Agency 5. State Corporation Commission
- Preface
- Agency Summary
- Chapter 10
- In GeneralRead all
- Section 10
- Rules on Meter Testing, Bad Check Charges and Late Payment Charges
- Section 20
- Utility Customer Deposit Requirements
- Chapter 11
- [Reserved]Read all
- Chapter 200
- Public Utility AccountingRead all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Section 20
- [Repealed]
- Section 21
- Streamlined Rate Proceedings and General Rate Proceedings for Electric Cooperatives Subject to the State Corporation Commission's Rate Jurisdiction
- Section 30
- [Repealed]
- Section 40
- The Small Water or Sewer Public Utility Act
- Section 50
- Rules Governing Ratemaking Treatment of Employee Post-Retirement Benefits Other Than Pensions
- Forms (20VAC5-200)
- Chapter 201
- Rules Governing Utility Rate Applications and Annual Informational Filings of Investor-Owned Water UtilitiesRead all
- Section 10
- General Filing Instructions
- Section 15
- Applicability to Applications of Investor-Owned Electric Utilities
- Section 16
- Applicability to Applications of Investor-Owned Gas Utilities
- Section 20
- General and Expedited Rate Increase Applications
- Section 30
- Annual Informational Filings
- Section 40
- [Repealed]
- Section 50
- [Repealed]
- Section 60
- [Repealed]
- Section 70
- Temporary Increases of Rates
- Section 80
- [Repealed]
- Section 85
- [Repealed]
- Section 90
- Instructions for Schedules and Exhibits for Chapter 201
- Section 95
- Schedules 1 Through 14 and Exhibits for Chapter 201
- Section 100
- Schedules 15 Through 22 and Exhibits for Chapter 201
- Section 110
- Schedules 24 Through 28 and 40 and Exhibits for Chapter 201
- Chapter 202
- Regulations Governing the Functional Separation of Incumbent Electric Utilities under the Virginia Electric Utility Restructuring ActRead all
- Section 10
- Applicability and Scope
- Section 20
- Definitions
- Section 30
- Relations Between Affiliated Functionally Separated Entities; Scc Oversight
- Section 40
- [Repealed]
- Section 50
- Waiver or Exemption Requests; Confidential Information; Other Filings
- Chapter 203
- Regulations Governing the Separation of Regulated and Unregulated Businesses of Utility Consumer Services Cooperatives and Utility Aggregation CooperativesRead all
- Section 10
- Applicability and Scope
- Section 20
- Definitions
- Section 30
- Relations Between Cooperatives and Affiliates Thereof Not Engaged in Regulated Utility Services
- Section 40
- Codes of Conduct Governing Cooperatives and Affiliates Thereof Not Engaged in Regulated Utility Services
- Section 50
- Requests for Waiver
- Chapter 204
- Rules Governing Utility Rate Applications and Annual Informational Filings of Investor-Owned Electric UtilitiesRead all
- Section 5
- Purpose and Applicability
- Section 10
- General Filing Instructions
- Section 20
- Base Rate Increase Applications Pursuant to Chapter 10 of Title 56 of the Code of Virginia
- Section 30
- Annual Informational Filings
- Section 40
- Prudency Determination Filings
- Section 50
- Base Rate Review Applications Pursuant to &Sect; 56-585.1 of the Code of Virginia
- Section 60
- Rate Adjustment Clause Filings
- Section 70
- Temporary Increases of Rates
- Section 80
- Fuel Factor Filings
- Section 90
- Instructions for Schedules and Exhibits for This Chapter
- Forms (20VAC5-204)
- Chapter 205
- Rules Governing Utility Rate Applications and Annual Informational Filings of Investor-Owned Gas UtilitiesRead all
- Section 5
- Purpose and Applicability
- Section 10
- General Filing Instructions
- Section 20
- General and Expedited Rate Increase Applications
- Section 30
- Annual Informational Filings
- Section 40
- Optional Performance-Based Applications
- Section 50
- Upstream Natural Gas Supply Infrastructure Plans
- Section 60
- System Expansion Plans
- Section 65
- Biogas Supply Investment Plans
- Section 70
- Temporary Increases of Rates
- Section 75
- Steps to Advance Virginia's Energy Plan Filings
- Section 85
- Conservation and Ratemaking Efficiency Plans
- Section 90
- Instructions for Schedules and Exhibits for This Chapter
- Forms (20VAC5-205)
- Chapter 210
- Water or Wastewater Utility Applications Seeking Fair Valuation of Acquisitions of Municipal Water or Wastewater SystemsRead all
- Section 10
- Purpose and Applicability
- Section 20
- General Filing Instructions
- Section 30
- Commission Determination of Rate Base
- Section 40
- Miscellaneous General Provisions
- Chapter 300
- Energy Regulation; in GeneralRead all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Section 20
