Agency 85. Board of Medicine
- Preface
The Board of Medicine is a licensing and regulatory board housed within the Department of Health Professions. For the statutory authority of the boards within the department, see Subtitle III (§ 54.1-2400 et seq.) of Title 54.1 of the Code of Virginia.
The board is authorized by Chapter 29 (§ 54.1-2900 et seq.) of Title 54.1 of the Code of Virginia to license, certify, and regulate 23 different types of health care practitioners, some jointly with the Boards of Pharmacy and Nursing.
The board is required by Chapter 29 (§ 54.1-2900 et seq.) of Title 54.1 of the Code of Virginia to prescribe by regulation such requirements as may be necessary to ensure continued practitioner competence, which may include continuing education, testing, or any other requirement and to promulgate regulations to facilitate participation in the PA Licensure Compact and the Occupational Therapy Interjurisdictional Licensure Compact.
Board regulations and guidance as well as contact information for the board are available through the board's website at
Rev. 07/2024
- Chapter 10
- Public Participation Guidelines [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Section 15
- [Repealed]
- Section 20
- [Repealed]
- Section 30
- [Repealed]
- Section 40
- [Repealed]
- Section 50
- [Repealed]
- Section 60
- [Repealed]
- Section 70
- [Repealed]
- Section 80
- [Repealed]
- Section 90
- [Repealed]
- Section 100
- [Repealed]
- Section 110
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 11
- Public Participation GuidelinesRead all
- Part I
- Purpose and Definitions
- Section 10
- Purpose
- Section 20
- Definitions
- Part II
- Notification of Interested Persons
- Section 30
- Notification List
- Section 40
- Information to Be Sent to Persons on the Notification List
- Part III
- Public Participation Procedures
- Section 50
- Public Comment
- Section 60
- Petition for Rulemaking
- Section 70
- Appointment of Regulatory Advisory Panel
- Section 80
- Appointment of Negotiated Rulemaking Panel
- Section 90
- Meetings
- Section 100
- Public Hearings on Regulations
- Section 110
- Periodic Review of Regulations
- Chapter 15
- Regulations Governing Delegation to an Agency SubordinateRead all
- Section 10
- Decision to Delegate Informal Fact-Finding Proceedings to an Agency Subordinate
- Section 20
- Criteria for Delegation
- Section 30
- Criteria for an Agency Subordinate
- Chapter 20
- Regulations Governing the Practice of Medicine, Osteopathic Medicine, Podiatry, and ChiropracticRead all
- Part I
- General Provisions
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- Public Participation Guidelines
- Section 21
- Current Addresses
- Section 22
- Required Fees
- Part II
- Standards of Professional Conduct
- Section 25
- Treating and Prescribing for Self or Family
- Section 26
- Patient Records
- Section 27
- Confidentiality
- Section 28
- Practitioner-Patient Communication; Termination of Relationship
- Section 29
- Practitioner Responsibility
- Section 30
- Advertising Ethics
- Section 40
- Vitamins, Minerals and Food Supplements
- Section 50
- Anabolic Steroids
- Section 60
- [Repealed]
- Section 80
- Solicitation or Remuneration in Exchange for Referral
- Section 90
- Pharmacotherapy for Weight Loss
- Section 91
- Practice and Supervision of Laser Hair Removal
- Section 100
- Sexual Contact
- Section 105
- Refusal to Provide Information
- Section 110
- [Repealed]
- Part III
- Licensure: General and Educational Requirements
- Section 120
- Prerequisites to Licensure
- Section 121
- Educational Requirements: Graduates of Approved Institutions
- Section 122
- Educational Requirements: Graduates and Former Students of Institutions Not Approved by an Accrediting Agency Recognized by the Board
- Section 130
- [Repealed]
- Section 131
- Requirements to Practice Acupuncture
- Part IV
- Licensure: Examination Requirements
- Section 140
- Examinations, General
