Agency 5. Department of Health
- Preface
The State Board of Health and the State Health Commissioner, assisted by the Department of Health, are authorized to administer and provide a comprehensive program of preventive, curative, restorative, and environmental health services; educate the citizenry in health and environmental matters; develop and implement health resource plans; collect and preserve vital records and health statistics; provide medicolegal investigation and postmortem examinations of deaths that occur suddenly, unexpectedly, violently, or in an otherwise suspicious manner; assist in research; investigate outbreaks of disease; and abate hazards and nuisances to the public health and to the environment, emergency and otherwise. § 32.1-2 of the Code of Virginia.
The Virginia Health Planning Board was abolished and its regulations transferred to the Board of Health by Chapter 83 of the 2002 Acts of Assembly. The planning board's regulations remain in force unless they are amended, modified, or repealed by the Board of Health.
The department operates under the supervision of the Secretary of Health and Human Resources. Regulations are available at the Office of the State Health Commissioner, 109 Governor Street, Richmond, VA 23219. Internet address: Many local health departments may also have copies of departmental regulations.
Regulatory activities are noted herein as vested in the department, without distinction among those vested in the State Board of Health or the State Health Commissioner. In furtherance of its mission to promote and protect the health of all Virginians, the department administers numerous programs and engages in many regulatory and other activities that are administered by the offices indicated below. These regulatory activities include:
Establishing a comprehensive statewide emergency medical care system, incorporating facilities, transportation, manpower, communications, and other components as integral parts of a unified system that improve the delivery of emergency medical services and thereby decrease morbidity, hospitalization, disability, and mortality and establishing poison control centers that meet national certification standards promulgated by the American Association of Poison Control Centers. §§ 32.1-111.3 and 32.1-111.15 of the Code of Virginia.
Compiling a list of human diseases, including diseases caused by exposure to any toxic substance or by exposure to an agent or substance that has the potential for use as a weapon, that are required to be reported to the department and prescribing the manner and time of such reporting; compiling a list of dangerous microbes and pathogens to be reported by laboratories; providing for the surveillance of and investigation into all preventable diseases and epidemics in the Commonwealth and into the means for the prevention of such diseases and epidemics; issuing orders to combat epidemics and communicable disease and to address other public health emergencies so that disease may be controlled and investigated epidemiologically; and requiring the immunization of children in order to prevent certain diseases. §§ 32.1-35 and 32.1-39 of the Code of Virginia.
Establishing standards and requirements for research on human participants conducted or authorized by the department or any facility or other entity operated, funded, or licensed by the department. § 32.1-12.1 of the Code of Virginia.
Establishing regulations for public participation in the formation and development of regulations. § 2.2-4007.02 of the Code of Virginia.
Defining the income limitations within which a person is deemed to be medically indigent so that such persons may receive the medical care services of the department without charge and prescribing a scale of charges, based on ability to pay, for departmental patients who are not deemed to be medically indigent. § 32.1-11 of the Code of Virginia.
Establishing and maintaining a system of screening tests for newborn infants that detects various inborn disorders, consistent with the uniform condition panel recommended by the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services and the Secretary's Advisory Committee on Heritable Disorders in Newborns and Children. § 32.1-65 of the Code of Virginia.
Providing services for infants identified with any condition for which newborn screening is conducted. § 32.1-67 of the Code of Virginia.
Performing on-site data collection of the records of patients who have malignant tumors or cancers at consenting hospitals, clinics, independent pathology laboratories, and physician offices in order to ensure the completeness and accuracy of the statewide cancer registry. § 32.1-70.2 of the Code of Virginia.
Administering the Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) and entering into agreements with the Department of Education and the Department of Medical Assistance Services to identify children who are eligible for free or reduced-price school lunches or services through the WIC program. § 32.1-351.2 of the Code of Virginia.
Establishing the training, education, and other requirements for use of the title "state-certified doula" and standards for approval as a certifying body or training entity. § 32.1-77.1 of the Code of Virginia.
Establishing the training, education, and other requirements for use of the title "certified community health worker" and standards for approval as a certifying body or training entity. § 32.1-15.1 of the Code of Virginia.
Establishing procedures and fees for the review of applications for certificates of public need and, upon finding public need for the construction of or specified modifications to medical care facilities, issuing such certificates, conditioned upon an agreement to provide medical care to indigents or other specifically noted populations where warranted, as well as providing for limitations on the time for completion and on capital expenditures. § 32.1-102.3 of Code of Virginia.
Licensing, prescribing minimal standards of construction, maintenance, and operation for, and inspecting hospitals, nursing facilities, hospices, abortion facilities, and other medical care facilities, and licensing and prescribing minimal standards governing the activities and services provided by home care organizations. §§ 32.1-125, 32.1-126, 32.1-162.9, and 32.1-162.3 of the Code of Virginia.
Inspecting licensed facilities as necessary to carry out the various obligations imposed on the agency by state and federal law and regulations. § 32.1-125.1 of the Code of Virginia.
Establishing minimum qualifications for private review agents, procedures governing such agents, guidelines regarding access to and confidentiality of medical records, and fees. § 32.1-138.7 of the Code of Virginia.
Prescribing standards that ensure the quality of managed health care insurance plans offered by entities that are licensed by the State Corporation Commission and issuing certificates of quality assurance to such licensees. § 32.1-137.2 of the Code of Virginia.
Designating health planning regions and regional health planning agencies, establishing the composition and method of appointment of members to the regional health planning boards, requiring each regional health planning board to report and maintain a record of its membership for publication, and establishing a program for disbursing and administering funds for regional health planning. § 32.1-122.05 of the Code of Virginia.
Establishing the application procedures and active monitoring and supervision requirements for cooperative agreements among hospitals for the sharing, allocation, consolidation by merger or other combination of assets, or referral of patients, personnel, instructional programs, support services, and facilities or medical, diagnostic, or laboratory facilities or procedures or other services traditionally offered by hospitals. § 15.2-5384.1 of the Code of Virginia.
Licensing restaurants, hotels and other lodging facilities, summer camps, campgrounds, and migrant labor camps and inspecting these establishments, along with public swimming pools, for compliance with sanitary requirements. §§ 32.1-211, 35.1-5, 35.1-13, and 35.1-18 of the Code of Virginia.
Establishing regulations governing toilet facilities, sewage disposal facilities, and water supply facilities at public gathering places. § 32.1-200 of the Code of Virginia.
Establish standards for the use of harvested rainwater and gray water, including rainwater harvesting systems. § 32.1-248.2 of the Code of Virginia.
Supervising the safe and sanitary collection, conveyance, transportation, treatment, and disposal of sewage; regulating the construction and operation of sewage disposal and treatment facilities; setting standards for and approving residential sewage disposal systems; and prescribing requirements for the disposal of sewage at marinas. § 32.1-164 of the Code of Virginia.
Prescribing standards for the location, construction, and abandonment of private wells. § 32.1-176.4 of the Code of Virginia.
Prescribing standards, examinations, analyses, and inspections that control the taking and marketing from a health standpoint of crustacea, finfish, and shellfish; conducting inspections of the establishments in which crustacea, finfish, and shellfish are handled and the sanitary conditions surrounding the establishment; and establishing the boundaries of and condemning growing areas in which crustacea, finfish, or shellfish are unfit for market. §§ 28.2-803, 28.2-806, and 28.2-807 of the Code of Virginia.
Notifying the public whenever there is a higher risk of illness when swimming in public beach water. §§ 32.1-2, 32.1-12, and 32.1-23 of the Code of Virginia.
Serving as the state toxic substances information agency and promulgating regulations pertaining to chemical exposures posing a threat to public health or the environment. § 32.1-240 of the Code of Virginia.
Regulating and controlling sources of radiation; licensing the use, production, and possession of radioactive materials; establishing fee schedules for the licensure and inspection of radioactive materials; adopting regulations for the imposition of civil penalties for violations of law, regulation, or licensure conditions by persons licensed for the use or possession of radioactive materials; and requiring the registration, inspection, and certification of diagnostic and therapeutic x-ray machines used in the healing arts. §§ 32.1-229 and 32.1-229.3 of the Code of Virginia.
Issuing permits for and regulating the design and operation of public water systems and establishing standards for protecting the quality and safety of the drinking water produced by such systems. § 32.1-170 of the Code of Virginia.
Regulating waterworks, water supplies, and pure water to protect the public health and promote the public welfare, including establishing criteria and procedures to accomplish these purposes. § 32.1-170 of the Code of Virginia.
Providing instruction to Virginia Commonwealth University, the University of Virginia, the Eastern Virginia Medical School, and other institutions of higher education in health science or law for teaching legal medicine and other subjects related to the duties of the Chief Medical Examiner and the Chief Medical Examiner's assistants. § 32.1-279 of the Code of Virginia.
Performing an autopsy if, in the opinion of the medical examiner investigating the death or of the Chief Medical Examiner, it is advisable and in the public interest that an autopsy be made or if an autopsy is requested by the attorney for the Commonwealth or by a judge of the circuit court of the county or city wherein such body is or where death occurred or wherein any injury contributing to or causing death was sustained. § 32.1-285 of the Code of Virginia.
Entering into an agreement setting forth protocols and procedures to govern relations between the parties when an anatomical gift of a part from a decedent under the jurisdiction of the medical examiner has been or might be made. § 32.1-291.23 of the Code of Virginia.
Establishing and maintaining surveillance programs and statewide fatality review teams, including the State Child Fatality Review Team, Adult Fatality Review Team, and the Maternal Mortality Review Team. §§ 32.1-283.1, 32.1-283.5, and 32.1-283.8 of the Code of Virginia.
Establishing criteria to identify medically underserved areas within the Commonwealth. § 32.1-122.5 of the Code of Virginia.
Granting conditional scholarships for the training of certain physicians, physician assistants, nurses, dentists, and dental hygienists and defining the obligations scholarship recipients must fulfill, including practice in areas underserved by medical and dental professionals as such areas are delineated by the department. §§ 32.1-122.6:01, 32.1-122.6:02, 32.1-122.6:03, 32.1-122.9, and 32.1-122.10 of the Code of Virginia.
Establishing a methodology for the review and measurement of the efficiency and productivity of health care institutions and administering a patient-level data system and all payer claims database for consumers, employers, providers, and purchasers of health care to improve the quality, appropriateness, and accessibility of health care and to provide information useful in making decisions relating to health care. §§ 32.1-276.6 and 32.1-276.7:1 of the Code of Virginia.
Uniformly administering the statewide system for maintaining vital records, including birth, adoption, marriage, divorce, death, and fetal death records, and for allowing access and necessary changes to these records. § 32.1-252 of the Code of Virginia.
Effectively responding to any emergency impacting public health through preparation, collaboration, education, and rapid intervention. This involves state, regional, and local emergency response partners collaborating to enhance readiness to respond to all hazards, including bioterrorism, infectious disease outbreaks, and other public health emergencies.
Rev. 07/2024
- Chapter 10
- Public Participation Guidelines [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Section 20
- [Repealed]
- Section 30
- [Repealed]
- Section 40
- [Repealed]
- Section 50
- [Repealed]
- Section 60
- [Repealed]
- Section 70
- [Repealed]
- Section 80
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 11
- Public Participation GuidelinesRead all
- Part I
- Purpose and Definitions
- Section 10
- Purpose
- Section 20
- Definitions
- Part II
- Notification of Interested Persons
- Section 30
- Notification List
- Section 40
- Information to Be Sent to Persons on the Notification List
- Part III
- Public Participation Procedures
- Section 50
- Public Comment
- Section 60
- Petition for Rulemaking
- Section 70
- Appointment of Regulatory Advisory Panel
- Section 80
- Appointment of Negotiated Rulemaking Panel
- Section 90
- Meetings
- Section 100
- Public Hearings on Regulations
- Section 110
- Periodic Review of Regulations
- Chapter 20
- Regulations for the Conduct of Human ResearchRead all
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- [Reserved]
- Section 30
- Applicability
- Section 40
- Policy
- Section 50
- Review Process for Department
- Section 60
- Review Process for Institutions or Agencies Funded or Licensed by the Department
- Section 70
- Composition of Research Review Committee
- Section 80
- Elements of Committee Review Process
- Section 90
- Expedited Review of Human Research Projects
- Section 100
- Informed Consent
- Section 110
- Categories of Human Research Exempt from Regulation
- Section 120
- Committee Records
- Section 130
- Applicability of Federal Policies
- Chapter 30
- Rules and Regulations Governing Emergency Medical Services [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 31
- Virginia Emergency Medical Services RegulationsRead all
- Part I
- General Provisions
- Article 1
- Definitions
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Article 2
- Purpose and Applicability
- Section 20
- Responsibility for Regulations; Application of Regulations
- Section 30
- Powers and Procedures of Regulations Not Exclusive
- Article 3
- Exceptions, Variances, and Exemptions
- Section 40
- Exceptions
- Section 50
- Variances
- Section 60
- Issuance of a Variance
- Section 70
- Content of Variance
- Section 80
- Conditions of Variance
- Section 90
- Termination of Variance
- Section 100
- Denial of a Variance
- Section 110
- Exemptions
- Section 120
- Public Notice of Request for Exemption
- Section 130
- Public Hearing for Exemption Request
- Section 140
- Issuance of an Exemption
- Section 150
- Content of Exemption
- Section 160
- Conditions of Exemption
- Section 170
- Termination of Exemption
- Section 180
- Denial of an Exemption
- Section 190
- General Exemptions from These Regulations
- Article 4
- Enforcement Procedures
- Section 200
- Right to Enforcement
- Section 210
- Enforcement Actions
- Section 220
- Suspension of a License, Permit, Certificate, Endorsement or Designation
- Section 230
- Revocation of a License, Permit or Certificate
- Section 240
- Correction Order
- Section 250
- Judicial Review
- Article 5
- Complaints
- Section 260
- Submission of Complaints
- Section 270
- Investigation Process
- Section 280
- Action by the Office of EMS
- Section 290
- Exclusions from These Regulations
- Part II
- EMS Agency, EMS Vehicle and EMS Personnel Standards
- Article 1
- EMS Agency Licensure and Requirements
- Section 300
- Requirement for EMS Agency Licensure and EMS Certification
- Section 310
- Provision of EMS within Virginia
- Section 320
- General Applicability of the Regulations
- Section 330
- Compliance with Regulations
- Section 340
- EMS Agency Name
- Section 350
- Ability to Pay
- Section 360
- Public Access
- Section 370
- Designated Emergency Response Agency
- Section 380
- EMS Agency Availability
- Section 390
- Destination to Specialty Care Hospitals
- Section 400
- Nondiscrimination
- Section 410
- EMS Agency Licensure Classifications
- Section 420
- Application for EMS Agency License
- Section 430
- Issuance of an EMS Agency License
- Section 440
- Display of EMS Agency License
- Section 450
- EMS Agency Licensure Renewal
- Section 460
- Denial of an EMS Agency License
- Section 470
- Modification of an EMS Agency License
- Section 480
- Termination of EMS Agency Licensure
- Section 490
- EMS Agency Insurance
- Section 500
- Place of Operations
- Section 510
- Equipment and Supplies
- Section 520
- Storage and Security of Drugs and Related Supplies
- Section 530
- Preparation and Maintenance of Records and Reports
- Section 540
- Personnel Records
- Section 550
- EMS Vehicle Records
- Section 560
- Patient Care Records
- Section 570
- EMS Agency Status Report
- Section 580
- Availability of These Regulations
- Section 590
- Operational Medical Director Requirement
- Section 600
- Quality Management Reporting
- Section 610
- Designated Emergency Response Agency Standards
- Section 630
- Designated Emergency Response Agency Mutual Aid
- Article 2
- Emergency Medical Services Vehicle Permit
- Section 640
- EMS Vehicle Permit Requirement
- Section 650
- Temporary EMS Vehicle Permit
- Section 660
- Denial of an EMS Vehicle Permit
- Section 670
- Display of EMS Vehicle Permit
- Section 680
- EMS Vehicle Advertising
- Section 690
- Renewal of an EMS Vehicle Permit
- Article 3
- Emergency Medical Services Vehicle Classifications and Requirements
- Section 700
- EMS Vehicle Safety
- Section 710
- EMS Vehicle Occupant Safety
- Section 720
- EMS Vehicle Sanitation
- Section 740
- EMS Vehicle Inspection
- Section 750
- EMS Vehicle Warning Lights and Devices
- Section 760
- EMS Vehicle Communications
- Section 770
- Ground EMS Vehicle Markings
- Section 780
- Air Ambulance Markings
- Section 790
- EMS Vehicle Letter Restrictions and Specifications
- Section 800
- Nontransport Response Vehicle Specifications
- Section 810
- Ground Ambulance Specifications
- Section 820
- Advanced Life Support Equipment Package
- Section 830
- Neonatal Ambulance Specifications
- Section 840
- [Repealed]
- Section 850
- EMS Vehicle Equipment Requirements
- Section 860
- Required Vehicle Equipment
- Article 4
- Air Medical Regulations, Rotor and Fixed Wing Operations
- Section 870
- Application for Agency Licensure
- Section 875
- Operations and Safety
- Section 880
- Air Medical Service Personnel Classifications
- Section 885
- Training
- Section 890
- Equipment
- Article 5
- EMS Personnel Requirements and Standard of Conduct
- Section 900
- General Requirements
- Section 910
- Criminal or Enforcement History
- Section 920
- [Reserved]
- Section 930
- State and Federal Law Compliance
- Section 940
- Drugs and Substance Abuse
- Section 950
- Disclosure of Patient Information
- Section 960
- Misrepresentation of Qualifications
- Section 970
- Interference or Obstruction of Investigation
- Section 980
- False Application for License, Permit, Certificate, Endorsement or Designation
- Section 990
- False Statements or Submissions
- Section 1000
- Falsification of Materials
- Section 1010
- Misappropriation or Theft of Drugs
- Section 1020
- Discrimination in Provision of Care
- Section 1030
- Sexual Harassment
- Section 1040
- Operational Medical Director Authorization to Practice
- Section 1050
- Scope of Practice
- Section 1060
- [Repealed]
- Section 1070
- Extraordinary Care Outside of Protocols
- Section 1080
- Inability to Carry Out Medical Control Orders
- Section 1090
- Refusal of Care
- Section 1100
- Consent or Refusal
- Section 1110
- Transfer of Patient Care/Patient Abandonment
- Section 1120
- Provider Disagreement over Patient's Needs
- Section 1130
- Attending of the Patient During Transports
- Section 1140
- Provision of Patient Care Documentation
- Section 1150
- Emergency Operation of EMS Vehicle
- Section 1160
- Provision of Care by Mutual Aid
- Section 1165
- EMS Agency Mutual Aid Response
- Section 1170
- Provision of Care by Students
- Section 1180
- Adequate Response Staffing
- Section 1190
- Attendant-In-Charge Authorization
- Section 1200
- Minimum Age of EMS Vehicle Personnel
- Section 1210
- Nontransport Response Vehicle Staffing
- Section 1220
- Transfer of Als Package
- Section 1230
- Ground Ambulance Staffing Requirements
- Section 1240
- Basic Life Support Vehicle Transport
- Section 1250
- Advanced Life Support Vehicle Transport
- Section 1260
- Supplemented Transport Requirements
- Section 1270
- Neonatal Transport Requirements
- Section 1280
- [Repealed]
- Section 1290
- [Repealed]
- Section 1300
- [Repealed]
- Part III
- EMS Education and Certification
- Article 1
- Certification Levels
- Section 1305
- EMS First Responder (Fr)
- Section 1307
- Emergency Medical Responder (Emr)
- Section 1310
- [Repealed]
- Section 1315
- Emergency Medical Technician (Emt)
- Section 1320
- [Repealed]
- Section 1325
- Emergency Medical Technician Enhanced (Emt-E)
- Section 1330
- [Repealed]
- Section 1335
- Intermediate
- Section 1337
- Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (Aemt).
- Section 1340
- [Repealed]
- Section 1345
- Paramedic
- Section 1350
- [Repealed]
- Section 1355
- Emergency Medical Technician-Instructor
- Section 1360
- [Repealed]
- Section 1365
- Advanced Life Support Coordinator
- Section 1370
- [Repealed]
- Section 1375
- EMS Education Coordinator
- Section 1380
- [Repealed]
- Article 2
- Certification Process and Practice
- Section 1385
- Certifcation Periods
- Section 1387
- Virginia EMS Certification Is Required to Practice
- Section 1389
- Initial Course Certification
- Section 1390
- [Repealed]
- Section 1391
- Certification Through Reciprocity
- Section 1393
- Certification Through Legal Recognition
- Section 1395
- Emt Certification Challenge
- Section 1400
- [Repealed]
- Section 1401
- General Recertification Requirements
- Section 1403
- EMS Provider Recertification Required
- Section 1405
- Documentation of Continuing Education (Ce)
- Section 1407
- Recertifcation Through Reentry
- Article 3
- Educational Programs and Management
- Section 1409
- Course Curriculum
- Section 1410
- [Repealed]
- Section 1411
- Bls Certification Programs
- Section 1413
- Advanced Life Support Certification Programs
- Section 1415
- Nationally Recognized Continuing Education Programs
- Section 1417
- Approved Courses in Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation
- Section 1419
- Continuing Education Programs
- Section 1420
- [Repealed]
- Section 1421
- Teaching Materials and Approved Texts
- Section 1423
- Course Announcement Requirements
- Section 1425
- Emt Instructor, Als Coordinator, or EMS Education Coordinator Responsibilities As Employee or Contractor
- Section 1427
- Course Approval Request Submission
- Section 1429
- Course Approval Request Changes
- Section 1430
- [Repealed]
- Section 1431
- Student Course Enrollment
- Section 1433
- Instructor Participation Records
- Section 1435
- Student Records for Certification Courses
- Section 1437
- Continuing Education Record Submission
- Section 1439
- Verification of Student Course Completion
- Section 1440
- [Repealed]
- Section 1441
- Communications with Pcd or Omd
- Section 1443
- Alternative Course Presentation Format
- Section 1445
- Course Scheduling
- Section 1447
- Maximum Bls or Als Course Enrollment
- Section 1449
- Lesson Instructors
- Section 1450
- [Repealed]
- Section 1451
- Course Monitoring
- Section 1453
- Emt Instructor, Als Coordinator, and EMS Educational Coordinator Responsibilities for Initial Student Testing
- Article 4
- Certification Testing
- Section 1454
- Admission to Certification Test.