- Virginia Electric Energy Emergency Conservation Plan
- Section 30
- [Repealed]
- Section 40
- Regulations to Govern the Preservation of Records of Electric, Gas and Water Utilities
- Section 50
- [Repealed]
- Section 60
- [Repealed]
- Section 70
- Regulations and Procedures Pertaining to Gas Pipeline Safety in Virginia
- Section 80
- [Repealed]
- Section 90
- Rules Governing Certification, Operation, and Maintenance of Notification Center or Centers
- Section 100
- [Repealed]
- Section 110
- Natural Gas Priorities and Rules
- Chapter 301
- Rules Governing the Use of Bidding Programs to Purchase Electricity from Other Power SuppliersRead all
- Section 10
- Purpose and Scope
- Section 20
- Sources of Capacity
- Section 30
- Development of Resource Plan
- Section 40
- Request for Proposal
- Section 50
- Evaluation of Bids
- Section 60
- Company Cost Benchmark
- Section 70
- Price and Non-Price Factors
- Section 80
- Contract Negotiations
- Section 90
- Purchases Outside of the Bidding Process
- Section 100
- Commission Role in Complaint Resolution
- Section 110
- Utility Reporting Requirements
- Chapter 302
- Filing Requirements in Support of Applications for Authority to Construct and Operate an Electric Generating FacilityRead all
- Section 10
- Applicability and Scope
- Section 20
- General Information, Electric Generating Facility Information and Documents to Be Included in Applications for (I) Electric Generating Facilities ...
- Section 25
- General Information, Electric Generating Facility Information and Documents to Be Included in Applications for (I) Electric Generating Facilities ...
- Section 30
- [Repealed]
- Section 35
- Information Required from Electric Utilities Subject to § 56-585.1 of the Code of Virginia
- Section 40
- Waivers
- Chapter 303
- Rules Governing Utility Promotional AllowancesRead all
- Section 10
- Purpose
- Section 20
- Promotional Allowances Prohibited for Ratemaking
- Section 30
- Permitted Activities
- Section 40
- Promotional Allowance Program Standards
- Section 50
- Waivers
- Section 60
- Commission Authority
- Chapter 304
- Rules Governing Cost/Benefit Measures Required for Demand-Side Management ProgramsRead all
- Section 10
- Purpose
- Section 20
- Cost/Benefit Measures
- Section 30
- Minimum Guidelines for Data Input and Modeling Assumptions
- Section 40
- Pilot or Experimental Programs
- Chapter 305
- Rules for Electricity and Natural Gas Submetering and for Energy Allocation EquipmentRead all
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- General Requirements
- Section 30
- Application for Electricity or Natural Gas
- Section 40
- Submetering
- Section 50
- Energy Allocation
- Section 60
- Testing Capability and Metering Equipment
- Section 70
- Periodic Tests and Checks
- Section 80
- Request Tests
- Section 90
- Billing for Apartment Houses, Office Buildings, and Shopping Centers
- Section 95
- Billing for Campgrounds
- Section 100
- Billing Records
- Section 110
- Initial and Final Bills
- Section 120
- Commission Authority
- Documents Incorporated by Reference (20VAC5-305)
- Chapter 306
- Standards for Integrated Resource Planning and Investments in Conservation and Demand Management for Natural Gas [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Section 20
- [Repealed]
- Section 30
- [Repealed]
- Section 40
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 307
- Rules Governing the Safety of Master-Metered Natural Gas SystemsRead all
- Section 10
- Master-Metered Natural Gas Systems
- Chapter 308
- Rules Governing the Safety of Intrastate Hazardous Liquid Pipeline SystemsRead all
- Section 10
- Safety of Intrastate Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Systems
- Chapter 309
- Rules for Enforcement of the Underground Utility Damage Prevention ActRead all
- Part I
- General Provisions
- Section 10
- Purpose
- Section 15
- Definitions
- Part II
- Enforcement
- Section 20
- Report of Probable Violations
- Section 30
- Commission Staff Investigation of Probable Violations
- Section 40
- Advisory Committee Review of Probable Violations
- Section 50
- Commission Action
- Section 60
- Sanctions
- Section 70
- Petition for Reconsideration
- Section 80
- Appeals Generally
- Part III
- Emergency Excavation or Demolition
- Section 90
- Emergency Excavation or Demolition
- Part IV
- Marking of Underground Utility Lines
- Section 100
- Marking of Underground Utility Lines
- Section 110
- General Marking Requirements
- Part V
- Supplemental Rules, Etc.