- Section 141
- Licensure by Endorsement
- Section 150
- [Repealed]
- Section 160
- [Repealed]
- Part V
- Limited or Temporary Licenses
- Section 210
- Limited Licenses to Foreign Medical Graduates
- Section 220
- Temporary Licenses to Interns and Residents
- Section 225
- Registration for Voluntary Practice by Out-of-State Licenses
- Section 226
- Restricted Volunteer License
- Part VI
- Renewal of License; Reinstatement
- Section 230
- Renewal of an Active License
- Section 235
- Continued Competency Requirements for Renewal of an Active License
- Section 236
- Inactive License
- Section 240
- Reinstatement of an Inactive or Lapsed License
- Section 250
- [Repealed]
- Section 270
- [Repealed]
- Part VII
- Practitioner Profile System
- Section 280
- Required Information
- Section 285
- Voluntary Information
- Section 290
- Reporting of Medical Malpractice Judgments and Settlements
- Section 300
- Noncompliance or Falsification of Profile
- Part VIII
- Office-Based Anesthesia
- Section 310
- Definitions
- Section 320
- General Provisions
- Section 330
- Qualifications of Providers
- Section 340
- Procedure/Anesthesia Selection and Patient Evaluation
- Section 350
- Informed Consent
- Section 360
- Monitoring
- Section 370
- Emergency and Transfer Protocols
- Section 380
- Discharge Policies and Procedures
- Section 390
- Reporting Requirements
- Part IX
- Mixing, Diluting, or Reconstituting of Drugs for Administration
- Section 400
- Requirements for Immediate-Use Sterile Mixing, Diluting, or Reconstituting
- Section 410
- Requirements for Low-Risk, Medium-Risk, or High-Risk Sterile Mixing, Diluting, or Reconstituting
- Section 420
- Responsibilities of Doctors Who Mix, Dilute or Reconstitute Drugs in Their Practices
- Forms (18VAC85-20)
- Documents Incorporated by Reference (18VAC85-20)
- Chapter 21
- Regulations Governing Prescribing of Opioids and BuprenorphineRead all
- Part I
- General Provisions
- Section 10
- Applicability
- Section 20
- Definitions
- Section 21
- Electronic Prescribing
- Section 22
- Patient Counseling
- Section 23
- Prohibition on Payment from Dmas Members
- Part II
- Management of Acute Pain and Subacute Pain
- Section 30
- Evaluation of the Acute PainOr Subacute Pain Patient
- Section 40
- Treatment of Acute PainAnd Subacute Pain with Opioids
- Section 50
- Medical Records for Acute Pain and Subacute Pain
- Part III
- Management of Chronic Pain
- Section 60
- Evaluation of the Chronic Pain Patient
- Section 70
- Treatment of Chronic Pain with Opioids
- Section 80
- Treatment Plan for Chronic Pain
- Section 90
- Informed Consent and Agreement for Treatment for Chronic Pain
- Section 100
- Opioid Therapy for Chronic Pain
- Section 110
- Additional Consultations
- Section 120
- Medical Records for Chronic Pain
- Part IV
- Prescribing of Buprenorphine for Opioid Use Disorder
- Section 130
- General Provisions Pertaining to Prescribing of Buprenorphine for Opioid Use Disorder
- Section 140
- Patient Assessment and Treatment Planning for Opioid Use Disorder
- Section 150
- Treatment with Buprenorphine for Opioid Use Disorder
- Section 160
- Special Populations in TreatmentFor Opioid Use Disorder
- Section 170
- Medical Records for Opioid Addiction Treatment
- Chapter 30
- Regulations Governing the Practice of Physical Therapy [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 31
- Regulations Governing the Practice of Physical Therapy [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 40
- Regulations Governing the Practice of Respiratory TherapistsRead all
- Part I
- General Provisions
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- Public Participation
- Section 25
- Current Name and Address
- Section 30
- Violations
- Section 35
- Fees
- Part II
- Requirements for Licensure as a Respiratory Therapist
- Section 40
- Licensure Requirements
- Section 45
- Educational Requirements
- Section 50
- Examination Requirements
