1999 Uncodified Acts Regular Session

1999 Virginia Uncodified Acts

1999 Regular Session

Chapter 19 (S 744)
Nurse practitioners' prescriptive authority; supervisory ratios. 
Chapter 22 (H 1442)
Award of Virginia military medals. 
Chapter 23 (H 1491)
Income tax; voluntary contribution to Community Policing Fund. 
Chapter 42 (S 729)
J. Kenneth Robinson Parkway. 
Chapter 43 (S 896)
Regional juvenile detention commissions. 
Chapter 49 (H 1839)
Lord Fairfax Highway. 
Chapter 50 (H 1842)
Regional juvenile detention commissions. 
Chapter 89 (H 1692)
Biennial election of Giles County supervisors; initial terms. 
Chapter 158 (S 1076)
Corporate income tax; apportionment. 
Chapter 206 (H 2153)
New Year's Day 2000. 
Chapter 214 (H 2409)
Revenue bonds; Southampton Reception and Classification Center. 
Chapter 218 (H 2590)
Permanent easement in James River. 
Chapter 280 (S 746)
Clyde Bowling Bridge. 
Chapter 309 (H 1888)
Ann Goode Cooper Highway. 
Chapter 313 (H 2130)
Unemployment compensation; tax rates for new employers. 
Chapter 316 (H 2171)
Sheriffs and deputies in Buchanan County. 
Chapter 328 (H 2652)
Highway signs for travelers. 
Chapter 347 (S 739)
Water and Waste Authorities Act. 
Chapter 363 (H 1452)
Cover sheets on deeds. 
Chapter 369 (H 1834)
Courts of record; use of cover sheets. 
Chapter 380 (H 2248)
Alcoholic beverage licenses. 
Chapter 420 (H 2666)
Union Mill Road. 
Chapter 467 (S 736)
Property exchange in Pedlar Hills. 
Chapter 501 (S 1200)
Gifted Education Consortium. 
Chapter 504 (S 1237)
School board salaries in Newport News City. 
Chapter 538 (HB 2088)
Route 58 Corridor Development and No. Va. Transp. District. 
Chapter 539 (H 2095)
Clyde Bowling Bridge and Jessica J. Cheney Memorial Bridge. 
Chapter 556 (H 2450)
Robert S. Hornsby Memorial Bridge. 
Chapter 557 (H 2478)
Indoor air quality in public schools. 
Chapter 619 (S 843)
Benefits of State employees transferred to local health departments. 
Chapter 691 (HB 2751)
Health care; data reporting. 
Chapter 699 (S 956)
I-64 weighing station. 
Chapter 704 (SB 1026)
Freedom of Information Act; electronic communication meetings. 
Chapter 764 (SB 1054)
Community services boards. 
Chapter 790 (H 2489)
Referendum on consolidation of Page County high schools. 
Chapter 802 (S 938)
Assessments of real property in Arlington County. 
Chapter 803 (S 942)
Health; cancer registry. 
Chapter 813 (S 1172)
Nursing homes. 
Chapter 859 (H 1671)
Voluntary disclosure & exchange of Y2K readiness info. 
Chapter 865 (H 2039)
Speed limit in Town of Vienna. 
Chapter 912 (H 2080)
Medical care facilities certificate of public need. 
Chapter 916 (H 2277)
Local telecommunications services. 
Chapter 931 (H 2571)
Fire suppression devices at Hampton University. 
Chapter 1033 (H 2220)
Regulating mooring and anchoring. 

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