- Section 120
- Notification of Clear Evidence
- Section 130
- Notification Center Data Update
- Section 140
- Excavator's Responsibilities to Avoid Damage, Dislocating or Disturbances of Utility Lines
- Section 150
- Requirement for Trenchless Excavation
- Section 160
- Operator's Responsibilities to Maintain Accurate Records
- Section 165
- Operator's Responsibilities for Abandoned Utility Lines
- Section 170
- Responsibility to Protect and Preserve Marking
- Section 180
- Excavator Site Inspection
- Section 190
- Delineating Specific Location of a Proposed Excavation or Demolition
- Section 200
- Reporting Damage by Calling 911
- Section 205
- Commission Authority
- Section 210
- Provision of Access to Facilities and Records
- Section 215
- Enforcement of&Sect; 56-265.24:1 of the Code of Virginia
- Documents Incorporated by Reference (20VAC5-309)
- Chapter 310
- Rules for Filing an Application to Provide Electric and Gas Service under a Special Rate, Contract or IncentiveRead all
- Section 10
- Guidelines for Special Rates, Contracts, or Incentives
- Chapter 311
- Interim Rules Governing Electric and Natural Gas Retail Access Pilot Programs [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Section 20
- [Repealed]
- Section 30
- [Repealed]
- Section 40
- [Repealed]
- Section 50
- [Repealed]
- Section 60
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 312
- Rules Governing Retail Access to Competitive Energy ServicesRead all
- Section 10
- Applicability; Definitions
- Section 20
- General Provisions
- Section 30
- Codes of Conduct
- Section 40
- Licensing
- Section 50
- Competitive Service Provider Registration with the Local Distribution Company
- Section 60
- Customer Information
- Section 70
- Marketing
- Section 80
- Enrollment and Switching
- Section 90
- Billing and Payment
- Section 100
- Load Profiling
- Section 110
- Dispute Resolution
- Section 120
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 313
- Rules Governing Exemptions to Minimum Stay Requirements and Wires ChargesRead all
- Section 10
- Applicability
- Section 20
- Exemption to Minimum Stay Provisions
- Section 30
- [Repealed]
- Section 40
- Methodology to Determine Market-Based Costs
- Chapter 314
- Regulations Governing Interconnection of Small Electrical Generators and StorageRead all
- Section 10
- Applicability and Scope; Waiver
- Section 20
- Definitions
- Section 30
- Siting of Distributed Generation Facilities
- Section 35
- Preapplication
- Section 38
- Queue Number and Interdependent Projects
- Section 39
- Modification of the Interconnection Request
- Section 40
- Level 1 Interconnection Process
- Section 50
- Levels 2 and 3 Interconnection Request General Requirements
- Section 60
- Level 2 Interconnection Process
- Section 70
- Level 3 Interconnection Process
- Section 80
- Interconnection Metering
- Section 90
- Commissioning Tests
- Section 100
- Disputes
- Section 110
- Confidential Information
- Section 120
- Equal Treatment
- Section 130
- Record Retention and Reporting Requirements
- Section 140
- Coordination with Affected Systems
- Section 150
- Capacity of the Small Generating Facility
- Section 160
- Insurance, Liability, and Indemnification
- Section 165
- Assignment; Sale of an Existing or Proposed Sgf
- Section 170
- Schedules for Chapter 314
- Documents Incorporated by Reference (20VAC5-314)
- Chapter 315
- Regulations Governing Net Energy MeteringRead all
- Section 10
- Applicability and Scope
- Section 20
- Definitions
- Section 30
- Company Notification
- Section 40
- Conditions of Interconnection
- Section 50
- Metering, Billing, Payment and Contract or Tariff Considerations
- Section 60