- Section 55
- Registration for Voluntary Practice by Out-of-State Licensees
- Part III
- Renewal and Reinstatement
- Section 60
- Renewal of License
- Section 61
- Inactive License
- Section 65
- Reactivation or Reinstatement
- Section 66
- Continuing Education Requirements
- Section 67
- Restricted Volunteer License
- Part IV
- Scope of Practice
- Section 70
- Individual Responsibilities
- Section 80
- [Repealed]
- Part V
- Standards of Professional Conduct
- Section 85
- Confidentiality
- Section 86
- Patient Records
- Section 87
- Practitioner-Patient Communication; Termination of Relationship
- Section 88
- Practitioner Responsibility
- Section 89
- Solicitation or Remuneration in Exchange for Referral
- Section 90
- Sexual Contact
- Section 91
- Refusal to Provide Information
- Forms (18VAC85-40)
- Chapter 50
- Regulations Governing the Practice of Physician AssistantsRead all
- Part I
- General Provisions
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- [Repealed]
- Section 21
- Current Name and Address
- Section 30
- Public Participation Guidelines
- Section 35
- Fees
- Part II
- Requirements for Practice as a Physician's Assistant
- Section 40
- General Requirements
- Section 50
- Licensure: Entry Requirements and Application
- Section 55
- Provisional Licensure
- Section 56
- Renewal of License
- Section 57
- Discontinuation of Employment
- Section 58
- Inactive Licensure
- Section 59
- Registration for Voluntary Practice by Out-of-State Licensees
- Section 60
- [Repealed]
- Section 61
- Restricted Volunteer License
- Part III
- Examination [Repealed]
- Section 70
- [Repealed]
- Part IV
- Practice Requirements
- Section 101
- Requirements for a Practice Agreement
- Section 110
- Responsibilities of the Patient Care Team Physician or Podiatrist
- Section 115
- Responsibilities of the Physician Assistant
- Section 116
- Volunteer Restricted License for Certain Physician Assistants
- Section 117
- Authorization to Use Fluoroscopy
- Section 120
- [Repealed]
- Part V
- Prescriptive Authority
- Section 130
- Qualifications for Approval of Prescriptive Authority
- Section 140
- Approved Drugs and Devices
- Section 150
- [Repealed]
- Section 160
- Disclosure
- Section 170
- [Repealed]
- Part VI
- Standards of Professional Conduct
- Section 175
- Confidentiality
- Section 176
- Treating and Prescribing for Self or Family
- Section 177
- Patient Records
- Section 178
- Practitioner-Patient Communication
- Section 179
- Practitioner Responsibility
- Section 180
- Vitamins, Minerals and Food Supplements
- Section 181
- Pharmacotherapy for Weight Loss
- Section 182
- Anabolic Steroids
- Section 183
- Sexual Contact
- Section 184
- Refusal to Provide Information
- Section 191
- Practice and Supervision of Laser Hair Removal
- Forms (18VAC85-50)
- Documents Incorporated by Reference (18VAC85-50)
- Chapter 60
- Correctional Health Assistants [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 70
- Regulations Governing the Licensure of Nurse Practitioners [Withdrawn]Read all
- Chapter 80
- Regulations Governing the Practice of Occupational TherapyRead all
- Part I
- General Provisions
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- Public Participation
- Section 25
- Current Name and Address
- Section 26
- Fees
- Section 30
- [Repealed]
- Part II
- Requirements of Licensure as an Occupational Therapist
- Section 35
- Application Requirements
- Section 40
- Educational Requirements
- Section 45
- Practice by a Graduate Awaiting Examination Results
- Section 50
- Examination Requirements
- Section 60
- Practice Requirements
- Section 61
- [Repealed]
- Section 65
- Registration for Voluntary Practice by Out-of-State Licensees
- Part III
- Renewal of Licensure; Reinstatement
- Section 70
- Biennial Renewal of Licensure
- Section 71
- Continued Competency Requirements for Renewal of an Active License
- Section 72
- Inactive Licensure
- Section 73