- Section 1455
- Certification Testing Requirements
- Section 1457
- General Description of Certification Examination
- Section 1459
- Certification Eligibility
- Section 1460
- [Repealed]
- Section 1461
- Prohibition of Oral Examinations
- Section 1463
- Candidates Requirements for State Recertification
- Section 1465
- [Repealed]
- Section 1467
- Basic and Advanced Life Support Written Examinations
- Section 1469
- Basic and Advanced Life Support Practical Certification Examinations
- Section 1470
- [Repealed]
- Section 1471
- Examination Retest
- Section 1473
- Candidate Evidence of Eligibility for Retesting
- Section 1475
- Candidate Evidence of Eligibility for Secondary Testing
- Section 1477
- Examination Security and Review
- Section 1480
- [Repealed]
- Section 1490
- [Repealed]
- Section 1500
- [Repealed]
- Article 5
- BLS Programs
- Section 1501
- Bls Certification Course Attendance
- Section 1503
- Bls Course Student Requirements
- Section 1505
- EMS First Responder Certification Program
- Section 1507
- First Responder Bridge to Emt
- Section 1509
- EMS First Responder Bridge Length
- Section 1510
- [Repealed]
- Section 1511
- First Responder Bridge to Emt Certification Examinations
- Section 1513
- Emergency Medical Technician (Emt) Certification
- Section 1515
- Emergency Medical Technician (Emt) Certification Examination
- Section 1520
- [Repealed]
- Article 6
- ALS Programs
- Section 1521
- Als Course Student Requirements
- Section 1523
- Emt-Enhanced Certification
- Section 1524
- Advanced Emt Certification
- Section 1525
- Intermediate Certification
- Section 1527
- Paramedic Certification
- Section 1529
- Advanced Life Support Bridge Courses
- Section 1530
- [Repealed]
- Section 1531
- Registered Nurse to Paramedic Bridge Prerequisites
- Section 1533
- Registered Nurse to Paramedic Bridge Program Completion Requirements
- Section 1535
- Nremt Paramedic Endorsements
- Section 1540
- [Repealed]
- Article 7
- EMT Instructor, ALS Coordinator, and EMS Education Coordinator
- Section 1541
- Reserved
- Section 1542
- Reserved
- Section 1543
- Emt-Instructor Recertification
- Section 1544
- Emt-Instructor Reentry
- Section 1545
- Reserved
- Section 1546
- Reserved
- Section 1547
- Renewal of Advanced Life Support Coordinator
- Section 1548
- EMS Education Coordinator
- Section 1549
- EMS Education Coordinator Prerequisites
- Section 1550
- [Repealed]
- Section 1551
- EMS Education Coordinator Certification Process
- Section 1552
- EMS Education Coordinator Recertification Process
- Section 1553
- EMS Education Coordinator Reentry
- Section 1560
- [Repealed]
- Article 8
- EMS Training Fund
- Section 1561
- EMS Training Fund
- Section 1563
- Contracting Through the EMS Training Fund
- Section 1565
- Reserved
- Section 1567
- Reserved
- Section 1570
- [Repealed]
- Section 1580
- [Repealed]
- Section 1590
- [Repealed]
- Section 1600
- [Repealed]
- Article 9
- Accreditation of EMS Programs
- Section 1601
- Accreditation of EMS Training Programs
- Section 1603
- Sentinel Events
- Section 1605
- Initial Accreditation
- Section 1607
- Renewal of Accreditation
- Section 1609
- Accreditation of Alternative Locations/Learning Sites
- Section 1610
- [Repealed]
- Section 1611
- Appeal of Site Accreditation Application Results
- Section 1613
- Accreditation of Paramedic Programs
- Section 1615
- Equivalent Accreditation of EMS Programs
- Section 1620
- [Repealed]
- Section 1630
- [Repealed]
- Section 1640
- [Repealed]
- Section 1650
- [Repealed]
- Section 1660
- [Repealed]
- Section 1670
- [Repealed]
- Section 1680
- [Repealed]
- Section 1690
- [Repealed]
- Section 1700
- [Repealed]
- Section 1710
- [Repealed]
- Section 1720
- [Reserved]
- Part IV
- EMS Physician Regulations
- Section 1800
- Requirement for EMS Physician Endorsement
- Section 1810
- Qualifications for EMS Physician Endorsement
- Section 1820
- Application for EMS Physician Endorsement
- Section 1830
- Conditional Endorsement
- Section 1840
- Lapse of EMS Physician Endorsement
- Section 1850
- Change in EMS Physician Contact Information
- Section 1860
- Renewal of Endorsement
- Section 1870
- Service by an EMS Physician
- Section 1880
- Agreement to Serve As an Operational Medical Director
- Section 1890
- Responsibilities of Operational Medical Directors
- Section 1900
- Omd and EMS Agency Conflict Resolution
- Section 1910
- Change of Operational Medical Director
- Section 1920
- Responsibilities of Physician Course Directors
- Section 1930
- Compliance with Training Regulations
- Section 1940
- Physician Course Director Responsibility to Students
- Section 1950
- Physician Endorsement Exemptions
- Section 1960
- [Reserved]
- Section 2000
- [Repealed]
- Part VII
- Designated Regional EMS Councils
- Section 2300
- Purpose of Designated Regional EMS Councils
- Section 2310
- Provision of Regional EMS Council Services within Virginia and Compliance with These Regulations
- Section 2320
- Requirement for Regional EMS Council Designation
- Section 2330
- Designation of a Regional EMS Council
- Section 2340
- Application Process for Designation
- Section 2350
- Inspection
- Section 2360
- Designation Approval
- Section 2370
- Designation Periods
- Section 2380
- Regional EMS Councils Requesting Undesignation
- Section 2390
- Powers and Procedures of Regulations Not Exclusive
- Section 2400
- Exceptions
- Section 2410
- Variances
- Section 2420
- Issuance of a Variance
- Section 2430
- Content of Variance
- Section 2440
- Conditions of Variance
- Section 2450
- Termination of Variance
- Section 2460
- Denial of a Variance
- Section 2470
- Exemptions
- Section 2480
- Public Notice of Request for Exemption
- Section 2490
- Public Hearing for Exemption Request
- Section 2500
- Issuance of an Exemption
- Section 2510
- Content of Exemption
- Section 2520
- Conditions of Exemption
- Section 2530
- Termination of Exemption
- Section 2540
- Denial of an Exemption
- Section 2550
- Right to Enforcement
- Section 2560
- Enforcement Actions
- Section 2570
- Correction Order
- Section 2580
- Suspension of a Designation
- Section 2590
- Revocation of a Designation
- Section 2600
- Judicial Review
- Section 2610
- Submission of Complaints
- Section 2620
- Investigation Process
- Section 2630
- Action by the Office of EMS
- Section 2640
- [Reserved]
- Section 2650
- Composition of Designated Regional EMS Councils
- Section 2660
- Governing Body of a Designated Regional EMS Council
- Section 2670
- Regional EMS Plan
- Section 2680
- Regional Trauma Triage Plan
- Section 2690
- [Reserved]
- Section 2700
- Financial Assistance for Emergency Medical Services
- Section 2710
- Base Funding of Designated Regional EMS Councils
- Section 2720
- Matching Funds
- Section 2730
- Performance Standards
- Section 2740
- Accountability for Public Funds
- Section 2750
- [Reserved]
- Section 2760
- [Reserved]
- Section 2770
- [Reserved]
- Section 2780
- [Reserved]
- Section 2790
- [Reserved]
- Section 2800
- [Reserved]
- Part VIII
- Financial Assistance for Emergency Medical Services
- Section 2810
- The Financial Assistance and Review Committee (Farc)
- Section 2820
- Rsaf General Grant Program Administration
- Section 2830
- Award of Rsaf General Grants
- Section 2840
- Rsaf General Grant Award Cycle
- Section 2850
- Emergency Awards
- Section 2860
- EMS System Initiative Awards
- Section 2870
- Responsibilities of the Grantee
- Section 2880
- Application for Award
- Section 2890
- [Reserved]
- Section 2900
- Awards
- Section 2910
- Amount of Grant Award
- Section 2920
- Use of Funds
- Section 2930
- Ownership
- Section 2940
- Improper Expenditures
- Section 2950
- Modification of an Award
- Section 2960
- Suspension of an Award
- Section 2970
- Revocation of an Award
- Forms (12VAC5-31)
- Documents Incorporated by Reference (12VAC5-31)
- Chapter 40
- Regulation Governing Financial Assistance for Emergency Medical Services [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Section 20
- [Repealed]
- Section 30
- [Repealed]
- Section 40
- [Repealed]
- Section 50
- [Repealed]
- Section 60
- [Repealed]
- Section 70
- [Repealed]
- Section 80
- [Repealed]
- Section 90
- [Repealed]
- Section 100
- [Repealed]
- Section 110
- [Repealed]
- Section 120
- [Repealed]
- Section 130
- [Repealed]
- Section 140
- [Repealed]
- Section 150
- [Repealed]
- Section 160
- [Repealed]
- Section 170
- [Repealed]
- Section 180
- [Repealed]
- Section 190
- [Repealed]
- Section 190:1
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 50
- [Reserved]Read all
- Chapter 60
- State Emergency Medical Services Plan [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 65
- Rules and Regulations Governing Emergency Medical Services Do Not Resuscitate Program [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 66
- Regulations Governing Durable Do Not Resuscitate OrdersRead all
- Part I
- Definitions
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Part II
- Purpose and Applicability
- Section 20
- Authority for Regulation
- Section 30
- Purpose of Regulations
- Part III
- Requirements and Provisions
- Section 40
- The Durable Do Not Resuscitate Order Form
- Section 50
- Authorized Alternate Durable Dnr Jewelry
- Section 60
- Other Dnr Orders
- Part IV
- Implementation Procedures
- Section 70
- Issuance of a Durable Dnr Order
- Section 80
- Durable Dnr Order Implementation Procedures
- Forms (12VAC5-66)
- Chapter 67
- Advance Health Care Directive RegistryRead all
- Section 10
- General Provisions
- Section 20
- Criteria for Submission of an Advance Directive to the Registry
- Section 30
- Access to the Registry
- Chapter 70
- Regulations Governing the Newborn Screening and Treatment Program [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 71
- Regulations Governing Virginia Newborn Screening ServicesRead all
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- [Repealed]
- Section 30
- Core Panel of Heritable Disorders and Genetic Diseases
- Section 40
- Religious Exemption from Newborn Dried-Blood-Spot Screening Requirements
- Section 50
- Responsibilities of the Physician or Midwife
- Section 60
- Responsibilities of the First Attending Healthcare Provider
- Section 70
- Newborn Dried-Blood-Spot Screening Specimen Collection, Specimen Submission, and Notification for Hospital Deliveries
- Section 80
- Newborn Dried-Blood-Spot Screening Specimen Collection, Specimen Submission, and Notification for Deliveries Outside of the Hospital
- Section 90
- Responsibilities of the Chief Executive Officer
- Section 100
- Responsibilities of the Testing Laboratory Providing Newborn Dried-Blood-Spot Screening Tests
- Section 110
- Reporting to the Commissioner
- Section 120
- Scope and Content of Virginia Newborn Screening Program
- Section 130
- Responsibilities of the Pediatric Comprehensive Sickle Cell Clinic Network
- Section 140
- Responsibilities of Metabolic Treatment and Genetic Centers Facilities
- Section 150
- Responsibilities of the Care Connection for Children Network
- Section 160
- Availability of Assistance for Obtaining Metabolic Formula, Low Protein Modified Foods, and Metabolic Supplements
- Section 170
- Emergency Suspension of Assistance
- Section 180
- Use of Federal, State, or Other Resources
- Section 190
- Confidentiality of Information
- Section 210
- Critical Congenital Heart Disease Screening Protocols
- Section 220
- Critical Congenital Heart Disease Screening
- Section 230
- Critical Congenital Heart Disease Screening Results
- Section 240
- Referral for Care Coordination
- Section 250
- Congenital Heart Disease Screening Records
- Section 260
- Parent or Guardian Refusal for Screening
- Forms (12VAC5-71)
- Documents Incorporated by Reference (12VAC5-71)
- Chapter 80
- Regulations for Administration of the Virginia Hearing Impairment Identification and Monitoring SystemRead all
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- [Repealed]
- Section 30
- [Repealed]
- Section 40
- [Repealed]
- Section 50
- [Repealed]
- Section 60
- [Reserved]
- Section 70
- [Reserved]
- Section 75
- Risk Indicators Associated with Hearing Loss
- Section 80
- Responsibilities of the Chief Medical Officer of Hospitals
- Section 85
- Responsibilities of Other Birthing Places or Centers
- Section 90
- Scope and Content of Virginia Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Program
- Section 95
- Responsibilities of Persons Providing Audiological Services After Discharge
- Section 100
- [Repealed]
- Section 130
- Reporting Responsibilities to Primary Health Care Providers
- Section 140
- Relationship to the Part C System
- Section 150
- Screening for Congenital Cytomegalovirus
- Chapter 90
- Regulations for Disease Reporting and ControlRead all
- Part I
- Definitions
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Part II
- General Information
- Section 20
- Authority
- Section 30
- Purpose
- Section 40
- Administration
- Section 50
- [Repealed]
- Section 60
- [Repealed]
- Section 70
- Powers and Procedures of Chapter Not Exclusive
- Part III
- Reporting of Disease
- Section 80
- Lists of Diseases That Shall Be Reported
- Section 90
- Those Required to Report
- Part IV
- Control of Disease
- Section 100
- Methods
- Section 103
- Isolation for Communicable Disease of Public Health Threat
- Section 107
- Quarantine
- Part V
- Immunization of Persons Less Than 18 Years of Age
- Section 110
- Dosage and Age Requirements for Immunizations; Obtaining Immunizations
- Section 120
- [Repealed]
- Part VI
- Venereal Disease
- Section 130
- Prenatal Testing
- Part VII
- Prevention of Blindness from Ophthalmia Neonatorum
- Section 140
- Procedure for Preventing Ophthalmia Neonatorum
- Part VIII
- Cancer Reporting
- Section 150
- Authority
- Section 160
- Reportable Cancers and Tumors
- Section 170
- Those Required to Report
- Section 180
- Report Contents and Procedures
- Section 190
- [Repealed]
- Part IX
- Reporting and Control of Diseases
- Section 200
- Reporting and Control of Diseases
- Section 210
- [Repealed]
- Part X
- Protocol for Identification of Children with Elevated Blood Lead Levels
- Section 215
- Schedule and Criteria for and Confirmation of Blood Lead Testing and Information to Be Provided
- Section 220
- [Repealed]
- Part XI
- Tuberculosis Control
- Section 225
- Additional Data to Be Reported Related to Persons with Active Tuberculosis Disease (Confirmed or Suspected)
- Part XII
- (Repealed)
- Section 230
- [Repealed]
- Section 240
- [Repealed]
- Section 250
- [Repealed]
- Section 260
- [Repealed]
- Section 270
- [Repealed]
- Part XIII
- Reporting of Dangerous Microbes and Pathogens
- Section 280
- Reporting of Dangerous Microbes and Pathogens
- Section 290
- [Repealed]
- Section 300
- [Repealed]
- Section 310
- [Repealed]
- Section 320
- [Repealed]
- Section 330
- [Repealed]
- Section 340
- [Repealed]
- Section 350
- [Repealed]
- Section 360
- [Repealed]
- Part XIV
- Reporting of Healthcare-Associated Infections
- Section 370
- Reporting of Healthcare-Associated Infections
- Forms (12VAC5-90)
- Documents Incorporated by Reference (12VAC5-90)
- Chapter 100
- Virginia Tumor Registry Regulations [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 105
- Rabies RegulationsRead all
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- Rabies Clinics
- Section 30
- Rabies Vaccine Exemptions
- Section 40
- Model Plan for Localities
- Forms (12VAC5-105)
- Chapter 110
- Regulations for the Immunization of School ChildrenRead all
- Part I
- Definitions
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Part II
- General Information
- Section 20
- Purpose
- Section 30
- Administration
- Section 40
- Application of Chapter
- Section 50
- Application of the Administrative Process Act
- Section 60
- Powers and Procedures of Chapter Not Exclusive
- Part III
- Immunization Requirements
- Section 70
- Immunization Requirements
- Section 80
- Exemptions from Immunization Requirements
- Part IV
- Procedures and Responsibilities
- Section 90
- Responsibilities of Admitting Officials
- Section 100
- Responsibilities of Physicians and Local Health Departments
- Part V
- Penalties
- Section 110
- Exclusion of Students
- Section 120
- Exclusion of Students Unprotected Against Vaccine-Preventable Diseases
- Section 130
- Responsibility of Parent to Have a Child Immunized
- Section 140
- [Repealed]
- Forms (12VAC5-110)
- Documents Incorporated by Reference (12VAC5-110)
- Chapter 115
- Virginia Immunization Information SystemRead all
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- Authorized Participants
- Section 30
- Registration Procedures
- Section 40
- Patient Confidentiality
- Section 50
- Security
- Section 60
- Population of Viis
- Section 70
- Release of Viis Data
- Section 80
- Data Access in Public Health Emergency
- Forms (12VAC5-115)
- Chapter 120
- Regulations for Testing Children for Elevated Blood-Lead Levels [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Section 20
- [Repealed]
- Section 30
- [Repealed]
- Section 35
- [Repealed]
- Section 40
- [Repealed]
- Section 50
- [Repealed]
- Section 60
- [Repealed]
- Section 70
- [Repealed]
- Section 80
- [Repealed]
- Section 90
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 125
- Regulations for Bedding and Upholstered Furniture Inspection ProgramRead all
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- Administration
- Section 30
- Powers and Procedures of Chapter Not Exclusive
- Section 40
- Exemptions
- Section 50
- Licenses, Permits, and Registration Numbers
- Section 60
- Revocation of a License or Permit
- Section 70
- Application After Revocation
- Section 80
- Bedding and Upholstered Furniture Inspections
- Section 90
- Law Labels Conforming to the Virginia Law
- Section 100
- Sanitization of Used Bedding and Upholstered Furniture
- Section 110
- Sterilization of New Animal Hair, Feathers and Down
- Section 120
- Separation and Storage of New and Sanitized Items
- Section 130
- Violation of Regulations
- Section 140
- Enforcement of Regulation
- Section 150
- Request for Hearing
- Section 160
- Hearing As a Matter of Right
- Section 170
- Penalties, Injunctions, Civil Penalties and Charges for Violations
- Section 180
- Fees
- Documents Incorporated by Reference (12VAC5-125)
- Chapter 130
- Notice and Description of Shellfish Area Condemnation [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 135
- Recreational AdvisoriesRead all
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- Beach Monitoring and Notification Program
- Section 30
- Issuance and Lifting of Beach Advisories and Beach Warnings
- Section 40
- Procedures for Beach Monitoring
- Chapter 140
- Notices of Establishment and Description of Seasonally Condemned Areas at Marina Facilities [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 150
- Regulations for the Sanitary Control of Storing, Processing, Packing or Repacking of Oysters, Clams and Other ShellfishRead all
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- Certificate of Inspection
- Section 30
- Application for Certificate of Inspection
- Section 40
- Revocation of Certificate of Inspection
- Section 50
- Plans for Construction
- Section 60
- Importation of Shellfish
- Chapter 160
- Regulations for the Sanitary Control of the Picking, Packing and Marketing of Crab Meat for Human ConsumptionRead all
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- Approval Required
- Section 30
- Applications
- Section 40
- Operation of Establishments
- Section 50
- Construction of Establishments
- Section 60
- [Repealed]
- Section 70
- [Repealed]
- Section 80
- [Repealed]
- Section 90
- [Repealed]
- Section 100
- [Repealed]
- Section 110
- [Repealed]
- Section 120
- [Repealed]
- Section 130
- [Repealed]
- Section 140
- [Repealed]
- Section 150
- [Repealed]
- Section 160
- [Repealed]
- Section 170
- [Repealed]
- Section 180
- [Repealed]
- Section 190
- [Repealed]
- Section 200
- [Repealed]
- Section 210
- [Repealed]
- Section 220
- [Repealed]
- Section 230
- [Repealed]
- Section 240
- [Repealed]
- Section 250
- [Repealed]
- Section 260
- [Repealed]
- Section 270
- [Repealed]
- Section 280
- [Repealed]
- Section 290
- [Repealed]
- Section 300
- [Repealed]
- Section 310
- [Repealed]
- Section 320
- [Repealed]
- Section 330
- [Repealed]
- Section 340
- [Repealed]
- Section 350
- [Repealed]
- Section 360
- [Repealed]
- Section 370
- [Repealed]
- Section 380
- [Repealed]
- Section 390
- [Repealed]
- Section 400
- [Repealed]
- Section 410
- [Repealed]
- Section 420
- [Repealed]
- Section 430
- [Repealed]
- Section 440
- [Repealed]
- Section 450
- [Repealed]
- Section 460
- [Repealed]
- Section 470
- [Repealed]
- Section 480
- [Repealed]
- Section 490
- [Repealed]
- Section 500
- [Repealed]
- Section 510
- [Repealed]
- Section 520
- [Repealed]
- Section 530
- [Repealed]
- Section 540
- [Repealed]
- Section 550
- [Repealed]
- Section 560
- [Repealed]
- Section 570
- [Repealed]
- Section 580
- [Repealed]
- Section 590
- [Repealed]
- Section 600
- [Repealed]
- Section 610
- [Repealed]
- Section 620
- [Repealed]
- Section 630
- [Repealed]
- Section 640
- [Repealed]
- Section 650
- [Repealed]
- Section 660
- [Repealed]
- Section 670
- [Repealed]
- Section 680
- [Repealed]
- Section 690
- [Repealed]
- Section 700
- [Repealed]
- Section 710
- [Repealed]
- Section 720
- [Repealed]
- Section 730
- [Repealed]
- Section 740
- [Repealed]
- Section 750
- [Repealed]
- Section 760
- [Repealed]
- Section 770
- [Repealed]
- Section 780
- [Repealed]
- Section 790
- [Repealed]
- Section 800
- [Repealed]
- Section 810
- [Repealed]
- Section 820
- [Repealed]
- Section 830
- [Repealed]
- Section 840
- [Repealed]
- Section 850
- [Repealed]
- Section 860
- [Repealed]
- Section 870
- [Repealed]
- Section 880
- [Repealed]
- Section 890
- [Repealed]
- Section 900
- [Repealed]
- Section 910
- [Repealed]
- Section 920
- [Repealed]
- Section 930
- [Repealed]
- Section 940
- [Repealed]
- Section 950
- [Repealed]
- Section 960
- [Repealed]
- Section 970
- [Repealed]
- Section 980
- [Repealed]
- Section 990
- [Repealed]
- Section 1000
- [Repealed]
- Section 1010
- [Repealed]
- Section 1020
- [Repealed]
- Section 1030
- [Repealed]
- Section 1040
- [Repealed]
- Section 1050
- [Repealed]
- Section 1060
- [Repealed]
- Section 1070
- [Repealed]
- Section 1080
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 165
- Regulations for the Repacking of Crab MeatRead all
- Part I
- General Provisions
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- Compliance with the Administrative Process Act
- Section 30
- Powers and Procedures of Regulations Not Exclusive
- Section 40
- Certificate of Inspection Required
- Section 50
- Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (Haccp) Plan
- Section 60
- Scope of Embargo
- Section 70
- [Repealed]
- Part II
- Sources of Crab Meat for Repacking
- Section 80
- Source Facility Requirements
- Section 90
- Verification of Shipping Temperatures for Crab Meat
- Section 100
- Sampling and Analysis Requirements for Imported Crab Meat
- Section 110
- Verification of Pasteurization for Imported Crab Meat
- Section 120
- Verification of Container Integrity for Imported, Pasteurized Crab Meat
- Part III
- Operational Requirements
- Article 1
- Processing
- Section 130
- Separation of Operations
- Section 140
- Cleaning and Sanitizing of Tables
- Section 150
- Pasteurized Crab Meat Storage Temperature
- Section 160
- Blending of Crab Meat
- Section 170
- Temperature of Crab Meat During Repacking
- Section 180
- Cooling of Crab Meat After Repacking
- Section 190
- Disposal of Used Containers
- Section 200
- [Repealed]
- Article 2
- Labeling
- Section 210
- Certification Number to Be on Containers
- Section 220
- Lot Numbers
- Section 230
- Country of Origin for Imported Crab Meat
- Article 3
- Records and Recordkeeping
- Section 240
- Accessibility of Records
- Section 250
- Crab Meat Sources and Source Coding
- Section 260
- Traceability of Repacked Crab Meat
- Section 270
- Minimum Records to Be Kept
- Section 280
- [Repealed]
- Article 4
- Penalties
- Section 290
- [Repealed]
- Section 300
- Operating without a Certificate of Inspection
- Section 310
- Improper Labeling of Foreign Crab Meat
- Chapter 170
- Prohibiting the Taking of Fish for Human Consumption from the North Fork of the Holston River [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Section 20
- [Repealed]
- Section 30
- [Repealed]
- Section 40
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 180
- State Plan for the Administration of the Virginia Shellfish Sanitation Program [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 185
