession of the vehicle.

In the event that it appears to the satisfaction of the Commissioner that the tax imposed by this chapter was upon a motor vehicle purchased by a foreign national and that within six months after the date of purchase the motor vehicle has been exported to a foreign country, the Commissioner shall certify the amount to the Comptroller who shall thereupon draw his warrant for such certified amount on the State Treasurer. Such refund shall be paid by the State Treasurer.

No refund shall be made under the provisions of this section unless a written statement is filed with the Commissioner setting forth the reason such refund is claimed. The claim shall be in such form as the Commissioner shall prescribe. It shall be filed with the Commissioner within three years from the date of the payment of the tax.

Code 1950, § 58-685.19; 1966, c. 587; 1972, c. 207; 1973, c. 174; 1974, c. 477; 1981, c. 440; 1984, c. 675; 2003, c. 837; 2017, c. 552.

§ 58.1-2423.1. Expired.


§ 58.1-2424. Credits against tax.

Credit shall be granted for the amount of tax paid to another state on a motor vehicle purchased in another state at the time such vehicle is first registered in the Commonwealth, provided the purchaser provides proof of payment of such tax. However, no credit shall be granted for any tax paid to another state if that state exempts from the tax vehicles sold to residents of a state which does not give credit for the tax. Credit for taxes collected under the Virginia retail sales and use tax (§ 58.1-600 et seq.) shall be allowed against the tax levied for specially constructed or reconstructed vehicles and other motor vehicles subject to such tax.

Code 1950, § 58-685.20; 1966, c. 587; 1974, c. 477; 1976, c. 610; 1981, c. 145; 1984, c. 675; 1990, c. 163; 2011, cc. 405, 639.

§ 58.1-2425. (Contingent expiration date — see Acts 2013, c. 766) Disposition of revenues.

(For contingent expiration date — see Acts 2019, c. 52, cl. 2) Funds collected hereunder by the Commissioner shall be forthwith paid into the state treasury. Except as otherwise provided in this section, these funds shall constitute special funds within the Commonwealth Transportation Fund. Any balances remaining in these funds at the end of the year shall be available for use in subsequent years for the purposes set forth in this chapter, and any interest income on such funds shall accrue to these funds. The revenue so derived, after refunds have been deducted, is hereby allocated for the construction, reconstruction and maintenance of highways and the regulation of traffic thereon and for no other purpose. However, (i) all funds collected pursuant to the provisions of this chapter from manufactured homes, as defined in § 46.2-100, shall be distributed to the city, town, or county wherein such manufactured home is to be situated as a dwelling; (ii) all funds collected pursuant to the provisions of this chapter from all-terrain vehicles, mopeds, and off-road motorcycles, as those terms are defined in § 46.2-100, shall be distributed as follows: (a) an amount equal to a one percent tax shall be distributed in the same manner as the one percent local sales tax pursuant to § 58.1-605, except that this amount collected on sales by anyone other than a Virginia dealer or on sales outside of Virginia shall be distributed to the county or city in which the vehicle is used or stored for use; (b) an amount equal to a 4.3 percent tax shall be distributed in the same manner as the state sales and use tax pursuant to §§ 58.1-638 and 58.1-638.3, except that this amount collected on sales by anyone other than a Virginia dealer or on sales outside of Virginia shall be distributed to the county or city in which the vehicle is used or stored for use; (c) if the all-terrain vehicle, moped, or off-road motorcycle was purchased from a Virginia dealer in a county or city in a planning district described in § 58.1-603.1, an amount equal to a 0.7 percent tax shall be distributed pursuant to § 58.1-603.1; (d) if the all-terrain vehicle, moped, or off-road motorcycle was purchased from anyone other than a Virginia dealer or outside of Virginia and then used or stored for use in a county or city in a planning district described in § 58.1-603.1, an amount equal to a 0.7 percent tax shall be distributed to the county or city in which the vehicle is used or stored for use; and (e) an amount equal to a one percent tax shall be distributed in a manner consistent with the provisions of subsection I of § 58.1-638 for each all-terrain vehicle, moped, and off-road motorcycle subject to the additional tax within the Historic Triangle under subdivision A 1 of § 58.1-2402; and (iii) all remaining funds, after the collection costs of the Department of Motor Vehicles, from the sales and use tax on motor vehicles shall be distributed to and paid into the Commonwealth Transportation Fund pursuant to § 33.2-1524.

(For contingent effective date — see Acts 2019, c. 52, cl. 2) Funds collected hereunder by the Commissioner shall be forthwith paid into the state treasury. Except as otherwise provided in this section, these funds shall constitute special funds within the Commonwealth Transportation Fund. Any balances remaining in these funds at the end of the year shall be available for use in subsequent years for the purposes set forth in this chapter, and any interest income on such funds shall accrue to these funds. The revenue so derived, after refunds have been deducted, is hereby allocated for the construction, reconstruction and maintenance of highways and the regulation of traffic thereon and for no other purpose. However, (i) all funds collected pursuant to the provisions of this chapter from manufactured homes, as defined in § 46.2-100, shall be distributed to the city, town, or county wherein such manufactured home is to be situated as a dwelling; (ii) all funds collected pursuant to the provisions of this chapter from all-terrain vehicles, mopeds, and off-road motorcycles, as those terms are defined in § 46.2-100, shall be distributed as follows: (a) an amount equal to a one percent tax shall be distributed in the same manner as the one percent local sales tax pursuant to § 58.1-605, except that this amount collected on sales by anyone other than a Virginia dealer or on sales outside of Virginia shall be distributed to the county or city in which the vehicle is used or stored for use; (b) an amount equal to a 4.3 percent tax shall be distributed in the same manner as the state sales and use tax pursuant to §§ 58.1-638 and 58.1-638.3, except that this amount collected on sales by anyone other than a Virginia dealer or on sales outside of Virginia shall be distributed to the county or city in which the vehicle is used or stored for use; (c) if the all-terrain vehicle, moped, or off-road motorcycle was purchased from a Virginia dealer in a county or city in a planning district described in § 58.1-603.1, an amount equal to a 0.7 percent tax shall be distributed pursuant to § 58.1-603.1; and (d) if the all-terrain vehicle, moped, or off-road motorcycle was purchased from anyone other than a Virginia dealer or outside of Virginia and then used or stored for use in a county or city in a planning district described in § 58.1-603.1, an amount equal to a 0.7 percent tax shall be distributed to the county or city in which the vehicle is used or stored for use; and (iii) all remaining funds, after the collection costs of the Department of Motor Vehicles, from the sales and use tax on motor vehicles shall be distributed to and paid into the Commonwealth Transportation Fund pursuant to § 33.2-1524.

Code 1950, § 58-685.23; 1966, c. 587; 1976, c. 567; 1981, c. 145; 1984, c. 675; 1986, Sp. Sess., c. 11; 1987, c. 696; 1991, c. 323; 1997, cc. 283, 423, 853; 1998, cc. 905, 907; 1999, c. 77; 2004, c. 522; 2005, c. 323; 2007, c. 896; 2009, cc. 864, 871; 2011, cc. 405, 639; 2013, c. 766; 2018, cc. 838, 840; 2019, c. 52; 2020, cc. 1230, 1275.

§ 58.1-2425. (Contingent effective date — see Acts 2013, c. 766) Disposition of revenues.

(For contingent expiration date — see Acts 2019, c. 52, cl. 2) Funds collected hereunder by the Commissioner shall be forthwith paid into the state treasury. Except as otherwise provided in this section, these funds shall constitute special funds within the Commonwealth Transportation Fund. Any balances remaining in these funds at the end of the year shall be available for use in subsequent years for the purposes set forth in this chapter, and any interest income on such funds shall accrue to these funds. The revenue so derived, after refunds have been deducted, is hereby allocated for the construction, reconstruction and maintenance of highways and the regulation of traffic thereon and for no other purpose. However, (i) all funds collected pursuant to the provisions of this chapter from manufactured homes, as defined in § 46.2-100, shall be distributed to the city, town, or county wherein such manufactured home is to be situated as a dwelling; (ii) all funds collected pursuant to the provisions of this chapter from all-terrain vehicles, mopeds, and off-road motorcycles, as those terms are defined in § 46.2-100, shall be distributed as follows: (a) an amount equal to a one percent tax shall be distributed in the same manner as the one percent local sales tax pursuant to § 58.1-605, except that this amount collected on sales by anyone other than a Virginia dealer or on sales outside of Virginia shall be distributed to the county or city in which the vehicle is used or stored for use; (b) an amount equal to a four percent tax shall be distributed in the same manner as the state sales and use tax pursuant to § 58.1-638, except that this amount collected on sales by anyone other than a Virginia dealer or on sales outside of Virginia shall be distributed to the county or city in which the vehicle is used or stored for use; and (c) an amount equal to a one percent tax shall be distributed in a manner consistent with the provisions of subsection I of § 58.1-638 for each all-terrain vehicle, moped, and off-road motorcycle subject to the additional tax within the Historic Triangle under subdivision A 1 of § 58.1-2402; and (iii) all remaining funds, after the collection costs of the Department of Motor Vehicles, from the sales and use tax on motor vehicles shall be distributed to and paid into the Commonwealth Transportation Fund established pursuant to § 33.2-1524.

(For contingent effective date — see Acts 2019, c. 52, cl. 2) Funds collected hereunder by the Commissioner shall be forthwith paid into the state treasury. Except as otherwise provided in this section, these funds shall constitute special funds within the Commonwealth Transportation Fund. Any balances remaining in these funds at the end of the year shall be available for use in subsequent years for the purposes set forth in this chapter, and any interest income on such funds shall accrue to these funds. The revenue so derived, after refunds have been deducted, is hereby allocated for the construction, reconstruction and maintenance of highways and the regulation of traffic thereon and for no other purpose. However, (i) all funds collected pursuant to the provisions of this chapter from manufactured homes, as defined in § 46.2-100, shall be distributed to the city, town, or county wherein such manufactured home is to be situated as a dwelling; (ii) all funds collected pursuant to the provisions of this chapter from all-terrain vehicles, mopeds, and off-road motorcycles, as those terms are defined in § 46.2-100, shall be distributed as follows: (a) an amount equal to a one percent tax shall be distributed in the same manner as the one percent local sales tax pursuant to § 58.1-605, except that this amount collected on sales by anyone other than a Virginia dealer or on sales outside of Virginia shall be distributed to the county or city in which the vehicle is used or stored for use and (b) an amount equal to a four percent tax shall be distributed in the same manner as the state sales and use tax pursuant to § 58.1-638, except that this amount collected on sales by anyone other than a Virginia dealer or on sales outside of Virginia shall be distributed to the county or city in which the vehicle is used or stored for use; and (iii) all remaining funds, after the collection costs of the Department of Motor Vehicles, from the sales and use tax on motor vehicles shall be distributed to and paid into the Commonwealth Transportation Fund established pursuant to § 33.2-1524.

Code 1950, § 58-685.23; 1966, c. 587; 1976, c. 567; 1981, c. 145; 1984, c. 675; 1986, Sp. Sess., c. 11; 1987, c. 696; 1991, c. 323; 1997, cc. 283, 423, 853; 1998, cc. 905, 907; 1999, c. 77; 2004, c. 522; 2005, c. 323; 2007, c. 896; 2009, cc. 864, 871; 2011, cc. 405, 639; 2018, cc. 838, 840; 2019, c. 52; 2020, cc. 1230, 1275.

§ 58.1-2426. Application to Commissioner for correction; appeal.

A. Any person assessed with any tax administered by the Department pursuant to this chapter may, within 30 days from the date of such assessment, apply for relief to the Commissioner. Such application shall be in the form prescribed by the Department, and shall fully set forth the grounds upon which the taxpayer relies and all facts relevant to the taxpayer's contention. The Commissioner may also require such additional information, testimony, or documentary evidence as he deems necessary to a fair determination of the application.

B. On receipt of a written notice of intent to file under subsection A, the Commissioner shall refrain from collecting the tax until the time for filing hereunder has expired, unless he determines that collection is in jeopardy.

C. Any person against whom an order or decision of the Commissioner has been adversely rendered relating to the tax imposed by this chapter may, within fifteen days of such order or decision, appeal from such order or decision to the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond.

Code 1950, § 58-685.22; 1966, c. 587; 1984, c. 675; 2011, cc. 881, 889.

Chapter 25. License Tax on Certain Insurance Companies.

Article 1. Levy.

§ 58.1-2500. Definitions.

As used in this chapter the term or phrase:

"Commission" means the State Corporation Commission.

"Company" means any association, aggregation of individuals, business, corporation, individual, joint-stock company, Lloyds type of organization, organization, partnership, receiver, reciprocal or inter-insurance exchange, trustee or society.

"Department" means the Department of Taxation.

"Direct gross premium income" means the gross amount of all premiums, assessments, dues and fees collected, received or derived, or obligations taken therefor, from business in this Commonwealth during each year ending December 31, excluding premiums received for reinsurance assumed from licensed insurance companies, without any deduction for dividends paid or deduction on any other account except for premiums returned on cancelled policies, or on account of reduction in rates or reduction in the amount insured, and excluding premiums received or derived to provide insurance of the kinds classified in §§ 38.2-102 and 38.2-109 issued on a group basis by an insurance company insuring its employees, agents and representatives. In computing direct gross premium income on insurance issued by mutual insurance companies other than life insurance companies, refunds or returns made to policyholders otherwise than for losses may be deducted.

"Estimated tax" means the amount which the insurance company estimates as the amount of the tax imposed by this chapter for the license year, measured by direct gross premium income received or derived in the taxable year.

"Insurance company" means any company engaged in the business of making contracts of insurance.

"License year" means the 12-month period beginning on July 1 next succeeding the taxable year and ending on June 30 of the subsequent year.

"Preceding year's tax" means the tax as ascertained on the preceding year's tax report.

"Subscriber fee income" means the gross premium or deposit income collected, received or derived from and credited to the accounts of subscribers from business in the Commonwealth during the preceding year ending December 31, decreased by all returns for cancellation and all amounts returned to subscribers or credited to their accounts as savings.

"Tax" means the amount derived by multiplying the direct gross premium income in the taxable year by the tax rate.

"Taxable year" means the calendar year preceding the license year upon the basis of which direct gross premium income is computed. The term includes, in the case of direct gross premium income for a fractional part of a calendar year, the period in which such direct gross premium income is received or derived from business in this Commonwealth.

Code 1950, §§ 58-486, 58-502, 58-502.1, 58-502.2; 1952, c. 190; 1954, c. 207; 1966, c. 264; 1968, c. 13; 1978, c. 4; 1984, c. 675; 1998, c. 365; 2003, c. 372; 2011, c. 850.

§ 58.1-2501. Levy of license tax.

A. For the privilege of doing business in the Commonwealth, there is hereby levied on every insurance company defined in § 38.2-100 which issues policies or contracts for any kind of insurance classified and defined in §§ 38.2-102 through 38.2-134 and on every corporation which issues subscription contracts for any kind of plan classified and defined in §§ 38.2-4201 and 38.2-4501, an annual license tax as follows:

1. For any kind of insurance classified and defined in §§ 38.2-109 through 38.2-134 or Chapters 44 (§ 38.2-4400 et seq.) and 61 (§ 38.2-6100 et seq.) of Title 38.2, except workers' compensation insurance on which a premium tax is imposed under the provisions of § 65.2-1000, such company shall pay a tax of two and three-fourths percent of its subscriber fee income or direct gross premium income on such insurance for each taxable year through 1988. For taxable year 1989 and each taxable year thereafter, such company shall pay a tax of two and one-fourth percent of its subscriber fee income or direct gross premium income on such insurance;

2. For policies or contracts for life insurance as defined in § 38.2-102, such company shall pay a tax of two and one-fourth percent of its direct gross premium income on such insurance. However, with respect to premiums paid for additional benefits in the event of death, dismemberment or loss of sight by accident or accidental means, or to provide a special surrender value, special benefit or an annuity in the event of total and permanent disability, the rate of tax shall be two and three-fourths percent for each taxable year beginning January 1, 1987, through December 31, 1988, and two and one-fourth percent for taxable year beginning January 1, 1989, and each taxable year thereafter;

3. For policies or contracts providing industrial sick benefit insurance as defined in § 38.2-3544, such company shall pay a tax of one percent of its direct gross premium income on such insurance. No company, however, doing business on the legal reserve plan, shall be required to pay any licenses, fees or other taxes in excess of those required by this section on such part of its business as is industrial sick benefit insurance as defined in § 38.2-3544; but any such company doing business on the legal reserve plan shall pay on all industrial sick benefit policies or contracts on which the sick benefit portion has been cancelled as provided in § 38.2-3546, or which provide a greater death benefit than $250 or a greater weekly indemnity than $10, and on all other life, accident and sickness insurance, the same license or other taxes as are required by this section; and

4. For subscription contracts for any kind of plan classified and defined in § 38.2-4201 or § 38.2-4501, such corporation shall pay a tax of two and one-fourth percent of its direct gross subscriber fee income derived from subscription contracts issued to primary small groups as defined in § 38.2-3431 and three-fourths of one percent of its direct gross subscriber fee income derived from other subscription contracts for taxable year 1997. For each of taxable years 1998 through 2013, such corporation shall pay a tax of three-fourths of one percent of its direct gross subscriber fee income derived from subscription contracts issued to individuals and from open enrollment contracts as defined in § 38.2-4216.1, and two and one-fourth percent of its direct gross subscriber fee income derived from other subscription contracts. For each taxable year thereafter, such corporation shall pay a tax of two and one-fourth percent of its direct gross subscriber fee income derived from all subscription contracts. The declaration of estimated tax pursuant to this subsection shall commence on or before April 15, 1988.

B. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this section, any domestic insurance company doing business solely in the Commonwealth which is purely mutual, has no capital stock and is not designed to accumulate profits for the benefit of or pay dividends to its members, and any domestic insurance company doing business solely in the Commonwealth, with a capital stock not exceeding $25,000 and which pays losses with assessments against its policyholders or members, shall pay an annual license tax of one percent of its direct gross premium income.

Code 1950, §§ 58-490, 58-491, 58-492, 58-501; 1952, c. 190; 1968, c. 13; 1978, c. 658; 1984, c. 675; 1987, cc. 565, 655; 1997, cc. 807, 913; 2004, c. 668; 2013, cc. 136, 210.

§ 58.1-2501.1. Premium tax; travel insurance.

A. As used in this section:

"Blanket travel insurance" has the same meaning ascribed thereto in § 38.2-1887.

"Primary certificate holder" has the same meaning ascribed thereto in § 38.2-1887.

"Primary policyholder" has the same meaning ascribed thereto in § 38.2-1887.

"Travel assistance services" has the same meaning ascribed thereto in § 38.2-1887.

"Travel insurance" has the same meaning ascribed thereto in § 38.2-1887.

B. A travel insurer shall pay premium tax as provided in § 58.1-2501 on travel insurance premiums paid by any of the following:

1. A primary policyholder who is a resident of the Commonwealth;

2. A primary certificate holder that is a resident of the Commonwealth; or

3. A blanket travel insurance policyholder that is a resident of the Commonwealth or that has its principal place of business or the principal place of business of an affiliate or subsidiary that has purchased blanket travel insurance in the Commonwealth for eligible blanket group members, subject to apportionment rules that apply to the insurer across multiple taxing jurisdictions or that permits the insurer to allocate premiums on an apportioned basis in a reasonable and equitable manner in those jurisdictions.

C. A travel insurer shall (i) document the state of residence or principal place of business of the primary policyholder or primary certificate holder and (ii) report as premium only the amount allocable to travel insurance and not any amounts received for travel assistance services or cancellation fee waivers.

2019, cc. 266, 346.

§ 58.1-2502. Exemptions and exclusions.

Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to require any tax, other than taxes imposed upon property and the license tax imposed by § 38.2-4127:

1. Upon fraternal benefit societies as defined in § 38.2-4100.

2. Upon any mutual assessment fire insurance company as defined in §§ 38.2-2501 and 38.2-2503 which (i) confines its business to not more than four contiguous counties and cities located therein and wholly surrounded thereby in the Commonwealth, if any such city has a population of not more than 30,000, or (ii) confines its business to more than four contiguous counties in the Commonwealth if such counties together have a population not in excess of 100,000.

3. Upon premiums derived from workers' compensation insurance on which a premium tax is imposed under the provisions of § 65.2-1000.

4. Upon consideration for contracts for annuities as defined in § 38.2-106.

Code 1950, §§ 58-493, 58-494; 1952, c. 190; 1956, c. 527; 1960, c. 452; 1977, c. 248; 1984, c. 675.

§ 58.1-2503. When tax payable.

The annual license tax shall be transmitted to the Department on or before March 1 of each year for deposit into the state treasury.

Code 1950, § 58-489; 1952, c. 190; 1968, c. 13; 1978, c. 4; 1984, c. 675; 2011, c. 850.

§ 58.1-2504. Companies commencing business.

A. The license tax on a company commencing business in the Commonwealth shall be paid to the Department before the license is issued. If a payment is made in an amount subsequently found to be in error, the Department shall, if an additional amount is due, notify the taxpayer of the additional amount due and the company shall pay such amount within 30 days of the date of the notice, and, if an overpayment is made, issue a refund as provided for in § 58.1-2505.

B. No license to transact the business of insurance shall be issued by the Commission for less than a year except to a company when it first commences business in the Commonwealth, in which case the initial license shall be issued for that part of the year from the date of the issuance of the license to June 30 following.

Code 1950, §§ 58-487, 58-489; 1952, c. 190; 1968, c. 13; 1978, c. 4; 1984, c. 675; 2011, c. 850; 2013, cc. 29, 163.

§ 58.1-2505. Amount of license tax for company commencing business.

The license tax on a company commencing business in the Commonwealth shall be measured by an estimate of direct gross premium income reasonably expected to be derived from such business in the Commonwealth from the time of commencing business to December 31 following. Every estimate made under this section shall be subject to review by the Department after the close of the year for which the estimate is made and, if there is any variance between the estimate and the actual direct gross premium income, the Department shall issue a refund or provide notice of the assessment of additional license tax depending on whether such estimate was in excess of or less than the actual direct gross premium income of such company for such year.

Code 1950, § 58-488; 1952, c. 190; 1968, c. 13; 1984, c. 675; 2011, c. 850; 2013, cc. 29, 163.

§ 58.1-2506. Reports to the Department.

Every company subject to the provisions of this chapter shall, on or before March 1 of each year, report under oath to the Department, upon forms to be furnished or approved by and in such detail as may be prescribed by the Department, the direct gross premium income derived from its business in the Commonwealth during the preceding year ending December 31.

Code 1950, § 58-497; 1952, c. 190; 1978, c. 4; 1984, c. 675; 1997, c. 419; 2011, c. 850.

§ 58.1-2507. Penalties for failure to make report or pay tax; revocation of license; recovery by suit.

A. Every company failing to make the report required by § 58.1-2506 shall be fined $50 for each day's failure to make the report.

B. Upon the failure of any such company to pay the license tax within the time required by this chapter, there shall be added to such tax a penalty of 10 percent of the amount of the tax and interest at a rate equal to the rate of interest established pursuant to § 58.1-15 for the period between the due date and the date of full payment. The Department shall notify the taxpayer of all additional amounts owed, and the taxpayer shall pay such amounts within 30 days of the date of the notice. If an overpayment is made, the Department shall issue a refund of the amount of the overpayment to the taxpayer pursuant to subsection B of § 58.1-2526. The Commission may suspend or revoke the company's license to do business in this Commonwealth pursuant to § 38.2-1040 upon notification by the Department that the additional amounts due are not paid. The Department shall proceed to recover the tax, penalty and interest (i) in the same manner as is done for any other tax administered by the Department or (ii) by proceedings brought to subject any bonds or other securities deposited by such company with the Treasurer.

C. If such failure is due to providential or other good cause shown to the satisfaction of the Department, such return or payment or return and payment may be accepted exclusive of penalties; however, such company shall pay interest on such tax as prescribed in subsection B.

Code 1950, § 58-498; 1952, c. 190; 1968, c. 13; 1978, c. 4; 1984, c. 675; 2003, c. 372; 2011, c. 850; 2013, cc. 29, 163.

§ 58.1-2508. Taxes applicable to insurance companies.

A. The real estate and tangible personal property, situated or located in the Commonwealth, of every such company and every fraternal benefit society transacting insurance in the Commonwealth shall be listed and assessed on the land and property books of the commissioner of the revenue in the same manner as other real estate and tangible personal property are assessed, and shall be taxed at the same rates as other like property is taxed.

B. The license tax provided in this chapter, the tax on real estate and tangible personal property provided for in subsection A, the fee assessed by the Commission for the administration of the insurance laws pursuant to Chapter 4 (§ 38.2-400 et seq.) of Title 38.2, the fee assessed by the Commission for the Fire Programs Fund pursuant to § 38.2-401, the fee assessed by the Commission for the Dam Safety, Flood Prevention and Protection Assistance Fund pursuant to § 38.2-401.1, the fee assessed by the Commission to fund the program to reduce losses from motor vehicle thefts pursuant to § 38.2-414, the fee assessed by the Commission to fund the program to reduce losses from insurance fraud pursuant to § 38.2-415, and the retaliatory amounts assessed by the Department pursuant to § 38.2-1026 shall be in lieu of all fees, licenses, taxes and levies whatsoever, state, county, city or town; however, nothing in this section shall be construed to exempt insurance companies from the tax levied in Chapter 6 (§ 58.1-600 et seq.) of this title. No additional fee or license tax shall be applicable to an agent of an insurance company other than the annual license fee on agents required pursuant to Article 3 (§ 38.2-1819 et seq.) of Chapter 18 of Title 38.2.

Code 1950, §§ 58-499, 58-500; 1952, c. 190; 1984, c. 675; 1985, c. 545; 1992, c. 678; 1996, c. 22; 1998, c. 590; 2001, c. 706; 2006, cc. 648, 765; 2011, c. 850.

§ 58.1-2509. Certain other provisions not affected by chapter.

Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to affect or apply to the law providing that the expenses of maintaining the division or bureau of the Commission which administers the insurance laws of the Commonwealth shall be paid by the insurance companies doing business therein, and the law providing that the expense of keeping the bonds deposited with the State Treasurer shall be paid by the insurance company depositing such bonds.

Code 1950, § 58-495; 1952, c. 190; 1984, c. 675.

§ 58.1-2510. Tax credit for retaliatory costs paid to other states.

A. For license years beginning on and after July 1, 1998, every qualified company shall be allowed a credit against the tax imposed by § 58.1-2501 in an amount equal to the retaliatory costs incurred during the corresponding taxable year as a result of the difference between other states' lower premium tax rates and other costs and the tax rates and costs imposed by the Commonwealth of Virginia. For license years beginning on and after July 1, 2006, and taxable years ending on and after December 31, 2006, the amount of the credit for those qualified companies not receiving a credit for the taxable year 2000 shall be limited to 60 percent of the retaliatory costs paid to other states for those companies.

B. As used in this section:

"Affiliate" of a specific company or a company "affiliated" with a specific company means a company that directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with the company specified. A company shall be deemed to control, be controlled by, or be under common control with the company specified if their relationship to each other is such that one company owns at least 80 percent of the voting power of the other company or at least 80 percent of the voting power of all companies is owned by the same interests.

"Affiliated insurance group" means two or more affiliated companies (i) at least one of which is a domestic insurance company and (ii) each of which is in the business of insurance, leasing, financial services, or providing administrative or other support for other members of the group, or is a holding company for the other members of the group.

"Domestic insurance company" means any insurance company incorporated or organized under the laws of this Commonwealth and headquartered within this Commonwealth.

"Permanent full-time position" means a position of an indefinite duration in this Commonwealth requiring a minimum of 35 hours of an employee's time a week for the entire normal year of the company's operations, which "normal year" shall consist of at least 48 weeks. Seasonal or temporary positions and positions in building and grounds maintenance, security, and other such positions which are ancillary to the principal business of the employer shall not qualify as new, permanent full-time positions.

"Qualified company" means a domestic insurance company that (i) has made a qualified investment in this Commonwealth and (ii) for license years beginning on or after July 1, 1998, maintained the employment level required for a qualified investment, such level to be measured as of December 31 of the corresponding taxable year. The foregoing requirements may be satisfied by either the domestic insurance company or collectively by all the members of the affiliated insurance group of which the qualified company is a member.

"Qualified full-time employee" means an employee filling a permanent full-time position with a domestic insurance company or member of an affiliated insurance group.

"Qualified investment" means an investment in this Commonwealth by a domestic insurance company or any one or more members of an affiliated insurance group that results in (i) an increase as of December 31, 1997, of at least 325 qualified full-time employees above such company's or group's total combined employment level in this Commonwealth on December 31, 1996, or (ii) during any taxable year beginning on or after January 1, 2001, such company or group having more than 100 qualified full-time employees in this Commonwealth during that entire taxable year.

"Retaliatory cost" means the additional regulatory costs, including any taxes or fees exacted for the privilege of doing business, paid by a Virginia-domiciled insurer to another state pursuant to a law of such state requiring, when an insurer domiciled in such other state is subject to regulatory costs in this Commonwealth that are greater than those imposed by such other state on insurers domiciled in this Commonwealth, the Virginia-domiciled insurer to pay additional regulatory costs to equal the regulatory costs imposed by this Commonwealth on an insurer domiciled in such other state. Such term, however, shall not include penalties or interest for late payment of taxes, fees or other charges, fines or penalties assessed as the result of the violation of laws of such other state, or sums paid in settlement or compromise of alleged violations of such laws.

C. Applications for a credit and for a refund of excess taxes may be submitted by a qualified company individually or on behalf of the members of an affiliated insurance group on or before March 1 next succeeding the end of the taxable year. Any payment of the tax imposed under § 58.1-2501, including any credit claimed under this section, shall be deemed to have been made with the return filed on March 1 reporting such tax and claiming any credits or on the last day prescribed for the timely filing of such return or, if later, the actual date of payment or notice of denial of any credits claimed hereunder. An amended application or return may be filed, and a credit claimed under this section, within one year of the payment of the tax for such year. Applications shall be submitted with a form approved by the Department and signed by an independent certified public accountant licensed by the Commonwealth who states that the domestic insurance company or affiliated insurance group, as applicable, is eligible for the credit claimed.

D. Any credit provided pursuant to this section shall be taken after all other applicable credits. Any credit not taken by a domestic insurance company may be taken by other members of an affiliated insurance group. Any credit not used to offset tax for the taxable year in which the credit was allowed may be, to the extent not so used, carried forward to future taxable years until the entire credit amount is used. Unused credits, including credits carried forward from previous years, exclusive of refunds due to overpayment or other sources, per domestic insurance company or affiliated insurance group, as applicable, shall be refunded to such company, or to the members of such group as they may agree, upon filing a refund application with the Department, in an amount not exceeding $800,000 annually, except for those qualified companies receiving a credit in taxable year 2000, which may file a refund application with the Department for taxable years beginning on and after January 1, 2011, for an amount not exceeding $7 million, annually. Refunds for unused credits shall first be applied to reduce the oldest unused credits. Refunds, including refunds based on the application of credits and overpayments of estimated taxes, shall be made after July 1 following the filing of the refund application and paid out of the state treasury.

E. If two or more domestic insurance companies paying retaliatory costs in any year are members of an affiliated insurance group, the total of the retaliatory costs paid may be combined and apportioned among the members of the affiliated insurance group as the members may agree.

F. The failure of a domestic insurance company or members of an affiliated insurance group to qualify for a new credit under this section in any year shall not affect its ability to use credits carried over from previous years.

1998, c. 365; 2009, c. 567; 2011, cc. 817, 850, 863.

§ 58.1-2511. Reserved.


Article 2. Estimated Tax.

§ 58.1-2520. Requirement of declaration.

A. Every insurance company and nonstock corporation licensed pursuant to Chapters 42 and 45 of Title 38.2 subject to the state license tax imposed by § 58.1-2501 shall make a declaration of estimated tax if the tax imposed by this chapter, for the license year, measured by direct gross premium income, can reasonably be expected to exceed $3,000.

Such declaration shall contain such pertinent information as the Department may by forms or guidelines prescribe.

B. Any such insurance company or nonstock corporation with a taxable year of less than 12 months shall make a declaration in accordance with guidelines prescribed by the Department.

Code 1950, § 58-502.2; 1968, c. 13; 1978, c. 4; 1984, c. 675; 1987, cc. 565, 655; 2011, c. 850.

§ 58.1-2521. Time for filing declarations of estimated tax.

A. The declaration of estimated tax shall be filed as follows:

If the requirements of subsection A of § 58.1-2520 are first met:

1. Before April 1 of the taxable year, the declaration shall be filed on or before April 15 of the taxable year.

2. After March 31 but before June 1 of the taxable year, the declaration shall be filed on or before June 15 of the taxable year.

3. After May 31, but before September 1 of the taxable year, the declaration shall be filed on or before September 15 of the taxable year.

4. After August 31, but before December 1 of the taxable year, the declaration shall be filed on or before December 15 of the taxable year.

B. The application of this section to taxable years of less than 12 months shall be in accordance with guidelines prescribed by the Department.

Code 1950, § 58-502.3; 1968, c. 13; 1984, c. 675; 2011, c. 850.

§ 58.1-2522. Amendments to declaration.

An amendment of a declaration may be filed in any interval between installment dates prescribed for the taxable year, but only one amendment may be filed in each such interval. Such amendments shall be filed pursuant to guidelines prescribed by the Department.

Code 1950, §§ 58-502.2, 58-502.3; 1968, c. 13; 1978, c. 4; 1984, c. 675; 2011, c. 850.

§ 58.1-2523. Payment of estimated tax.

A. The amount of estimated tax with respect to which a declaration is required under § 58.1-2520 shall be paid in installments as follows:

1. If the declaration is required to be filed by April 15 of the taxable year, twenty-five percent of the estimated tax shall be paid on April, June, September and December 15 of said taxable year.