- Restricted Volunteer License
- Section 80
- Reinstatement
- Part IV
- Practice of Occupational Therapy
- Section 90
- General Responsibilities
- Section 100
- Individual Responsibilities
- Section 110
- Supervisory Responsibilities of an Occupational Therapist
- Section 111
- Supervision of Unlicensed Occupational Therapy Personnel
- Section 120
- [Repealed]
- Part V
- Standards of Professional Conduct
- Section 130
- Confidentiality
- Section 140
- Patient Records
- Section 150
- Practitioner-Patient Communication; Termination of Relationship
- Section 160
- Practitioner Responsibility
- Section 170
- Sexual Contact
- Section 180
- Refusal to Provide Information
- Forms (18VAC85-80)
- Chapter 90
- Certification for Optometrists to Prescribe for and Treat Certain Diseases, Including Abnormal Conditions, of the Human Eye and Its Adnexa with Certain Therapeutic Pharmaceutical Agents [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 100
- Certification of Radiological Technology Practitioners [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 101
- Regulations Governing the Practice of Radiologic TechnologyRead all
- Part I
- General Provisions
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- [Repealed]
- Section 25
- Fees
- Section 26
- Current Name and Address
- Part II
- Licensure Requirements - Radiologist Assistants
- Section 27
- Educational Requirements for Radiologist Assistants
- Section 28
- Licensure Requirements
- Part III
- Licensure Requirements - Radiologic Technologist
- Section 30
- Educational Requirements for Radiologic Technologists
- Section 40
- Licensure Requirements
- Section 50
- [Repealed]
- Part IV
- Licensure Requirements - Radiologic Technologist-Limited
- Section 55
- Educational Requirements for Radiologic Technologists-Limited
- Section 60
- Licensure Requirements
- Section 61
- [Repealed]
- Section 70
- [Repealed]
- Section 80
- [Repealed]
- Part V
- Practice of Radiologist Assistants
- Section 91
- General Requirements.
- Section 92
- Individual Responsibilities to Patients and to Licensed Doctor of Medicine or Osteopathic Medicine
- Part VI
- Practice of Radiologic Technologists
- Section 100
- General Requirements
- Section 110
- Individual Responsibilities to Patients and to Licensed Doctor of Medicine, Osteopathy, Chiropractic, or Podiatry
- Section 120
- Supervisory Responsibilities
- Part VII
- Practice of Radiologic Technologist-Limited
- Section 130
- General Requirements
- Section 140
- Individual Responsibilities to Patients and Licensed Radiologic Technologist, Doctor of Medicine, Osteopathy, Chiropractic, or Podiatry
- Section 145
- Registration for Voluntary Practice by Out-of-State Licensees
- Part VIII
- Renewal of Licensure
- Section 150
- Biennial Renewal of License
- Section 151
- Reinstatement
- Section 152
- Inactive License
- Section 153
- Restricted Volunteer License
- Section 160
- [Repealed]
- Part IX
- Standards of Professional Conduct
- Section 161
- Confidentiality
- Section 162
- Patient Records
- Section 163
- Practitioner-Patient Communication
- Section 164
- Practitioner Responsibility
- Section 165
- Sexual Contact
- Section 166
- Refusal to Provide Information
- Forms (18VAC85-101)
- Chapter 110
- Regulations Governing the Practice of Licensed AcupuncturistsRead all
- Part I
- General Provisions
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- Public Participation
- Section 30
- [Repealed]
- Section 35
- Fees
- Section 36
- Current Name and Address
- Section 40
- [Repealed]
- Part II
- Requirements for Licensure
- Section 50
- Educational Requirements: Graduates of Approved Institutions or Programs in the United States
- Section 60
- Requirements of Foreign Graduates of Nonaccredited Educational Programs in Acupuncture
- Section 70
- [Repealed]
- Section 80
- Examination Requirements for Licensure
- Section 90
- Test of Spoken English Requirements
- Part III
- Scope of Practice
- Section 100