- Policies and Procedures for Administering the Commonwealth Neurotrauma Initiative Trust Fund [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 190
- State Plan for the Provision of Children's Specialty Services [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Section 20
- [Repealed]
- Section 30
- [Repealed]
- Section 40
- [Repealed]
- Section 50
- [Repealed]
- Section 60
- [Repealed]
- Section 70
- [Repealed]
- Section 80
- [Repealed]
- Section 90
- [Repealed]
- Section 100
- [Repealed]
- Section 110
- [Repealed]
- Section 120
- [Repealed]
- Section 130
- [Repealed]
- Section 140
- [Repealed]
- Section 150
- [Repealed]
- Section 160
- [Repealed]
- Section 170
- [Repealed]
- Section 180
- [Repealed]
- Section 190
- [Repealed]
- Section 200
- [Repealed]
- Section 210
- [Repealed]
- Section 220
- [Repealed]
- Section 230
- [Repealed]
- Section 240
- [Repealed]
- Section 250
- [Repealed]
- Section 260
- [Repealed]
- Section 270
- [Repealed]
- Section 280
- [Repealed]
- Section 290
- [Repealed]
- Section 300
- [Repealed]
- Section 310
- [Repealed]
- Section 320
- [Repealed]
- Section 330
- [Repealed]
- Section 340
- [Repealed]
- Section 350
- [Repealed]
- Section 360
- [Repealed]
- Section 370
- [Repealed]
- Section 380
- [Repealed]
- Section 390
- [Repealed]
- Section 400
- [Repealed]
- Section 410
- [Repealed]
- Section 420
- [Repealed]
- Section 430
- [Repealed]
- Section 440
- [Repealed]
- Section 450
- [Repealed]
- Section 460
- [Repealed]
- Section 470
- [Repealed]
- Section 480
- [Repealed]
- Section 490
- [Repealed]
- Section 500
- [Repealed]
- Section 510
- [Repealed]
- Section 520
- [Repealed]
- Section 530
- [Repealed]
- Section 540
- [Repealed]
- Section 550
- [Repealed]
- Section 560
- [Repealed]
- Section 570
- [Repealed]
- Section 580
- [Repealed]
- Section 590
- [Repealed]
- Section 600
- [Repealed]
- Section 610
- [Repealed]
- Section 620
- [Repealed]
- Section 630
- [Repealed]
- Section 640
- [Repealed]
- Section 650
- [Repealed]
- Section 660
- [Repealed]
- Section 670
- [Repealed]
- Section 680
- [Repealed]
- Section 690
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 191
- State Plan for the Children with Special Health Care Needs ProgramRead all
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- Guidance Documents
- Section 30
- Delegation of Authority
- Section 40
- Scope and Content of the Children with Special Health Care Needs Program
- Section 50
- Availability of Funds; No Entitlement
- Section 60
- Emergency Suspension of Services
- Section 70
- Financial Requirements
- Section 80
- Appeal Process
- Section 90
- Privacy
- Section 100
- Contracts with Providers
- Section 110
- Special Projects
- Section 120
- Federally Required Assurances and Certifications
- Section 130
- Federal Stipulations for Use and Nonuse of Funds
- Section 140
- Parent, Legal Guardian and Client Rights and Responsibilities
- Section 150
- Closure of Client to the Program
- Section 160
- Transfer of Client
- Section 170
- Description of the Care Connection for Children Network
- Section 180
- Scope and Content of the Care Connection for Children Network
- Section 190
- Care Connection for Children Pool of Funds
- Section 200
- Description of the Child Development Services Network
- Section 210
- Scope and Content of the Child Development Services Program
- Section 220
- Description of the Virginia Bleeding Disorders Program
- Section 230
- Scope and Content of the Virginia Bleeding Disorders Program
- Section 240
- Bleeding Disorders Pool of Funds
- Section 250
- Genetics and Newborn Screening Services
- Section 260
- Scope and Content of the Virginia Newborn Screening System
- Section 270
- Description of the Virginia Congenital Anomalies Reporting and Education System
- Section 280
- Scope and Content of the Virginia Congenital Anomalies Reporting and Education System
- Section 290
- Description of the Virginia Sickle Cell Awareness Program
- Section 300
- Scope and Content of the Virginia Sickle Cell Awareness Program
- Section 310
- Description of the Pediatric Comprehensive Sickle Cell Clinic Network
- Section 320
- Scope and Content of the Pediatric Comprehensive Sickle Cell Clinic Network
- Section 330
- Description of the Adult Comprehensive Sickle Cell Clinic Network
- Section 340
- Scope and Content of the Adult Comprehensive Sickle Cell Clinic Network
- Chapter 195
- Virginia WIC ProgramRead all
- Part I
- General Provisions
- Section 10
- General Authority
- Section 20
- Purpose
- Section 30
- Definitions
- Section 40
- (Reserved)
- Section 50
- (Reserved)
- Section 60
- (Reserved)
- Part II
- Participant Requirements
- Section 70
- Eligibility Requirements
- Section 80
- Proof of Identification
- Section 90
- Proof of Residency
- Section 100
- Proxy
- Section 110
- Caretaker
- Section 120
- Certification
- Section 130
- Nutritional Risk Priority System
- Section 140
- Food Instruments
- Section 150
- Alternative Office Hours
- Section 160
- Waiting Lists
- Section 170
- Termination
- Section 180
- Fair Hearing
- Section 190
- Fair Hearing Request Denial or Dismissal
- Section 200
- Program Abuse and Sanctions
- Section 210
- Collection of Improperly Issued Instruments or Claims Against Participants
- Section 220
- Interruption of Benefits
- Section 230
- Conflict of Interest
- Section 240
- Emergency Situations
- Section 250
- (Reserved)
- Section 260
- (Reserved)
- Section 270
- (Reserved)
- Part III
- Retailer Requirements
- Section 280
- Enrollment Procedures
- Section 290
- Communications
- Section 300
- General Requirements and Conditions for Authorization
- Section 310
- Retailer Screening for Food Sales Above 50%
- Section 320
- Retailer Agreement
- Section 330
- Adequate Participant Access
- Section 340
- Competitive Pricing
- Section 350
- Price Verification
- Section 360
- Selection Decisions
- Section 370
- Authorization Exception Decisions
- Section 380
- [Repealed]
- Section 390
- Approved Food List
- Section 400
- [Repealed]
- Section 410
- Change of Ownership
- Section 420
- Change of Location
- Section 430
- Change Due to Closure
- Section 440
- Voluntary Withdrawal
- Section 450
- Complaints
- Section 460
- Conflict of Interest
- Section 470
- Incentives
- Section 480
- Participant Confidentiality
- Section 490
- Retailer Confidentiality
- Section 500
- Sales Tax and Coupons
- Section 510
- Solicitation
- Section 520
- Training and Education
- Section 530
- Use of Acronym and Logo
- Section 540
- Retailer Manual for the Virginia WIC Program
- Section 550
- High-Risk Retailers
- Section 560
- Non-High-Risk Retailers
- Section 570
- Probationary Retailers
- Section 580
- Performance and Administrative Monitoring
- Section 590
- Reimbursement and Payments
- Section 600
- Sanctions and Administrative Actions
- Section 610
- Participant Access
- Section 620
- Participant Impact
- Section 630
- Retained in Lieu of Disqualification
- Section 640
- Civil Monetary Penalties
- Section 650
- Disqualification Administrative Actions
- Section 660
- Informal Settlement Meetings
- Section 670
- Full Administrative Review
- Section 680
- Food Application Process
- Forms (12VAC5-195)
- Documents Incorporated by Reference (12VAC5-195)
- Chapter 200
- Regulations Governing Eligibility Standards and Charges for Medical Care Services to IndividualsRead all
- Part I
- Definitions
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Part II
- General Information
- Section 20
- Authority for Regulations
- Section 30
- Purpose of Chapter
- Section 40
- Administration of Chapter
- Section 50
- Recipients of Services
- Section 60
- Application of the Administrative Process Act
- Section 70
- [Repealed]
- Part III
- Application and Charges
- Section 80
- Application Process
- Section 90
- Charges for Services
- Section 100
- Flat Rate Charges
- Section 105
- Charges for Services and Goods Provided by Contract
- Section 110
- Income Levels for Charges
- Section 120
- Automatic Eligibility
- Section 130
- Explanation of Charges
- Section 140
- Redetermination of Eligibility
- Part IV
- Nonchargeable Services
- Section 150
- Services Provided at No Charge to the Patient
- Section 160
- Immunization Services
- Section 170
- Other Health Care Services
- Part V
- Exceptions
- Section 180
- Exceptions
- Section 190
- Limitations
- Section 200
- [Reserved]
- Section 210
- [Repealed]
- Part VI
- Waiver of Charges
- Section 220
- General
- Section 230
- Waivers
- Section 240
- [Reserved]
- Part VII
- Appeal Process
- Section 270
- Rights
- Part VIII
- Fraud
- Section 280
- Fraud
- Part IX
- Charges and Payment Requirements by Income Levels
- Section 290
- Charges and Payment Requirements
- Chapter 210
- Charges and Payment Requirements by Income Levels [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 215
- Rules and Regulations Governing Health Data ReportingRead all
- Part I
- Definitions
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Part II
- General Information
- Section 20
- Authority for Regulations
- Section 30
- Purpose, Administration, Application, and Effective Date of Rules and Regulations
- Section 40
- Powers and Procedures of Regulations Not Exclusive
- Part III
- Filing Requirements and Fee Structure
- Section 50
- Annual Historical Filing
- Section 60
- Schedule of Charges
- Section 70
- Survey of Rates
- Section 80
- Commercial Diversification Survey
- Section 90
- Affiliates
- Section 100
- Financial Statement (Healthcare Institution)
- Section 110
- Deadline
- Section 120
- IRS Forms
- Section 130
- Filing
- Section 140
- Fees
- Section 150
- Schedule
- Section 160
- Late Fees
- Part IV
- Work Flow and Analysis
- Section 170
- Analysis of Historical Filing Data and Schedule of Charges
- Part V
- Publication and Dissemination of Information Related to Health Care Institutions
- Section 180
- Rate Publication
- Section 190
- Annual Report Publication
- Section 200
- Comparison Report
- Section 210
- Statistical Data
- Forms (12VAC5-215)
- Chapter 216
- Methodology to Measure Efficiency and Productivity of Health Care InstitutionsRead all
- Section 10
- Purpose; Limitations; Activities
- Section 20
- Filing
- Section 30
- Eliminating Duplication in Reporting
- Section 40
- Categories of Information
- Section 50
- Efficiency and Productivity Indicators
- Section 60
- Electronic Submission of Data
- Section 70
- Public Access to Data
- Section 80
- Initial Measurement
- Section 90
- Ranking; Other Peer Groupings
- Section 100
- Exemptions from the Ranking Procedure
- Forms (12VAC5-216)
- Chapter 217
- Regulations of the Patient Level Data SystemRead all
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 15
- Requirements of Processed, Verified Data
- Section 20
- Reporting Requirements for Patient Level Data Elements
- Section 30
- [Repealed]
- Section 40
- Options for Submission
- Section 50
- Contact Person
- Section 60
- Frequency of Submission
- Section 70
- Establishment of Annual Fee
- Section 80
- [Repealed]
- Section 90
- [Repealed]
- Section 100
- Late Charge
- Chapter 218
- Rules and Regulations Governing Outpatient Health Data ReportingRead all
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- Reporting Requirements for Outpatient Data Elements
- Section 25
- Requirements of Outpatient Processed Verified Data
- Section 30
- [Repealed]
- Section 40
- Options for Submission
- Section 50
- Contact Person
- Section 60
- Frequency of Submission
- Forms (12VAC5-218)
- Chapter 220
- Virginia Medical Care Facilities Certificate of Public Need Rules and RegulationsRead all
- Part I
- Definitions
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Part II
- General Information
- Section 20
- Authority for Regulations
- Section 30
- Purpose of Chapter
- Section 40
- Administration of Chapter
- Section 50
- Public Meetings and Public Hearings
- Section 60
- Official Records
- Section 70
- Application of Chapter
- Section 80
- Powers and Procedures of Chapter Not Exclusive
- Section 90
- Annual Report
- Part III
- Mandatory Requirements
- Section 100
- Requirements for Reviewable Medical Care Facility Projects; Exceptions
- Section 105
- Requirements for Registration of the Replacement of Existing Medical Equipment
- Section 110
- Requirements for Registration of Certain Capital Expenditures
- Section 120
- Requirement for Notification of Proposed Acquisition of Medical Care Facility
- Section 130
- Significant Change Limitation
- Section 140
- Requirements for Health Maintenance Organizations (Hmo)
- Section 150
- [Repealed]
- Section 155
- Requirements for the Reporting of Charity Care
- Part IV
- Determination of Public Need (Required Considerations)
- Section 160
- Required Considerations
- Part V
- Standard Review Process
- Section 170
- Preconsultation
- Section 180
- Application Forms
- Section 190
- Review for Completeness
- Section 200
- One Hundred Ninety-Day Review Cycle
- Section 210
- Requests for Application (Rfa)
- Section 220
- Consideration of Applications
- Section 230
- Review of Complete Application
- Section 240
- Participation by Other Persons
- Section 250
- Amendment to an Application
- Section 260
- Withdrawal of an Application
- Section 270
- Action on an Application
- Part VI
- Expedited Review Process
- Section 280
- Applicability
- Section 290
- Application Forms
- Section 300
- Participation by Other Persons
- Section 310
- Action on Application
- Section 320
- [Repealed]
- Part VII
- New Nursing Home Bed Review Process
- Section 325
- Applicability
- Section 330
- [Repealed]
- Section 335
- Request for Applications (Rfa)
- Section 340
- [Repealed]
- Section 345
- Limitation on Acceptance of Rfa Applications
- Section 350
- [Repealed]
- Section 355
- Rfa Project Application Forms
- Section 360
- [Repealed]
- Section 365
- Review for Completeness
- Section 370
- [Repealed]
- Section 375
- Consideration of Rfa Applications
- Section 380
- [Repealed]
- Section 385
- Review of Complete Application
- Section 390
- [Repealed]
- Section 395
- Participation by Other Persons
- Section 400
- [Repealed]
- Section 405
- Amendment to an Application
- Section 410
- Withdrawal of an Application
- Section 420
- Action on an Application
- Part VIII
- Duration, Extension, and Revocation of Certificates
- Section 430
- Duration
- Section 440
- Extension
- Section 450
- Demonstration of Progress
- Section 460
- Revocation of Certificate
- Part IX
- Appeals
- Section 470
- Judicial Review
- Part X
- Sanctions
- Section 480
- Violation of Rules and Regulations
- Section 490
- Injunctive Relief
- Section 500
- [Repealed]
- Forms (12VAC5-220)
- Chapter 221
- Regulations Governing Cooperative AgreementsRead all
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- Separate Applications
- Section 30
- Application
- Section 40
- Fee Schedule
- Section 50
- Public Hearing
- Section 60
- Public Comment to the Commissioner
- Section 70
- Commissioner's Request for Information
- Section 80
- Commissioner's Review
- Section 90
- Action on an Application
- Section 100
- Ongoing and Active Supervision
- Section 110
- Annual Reporting
- Section 120
- Technical Advisory Panel
- Section 130
- Enforcement Procedures
- Section 140
- Voluntary Termination of Cooperative Agreement
- Section 150
- Official Records
- Chapter 230
- State Medical Facilities PlanRead all
- Part I
- Definitions and General Information
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- [Repealed]
- Section 30
- Guiding Principles in the Development of Project Review Criteria and Standards
- Section 40
- General Application Filing Criteria
- Section 50
- Project Costs
- Section 60
- When Competing Applications Received
- Section 70
- Calculation of Utilization of Services Provided with Mobile Equipment
- Section 80
- When Institutional Expansion Needed
- Section 90
- Travel Time
- Section 100
- Need for New Fixed Site or Mobile Service
- Section 110
- Expansion of Fixed Site Service
- Section 120
- Adding or Expanding Mobile Ct Services
- Section 130
- Staffing
- Article 2
- Criteria and Standards for Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Section 140
- Travel Time
- Section 150
- Need for New Fixed Site Service
- Section 160
- Expansion of Fixed Site Service
- Section 170
- Adding or Expanding Mobile MRI Services
- Section 180
- Staffing
- Article 3
- Magnetic Source Imaging
- Section 190
- Policy for the Development of Msi Services
- Article 4
- Positron Emission Tomography
- Section 200
- Travel Time
- Section 210
- Need for New Fixed Site Service
- Section 220
- Expansion of Fixed Site Services
- Section 230
- Adding or Expansing Mobile Pet or Pet/Ct Services
- Section 240
- Staffing
- Article 5
- Noncardiac Nuclear Imaging Criteria and Standards
- Section 250
- Travel Time
- Section 260
- Need for New Service
- Section 270
- Staffing
- Part III
- Radiation Therapy Services
- Article 1
- Radiation Therapy Services
- Section 280
- Travel Time
- Section 290
- Need for New Service
- Section 300
- Expansion of Service
- Section 310
- Statewide Cancer Registry
- Section 320
- Staffing
- Article 2
- Criteria and Standards for Stereotactic Radiosurgery
- Section 330
- Travel Time
- Section 340
- Need for New Service
- Section 350
- Expansion of Service
- Section 360
- Statewide Cancer Registry
- Section 370
- Staffing
- Part IV
- Cardiac Services
- Article 1
- Criteria and Standards for Cardiac Catheterization Services
- Section 380
- Travel Time
- Section 390
- Need for New Service
- Section 400
- Expansion of Services
- Section 410
- Pediatric Cardiac Catheterization
- Section 420
- Nonemergent Cardiac Catheterization
- Section 430
- Staffing
- Section 440
- Travel Time
- Section 450
- Need for New Service
- Section 460
- Expansion of Service
- Section 470
- Pediatric Open Heart Surgery Services
- Section 480
- Staffing
- Part V
- General Surgical Services
- Section 490
- Travel Time
- Section 500
- Need for New Service
- Section 510
- Staffing
- Part VI
- Inpatient Bed Requirements
- Section 520
- Travel Time
- Section 530
- Need for New Service
- Section 540
- Need for Medical/Surgical Beds
- Section 550
- Need for Pediatric Beds
- Section 560
- Need for Intensive Care Beds
- Section 570
- Expansion or Relocation of Services
- Section 580
- Long-Term Acute Care Hospitals (Ltachs)
- Section 590
- Staffing
- Part VII
- Nursing Facilities
- Section 600
- Travel Time
- Section 610
- Need for New Service
- Section 620
- Expansion of Services
- Section 630
- Continuing Care Retirement Communities
- Section 640
- Staffing
- Part VIII
- Lithotripsy Service
- Section 650
- Travel Time
- Section 660
- Need for New Service
- Section 670
- Expansion of Services
- Section 680
- Adding or Expanding Mobile Lithotripsy Services
- Section 690
- Staffing
- Part IX
- Organ Transplant
- Section 700
- Travel Time
- Section 710
- Need for New Service
- Section 720
- Transplant Volumes; Survival Rates; Service Proficiency; Systems Operations
- Section 730
- Expansion of Transplant Services
- Section 740
- Staffing
- Part X
- Miscellaneous Capital Expenditures
- Section 750
- Purpose
- Section 760
- Project Need
- Section 770
- Facilities Expansion
- Section 780
- Renovation or Modernization
- Section 790
- Equipment
- Part XI
- Medical Rehabilitation
- Section 800
- Travel Time
- Section 810
- Need for New Service
- Section 820
- Expansion of Services
- Section 830
- Staffing
- Part XII
- Mental Health Services
- Article 1
- Acute Psychiatric and Acute Substance Abuse Disorder Treatment Services
- Section 840
- Travel Time
- Section 850
- Continuity; Integration
- Section 860
- Need for New Service
- Article 2
- Mental Retardation
- Section 870
- Need for New Service
- Section 880
- Continuity; Integration
- Section 890
- Compliance with Licensure Standards
- Part XIII
- Perinatal and Obstetrical Services
- Article 1
- Criteria and Standards for Obstetrical Services
- Section 900
- Travel Time
- Section 910
- Need for New Service
- Section 920
- Continuity
- Section 930
- Staffing
- Article 2
- Neonatal Special Care Services
- Section 940
- Travel Time
- Section 950
- Need for New Service
- Section 960
- Intermediate Level Newborn Services
- Section 970
- Specialty Level Newborn Services
- Section 980
- Subspecialty Level Newborn Services
- Section 990
- Neonatal Services
- Section 1000
- Staffing
- Documents Incorporated by Reference (12VAC5-230)
- Chapter 240
- General Acute Care Services [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Section 20
- [Repealed]
- Section 30
- [Repealed]
- Section 40
- [Repealed]
- Section 50
- [Repealed]
- Section 60
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 250
- Perinatal Services [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Section 20
- [Repealed]
- Section 30
- [Repealed]
- Section 40
- [Repealed]
- Section 50
- [Repealed]
- Section 60
- [Repealed]
- Section 70
- [Repealed]
- Section 80
- [Repealed]
- Section 90
- [Repealed]
- Section 100
- [Repealed]
- Section 110
- [Repealed]
- Section 120
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 260
- Cardiac Services [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Section 20
- [Repealed]
- Section 30
- [Repealed]
- Section 40
- [Repealed]
- Section 50
- [Repealed]
- Section 60
- [Repealed]
- Section 70
- [Repealed]
- Section 80
- [Repealed]
- Section 90
- [Repealed]
- Section 100
- [Repealed]
- Section 110
- [Repealed]
- Section 120
- [Repealed]
- Section 130
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 270
- General Surgical Services [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Section 20
- [Repealed]
- Section 30
- [Repealed]
- Section 40
- [Repealed]
- Section 50
- [Repealed]
- Section 60
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 280
- Organ Transplantation Services [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Section 20
- [Repealed]
- Section 30
- [Repealed]
- Section 40
- [Repealed]
- Section 50
- [Repealed]
- Section 60
- [Repealed]
- Section 70
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 290
- Psychiatric and Substance Abuse Treatment Services [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Section 20
- [Repealed]
- Section 30
- [Repealed]
- Section 40
- [Repealed]
- Section 50
- [Repealed]
- Section 60
- [Repealed]
- Section 70
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 300
- Mental Retardation Services [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Section 20
- [Repealed]
- Section 30
- [Repealed]
- Section 40
- [Repealed]
- Section 50
- [Repealed]
- Section 60
- [Repealed]
- Section 70
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 310
- Medical Rehabilitation Services [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Section 20
- [Repealed]
- Section 30
- [Repealed]
- Section 40
- [Repealed]
- Section 50
- [Repealed]
- Section 60
- [Repealed]
- Section 70
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 320
- Diagnostic Imaging Services [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Section 20
- [Repealed]
- Section 30
- [Repealed]
- Section 40
- [Repealed]
- Section 50
- [Repealed]
- Section 60
- [Repealed]
- Section 70
- [Repealed]
- Section 80
- [Repealed]
- Section 90
- [Repealed]
- Section 100
- [Repealed]
- Section 110
- [Repealed]
- Section 120
- [Repealed]
- Section 130
- [Repealed]
- Section 140
- [Repealed]
- Section 150
- [Repealed]
- Section 160
- [Repealed]
- Section 170
- [Repealed]
- Section 180
- [Repealed]
- Section 190
- [Repealed]
- Section 200
- [Repealed]
- Section 210
- [Repealed]
- Section 220
- [Repealed]
- Section 230
- [Repealed]
- Section 240
- [Repealed]
- Section 250
- [Repealed]
- Section 260
- [Repealed]
- Section 270
- [Repealed]
- Section 280
- [Repealed]
- Section 290
- [Repealed]
- Section 300
- [Repealed]
- Section 310
- [Repealed]
- Section 320
- [Repealed]
- Section 330
- [Repealed]
- Section 340
- [Repealed]
- Section 350
- [Repealed]
- Section 360
- [Repealed]
- Section 370
- [Repealed]
- Section 380
- [Repealed]
- Section 390
- [Repealed]
- Section 400
- [Repealed]
- Section 410
- [Repealed]
- Section 420
- [Repealed]
- Section 430
- [Repealed]
- Section 440
- [Repealed]
- Section 450
- [Repealed]
- Section 460
- [Repealed]
- Section 470
- [Repealed]
- Section 480
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 330
- Lithotripsy Services [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Section 20
- [Repealed]
- Section 30
- [Repealed]
- Section 40
- [Repealed]
- Section 50
- [Repealed]
- Section 60
- [Repealed]
- Section 70
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 340
- Radiation Therapy Services [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Section 20
- [Repealed]
- Section 30
- [Repealed]
- Section 40
- [Repealed]
- Section 50