2. If the declaration is required to be filed by June 15 of the taxable year, one-third of the estimated tax shall be paid on June, September and December 15 of said taxable year.

3. If the declaration is required to be filed by September 15 of the taxable year, one-half of the estimated tax shall be paid on September and December 15 of said taxable year.

4. If the declaration is required to be filed by December 15 of the taxable year, 100 percent of the estimated tax shall be paid on the same date such declaration is filed.

B. If any amendment to a declaration is filed, the amount of any remaining installments shall be the amount which would have been payable if the new estimate had been made when the first estimate for the taxable year was made, increased or decreased, as the case may be, by the amount computed by dividing: (1) The difference between (a) the amount of estimated tax required to be paid before the date on which the amendment is made, and (b) the amount of estimated tax which would have been required to be paid before such date if the new estimate had been made when the first estimate was made, by (2) the number of installments remaining to be paid on or after the date on which the amendment is made.

C. At the election of the insurance company, any installment of the estimated tax may be paid before the date prescribed for its payment.

Code 1950, § 58-502.4; 1968, c. 13; 1972, c. 153; 1984, c. 675.

§ 58.1-2524. Payments are on account of tax for license year.

Payment of the estimated tax or any installment thereof shall be considered payment on account of the license tax imposed by this chapter for the license year.

Code 1950, § 58-502.4; 1968, c. 13; 1972, c. 153; 1984, c. 675.

§ 58.1-2525. Extensions of time.

The Department may grant a reasonable extension of time for payment of estimated tax, or any installment, or for filing any declaration pursuant to this article, on condition that the taxpayer shall pay interest on the amount involved at the rate set forth in § 58.1-15 until the time of payment.

Code 1950, § 58-502.4; 1968, c. 13; 1972, c. 153; 1984, c. 675; 2011, c. 850; 2013, cc. 29, 163.

§ 58.1-2526. Where declarations filed and how payments made; refunding overpayments.

A. Every insurance company required by this article to file a declaration and make payment of the estimated tax shall file and pay the same with the Department. All such payments shall be deposited by the Department into the state treasury.

B. If any insurance company overestimates and overpays estimated tax or overpays as a result of increased regulatory costs imposed pursuant to § 38.2-1026, the Department shall issue a refund of the amount of the overpayment to the taxpayer. The overpayment shall be refunded out of the state treasury. No interest shall be paid on the refund of any overpayment.

Code 1950, § 58-502.5; 1968, c. 13; 1984, c. 675; 1985, c. 221; 1999, c. 571; 2011, c. 850; 2013, cc. 29, 163.

§ 58.1-2527. Failure to pay estimated tax.

A. In case of any underpayment of estimated tax by an insurance company, there shall be added to the tax for the license year interest determined at the rate set forth in § 58.1-15 upon the amount of the underpayment for the period of the underpayment.

B. For purposes of subsection A, the amount of the underpayment shall be the excess of:

1. The amount of the installment which would be required to be paid if the estimated tax were equal to 90 percent of the tax shown on the report for the license year, over

2. The amount, if any, of the installment paid on or before the last date prescribed for payment.

C. The period of the underpayment shall run from the date the installment was required to be paid to whichever of the following dates is the earlier:

1. The first day of the third month following the close of the taxable year.

2. With respect to any portion of the underpayment, the date on which such portion is paid. For purposes of this paragraph, a payment of estimated tax on any installment date shall be considered a payment of any previous underpayment only to the extent such payment exceeds the amount of the installment determined under subdivision B 1 for such installment date.

Code 1950, § 58-502.6; 1968, c. 13; 1984, c. 675; 2013, cc. 29, 163.

§ 58.1-2528. Exception to § 58.1-2527.

A. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 58.1-2527, the addition to the tax with respect to any underpayment of any installment shall not be imposed if the total amount of all payments of estimated tax made on or before the last date prescribed for the payment of such installment equals or exceeds the amount which would have been required to be paid on or before such date if the estimated tax were whichever of the following is the lesser:

1. The tax as ascertained for the preceding license year, and the tax for such preceding license year was computed on the basis of a taxable year of 12 months.

2. An amount equal to the tax computed at the rate applicable to the license year but otherwise on the basis of the facts shown on the report of the insurance company for, and the law applicable to, the preceding license year.

3. An amount equal to 90 percent of the tax measured by direct gross premium income received or derived in the taxable year computed by placing on an annualized basis the taxable direct gross premium income:

a. For the first three months of the taxable year, in the case of the installment required to be paid in the fourth month,

b. For the first three months or for the first five months of the taxable year, in the case of the installment required to be paid in the sixth month,

c. For the first six months or for the first eight months of the taxable year, in the case of the installment required to be paid in the ninth month, and

d. For the first nine months or for the first 11 months of the taxable year, in the case of the installment required to be paid in the twelfth month of the taxable year.

B. For purposes of subdivision A 3, the taxable direct gross premium income shall be placed on an annualized basis by multiplying by twelve the taxable direct gross premium income referred to in subdivision A 3, and dividing the resulting amount by the number of months in the taxable year (three, five, six, eight, nine, or 11, as the case may be) referred to in subdivision A 3.

C. The application of this section to taxable years of less than 12 months shall be in accordance with guidelines prescribed by the Department.

Code 1950, § 58-502.6; 1968, c. 13; 1984, c. 675; 2011, c. 850.

§ 58.1-2529. Other provisions of this chapter not affected by this article; insurance companies going out of business.

Nothing in this article shall be construed as affecting other provisions of this chapter except to the extent required to give this article full effect. If an insurance company goes out of business or ceases to be an insurance company in this Commonwealth in any taxable or license year, such an event shall not relieve the company of the payment of the tax measured by direct gross premium income for the period in which the company operated as an insurance company and received or derived direct gross premium income from business in this Commonwealth.

Code 1950, § 58-502.7; 1968, c. 13; 1984, c. 675.

§ 58.1-2530. Double taxation respecting same direct gross premium income negated.

This chapter shall not be construed as requiring the inclusion in the base for measuring the tax imposed by this chapter for any year any direct gross premium income which had been previously included in the base for measuring the tax imposed by this chapter respecting any license year or part thereof, and the tax paid thereon.

Code 1950, § 58-502.9; 1968, c. 13; 1984, c. 675.

§ 58.1-2531. Distribution of certain revenue.

A. Beginning with the Commonwealth's fiscal year beginning on July 1, 2008 and for each fiscal year thereafter, an amount equal to one-third of all revenues collected by the Department in the most recently ended fiscal year from the tax imposed under this chapter, less one-third of the total amount of such tax refunded in the most recently ended fiscal year, shall be deposited by the Comptroller to the Commonwealth Transportation Fund established under § 33.2-1524.

B. For purposes of the Comptroller's deposits under this section, the Tax Commissioner shall, no later than July 15 of each year, provide a written certification to the Comptroller that reports the amount to be deposited pursuant to subsection A. After the required amount has been deposited as provided in subsection A, all remaining revenues from the tax imposed under this chapter shall be deposited into the general fund of the state treasury. The Comptroller shall make all deposits under this section as soon as practicable.

2007, c. 896; 2011, c. 850; 2020, cc. 1230, 1275.

§ 58.1-2532. Exchange of information.

The Department and the Commission may exchange information for purposes of enforcing the provisions of this title.

2011, c. 850.

§ 58.1-2533. Reimbursement for certain costs.

Any costs related to the insurance premiums tax that are incurred by the Department shall be recovered from the assessment for expenses under §§ 38.2-400 and 38.2-403.

2011, c. 850.

Chapter 26. Taxation of Public Service Corporations.

Article 1. General Provisions.

§ 58.1-2600. Definitions.

A. As used in this chapter:

"Certificated motor vehicle carrier" means a common carrier by motor vehicle, as defined in § 46.2-2000, operating over regular routes under a certificate of public convenience and necessity issued by the Commission or issued on or after July 1, 1995, by the Department of Motor Vehicles. A transit company or bus company that is owned or operated directly or indirectly by a political subdivision of this Commonwealth shall not be deemed a "certificated motor vehicle carrier" for the purposes of this chapter and shall not be subject to the imposition of the tax imposed in § 58.1-2652, nor shall such transit company or bus company thereby be subject to the imposition of local property levies. A common carrier of property by motor vehicle shall not be deemed a "certificated motor vehicle carrier" for the purposes of this chapter and shall not be subject to the imposition of the tax imposed in § 58.1-2652, but shall be subject to the imposition of local property taxes.

"Cogenerator" means a qualifying cogenerator or qualifying small power producer within the meaning of regulations adopted by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in implementation of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (P.L. 95-617).

"Commission" means the State Corporation Commission which is hereby designated pursuant to Article X, Section 2 of the Constitution of Virginia as the central state agency responsible for the assessment of the real and personal property of all public service corporations, except those public service corporations for which the Department of Taxation is so designated, upon which the Commonwealth levies a license tax measured by the gross receipts of such corporations. The State Corporation Commission shall also assess the property of each telephone or telegraph company, every public service corporation in the Commonwealth in the business of furnishing heat, light and power by means of electricity, and each electric supplier, as provided by this chapter.

"Department" means the Department of Taxation which is hereby designated pursuant to Article X, Section 2 of the Constitution of Virginia as the central state agency to assess the real and personal property of railroads and pipeline transmission companies as defined herein.

"Electric supplier" means any person owning or operating facilities for the generation, storage, transmission or distribution of electricity for sales, except any person owning or operating facilities with a designed generation or storage capacity of 25 megawatts or less.

"Energy storage system" means the same as that term is defined in § 58.1-3660.

"Estimated tax" means the amount of tax which a taxpayer estimates as being imposed by Article 2 (§ 58.1-2620 et seq.) of this chapter for the tax year as measured by the gross receipts received in the taxable year.

"Freight car company" includes every car trust, mercantile or other company or person not domiciled in this Commonwealth owning stock cars, furniture cars, fruit cars, tank cars or other similar cars. Such term shall not include a company operating a line as a railroad.

"Gross receipts" means the total of all revenue derived in the Commonwealth, including but not limited to income from the provision or performance of a service or the performance of incidental operations not necessarily associated with the particular service performed, without deductions for expenses or other adjustments. Such term shall not, however, include interest, dividends, investment income or receipts from the sale of real property or other assets except inventory of goods held for sale or resale.

"Pipeline distribution company" means a corporation, other than a pipeline transmission company, which transmits, by means of a pipeline, natural gas, manufactured gas or crude petroleum and the products or by-products thereof to a purchaser for purposes of furnishing heat or light.

"Pipeline transmission company" means a corporation authorized to transmit natural gas, manufactured gas or crude petroleum and the products or by-products thereof in the public service by means of a pipeline or pipelines from one point to another when such gas or petroleum is not for sale to an ultimate consumer for purposes of furnishing heat or light.

"Storage" means the storage of energy by an energy storage system.

"Tax Commissioner" means the chief executive officer of the Department of Taxation or his designee.

"Tax year" means the twelve-month period beginning on January 1 and ending on December 31 of the same calendar year, such year also being the tax assessment year or the year in which the tax levied under this chapter shall be paid.

"Taxable year" means the calendar year preceding the tax year, upon which the gross receipts are computed as a basis for the payment of the tax levied pursuant to this chapter.

"Telegraph company" means a corporation or person operating the apparatus necessary to communicate by telegraph.

"Telephone company" means a person holding a certificate of convenience and necessity granted by the State Corporation Commission authorizing telephone service; or a person authorized by the Federal Communications Commission to provide commercial mobile service as defined in § 332(d)(1) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, where such service includes cellular mobile radio communications services or broadband personal communications services; or a person holding a certificate issued pursuant to § 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, authorizing domestic telephone service and belonging to an affiliated group including a person holding a certificate of convenience and necessity granted by the State Corporation Commission authorizing telephone service. The term "affiliated group" has the meaning given in § 58.1-3700.1.

B. For purposes of this chapter the terms "license tax" and "franchise tax" shall be synonymous.

Code 1950, §§ 58-503, 58-503.1, 58-503.2, 58-508, 58-514.3, 58-514.4, 58-556, 58-626.1, 58-627; 1950, p. 660; 1954, c. 341; 1956, cc. 69, 475; 1968, c. 15; 1970, c. 32; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 45; 1974, c. 397; 1978, c. 62; 1979, c. 153; 1980, c. 649; 1982, c. 671; 1983, c. 570; 1984, c. 675; 1988, cc. 730, 899; 1995, c. 507; 1996, c. 381; 1998, c. 897; 1999, c. 971; 2002, cc. 443, 444; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, cc. 49, 50.

§ 58.1-2601. Boundaries of certain political units to be furnished company, Commission and Department.

A. The commissioner of the revenue in each county and city in which a public service corporation or other person with property assessed pursuant to this chapter does business or owns property shall furnish, on or before January 1 in each year, to each such corporation or person, the boundaries of each city and the magisterial district of the county and of each town therein in which any part of the property of such corporation or person is situated. A copy of such boundaries shall also be forwarded to the clerk of the Commission and the Tax Commissioner.

B. Whenever any commissioner of the revenue shall fail to furnish to such corporation or other person, the clerk of the Commission and the Tax Commissioner, such boundaries required in subsection A, the clerk of the Commission and the Tax Commissioner shall notify the judge of the circuit court of the county and city of such commissioner of the revenue, and the judge shall instruct the grand jury at the next term of the circuit court to ascertain whether such boundaries have been furnished as required in this section. Should the grand jury ascertain that such boundaries have not been furnished, they shall find an indictment against the commissioner of the revenue. Upon conviction thereof, such commissioner of the revenue shall be guilty of a Class 4 misdemeanor, each magisterial district and town boundary so omitted being a separate offense.

C. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection A, whenever the boundaries have once been furnished to any public service corporation or other person with property assessed pursuant to this chapter, the Commission and the Tax Commissioner, the commissioner of the revenue shall thereafter not be required to furnish the boundaries except as shall be necessary to show subsequent changes in such boundaries.

Code 1950, § 58-510; 1972, c. 548; 1980, c. 84; 1983, c. 570; 1984, c. 675; 1999, c. 971.

§ 58.1-2602. Local authorities to examine assessments and inform Department or Commission whether correct.

The governing body of each county, city and town, receiving a copy of any assessment made by the Commission or the Department against property of a public service corporation or other person with property assessed pursuant to this chapter located in such county, city or town, shall forthwith review such assessments and determine whether they are accurate and notify the clerk of the Commission or the Department of any corrections thereto. Such governing bodies at their own expense may, when there is reason to doubt the correctness of the assessed length of any line, retain any surveyor in order to verify the assessment of the Commission or the Department.

Code 1950, § 58-511; 1972, c. 549; 1983, c. 570; 1984, c. 675; 1999, c. 971.

§ 58.1-2603. Local levies to be extended by commissioners of the revenue; copies; forms.

All county, district and city levies on the property of public service corporations or other persons with property assessed pursuant to this chapter shall be extended by the commissioner of the revenue for the county or city, and a copy of such extensions shall be certified and transmitted by the commissioner of the revenue to the treasurer of his county or city for collection. In each city which has a collector of city taxes, such copy shall be certified and transmitted to such collector of city taxes. Forms for use by the commissioners of the revenue under this section shall be prescribed and furnished by the Department.

Code 1950, § 58-512; 1984, c. 675; 1999, c. 971.

§ 58.1-2604. Assessed valuation.

A. Except as otherwise provided in § 58.1-2609, the equalized assessed valuation of the property of any public service corporation or other person with property assessed pursuant to this chapter in any taxing district shall be made by application of the local assessment ratio prevailing in such taxing district for other real estate as most recently determined and published by the Department of Taxation.

B. On request of any local taxing district in connection with any reassessment of property, representatives of the State Corporation Commission and the Department shall consult with representatives of the district with regard to ascertainment and equalization of values to help assure uniformity of appraisals and assessments in accordance with the provisions of this section.

C. The Department of Taxation shall furnish to each county, city or town in which the property of public service corporations or other persons with property assessed pursuant to this chapter represents twenty-five percent or more of the total assessed value of real estate in such county, city or town, the local assessment ratio to be applied within that county, city or town no later than April 1 of the year for which it is applicable.

D. The Department of Taxation shall furnish to each county, city or town, by April 1 of each year, a description of the manner in which the local assessment ratio applicable to the county, city or town for the year was determined. The description furnished by the Department shall include, but not be limited to, a description of the parcels used, the time period from which sales transactions were drawn, the classification applied by the Department to any parcel or transaction, and any mathematical formulas used in calculating the local assessment ratio.

Code 1950, § 58-512.1; 1966, c. 541; 1975, c. 620; 1976, c. 687; 1977, c. 210; 1979, c. 160; 1983, c. 570; 1984, c. 675; 1993, c. 529; 1999, c. 971.

§ 58.1-2605. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 2002, c. 502, effective January 1, 2003.

§ 58.1-2606. Local taxation of real and tangible personal property of public service corporations; other persons.

A. Notwithstanding the provisions of this section and §§ 58.1-2607 and 58.1-2690, all local taxes on the real estate and tangible personal property of public service corporations referred to in such sections and other persons with property assessed pursuant to this chapter shall be at the real estate rate applicable in the respective locality.

