2010 Uncodified Acts Regular Session

2010 Virginia Uncodified Acts

2010 Regular Session

Chapter 31 (HB 41)
Higher Educational Institutions Bond Act of 2010; created. 
Chapter 41 (SB 244)
Dam Safety Act; Soil & Water Conservation Board to adopt regulations concerning low traffic roadway. 
Chapter 44 (HB 1109)
9/11 Heroes Memorial Highway; Route 27 adjacent to Pentagon in Arlington County designated thereas. 
Chapter 54 (SB 470)
Certificate of public need; definition of project. 
Chapter 60 (HB 196)
Graduation requirements; delayed implementation. 
Chapter 72 (HB 257)
Homebound instruction services; Board of Education shall review its regulations. 
Chapter 109 (HB 530)
Route 1; designating as Historic Route 1 in State. 
Chapter 126 (HB 402)
Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel; VDOT to accept for review unsolicited proposals to add capacity. 
Chapter 130 (HB 564)
Norfolk/Virginia Beach light rail project; funds will be expended in accordance with FTA. 
Chapter 136 (HB 1034)
Information Technology; Governor to appoint Chief Information Officer of VITA, etc. 
Chapter 137 (HB 1220)
Stormwater management regulations; changes effective date that establishes local program criteria. 
Chapter 145 (SB 236)
Information Technology; Governor to appoint Chief Information Officer of VITA, etc. 
Chapter 150 (SB 322)
Clarksville-Boydton Airport Commission; name changed to Lake Country Airport Commission. 
Chapter 153 (SB 398)
Water safety zones; authorizes marine patrol divisions of police in Tidewater localities to patrol. 
Chapter 167 (HB 1374)
Manufactured Housing Licensing & Transaction Recovery Fund Law; dealer may retain damages. 
Chapter 178 (HB 142)
Menhaden fisheries; extends sunset provision for harvest. 
Chapter 192 (HB 718)
Children; Governor and DSS to develop and implement plan to reduce number in foster care. 
Chapter 194 (SB 15)
Higher Educational Institutions Bond Act of 2010; created. 
Chapter 200 (HB 796)
Richmond, City of; tax amnesty program established. 
Chapter 201 (HB 848)
Route 711; Buchanan County may enter into an agreement with Pike County, Kentucky to improve. 
Chapter 203 (HB 997)
Eminent domain; applicability of requirements to acquisition of property by City of Norfolk, etc. 
Chapter 254 (SB 354)
No Child Left Behind Act; school divisions shall administer limited English proficiency assessment. 
Chapter 279 (HB 774)
Va. Recreational Facilities Authority & Roanoke County; delays reversion of title to real property. 
Chapter 287 (HB 1118)
Virginia Military Family Relief Fund; State policy to exclude from taxation payments made from Fund. 
Chapter 307 (HB 1099)
Autism Spectrum Disorders; expand employment programs for individuals therewith. 
Chapter 338 (HB 1297)
Fort Monroe Authority; created. 
Chapter 339 (SB 23)
Aerospace Advisory Council; powers and duties, membership. 
Chapter 355 (SB 538)
Physicians, license; DBHDS to require presence thereof in any state training center. 
Chapter 358 (HB 149)
Constitutional amendment; property tax exemption for certain veterans. 
Chapter 370 (SB 395)
Stormwater management regulations; changes effective date that establishes local program criteria. 
Chapter 379 (HB 355)
State Tax Expenditure Report; State Tax Commissioner to issue annually and post on its website. 
Chapter 391 (SB 619)
Income tax, state; excludes from taxation benefits paid into Virginia Military Family Relief Fund. 
Chapter 398 (HB 111)
Schools; delayed implementation of statutes and regulations upon which full accreditation is based. 
Chapter 400 (HB 193)
Aerospace Advisory Council; removes July 1, 2010, sunset provision. 
Chapter 408 (HB 415)
Certificate of public need; relocation of nursing home beds from one facility to another facility. 
Chapter 426 (HB 931)
Protective orders; coordination with other states. 