- [Repealed]
- Section 60
- [Repealed]
- Section 70
- [Repealed]
- Section 80
- [Repealed]
- Section 90
- [Repealed]
- Section 100
- [Repealed]
- Section 110
- [Repealed]
- Section 120
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 350
- Miscellaneous Capital Expenditures [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Section 20
- [Repealed]
- Section 30
- [Repealed]
- Section 40
- [Repealed]
- Section 50
- [Repealed]
- Section 60
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 360
- Nursing Home Services [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Section 20
- [Repealed]
- Section 30
- [Repealed]
- Section 40
- [Repealed]
- Section 50
- [Repealed]
- Section 60
- [Repealed]
- Section 70
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 370
- Rules and Regulations for the Licensure of Nursing Homes in Virginia [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 371
- Regulations for the Licensure of Nursing FacilitiesRead all
- Part I
- Definitions and General Information
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- [Repealed]
- Section 30
- License
- Section 40
- Licensing Process
- Section 50
- [Repealed]
- Section 60
- On-Site Inspections
- Section 70
- Complaint Investigation
- Section 75
- Criminal Records Check
- Section 75
- Criminal Records Check
- Section 80
- Variances
- Section 90
- Administrative Sanctions
- Section 100
- Surrender of a License
- Part II
- Administrative Services
- Section 110
- Management and Administration
- Section 120
- Governing Body
- Section 130
- Administrator
- Section 140
- Policies and Procedures
- Section 150
- Resident Rights
- Section 160
- Financial Controls and Resident Funds
- Section 170
- Quality Assessment and Assurance
- Section 180
- Infection Control
- Section 190
- Safety and Emergency Procedures
- Section 191
- Electronic Monitoring in Resident Rooms
- Part III
- Resident Services
- Section 200
- Director of Nursing
- Section 210
- Nurse Staffing
- Section 220
- Nursing Services
- Section 230
- Medical Direction
- Section 240
- Physician Services
- Section 250
- Resident Assessment and Care Planning
- Section 260
- Staff Development and Inservice Training
- Section 270
- Social Services
- Section 280
- Resident Activities
- Section 290
- Special Rehabilitative Services
- Section 300
- Pharmaceutical Services
- Section 310
- Diagnostic Services
- Section 320
- Dental Services
- Section 330
- Restraint Usage
- Part IV
- Support Services
- Section 340
- Dietary and Food Service Program
- Section 350
- [Repealed]
- Section 360
- Clinical Records
- Section 370
- Maintenance and Housekeeping
- Section 380
- Laundry Services
- Section 390
- Transportation
- Section 400
- [Repealed]
- Part V
- Physical Environment
- Section 410
- Architectural Drawings and Specifications
- Section 420
- Building Inspection and Classification
- Section 425
- Additional Building Regulations and Standards
- Section 430
- [Repealed]
- Forms (12VAC5-371)
- Documents Incorporated by Reference (12VAC5-371)
- Chapter 380
- Regulations for the Licensure of Home Health Agencies [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 381
- Regulations for the Licensure of Home Care OrganizationsRead all
- Part I
- Definitions and General Information
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- License
- Section 30
- Exemption from Licensure
- Section 40
- License Application; Initial and Renewal
- Section 50
- Compliance Appropriate for All Types of Hcos
- Section 60
- Changes to or Reissue of a License
- Section 70
- Fees
- Section 80
- On-Site Inspections
- Section 90
- Home Visits
- Section 100
- Complaint Investigations Conducted by the Olc
- Section 110
- Criminal Records Checks
- Section 120
- Variances
- Section 130
- Revocation or Suspension of a License
- Section 140
- Return of a License
- Part II
- Administrative Services
- Section 150
- Management and Administration
- Section 160
- Governing Body
- Section 170
- Administrator
- Section 180
- Written Policies and Procedures
- Section 190
- Financial Controls
- Section 200
- Personnel Practices
- Section 210
- Indemnity Coverage
- Section 220
- Contract Services
- Section 230
- Client Rights
- Section 240
- Handling Complaints Received from Clients
- Section 250
- Quality Improvement
- Section 260
- Infection Control
- Section 270
- Drop Sites
- Section 280
- Client Record System
- Section 290
- Home Attendants
- Part III
- Skilled Services
- Section 300
- Skilled Services
- Section 310
- Nursing Services
- Section 320
- Therapy Services
- Section 330
- Home Attendants Assisting with Skilled Services
- Section 340
- Medical Social Services
- Part IV
- Pharmaceutical Services
- Section 350
- Pharmacy Services
- Part V
- Personal Care Services
- Section 360
- Personal Care Services
- [Repealed]
- Documents Incorporated by Reference (12VAC5-381)
- Chapter 390
- Regulations for the Licensure of Hospices [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 391
- Regulations for the Licensure of HospiceRead all
- Part I
- Definitions and General Information
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- [Reserved]
- Section 30
- License
- Section 40
- Exemption from Licensure
- Section 50
- License Application; Initial and Renewal
- Section 60
- Changes to or Reissuance of a License
- Section 70
- Fees
- Section 80
- On-Site Inspections
- Section 90
- Home Visits
- Section 100
- Complaint Investigation
- Section 110
- Criminal Records Checks
- Section 120
- Hospice Facilities
- Section 130
- Variances
- Section 140
- Revocation or Suspension of a License
- Section 150
- Return of a License
- Part II
- Administrative Services
- Section 160
- Management and Administration
- Section 170
- Governing Body
- Section 180
- Administrator
- Section 190
- Written Policies and Procedures
- Section 200
- Financial Controls
- Section 210
- Personnel Practices
- Section 220
- Indemnity Coverage
- Section 230
- Contract Services
- Section 240
- Patient Rights
- Section 250
- Complaints
- Section 260
- Quality Improvement
- Section 270
- Infection Control
- Section 280
- Medical Record System
- Section 290
- Discharge
- Part III
- Hospice Program Services
- Article 1
- Hospice Services
- Section 300
- Hospice Services
- Section 310
- Interdisciplinary Group or Idg
- Section 320
- Plan of Care
- Section 330
- Medical Direction
- Section 340
- Nursing Services
- Section 350
- Home Attendant Services
- Section 360
- Medical Social Services
- Section 370
- Spiritual Counseling and Bereavement Services
- Section 380
- Dietary or Nutritional Counseling
- Section 390
- Therapy Services
- Section 395
- Medication Errors and Drug Reactions
- Section 400
- Volunteer Services
- Article 2
- Other Special Services
- Section 410
- Other Special Services
- Section 420
- Respiratory Therapy
- Section 430
- Pharmacy Services
- Part IV
- Hospice Facilities
- Section 440
- General Facility Requirements
- Section 445
- Additional Building Regulations and Standards
- Section 446
- Financial Controls and Patient Funds
- Section 450
- Required Staffing
- Section 460
- Pharmacy Services
- Section 470
- Restraints
- Section 480
- Dietary and Food Service
- Section 485
- Maintenance and Housekeeping
- Section 490
- Laundry Services
- Section 495
- Transportation
- Section 500
- Pet Care
- Section 510
- Safety and Emergency Preparedness
- Forms (12VAC5-391)
- Documents Incorporated by Reference (12VAC5-391)
- Chapter 400
- Rules and Regulations Governing the Practice of Midwifery [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 403
- Certification of DoulasRead all
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- State-Certified Doula
- Section 30
- Qualifications
- Section 40
- Minimum Standards for Certifying Bodies
- Section 50
- Curriculum Requirements
- Section 60
- Continuing Education
- Section 70
- Certification Not Required
- Chapter 405
- Rules Governing Private Review AgentsRead all
- Section 10
- Purpose
- Section 20
- [Reserved]
- Section 30
- Scope
- Section 40
- Definitions
- Section 50
- Certificates to Perform Utilization Review
- Section 60
- Fee for Certificate
- Section 70
- Minimum Qualifications of Staff
- Section 80
- Adverse Decisions
- Section 90
- Appeals of Adverse Decisions
- Section 100
- Access to and Confidentiality of Medical Records and Information
- Section 110
- Accessibility
- Section 120
- Examination of Private Review Agents
- Forms (12VAC5-405)
- Chapter 407
- Procedures for the Submission of Health Maintenance Organization Quality of Care Performance InformationRead all
- Part I
- Definitions and General Information
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- Applicability
- Part II
- Quality of Care Data Reporting
- Section 30
- [Repealed]
- Section 40
- [Repealed]
- Section 50
- Reporting Methods and Exemption from Reporting
- Section 60
- Audited Data Required
- Section 70
- Process for Data Submission
- Section 80
- Fees
- Section 90
- Late Charge
- Part III
- Duties of the Board and the Nonprofit Organization
- Section 100
- Duties of the Nonprofit Organization
- Section 110
- Biennial Evaluation
- Section 120
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 408
- Certificate of Quality Assurance of Managed Care Health Insurance Plan LicenseesRead all
- Part I
- Definitions and General Information
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- Responsibility of the Department
- Section 30
- Certificate of Quality Assurance
- Section 40
- Fees
- Section 50
- Compliance Provisions Appropriate for Type of Plan
- Section 60
- General Examination Process
- Section 70
- Administrative Review
- Section 80
- Renewal Application
- Section 90
- Comprehensive Onsite Examination
- Section 100
- Examination by a Nationally Recognized Accreditation Organization
- Section 110
- Corrective Action Procedures
- Section 120
- Changes to Geographic Service Areas
- Section 130
- Complaint System, Complaint Examination and Investigation
- Section 140
- Administrative Sanctions
- Section 150
- Surrender of Certificate
- Part II
- Administrative Services
- Section 160
- Management and Administration
- Section 170
- Provider Credentialing and Recredentialing
- Section 180
- Complaint System
- Section 190
- Covered Person Education and Communication
- Section 200
- Data Management
- Section 210
- Medical Records
- Part III
- Quality Improvement Program
- Section 220
- Purpose
- Section 230
- Program Requirements
- Section 240
- Quality Assurance Plan
- Part IV
- Coordination and Continuity of Care
- Section 250
- Continuity of Care
- Section 260
- Network Adequacy
- Section 270
- Travel and Appointment Waiting Times
- Section 280
- Urgent Care and Emergency Services
- Section 290
- Health Promotion
- Part V
- Clinical Performance Evaluation
- Section 300
- Clinical Performance Evaluation Systems
- Section 310
- Data Collection and Submission
- Part VI
- Delegated Services
- Section 320
- Delegated Services
- Section 330
- Written Agreement
- Section 340
- Exchange of Information
- Section 350
- Quality Assurance Program
- Part VII
- Utilization Review and Management
- Section 360
- Utilization Review and Management
- Forms (12VAC5-408)
- Documents Incorporated by Reference (12VAC5-408)
- Chapter 410
- Regulations for the Licensure of Hospitals in VirginiaRead all
- Part I
- Definitions and General Information and Procedures
- Article 1
- Definitions
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Article 2
- General Information
- Section 20
- Exceptions; Variances
- Section 30
- Allowable Variances
- Article 3
- Procedures for Licensure or License Renewal
- Section 40
- General
- Section 50
- Classification
- Section 60
- Separate License
- Section 70
- Request for Issuance
- Section 80
- Service Charge
- Section 90
- License Expiration
- Section 100
- Name
- Section 110
- Bed Capacity
- Section 120
- Posting of License
- Section 130
- Return of License
- Section 140
- Inspection Procedure
- Section 150
- Plan of Correction
- Section 160
- Revocation of License
- Part II
- Organization and Operation of General and Special Hospitals
- Article 1
- Organization and Management
- Section 170
- Ownership
- Section 180
- Governing Body
- Section 190
- Chief Executive Officer
- Section 200
- Organization
- Section 210
- Medical Staff
- Section 220
- Organ Donation
- Article 2
- Patient Care Services
- Section 230
- Patient Care Management
- Section 240
- Anesthesia Service
- Section 250
- Sterile Supply Service
- Section 260
- Dietary Service
- Section 270
- Disaster and Mass Casualty Programs
- Section 280
- Emergency Service
- Section 290
- Laboratory Service; General
- Section 300
- Clinical Laboratory Services
- Section 310
- Tissue Pathology
- Section 320
- Quality Control
- Section 330
- Autopsy Service
- Section 340
- Blood Banks and Transfusion Services
- Section 350
- Isolation of Special Microorganisms
- Section 360
- Nuclear Medicine
- Section 370
- Medical Records
- Section 380
- Nursing Service
- Section 390
- Pharmaceutical Service
- Section 400
- Radiology Service
- Section 410
- Social Service
- Section 420
- Surgical Service
- Article 3
- Special Services
- Section 430
- Applicability
- Section 440
- Obstetric and Newborn Services General Requirements
- Section 441
- Obstetric Service Requirements; Medical Direction; Physician Consultation and Coverage; Nurse Staffing and Coverage; Policies and Procedures
- Section 442
- Obstetric Service Design and Equipment Criteria
- Section 443
- Newborn Service Requirements; Designation of Newborn Service Levels, Service Levels
- Section 444
- Newborn Service Medical Direction; Physician Consultation and Coverage; Nursing Direction, Nurse Staffing and Coverage; Policies and Procedures
- Section 445
- Newborn Service Design and Equipment Criteria
- Section 446
- Newborn Support Services and Other Resources
- Section 447
- Combined Obstetric and Clean Gynecological Service; Infection Control
- Section 450
- Psychiatric Service
- Section 460
- Special Care Units
- Section 470
- Outpatient (Ambulatory Care)
- Article 4
- Environmental and Maintenance Services
- Section 480
- Housekeeping Service
- Section 490
- Infection Control
- Section 500
- Laundry Service
- Section 510
- [Repealed]
- Part III
- Standards and Design Criteria for New Buildings and Additions, Alterations and Conversion of Existing Buildings
- Section 650
- General Building and Physical Plant Information
- Section 655
- Additional Building Regulations and Standards
- Section 660
- [Repealed]
- Section 720
- Drawings and Specifications
- Section 730
- [Repealed]
- Section 760
- Long-Term Care Nursing Units
- Section 770
- [Repealed]
- Part IV
- Outpatient Surgical Hospitals: Organization, Operation, and Design Standards for Existing and New Facilities
- Article 1
- Organization and Management
- Section 1150
- Governing Authority
- Article 2
- Policies and Procedures
- Section 1160
- General Statement
- Section 1170
- Policy and Procedures Manual
- Section 1175
- Discharge Planning
- Article 3
- Staffing
- Section 1180
- Medical Staff
- Section 1190
- Nursing Staff
- Article 4
- Patient Care Services
- Section 1200
- Anesthesia Service
- Section 1210
- Sterile Supply Services
- Section 1220
- Dietary Service
- Section 1230
- Evacuation Plan
- Section 1240
- Emergency Services
- Section 1250
- Laboratory and Pathology Services
- Section 1260
- Medical Records
- Section 1270
- Preoperative Admission
- Section 1280
- Post-Operative Recovery
- Section 1290
- Environment and Maintenance
- Section 1300
- Laundry Services
- Section 1310
- [Repealed]
- Section 1320
- [Repealed]
- Part V
- Design Standards for New Outpatient Surgical Hospitals and Additions and Alterations to Existing Outpatient Surgical Hospitals
- Article 1
- General Considerations
- Section 1350
- Local and State Codes and Standards
- Section 1360
- [Repealed]
- Article 2
- Architectural Plan Review
- Section 1370
- [Repealed]
- Section 1380
- Drawings and Specifications
- Section 1390
- [Repealed]
- Documents Incorporated by Reference (12VAC5-410)
- Chapter 412
- Regulations for Licensure of Abortion Facilities [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Section 20
- [Repealed]
- Section 30
- [Repealed]
- Section 40
- [Repealed]
- Section 50
- [Repealed]
- Section 60
- [Repealed]
- Section 70
- [Repealed]
- Section 80
- [Repealed]
- Section 90
- [Repealed]
- Section 100
- [Repealed]
- Section 110
- [Repealed]
- Section 120
- [Repealed]
- Section 130
- [Repealed]
- Section 140
- [Repealed]
- Section 150
- [Repealed]
- Section 160
- [Repealed]
- Section 170
- [Repealed]
- Section 180
- [Repealed]
- Section 190
- [Repealed]
- Section 200
- [Repealed]
- Section 210
- [Repealed]
- Section 220
- [Repealed]
- Section 230
- [Repealed]
- Section 240
- [Repealed]
- Section 250
- [Repealed]
- Section 260
- [Repealed]
- Section 270
- [Repealed]
- Section 280
- [Repealed]
- Section 290
- [Repealed]
- Section 300
- [Repealed]
- Section 310
- [Repealed]
- Section 320
- [Repealed]
- Section 330
- [Repealed]
- Section 340
- [Repealed]
- Section 350
- [Repealed]
- Section 360
- [Repealed]
- Section 370
- [Repealed]
- [Repealed]
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 420
- Rules and Regulations Governing Restaurants [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 421
- Food RegulationsRead all
- Part I
- Definitions, Purpose, and Administration
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- [Reserved]
- Section 30
- Purpose
- Section 40
- Administration of Regulation
- Part II
- Management and Personnel
- Article 1
- Supervision
- Section 50
- Assignment of Responsibility
- Section 55
- Certified Food Protection Manager
- Section 60
- Demonstration of Knowledge
- Section 65
- Food Protection Manager Certification
- Section 70
- Duties of Person in Charge
- Article 2
- Employee Health
- Section 80
- Responsibility of Permit Holder, Person in Charge, and Conditional Employees
- Section 90
- Exclusions and Restrictions
- Section 100
- Removal, Adjustment, or Retention of Exclusions and Restrictions
- Section 110
- [Repealed]
- Section 120
- [Repealed]
- Article 3
- Personal Cleanliness
- Section 130
- Clean Condition of Hands and Arms
- Section 140
- Cleaning Procedure of Hands and Arms
- Section 150
- [Repealed]
- Section 160
- When to Wash
- Section 170
- Where to Wash
- Section 180
- Hand Antiseptics
- Section 190
- Maintenance of Fingernails
- Section 200
- Prohibition of Jewelry
- Section 210
- Clean Condition of Outer Clothing
- Article 4
- Hygienic Practices
- Section 220
- Eating, Drinking, or Using Tobacco
- Section 230
- Discharges from the Eyes, Nose, and Mouth
- Section 235
- Use of Bandages, Finger Cots, or Finger Stalls
- Section 235
- Use of Bandages, Finger Cots, or Finger Stalls
- Section 240
- Effectiveness of Hair Restraints
- Section 250
- Handling of Animals Prohibited
- Section 255
- Clean-Up of Vomiting and Diarrheal Events
- Part III
- Food
- Article 1
- Characteristics
- Section 260
- Safe , Unadulterated, and Honestly Presented
- Article 2
- Sources, Specifications, and Original Containers and Records
- Section 270
- Compliance with Food Law
- Section 280
- Food in a Hermetically Sealed Container
- Section 290
- Fluid Milk and Milk Products
- Section 295
- Juice Treated
- Section 300
- Fish
- Section 310
- Molluscan Shellfish
- Section 320
- Wild Mushrooms
- Section 330
- Game Animals
- Section 340
- Temperature
- Section 350
- Additives
- Section 360
- Eggs
- Section 370
- Eggs and Milk Products, Pasteurized
- Section 380
- Package Integrity
- Section 390
- Ice
- Section 400
- Shucked Shellfish, Packaging, and Identification
- Section 410
- Shellstock Identification
- Section 420
- Shellstock; Condition
- Section 430
- Molluscan Shellfish; Original Container
- Section 440
- Shellstock; Maintaining Identification
- Article 3
- Protection from Contamination after Receiving
- Section 450
- Preventing ContaminationFrom Hands
- Section 460
- Preventing Contamination When Tasting
- Section 470
- Packaged and Unpackaged Food - Separation, Packaging, and Segregation
- Section 480
- Food Storage Containers; Identified with Common Name of Food
- Section 490
- Pasteurized Eggs; Substitute for Raw Eggs for Certain Recipes and Populations
- Section 500
- Protection from Unapproved Additives
- Section 510
- Washing Fruits and Vegetables
- Section 520
- Ice Used As Exterior Coolant, Prohibited As Ingredient
- Section 530
- Storage or Display of Food in Contact with Water or Ice
- Section 540
- Food Contact with Equipment and Utensils
- Section 550
- In-Use Utensils, Between-Use Storage
- Section 560
- Linens and Napkins, Use Limitation
- Section 570
- Wiping Cloths; Use Limitation
- Section 580
- Gloves; Use Limitation
- Section 590
- Using Clean Tableware for Second Portions and Refills
- Section 600
- Refilling Returnables
- Section 610
- Food Storage
- Section 620
- Food Storage; Prohibited Areas
- Section 630
- Vended Time/Temperature Control for Safety Food; Original Container
- Section 640
- Food Preparation
- Section 650
- Food Display
- Section 660
- Condiments; Protection
- Section 670
- Consumer Self-Service Operations
- Section 680
- Returned Food and Reservice of Food
- Section 690
- Miscellaneous Sources of Contamination
- Article 4
- Destruction of Organisms of Public Health Concern
- Section 700
- Raw Animal Foods
- Section 710
- Microwave Cooking
- Section 720
- Plant Food Cooking for Hot Holding
- Section 725
- Noncontinuous Cooking
- Section 730
- Parasite Destruction
- Section 740
- Records, Creation and Retention
- Section 750
- [Repealed]
- Section 755
- Preparation for Immediate Service
- Section 760
- Reheating for Hot Holding
- Article 5
- Limitation of Growth of Organisms of Public Health Concern
- Section 765
- Treating Juice
- Section 770
- Frozen Food
- Section 780
- Time/Temperature Control for Safety Food, Slacking
- Section 790
- Thawing
- Section 800
- Cooling
- Section 810
- Cooling Methods
- Section 820
- Time/Temperature Control for Safety Food; Hot and Cold Holding
- Section 830
- Ready-To-Eat, Time/Temperature Control for Safety Food; Date Marking
- Section 840
- Ready-To-Eat, Time/Temperature Control for Safety Food; Disposition
- Section 850
- Time As a Public Health Control
- Section 860
- Variance Requirement
- Section 870
- Reduced Oxygen Packaging without a Variance, Criteria
- Article 6
- Food Identity, Presentation, and On-Premises Labeling
- Section 880
- Standards of Identity
- Section 890
- Honestly Presented
- Section 900
- Food Labels
- Section 910
- Other Forms of Information
- Section 920
- [Reserved]
- Section 930
- Consumer Advisory: Consumption of Animal Foods That Are Raw, Undercooked, or Not Otherwise Processed to Eliminate Pathogens
- Article 7
- Contaminated Food
- Section 940
- Discarding or Reconditioning Unsafe, Adulterated, or Contaminated Food
- Article 8
- Special Requirements for Highly Susceptible Populations
- Section 950
- Pasteurized Foods, Prohibited Reservice, and Prohibited Food
- Part IV
- Equipment, Utensils, and Linens
- Article 1
- Materials for Construction and Repair
- Section 960
- Multiuse, Characteristics
- Section 970
- Cast Iron, Use Limitation
- Section 980
- Lead, Use Limitation
- Section 990
- Copper, Use Limitation
- Section 1000
- Galvanized Metal, Use Limitation
- Section 1010
- Sponges, Use Limitation
- Section 1020
- [Repealed]
- Section 1030
- [Repealed]
- Section 1040
- Wood, Use Limitation
- Section 1050
- Nonstick Coatings, Use Limitation
- Section 1060
- Nonfood-Contact Surfaces
- Section 1070
- Single-Service and Single-Use, Characteristics
- Article 2
- Design and Construction
- Section 1080
- Equipment and Utensils
- Section 1090
- Food Temperature Measuring Devices
- Section 1100
- Food-Contact Surfaces; Cleanability
- Section 1110
- Cip Equipment
- Section 1120
- "V" Threads; Use Limitation
- Section 1130
- Hot Oil Filtering Equipment
- Section 1140
- Can Openers
- Section 1150
- Nonfood-Contact Surfaces
- Section 1160
- Kick Plates; Removable
- Section 1170
- Ventilation Hood Systems; Filters
- Section 1180
- Temperature Measuring Devices; Food
- Section 1190
- Temperature Measuring Devices; Ambient Air and Water
- Section 1200
- Pressure Measuring Devices, Mechanical Warewashing Equipment
- Section 1210
- Ventilation Hood Systems, Drip Prevention
- Section 1220
- Equipment Openings, Closures and Deflectors
- Section 1230
- Dispensing Equipment, Protection of Equipment and Food
- Section 1240
- Vending Machine, Vending Stage Closure
- Section 1250
- Bearings and Gear Boxes, Leakproof
- Section 1260
- Beverage Tubing, Separation