B. Notwithstanding any of the foregoing provisions, all aircraft, automobiles and trucks of such corporations and other persons shall be taxed at the same rate or rates applicable to other aircraft, automobiles and trucks in the respective locality.

C. Notwithstanding any of the foregoing provisions, generating equipment that is reported to the Commission by electric suppliers shall be taxed at a rate determined by the locality but shall not exceed the real estate rate applicable in the respective localities. However, generating equipment that is reported to the Commission by electric suppliers utilizing wind turbines, for which an initial interconnection request form has been filed with an electric utility or a regional transmission organization on or before July 1, 2020, may be taxed by the locality at a rate that exceeds the real estate rate by up to $0.20 per $100 of assessed value. All other generating equipment that is reported to the Commission by electric suppliers utilizing wind turbines may be taxed by the locality at a rate that exceeds the real estate rate but that does not exceed the general class of personal property tax rate applicable in the respective localities.

D. Notwithstanding the provisions of any of the foregoing provisions, no additional tax otherwise authorized under § 58.1-3221.3 shall be imposed by the counties of Isle of Wight, James City, and York and the cities of Chesapeake, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Poquoson, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Virginia Beach, and Williamsburg upon any real or tangible personal property of a public service corporation or electric supplier unless a final certificate of occupancy for a commercial or industrial use has been issued and remains in effect.

Code 1950, §§ 58-514.2, 58-605; 1966, c. 539; 1972, c. 813; 1975, c. 620; 1976, c. 687; 1984, c. 675; 1999, cc. 866, 971; 2004, c. 504; 2006, c. 517; 2008, c. 642; 2020, c. 508.

§ 58.1-2606.1. Local taxation for solar photovoltaic projects five megawatts or less.

A. Notwithstanding clause (iv) of subsection C of § 58.1-3660, generating equipment of solar photovoltaic projects five megawatts or less shall be taxable by a locality, at a rate determined by such locality, but shall not exceed the real estate rate applicable in that locality, and notwithstanding subsection F of § 58.1-3660, the exemption shall be as follows: 80 percent of the assessed value in the first five years in service after commencement of commercial operation, 70 percent of the assessed value in the second five years in service, and 60 percent of the assessed value for all remaining years in service.

B. Notwithstanding clause (iii) of subsection B of § 58.1-2636, solar photovoltaic projects five megawatts or less shall not be exempt from the assessment of a revenue share by ordinance of that locality, as otherwise authorized pursuant to the provisions of § 58.1-2636. If a locality assesses a revenue share on solar photovoltaic projects five megawatts or less pursuant to this subsection, the exemption for such projects, as measured in alternating current (AC) generation capacity, shall, in lieu of the amounts specified in subsection A, be 100 percent of the assessed value.

C. Nothing herein shall be construed to authorize local taxation pursuant to this section, § 58.1-2636, or § 58.1-3660 of generating or storage equipment of solar photovoltaic projects that serve the electricity needs of that property upon which such solar facilities are located, as is provided in § 15.2-2288.7.

2022, cc. 492, 493.

§ 58.1-2607. Local taxation of real and tangible personal property of railroads.

A. Notwithstanding the provisions of §§ 58.1-2604 and 58.1-2606, and beginning with assessments initially effective January 1, 1980, all assessments of real estate and tangible personal property of railroads shall be made by application of the local assessment ratio prevailing in such taxing district for other real estate as determined or published by the Department, except that land and noncarrier property shall be assessed as provided in § 58.1-2609.

B. The real estate and tangible personal property (other than the rolling stock) of every railway company, but not its franchise, shall be assessed on the valuation fixed by the Department and shall be taxed by a county, city, town, and magisterial district at the real estate tax rate applicable in such respective locality.

Code 1950, §§ 58-514.2:2, 58-522; 1972, c. 813; 1978, c. 784; 1979, c. 160; 1983, c. 570; 1984, c. 675.

§ 58.1-2608. State taxation of railroads, telecommunications companies.

Every railway company or telecommunications company as defined in § 58.1-400.1 shall pay to the Commonwealth the income tax imposed by Chapter 3 of this title.

Nothing herein contained shall exempt such corporations from the intangible personal property tax levied under Chapter 11, the annual fee and the annual state registration fee on domestic corporations, both levied under § 13.1-775.1 or from assessment for street and other local improvements which shall be authorized by law, or from the county, city, town, or magisterial district levies hereinafter provided for.

Code 1950, § 58-519; 1964, c. 425; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 41; 1972, c. 813; 1976, c. 777; 1978, c. 784; 1984, c. 675; 1988, c. 899.

§ 58.1-2609. Local taxation of land and nonutility and noncarrier improvements of public service corporations; other persons.

Whenever land and noncarrier and nonutility improvements of public service corporations and other persons with property assessed pursuant to this chapter are appraised for local taxation by comparison to the appraised values placed by local assessors on similar properties in the taxing district, they shall be assessed by application of the local stated ratio of assessments to appraisals, and taxed at the rate applicable to other real property in the taxing district. Such property is hereby defined as a separate item of taxation for such purpose and shall be identified as a separate class of property for local taxation.

Code 1950, § 58-514.2:3; 1979, c. 160; 1984, c. 675; 1999, c. 971.

§ 58.1-2610. Penalty for failure to file timely report.

Any person failing to make a report required under the provisions of this chapter within the time prescribed shall be liable to a penalty of $100 for each day such taxpayer is late in making such report. The State Corporation Commission or Tax Commissioner, as the case may be, may waive all or a part of such penalty for good cause.

Code 1950, §§ 58-514, 58-539, 58-625; 1978, c. 784; 1983, c. 570; 1984, c. 675; 1999, c. 971.

§ 58.1-2611. Penalty for failure to pay tax.

A. Any person failing to pay the tax levied pursuant to this chapter into the state treasury within the time prescribed by law shall incur a penalty thereon of ten percent, which shall be added to the amount of the tax due.

B. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection A, such penalty shall not accrue in any case unless the State Corporation Commission or the Department, as the case may be, mails the person a certified copy of the assessment on or before May 15 preceding. In the event such copy is not mailed on or before May 15 preceding, the penalty for nonpayment in time shall not accrue until the close of the fifteenth day next following the mailing of such certified copy of the assessment.

Code 1950, §§ 58-514.1, 58-537, 58-561, 58-587, 58-601, 58-614, 58-626; 1956, c. 495; 1972, c. 813; 1983, c. 570; 1984, c. 675; 1999, c. 971.

§ 58.1-2612. Lien of taxes.

All the taxes and levies provided for in this chapter shall, until paid, be a lien upon the property within the Commonwealth of the corporation owning the same and take precedence over all other liens or encumbrances.

Code 1950, §§ 58-536, 58-599, 58-615; 1984, c. 675.

Article 2. License Tax on Telegraph, Telephone, Water, Heat, Light, Power and Pipeline Companies.

§ 58.1-2620. Basis of tax.

The license tax levied pursuant to this article shall be paid annually for each tax year based upon the gross receipts received during the taxable year.

Code 1950, § 58-503.2; 1979, c. 153; 1984, c. 675.

§ 58.1-2621. Repealed.

Repealed by 1988, c. 899, effective for tax years 1990 and after.

§ 58.1-2626. Annual state license tax on companies furnishing water, heat, light or power.

A. Every corporation doing in the Commonwealth the business of furnishing water, heat, light or power, whether by means of gas or steam, except (i) a pipeline transmission company taxed pursuant to § 58.1-2627.1, (ii) a pipeline distribution company as defined in § 58.1-2600 and a gas utility and a gas supplier as defined in § 58.1-400.2, or (iii) an electric supplier as defined in § 58.1-400.2, shall, for the privilege of doing business within the Commonwealth, pay to the Commonwealth for each tax year an annual license tax equal to two percent of its gross receipts, actually received, from all sources.

B. The state license tax provided in subsection A shall be (i) in lieu of all other state license or franchise taxes on such corporation, and (ii) in lieu of any tax upon the shares of stock issued by it.

C. Nothing herein contained shall exempt such corporation from motor vehicle license taxes, motor vehicle fuel taxes, fees required by § 13.1-775.1 or from assessments for street and other local improvements, which shall be authorized by law, nor from the county, city, town, district or road levies.

D. Nothing herein contained shall annul or interfere with any contract or agreement by ordinance between such corporations and cities and towns as to compensation for the use of the streets or alleys by such corporations.

Code 1950, § 58-603; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 41; 1972, c. 858; 1976, c. 778; 1978, c. 786; 1980, c. 668; 1982, c. 633; 1984, c. 675; 1985, c. 31; 1987, cc. 320, 364; 1999, c. 971; 2000, cc. 691, 706.

§ 58.1-2626.1. The Virginia Coal Employment and Production Incentive Tax Credit.

A. For the tax years beginning on and after January 1, 1988, but before January 1, 2022, every corporation in the Commonwealth doing the business of furnishing water, heat, light, or power to the Commonwealth or its citizens, whether by means of electricity, gas, or steam shall be allowed a credit against the tax imposed by § 58.1-2626 in the following amount: $1 per ton for each ton of coal purchased and consumed by such corporation in excess of the number of tons of Virginia coal purchased by such corporation in 1985, provided such coal was mined in Virginia as certified by the producer of such coal. This credit shall be prorated equally against the corporation's estimated payments made in September and December and the final payment.

B. For tax years beginning on and after January 1, 1989, but before January 1, 2022, every corporation in the Commonwealth doing the business of furnishing water, heat, light, or power to the Commonwealth or its citizens, whether by means of electricity, gas, or steam shall be allowed additional credit against the tax imposed by § 58.1-2626 in the following amount: $1 per ton for each ton of coal purchased and consumed by such corporation, provided such coal was mined in Virginia as certified by such seller. The credit shall be prorated equally against the corporation's estimated payments made in September and December and the final payment.

1986, c. 450; 1989, c. 429; 2000, c. 929; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, cc. 553, 554.

§ 58.1-2627. Exemptions.

There shall be deducted from the gross receipts of any corporation engaged in the business of furnishing heat, light or power by means of gas, revenues billed on behalf of another person to the extent such revenues are later paid over to or settled with that person.

Code 1950, § 58-603; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 41; 1972, c. 858; 1976, c. 778; 1978, c. 786; 1980, c. 668; 1982, c. 633; 1984, c. 675; 1986, c. 243; 1993, c. 522; 1998, c. 197; 1999, c. 971.

§ 58.1-2627.1. Taxation of pipeline companies.

A. Every pipeline transmission company shall pay to the Department on its allocated and apportioned net taxable income, in lieu of a license tax, the tax levied pursuant to Chapter 3 (§ 58.1-300 et seq.) (State Income Tax) of this title. There shall be deducted from such allocated and apportioned net income an amount equal to the percentage that gross profit (operating revenues less cost of purchased gas) derived from sales in this Commonwealth for consumption by the purchaser of natural or manufactured gas is of the total gross profit in the Commonwealth of the taxpayer.

B. The annual report of such company required pursuant to § 58.1-2628 shall be made to the Department, on forms prepared and furnished by the Department, if the company is a pipeline transmission company or to the Commission if a pipeline distribution company. The Department shall assess the value of the property of each pipeline transmission company and the Commission shall assess the value of the property of each pipeline distribution company. The applicable county, city, town and magisterial district property levies shall attach thereto. The powers and duties granted to the Commission by §§ 58.1-2633 B and C and 58.1-2634 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the Department.

C. A company liable for the license tax under subsection A shall not be liable for the tax imposed by Chapter 28 (§ 58.1-2814 et seq.) of this title.

D. When a company qualifies as both a pipeline transmission company and a pipeline distribution company, it shall for property tax valuation purposes be considered a pipeline distribution company.

Code 1950, §§ 58-588, 58-590, 58-597; 1956, c. 69; 1964, c. 217; 1968, c. 637; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 1; 1972, c. 813; 1980, cc. 82, 371; 1983, c. 570; 1984, c. 675; 2000, cc. 691, 706.

§ 58.1-2628. Annual report.

A. Each telegraph company and telephone company shall report annually, on April 15, to the Commission all real and tangible personal property of every description in the Commonwealth, owned, operated or used by it, except leased automobiles, leased trucks or leased real estate, as of January 1 preceding, showing particularly the county, city, town or magisterial district wherein such property is located.

The report shall also show the total gross receipts for the 12 months ending December 31 next preceding and the interstate revenue, if any, attributable to the Commonwealth. Such revenue shall include all interstate revenue from business originating and terminating within the Commonwealth and a proportion of interstate revenue from all interstate business passing through, into or out of the Commonwealth.

B. Every corporation doing in the Commonwealth the business of furnishing water, heat, light and power, whether by means of gas or steam, except (i) pipeline transmission companies taxed pursuant to § 58.1-2627.1 or (ii) an electric supplier as defined in § 58.1-400.2, shall report annually, on April 15, to the Commission all real and tangible personal property of every description in the Commonwealth, belonging to it as of January 1 preceding, showing particularly, as to property owned by it, the county, city, town or magisterial district wherein such property is located. The report shall also show the total gross receipts for the 12 months ending December 31 next preceding.

C. Every corporation in the Commonwealth in the business of furnishing heat, light and power by means of electricity shall report annually, on April 15, to the Commission all real and tangible personal property of every description in the Commonwealth, belonging to such corporation, leased by such corporation for a term greater than one year, or operated by such corporation as of the preceding January 1, showing particularly the county, city, town or magisterial district in which such property is located, unless reported to the Commission by another corporation or electric supplier in the Commonwealth in the business of furnishing heat, light and power by means of electricity. Real and tangible personal property of every description in the Commonwealth leased by such corporation for a term greater than one year or operated by such corporation shall mean only those assets directly associated with production facilities and shall not mean real estate or vehicles. The report shall also show the total gross receipts less sales to federal, state and local governments for their own use. Electric suppliers organized as cooperatives shall report annually their gross receipts received from nonmembers.

D. Every electric supplier as defined in § 58.1-2600 shall report annually, on April 15, to the Commission all real and tangible personal property owned by such electric supplier, leased by such electric supplier for a term greater than one year, or operated by such electric supplier in the Commonwealth and used directly for the generation, storage, transmission, or distribution of electricity for sale as of the preceding January 1, showing particularly the county, city, town, or magisterial district in which such property is located, unless reported to the Commission by another corporation or electric supplier in the Commonwealth in the business of furnishing heat, light, and power by means of electricity. Real and tangible personal property of every description in the Commonwealth leased by such electric supplier for a term greater than one year or operated by such electric supplier shall mean only those assets directly associated with production facilities and shall not mean real estate or vehicles. The report shall also show the total gross receipts less sales to federal, state, and local governments for their own use. Electric suppliers organized as cooperatives shall report annually their gross receipts received from nonmembers.

E. Every pipeline transmission company shall report annually, on April 15, to the Department all of its real and tangible personal property of every description as of the beginning of January 1 preceding, showing particularly in what city, town or county and magisterial district therein the property is located.

F. The report required by subsections A through E shall be completed on forms prepared and furnished by the Commission. The Commission shall include on such forms such information as the Commission deems necessary for the proper administration of this chapter.

G. The report required by this section shall be certified by the oath of the president or other designated official of the corporation or person.

Code 1950, §§ 58-581, 58-607 through 58-609; 1956, c. 69; 1968, c. 637; 1972, c. 813; 1979, c. 284; 1984, c. 675; 1987, c. 376; 1988, c. 899; 1998, c. 197; 1999, c. 971; 2002, cc. 444, 502; 2004, cc. 661, 716; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, cc. 49, 50.

§ 58.1-2629. License taxes of corporations commencing business.

A. Companies or persons otherwise taxable under § 58.1-2626 but that begin business on or after the beginning of the tax year shall pay a license tax, the measure of which shall be an estimate of the gross receipts of such company or person for the year or for that part of the year in which it begins business. Such estimate shall be reported to the Commission on forms furnished by the Commission within thirty days after beginning business and the license tax measured thereby and assessed by the Commission shall be paid into the state treasury within thirty days after such assessment is made or by June 1 of the year if such assessment is made more than thirty days prior to June 1.

B. Any company or person subject to the provisions of subsection A shall, for the immediately following tax year, pay the license tax measured by an estimate of the gross receipts for the year beginning January 1 of the year following the year in which it began business. Such estimate of gross receipts shall be reported to the Commission within the time requirements prescribed by § 58.1-2628.

C. Every estimate made under this section shall be subject to review by the Commission after the close of the year for which such estimate is made and any variance between the estimate and the actual gross receipts shall be adjusted by the Commission by order of refund or the assessment of additional license tax depending upon whether such estimate was in excess of or less than the actual gross receipts of such taxpayer for such year.

Code 1950, §§ 58-504, 58-505; 1956, c. 69; 1984, c. 675; 1988, c. 899; 2002, c. 502.

§ 58.1-2630. Gross receipts in cases of acquisition of business.