Chapter 444 (SB 1)
Relief for purchaser of property sold at treasurers' sales; Charles L. Kingrea. 
Chapter 460 (SB 315)
Fort Monroe Authority; created. 
Chapter 462 (SB 371)
Route 711; Buchanan County may enter into an agreement with Pike County, Kentucky to improve. 
Chapter 467 (SB 467)
Protective orders; coordination with other states. 
Chapter 490 (HB 16)
Constitutional amendment; localities to establish either income or financial worth limitations. 
Chapter 491 (HB 21)
Space flight liability and immunity; repeals sunset provision. 
Chapter 500 (HB 296)
Water safety zones; authorizes marine patrol divisions in Tidewater localities to patrol. 
Chapter 535 (HB 1349)
Virginia Free File program; Tax Commissioner to establish and model after IRS Free File program. 
Chapter 549 (HB 374)
Cash proffers; collected or accepted by locality after completion of final inspection. 
Chapter 588 (SB 31)
Constitutional amendment; property tax exemption for certain veterans. 
Chapter 604 (SB 352)
Schools; delayed implementation of statutes and regulations upon which accreditation is based. 
Chapter 606 (SB 362)
Constitutional amendment; limit on taxes or revenues and Revenue Stabilization Fund. 
Chapter 613 (SB 632)
Cash proffers; delays collection or acceptance by locality until completion of final inspection. 
Chapter 618 (HB 5)
Claims; Victor Anthony Burnette. 
Chapter 623 (HB 371)
Certificate of public need; establishment of psychiatric services. 
Chapter 647 (HB 1302)
Roanoke River Rails-to-Trails, Inc.; conveyance of certain property in Town of Lawrenceville. 
Chapter 659 (SB 189)
Space flight liability and immunity; repeals sunset provision. 
Chapter 678 (SB 547)
Constitutional amendment; localities to establish either income or financial worth limitations. 
Chapter 679 (SB 549)
Geospatial Health Research; Secretaries of Health and Human Resources and Technology to evaluate. 
Chapter 688 (SB 653)
Certificate of public need; Commissioner of Health to accept & approve request to amend conditions. 
Chapter 728 (SB 47)
Menhaden fisheries; extends sunset provision for harvest. 
Chapter 744 (HB 147)
Constitutional amendment; limit on taxes or revenues and Revenue Stabilization Fund. 
Chapter 770 (HJ 11)
Constitutional amendment; localities to establish either income or financial worth limitations. 
Chapter 771 (HJ 33)
Constitutional amendment; property tax exemption for certain veterans (second reference). 
Chapter 772 (HJ 34)
Constitutional amendment; limit on taxes or revenues and Revenue Stabilization Fund. 
Chapter 773 (SJ 13)
Constitutional amendment; property tax exemption for certain veterans (second reference). 
Chapter 774 (SJ 81)
Constitutional amendment; limit on taxes or revenues and Revenue Stabilization Fund. 
Chapter 775 (SJ 97)
Constitutional amendment; localities to establish either income or financial worth limitations. 
Chapter 776 (SB 18)
License plates, special; issuance to supporters of Virginia Kids Eat Free program, etc. 
Chapter 786 (SB 201)
JLARC; shall administer an operational/programmatic performance audit on transportation programs. 
Chapter 814 (SB 715)
Civics education; teachers training to include local government and civics specific to State. 
Chapter 819 (HB 42)
Transportation programs; JLARC to administer a performance audit, report. 
Chapter 828 (HB 485)
Governor; shall initiate an operational and programmatic performance review of state agencies. 
Chapter 836 (HB 676)
Aerospace Advisory Council; adds five members, powers and duties. 
Chapter 845 (HB 927)
Immediate sanction probation program; established. 
Chapter 870 (HB 1378)
Medical Assistance Services, Department of; establishing pilot program for use of biometric data. 
Chapter 872 (HB 29)
Budget Bill. 
Chapter 874 (HB 30)
Budget Bill. 

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