- Section 1270
- Ice Units, Separation of Drains
- Section 1280
- Condenser Unit, Separation
- Section 1290
- Can Openers on Vending Machines
- Section 1300
- Molluscan Shellfish Tanks
- Section 1310
- Vending Machines, Automatic Shutoff
- Section 1320
- Temperature Measuring Devices
- Section 1330
- Warewashing Machine, Data Plate Operating Specifications
- Section 1340
- Warewashing Machines, Internal Baffles
- Section 1350
- Warewashing Machines, Temperature Measuring Devices
- Section 1360
- Manual Warewashing Equipment, Heaters and Baskets
- Section 1370
- Warewashing Machines, Sanitizer Level Indicator Automatic Dispensing of Detergents and Sanitizers
- Section 1380
- Warewashing Machines, Flow Pressure Device
- Section 1390
- Warewashing Sinks and Drainboards, Self-Draining
- Section 1400
- Equipment Compartments, Drainage
- Section 1410
- Vending Machines, Liquid Waste Products
- Section 1420
- Case Lot Handling Apparatuses, Movability
- Section 1430
- Vending Machine Doors and Openings
- Section 1435
- Food Equipment, Certification and Classification
- Section 1440
- [Repealed]
- Article 3
- Numbers and Capacities
- Section 1450
- Cooling, Heating, and Holding Capacities
- Section 1460
- Manual Warewashing, Sink Compartment Requirements
- Section 1470
- Drainboards
- Section 1480
- Ventilation Hood Systems, Adequacy
- Section 1490
- Clothes Washers and Dryers
- Section 1500
- Utensils, Consumer Self-Service
- Section 1510
- Food Temperature Measuring Devices
- Section 1520
- Temperature Measuring Devices, Manual and Mechanical Warewashing
- Section 1530
- Sanitizing Solutions, Testing Devices
- Section 1535
- Cleaning Agents and Sanitizers, Availability
- Article 4
- Location and Installation
- Section 1540
- Equipment, Clothes Washers and Dryers, and Storage Cabinets, Contamination Prevention
- Section 1550
- Fixed Equipment, Spacing or Sealing
- Section 1560
- Fixed Equipment, Elevation or Sealing
- Article 5
- Maintenance and Operation
- Section 1570
- Good Repair and Proper Adjustment
- Section 1580
- Cutting Surfaces
- Section 1590
- Microwave Ovens
- Section 1600
- Warewashing Equipment, Cleaning Frequency
- Section 1610
- Warewashing Machines, Manufacturers' Operating Instructions
- Section 1620
- Warewashing Sinks, Use Limitation
- Section 1630
- Warewashing Equipment, Cleaning Agents
- Section 1640
- Warewashing Equipment, Clean Solutions
- Section 1650
- Manual Warewashing Equipment, Wash Solution Temperature
- Section 1660
- Mechanical Warewashing Equipment, Wash Solution Temperature
- Section 1670
- Manual Warewashing Equipment, Hot Water Sanitization Temperatures
- Section 1680
- Mechanical Warewashing Equipment, Hot Water Sanitization Temperatures
- Section 1690
- Mechanical Warewashing Equipment, Sanitization Pressure
- Section 1700
- Manual and Mechanical Warewashing Equipment, Chemical Sanitization - 2011 Temperature, Ph, Concentration, and Hardness
- Section 1710
- Manual Warewashing Equipment, Chemical Sanitization Using Detergent-Sanitizers
- Section 1720
- Warewashing Equipment, Determining Chemical Sanitizer Concentration
- Section 1730
- Good Repair and Calibration
- Section 1740
- Single-Service and Single-Use Articles, Required Use
- Section 1750
- Single-Service and Single-Use Articles, Use Limitation
- Section 1760
- Shells, Use Limitation
- Article 6
- Cleaning of Equipment and Utensils
- Section 1770
- Equipment, Food-Contact Surfaces, Non-Food-Contact Surfaces, and Utensils
- Section 1780
- Equipment Food-Contact Surfaces and Utensils
- Section 1790
- Cooking and Baking Equipment
- Section 1800
- Nonfood-Contact Surfaces
- Section 1810
- Dry Cleaning
- Section 1820
- Precleaning
- Section 1830
- Loading of Soiled Items, Warewashing Machines
- Section 1840
- Wet Cleaning
- Section 1850
- Washing, Procedures for Alternative Manual Warewashing Equipment
- Section 1860
- Rinsing Procedures
- Section 1870
- [Repealed]
- Section 1880
- [Repealed]
- Article 7
- Sanitization of Equipment and Utensils
- Section 1885
- Food-Contact Surfaces and Utensils
- Section 1890
- Before Use After Cleaning
- Section 1900
- Hot Water and Chemical
- Article 8
- Laundering
- Section 1910
- Clean Linens
- Section 1920
- Laundering Frequency for Linens, Cloth Gloves, Napkins, and Wiping Cloths
- Section 1930
- Storage of Soiled Linens
- Section 1940
- Mechanical Washing
- Section 1950
- Use of Laundry Facilities
- Article 9
- Protection of Clean Items
- Section 1960
- Equipment and Utensils, Air-Drying Required
- Section 1970
- Wiping Cloths, Air-Drying Locations
- Section 1980
- Food-Contact Surfaces
- Section 1990
- Equipment
- Section 2000
- Equipment, Utensils, Linens, and Single-Service and Single-Use Articles
- Section 2010
- Prohibitions
- Section 2020
- Kitchenware and Tableware
- Section 2030
- Soiled and Clean Tableware
- Section 2040
- Preset Tableware
- Section 2045
- Rinsing Equipment and Utensils After Cleaning and Sanitizing
- Part V
- Water, Plumbing, and Waste
- Article 1
- Water
- Section 2050
- Approved System
- Section 2060
- System Flushing and Disinfection
- Section 2070
- Bottled Drinking Water
- Section 2080
- Pure Water Standards
- Section 2090
- Nonpotable Water
- Section 2100
- Sampling
- Section 2110
- Sample Report
- Section 2120
- Capacity
- Section 2130
- Pressure
- Section 2140
- Water System
- Section 2150
- [Repealed]
- Section 2160
- Alternative Water Supply
- Article 2
- Plumbing System
- Section 2170
- Approved Materials
- Section 2180
- Approved System and Cleanable Fixtures
- Section 2190
- Handwashing Sinks, Water Temperature, and Flow
- Section 2200
- Backflow Prevention, Air Gap
- Section 2210
- Backflow Prevention Device, Design Standard
- Section 2220
- Conditioning Device, Design
- Section 2230
- Handwashing Sinks, Numbers, and Capacities
- Section 2240
- Toilets and Urinals
- Section 2250
- Service Sink
- Section 2260
- Backflow Prevention Device, When Required
- Section 2270
- Backflow Prevention Device, Carbonator
- Section 2280
- Handwashing Sinks, Location
- Section 2290
- Backflow Prevention Device, Location
- Section 2300
- Conditioning Device, Location
- Section 2310
- Using a Handwashing Sink
- Section 2320
- Prohibiting a Cross Connection
- Section 2330
- Scheduling Inspection and Service for a Water System Device
- Section 2340
- Water Reservoir of Fogging Devices, Cleaning
- Section 2350
- System Maintained in Good Repair
- Article 3
- Mobile Water Tank and Mobile Food Establishment Water Tank
- Section 2360
- Mobile Water Tank Approved Materials
- Section 2370
- Enclosed System, Sloped to Drain
- Section 2380
- Inspection and Cleaning Port, Protected and Secured
- Section 2390
- "V" Type Threads, Use Limitation
- Section 2400
- Tank Vent, Protected
- Section 2410
- Inlet and Outlet, Sloped to Drain
- Section 2420
- Hose, Construction and Identification
- Section 2430
- Filter, Compressed Air
- Section 2440
- Protective Cover or Device
- Section 2450
- Mobile Food Establishment Tank Inlet
- Section 2460
- System Flushing and Disinfection
- Section 2470
- Using a Pump and Hoses, Backflow Prevention
- Section 2480
- Protecting Inlet, Outlet, and Hose Fitting
- Section 2490
- Tank, Pump, and Hoses, Dedication
- Article 4
- Sewage, Other Liquid Waste, and Rainwater
- Section 2500
- Mobile Holding Tank Capacity and Drainage
- Section 2505
- Establishment Drainage System
- Section 2505
- Establishment Drainage System
- Section 2510
- [Repealed]
- Section 2520
- Backflow Prevention
- Section 2530
- Grease Trap
- Section 2540
- Conveying Sewage
- Section 2550
- Removing Mobile Food Establishment Wastes
- Section 2560
- Flushing a Waste Retention Tank
- Section 2570
- Approved Sewage Disposal System
- Section 2580
- Other Liquid Wastes and Rainwater
- Section 2590
- [Repealed]
- Article 5
- Refuse, Recyclables, and Returnables
- Section 2600
- Outdoor Storage Surface
- Section 2610
- Outdoor Enclosure
- Section 2620
- Receptacles
- Section 2630
- Receptacles in Vending Machines
- Section 2640
- Outside Receptacles
- Section 2650
- Storage Areas, Rooms, and Receptacles, Capacity and Availability
- Section 2660
- Toilet Room Receptacle, Covered
- Section 2670
- Cleaning Implements and Supplies
- Section 2680
- Storage Areas, Redeeming Machines, Receptacles and Waste Handling Units, Location
- Section 2690
- Storing Refuse, Recyclables, and Returnables
- Section 2700
- Areas, Enclosures, and Receptacles, Good Repair
- Section 2710
- Outside Storage Prohibitions
- Section 2720
- Covering Receptacles
- Section 2730
- Using Drain Plugs
- Section 2740
- Maintaining Refuse Areas and Enclosures
- Section 2750
- Cleaning Receptacles
- Section 2760
- Removal Frequency
- Section 2770
- Receptacles or Vehicles
- Section 2780
- Community or Individual Facility
- Part VI
- Physical Facilities
- Article 1
- Materials for Construction and Repair
- Section 2790
- Indoor Areas; Surface Characteristics
- Section 2800
- Outdoor Areas; Surface Characteristics
- Article 2
- Design, Construction, and Installation
- Section 2810
- Floors, Walls, and Ceilings
Cleanability - Section 2820
- Floors, Walls, and Ceilings, Utility Lines
- Section 2830
- Floor and Wall Junctures, Coved, and Enclosed or Sealed
- Section 2840
- Floor Carpeting, Restrictions and Installation
- Section 2850
- Floor Covering, Mats and Duckboards
- Section 2860
- Wall and Ceiling Coverings and Coatings
- Section 2870
- Walls and Ceilings, Attachments
- Section 2880
- Walls and Ceilings, Studs, Joists, and Rafters
- Section 2890
- Light Bulbs, Protective Shielding
- Section 2900
- Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning System Vents
- Section 2910
- Insect Control Devices, Design and Installation
- Section 2920
- Toilet Rooms, Enclosed
- Section 2930
- Outer Openings, Protected
- Section 2940
- Exterior Walls and Roofs, Protective Barrier
- Section 2950
- Outdoor Food Vending Areas, Overhead Protection
- Section 2960
- Outdoor Servicing Areas, Overhead Protection
- Section 2970
- Outdoor Walking and Driving Surfaces, Graded to Drain
- Section 2980
- Outdoor Refuse Areas, Curbed and Graded to Drain
- Section 2990
- Private Homes and Living or Sleeping Quarters, Use Prohibition
- Section 3000
- Living or Sleeping Quarters, Separation
- Section 3010
- [Repealed]
- Article 3
- Numbers and Capacities
- Section 3020
- Handwashing Cleanser, Availability
- Section 3030
- Hand Drying Provision
- Section 3040
- Handwashing Aids and Devices, Use Restrictions
- Section 3045
- Handwashing Signage
- Section 3050
- [Repealed]
- Section 3060
- [Repealed]
- Section 3070
- Toilet Tissue, Availability
- Section 3080
- Lighting, Intensity
- Section 3090
- Ventilation, Mechanical
- Section 3100
- Dressing Areas and Lockers, Designation
- Section 3110
- [Repealed]
- Section 3120
- [Repealed]
- Article 4
- Location and Placement
- Section 3130
- Toilet Rooms, Convenience and Accessibility
- Section 3140
- Employee Accommodations, Designated Areas
- Section 3150
- Distressed Merchandise, Segregation and Location
- Section 3160
- [Repealed]
- Article 5
- Maintenance and Operation
- Section 3170
- Repairing
- Section 3180
- Cleaning, Frequency and Restrictions
- Section 3190
- Cleaning Floors, Dustless Methods
- Section 3200
- Cleaning Ventilation Systems, Nuisance and Discharge Prohibition
- Section 3210
- Cleaning Maintenance Tools, Preventing Contamination
- Section 3220
- Drying Mops
- Section 3230
- Absorbent Materials on Floors, Use Limitation
- Section 3240
- Cleaning of Plumbing Fixtures
- Section 3250
- Closing Toilet Room Doors
- Section 3260
- Using Dressing Rooms and Lockers
- Section 3270
- Controlling Pests
- Section 3280
- Removing Dead or Trapped Birds, Insects, Rodents, and Other Pests
- Section 3290
- Storing Maintenance Tools
- Section 3300
- Maintaining Premises, Unnecessary Items and Litter
- Section 3310
- Prohibiting Animals
- Part VII
- Poisonous or Toxic Materials
- Article 1
- Labeling and Identification
- Section 3320
- Original Containers - Identifying Information, Prominence
- Section 3330
- Working Containers - Common Name
- Article 2
- Operational Supplies and Applications
- Section 3340
- Storage, Separation
- Section 3350
- Presence and Use Restriction
- Section 3360
- Conditions of Use
- Section 3370
- Poisonous or Toxic Material Containers
- Section 3380
- Sanitizers, Criteria
- Section 3390
- Chemicals for Washing, Treatment, Storage, and Processing Fruits and Vegetables, Criteria
- Section 3400
- Boiler Water Additives, Criteria
- Section 3410
- Drying Agents, Criteria
- Section 3420
- Lubricants - Incidental Food Contact, Criteria
- Section 3430
- Restricted Use Pesticides, Criteria
- Section 3440
- Rodent Bait Stations
- Section 3450
- Tracking Powders, Pest Control, and Monitoring
- Section 3460
- Medicines - Restriction and Storage
- Section 3470
- Refrigerated Medicines, Storage
- Section 3480
- First Aid Supplies, Storage
- Section 3490
- Other Personal Care Items, Storage
- Article 3
- Stock and Retail Sale
- Section 3500
- Storage and Display, Separation
- Part VIII
- Compliance and Enforcement
- Article 1
- Applicability of Chapter
- Section 3510
- Public Health Protection
- Section 3520
- Preventing Health Hazards, Provision for Conditions Not Addressed
- Section 3530
- Application of Administrative Process Act
- Section 3540
- [Reserved]
- Section 3550
- [Repealed]
- Section 3560
- [Repealed]
- Section 3570
- Variances
- Section 3580
- Evaluation of a Variance Application
- Section 3590
- Disposition of a Variance Request
- Section 3595
- Conformance with Approved Procedures
- Section 3595
- Conformance with Approved Procedures
- Article 2
- Plan Submission and Approval
- Section 3600
- Facility and Operating Plans
- Section 3610
- Contents of the Plans and Specifications
- Section 3620
- When a Haccp Plan Is Required
- Section 3630
- Contents of a Haccp Plan
- Section 3640
- Confidentiality -- Trade Secrets
- Section 3650
- Preoperational Inspections
- Article 3
- Permit to Operate
- Section 3660
- Permits
- Section 3670
- Application Procedure, Submission Before Proposed Opening
- Section 3680
- Form of Submission
- Section 3690
- Qualifications and Responsibilities of Applicants
- Section 3700
- Contents of the Application
- Section 3710
- New, Converted, or Remodeled Establishments
- Section 3720
- Existing Establishments, Permit Renewal, Change of Ownership, or Termination
- Section 3730
- Denial of Application for Permit, Notice
- Section 3740
- Responsibilities of the Department
- Section 3750
- Responsibilities of the Permit Holder
- Section 3760
- Permits Not Transferable
- Section 3770
- Summary Suspension of a Permit
- Section 3780
- Revocation of a Permit
- Section 3790
- Application After Revocation
- Article 4
- Inspection and Correction of Violations
- Section 3800
- Periodic Inspection
- Section 3810
- Performance-Based and Risk-Based Inspections
- Section 3815
- Competency of Environmental Health Specialists
- Section 3820
- Access Allowed at Reasonable Times After Due Notice
- Section 3830
- Refusal, Notification of Right to Access, and Final Request for Access
- Section 3840
- Refusal, Reporting
- Section 3850
- Inspection Warrants
- Section 3860
- Documenting Information and Observations
- Section 3870
- Specifying Time Frame for Corrections
- Section 3880
- Issuing Report and Obtaining Acknowledgment of Receipt
- Section 3890
- Refusal to Sign Acknowledgment
- Section 3900
- Public Records
- Section 3910
- Imminent Health Hazard, Ceasing Operations and Reporting
- Section 3920
- Resumption of Operations
- Section 3930
- Timely Correction
- Section 3940
- Verification and Documentation of Correction
- Section 3950
- Core Item, Timeframe for Correction
- Section 3960
- [Repealed]
- Section 3961
- Hold Order, Justifying Conditions, and Removal of Food
- Section 3961
- Hold Order, Justifying Conditions, and Removal of Food
- Section 3962
- Hold Order, Contents
- Section 3962
- Hold Order, Contents
- Section 3963
- Hold Order, Official Tagging of Food
- Section 3963
- Hold Order, Official Tagging of Food
- Section 3964
- Hold Order, Food May Not Be Used or Moved
- Section 3964
- Hold Order, Food May Not Be Used or Moved
- Section 3965
- Appeals, Releasing Hold Order
- Section 3965
- Appeals, Releasing Hold Order
- Section 3966
- Destroying or Denaturing Food
- Section 3966
- Destroying or Denaturing Food
- Section 3970
- Enforcement of Regulation
- Section 3980
- Request for Informal Fact-Finding Conference
- Section 3990
- [Repealed]
- Section 4000
- Appeals
- Section 4010
- [Repealed]
- Section 4020
- Compliance with the Uniform Statewide Building Code
- Section 4030
- Local Ordinance Superseded; Exception
- Section 4035
- [Repealed]
- Section 4040
- Investigation and Control, Obtaining Information: Personal History of Illness, Medical Examination, and Specimen Analysis
- Section 4050
- Restriction or Exclusion of Food Employee, or Summary Suspension of Permit
- Section 4060
- Restriction or Exclusion Order: Warning or Hearing Not Required, Information Required in Order
- Section 4070
- Release of Food Employee from Restriction or Exclusion
- Forms (12VAC5-421)
- Documents Incorporated by Reference (12VAC5-421)
- Chapter 430
- Transient Lodging and Hotel Sanitation in Virginia [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 431
- Sanitary Regulations for HotelsRead all
- Part I
- Definitions and General Provisions
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- Purpose of Regulations
- Section 30
- Applicability of Other Virginia Regulations to Hotels
- Section 40
- Administration of Regulations
- Section 50
- Right of Entry and Inspections
- Part II
- Procedural Regulations
- Section 60
- Applicability of Administrative Process Act
- Section 70
- Emergency Orders
- Section 80
- Enforcement of Regulations
- Section 90
- Suspension of Regulations During Disasters
- Section 100
- Variances
- Section 110
- Hearing Types
- Section 120
- Request for Hearing
- Section 130
- Hearing As a Matter of Right
- Section 140
- Appeals
- Section 150
- Grandfather Clause
- Section 160
- Submission of Plans, Specifications and Other Data
- Section 170
- Application for a Permit
- Section 180
- Permits
- Section 190
- Issuance of a Permit
- Section 200
- Denial of a Permit
- Section 210
- Suspension of a Permit
- Section 220
- Revocation of a Permit
- Section 230
- Permits Issued under Prior Regulations
- Section 240
- Application After Revocation
- Section 250
- Periodic Inspection
- Section 260
- Inspection Report
- Section 270
- Correction of Violations
- Part III
- Design, Construction and Operational Criteria
- Section 280
- Supervision
- Section 290
- General Sanitation
- Section 300
- Floor Requirements
- Section 310
- Walls and Ceiling Requirements
- Section 320
- Room Furnishing Requirements
- Section 330
- Air Volume, Heat, Light, and Ventilation Requirements
- Section 340
- Box Springs, Mattresses, Bedding and Linen Requirements
- Section 350
- Bed Spacing Requirements
- Section 360
- Toilet, Lavatory, and Bath Facilities Requirements
- Section 370
- Solid Waste
- Section 380
- Vector Control
- Section 390
- Spas, Swimming Pools, and Other Swimming Facilities
- Section 400
- Water Supply Systems
- Section 410
- Sewage Disposal
- Section 420
- Fire Safety
- Section 430
- Chemical and Physical Hazards
- Section 440
- Food Services
- Section 450
- Lodging Unit Kitchens
- Section 460
- Examination of Employees for Communicable Diseases
- Section 470
- Pets
- Section 480
- Posting of Rates and Code of Virginia Sections
- Section 490
- Employee Training
- Forms (12VAC5-431)
- Chapter 440
- Regulations for Summer CampsRead all
- Section 10
- Camp Location
- Section 20
- Water Supply
- Section 30
- Milk
- Section 40
- Storage, Handling and Preparation of Food
- Section 50
- Excreta Disposal
- Section 60
- General Sanitation
- Section 70
- Swimming Facilities
- Section 80
- Report of Contagious Diseases and Outbreaks of Disease
- Section 90
- Recommendations
- Chapter 450
- Rules and Regulations Governing CampgroundsRead all
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 15
- Compliance with the Virginia Administrative Process Act
- Section 20
- Local Requirements
- Section 30
- Approval of Plans Required
- Section 40
- Permits
- Section 50
- Inspection
- Section 60
- Enforcement, Notices, Informal Conferences
- Section 70
- Location
- Section 80
- Water Supplies
- Section 90
- Sewage Disposal
- Section 100
- Sanitary Facilities
- Section 110
- Structural Requirements for Service Buildings
- Section 115
- Cabins and Other Rental Units
- Section 120
- Garbage and Refuse Disposal
- Section 130
- Insect, Rodent, and Weed Control
- Section 140
- Swimming Pools
- Section 150
- Safety
- Section 160
- Storage and Handling of Liquified Petroleum Gases
- Section 170
- Control of Animals and Pets
- Section 180
- Overflow Areas
- Section 183
- Primitive Campgrounds
- Section 187
- Temporary Campgrounds
- Section 190
- Variances
- Section 200
- Penalties
- Section 210
- [Repealed]
- Section 220
- [Reserved]
- Section 230
- [Repealed]
- Forms (12VAC5-450)
- Chapter 460
- Regulations Governing Tourist Establishment Swimming Pools and Other Public PoolsRead all
- Part I
- General Provisions
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- Local Requirements
- Section 30
- Plan Review
- Part II
- Swimming Pools; Design and Construction
- Section 40
- Water Supplies
- Section 50
- Location
- Section 60
- Materials of Pool Shell
- Section 70
- [Repealed]
- Section 80
- Pool Decks
- Section 90
- Fences
- Section 100
- Steps and Ladders
- Section 110
- Overflow Facilities
- Section 120
- Inlets and Outlets
- Section 130
- Depth Marking
- Section 140
- [Repealed]
- Section 150
- Lighting
- Section 160
- Food and Drink Facilities
- Section 170
- Recirculation Systems
- Section 180
- Filter Rooms
- Section 190
- Pumps
- Section 200
- Hair and Lint Catchers, Gutters
- Section 210
- Filters
- Section 220
- Rate of Flow Indicators
- Section 230
- [Repealed]
- Section 240
- Chemical Feeding Equipment
- Section 250
- Disinfection Equipment
- Section 260
- Chemical Testing Equipment
- Section 270
- Operating Records
- Section 280
- Disinfection
- Section 290
- Alkalinity
- Section 300
- Filtration; Water Clarity
- Section 310
- Filter Room Placards
- Section 320
- Lifeguards
- Section 330
- Commissioner Approval
- Section 340
- Water Supplies, Lighting, Overflow Facilities, Inlets and Outlets
- Section 350
- Location and Slopes
- Section 360
- Deck Area
- Section 370
- Protection
- Section 380
- Water Circulation Systems
- Section 390
- Waste Discharge
- Part III
- Spray Pools
- Section 400
- Water Supplies
- Section 410
- Materials
- Section 420
- [Repealed]
- Section 430
- Drains
- Section 440
- Deck Areas
- Forms (12VAC5-460)
- Chapter 462
- Swimming Pool Regulations Governing the Posting of Water Quality Test ResultsRead all
- Part I
- Definitions
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Part II
- General Purposes
- Section 20
- Purpose of Chapter
- Section 30
- Relationship to the Regulations Governing Hotels, Summer Camps, and Campgrounds
- Section 40
- Administration of Chapter
- Section 50
- Right of Entry and Inspections
- Section 60
- Exemption
- Part III
- Procedural Regulations
- Article 1
- General
- Section 70
- Compliance with Administrative Process Act
- Section 80
- Powers and Procedures of Chapter Not Exclusive
- Article 2
- Enforcement of Regulations
- Section 90
- Notice
- Section 100
- Orders
- Section 110
- Hearing Before the Issuance of an Order
- Section 120
- Order; When Effective
- Section 130
- Compliance with Effective Orders
- Section 140
- Not Exclusive Means of Enforcement
- Article 3
- Variances
- Section 150
- Granting a Variance
- Section 160
- Requirements for a Variance
- Section 170
- Application for a Variance
- Section 180
- Evaluation of a Variance Application
- Section 190
- Disposition of a Variance Request
- Section 200
- Posting of Variances
- Section 210
- Hearings on Disposition of Variances
- Article 4
- Hearings and Appeals
- Section 220
- Hearing Types
- Section 230
- Informal Hearings
- Section 240
- Adjudicatory Hearing
- Section 250
- Request for Hearing
- Section 260
- Hearing As a Matter of Right
- Section 270
- Appeals
- Part IV
- Posting Requirements
- Section 280
- Posting of Water Quality Test Results and Water Quality Standards
- Section 290
- Water Quality Standards
- Section 300
- Test Kits
- Forms (12VAC5-462)
- Chapter 470
- Registration of Cremators [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 475
- Regulations Implementing the Virginia Donor RegistryRead all