A. Any taxpayer liable for a license tax required by this chapter or liable for the special regulatory revenue tax required by Article 6 (§ 58.1-2660 et seq.) of this chapter that acquires, by purchase or otherwise, the business or any part thereof of another taxpayer also liable for such taxes but which would not be otherwise subject to the taxes following such sale or disposition shall, for the purpose of determining the amount of its taxes for the year following the year in which such business was so acquired, include as a part of its gross receipts for the taxable years, the gross receipts of the business so acquired for that portion of the taxable year as such business was not operated by the acquiring taxpayer.

B. The provisions of subsection A shall not apply to any taxpayer whose license tax for the year involved is measured by an estimate of gross receipts for such year as prescribed in § 58.1-2629.

Code 1950, § 58-506; 1984, c. 675; 2002, c. 502.

§ 58.1-2631. Gross receipts in cases of consolidation or merger.

Whenever there is a consolidation or merger of corporations taxable under § 58.1-2626 or taxable under Article 6 (§ 58.1-2660 et seq.) of this chapter, liability for the taxes shall attach to the corporation thus formed and the gross receipts which shall be used for measuring the license tax or special regulatory revenue tax of the corporation thus formed shall include the gross receipts of the corporations which were consolidated or merged.

Code 1950, § 58-507; 1984, c. 675; 1988, c. 899; 2002, c. 502.

§ 58.1-2632. Applicability of other provisions to corporations commencing business, acquiring other business, or consolidated or merged.

All provisions of this article applicable to the license tax of any corporation subject to §§ 58.1-2629, 58.1-2630 or § 58.1-2631, including such provisions relating to the assessment, payment and collection of the tax and the method and time of reporting, except as may be otherwise provided, shall be applicable to the license tax of such corporation for the year covered by such sections.

Code 1950, § 58-509; 1984, c. 675.

§ 58.1-2633. Assessment by Commission.

A. The Commission shall assess the value of the reported property subject to local taxation of each telegraph, telephone, water, heat, light and power company and electric supplier, except a pipeline transmission company taxed pursuant to § 58.1-2627.1, and shall assess the license tax levied hereon if such company is subject to the license tax under this article.

B. Should any such person fail to make the reports required by this article on or before April 15 of each year, the Commission shall assess the value of the property of such person, and its gross receipts upon the best and most reliable information that can be obtained by the Commission.

C. In making such assessment, the Commission may require such person or its officers and employees to appear with such documents and papers as the Commission deems necessary.

Code 1950, §§ 58-582, 58-610; 1956, c. 69; 1968, c. 637; 1972, c. 813; 1984, c. 675; 1988, c. 899; 1999, c. 971.

§ 58.1-2634. Copies of assessment forwarded to interested parties.

A certified copy of the assessment made pursuant to § 58.1-2633, when made, shall be immediately forwarded by the clerk of the Commission to the Comptroller and to the president or other proper officer of each company, and to the governing body of each county, city and town wherein any property belonging to such company is situated and to each commissioner of the revenue.

The assessment shall show the type of property and its value and location.

Code 1950, §§ 58-583, 58-584, 58-592, 58-611, 58-612; 1968, c. 637; 1972, c. 813; 1983, c. 570; 1984, c. 675.

§ 58.1-2635. Date of payment of taxes.

Every taxpayer assessed a license tax under any of the provisions of this article shall pay such tax into the state treasury by June 1 of each year.

Code 1950, §§ 58-586, 58-591, 58-613; 1956, c. 69; 1984, c. 675.

§ 58.1-2636. Revenue share for solar energy projects and energy storage systems.

A. 1. Any locality may by ordinance assess a revenue share of (i) up to $1,400 per megawatt, as measured in alternating current (AC) generation capacity of the nameplate capacity of the facility based on submissions by the facility owner to the interconnecting utility, on any solar photovoltaic (electric energy) project, or (ii) up to $1,400 per megawatt, as measured in alternating current (AC) storage capacity, on any energy storage system.

2. Except as prohibited by subdivision 3, the maximum amount of the revenue share that may be imposed shall be increased on July 1, 2026, and every five years thereafter by 10 percent.

3. The provisions of subdivision 2 shall not apply to solar photovoltaic projects or energy storage systems for which an application has been filed with the locality, as defined by subsection D of § 58.1-3660, and such application has been approved by the locality prior to January 1, 2021. The provisions of subdivision 2 shall apply to all such projects and systems for which an application is approved by the locality on or after January 1, 2021.

B. For purposes of this section, "solar photovoltaic (electric energy) project" shall not include any project that is (i) described in § 56-594, 56-594.01, 56-594.02, or 56-594.2; (ii) 20 megawatts or less, as measured in alternating current (AC) generation capacity, for which an initial interconnection request form has been filed with an electric utility or a regional transmission organization on or before December 31, 2018; or (iii) five megawatts or less.

2020, cc. 1224, 1270; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, cc. 49, 50, 429.

Article 4. Estimated Tax.

§ 58.1-2640. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 2017, c. 680, cl. 1, effective January 1, 2019.

Article 5. Rolling Stock Tax on Railroads, Freight Car Companies and Motor Vehicle Carriers and Property Valuation of Railroads.

§ 58.1-2652. State tax on rolling stock; date of payment.

A. The state tax on the rolling stock of a railroad, a freight car company and a certificated motor vehicle carrier, doing business in this Commonwealth shall be at the rate of $1 on each $100 of the assessed value thereof.

Rolling stock of a railroad or a freight car company shall include all locomotives, of whatever motive power, autocars, cars of every kind and description, and all other equipment determined by the Tax Commissioner to constitute rolling stock.

B. Such tax shall be paid by such company into the state treasury on or before June 1 of each year and shall be distributed in accordance with the provisions of §§ 58.1-2658 and 58.1-2658.1.

Code 1950, §§ 58-515, 58-530, 58-560, 58-622; 1956, c. 69; 1972, c. 813; 1978, c. 784; 1983, c. 570; 1984, c. 675; 1985, c. 557.

§ 58.1-2653. Annual report of railroads and freight car companies.

A. Every railroad shall report on or before April 15, to the Department, its real and tangible personal property, including real property used for common carrier purposes, of every description as of December 31 preceding and the county, city, town or magisterial district in which it is located. The lien of the Commonwealth or political subdivision thereof for taxes levied on such property for all purposes shall attach to such property on December 31 next preceding. The Department shall furnish each county, city, town or magisterial district a copy of the report of nonoperating (noncarrier) property pertaining to such locality.

B. Every freight car company shall, on or before April 15, report to the Department the aggregate number of miles traveled by its cars in the Commonwealth during the year ending December 31 next preceding and the average number of miles traveled per day by each class of car as established by the Tax Commissioner. Each railroad owning a line in the Commonwealth over which cars of a freight car company travel shall on its annual report show the total number of miles made by such cars during the year ending December 31 next preceding, the company name and aggregate number of miles traveled by cars thereof and the average number of miles traveled per day by each class of car during the year.

C. Each report shall be made on forms prescribed and furnished by the Tax Commissioner. Such forms may require any information necessary to enable the Department to properly ascertain the value of and assess such property.

D. Each report shall be verified by the oath of the president or other proper officer of such company.

Code 1950, §§ 58-524, 58-525, 58-528, 58-556, 58-557; 1956, c. 69; 1960, c. 346; 1964, c. 425; 1972, c. 813; 1983, c. 570; 1984, c. 675; 1985, c. 30; 1992, c. 388.

§ 58.1-2654. Annual report of motor vehicle carriers.

A. Every certificated motor vehicle carrier operating in the Commonwealth shall report annually on or before March 1 to the Commission:

1. All of its rolling stock, owned or operated as of January 1 next preceding,

2. The total vehicle miles traveled by the rolling stock of such carriers in the Commonwealth during the twelve months ending December 31 next preceding, and the

3. Total vehicle miles traveled by the rolling stock of such carriers both within and without the Commonwealth during the twelve months ending December 31 next preceding.

B. The report shall be made on forms prescribed and furnished by the Commission. Such forms may require any information necessary to enable the Commission to properly ascertain the value of and assess such property and to aid in the compliance and enforcement of this chapter.

C. The report shall be verified by the oath of the president or other proper officer of such company.

Code 1950, §§ 58-618, 58-619; 1984, c. 675; 1990, c. 483.

§ 58.1-2654.1. Penalty for failure to properly file annual reports.

Every motor vehicle carrier failing to comply with § 58.1-2654 shall be subject to the imposition of a monetary penalty by the Commission as provided in § 58.1-2610.

In addition to imposing such monetary penalty, or without imposing such monetary penalty, the Commission may, in any such case, after notice and hearing, suspend or revoke any certificate, warrant, exemption card, registration card, stamp, classification plate, identification marker, or identifying number issued pursuant to Title 56.

1990, c. 483.

§ 58.1-2655. Assessment by Department and Commission.

A. The Tax Commissioner shall annually assess for local taxation the value of the real and tangible personal property, including real property used for common carrier purposes, of each railroad, except for nonoperating (noncarrier) property which shall be assessed pursuant to § 58.1-3201, upon the best and most reliable information that can be procured, and to this end shall be authorized and empowered to send for persons and papers. The Tax Commissioner shall also assess upon the rolling stock of such railroads the taxes imposed by § 58.1-2652.

B. The Commission shall assess the average value of the rolling stock of each motor vehicle carrier used in the Commonwealth.

In the case of an interstate carrier, the rolling stock used in the Commonwealth shall be deemed to be that portion of the total rolling stock, owned or operated on the public highways of the Commonwealth, multiplied by a fraction wherein the numerator is the total vehicle miles traveled by such rolling stock in the Commonwealth and the denominator is the total vehicle miles traveled both within and without the Commonwealth on such operations as are related to the Commonwealth.

C. The Tax Commissioner shall assess, from the best and most reliable information that can be obtained, upon the rolling stock of a freight car company the taxes imposed by § 58.1-2652.

D. No local property taxes shall be imposed upon the rolling stock of a railroad or a freight car company.

Code 1950, §§ 58-529, 58-558, 58-620; 1972, c. 813; 1978, c. 784; 1983, c. 570; 1984, c. 675; 1985, c. 30; 1992, c. 388.

§ 58.1-2656. Valuation of sidetracks, double tracks, etc.

In making report of and assessment of the property included in the class described in § 58.1-2655, there shall be found for each railroad, for its main line or lines and for each branch line, for single and, where existing, double, triple and quadruple track and for sidetrack, the average value per mile in this Commonwealth of its track, track appurtenances and track structures, including cuts, fills, track surfacing, excavation, ballast, bridges, trestles and tunnels, but not including right-of-way lands or buildings or structures thereon other than track structures, or improvements required to be reported in other classes, and in any county, corporation or school district, the assessment of all property of such railroad included in the calculation of such average, as above provided, shall be the number of miles of its single, double, triple, quadruple or sidetrack therein, as the case may be, multiplied by the assessed average value thereof per mile. The assessed value of a railroad's track, track appurtenances and track structures in this Commonwealth shall be determined by multiplying the average of (i) the cost of such property recorded in the applicable Interstate Commerce Commission road accounts, less accumulated depreciation, and (ii) the depreciated basis of such property for federal income tax purposes by a fraction determined by dividing the railroad's track miles within the Commonwealth by its total track miles. Notwithstanding the foregoing sentence, in each of the tax years 1993, 1994, 1995 and 1996, the assessed value of a railroad's track, track appurtenances, and track structure in any county, city or town shall not be less than the 1992 assessed value therein of such property, excluding retirements.

Code 1950, § 58-532; 1984, c. 675; 1993, c. 22.

§ 58.1-2657. Copies of assessments to be furnished to taxpayer and local officials.

The Tax Commissioner shall furnish to the governing body of every county, city or town, to the commissioner of the revenue of every county and city wherein any property belonging to any railroad is situated and to the president of such railroad, a certified copy of the assessment of such company's property, which assessment shall show the type of property, and its value and location. The Tax Commissioner shall send a copy of the assessment made on each freight car company to the president thereof. A copy of the assessment made by the Commission on a certificated motor vehicle carrier shall be forwarded to the president of such carrier so assessed.

Code 1950, §§ 58-530, 58-538, 58-559, 58-621, 58-624, 58-681; 1954, c. 278; 1956, c. 69; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 192; 1972, c. 813; 1978, c. 784; 1980, c. 385; 1983, c. 570; 1984, c. 675.

§ 58.1-2658. Distribution of certain taxes collected; prohibition of certain local taxes.

The rolling stock tax of certificated motor vehicle carriers as provided in § 58.1-2652 shall be distributed to the counties, cities and incorporated towns of the Commonwealth in the following manner:

The Commission shall determine the proportion of the total vehicle miles operated by each carrier in this Commonwealth for each county, city and incorporated town. The fraction thus derived for each county, city and incorporated town shall be the measure of the total rolling stock tax assessed against such carrier to which the respective county, city and incorporated town shall be entitled.

The clerk of the Commission shall certify to the Comptroller the respective sums so allocated to the respective county, city and town and the Comptroller shall thereupon make payment to the treasurer or other proper fiscal officer of the locality the amount due them as certified by the Commission. When received by the respective local political subdivisions, these payments shall constitute and be regarded as receipts for the general purposes of local government.

No local property taxes shall be imposed upon the rolling stock of a certificated motor vehicle carrier.

Code 1950, § 58-623; 1984, c. 675.

§ 58.1-2658.1. Distribution of certain taxes collected.

The taxes assessed upon the rolling stock of railroads and freight car companies as provided in § 58.1-2652 shall be distributed in the following manner:

1. One-half shall be distributed to the counties, cities and incorporated towns of the Commonwealth in such percentage as the fair market value of roadway and track located in such county, city or town bears to the total fair market value of roadway and track in the Commonwealth.

2. One-half shall be distributed to the counties, cities and incorporated towns of the Commonwealth in such percentage as the miles of track located in such county, city or town bears to the total miles of track in the Commonwealth.

The Department shall determine the percentage of fair market value and of miles of track in the Commonwealth for each county, city and incorporated town to which it shall be entitled using the latest available information.

After ascertaining the amount of tax payable to each county, city and incorporated town, the Department shall certify to the Comptroller the respective sums to be paid and the Comptroller shall thereupon make payment to the treasurer or other proper fiscal officer of the localities the amounts respectively due them as certified by the Department. When received by the respective local political subdivisions, these payments shall constitute and be regarded as receipts for the general purpose of local government.

1985, c. 557.

§ 58.1-2659. Article not applicable to companies exempt by federal laws.

No provision of this article shall have any application to any railway company doing business in this Commonwealth if such company is exempt by virtue of any provision of federal law from the payment of state and local taxes.

Code 1950, § 58-541.1; 1982, c. 62; 1984, c. 675.

Article 6. Regulatory Revenue Taxes of Public Service Corporations.

§ 58.1-2660. Special revenue tax; levy.

A. In addition to any other taxes upon the subjects of taxation listed herein, there is hereby levied, subject to the provisions of § 58.1-2664, a special regulatory revenue tax equal to twenty-six hundredths of one percent of the gross receipts such person receives from business done within the Commonwealth upon:

1. Corporations furnishing water, heat, light or power, by means of gas or steam, except for electric suppliers, gas utilities, and gas suppliers as defined in § 58.1-400.2 and pipeline distribution companies as defined in § 58.1-2600;

2. Telegraph companies owning and operating a telegraph line apparatus necessary to communicate by telecommunications in the Commonwealth;

3. Telephone companies whose gross receipts from business done within the Commonwealth exceed $50,000 or a company, the majority of stock or other property of which is owned or controlled by another telephone company, whose gross receipts exceed the amount set forth herein;

4. The Virginia Pilots' Association;

5. Railroads, except those exempt by virtue of federal law from the payment of state taxes, subject to the provisions of § 58.1-2661;

6. Common carriers of passengers by motor vehicle, except urban and suburban bus lines, a majority of whose passengers use the buses for traveling a daily distance of not more than 40 miles measured one way between their place of work, school or recreation and their place of abode; and

7. Any county, city or town that obtains a certificate pursuant to § 56-265.4:4.

B. Notwithstanding the rate specified in subsection A, the maximum rate of the special regulatory revenue tax shall be increased above such specified rate to the extent necessary to permit the Commission to recover the additional costs incurred by the Commission in implementing subdivision B 4 of § 56-265.4:4 that cannot be recovered through the specified rate.

Code 1950, §§ 58-660 through 58-667; 1958, c. 157; 1970, c. 773; 1979, c. 443; 1980, c. 282; 1982, c. 62; 1983, c. 547; 1984, c. 675; 1988, c. 899; 1990, c. 146; 1996, c. 381; 1999, c. 971; 2000, cc. 691, 706; 2002, cc. 479, 489; 2003, c. 720; 2020, c. 697.

§ 58.1-2661. Exceptions.

The amount of the regulatory revenue tax levied pursuant to § 58.1-2660 on railroads shall not exceed an estimate of the expenses to be incurred by the Commission and the Department reasonably attributable to the regulation and assessment for taxation of railroads, including a reasonable margin in the nature of a reserve fund.

Code 1950, § 58-664; 1970, c. 773; 1979, c. 443; 1980, c. 282; 1982, c. 62; 1983, c. 547; 1984, c. 675.

§ 58.1-2662. Computation of revenue tax on railroads.

