2017 Uncodified Acts Regular Session

2017 Virginia Uncodified Acts

2017 Regular Session

Chapter 7 (HB2200)
Coal Surface Mining Reclamation Fund; assessment of reclamation tax revenues. 
Chapter 26 (HB1529)
Temporary exemption periods from retail sales and use taxes for qualifying items; sunset dates. 
Chapter 50 (HB1961)
License tax, local; methodology for deducting certain gross receipts. 
Chapter 62 (SB1179)
Opioids; workgroup to establish guidelines for prescribing. 
Chapter 71 (SB855)
Trooper Chad Phillip Dermyer Memorial Bridge; designating as Rt. 143 bridge over Interstate 64. 
Chapter 94 (HB1426)
Emergency custody or involuntary admission process; alternative transportation model. 
Chapter 97 (SB1221)
Emergency custody or involuntary admission process; alternative transportation model. 
Chapter 123 (HB1732)
License plates, special; issuance for supporters of Virginia Nurses Foundation. 
Chapter 124 (HB1741)
Vietnam Veterans Memorial Bridge; designating as Virginia Route 114 bridge. 
Chapter 127 (HB2214)
Transportation, Department of, and University of Virginia; use agreement. 
Chapter 129 (SB1367)
F. W. "Wakie" Howard, Jr., Bridge; designating as State Route 155 bridge in New Kent County. 
Chapter 131 (HB1699)
Danville, City of; recordation of deeds subject to liens for unpaid taxes. 
Chapter 136 (HB1483)
BHDS, Board of; regulations governing licensure of providers. 
Chapter 137 (SB941)
Forensic discharge planning services; local and regional correctional facilities. 
Chapter 148 (HB1405)
Trooper Chad Phillip Dermyer Memorial Bridge; designating as Rt. 143 bridge over Interstate 64. 
Chapter 162 (SB967)
Chesapeake Port Authority; City Council of Chesapeake may transfer any right, power, etc. 
Chapter 165 (SB1304)
Municipal elections; local option for timing of elections, effective date. 
Chapter 172 (HB1728)
Air transportation services providers; VDH to review rules for use in medical situations. 
Chapter 180 (HB2161)
Opioids; workgroup to establish guidelines for prescribing. 
Chapter 185 (SB1323)
Neonatal abstinence syndrome; Board of Health to adopt regulations to include as reportable disease. 
Chapter 192 (HB1784)
Forensic discharge planning services; local and regional correctional facilities. 
Chapter 197 (HB2162)
Substance-exposed infants; study of barriers to treatment in Commonwealth. 
Chapter 198 (HB2183)
Medicaid; eligibility of incarcerated individuals. 
Chapter 218 (SB1311)
Hampton Roads Sanitation District; adds County of Surry to territory. 
Chapter 229 (HB1569)
VPI & SU and Virginia State University; purpose and courses of study. 
Chapter 249 (HB1885)
Opioids; limit on amount prescribed, extends sunset provision. 
Chapter 252 (SB1232)
Opioids; limit on amount prescribed, extends sunset provision. 
Chapter 272 (HB1763)
License plates, special; issuance for supporters of highway safety. 
Chapter 280 (HB1467)
Neonatal abstinence syndrome; Board of Health to adopt regulations to include as reportable disease. 
Chapter 313 (HB1414)
Standards of Learning; DOE to review multipart assessment questions, partial credit, etc. 
Chapter 317 (HB1838)
Neighborhood Assistance Act tax credits; process of allocating credits. 
Chapter 341 (HB1600)
Landfills; DEQ, et al., to work towards odor reduction in Campbell County. 
Chapter 345 (HB1774)
Stormwater management; work group to examine ways to improve. 
Chapter 411 (HB1484)
Occupational therapists; Board of Medicine shall amend regulations governing licensure.  
Chapter 420 (HB2249)
Virginia State University; revenue-producing capital project. 
Chapter 438 (HB2219)
Real property tax; Stafford County may adopt, by ordinance, to restrict deferral of taxes. 
Chapter 446 (SB1018)