- Part I
- Definitions and General Information
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- [Repealed]
- Section 30
- Administration
- Section 40
- [Repealed]
- Part II
- Registry Information
- Section 50
- Registry Membership
- Section 60
- Data to Be Recorded
- Section 70
- Removal from the Registry
- Part III
- Access, Use, and Dissemination of Registry Information
- Section 75
- Access
- Section 80
- Use
- Section 90
- Dissemination
- Forms (12VAC5-475)
- Chapter 480
- Radiation Protection Regulations [Repealed]Read all
- Part I
- Definitions (Repealed)
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Section 10:1
- Appendix a.[Repealed]
- Part II
- General Provisions (Repealed)
- Section 20
- [Repealed]
- Part III
- Registration of Radiation Machine Facilities (Repealed)
- Section 170
- [Repealed]
- Part IV
- Licensing of Radioactive Material (Repealed)
- Section 290
- [Repealed]
- Part V
- Standards for Protection Against Radiation (Repealed)
- Section 1190
- [Repealed]
- Part VI
- Radiation Safety Requirements for Industrial Radiographic Operations (Repealed)
- Section 5370
- [Repealed]
- Section 5370:1
- Appendix a.[Repealed]
- Part VII
- X-rays in the Healing Arts (Repealed)
- Section 8430
- [Repealed]
- Part VIII
- Use of Sealed Radioactive Sources in the Healing Arts (Repealed)
- Section 8540
- [Repealed]
- Part IX
- Radiation Safety Requirements for Analytical X-ray Equipment (Repealed)
- Section 8580
- [Repealed]
- Part X
- Radiation Safety Requirements for Particle Accelerators (Repealed)
- Section 8640
- [Repealed]
- Part XI
- Notices, Instructions and Reports to Workers: Inspections (Repealed)
- Section 8760
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 481
- Virginia Radiation Protection RegulationsRead all
- Part I
- General Provisions
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- Scope
- Section 30
- Deliberate Misconduct
- Section 40
- Reserved
- Section 50
- Reserved
- Section 60
- Reserved
- Section 70
- Reserved
- Section 80
- Reserved
- Section 90
- Exemptions from Regulatory Requirements
- Section 100
- Records
- Section 110
- Inspections and Enforcement
- Section 120
- [Reserved]
- Section 130
- Impounding
- Section 140
- Prohibited Uses
- Section 150
- Communications
- Section 160
- Effective Date
- Section 170
- Removal of Notices Posted by Agency Prohibited
- Section 180
- Tests
- Section 190
- Additional Regulatory Requirements
- Section 200
- [Repealed]
- Section 210
- Types of Hearings
- Section 220
- Hearing As a Matter of Right
- Section 230
- Appeal
- Section 240
- Units of Exposure and Dose
- Section 250
- Units of Radioactivity
- Part II
- Registration of Radiation Machine Facilities and Services
- Section 260
- Purpose and Scope
- Section 270
- Exemptions
- Section 280
- Shielding Plan Review
- Section 290
- Registration of Radiation Machine Facilities
- Section 300
- Issuance of Registration Certificate
- Section 310
- Renewal of Registration and Approval Not Implied
- Section 320
- Expiration of Registration Certificate
- Section 330
- Report of Changes
- Section 340
- Private Inspector Qualifications
- Section 350
- Assembler or Transfer Obligation
- Section 360
- Reciprocal Recognition of Out-of-State Radiation Machines
- Section 370
- Certification of X-Ray Systems
- Part III
- Licensing of Radioactive Material
- Article 1
- Purpose and Scope
- Section 380
- Purpose and Scope
- Article 2
- Exemptions from the Regulatory Requirements
- Section 390
- Source Material
- Section 400
- Radioactive Material Other Than Source Material
- Article 3
- Licenses
- Section 410
- Types of Licenses
- Section 420
- General Licenses -- Source Material
- Section 421
- Requirements for License to Initially Transfer Source Material for Use under the Small Quantities of Source Material General License
- Section 430
- General Licenses -- Radioactive Material Other Than Source Material
- Article 4
- Specific Licenses
- Section 440
- Filing Application for Specific Licenses
- Section 450
- General Requirements for the Issuance of Specific Licenses
- Section 451
- Physical Protection of Category 1 and Category 2 Quantities of Radioactive Material
- Section 460
- [Repealed]
- Section 470
- Special Requirements for Specific Licenses of Broad Scope
- Section 480
- Special Requirements for a Specific License to Manufacture, Assemble, Repair, or Distribute Commodities, Products, or Devices That Contain Radioactive Material
- Section 490
- Issuance of Specific Licenses
- Section 500
- Specific Terms and Conditions of Licenses
- Section 510
- Expiration and Termination of Licenses and Decommissioning of Sites and Separate Building or Outdoor Areas
- Section 520
- Renewal of Licenses
- Section 530
- Amendment of Licenses at Request of Licensee
- Section 540
- Agency Action on Applications to Renew or Amend
- Article 5
- Licenses Held at the Time of the Effective Date of These Regulations
- Section 550
- Persons Possessing a License for Source, Byproduct, or Special Nuclear Material in Quantities Not Sufficient to Form a Critical Mass on Effective Date
- Section 560
- Persons Possessing Narm on Effective Date of These Regulations
- Article 6
- Transfer of Material
- Section 570
- Transfer of Material
- Article 7
- Records
- Section 571
- Receipt, Transfer and Disposal Records
- Article 8
- Modification and Revocation of Licenses
- Section 580
- Modification and Revocation of Licenses
- Article 9
- Reciprocity
- Section 590
- Reciprocal Recognition of Licenses
- Part IV
- Standards For Protection Against Radiation
- Article 1
- General Provisions
- Section 600
- Purpose
- Section 610
- Scope
- Section 620
- Implementation
- Article 2
- Radiation Protection Programs
- Section 630
- Radiation Protection Programs
- Article 3
- Occupational Dose Limits
- Section 640
- Occupational Dose Limits for Adults
- Section 650
- Compliance with Requirements for Summation of External and Internal Doses
- Section 660
- Determination of External Dose from Airborne Radioactive Material
- Section 670
- Determination of Internal Exposure
- Section 680
- Determination of Prior Occupational Dose
- Section 690
- Planned Special Exposures
- Section 700
- Occupational Dose Limits for Minors
- Section 710
- Dose to an Embryo/Fetus
- Article 4
- Radiation Dose Limits for Individual Members of the Public
- Section 720
- Dose Limits for Individual Members of the Public
- Section 730
- Compliance with Dose Limits for Individual Members of the Public
- Article 5
- Testing for Leakage or Contamination of Sealed Sources
- Section 740
- Testing for Leakage or Contamination of Sealed Sources
- Article 6
- Surveys and Monitoring
- Section 750
- General
- Section 760
- Conditions Requiring Individual Monitoring of External and Internal Occupational Dose
- Section 770
- Location of Individual Monitoring Devices
- Article 7
- Control of Exposure from External Sources in Restricted Areas
- Section 780
- Control of Access to High Radiation Areas
- Section 790
- Control of Access to Very High Radiation Areas
- Section 800
- [Repealed]
- Article 8
- Respiratory Protection and Controls to Restrict Internal Exposure in Restricted Areas
- Section 810
- Use of Process or Other Engineering Controls
- Section 820
- Use of Other Controls
- Section 830
- Use of Individual Respiratory Protection Equipment
- Article 9
- Security and Control of Licensed or Registered Sources of Radiation
- Section 840
- Security and Control of Licensed or Registered Sources of Radiation
- Article 10
- Precautionary Procedures
- Section 850
- Radiation Symbol; Caution Signs
- Section 860
- Posting Requirements
- Section 870
- Exceptions to Posting Requirements
- Section 880
- Labeling Containers and Radiation Machines
- Section 890
- Exemptions to Labeling Requirements
- Section 900
- Procedures for Receiving and Opening Packages
- Article 11
- Waste Disposal
- Section 910
- General Requirements
- Section 920
- Method for Obtaining Approval of Proposed Disposal Procedures
- Section 930
- Disposal by Release into Sanitary Sewerage
- Section 940
- Treatment or Disposal by Incineration
- Section 950
- Disposal of Specific Wastes
- Section 960
- Transfer for Disposal and Manifests
- Section 970
- Compliance with Environmental and Health Protection Regulations
- Section 971
- Disposal of Certain Radioactive Material
- Article 12
- Records
- Section 980
- General Provisions
- Section 990
- Records of Radiation Protection Programs
- Section 1000
- Records of Surveys
- Section 1010
- Records of Tests for Leakage or Contamination of Sealed Sources
- Section 1020
- Records of Prior Occupational Dose
- Section 1030
- Records of Planned Special Exposures
- Section 1040
- Records of Individual Monitoring Results
- Section 1050
- Records of Dose to Individual Members of the Public
- Section 1060
- Records of Waste Disposal
- Section 1070
- Records of Testing Entry Control Devices for Very High Radiation Areas
- Section 1080
- Form of Records
- Article 13
- Reports
- Section 1090
- Reports of Stolen, Lost, or Missing Licensed or Registered Sources of Radiation
- Section 1100
- Notification of Incidents
- Section 1110
- Reporting Requirements
- Section 1120
- Reports of Planned Special Exposures
- Section 1130
- Reports of Individual Monitoring
- Section 1140
- Notifications and Reports to Individuals
- Section 1150
- Reports of Leaking or Contaminated Sealed Sources
- Section 1151
- Reports of Transactions Involving Nationally Tracked Sources
- Article 14
- Additional Requirements
- Section 1160
- [Repealed]
- Section 1161
- Radiological Criteria for License Termination
- Part V
- Radiation Safety Requirements For Industrial Radiographic Operations
- Article 1
- General Requirements
- Section 1170
- Purpose
- Section 1180
- Scope
- Section 1190
- Exemptions
- Section 1200
- Licensing and Registration Requirements for Industrial Radiography Operations
- Section 1210
- Performance Requirements for Industrial Radiography Equipment
- Section 1220
- Limits on External Radiation Levels from Storage Containers and Source Changers
- Section 1230
- Locking of Sources of Radiation, Storage Containers and Source Changers
- Section 1240
- Radiation Survey Instruments
- Section 1250
- Leak Testing and Replacement of Sealed Sources
- Section 1260
- Quarterly Inventory
- Section 1270
- Inspection and Maintenance of Radiation Machines, Radiographic Exposure Devices, Transport and Storage Containers, Associated Equipment, Source ...
- Section 1280
- Permanent Radiographic Installations
- Section 1290
- Labeling, Storage, and Transportation
- Article 2
- Radiation Safety Requirements
- Section 1300
- Conducting Industrial Radiographic Operations
- Section 1310
- Radiation Safety Officer
- Section 1320
- Training
- Section 1330
- Operating and Emergency Procedures
- Section 1340
- Supervision of Radiographer's Assistants
- Section 1350
- Personnel Monitoring
- Section 1360
- Radiation Surveys
- Section 1370
- Surveillance
- Section 1380
- Posting
- Article 3
- Recordkeeping Requirements
- Section 1390
- Records for Industrial Radiography
- Section 1400
- Records of Receipt and Transfer of Sources of Radiation
- Section 1410
- Records of Radiation Survey Instruments
- Section 1420
- Records of Leak Testing of Sealed Sources and Devices Containing Du
- Section 1430
- Records of Quarterly Inventory
- Section 1440
- Utilization Logs
- Section 1450
- Records of Inspection and Maintenance of Radiation Machines, Radiographic Exposure Devices, Transport and Storage Containers, Associated Equipment,...
- Section 1460
- Records of Alarm System and Entrance Control Checks at Permanent Radiographic Installations
- Section 1470
- Records of Training and Certification
- Section 1480
- Copies of Operating and Emergency Procedures
- Section 1490
- Records of Personnel Monitoring
- Section 1500
- Records of Radiation Surveys
- Section 1510
- Form of Records
- Section 1520
- Location of Documents and Records
- Article 4
- Notifications
- Section 1530
- Notifications
- Article 5
- Jobsite Requirements
- Section 1540
- [Repealed]
- Section 1550
- [Repealed]
- Section 1560
- Reciprocity
- Section 1570
- Specific Requirements for Radiographic Personnel Performing Industrial Radiography
- Part VI
- Use Of Diagnostic X-Rays In The Healing Arts
- Section 1580
- [Repealed]
- Section 1581
- Purpose and Scope
- Section 1590
- [Repealed]
- Section 1591
- General and Administrative Requirements
- Section 1600
- [Repealed]
- Section 1601
- General Requirements for All Diagnostic X-Ray Systems
- Section 1610
- [Repealed]
- Section 1611
- Fluoroscopic Equipment
- Section 1620
- [Repealed]
- Section 1621
- Radiographic Equipment
- Section 1630
- [Repealed]
- Section 1631
- Intraoral Dental Radiographic Equipment
- Section 1640
- [Repealed]
- Section 1641
- Computed Tomography Equipment
- Section 1650
- [Repealed]
- Section 1651
- Mammography Requirements
- Section 1653
- Hand-Held Radiographic Units
- Section 1655
- Bone Densitometry
- Section 1657
- Quality Assurance Program
- Part VII
- Use of Radionuclides in the Healing Arts
- Article 1
- Purpose and Scope
- Section 1660
- Purpose and Scope
- Article 2
- General Information
- Section 1670
- General Requirements
- Section 1680
- Licensing and Exemptions
- Section 1690
- Notifications
- Article 3
- General Administrative Requirements
- Section 1700
- Authority and Responsibilities for the Radiation Protection Programs and Changes
- Section 1710
- Supervision
- Section 1720
- Written Directives
- Section 1730
- Procedures for Administrations Requiring a Written Directive
- Section 1740
- Suppliers for Sealed Sources or Devices for Medical Use
- Section 1750
- Training for Radiation Safety OfficerAnd Associate Radiation Safety Officer
- Section 1760
- Training for an Authorized Medical Physicist
- Section 1770
- Training for an Authorized Nuclear Pharmacist
- Section 1780
- Training for Experienced Radiation Safety Officer, Teletherapy or Medical Physicist, Authorized Medical Physicist, Nuclear Pharmacist, Authorized Nuclear Pharmacist, and Authorized User
- Section 1790
- Recentness of Training
- Article 4
- General Technical Requirements
- Section 1800
- Possession, Use, and Calibration of Instruments Used to Measure the Activity of Unsealed Radioactive Material
- Section 1810
- [Repealed]
- Section 1820
- Determination of Dosages of Unsealed Radioactive Material for Medical Use
- Section 1830
- Authorization for Calibration, Transmission, and Reference Sources
- Section 1840
- Requirements for Possession of Sealed Sources and Brachytherapy Sources
- Section 1850
- Labeling of Vials and Syringes
- Section 1860
- Surveys of Ambient Radiation Exposure Rate
- Section 1870
- Release of Individuals Containing Unsealed Radioactive Material or Implants Containing Radioactive Material
- Section 1880
- Provision of Mobile Medical Service
- Section 1890
- Decay-In-Storage
- Article 5
- Unsealed Byproduct Material – Written Directive Not Required
- Section 1900
- Use of Unsealed Radioactive Material for Uptake, Dilution, and Excretion Studies for Which a Written Directive Is Not Required
- Section 1910
- Training for Uptake, Dilution, and Excretion Studies
- Section 1920
- Use of Unsealed Radioactive Material for Imaging and Localization Studies for Which a Written Directive Is Not Required
- Section 1930
- Permissible Molybdenum-99, Strontium-82, and Strontium-85 Concentrations
- Section 1940
- Training for Imaging and Localization Studies
- Article 6
- Unsealed Byproduct Material - Written Directive Required
- Section 1950
- Use of Unsealed Radioactive Material for Which a Written Directive Is Required
- Section 1960
- Safety Instruction
- Section 1970
- Safety Precautions
- Section 1980
- Training for Use of Unsealed Radioactive Material for Which a Written Directive Is Required
- Section 1990
- Training for the Oral Administration of Sodium Iodide (I-131) Requiring a Written Directive in Quantities Less Than or Equal to 33 Mci (1.22 Gbq)
- Section 2000
- Training for the Oral Administration of Sodium Iodide (I-131) Requiring a Written Directive in Quantities Greater Than 33 Mci (1.22 Gbq)
- Section 2001
- Training for the Parenteral Administration of Unsealed Radioactive Material Requiring a Written Directive
- Article 7
- Manual Brachytherapy
- Section 2010
- Use of Sources for Manual Brachytherapy
- Section 2011
- Surveys After Source Implant and Removal
- Section 2012
- Brachytherapy Sources Accountability
- Section 2013
- Safety Instruction
- Section 2014
- Safety Precautions
- Section 2015
- Calibration Measurements of Brachytherapy Sources
- Section 2016
- Strontium-90 Sources for Ophthalmic Treatments
- Section 2017
- Therapy-Related Computer Systems
- Section 2018
- Training for Use of Manual Brachytherapy Sources
- Section 2019
- Training for Ophthalmic Use of Strontium-90
- Article 8
- Sealed Sources for Diagnosis
- Section 2020
- Use of Sealed Sources for Diagnosis
- Section 2030
- Training for Use of Sealed Sources for Diagnosis
- Article 9
- Photon Emitting Remote Afterloader Units, Teletherapy Units, and Stereotactic Radiosurgery Units
- Section 2040
- Training Requirements and Use of a Sealed Source in a Remote Afterloader Unit, Teletherapy Unit, or Gamma Stereotactic Radiosurgery Unit
- Section 2041
- Surveys Required
- Section 2042
- Installation, Maintenance, Adjustment, and Repair
- Section 2043
- Safety Procedures and Instructions, and Precautions for Remote Afterloader Units, Teletherapy Units, and Gamma Stereotactic Radiosurgery Units
- Section 2044
- Dosimetry Equipment
- Section 2045
- Full Calibration Measurements
- Section 2046
- Periodic Spot-Checks
- Section 2047
- Additional Technical Requirements for Mobile Remote Afterloader Units
- Section 2048
- Full-Inspection Servicing for Teletherapy and Gamma Stereotactic Radiosurgery Units
- Section 2049
- Therapy-Related Computer Systems
- Article 10
- Training and Experience Requirements
- Section 2050
- [Repealed]
- Article 11
- Other Medical Uses of Byproduct Material or Radiation from Byproduct Material
- Section 2060
- Other Medical Uses of Radioactive Material or Radiation from Radioactive Materials
- Article 12
- Records
- Section 2070
- Records
- Article 13
- Reports
- Section 2080
- Reports
- Part VIII
- Radiation Safety Requirements For Analytical X-Ray Equipment
- Section 2090
- Purpose and Scope
- Section 2100
- Equipment Requirements
- Section 2110
- Area Requirements
- Section 2120
- Operating Requirements
- Section 2130
- Personnel Requirements
- Part IX
- Radiation Safety Requirements For Particle Accelerators
- Article 1
- Purpose and Scope
- Section 2140
- Purpose and Scope
- Article 2
- Registration Procedures
- Section 2150
- Registration Requirements
- Section 2160
- General Requirements for the Issuance of a Registration for Particle Accelerators
- Section 2170
- Human Use of Particle Accelerators
- Article 3
- Radiation Safety Requirements for Use of Particle Accelerators
- Section 2180
- Limitations
- Section 2190
- Shielding and Safety Design Requirements
- Section 2200
- Particle Accelerator Controls and Interlock Systems
- Section 2210
- Warning Devices
- Section 2220
- Operating Procedures
- Section 2230
- Radiation Monitoring Requirements
- Section 2240
- Ventilation Systems
- Part X
- Notices, Instructions, and Reports to Workers; Inspections
- Section 2250
- Purpose and Scope
- Section 2260
- Posting of Notices to Workers
- Section 2270
- Instructions to Workers
- Section 2280
- Notifications and Reports to Individuals
- Section 2290
- Presence of Representatives of Licensees or Registrants and Workers During Inspection
- Section 2300
- Consultation with Workers During Inspections
- Section 2310
- Requests by Workers for Inspections
- Section 2320
- Inspections Not Warranted; Informal Review
- Part XI
- Licensing Requirements for Land Disposal of Radioactive Waste
- Article 1
- Purpose and Scope
- Section 2330
- Purpose and Scope
- Article 2
- General Regulatory Provisions
- Section 2340
- License Required
- Section 2350
- Content of Application
- Section 2360
- General Information
- Section 2370
- Specific Technical Information
- Section 2380
- Technical Analyses
- Section 2390
- Institutional Information
- Section 2400
- Financial Information
- Section 2410
- Requirements for Issuance of a License
- Section 2420
- Conditions of Licenses
- Section 2430
- Application for Renewal or Closure
- Section 2440
- Contents of Application for Site Closure and Stabilization
- Section 2450
- Post-Closure Observation and Maintenance
- Section 2460
- Transfer of License
- Section 2470
- Termination of License
- Article 3
- General Performance Objectives
- Section 2480
- General Requirement
- Section 2490
- Protection of the General Population from Releases of Radioactivity
- Section 2500
- Protection of Individuals from Inadvertent Intrusion
- Section 2510
- Protection of Individuals During Operations
- Section 2520
- Stability of the Disposal Site After Closure
- Article 4
- Technical Requirements for Land Disposal Facilities
- Section 2530
- Disposal Site Suitability Requirements for Land Disposal
- Section 2540
- Disposal Site Design for Land Disposal
- Section 2550
- Land Disposal Facility Operation and Disposal Site Closure
- Section 2560
- Environmental Monitoring
- Section 2570
- Alternative Requirements for Design and Operations
- Section 2571
- Waste Classification
- Section 2572
- Waste Characteristics
- Section 2573
- Labeling
- Section 2580
- Institutional Requirements
- Section 2590
- Alternative Requirements for Waste Classification and Characteristics
- Article 5
- Financial Assurances
- Section 2600
- Applicant Qualifications and Assurances
- Section 2610
- Funding for Disposal Site Closure and Stabilization
- Section 2620
- Financial Assurances for Institutional Controls
- Article 6
- Records, Reports, Tests, and Inspections
- Section 2630
- Maintenance of Records, Reports, and Transfers
- Section 2640
- Tests on Land Disposal Facilities
- Section 2650
- Agency Inspections of Land Disposal Facilities
- Part XII
- Licensing and Radiation Safety Requirements for Irradiators
- Article 1
- Purpose and Scope
- Section 2660
- Purpose and Scope
- Article 2
- Specific Licensing Requirements
- Section 2670
- Application for a Specific License
- Section 2680
- Specific Licenses for Irradiators
- Section 2690
- Commencement of Construction
- Section 2700
- Applications for Exemptions
- Section 2710
- Request for Written Statements
- Article 3
- Design and Performance Requirements for Irradiators
- Section 2720
- Performance Criteria for Sealed Sources
- Section 2730
- Access Control
- Section 2740
- Shielding
- Section 2750
- Fire Protection
- Section 2760
- Radiation Monitors
- Section 2770
- Control of Source Movement
- Section 2780
- Irradiator Pools
- Section 2790
- Source Rack Protection
- Section 2800
- Power Failures
- Section 2810
- Design Requirements
- Section 2820
- Construction Monitoring and Acceptance Testing
- Article 4
- Operation of Irradiators
- Section 2830
- Training
- Section 2840
- Operating and Emergency Procedures
- Section 2850
- Personnel Monitoring
- Section 2860
- Radiation Surveys
- Section 2870
- Detection of Leaking Sources
- Section 2880
- Inspection and Maintenance
- Section 2890
- Pool Water Purity
- Section 2900
- Attendance During Operation
- Section 2910
- Entering and Leaving the Radiation Room
- Section 2920
- Irradiation of Explosive or Flammable Materials
- Article 5
- Records
- Section 2930
- Records and Retention Periods
- Section 2940
- Reports
- Part XIII
- Transportation of Radioactive Material
- Article 1
- Purpose and Scope
- Section 2950
- Purpose and Scope
- Article 2
- General Regulatory Provisions
- Section 2960
- Requirement for License
- Section 2970
- Exemptions
- Section 2980
- Transportation of Licensed Material
- Article 3
- General Licenses
- Section 2990
- General Licenses for Carriers
- Section 3000
- General License: Nrc-Approved Packages
- Section 3010
- Previously Approved Packages
- Section 3020
- General License: United States Department of Transportation Specification Container
- Section 3030
- General License: Use of Foreign Approved Package
- Section 3040
- General License: Fissile Material
- Section 3050
- [Repealed]
- Section 3051
- General License: Plutonium-Berylium Special Form Material
- Article 4
- Operating Controls and Procedures
- Section 3060
- Assumptions As to Unknown Properties of Fissile Material
- Section 3070
- Preliminary Determinations
- Section 3080
- Routine Determinations
- Section 3090
- Air Transport of Plutonium
- Section 3091
- Opening Instructions.