The special regulatory revenue tax levied pursuant to § 58.1-2660 shall be based upon the gross transportation receipts of each railroad for the year ending December 31 preceding, to be ascertained in the following manner:

1. When the road of the corporation lies wholly within the Commonwealth, the tax shall be based upon the entire gross transportation receipts of such corporation.

2. When the road of the corporation lies partly within and partly without the Commonwealth, or is operated as a part of a line or system extending beyond the Commonwealth, the tax shall be based upon the gross transportation receipts earned within the Commonwealth, to be determined by ascertaining the average gross transportation receipts per mile over its whole extent within and without the Commonwealth and multiplying the result by the number of miles operated within the Commonwealth. From the sum so ascertained there may be deducted a reasonable sum due to any excess of value of the terminal facilities or other similar advantages situated in other states over similar facilities or advantages situated in the Commonwealth.

Code 1950, § 58-664; 1970, c. 773; 1979, c. 443; 1980, c. 282; 1982, c. 62; 1983, c. 547; 1984, c. 675.

§ 58.1-2662.1. Gross receipts of telephone and telegraph companies.

The special regulatory revenue tax on telephone and telegraph companies levied pursuant to § 58.1-2660 shall be based on gross receipts with the following deductions:

1. Revenue billed on behalf of another such telephone company or person to the extent such revenues are later paid over to or settled with that company or person;

2. Revenues received from a telephone company for providing to the company any of the following: (i) unbundled network facilities; (ii) completion, origination or interconnection of telephone calls with the taxpayer's network; (iii) transport of telephone calls over the taxpayer's network; or (iv) taxpayer's telephone services for resale;

3. Revenue received as the proportionate part of interstate revenue attributable to the Commonwealth;

4. Revenue received from a person providing video programming for the transport of video programming to an end-user subscriber's premises or for access to a video dialtone network; and

5. Revenue, other than from line charges, received from pay telephone service.

1988, c. 727; 1995, c. 751; 1998, c. 897.

§ 58.1-2662.2. Gross receipts of companies furnishing water, heat, light or power.

The special regulatory revenue tax on companies furnishing water, heat, light or power levied pursuant to § 58.1-2660 shall be based on gross receipts with the exemptions allowed under § 58.1-2627.

1988, c. 727.

§ 58.1-2663. How taxes assessed, collected and paid.

The taxes provided for by this article shall be assessed, determined and collected by the State Corporation Commission in the same manner and on such same dates as other state taxes on the same subjects of taxation are assessed, determined and collected under this chapter. Such taxes shall be paid into the state treasury for use in accordance with § 58.1-2665.

The regulatory revenue tax on the Virginia Pilots' Association shall be assessed, determined and collected by the Commission in the same manner in which the license taxes provided in Article 2 (§ 58.1-2620 et seq.) are assessed and collected on certain public utility companies.

Code 1950, §§ 58-667, 58-668; 1983, c. 570; 1984, c. 675.

§ 58.1-2664. When taxes not to be assessed or assessed only in part.

The Commission shall, in the performance of its function and duty in assessing and levying the special regulatory revenue taxes provided for by this article, omit the assessment and levy of any portion of such taxes as are unnecessary within the Commission's sole discretion for the accomplishment of the objects for which the regulatory revenue taxes are imposed including a reasonable margin in the nature of a reserve fund. The Tax Commissioner shall annually certify to the Commission the amount needed to sufficiently compensate that department for its estimated incremental costs to be incurred in the discharge of its statutory duties to assess and collect state and local taxes against railroad corporations. The persons and corporations upon whom such taxes are imposed are relieved from liability for the payment of such regulatory revenue taxes, except when, and to the extent that, the same have been assessed and levied by the Commission, in accordance with the provisions of this article.

Code 1950, § 58-669; 1983, c. 570; 1984, c. 675.

§ 58.1-2665. Use of taxes collected under this article.

The taxes paid into the state treasury under this article shall be deposited in a special fund to be used only by the Commission and by the Department of Taxation as provided in § 58.1-2664, for the purpose of making appraisals, assessments and collections against public service companies, and for the further purposes of the Commission in investigating and inspecting the properties or the service or services of such public service companies, and for the supervision and administration of all laws relative to such public service companies, whenever the same shall be deemed necessary by the Commission.

Code 1950, § 58-670; 1983, c. 570; 1984, c. 675.

Article 7. Administrative and Judicial Review of Assessment and Tax.

§ 58.1-2670. Application to Commission or Department for review.

Any taxpayer, the Commonwealth or any county, city or town aggrieved by any action of the Commission in the ascertainment of, or the assessment for taxation of, the value of any property of any corporation or company assessed by the Commission, or in the ascertainment of any tax upon any company or corporation of its property, at any time within three months after receiving a certified copy of such assessment of value or tax, may apply to the Commission for a review and correction of any specified item or items thereof after which date the Commission shall have no authority under this section or any other provision of law to receive any application or complaint concerning the assessment of value or tax. Such application shall be in a form prescribed by the Commission and shall set forth with reasonable certainty the item or items, of which a review and correction are sought, and the grounds of the complaint. The application shall also be verified by affidavit.

Any company or governmental entity aggrieved by any assessment for taxation of the value of any property by the Department of Taxation may apply to the Department or the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond, Division I, for correction of any such tax valuation or assessment, under Chapter 18 (§ 58.1-1800 et seq.) of this title. The Department and the court are hereby empowered to correct the valuation or assessment, and the requirement of such sections shall apply to corrections hereunder, mutatis mutandis.

Code 1950, § 58-672; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 46; 1983, c. 570; 1984, c. 675; 1990, c. 146; 2000, c. 368; 2005, c. 21.

§ 58.1-2670.1. Application to court to correct erroneous local assessment ratio.

A. Subject to the limitations provided herein, any county, city, or town or public service corporation or other entity whose property is assessed by the State Corporation Commission or the Department of Taxation aggrieved by the Department of Taxation's ascertainment of the applicable local assessment ratio prevailing for such taxing district as specified in subsection A of § 58.1-2604, may petition to the Circuit Court for the City of Richmond for correction of such ratio. Such petition must be filed within three months after the Department of Taxation gives notice of the applicable prevailing local assessment ratios to all counties, cities, towns, and to the Commission pursuant to subsection A of § 58.1-2604. This section shall apply only to counties, cities and towns in which a public service corporation's property represents twenty-five percent or more of the total assessed value of real estate in such county, city or town.

B. Any proceeding maintained under this section shall name the Department of Taxation and the applicable public service corporation, other entity whose property is assessed by the State Corporation Commission or the Department of Taxation, and the county, city or town which is the taxing district, as respondents. The action shall be conducted in accordance with the Rules of the Supreme Court of Virginia applicable to suits in equity, and no trial by jury will be permitted.

C. If the Circuit Court finds the local assessment ratio as ascertained by the Department of Taxation to be erroneous, it shall determine the correct local assessment ratio and shall order the Department of Taxation to adopt the corrected ratio as its prevailing local assessment ratio and provide such corrected ratio to the Commission in accordance with subsection A of § 58.1-2604.

D. If a suit is commenced by any party under this section, the period of time for any county, city, town or public service corporation or other entity whose property is assessed by the State Corporation Commission in which to file a petition with the Commission, pursuant to § 58.1-2670, challenging the ascertainment of, or the assessment for taxation of, the value of any property of any public service corporation assessed by the Commission, shall commence to run on the date of the final order entered by the Circuit Court or, in the event of an appeal, on the date of the final order of the Supreme Court of Virginia.

1993, c. 528.

§ 58.1-2671. Setting for hearing and notice to adverse parties.

Upon the filing of any such application, the Commission shall fix a time and place at which it will hear such testimony with reference thereto as any of the parties may desire to introduce and the applicant shall cause a copy of the application and notice of the time and place of the hearing to be served upon the company or corporation or the Commonwealth and each county, city and town whose revenue is, or may be, affected thereby, at least ten days prior to the day set for the hearing.

Code 1950, § 58-673; 1984, c. 675.

§ 58.1-2672. Review on motion of Commission.

At any time within three months after a taxpayer receives the certified copy of any such assessment of value or tax, the Commission may of its own motion, after not less than ten days' notice to the taxpayer and to the Commonwealth and each county, city and town whose revenue is affected by the item or items to be reviewed and an opportunity given to such parties to introduce testimony with reference thereto, review and correct any specified item or items of such assessment of value or tax, as to which it may have cause to believe that an error may have been made.

Code 1950, § 58-674; 1984, c. 675.

§ 58.1-2673. Correction after hearing or investigation; proceedings for enforcement.

If, from the evidence introduced at such hearing or its own investigations, the Commission is of opinion that the assessment or tax is excessive, it shall reduce the same or if it is insufficient, it shall increase the same. If the decision of the Commission is in favor of the taxpayer, in whole or in part, appropriate relief shall be granted, including the right to recover from the Commonwealth or local authorities, or both, as the case may be, any excess of taxes that may have been paid. The order of the Commission shall be enforced by mandamus, or other proper process, issuing from the Commission.

Code 1950, § 58-675; 1984, c. 675.

§ 58.1-2674. Notice to Commonwealth.

Notice of hearing before the Commission required to be served under this article upon the Commonwealth shall be served upon the officer of the Commonwealth charged with the duty of the collection of the state tax affected by the assessment of which correction is sought. It shall, however, only be necessary to serve notice upon the Commonwealth if the state revenue is affected by the assessment of which a correction is sought.

Code 1950, § 58-678; 1983, c. 570; 1984, c. 675.

§ 58.1-2674.1. Application for correction of certification to Department of Taxation.

Any telecommunications company or electric supplier aggrieved by any action of the Commission in the certification of gross receipts to the Department of Taxation as required by § 58.1-400.1 or § 58.1-400.3 may apply to the Commission for review and correction of any specified item or items of a certification. Such application shall be in a form prescribed by the Commission and shall be filed within 18 months of the date of the certification to the Department of Taxation after which date the Commission shall have no authority under this section or any other provision of law to receive any application or complaint concerning the certification. The Commission shall provide for notice to the Department of Taxation of any application. If, from the evidence introduced at any hearing on the application or its own investigation, the Commission finds that the certification is incorrect, it shall correct the certification to the Department of Taxation.

2000, c. 368; 2004, c. 716.

§ 58.1-2675. Appeals to Supreme Court.

Any taxpayer, the Commonwealth or any county, city, or town aggrieved by any assessment or ascertainment of taxes by the Commission, after having proceeded before the Commission as provided in this article, may appeal from any final order or action of the Commission to the Supreme Court, as a matter of right, within the time and in the manner provided by law for appeals generally from the Commission to the Supreme Court.

Code 1950, § 58-679; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 46; 1983, c. 570; 1984, c. 675.

§ 58.1-2676. Action of Supreme Court thereon.

If the Supreme Court determines that the assessment or tax is excessive, it shall reduce the same or if it is insufficient, it shall increase the same. Unless the taxes so assessed or ascertained were paid under protest, when due, the Court, if it disallows the claim, on the appeal of the taxpayer, shall, in upholding the assessment, give judgment against such taxpayer for the taxes so assessed and ascertained and for a sum, by way of damages, equal to interest at the rate of one percent a month upon the amount of the taxes from the time the same were payable.

If the decision is in favor of the taxpayer, in whole or in part, appropriate relief shall be granted, including the right to recover any excess of taxes that have been paid, with legal interest thereon and with the costs incurred by such taxpayer, from the Commonwealth or local authorities, or both, as the case may be, the judgment to be enforceable by mandamus or other proper process issuing from the Court.

If the decision be in favor of the Commonwealth or of any county, city or town, appropriate relief shall be granted and enforced by mandamus or other proper process issuing from the Court.

The Court may, when deemed proper so to do, return the case to the Commission for further proceedings, either by way of hearing or for appropriate remedy.

Code 1950, § 58-680; 1984, c. 675.

Article 8. Special Provisions for Assessments in Counties Having County Executive or County Manager Governments.

§ 58.1-2680. Reports to include location by districts, etc.

Every public service corporation as defined in § 56-1 required to report to the Commission or the Department for the assessment of real or personal property in any county which has either a county executive form of county organization and government or a county manager form of county organization and government provided for in Chapter 5 (§ 15.2-500 et seq.) through Chapter 6 (§ 15.2-600 et seq.), or in Prince William, Augusta, or Gloucester County, whenever such property is subject to local taxation, shall include in such report a statement showing the character of the property and its value and particularly in what district or districts within, or partly within, such county such property is located.

For purposes of this section, "district" shall include a sanitary district, fire district and fire zone.

Code 1950, §§ 58-681, 58-684; 1954, c. 278; 1971, Ex. Sess., cc. 1, 192; 1980, c. 385; 1983, c. 570; 1984, c. 675.

§ 58.1-2681. Copies of assessment for local officials; contents.

When any such property is assessed by the Commission or the Department under the provisions of this article, the Commission or the Department, as the case may be, shall furnish to the board of supervisors or other governing body and to the commissioners of the revenue or person performing the duty of such officer, of each such county wherein such property is situated, a certified copy of the assessment made by such agency of such property or a certified copy of a statement of such assessment. The assessment, or statement thereof, shall definitely show the character of the property and its value and location for purposes of taxation in each district within, or partly within, such county, so that the proper district levies may be laid upon the same.

Code 1950, § 58-682; 1983, c. 570; 1984, c. 675.

§ 58.1-2682. District boundaries to be furnished company and Commission.

The commissioner of the revenue, or person performing the duties of such officer, of any county set forth in § 58.1-2680 in which a public service corporation or other person with property assessed pursuant to this chapter owns property, shall furnish, in like manner as is provided in this chapter to the Commission, the Department and to each public service corporation or other person with property assessed pursuant to this chapter owning property in such county subject to local taxation, the boundaries of each district in such county in which any local tax is or may be levied.

Code 1950, § 58-683; 1983, c. 570; 1984, c. 675; 1999, c. 971.

§ 58.1-2683. Article does not affect other duties.

The provisions of this article shall not affect any duties imposed upon public service corporations, the Commonwealth, Commission, Department, or any commissioner of the revenue, by any other provision of this chapter.

Code 1950, § 58-685; 1983, c. 570; 1984, c. 675.

Article 9. Miscellaneous Provisions Relative to Other Forms of Taxation Applicable to Public Service Corporations.

§ 58.1-2690. No state or local tax on intangible personal property or money; local levies and license taxes.

A. Except as provided in this chapter, there shall be no state or local taxes assessed on the intangible personal property, gross receipts or other such money or income owned by telephone or telegraph companies, railroads, pipeline companies, or corporations furnishing water, heat, light and power by means of electricity, gas or steam.

B. On the real estate and tangible personal property of every incorporated telegraph and telephone company owning or operating telegraph or telephone lines in Virginia and of railroads, pipeline companies, or corporations furnishing water, heat, light and power by means of electricity, gas or steam, there shall be local levies at the rates prescribed by § 58.1-2606.

C. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection A, any county, city or town may impose a license tax under § 58.1-3703 upon a corporation owning or operating telegraph or telephone lines in Virginia for the privilege of doing business therein, which shall not exceed one-half of one percent of the gross receipts of such business accruing to such corporation from such business in such county, city or town; however, charges for long distance telephone calls shall not be considered receipts of business in such county, city or town.

D. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection A, any county, city or town may impose an excise tax under § 58.1-3818.3 upon a corporation owning or operating telegraph or telephone lines in Virginia, at a rate that shall not exceed the rate lawfully imposed by § 58.1-3818.3, on such corporation's gross receipts from sales of video programming or access to video programming directly to end-user subscribers who are located within such county, city or town.

Code 1950, §§ 58-518, 58-523, 58-578, 58-593, 58-596, 58-602, 58-606; 1968, c. 637; 1972, cc. 813, 858; 1978, c. 784; 1984, c. 675; 1995, c. 751.

Chapter 27. Road Tax on Motor Carriers.

§ 58.1-2700. Definitions.

Whenever used in this chapter, the term:

"Carrier" means a person who operates or causes to be operated a commercial highway vehicle on any highway in the Commonwealth.

"Department" means the Department of Motor Vehicles, acting through its officers and agents.

"Identification marker" means a decal issued by the Department to show that a vehicle operated by a carrier is properly registered with the Department for the payment of the road tax.

"IFTA" means the International Fuel Tax Agreement, as entered into by the Department, and as amended by the International Fuel Tax Association, Inc.

"Licensee" means a carrier who holds an uncancelled IFTA license issued by the Commonwealth.

"Motor carrier" means every person, firm or corporation who owns or operates or causes to be operated on any highway in this Commonwealth any qualified highway vehicle.

"Operations" means the physical activities of all such vehicles, whether loaded or empty, whether for compensation or not for compensation, and whether owned by or leased to the motor carrier who operates them or causes them to be operated.

"Qualified highway vehicle" means a highway vehicle used, designed, or maintained for transportation of persons or property that (i) has two axles and a gross vehicle weight or registered gross vehicle weight exceeding 26,000 pounds or 11,797 kilograms, (ii) has three or more axles regardless of weight, or (iii) is used in combination, when the weight of such combination exceeds 26,000 pounds or 11,797 kilograms gross vehicle or registered gross vehicle weight. "Qualified highway vehicle" does not include recreational vehicles.