- General Requirements
- Section 110
- Limitation of Titles
- Section 120
- [Repealed]
- Section 130
- [Repealed]
- Section 140
- Sterilization Practices and Infection Control
- Section 145
- Registration for Voluntary Practice by Out-of-State Licensees
- Part IV
- Renewal and Reinstatement of Licensure
- Section 150
- Biennial Renewal of Licensure
- Section 155
- Inactive Licensure
- Section 160
- Reinstatement
- Section 161
- Restricted Volunteer License
- Section 170
- [Repealed]
- Part V
- Standards of Professional Conduct
- Section 175
- Confidentiality
- Section 176
- Patient Records
- Section 177
- Practitioner-Patient Communication; Termination of Relationship
- Section 178
- Practitioner Responsibility
- Section 179
- Advertising Ethics
- Section 180
- Dietary Supplements
- Section 181
- Solicitation or Remuneration in Exchange for Referral
- Section 182
- Sexual Contact
- Section 183
- Refusal to Provide Information
- Forms (18VAC85-110)
- Chapter 120
- Regulations Governing the Licensure of Athletic TrainersRead all
- Part I
- General Provisions
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- [Repealed]
- Section 30
- Current Name and Address
- Section 35
- Fees
- Part II
- Requirements for Licensure as an Athletic Trainer
- Section 40
- [Repealed]
- Section 50
- Requirements for Licensure
- Section 60
- [Repealed]
- Section 70
- [Repealed]
- Section 75
- Temporary Authorization to Practice
- Section 80
- Provisional Licensure
- Section 85
- Registration for Voluntary Practice by Out-of-State Trainers
- Part III
- Renewal and Reinstatement
- Section 90
- Renewal of License
- Section 95
- Inactive Licensure
- Section 100
- Reinstatement
- Part IV
- Standards of Practice
- Section 110
- Individual Responsibilities
- Section 120
- General Responsibilities
- Section 130
- Supervisory Responsibilities
- Section 140
- [Repealed]
- Section 150
- [Repealed]
- Part V
- Standards of Professional Conduct
- Section 155
- Confidentiality
- Section 156
- Patient Records
- Section 157
- Practitioner-Patient Communication
- Section 158
- Practitioner Responsibility
- Section 159
- Vitamins, Minerals and Food Supplements
- Section 160
- Anabolic Steroids
- Section 161
- Sexual Contact
- Section 162
- Refusal to Provide Information
- Forms (18VAC85-120)
- Chapter 130
- Regulations Governing the Practice of Licensed MidwivesRead all
- Part I
- General Provisions
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- Public Participation
- Section 30
- Fees
- Section 31
- Current Name and Address
- Part II
- Requirements for Licensure and Renewal of Licensure
- Section 40
- Criteria for Initial Licensure
- Section 45
- Practical Experience under Supervision
- Section 50
- Biennial Renewal of Licensure
- Section 60
- Inactive Licensure
- Section 70
- Reinstatement
- Part III
- Practice Standards
- Section 80
- General Disclosure Requirements
- Section 81
- Disclosures on Health Risks
- Section 90
- Confidentiality
- Section 100
- Client Records
- Section 110
- Practitioner-Client Communication; Termination of Relationship
- Section 120
- Practitioner Responsibility
- Section 130
- Advertising Ethics
- Section 140
- Vitamins, Minerals and Food Supplements
- Section 150
- Solicitation or Remuneration in Exchange for Referral
- Section 160
- Sexual Contact
- Section 170
- Refusal to Provide Information
- Forms (18VAC85-130)
- Chapter 140
- Regulations Governing the Practice of Polysomnographic TechnologistsRead all
- Part I
- General Provisions
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- [Repealed]
- Section 30
- Current Name and Address
- Section 40
- Fees
- Part II
- Requirements for Licensure as a Polysomnographic Technologist
- Section 45
- Practice As a Student or Trainee
- Section 50
- Application Requirements
- Section 60
- Licensure Requirements
- Part III
- Renewal and Reinstatement
- Section 70
- Renewal of License
- Section 80
- Inactive License