- Section 3100
- Shipment Records
- Section 3110
- Reports
- Section 3120
- Advance Notification of Transport of Nuclear Waste
- Article 5
- Quality Assurance
- Section 3130
- Quality Assurance
- Part XIV
- Radiation Safety Requirements for Wireline Service Operations and Subsurface Tracer Studies
- Article 1
- Purpose and Scope
- Section 3140
- Purpose
- Section 3150
- Scope
- Section 3151
- Licensing
- Article 2
- Prohibition
- Section 3160
- Agreement with Well Owner
- Article 3
- Equipment Control
- Section 3170
- Limits on Levels of Radiation
- Section 3180
- Storage Precautions
- Section 3190
- Transport Precautions
- Section 3200
- Radiation Survey Instruments
- Section 3210
- Leak Testing of Sealed Sources
- Section 3220
- Physical Inventory
- Section 3230
- Utilization Records
- Section 3240
- Design, Performance, and Certification Criteria for Sealed Sources Used in Downhole Operations
- Section 3241
- Tritium Neutron Generator Target Sources
- Section 3250
- Labeling
- Section 3260
- Inspection and Maintenance
- Section 3261
- Radioactive Markers
- Section 3262
- Uranium Sinker Bars
- Article 4
- Requirements for Personal Safety
- Section 3270
- Training Requirements
- Section 3280
- Operating and Emergency Procedures
- Section 3290
- Personnel Monitoring
- Article 5
- Precautionary Procedures in Logging and Subsurface Tracer Studies
- Section 3300
- Security
- Section 3310
- Handling Tools
- Section 3320
- Subsurface Tracer Studies
- Section 3330
- Particle Accelerators
- Article 6
- Radiation Surveys and Records
- Section 3340
- Radiation Surveys and Contamination Control
- Section 3350
- Documents and Records Required at Field Stations
- Section 3360
- Documents and Records Required at Temporary Jobsites
- Article 7
- Notification
- Section 3370
- Notification of Incidents, Abandonment, and Lost Sources
- Part XV
- Therapeutic Radiation Machines
- Section 3380
- Purpose and Scope
- Section 3390
- General Administrative Requirements for Facilities Using Therapeutic Radiation Machines
- Section 3400
- General Technical Requirements for Facilities Using Therapeutic Radiation Machines
- Section 3410
- Quality Management Program
- Section 3420
- Therapeutic Radiation Machines of Less Than 500 Kv
- Section 3430
- Therapeutic Radiation Machines - Photon Therapy Systems (500 Kv and Above) and Electron Therapy Systems (500 Kv and Above)
- Section 3440
- Calibration of Survey Instruments
- Section 3450
- Shielding and Safety Design Requirements
- Section 3451
- Quality Assurance for Radiation Therapy Simulation Systems
- Section 3452
- Electronic Brachytherapy
- Section 3453
- Other Use of Electronically Produced Radiation to Deliver Therapeutic Radiation Dosage
- Part XVI
- Regulation and Licensing of Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (TENORM)
- Section 3460
- Purpose
- Section 3470
- Scope
- Section 3480
- Exemptions
- Section 3490
- Standards for Radiation Protection for Tenorm
- Section 3500
- Protection of Workers During Operations
- Section 3510
- Release for Unrestricted Use
- Section 3520
- Disposal and Transfer of Waste for Disposal
- Section 3530
- General License
- Section 3540
- Specific Licenses
- Section 3550
- Filing Application for Specific Licenses
- Section 3560
- Requirements for the Issuance of Specific Licenses
- Section 3570
- Safety Criteria for Products
- Section 3580
- Table of Organ Doses
- Section 3590
- Issuance of Specific Licenses
- Section 3600
- Conditions of Specific Licenses Issued under 12VAC5-481-3560
- Section 3610
- Expiration and Termination of Specific Licenses
- Section 3620
- Renewal of Specific Licenses
- Section 3630
- Amendment of Specific Licenses at Request of Licensee
- Section 3640
- Agency Action on Applications to Renew and Amend Specific Licenses
- Section 3650
- Modification and Revocation of Specific Licenses
- Section 3660
- Reciprocal Recognition of Specific Licenses
- Section 3670
- [Repealed]
- Part XVII
- Schedules
- Section 3680
- Assigned Protection Factors for Respirators
- Section 3690
- [Repealed]
- Section 3700
- Quantities of Licensed Materials Requiring Labeling
- Section 3710
- Requirements for Transfers of Low-Level Radioactive Waste Intended for Disposal at Licensed Land Disposal Facilities and Manifests
- Section 3720
- Exempt Concentrations Schedule
- Section 3730
- Exempt Quantities
- Section 3740
- Quantities of Radioactive Materials Requiring Consideration of the Need for an Emergency Plan for Responding to a Release
- Section 3750
- Quantities for Use with Decommissioning
- Section 3760
- Limits for Broad Scopes
- Section 3770
- Determination of A1 and A2
- Section 3780
- Nationally Tracked Source Thresholds
- Forms (12VAC5-481)
- Documents Incorporated by Reference (12VAC5-481)
- Chapter 490
- Virginia Radiation Protection Regulations: Fee ScheduleRead all
- Section 10
- Registration Fees
- Section 20
- Inspection Fees and Inspection Frequencies for X-Ray Machines
- Section 30
- [Repealed]
- Section 40
- Application and Licensing Fees for Radioactive Materials Licenses
- Section 50
- Private Inspector Registration Fees
- Forms (12VAC5-490)
- Chapter 500
- Rules and Regulations Governing the Construction and Maintenance of Migrant Labor Camps [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 501
- Rules and Regulations Governing the Construction and Maintenance of Migrant Labor CampsRead all
- Part I
- Definitions and General Provisions
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- Purpose of Regulations
- Section 30
- Administration of Regulations
- Section 40
- Right of Entry to Inspect, Etc.; Warrants
- Part II
- Procedural Regulations
- Section 50
- Continuing Validity of Existing Permits
- Section 60
- Application of the Administrative Process Act
- Section 70
- Emergency Orders
- Section 80
- Enforcement of Regulations
- Section 90
- Penalties, Injunctions, Civil Penalties, and Charges for Violations
- Section 100
- Osha Enforcement
- Section 110
- Suspension of Regulations During Disasters
- Section 120
- Variances
- Section 130
- Case Decisions
- Section 140
- Request for Hearing
- Section 150
- Hearing
- Section 160
- Appeals
- Section 170
- Notice of Intention to Construct or Remodel Camp and Submission of Plans
- Section 180
- Permits
- Section 190
- Application for Permit
- Section 200
- Issuance of Permit
- Section 210
- Denial of a Permit
- Section 220
- Suspension of a Permit
- Section 230
- Revocation
- Section 240
- Application After Revocation
- Section 250
- Compliance with Regulations
- Section 260
- Inspections to Be Conducted
- Section 270
- Inspection Report
- Section 280
- Correction
- Part III
- Standards
- Section 290
- Primary Source of Standards
- Section 300
- Exception to Occupational Safety and Health Standards
- Section 310
- Trash and Garbage Collections
- Section 320
- Requirements for Water Supplies
- Section 330
- Requirements of Sewage Disposal
- Section 340
- Storage of Hazardous Materials
- Section 350
- Conformity with Uniform Statewide Building Code
- Forms (12VAC5-501)
- Chapter 507
- Nursing Scholarships and Loan Repayment Program Requiring Service in a Long-Term Care FacilityRead all
- Part I
- General Information
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 15
- Nursing Scholarship Advisory Committee
- Part II
- Administration of Nursing Scholarships
- Section 20
- Eligibility for Scholarships
- Section 30
- Conditions of Scholarships
- Section 40
- Number of Applications Per Student
- Section 50
- Amounts of Scholarships
- Section 60
- How to Apply for a Scholarship
- Section 70
- Reporting Requirements of Scholarship Participants
- Section 80
- [Reserved]
- Part III
- Administration of the Nursing Loan Repayment Program
- Section 90
- Eligibility for the Nursing Loan Repayment Program
- Section 100
- Application Requirement
- Section 110
- Selection Criteria
- Section 120
- Loan Repayment Amount
- Section 130
- Loans Qualifying for Repayment
- Section 140
- Release of Information
- Section 150
- Effective Date for Start of Service
- Section 160
- Repayment Procedure
- Section 170
- Compensation During Service
- Section 180
- Monitoring During Service
- Section 190
- Terms of Service
- Section 200
- Loan Repayment Contract
- Section 210
- Breach of Contract for Loan Repayment Program
- Section 220
- Postponement or Waiver of Service for Loan Repayment Program
- Section 230
- Cash Reimbursement and Penalty for Loan Repayment Program
- Section 240
- Reporting Requirements of Loan Repayment Participants
- Forms (12VAC5-507)
- Chapter 508
- Regulations Governing the Virginia Physician Loan Repayment ProgramRead all
- Part I
- Definitions
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- [Repealed]
- Section 30
- [Repealed]
- Part II
- Administration of the Virginia Physician Loan Repayment Program
- Section 40
- [Repealed]
- Section 50
- Eligible Applicants
- Section 60
- Application Requirement
- Section 70
- Selection Criteria
- Section 75
- Loans Qualifying for Repayment
- Section 80
- Loan Repayment Terms
- Section 90
- [Repealed]
- Section 100
- [Repealed]
- Section 110
- Release of Information
- Section 120
- Practice Site
- Section 130
- Effective Date for Start of Service
- Section 135
- Terms of Service
- Section 140
- [Repealed]
- Section 150
- [Repealed]
- Section 160
- Compensation During Service
- Section 165
- Conditions of Practice
- Section 170
- [Repealed]
- Section 175
- Change of Practice Site
- Section 180
- Monitoring During Service
- Section 190
- [Repealed]
- Section 200
- [Repealed]
- Section 210
- [Repealed]
- Part III
- Contract
- Section 220
- Loan Repayment Contract
- Section 230
- Breach of Contract
- Section 240
- [Repealed]
- Section 250
- Deferment or Waiver of Service
- Section 260
- Cash Reimbursement and Penalty
- Part IV
- Records and Reporting
- Section 270
- Reporting Requirements
- Forms (12VAC5-508)
- Chapter 510
- Regulations for General Assembly Nursing ScholarshipsRead all
- Section 5
- Definitions
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Section 15
- Advisory Committee
- Section 20
- Eligibility
- Section 30
- Conditions of Scholarships
- Section 40
- Number of Applications Per Student
- Section 50
- Amounts of Scholarships
- Section 60
- How to Apply
- Section 70
- [Repealed]
- Section 80
- Scholarship Contract
- Section 85
- Practice Site Selection
- Section 90
- Reporting Requirements
- Section 100
- Breach of Contract
- Section 110
- Deferment and Waivers
- Forms (12VAC5-510)
- Chapter 520
- Regulations Governing the Dental Scholarship and Loan Repayment ProgramsRead all
- Part I
- Definitions
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- Administration of Program
- Section 30
- [Repealed]
- Section 40
- [Repealed]
- Part II
- Dental Underserved Area
- Section 80
- Population and Dentist Data
- Section 90
- [Repealed]
- Part III
- Scholarship and Loan Repayment Awards
- Section 130
- Eligible Applicants
- Section 140
- Scholarship and Loan Repayment Award
- Section 150
- Distribution of Scholarships and Loan Repayment Awards
- Section 160
- Contractual Practice Obligation
- Part IV
- Special Requests
- Section 170
- Special Requests for Approval
- Part V
- Special Circumstances
- Section 180
- Fractional Need
- Part VI
- Default
- Section 190
- Default
- Part VII
- Repayment
- Section 200
- Repayment
- Part VIII
- Records and Reporting
- Section 210
- Reporting Requirements
- Chapter 525
- Regulations for Physician Assistant ScholarshipsRead all
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- Physician Assistant Scholarship Committee
- Section 30
- Eligibility for Scholarships
- Section 40
- Conditions of Scholarships
- Section 50
- Number of Applications Per Student
- Section 60
- Amounts of Scholarships
- Section 70
- How to Apply
- Section 80
- Selection Criteria
- Section 90
- Scholarship Contract
- Section 100
- Practice Site Selection
- Section 105
- Change of Practice Site
- Section 110
- Reporting Requirements
- Section 120
- Breach of Contract
- Section 130
- Deferments, Waivers, and Variances
- Section 140
- Fulfillment After Default Payments
- Forms (12VAC5-525)
- Chapter 530
- Regulations Governing the Virginia Medical Scholarship ProgramRead all
- Part I
- General Information
- Section 10
- Purpose
- Section 20
- Administration
- Section 30
- Applicability
- Part II
- Definitions
- Section 40
- Definitions
- Part III
- Scholarship Awards
- Section 50
- Eligible Applicants
- Section 60
- Scholarship Award
- Section 70
- Distribution of Scholarships
- Part IV
- Contracts
- Section 80
- Contractual Practice Obligation
- Section 90
- Default
- Part V
- Repayment
- Section 100
- Repayment
- Part VI
- Records and Reporting
- Section 110
- Reporting Requirements
- Chapter 540
- Rules and Regulations for the Identification of Medically Underserved Areas in VirginiaRead all
- Part I
- General Information
- Section 10
- Authority
- Section 20
- Purpose
- Part II
- Designating Medically Underserved Areas
- Section 30
- Criteria for Determining Medically Underserved Areas
- Section 40
- Application of the Criteria
- Forms (12VAC5-540)
- Chapter 542
- Rules and Regulations Governing the Virginia Nurse Practitioner/Nurse Midwife Scholarship ProgramRead all
- Part I
- Definitions
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Part II
- General Information
- Section 20
- Purpose
- Section 30
- Administration
- Section 40
- Variance
- Part III
- Scholarship Awards
- Section 50
- Eligible Applicants
- Section 60
- Scholarship Amount
- Section 70
- Distribution of Scholarships
- Part IV
- Contracts
- Section 80
- Contract Provisions
- Part V
- Repayment
- Section 90
- Repayment of Scholarships
- Section 100
- Repayment by Practice
- Section 110
- Cash Repayment
- Section 120
- Cash Repayment Amount
- Section 130
- Cash Repayment Schedule
- Part VI
- Records and Reporting
- Section 140
- Reporting Requirements
- Chapter 545
- Regulations for the Nurse Educator Scholarship ProgramRead all
- Section 10
- General Information
- Section 20
- Definitions
- Section 30
- Administration
- Section 40
- Eligible Applicants
- Section 50
- Scholarship Amount
- Section 60
- Distribution of Scholarships
- Section 70
- Contract Provisions and Default
- Section 80
- Repayment of Scholarships
- Section 90
- Reporting Requirements
- Forms (12VAC5-545)
- Chapter 550
- Board of Health Regulations Governing Vital RecordsRead all
- Part I
- General Information
- Section 5
- Definitions
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Section 20
- Purpose of Chapter
- Section 30
- Administration of Chapter
- Section 40
- [Repealed]
- Section 50
- Application of Administrative Process Act
- Section 60
- Powers and Procedures of Chapter Not Exclusive
- Part II
- Supplies and Forms
- Section 70
- State Registrar
- Section 80
- County and City Registrars
- Section 90
- Use of Forms
- Part III
- Data Required on Vital Statistics Certificates
- Section 100
- Birth Certificate Items
- Section 110
- Death Certificate Items
- Section 120
- Fetal Death or Induced Termination of Pregnancy Report Items
- Section 125
- Certificate of Birth Resulting in a Stillbirth
- Section 130
- Marriage Return and Certificate Items
- Section 140
- Report of Divorce or Annulment Items
- Part IV
- Preparation of Certificates
- Section 150
- Requirements for Completion
- Part V
- Registration Districts
- Section 160
- Geographical Areas
- Section 170
- Registrars' Representatives
- Part VI
- Duties of Registrars
- Section 180
- Acceptance of Certificates
- Section 190
- Local Records
- Section 200
- Reporting Periods
- Section 210
- Promotion of Registration
- Part VII
- Foundling Registration
- Section 220
- Procedure
- Part VIII
- Delayed Birth Registration
- Section 230
- Late Registration and Delayed Registration Defined
- Section 240
- Who May File a Late or Delayed Birth Certificate and Conditions
- Section 250
- Procedures and Requirements for Late Birth Registration and Delayed Birth Registration within Seven Years of Date of Birth
- Section 260
- Procedure and Requirements for Delayed Birth Registration Seven or More Years After Date of Birth
- Section 270
- Cancellation Records
- Part IX
- New Birth Certificates after Adoption, Legitimation, Acknowledgement of Paternity, or Court Determination of Paternity
- Section 280
- Adoptions
- Section 290
- Legitimation
- Section 300
- Acknowledgement of Paternity
- Section 310
- Court Determination of Paternity
- Section 320
- Change of Sex
- Section 330
- New Certificate
- Section 340
- Sealed Files
- Part X
- Procedures for Filing Death Certificates
- Section 350
- A Proper and Complete Medical Certification of Cause of Death Defined
- Section 360
- Responsibility of the Attending Physician
- Section 370
- Responsibility of the Medical Examiner
- Section 380
- Responsibility of the Hospital or Institution
- Section 390
- Responsibility of the Funeral Service Licensee
- Section 400
- Out-of-State Transit Permits
- Section 410
- Emergency Cases: Filing of Death Certificates Elsewhere
- Section 420
- Forwarding "Pending Cause" Death Certificates
- Section 430
- Disinterment Permits
- Part XI
- Correction and Amendment
- Section 440
- Applications for Correction
- Section 450
- Evidence Required for Corrections or Amendments
- Section 460
- Methods of Correcting or Altering Certificates
- Part XII
- Inspection of Records and Disclosure of Information
- Section 470
- Individual Requests
- Section 480
- Research Requests
- Section 490
- Official Requests
- Section 500
- Application for Records
- Part XIII
- Certifications of Data; Fees
- Section 510
- Certified Copies; How Prepared
- Section 520
- Fees
- Forms (12VAC5-550)
- Chapter 560
- [Reserved]Read all
- Chapter 570
- Commonwealth of Virginia Sanitary Regulations for Marinas and Boat MooringsRead all
- Part I
- Introduction
- Article 1
- Definitions
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Article 2
- General Information
- Section 20
- [Repealed]
- Section 30
- Purpose
- Section 40
- Administration
- Section 50
- Applicability
- Article 3
- Procedure
- Section 60
- Permits and Certificate
- Section 70
- Application for Construction Permit
- Section 80
- Certificate to Operate
- Section 90
- Variances
- Section 100
- Revocation of a Certificate
- Section 110
- Applicability of the Administrative Process Act
- Part II
- Required Sewerage Facilities and Sewerage Systems for Marinas, Other Places Where Boats Are Moored, and Boating Access Facilities and Their Operation
- Section 120
- General
- Section 130
- Location
- Section 140
- Availability
- Section 150
- Sewerage Facilities for Marinas
- Section 160
- Sewerage Facilities at Other Places Where Boats Are Moored and Boating Access Facilities
- Section 170
- Sewage Treatment
- Section 180
- Pump-Out
- Section 190
- Sewage Dump Station
- Section 200
- Onshore Facilities
- Forms (12VAC5-570)
- Chapter 580
- Sewerage Regulations [Superseded]Read all
- Section 10
- [Superseded]
- Chapter 581
- Sewage Collection and Treatment Regulations [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 585
- Biosolids Use Regulations [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Section 20
- [Repealed]
- Section 30
- [Repealed]
- Section 40
- [Repealed]
- Section 50
- [Repealed]
- Section 60
- [Repealed]
- Section 70
- [Repealed]
- Section 80
- [Repealed]
- Section 90
- [Repealed]
- Section 100
- [Repealed]
- Section 110
- [Repealed]
- Section 120
- [Repealed]
- Section 130
- [Repealed]
- Section 140
- [Repealed]
- Section 150
- [Repealed]
- Section 160
- [Repealed]
- Section 170
- [Repealed]
- Section 180
- [Repealed]
- Section 190
- [Repealed]
- Section 200
- [Repealed]
- Section 210
- [Repealed]
- Section 220
- [Repealed]
- Section 230
- [Repealed]
- Section 240
- [Repealed]
- Section 250
- [Repealed]
- Section 260
- [Repealed]
- Section 270
- [Repealed]
- Section 280
- [Repealed]
- Section 290
- [Repealed]
- Section 300
- [Repealed]
- Section 310
- [Repealed]
- Section 320
- [Repealed]
- Section 330
- [Repealed]
- Section 340
- [Repealed]
- Section 350
- [Repealed]
- Section 360
- [Repealed]
- Section 370
- [Repealed]
- Section 380
- [Repealed]
- Section 390
- [Repealed]
- Section 400
- [Repealed]
- Section 410
- [Repealed]
- Section 420
- [Repealed]
- Section 430
- [Repealed]
- Section 440
- [Repealed]
- Section 450
- [Repealed]
- Section 460
- [Repealed]
- Section 470
- [Repealed]
- Section 480
- [Repealed]
- Section 490
- [Repealed]
- Section 500
- [Repealed]
- Section 510
- [Repealed]
- Section 520
- [Repealed]
- Section 530
- [Repealed]
- Section 540
- [Repealed]
- Section 550
- [Repealed]
- Section 560
- [Repealed]
- Section 570
- [Repealed]
- Section 580
- [Repealed]
- Section 590
- [Repealed]
- Section 600
- [Repealed]
- Section 610
- [Repealed]
- Section 620
- [Repealed]
- Section 630
- [Repealed]
- Section 640
- [Repealed]
- Section 650
- [Repealed]
- Section 660
- [Repealed]
- Section 670
- [Repealed]
- Section 680
- [Repealed]
- Section 690
- [Repealed]
- Section 700
- [Repealed]
- Section 710
- [Repealed]
- Section 720
- [Repealed]
- Section 730
- [Repealed]
- Section 740
- [Repealed]
- Section 750
- [Repealed]
- Section 760
- [Repealed]
- Section 770
- [Repealed]
- Section 780
- [Repealed]
- Section 790
- [Repealed]
- Section 800
- [Repealed]
- Section 810
- [Repealed]
- Section 820
- [Repealed]
- Section 830
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 590
- Waterworks RegulationsRead all
- Part I
- General Framework for Waterworks Regulations
- Article 1
- Definitions [Repealed]
- Section 10
- Definitions and Units of Measurement
- Article 2
- General Information [Repealed]
- Section 20
- [Repealed]
- Section 30
- [Repealed]
- Section 35
- Delegation of Authority
- Section 40
- Administration of This Chapter
- Section 45
- Waterworks Advisory Committee
- Section 50
- Application of This Chapter to Waterworks in Operation or Planned BeforeJune 23, 2021
- Section 55
- Relationship of This Chapter to theUniform Statewide Building Code
- Article 3
- Procedures [Repealed]
- Section 60
- [Repealed]
- Section 70
- Powers and Procedures
- Section 80
- [Repealed]
- Section 90
- [Reserved]
- Section 100
- Exception; Emergency Regulations
- Section 110
- Enforcement
- Section 115
- Administrative Proceedings
- Section 120
- Emergency Orders
- Section 125
- Chronically Noncompliant Waterworks
- Section 130
- Suspension of This Chapter
- Section 140
- Variances
- Section 150
- Exemptions
- Section 160
- [Repealed]
- Section 170
- [Repealed]
- Section 180
- [Repealed]
- Section 190
- Permits
- Section 200
- Procedure for Obtaining a Construction Permit
- Section 210
- Requirements for the Submission of Engineering Data
- Section 220
- Compliance with the Manual of Practice
- Section 230
- Issuance of the Construction Permit
- Section 240
- Revisions of Approved Plans
- Section 250