"Tractor truck" means every motor vehicle designed and used primarily for drawing other vehicles and not so constructed as to carry a load other than a part of the load and weight of the vehicle attached thereto.

"Truck" means every motor vehicle designed to transport property on its own structure independent of any other vehicle and having a registered gross weight in excess of 7,500 pounds.

Code 1950, § 58-627; 1954, c. 341; 1956, c. 475; 1970, c. 32; 1978, c. 62; 1980, c. 649; 1982, c. 671; 1984, c. 675; 1995, cc. 744, 803; 1996, c. 575; 1997, c. 283.

§ 58.1-2700.1. Interstate motor carrier road tax.

In accordance with the provisions of IFTA, as amended, all motor carriers that operate or cause to be operated one or more qualified highway vehicles in the Commonwealth and at least one other jurisdiction participating in IFTA shall apply to the Department for an IFTA license and identification markers. The Department shall issue a license and vehicle identification markers to each carrier that operates qualified highway vehicles in the Commonwealth and at least one other jurisdiction participating in IFTA so as to report its road tax liabilities. The Department may issue vehicle identification markers to carriers that operate qualified highway vehicles in the Commonwealth and at least one other jurisdiction not participating in IFTA. Each application shall contain the name and address of the carrier, and such other information as may be required by the Department.

The Department shall issue to the motor carrier identification markers for each vehicle in the carrier's fleet that will be operated within the Commonwealth.

The identification markers issued to the vehicles of the IFTA-licensed carriers shall expire on December 31 of each year. All other identification markers issued to carriers shall expire on June 30 of each year. The identification markers may be renewed prior to expiration provided (i) the carrier's privilege to operate vehicles in the Commonwealth has not been revoked or canceled, (ii) all required tax reports have been filed, and (iii) all road taxes, penalties, and interest due have been paid.

The cost of the identification markers issued to each vehicle in the carrier's fleet shall be $10 per vehicle.

The Department may, by letter, telegram, or other electronic means, authorize a vehicle to be operated without identification markers for not more than 10 days. Before sending such authorization, the Department shall collect from the carrier a fee of $20 for each vehicle so operated.

1995, cc. 744, 803; 1996, c. 575; 2002, c. 265; 2012, cc. 22, 111.

§ 58.1-2700.2. Motor carriers subject to terms of the International Fuel Tax Agreement; placement of identification markers.

All motor carriers that operate one or more qualified highway vehicles on an interstate basis are subject to and shall abide by all terms and conditions of IFTA that are applicable to motor carriers or operators of qualified highway vehicles. All carriers licensed by the Department pursuant to this chapter or IFTA shall place any required identification markers issued by the Department on each vehicle in the carrier's fleet in the place prescribed by the Department.

1995, cc. 744, 803; 2012, cc. 22, 111.

§ 58.1-2700.3. Waiver in emergency situations.

The Department shall have the authority to waive the requirements of this title for vehicles under emergency conditions.

1995, cc. 744, 803.

§ 58.1-2701. (Contingent expiration date — see Acts 2019, cc. 837 and 846) Amount of tax.

A. Except as provided in subsection C, every motor carrier shall pay a road tax per gallon equivalent to the cents per gallon credit for diesel fuel as determined under subsection A of § 58.1-2706 for the relevant period plus an additional amount per gallon, as determined by subsection B, calculated on the amount of motor fuel, diesel fuel or liquefied gases (which would not exist as liquids at a temperature of 60 degrees Fahrenheit and a pressure of 14.7 pounds per square inch absolute), used in its operations within the Commonwealth.

The tax imposed by this chapter shall be in addition to all other taxes of whatever character imposed on a motor carrier by any other provision of law.

B. The additional amount per gallon shall be determined by the Commissioner annually, effective July 1 of each year. On July 1, 2019, the additional amount per gallon shall be calculated by multiplying the average fuel economy by $0.01125. On July 1, 2020, and each July 1 thereafter, the additional amount per gallon shall be calculated by multiplying the average fuel economy by $0.0225. The additional amount per gallon shall be rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a cent. For purposes of this subsection, "average fuel economy" shall be calculated by dividing the total taxable miles driven in the Commonwealth by the total taxable gallons of fuel consumed in the Commonwealth, as reported in IFTA returns in the preceding taxable year.

C. In lieu of the tax imposed in subsection A, motor carriers registering qualified highway vehicles that are not registered under the International Registration Plan shall pay a fee of $150 per year for each qualified highway vehicle regardless of whether such vehicle will be included on the motor carrier's IFTA return. For the period of July 1, 2019, through June 30, 2020, the fee shall be adjusted based on the percent change in the road tax imposed pursuant to subsection A from June 30, 2019, to July 1, 2019. The Commissioner shall adjust the fee annually on July 1 of every year thereafter based on the percentage change in the road tax imposed pursuant to subsection A for the previous fiscal year as compared to the current fiscal year. The fee is due and payable when the vehicle registration fees are paid pursuant to the provisions of Article 7 (§ 46.2-685 et seq.) of Chapter 6 of Title 46.2.

If a vehicle becomes a qualified highway vehicle before the end of its registration period, the fee due at the time the vehicle becomes a qualified highway vehicle shall be prorated monthly to the registration expiration month. Fees paid under this subsection shall not be refunded unless a full refund of the registration fee paid is authorized by law.

D. All taxes and fees paid under the provisions of this chapter shall be deposited into the Commonwealth Transportation Fund established pursuant to § 33.2-1524.

Code 1950, §§ 58-628, 58-631, 58-637; 1956, c. 475; 1960, c. 603; 1964, c. 255; 1972, cc. 490, 862; 1973, c. 331; 1978, c. 673; 1979, c. 709; 1980, c. 227; 1982, c. 671; 1984, c. 675; 1986, c. 553; 1986, Sp. Sess., c. 15; 1996, c. 575; 1997, c. 423; 2000, cc. 729, 758; 2002, c. 265; 2007, c. 896; 2011, cc. 881, 889; 2013, c. 766; 2019, cc. 837, 846; 2020, cc. 1230, 1275.

§ 58.1-2701. (Contingent effective date — see Acts 2019, cc. 837 and 846) Amount of tax.

A. Except as provided in subsection B, every motor carrier shall pay a road tax per gallon equivalent to the cents per gallon credit for diesel fuel as determined under subsection A of § 58.1-2706 for the relevant period plus an additional $0.035 per gallon calculated on the amount of motor fuel, diesel fuel or liquefied gases (which would not exist as liquids at a temperature of 60 degrees Fahrenheit and a pressure of 14.7 pounds per square inch absolute), used in its operations within the Commonwealth

The tax imposed by this chapter shall be in addition to all other taxes of whatever character imposed on a motor carrier by any other provision of law.

B. In lieu of the tax imposed in subsection A, motor carriers registering qualified highway vehicles that are not registered under the International Registration Plan shall pay a fee of $150 per year for each qualified highway vehicle regardless of whether such vehicle will be included on the motor carrier's IFTA return. The fee is due and payable when the vehicle registration fees are paid pursuant to the provisions of Article 7 (§ 46.2-685 et seq.) of Chapter 6 of Title 46.2.

If a vehicle becomes a qualified highway vehicle before the end of its registration period, the fee due at the time the vehicle becomes a qualified highway vehicle shall be prorated monthly to the registration expiration month. Fees paid under this subsection shall not be refunded unless a full refund of the registration fee paid is authorized by law.

C. All taxes and fees paid under the provisions of this chapter shall be credited to the Highway Maintenance and Operating Fund established pursuant to § 33.2-1530, a special fund within the Commonwealth Transportation Fund.

Code 1950, §§ 58-628, 58-631, 58-637; 1956, c. 475; 1960, c. 603; 1964, c. 255; 1972, cc. 490, 862; 1973, c. 331; 1978, c. 673; 1979, c. 709; 1980, c. 227; 1982, c. 671; 1984, c. 675; 1986, c. 553; 1986, Sp. Sess., c. 15; 1996, c. 575; 1997, c. 423; 2000, cc. 729, 758; 2002, c. 265; 2007, c. 896; 2011, cc. 881, 889; 2013, c. 766.

§ 58.1-2702. Exemptions and exceptions.

The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to a person, firm or corporation owning or operating:

1. Recreational vehicles, as defined in the provisions of the International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA);

2. The first two Virginia-licensed trucks and tractor trucks, if used exclusively for farm use as defined in § 46.2-698 and if not licensed in any other state;

3. Qualified highway vehicles of a licensed highway vehicle dealer when operated without compensation for purposes incident to a sale or for demonstration; or

4. Any highway vehicle owned and operated by the United States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Virginia or any municipality or any other political subdivision of the Commonwealth, or any other state.

Code 1950, §§ 58-627, 58-633; 1954, c. 341; 1956, c. 475; 1970, c. 32; 1976, c. 440; 1978, c. 62; 1980, c. 649; 1982, c. 671; 1984, c. 675; 1988, cc. 514, 725; 1993, c. 40; 1995, cc. 744, 803; 1996, c. 575; 1997, c. 283; 2000, cc. 729, 758.

§ 58.1-2703. Payment of tax.

The tax imposed under § 58.1-2701 shall be paid by each motor carrier quarterly to the State Treasurer on or before the last day of April, July, October and January of each year and calculated upon the amount of gasoline or other motor fuel used in its operations within the Commonwealth by each such carrier during the quarter ending with the last day of the preceding month.

Code 1950, § 58-630; 1984, c. 675.

§ 58.1-2704. How amount of fuel used in the Commonwealth ascertained.

On and after October 1, 1992, the amount of gasoline or other motor fuel used in the operations of any motor carrier in the Commonwealth shall be determined by dividing the total number of miles traveled within the Commonwealth by such carrier's vehicles during a calendar quarter by a consumption factor, such factor being comprised of the total number of miles traveled by all vehicles of the motor carrier during the quarter divided by the total amount of gasoline or other motor fuel used in its entire operations during such quarter.

Code 1950, § 58-632; 1956, c. 475; 1984, c. 675; 1990, c. 216; 1992, c. 309.

§ 58.1-2705. Reports of carriers.

Every motor carrier subject to the tax imposed by this chapter or filing under the terms of the International Fuel Tax Agreement shall, on or before the last day of April, July, October and January of every year, make to the Department or proper agency pursuant to the International Fuel Tax Agreement such reports of its operations during the quarter ending the last day of the preceding month as the Department may require and such other reports from time to time as the Department may deem necessary.

Code 1950, § 58-633; 1976, c. 440; 1984, c. 675; 1995, cc. 744, 803.

§ 58.1-2706. Credit for payment of motor fuel, diesel fuel or liquefied gases tax.

A. Every motor carrier subject to the road tax shall be entitled to a credit on such tax on every gallon of motor fuel, diesel fuel and liquefied gases purchased by such carrier within the Commonwealth for use in its operations either within or without the Commonwealth and upon which the motor fuel, diesel fuel or liquefied gases tax imposed by the laws of the Commonwealth has been paid by such carrier. Evidence of the payment of such tax in such form as may be required by, or is satisfactory to, the Department shall be furnished by each carrier claiming the credit herein allowed. The credit for diesel fuel shall be at a cents per gallon rate equivalent to the tax imposed under subsection B of § 58.1-2217 for the relevant period as converted by the Commissioner to a cents per gallon tax for purposes of this credit. The credit for all other motor fuels and liquefied gases shall be at a cents per gallon rate equivalent to the tax imposed under subsection A of § 58.1-2217 for the relevant period as converted by the Commissioner to a cents per gallon tax for purposes of this credit.

B. When the amount of the credit to which any motor carrier is entitled for any quarter exceeds the amount of the tax for which such carrier is liable for the same quarter, the excess may: (i) be allowed as a credit on the tax for which such carrier would be otherwise liable for any of the eight succeeding quarters or (ii) be refunded, upon application, duly verified and presented and supported by such evidence as may be satisfactory to the Department.

C. The Department may allow a refund upon receipt of proper application and review. It shall be at the discretion of the Department to determine whether an audit is required.

D. The refund may be allowed without a formal hearing if the amount of refund is agreed to by the applicant. Otherwise, a formal hearing on the application shall be held by the Department after notice of not less than 10 days to the applicant and the Attorney General.

E. Whenever any refund is ordered it shall be paid out of the Highway Maintenance and Operating Fund established pursuant to § 33.2-1530.

F. Whenever a person operating under lease to a motor carrier to perform transport services on behalf of the carrier purchases motor fuel, diesel fuel or liquefied gases relating to such services, such payments or purchases may, at the discretion of the Department, be considered payment or purchases by the carrier.

Code 1950, § 58-629; 1952, c. 281; 1956, c. 475; 1960, c. 603; 1972, c. 490; 1980, c. 227; 1982, c. 671; 1984, c. 675; 1986, c. 553; 1986, Sp. Sess., c. 15; 1988, c. 381; 1990, c. 245; 1992, c. 309; 1995, cc. 744, 803; 1996, c. 575; 1999, c. 94; 2007, c. 896; 2013, c. 766.

§ 58.1-2707. Refunds to motor carriers who give bond.

A motor carrier not operating as an IFTA licensee may be required to give a surety company bond in the amount of not less than $2,000, as shall appear sufficient in the discretion of the Department, payable to the Commonwealth and conditioned that the carrier will pay all taxes due and to become due under this chapter from the date of the bond to the date when either the carrier or the bonding company notifies the Department that the bond has been canceled. The surety shall be a corporation authorized to write surety bonds in Virginia. So long as the bond remains in force the Department may order refunds to the motor carrier in the amounts appearing to be due on applications duly filed by the carrier under this chapter (§ 58.1-2700 et seq.) without first auditing the records of the carrier. The surety shall be liable for all omitted taxes assessed pursuant to § 58.1-2025 against the carrier, including the penalties and interest provided in such section, even though the assessment is made after cancellation of the bond, but only for taxes due and payable while the bond was in force and penalties and interest on the taxes.

Code 1950, § 58-629.1; 1952, c. 281; 1962, c. 586; 1984, c. 675; 1986, c. 339; 1992, c. 309; 1993, c. 101; 1995, cc. 744, 803.

§ 58.1-2708. Inspection of books and records.

The Department and its authorized agents and representatives shall have the right at any reasonable time to inspect the books and records of any motor carrier subject to the tax imposed by this chapter.

Code 1950, § 58-634; 1984, c. 675; 1995, cc. 744, 803.

§ 58.1-2709. Penalties.

The Department may, after a hearing had upon notice, duly served not less than ten days prior to the date set for such hearing, impose a penalty, which shall be in addition to any other penalty imposed by this chapter, not exceeding $2,500, upon any licensed motor carrier violating any provision of this chapter or the IFTA, or failing to comply with IFTA or any regulation of the Department promulgated pursuant to this chapter. Each such failure or violation shall constitute a separate offense. The penalty shall be collectible by the process of the Department as provided by law. Any person against whom an order or decision of the Commissioner has been adversely rendered relating to the tax imposed by this chapter may, within fifteen days of such order or decision, appeal from such an order or decision to the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond. In addition to imposing such penalty, or without imposing any penalty, the Department may suspend or revoke any certificate, permit or other evidence of right issued by the Department which the motor carrier holds.

Code 1950, §§ 58-635, 58-636; 1984, c. 675; 1993, c. 42; 1995, cc. 744, 803; 2002, c. 265.

§ 58.1-2710. Penalty for false statements.

Any person who willfully and knowingly makes a false statement orally, or in writing, or in the form of a receipt for the sale of motor fuel, for the purpose of obtaining or attempting to obtain or to assist any other person, partnership or corporation to obtain or attempt to obtain a credit or refund or reduction of liability for taxes under this chapter shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.

Code 1950, § 58-629.2; 1952, c. 281; 1984, c. 675.

§ 58.1-2711. Assistance of Department of Taxation.

At the request of the Department, the Department of Taxation shall furnish the Department the amount of deduction from income taken by any person conducting business as a motor carrier as defined in § 58.1-2700 on account of the purchase of motor fuel, diesel fuel or liquefied gases.

Code 1950, § 58-634.1; 1956, c. 475; 1984, c. 675; 1990, c. 245; 1995, cc. 744, 803; 1996, c. 575.

§ 58.1-2712. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 1995, cc. 744 and 803, effective January 1, 1996.

§ 58.1-2712.1. International Fuel Tax Agreement.

The Department may, with the approval of the Governor, enter into IFTA for interstate motor carriers and abide by the requirements set forth in IFTA. All motor carriers that operate one or more qualified highway vehicles on an interstate basis are subject to and shall abide by all terms and conditions of IFTA that are applicable to motor carriers or operators of qualified highway vehicles. All requirements of IFTA shall also apply to motor carriers operating in intrastate commerce unless specific requirements are determined by the Department to be not in the best interest of the motor carrier industry.

1995, cc. 744, 803; 2012, cc. 22, 111.

§ 58.1-2712.2. Exchange of information; penalties.

A. The Commissioner of the Department is authorized to enter into written agreements with (i) duly constituted tax officials and motor vehicle agencies of other states and countries or provinces of any country that are member jurisdictions of the International Fuel Tax Agreement and (ii) any entity formed by the member jurisdictions of the International Fuel Tax Agreement to administer and conduct the business of such Agreement, to permit the exchange of information in order to facilitate the collection of taxes under such Agreement.