- Liability Insurance
- Section 70
- Additional Controls and Tests
- Section 75
- Interconnection of Small Agricultural Generators
- Section 77
- Rules Governing Ppa Providers and Third-Party Partial Requirements Power Purchase Agreements in Electric Cooperative Service Territories
- Section 80
- Request for Waivers
- Section 90
- [Repealed]
- Forms (20VAC5-315)
- Documents Incorporated by Reference (20VAC5-315)
- Chapter 316
- Regulations Governing Exemptions for Large General Services Customers under § 56-585.1 a 5 C of the Code of VirginiaRead all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Section 20
- [Repealed]
- Section 30
- [Repealed]
- Section 40
- [Repealed]
- Section 50
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 317
- Rates for Standby Service Furnished to Certain Renewable Cogeneration Facilities Pursuant to § 56-235.1:1 of the Code of VirginiaRead all
- Section 10
- Applicability and Scope
- Section 20
- Duty to Provide Rate for Standby Service
- Section 30
- Costs to Be Recovered in Standby Rates
- Section 40
- [Repealed]
- Section 50
- Waiver
- Chapter 318
- Rules Governing the Evaluation, Measurement, and Verification of the Effects of Utility-Sponsored Demand-Side Management ProgramsRead all
- Section 10
- Purpose and Applicability
- Section 20
- Definitions
- Section 30
- Administrative Procedures for Evaluation, Measurement, and Verification Planning and Reporting
- Section 40
- Minimum Requirements for Collection of Evaluation, Measurement, and Verification Data
- Section 50
- Standard Requirements for Evaluation, Measurement, and Verification Reporting
- Section 60
- Waiver
- Chapter 319
- Regulations Governing Accelerated Renewable Energy BuyersRead all
- Section 10
- Purpose and Applicability
- Section 20
- Definitions
- Section 30
- Certification of Accelerated Renewable Energy Buyers
- Section 40
- Commission Certification Process
- Section 50
- Utility Certification Process
- Section 60
- Confidentiality
- Section 70
- Waiver
- Forms (20VAC5-319)
- Chapter 320
- Regulations Governing Transfer of Transmission Assets to Regional Transmission EntitiesRead all
- Section 10
- Applicability and Scope
- Section 20
- Definitions
- Section 30
- Elements of an Appropriate Regional Transmission Entity; General Categories
- Section 40
- Planning and Reliability Policies and Practices
- Section 50
- Interconnection, Pricing, and Access Policies and Practices
- Section 60
- Independent Governance
- Section 70
- Consistency with Ferc Policy
- Section 80
- Fair Compensation to Transferor
- Section 90
- Filing Requirements; Generally
- Section 100
- Contents of Incumbent Electric Utility Filing, Part I
- Section 110
- Contents of Incumbent Electric Utility Filing, Part II
- Section 120
- [Repealed]
- Section 130
- Waivers
- Chapter 325
- Rules for Enforcement of § 56-257 of the Code of VirginiaRead all
- Part I
- General Provisions
- Section 10
- Scope
- Section 20
- Definitions
- Part II
- Standards
- Section 30
- Installation of Utility Lines
- Section 40
- Operator's Responsibilities to Maintain Accurate Records
- Section 50
- Emergency Installations
- Part III
- Enforcement
- Section 60
- Report of Probable Violations
- Section 70
- Division Investigation of Probable Violations
- Section 80
- Commission Action
- Section 90
- Civil Penalties
- Section 100
- Petition for Reconsideration
- Section 110
- Appeals Generally
- Chapter 330
- Limitations on Disconnection of Electric and Water ServiceRead all
- Section 10
- Applicability and Scope
- Section 20
- Definitions
- Section 30
- General Provisions
- Section 40
- Limitations on Service Termination to Residential Customers