Temporary exemption periods from retail sales and use taxes for qualifying items; sunset dates. 
Chapter 448 (SB1248)
Real property tax; Stafford County may adopt, by ordinance, to restrict deferral of taxes. 
Chapter 452 (SB1369)
Commonwealth of Virginia Institutions of Higher Education Bond Act of 2017; created. 
Chapter 464 (HB2258)
Suicide; task force to raise public awareness, etc. 
Chapter 476 (SB1577)
Alternative onsite sewage systems; sampling. 
Chapter 478 (HB1571)
Workers' compensation; fees for medical services. 
Chapter 514 (HB2282)
Children, trafficking of; guidelines for training school counselors, etc. 
Chapter 526 (HB1520)
Reformulated gasoline; sale for farm use. 
Chapter 541 (HB2449)
Term limits; members of certain Authorities in City of Chesapeake limited to two terms. 
Chapter 544 (SB806)
Interstate 73 Corridor Development Fund and Program; created. 
Chapter 545 (SB899)
Reformulated gasoline; sale for farm use. 
Chapter 553 (SB1363)
Statewide one-stop online portal for address changes; Secretary of Transportation to study. 
Chapter 557 (SB1553)
Term limits; members of certain Authorities in City of Chesapeake limited to two terms. 
Chapter 568 (SB990)
Electric energy; consumption reduction goal, annual progress reports. 
Chapter 602 (HB2477)
Onsite sewage systems and private wells; VDH to take steps to eliminate site evaluation.  
Chapter 604 (SB868)
Child abuse or neglect; investigation of valid reports and complaints  
Chapter 611 (HB2250)
Commonwealth of Virginia Institutions of Higher Education Bond Act of 2017; created. 
Chapter 614 (SB1370)
Virginia State University; revenue-producing capital project. 
Chapter 617 (HB1650)
Relief; Keith Allen Harward. 
Chapter 618 (HB2348)
Women's right to vote; Va. Historical Society shall plan commemoration of centennial anniversary. 
Chapter 637 (SB1588)
General Assembly Building replacement project; sale of surplus property. 
Chapter 658 (SB1479)
Relief; Keith Allen Harward. 
Chapter 660 (HB1697)
Housing crisis; extension of sunset date of land use approvals. 
Chapter 698 (HB2359)
Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority; changes effective date for creation of Authority. 
Chapter 707 (SB1287)
Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority; changes effective date for creation of Authority. 
Chapter 715 (HB2248)
Capital outlay plan; revises six-year plan for projects. 
Chapter 722 (SB1045)
Capital outlay plan; revises six-year plan for projects. 
Chapter 731 (HB2203)
Uniform Statewide Building Code; notice to residents of code violations. 
Chapter 769 (HJ545)
Constitutional amendment; powers of General Assembly, etc. 
Chapter 770 (HJ562)
Constitutional amendment; real property tax exemption for spouse of disabled veteran. 
Chapter 771 (HJ693)
Constitutional amendment; Transportation Funds (first reference). 
Chapter 772 (SJ295)
Constitutional amendment; legislative review of administrative rules (first reference). 
Chapter 773 (SJ331)
Constitutional amendment; property tax, exemption for flooding remediation, abatement, etc. 
Chapter 781 (HB1691)
Widewater Beach Subdivision; DCR to convey certain real property.  
Chapter 803 (HB2390)
Renewable energy power purchase agreements; expands pilot program, sunset provision. 
Chapter 817 (SB1398)
Coal combustion residuals unit; closure permit, assessments required. 
Chapter 826 (HB2383)
Combined sewer overflow outfalls; DEQ to identify owner of outfall discharging into Chesapeake Bay. 
Chapter 827 (SB898)
Combined sewer overflow outfalls; DEQ to identify owner of outfall discharging into Chesapeake Bay. 
Chapter 836 (HB1500)
Budget Bill. 

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