B. Any person to whom tax information is divulged pursuant to this section shall be subject to the prohibitions and penalties prescribed in § 58.1-3.

2001, c. 84.

Chapter 28. Corporation Charter and Related Fees, and Franchise Taxes.

§ 58.1-2800. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 1985, c. 470.

§ 58.1-2801. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 1988, c. 405.

§ 58.1-2808. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 1986, c. 1.

§ 58.1-2812. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 1985, c. 470.

§ 58.1-2813. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 1988, c. 405.

§ 58.1-2814. Collection of unpaid bills for registration fees and franchise taxes by local treasurers.

The Comptroller may deliver a copy of any past-due bill for a registration fee or franchise tax, plus penalties and interest, to the treasurer of any county or city in which the corporation may have any property belonging to it and such copy of such bill shall have the force and effect of an execution in favor of the Commonwealth. The treasurer may distrain or levy upon and sell any real or personal property of such corporation and shall pay the amount of the bill into the state treasury within ten days after he has collected the same. The compensation of such treasurer for collecting and paying into the treasury such bill shall be five percent of the aggregate of the bill, which compensation shall be added to the bill by the treasurer, collected by him from such corporation and paid into the state treasury and then repaid to the treasurer on warrant of the Comptroller.

Code 1950, § 58-464; 1984, c. 675.

Chapter 29. Electric Utility Consumption Tax.

§ 58.1-2900. Imposition of tax.

A. Effective January 1, 2001, there is hereby imposed, in addition to the local consumer utility tax of Article 4 (§ 58.1-3812 et seq.) of Chapter 38 and subject to the adjustments authorized by subdivision A 5 and by § 58.1-2902, a tax on the consumers of electricity in the Commonwealth based on kilowatt hours delivered by the incumbent distribution utility and used per month as follows:

1. Each consumer of electricity in the Commonwealth shall pay electric utility consumption tax on all electricity consumed per month not in excess of 2,500 kWh at the rate of $0.001595 per kWh, as follows:

aState consumptionSpecial regulatoryLocal consumption
btax ratetax ratetax rate

2. Each consumer of electricity in the Commonwealth shall pay electric utility consumption tax on all electricity consumed per month in excess of 2,500 kWh but not in excess of 50,000 kWh at the rate of $0.00102 per kWh, as follows:

aState consumptionSpecial regulatoryLocal consumption
btax ratetax ratetax rate

3. Each consumer of electricity in the Commonwealth shall pay electric utility consumption tax on all electricity consumed per month in excess of 50,000 kWh at the rate of $0.000771 per kWh, as follows:

aState consumptionSpecial regulatoryLocal consumption
btax ratetax ratetax rate

4. The tax rates set forth in subdivisions 1, 2, and 3 are in lieu of and replace the state gross receipts tax (§ 58.1-2626), the special regulatory revenue tax (§ 58.1-2660), and the local license tax (§ 58.1-3731) levied on corporations furnishing heat, light or power by means of electricity.

5. The tax on consumers under this section shall not be imposed on consumers served by an electric utility owned or operated by a municipality if such municipal electric utility elects to have an amount equivalent to the tax added on the bill such utility (or an association or agency of which it is a member) pays for bundled or unbundled transmission service as a separate item. Such amount, equivalent to the tax, shall be calculated under the tax rate schedule as if the municipal electric utility were selling and collecting the tax from its consumers, adjusted to exclude the amount which represents the local consumption tax if the locality in which a consumer is located does not impose a license fee rate pursuant to § 58.1-3731, and shall be remitted to the Commission pursuant to § 58.1-2901. Municipal electric utilities may bundle the tax in the rates charged to their retail customers. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, the election permitted under this subdivision shall not be exercised by any municipal electric utility if the entity to whom the municipal electric utility (or an association or agency of which it is a member) pays for transmission service is not subject to the taxing jurisdiction of the Commonwealth, unless such entity agrees to remit to the Commonwealth all amounts equivalent to the tax pursuant to § 58.1-2901.

6. The tax on consumers set forth in subdivisions 1, 2, and 3 shall only be imposed in accordance with this subdivision on consumers of electricity purchased from a utility consumer services cooperative to the extent that such cooperative purchases, for the purpose of resale within the Commonwealth, electricity from a federal entity that made payments in accordance with federal law (i) in lieu of taxes during such taxable period to the Commonwealth and (ii) on the basis of such federal entity's gross proceeds resulting from the sale of such electricity. Such tax shall instead be calculated by deducting from each of the respective tax amounts calculated in accordance with subdivisions 1, 2, and 3 an amount equal to the calculated tax amount multiplied by the ratio of the total cost of power supplied by the federal entity, including facilities rental, during the taxable period to the utility consumer services cooperative's total operating revenue within the Commonwealth during the taxable period. The State Corporation Commission may audit the records and books of any utility consumer services cooperative that determines the tax on consumers in accordance with this subdivision to verify that the tax imposed has been correctly determined and properly remitted.

B. The tax authorized by this chapter shall not apply to municipalities' own use or to use by divisions or agencies of federal, state and local governments.

C. For purposes of this section, "kilowatt hours delivered" means in the case of eligible customer-generators, as defined in § 56-594, those kilowatt hours supplied from the electric grid to such customer-generators, minus the kilowatt hours generated and fed back to the electric grid by such customer-generators.

1999, c. 971; 2000, cc. 427, 614; 2020, c. 697.

§ 58.1-2901. Collection and remittance of tax.

A. The provider of billing services shall collect the tax from the consumer by adding it as a separate charge to the consumer's monthly statement. Until the consumer pays the tax to such provider of billing services, the tax shall constitute a debt of the consumer to the Commonwealth, localities, and the State Corporation Commission. If any consumer receives and pays for electricity but refuses to pay the tax on the bill that is imposed by § 58.1-2900, the provider of billing services shall notify the State Corporation Commission of the name and address of such consumer. If any consumer fails to pay a bill issued by a provider of billing services including the tax that is imposed by § 58.1-2900, the provider of billing services shall follow its normal collection procedures with respect to the charge for electric service and the tax, and upon collection of the bill or any part thereof shall (i) apportion the net amount collected between the charge for electric service and the tax and (ii) remit the tax portion to the State Corporation Commission and the appropriate locality. After the consumer pays the tax to the provider of billing services, the taxes collected shall be deemed to be held in trust by such provider until remitted to the State Corporation Commission and the appropriate locality.

When determining the amount of tax to collect from consumers of an electric utility that is a cooperative which purchases, for the purpose of resale within the Commonwealth, electricity from a federal entity that made payments during such taxable period to the Commonwealth in lieu of taxes in accordance with a federal law requiring such payments to be calculated on the basis of such federal entity's gross proceeds from the sale of electricity, the provider of billing services shall deduct from each of the respective tax amounts calculated in accordance with § 58.1-2900 an amount equal to the calculated tax amounts multiplied by the ratio that the total cost of the power, including facilities rental, supplied by said federal entity to said cooperative for resale within the Commonwealth bears to said cooperative's total operating revenue within the Commonwealth for the taxable period. The State Corporation Commission may audit the records and books of said cooperative to verify that the tax imposed by this chapter has been correctly determined and properly remitted.

B. A provider of billing services shall remit monthly to the Commission the amount of tax paid during the preceding month by the provider of billing services' consumers, except for (i) amounts added on the bills to utilities owned and operated by municipalities which are collected by the entity providing transmission directly to such utilities (or an association or agency of which the municipality is a member), which they shall remit directly to the Commission and (ii) the portion which represents the local consumption tax, which portion shall be remitted to the locality in which the electricity was consumed and shall be based on such locality's license fee rate which it imposed. Amounts of the tax that are added on the bills to utilities owned and operated by municipalities, which are collected by the entity providing transmission directly to such utilities (or an association or agency of which the municipality is a member), shall be remitted monthly by such entity to the Commission, except that the portion which represents the local consumption tax shall be remitted to the locality in which the electricity was consumed and shall be based on such locality's license fee rate which it imposed.

C. The electric utility consumption tax shall be remitted monthly, on or before the last day of the succeeding month of collection. Those portions of the electric utility consumption tax that relate to the state consumption tax and the special regulatory tax shall be remitted to the Commission; the portion that relates to the local consumption tax shall be remitted to the localities. Failure to remit timely will result in a ten percent penalty.

D. Taxes on electricity sales in the year ending December 31, 2000, relating to the local license tax, shall be paid in accordance with § 58.1-3731. Monthly payments in accordance with subsection C shall commence on February 28, 2001.

E. For purposes of this section, "service provider" means the person who delivers electricity to the consumer and "provider of billing services" means the person who bills a consumer for electric services rendered. If both the service provider and another person separately and directly bill a consumer for electricity service, then the service provider shall be considered the "provider of billing services."

F. The portion of the electric utility consumption tax relating to the local consumption tax replaces and precludes localities from imposing a license tax in accordance with § 58.1-3731 and the business, professional, occupation and license tax in accordance with Chapter 37 (§ 58.1-3700 et seq.) on electric suppliers subsequent to December 31, 2000, except as provided in subsection D. If the license fee rate imposed by a locality is less than the equivalent of the local consumption tax rate component of the consumption tax paid under subsection A of § 58.1-2900, the excess collected by the Commission shall constitute additional state consumption tax revenue and shall be remitted by the Commission to the state treasury. However, effective January 1, 2003, any locality that failed to comply with the requirements of this subsection by December 31, 2000, regarding the local license tax, shall receive the revenues generated on or after January 1, 2003, by the local consumption tax component paid under subsection A by the citizens of such locality. Such locality shall be entitled to the maximum amount as if the locality had imposed the license tax, in accordance with the provisions of § 58.1-3731 at the maximum rate allowed, provided that the governing body of such locality adopts an ordinance electing to receive such amounts.

G. The Department of Taxation may audit the books and records of any electric utility owned and operated by a municipality (or an association or agency of which the municipality is a member) to verify that the tax imposed by this chapter has been correctly determined and properly remitted to the Commission.

H. The State Corporation Commission may audit the books and records of any service provider or provider of billing services, except as provided in subsection G, to verify that the tax imposed by this chapter has been correctly determined and properly remitted to the Commission.

1999, c. 971; 2000, cc. 427, 614; 2001, cc. 748, 829, 861; 2002, cc. 339, 502.

§ 58.1-2902. Electric utility consumption tax relating to the special regulatory tax; when not assessed or assessed only in part.

A. The Commission may in the performance of its function and duty in levying the electric utility consumption tax relating to the special regulatory tax, omit the levy on any portion of the tax fixed in § 58.1-2900 as is unnecessary within the Commission's sole discretion for the accomplishment of the objects for which the tax is imposed, including a reasonable margin in the nature of a reserve fund.

B. The Commission shall notify each provider of billing services, as defined in subsection E of § 58.1-2901, collecting the tax on consumers of electricity of any change in the electric utility consumption tax relating to the special regulatory tax not later than the first day of the second month preceding the month in which the revised rate is to take effect.

1999, c. 971; 2001, c. 748.

§ 58.1-2903. Use of electric utility consumption tax relating to special regulatory tax.

The electric utility consumption tax relating to the special regulatory tax paid into the treasury under this chapter shall be deposited into a special fund used only by the Commission for the purpose of making appraisals, assessments and collections against electric suppliers as defined in §§ 58.1-400.2 and 58.1-2600 and public service corporations furnishing heat, light and power by means of electricity and for the further purposes of the Commission in investigating and inspecting the properties or the service or services of such electric suppliers and public service corporations, and for the supervision and administration of all laws relative to such electric suppliers and public service corporations, whenever the same shall be deemed necessary by the Commission.

1999, c. 971.

Chapter 29.1. Natural Gas Consumption Tax.

§ 58.1-2904. Imposition of tax.

A. There is hereby imposed, in addition to the local consumer utility tax of Article 4 (§ 58.1-3812 et seq.) of Chapter 38, a tax on the consumers of natural gas in the Commonwealth based on volume of gas at standard pressure and temperature in units of 100 cubic feet (CCF) delivered by the pipeline distribution company or gas utility and used per month. Each consumer of natural gas in the Commonwealth shall pay tax on the consumption of all natural gas consumed per month not in excess of 500 CCF at the following rates: (i) state consumption tax rate of $0.0135 per CCF, (ii) local consumption tax rate of $0.004 per CCF, and (iii) a special regulatory tax rate of up to $0.0026 per CCF.

B. The tax rates set forth in subsection A are in lieu of and replace the state gross receipts tax pursuant to § 58.1-2626, the special regulatory revenue tax pursuant to § 58.1-2660, and the local license tax pursuant to § 58.1-3731 levied on corporations furnishing heat, light or power by means of natural gas.

C. The tax of consumers under this section shall not be imposed on consumers served by a gas utility owned or operated by a municipality.

D. The tax authorized by this chapter shall not apply to use by divisions or agencies of federal, state and local governments.

2000, cc. 691, 706; 2020, c. 697.

§ 58.1-2905. Collection and remittance of tax.

A. A pipeline distribution company or gas utility shall collect the tax from the consumer by adding it as a separate charge to the consumer's monthly statement. Until the consumer pays the tax to such company, the tax shall constitute a debt of the consumer to the Commonwealth. If any consumer receives and pays for gas but refuses to pay the tax that is imposed by the Commonwealth, the pipeline distribution company or gas utility shall notify the Commission of the names and addresses of such consumers. If any consumer fails to pay a bill issued by a pipeline distribution company or gas utility, including the tax imposed by the Commonwealth, the pipeline distribution company or gas utility shall follow its normal collection procedures with regard to the charge for the gas and the tax and upon collection of the bill or any part thereof shall (i) apportion the net amount collected between the charge for gas service and the tax and (ii) remit the tax portion to the Commission. After the consumer pays the tax to the pipeline distribution company or gas utility, the taxes shall be deemed to be held in trust by such pipeline distribution company or gas utility until remitted to the Commission.

B. A pipeline distribution company or gas utility shall remit monthly to the Commission the amount of tax paid during the preceding month by the pipeline distribution company's consumers, except for the portion which represents the local consumption tax, which portion shall be remitted to the locality in which the natural gas was consumed and shall be based on such locality's license fee rate which it imposed.

C. The natural gas consumption tax shall be remitted monthly, on or before the last day of the succeeding month of collection. Those portions of the natural gas consumption tax that related to the state consumption tax and the special regulatory tax shall be remitted to the Commission; the portion that relates to the local consumption tax shall be remitted to the appropriate localities. Failure to remit timely will result in a ten percent penalty.

D. Taxes on natural gas sales in the year ending December 31, 2000, relating to the local license tax, shall be paid in accordance with § 58.1-3731. Monthly payments in accordance with subsection C shall commence on February 28, 2001.

E. The portion of the natural gas consumption tax relating to the local license tax replaces and precludes localities from imposing a license tax in accordance with § 58.1-3731 and the business, professional, occupation and license tax in accordance with Chapter 37 (§ 58.1-3700 et seq.) of this title on gas suppliers subsequent to December 31, 2000, except as provided in subsection D. If the license fee rate imposed by a locality is less than the equivalent of the local consumption tax rate component of the consumption tax paid under subsection A of § 58.1-2904, the excess collected by the Commission shall constitute additional state consumption tax revenue and shall be remitted by the Commission to the state treasury.

F. Nothing in this section shall prohibit a locality from enacting an ordinance or other local law to allow such locality to receive that portion of the natural gas consumption tax that represents the local consumption tax beginning at such time that natural gas service is first made available in such locality. The amount of such local consumption tax to be distributed to the locality shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of subsection B, assuming that the maximum license tax rate allowed pursuant to § 58.1-3731 was imposed.

2000, cc. 691, 706; 2001, c. 737.

§ 58.1-2906. Natural gas consumption tax relating to the special regulatory tax; notification of changes.

A. The Commission may in the performance of its function and duty in levying the natural gas utility consumption tax relating to the special regulatory tax, omit the levy on any portion of the tax fixed in § 58.1-2904 as is unnecessary within the Commission's sole discretion for the accomplishment of the objects for which the tax is imposed, including a reasonable margin in the nature of a reserve fund.

B. The Commission shall notify all pipeline distribution companies and gas utilities collecting the tax on consumers of natural gas of any change in the natural gas consumption tax relating to the special regulatory tax not later than the first day of the second month preceding the month in which the revised rate is to take effect.

2000, cc. 691, 706.

§ 58.1-2907. Use of natural gas consumption tax relating to special regulatory tax.

The natural gas consumption tax relating to the special regulatory tax paid into the treasury under this chapter shall be deposited into a special fund used only by the Commission for the purpose of making appraisals, assessments and collections against natural gas suppliers and public service corporations furnishing heat, light and power by means of natural gas and for the further purposes of the Commission in investigating and inspecting the properties or the services of such natural gas suppliers and public service corporations, and for the supervision and administration of all laws relative to such natural gas suppliers and public service corporations, whenever the same shall be deemed necessary by the Commission.

2000, cc. 691, 706.