- Section 50
- Cost Recovery Mechanism
- Forms (20VAC5-330)
- Chapter 335
- Regulations Governing the Deployment of Energy StorageRead all
- Section 10
- Purpose and Applicability
- Section 20
- Definitions
- Section 30
- Minimum Interim Targets for Energy Storage Deployment by Phase I and Phase II Utilities
- Section 40
- Procurement of Energy Storage Projects by Phase I and Phase II Utilities
- Section 50
- Behind-The-Meter Incentives by Phase I and Phase II Utilities
- Section 60
- Non-Wires Alternative Programs by Phase I and Phase II Utilities
- Section 70
- Peak Demand Reduction Programs by Phase I and Phase II Utilities
- Section 80
- Permitting of Non-Utility Energy Storage Facilities
- Section 90
- Licensing of Energy Storage Aggregators
- Section 100
- Energy Storage Aggregator Registration with Utility
- Section 110
- Marketing by Energy Storage Aggregators
- Section 120
- Confidentiality
- Section 130
- Waiver
- Chapter 340
- Rules Governing Shared Solar ProgramRead all
- Section 10
- Applicability
- Section 20
- Definitions
- Section 30
- Licensing of Subscriber Organizations
- Section 40
- Registration with the Utility
- Section 50
- Marketing and Enrollment
- Section 60
- Phase I Utility: Billing and Payment
- Section 65
- Phase II Utility: Billing and Payment
- Section 70
- Disputes
- Section 80
- Minimum Bill Composition
- Section 90
- Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements
- Section 100
- [Repealed]
- Section 110
- Licensing Exemption Process for Subscriber Organizations
- Forms (20VAC5-340)
- Chapter 342
- Rules Governing Multi-Family Shared Solar ProgramRead all
- Section 10
- Applicability
- Section 20
- Definitions
- Section 30
- Licensing of Subscriber Organizations
- Section 40
- Registration with the Utility
- Section 50
- Marketing and Enrollment
- Section 60
- Billing and Payment
- Section 70
- Disputes
- Section 80
- Determination of Bill Credit Rate and Administrative Charge
- Section 90
- Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements
- Section 100
- Licensing Exemption Process for Subscriber Organizations
- Forms (20VAC5-342)
- Chapter 350
- Rules Governing Exemptions for Large General Services CompaniesRead all
- Section 10
- Applicability and Scope
- Section 20
- Administrative Procedures for Notice to Utility and Commission
- Section 30
- Standard Criteria for Notice to Utility
- Section 40
- Dispute Resolution
- Section 50
- Waiver and Enforcement
- Chapter 355
- Rules Governing Operator's Responsibility to Redistribute TopsoilRead all
- Section 10
- Applicability
- Section 20
- Definitions
- Section 30
- Operator's Responsibilities to Redistribute Topsoil; Waiver
- Chapter 360
- Licensed Professional Engineer to Exercise Responsible Charge over Certain Natural Gas Engineering ProjectsRead all
- Section 10
- Purpose and Scope
- Section 20
- Definitions
- Section 30
- Use of Professional Engineers
- Section 40
- Documentation
- Section 50
- Commission Authority
- Chapter 400
- TelecommunicationsRead all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Section 20
- [Repealed]
- Section 40
- [Repealed]
- Section 60
- [Repealed]
- Section 80
- [Repealed]
- Section 90
- [Repealed]
- Section 110
- [Repealed]
- Section 180
- [Repealed]
- Section 190
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 401
- Rules Governing the Provision of Network Interface DevicesRead all
- Section 10
- Definitions and Applicability
- Section 20
- Simple One- or Two-Line Installations in Single or Duplex Residence or Business Structures
- Section 30
- Simple One- and Two-Line Installations in Multi-Story or Multi-Occupancy Buildings, Campuses, Malls, Etc.