- Section 90
- Reactivation or Reinstatement
- Section 100
- Continuing Education Requirements
- Part IV
- Scope of Practice
- Section 110
- [Repealed]
- Section 120
- Supervisory Responsibilities
- Part V
- Standards of Professional Conduct
- Section 130
- Confidentiality
- Section 140
- Patient Records
- Section 150
- Practitioner-Patient Communication
- Section 160
- Practitioner Responsibility
- Section 170
- [Repealed]
- Section 180
- Sexual Contact
- Section 190
- Refusal to Provide Information
- Forms (18VAC85-140)
- Chapter 150
- Regulations Governing the Practice of Behavior AnalysisRead all
- Part I
- General Provisions
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- Public Participation
- Section 30
- Current Name and Address
- Section 40
- Fees
- Part II
- Requirements for Licensure as a Behavior Analyst or an Assistant Behavior Analyst
- Section 50
- Application Requirements
- Section 60
- Licensure Requirement
- Part III
- Renewal and Reinstatement
- Section 70
- Renewal of Licensure
- Section 80
- Inactive Licensure
- Section 90
- Reactivation or Reinstatement
- Section 100
- Continuing Education Requirements
- Part IV
- Scope of Practice
- Section 110
- Scope of Practice
- Section 120
- Supervisory Responsibilities
- Section 130
- Supervision of Unlicensed Personnel
- Part V
- Standards of Professional Conduct
- Section 140
- Confidentiality
- Section 150
- Client Records
- Section 160
- Practitioner-Client Communication; Termination of Relationship
- Section 170
- Practitioner Responsibility
- Section 180
- Solicitation or Remuneration in Exchange for Referral
- Section 190
- Sexual Contact
- Section 200
- Refusal to Provide Information
- Forms (18VAC85-150)
- Chapter 160
- Regulations Governing the Licensure of Surgical Assistants and CertificationOf Surgical TechnologistsRead all
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- Public Participation
- Section 30
- Current Name and Address
- Section 40
- Fees
- Section 50
- Requirements for Licensure As a Surgical Assistant
- Section 51
- Requirements for Certification As a Surgical Technologist
- Section 60
- Renewal of Licensure for a Surgical Assistant
- Part II
- Requirements for Licensure or Certification
- Section 65
- Renewal of Certification for a Surgical Technologist
- Section 70
- Reinstatement or Reactivation of Surgical Assistant Licensure
- Section 75
- Reinstatement or Reactivation of Surgical Technologist Certification
- Part III
- Standards of Conduct
- Section 80
- Confidentiality
- Section 90
- Patient Records
- Section 100
- Communication with Patients; Termination of Relationship
- Section 110
- Practitioner Responsibility
- Section 120
- Sexual Contact
- Section 130
- Refusal to Provide Information
- Forms (18VAC85-160)
- Chapter 170
- Regulations Governing the Practice of Genetic CounselorsRead all
- Part I
- General Provisions
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- Public Participation
- Section 30
- Current Name and Address
- Section 40
- Fees
- Part II
- Requirements for Licensure as a Genetic Counselor
- Section 50
- Application Requirements
- Section 60
- Licensure Requirements
- Part III
- Renewal and Reinstatement
- Section 70
- Renewal of License
- Section 80
- Inactive License
- Section 90
- Reactivation or Reinstatement
- Section 100
- Continuing Education Requirements
- Part IV
- Scope of Practice
- Section 110
- General Responsibility
- Section 120
- Supervisory Responsibilities
- Section 125
- Responsibilities of a Temporary Licensee
- Part V
- Standards of Professional Conduct
- Section 130
- Confidentiality
- Section 140
- Patient Records
- Section 150
- Practitioner-Patient Communication; Termination of Relationship
- Section 160
- Practitioner Responsibility
- Section 170
- Solicitation or Remuneration in Exchange for Referral
- Section 180
- Sexual Contact
- Section 190
- Refusal to Provide Information
- Forms (18VAC85-170)