- Section 40
- Simple One- and Two-Line Residence and Business Installations
- Section 50
- Termination of All Telephone Company Network Facilities in All Multi-Story, Multi-Occupancy Buildings, Campuses, Malls, Etc. That Began Constructi...
- Chapter 403
- Rules Governing Small Investor-Owned Telephone UtilitiesRead all
- Section 10
- Applicability
- Section 20
- Timing of Filing of Tariff Changes
- Section 30
- Notice
- Section 40
- State Corporation Commission Action
- Section 50
- Contents of Application for a Rate Increase by a Company Having More Than $3 Million in Gross Annual Operating Revenue or That Is a Subsidiary of a...
- Section 60
- Contents of an Application for a Rate Increase by a Small Telephone Company Having Less Than $3 Million in Gross Annual Operating Revenues and That...
- Section 70
- Exemptions
- Section 70:1
- Appendix a
- Chapter 405
- Rules for Alternative Dispute Resolution ProcessRead all
- Section 10
- Scope of Alternative Dispute Resolution Process
- Section 20
- Notice and Good Faith Negotiations
- Section 30
- Collocation Disputes Not Involving a Request for Exemption from Physical Collocation
- Section 40
- Petition for Resolution of Disputed Issues
- Section 50
- Serving Copies and Docketing
- Section 60
- Assignment of a Hearing Examiner; Prehearing Conference
- Section 70
- Answer
- Section 80
- Office of General Counsel
- Section 90
- Evidentiary Hearing
- Section 100
- Discovery
- Section 110
- Exceptions
- Section 120
- Mediation
- Section 130
- Other Remedies
- Chapter 407
- Rules for Payphone Service and InstrumentsRead all
- Section 10
- Applicability; Definitions
- Section 20
- General Provisions; Enforcement; Waiver Requests
- Section 30
- Registration, Renewal, and Cancellation Procedures for Osps
- Section 40
- Registration, Renewal, and Cancellation Procedures for Psps
- Section 50
- Payphone Instrument and Service Requirements
- Section 60
- Housing Card
- Section 70
- Penalties
- Forms (20VAC5-407)
- Chapter 409
- Rules Governing the Sharing or Resale of Local Exchange Service (Shared Tenant Service)Read all
- Section 10
- Shared Tenant Service Permissible
- Section 20
- Applicability
- Section 30
- Waiver of Requirements
- Section 40
- Local Exchange Carrier Obligations
- Section 50
- Shared Tenant Service Provider Obligations
- Section 60
- Right to Request and Right to Serve
- Section 70
- Rates and Charges
- Chapter 411
- Rules Governing the Certification of Interexchange CarriersRead all
- Section 10
- Filing of Application
- Section 20
- Notice of Application
- Section 30
- Application Requirements
- Section 40
- Abandonment or Discontinuation of Service
- Section 50
- Reports to State Corporation Commission
- Section 60
- Suspension or Revocation of Certificate
- Section 70
- State Corporation Commission Authority to Set Rates
- Section 80
- Proposed Rate Increases
- Section 90
- Exclusion
- Chapter 413
- Rules Governing Disconnection of Local Exchange Telephone ServiceRead all
- Section 5
- Definitions
- Section 10
- Disconnection of Local Exchange Service for Failure to Pay
- Section 20
- Customer Bill and Directory Information
- Section 25
- Customer Notice of Disconnection
- Section 30
- Access to Interexchange Carriers
- Section 35
- Customer Billing Disputes
- Section 40
- Payment Credits
- Section 50
- Waiver
- Chapter 414
- Bad Check Charges and Late Payment ChargesRead all
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- (Reserved)
- Section 30
- Bad Check Charge
- Section 40
- (Reserved)
- Section 50
- Late Payment Charge
- Section 60
- (Reserved)
- Section 70
- Commission Authority
- Chapter 415
- Rules Governing Telecommunications Relay Service [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Section 20
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 417
- Rules Governing the Certification and Regulation of Competitive Local Exchange CarriersRead all
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- Application Requirements for Certification
- Section 30
- [Repealed]
- Section 40
- Mlec Requirements
- Section 50
- Regulation of New Entrants Providing Local Exchange Telecommunications Services
- Section 60
- Reporting Requirements for New Entrants
- Section 70
- Name Changes and Use of Assumed and Fictitious Names by a New Entrant
- Section 80
- Commission Authority
- Documents Incorporated by Reference (20VAC5-417)
- Chapter 419
- Procedural Rules for Implementing §§ 251 and 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, 47 Usc §§ 251 and 252Read all
- Section 10
- General Procedure
- Section 20
- Agreements Arrived at Through Negotiation
- Section 30
- Agreements Arrived at Through Compulsory Arbitration
- Section 40
- Statement of Generally Available Terms
- Chapter 421
- Rules Governing Exemption from Providing Physical Collocation Pursuant to § 251(C)(6) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996Read all
- Section 10
- Procedure; Exemption Request
- Section 20
- Contents of Exemption Request
- Chapter 423
- Rules Governing the Discontinuance of Local Exchange Telecommunications Services Provided by Competitive Local Exchange CarriersRead all
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- Requirements for Discontinuance
- Section 30
- Requirements for Partial Discontinuance
- Section 40
- Requirements to Withdraw a Tariffed Service Offering
- Section 50
- Requirements to Obsolete a Tariffed Service Offering
- Section 60
- Administrative Cancellation of Certificates
- Section 70
- Bankruptcy Requirements
- Section 80
- Duties of Ilecs
- Section 90
- Commission Authority
- Chapter 425
- Rules Governing Enhanced 911 (E-911) ServiceRead all
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- General Provisions
- Section 30
- Rates, Tariffs, and Product Guides
- Section 40
- Provisioning
- Section 45
- Reporting
- Section 50
- Commission Authority
- Chapter 427
- Rules for Local Exchange Telecommunications Company Service Quality Standards [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Section 20
- [Repealed]
- Section 30
- [Repealed]
- Section 40
- [Repealed]
- Section 50
- [Repealed]
- Section 60
- [Repealed]
- Section 70
- [Repealed]
- Section 80
- [Repealed]
- Section 90
- [Repealed]
- Section 100
- [Repealed]
- Section 110
- [Repealed]
- Section 120
- [Repealed]
- Section 130
- [Repealed]
- Section 140
- [Repealed]
- Section 150
- [Repealed]
- Section 160
- [Repealed]
- Section 170
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 428
- Rules Governing Local Exchange Telecommunications Carrier Retail Service QualityRead all
- Section 10
- Applicability; Definitions
- Section 20
- Private Property Restoration
- Section 30
- Availability and Retention of Records
- Section 40
- (Reserved.)
- Section 50
- Emergency Trouble Report Response
- Section 60
- Service Outage Reporting
- Section 70
- Commission Complaints
- Section 80
- Printed Directories
- Section 90
- Network and Customer Care Service Quality and Reporting
- Section 100
- Generally Inadequate Service
- Section 110
- Enforcement and Sanctions
- Section 120
- Commission Authority
- Section 130
- Sunset Provision
- Chapter 429
- Rules Governing Compensation, Numbering, Interconnection, and Other Local Inter-Carrier MattersRead all
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- Interconnection
- Section 30
- Terminating Traffic Compensation
- Section 40
- Number Portability and Number Assignment
- Section 50
- Universal Service
- Section 60
- Commission Authority
- Chapter 430
- Rules Governing Designation of a Commercial Mobile Radio or Cellular Telephone Service Provider As an Eligible Telecommunications CarrierRead all
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- Filing of Application
- Section 30
- Notice of Application
- Section 40
- Application Requirements
- Section 50
- Complaints
- Section 60
- Reports to the State Corporation Commission
- Section 70
- Customer Notice Requirements
- Section 80
- SuspensionOrRevocation of EtcDesignation
- Section 90
- Abandonment or Discontinuation of Service
- Section 100
- Commission Authority
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