- Statement Required Upon Completion of Construction
- Section 260
- Issuance of the Operation Permit
- Section 270
- Start-Up Testing and Inspections
- Section 280
- [Repealed]
- Section 290
- Issuance of a Temporary Operation Permit
- Section 300
- Issuance of a General Permit for Construction of Distribution Mains
- Section 310
- Amendment or Reissuance of Operation Permits
- Section 320
- Revocation of an Operation Permit
- Section 330
- Monitoring, Records, and Reporting
- Part II
- Operation Regulations for Waterworks
- Article 1
- General [Repealed]
- Section 340
- Compliance Standards
- Section 350
- Assessments and Sanitary Surveys
- Section 360
- Responsibilities of the Owner
- Article 2
- General Information [Repealed]
- Section 370
- Monitoring Requirements
- Section 372
- Inorganic Chemicals Monitoring
- Section 373
- Organic Chemicals Monitoring
- Section 374
- Residual Disinfectant, Disinfection Byproducts, and Disinfection Byproduct Precursors Monitoring
- Section 375
- Lead and Copper Monitoring
- Section 376
- Surface Water and Gudi Sources Treatment Monitoring
- Section 377
- Physical Constituent Monitoring
- Section 378
- Radiological Monitoring
- Section 379
- Groundwater System Monitoring
- Section 380
- Bacteriological Compliance
- Section 382
- Inorganic Chemicals Compliance
- Section 383
- Organic Chemicals Compliance
- Section 384
- Residual Disinfectant, Dbps, and Dbpps Compliance
- Section 385
- Lead and Copper Al Compliance
- Section 388
- Radiological Compliance
- Section 390
- Physical Constituent Compliance
- Section 391
- Treatment Technique Requirements
- Section 392
- Coliform Treatment Technique Triggers and Assessment Requirements
- Section 395
- Surface Water and Gudi Sources, Polymers, and Recycle Treatment Techniques
- Section 400
- [Repealed]
- Section 401
- Enhanced Filtration and Disinfection for Cryptosporidium Treatment Techniques
- Section 405
- Lead and Copper Treatment Techniques
- Section 410
- [Repealed]
- Section 411
- Disinfection Byproduct Precursors, Disinfection Byproducts, and Maximum Residual Disinfection Level Treatment Techniques
- Section 415
- Uncovered Finished Water Storage
- Section 420
- [Repealed]
- Section 421
- Groundwater System Treatment Techniques
- Section 425
- [Repealed]
- Section 430
- Determination of Surface Water Influence of Groundwater Sources
- Section 440
- Analytical Methods
- Article 3
- Operation of Waterworks [Repealed]
- Section 450
- Facility and Personnel Management
- Section 460
- [Repealed]
- Section 461
- Classification of Waterworks, Operator Requirements, and Operator Attendance
- Section 470
- Waterworks Condition
- Section 475
- Removal of Wells from Service
- Section 476
- Reactivation of Wells
- Section 480
- Operational Control Testing and Monitoring
- Section 490
- Adequate Treatment
- Section 500
- Disinfection Criteria, Determination of Ct, Disinfection Profiles, and Disinfection Benchmarks for Giardia and Virus Inactivation
- Section 505
- Emergency Management Plan for Extended Power Outages
- Section 510
- Acceptable Operating Practices
- Section 515
- Use of Chemicals
- Section 520
- Waterworks Capacity
- Section 530
- Reporting
- Section 531
- Reporting Requirements for Filtration Treatment and Disinfection Treatment
- Section 532
- Reporting Requirements for Lead and Copper
- Section 540
- Public Notices
- Section 545
- Consumer Confidence Reports
- Section 546
- Regulated Contaminants for the Consumer Confidence Reports and Public Notification
- Section 550
- Recordkeeping
- Section 560
- Safety
- Section 565
- Source Water Protection
- Section 570
- Operational Reporting Requirements
- Article 4
- Cross Connection Control and Backflow Prevention in Waterworks [Repealed]
- Section 580
- General Requirements for Cross-Connection Control and Backflow Prevention
- Section 590
- [Repealed]
- Section 600
- Cross-Connection Control Program Responsibilities
- Section 610
- Containment of Backflow
- Section 620
- [Repealed]
- Section 630
- Backflow Prevention Assemblies, Devices, and Backflow Elimination Methods for Containment
- Part III
- Manual of Practice for Waterworks Design
- Article 1
- General [Repealed]
- Section 640
- General Design Considerations
- Section 650
- [Repealed]
- Section 660
- Site Location
- Section 670
- Site Size
- Section 680
- Treatment Process Selection and Bat
- Section 690
- [Repealed]
- Section 700
- Metering Total Water Production
- Section 710
- [Repealed]
- Section 720
- Building Design and Construction
- Section 725
- Automated Monitoring and Control Systems
- Section 730
- Alternate Power Sources
- Section 740
- [Repealed]
- Section 750
- [Repealed]
- Section 760
- Laboratory Facilities
- Section 770
- Sampling and Monitoring Equipment
- Section 780
- [Repealed]
- Section 790
- Process Water
- Section 800
- [Repealed]
- Section 810
- Components, Materials, and Products
- Article 2
- Source Development [Repealed]
- Section 820
- New Source Water Selection and Sampling
- Section 830
- Surface Water Sources; Quantity; Quality; Development Structures
- Section 840
- Groundwater Sources
- Article 3
- Processes and Devices [Repealed]
- Section 850
- Appropriate Treatment
- Section 860
- Chemical Application
- Section 865
- Conventional Filtration Treatment
- Section 870
- [Repealed]
- Section 871
- Coagulation and Flocculation
- Section 872
- Sedimentation
- Section 873
- Solids Contact Treatment Units
- Section 874
- Gravity Filtration
- Section 875
- Direct Filtration
- Section 880
- Diatomaceous Earth Filtration
- Section 881
- Slow Sand Filtration
- Section 882
- Membrane Filtration
- Section 883
- Bag and Cartridge Filtration
- Section 890
- [Repealed]
- Section 895
- Pre-Engineered Package Treatment Units
- Section 900
- Cation Exchange Softening
- Section 910
- Aeration
- Section 920
- Iron and Manganese Control
- Section 930
- Fluoridation
- Section 940
- Fluoride Removal
- Section 950
- Corrosion Control or Stabilization
- Section 960
- Taste and Odor Control
- Section 970
- [Repealed]
- Section 975
- Removal of Radionuclides
- Section 980
- [Repealed]
- Section 985
- Gac Contactors
- Section 990
- Waterworks Waste
- Section 1000
- Disinfection
- Section 1001
- Chlorination
- Section 1002
- Chloramination
- Section 1003
- Chlorine Dioxide Addition
- Section 1004
- Ozonation
- Section 1005
- Ultraviolet Light (Uv) Disinfection
- Article 4
- Pumping Facilities [Repealed]
- Section 1010
- Basic Pumping Facility Design Criteria
- Section 1020
- Location
- Section 1030
- [Repealed]
- Section 1040
- Pump Stations
- Section 1050
- Pumps and Controls
- Section 1060
- [Repealed]
- Section 1065
- Piping, Valves, and Meters
- Section 1070
- [Repealed]
- Article 5
- Finished Water Storage Structures
- Section 1080
- Basic Finished Water Storage Structure Design Criteria
- Section 1081
- Atmospheric Tank Storage
- Section 1082
- Pressure Tank Storage
- Section 1090
- Plant Storage
- Section 1100
- [Repealed]
- Article 6
- Water Distribution Systems [Repealed]
- Section 1110
- Distribution System Materials
- Section 1120
- Minimum Pipe Size
- Section 1130
- Distribution System Design
- Section 1140
- Installation and Testing of Water Mains
- Section 1150
- Separation of Water Mains and Sanitary Sewers
- Section 1160
- Valve, Air Relief, Meter, and Blowoff Chambers
- Section 1170
- Hydrants
- Section 1180
- Surface Water Crossings
- Section 1190
- [Repealed]
- Section 1200
- [Repealed]
- Section 1210
- Disinfection and Testing of Water Mains
- Section 1220
- Pipe Cover
- Section 1230
- Service Connection Metering
- Section 1235
- Water Loading Stations
- Part IV
- Exceptions for Noncommunity Waterworks to Specific Sections of the Manual of Practice (Part III)
- Section 1240
- [Repealed]
- Section 1250
- [Repealed]
- Section 1260
- [Repealed]
- Section 1270
- [Repealed]
- Section 1280
- [Repealed]
- Section 1280:1
- [Repealed]
- Section 1280:2
- [Repealed]
- Section 1280:3
- [Repealed]
- Section 1280:4
- [Repealed]
- Section 1280:5
- [Repealed]
- Section 1280:6
- Appendix F. [Repealed]
- Section 1280:7
- [Repealed]
- Section 1280:8
- Appendix H. [Repealed]
- Section 1280:9
- [Repealed]
- Section 1280:10
- [Repealed]
- Section 1280:11
- [Repealed]
- Section 1280:12
- [Repealed]
- Section 1280:13
- [Repealed]
- Section 1280:14
- [Repealed]
- Section 1280:15
- [Repealed]
- Section 1280:16
- [Repealed]
- Forms (12VAC5-590)
- Documents Incorporated by Reference (12VAC5-590)
- Chapter 600
- Waterworks Operation FeeRead all
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- Purpose of the Regulation
- Section 30
- Compliance with the Administrative Process Act
- Section 40
- Powers and Procedure of Regulation Not Exclusive
- Section 50
- Community Waterworks Operation Fee
- Section 60
- Nontransient Noncommunity (Ntnc) Waterworks Operation Fee
- Section 70
- Notice
- Section 80
- Refundability
- Section 90
- Exemptions
- Section 100
- Payments
- Section 110
- Late Fees and Administrative Charges
- Forms (12VAC5-600)
- Chapter 610
- Sewage Handling and Disposal RegulationsRead all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Part I
- General Framework for Regulations
Article 1
General Provisions - Section 20
- Purpose of Regulations
- Section 30
- Relationship to Other Regulations
- Section 40
- Administration of Regulations
- Section 50
- Sewage Handling and Disposal Advisory Committee
- Section 60
- The State Health Department Sewage Handling and Disposal Appeals Review Board
- Section 70
- Grandfather Clause
- Section 75
- Permits Valid on the Effective Date of This Chapter
- Section 80
- Sewerage Systems and/Or Treatment Works Required
- Section 90
- [Repealed]
- Section 100
- Right of Entry
- Section 110
- [Repealed]
- Section 120
- Definitions
- Section 130
- Compliance with Virginia Administrative Process Act
- Section 140
- [Repealed]
- Section 160
- Emergency Order or Rule
- Section 170
- Enforcement of Regulations
- Section 180
- [Repealed]
- Section 190
- Variances
- Section 200
- Hearing Types
- Section 210
- Request for Hearing
- Section 220
- Hearing As a Matter of Right
- Section 230
- Appeal
- Section 240
- Permits; General
- Section 250
- Procedures for Obtaining a Construction Permit for a Sewage Disposal System
- Section 255
- Certification Letters
- Section 260
- Requirements for the Submission of Formal Plans, Specifications and Other Data
- Section 270
- Approval of Formal Plans
- Section 280
- Issuance of the Construction Permit
- Section 290
- Denial of a Construction Permit
- Section 300
- Voidance, Revalidation, and Revocation of Construction Permits with and without Conditions
- Section 310
- Revisions of Approved Plans
- Section 320
- Inspection and Correction
- Section 330
- Inspections of Private Evaluations and Designs and Reports Required Upon Completion of Construction
- Section 340
- Issuance of the Operation Permit
- Section 350
- Failure of a Sewage Disposal System
- Section 360
- Review of Subdivision Plats for Individual Sewage Disposal Systems When Required by Local Ordinance
- Section 370
- [Repealed]
- Section 380
- Procedures for Obtaining a Sewage Handling Permit
- Section 390
- Issuance of Sewage Handling Permit
- Section 400
- Revocation of Sewage Handling Permits
- Section 410
- Special Permits for Pump and Haul of Sewage
- Section 420
- Procedure for Obtaining a Pump and Haul Permit
- Section 430
- Issuance of a Construction Permit for Storage Facilities Associated with the Pump and Haul of Sewage
- Section 440
- Issuance of the Special Pump and Haul Permit
- Article 2
- Systems with Experimental or Provisional Approval
- Section 441
- Special Permits for Experimental Methods, Process and Equipment
- Section 442
- Provisionally Approved Systems; Overview
- Section 443
- Applying for Provisional Approval
- Section 444
- Evaluation Process for Provisional System Applications
- Section 445
- Appeals
- Section 446
- Permits for Constructing and Operating Provisionally Approved Systems
- Section 447
- Evaluation Period for Provisionally Approved Systems
- Section 448
- General Approval of Provisionally Approved Systems
- Part III
- General Criteria and Methods for Conducting Site Evaluations
- Article 1
- Evaluation Criteria for Subsurface Soil Absorption Systems
- Section 450
- General
- Section 460
- Site and Structure Identification
- Section 470
- Physical Features
- Section 480
- Soil Profiles and Patterns
- Section 490
- Characteristics of Soils That Determine Suitability
- Section 500
- Availability of Suitable Soils
- Section 510
- [Repealed]
- Section 560
- Sewage Handling; General
- Section 570
- [Repealed]
- Section 580
- Septage Management; General
- Section 590
- Acceptable Disposal Sites
- Part IV
- Site Limitations
- Article 1
- Site Limitations
- Section 591
- Overview
- Section 592
- Setback Distances
- Section 593
- Physical Features
- Article Art
- icle 2
- Section 594
- In-Ground Systems
- Section 596
- Shallow-Placed Systems
- Article 3
- Systems Using Fill Material
- Section 597
- Fill Systems
- Article Art
- icle 4
- Section 598
- General
- Section 599
- Permanent Pumping and Hauling
- Section 599.1
- Emergency Pumping and Hauling
- Section 599.2
- Temporary Pumping and Hauling
- Section 599.3
- Permanent Pump and Haul
- Article 5
- Installation of Residential Sewage Disposal Systems in Political Subdivisions Having Soil Drainage Management Contracts with the State Health Department
- Section 600
- General
- Section 610
- Definitions
- Section 620
- Applicability
- Section 630
- Procedures for Entry into or Withdrawal from a Soil Drainage Management Contract (Sdmc)
- Section 640
- Minimum Standards for Soil Drainage Management Plans
- Section 650
- Department Procedures Relating to Subsurface Soil Absorption System Applications in Sdmc Counties and Cities
- Part V
- Design and Construction Criteria
- Article 1
- General Requirements
- Section 660
- General
- Section 670
- Sewage Flows
- Section 680
- Water Saving Plumbing Devices
- Section 690
- Recycle and Reuse Systems
- Section 700
- Site Preparation and Alteration
- Section 710
- Reserve Absorption Area Sites
- Article Art
- icle 2
- Section 720
- General
- Section 730
- Minimum Size
- Section 740
- Slope
- Section 750
- Materials
- Section 760
- Sewer Appurtenances
- Section 770
- Sewer Construction
- Article 3
- Pretreatment Systems
- Section 780
- General
- Section 790
- Types
- Section 800
- Aerobic Biological Systems
- Section 810
- Anaerobic Biological Systems
- Section 815
- Septic Tank Design
- Section 817
- Maintenance
- Section 820
- Miscellaneous
- Section 830
- [Repealed]
- Article 4
- Conveyance Systems
- Section 850
- General
- Section 860
- Conveyance Methods
- Section 870
- Gravity Effluent Mains
- Section 880
- Pumping
- Section 890
- Siphons
- Article 5
- Subsurface Soil Absorption System
- Section 900
- General
- Section 910
- Scope
- Section 920
- Distribution Methods
- Section 930
- Gravity Distribution
- Section 940
- Low Pressure Distribution
- Section 950
- Absorption Area Design
- Section 955
- Drip Dispersal
- Section 960
- Elevated Sand Mound
- Section 965
- Sand-On-Sand
- Section 966
- Pads
- Article 6
- Privies
- Section 970
- General
- Section 980
- Types
- Article 7
- Storage Facilities Criteria for Pump and Haul of Sewage
- Section 990
- General
- Section 1000
- Location
- Section 1010
- Design
- Article 8
- Vehicle Specifications for Sewage Handling
- Section 1020
- General
- Section 1030
- Vehicle Identification
- Section 1040
- Sewage Containment Vessel (Tank)
- Section 1050
- Pumps
- Section 1060
- Valves
- Section 1070
- Hoses
- Article 9
- Special Facilities
- Section 1080
- Anaerobic Lagooning of Septage
- Section 1090
- Lime Stabilization of Septage
- Section 1100
- Storage Facilities for Unstabilized Septage
- Article 10
- Sewage Dump Stations
- Section 1110
- General
- Section 1120
- Location
- Section 1130
- Design
- Article 11
- Nonpublic Drinking Water Supply Systems Utilized in Conjunction with Onsite Sewage Disposal Systems
- Section 1140
- General
- Section 1150
- [Repealed]
- Section 1160
- Springs
- Section 1170
- Cisterns
- Section 1170:1
- Appendix F. Field Guide to Soil Texture Classes
- Section 1170:2
- Appendix G. Percolation Test Procedure and Percolation Test Data Forms
- Section 1170:3
- Appendix H. Land Disposal Criteria
- Section 1170:4
- Appendix I. Buffer Zones
- Section 1170:5
- Appendix J. Sludge Dewatering
- Section 1170:6
- Appendix K. Map of Physiographic Provinces
- Section 1170:7
- Appendix L. Suggested Scale and Contour Interval for Subdivision Plats
- Forms (12VAC5-610)
- Documents Incorporated by Reference (12VAC5-610)
- Chapter 613
- Regulations for Alternative Onsite Sewage SystemsRead all
- Part I
- General
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- Purpose and Authority
- Section 30
- Applicability and Scope
- Section 40
- Relationship to Other Regulations
- Section 50
- Violations and Enforcement
- Section 60
- Operation Permits and Land Records
- Section 70
- General Approval Testing and Evaluation
- Part II
- Performance Requirements
- Section 80
- Performance Requirements; General
- Section 90
- Performance Requirements; Ground Water Protection
- Section 100
- Performance Requirements; Laboratory Sampling and Monitoring
- Section 110
- Performance Requirements; Field Measurements, Sampling, and Observations
- Part III
- Operation and Maintenance Requirements
- Section 120
- Operator Responsibilities
- Section 130
- Sludge and Solids Removal
- Section 140
- Owner Responsibilities
- Section 150
- Operator Requirements for Aoss with Flows Up to 40,000 Gpd, Minimum Frequency of Visits
- Section 160
- Operator Requirements for Flows Greater Than 40,000 Gpd
- Section 170
- Operation and Maintenance Manual
- Section 180
- Mandatory Visits; Inspection Requirements
- Section 190
- Reports
- Part IV
- Horizontal Setback Requirements
- Section 200
- Horizontal Setback Requirements
- Part V
- Waivers from Certain Performance Requirements
- Section 210
- Waivers from Certain Performance Requirements
- Forms (12VAC5-613)
- Documents Incorporated by Reference (12VAC5-613)
- Chapter 615
- Authorized Onsite Soil Evaluator Regulations [Repealed]Read all
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Section 20
- [Repealed]
- Section 30
- [Repealed]
- Section 40
- [Repealed]
- Section 50
- [Repealed]
- Section 60
- [Repealed]
- Section 70
- [Repealed]
- Section 80
- [Repealed]
- Section 90
- [Repealed]
- Section 100
- [Repealed]
- Section 110
- [Repealed]
- Section 120
- [Repealed]
- Section 130
- [Repealed]
- Section 140
- [Repealed]
- Section 150
- [Repealed]
- Section 160
- [Repealed]
- Section 170
- [Repealed]
- Section 180
- [Repealed]
- Section 190
- [Repealed]
- Section 200
- [Repealed]
- Section 210
- [Repealed]
- Section 220
- [Repealed]
- Section 230
- [Repealed]
- Section 240
- [Repealed]
- Section 250
- [Repealed]
- Section 260
- [Repealed]
- Section 270
- [Repealed]
- Section 280
- [Repealed]
- Section 290
- [Repealed]
- Section 300
- [Repealed]
- Section 310
- [Repealed]
- Section 320
- [Repealed]
- Section 330
- [Repealed]
- Section 340
- [Repealed]
- Section 350
- [Repealed]
- Section 360
- [Repealed]
- Section 370
- [Repealed]
- Section 380
- [Repealed]
- Section 390
- [Repealed]
- Section 400
- [Repealed]
- Section 410
- [Repealed]
- Section 420
- [Repealed]
- Section 430
- [Repealed]
- Section 440
- [Repealed]
- Section 450
- [Repealed]
- Section 460
- [Repealed]
- Section 470
- [Repealed]
- [Repealed]
- Chapter 620
- Regulations Governing Fees for Onsite Sewage Disposal Systems, Alternative Discharge Systems, and Private WellsRead all
- Part I
- Definitions
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Part II
- General Information
- Section 20
- [Repealed]
- Section 30
- Purpose of Regulations
- Section 40
- Compliance with the Administrative Process Act
- Section 50
- Powers and Procedures of Regulations Not Exclusive
- Section 60
- [Reserved]
- Part III
- Fees
- Section 70
- Establishing Fees
- Section 75
- Fee Remittance; Application Completeness
- Section 80
- Waiver of Fees
- Section 90
- Refunds of Application Fee
- Section 100
- Determining Eligibility for Waiver Based on Family Income
- Chapter 630
- Private Well RegulationsRead all
- Part I
- General Framework for Regulations
- Article 1
- General Requirements
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Article 2
- General Provisions
- Section 20
- Authority for Regulations
- Section 30
- Purpose and Applicability of Regulations
- Section 40
- [Repealed]
- Section 50
- Relationship to the State Water Control Board
- Section 60
- Relationship to the Department of Environmental Quality
- Section 70
- Relationship to the Uniform Statewide Building Code
- Section 80
- Relationship to the Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation
- Section 90
- Administration of Regulations
- Section 100
- Right of Entry and Inspections
- Part II
- Procedural Regulations
- Section 110
- Compliance with the Administrative Process Act
- Section 120
- Powers and Procedures of Regulations Not Exclusive
- Section 130
- [Reserved]
- Section 140
- Emergency Order
- Section 150
- Enforcement of Regulations
- Section 160
- Suspension of Regulations During Disasters
- Section 170
- Variances
- Section 180
- Hearing Types
- Section 190
- Request for Hearing
- Section 200
- Hearing As a Matter of Right
- Section 210
- Appeals
- Section 220
- Permits and Inspection Statement; General
- Section 230
- Procedures for Obtaining a Construction Permit for a Private Well
- Section 240
- Issuance of the Construction Permit
- Section 250
- Emergency Procedures
- Section 260
- Express Class IV Construction Permits
- Section 270
- Issuance of Express Class IV Construction Permits and Final Inspection
- Section 271
- Express Geothermal Well Permits
- Section 272
- Issuance of Express Geothermal Well Construction Permit, Inspection, and Final Approval
- Section 280
- Denial of a Construction Permit
- Section 290
- Revocation of Construction Permits or Inspection Statements
- Section 300
- Voidance of Construction Permits
- Section 310
- Statement Required Upon Completion of Construction
- Section 320
- Inspection and Correction
- Section 330
- Issuance of the Inspection Statement
- Section 331
- Enforcement, Notices, Informal Conferences
- Section 340
- Requirement for Easement
- Part III
- Design and Construction Criteria
- Section 350
- General
- Section 360
- Classes of Water Wells
- Section 370
- [Repealed]
- Section 380
- Well Location
- Section 390
- Site Protection
- Section 400
- Materials
- Section 410
- Construction; General
- Section 420
- Observation, Monitoring, and Remediation Wells
- Section 430
- Disinfection
- Section 431
- Water Quality
- Section 440
- [Repealed]
- Section 450
- Well Abandonment
- Section 460
- Water System Yields for Residential Use Wells
- Section 470
- [Repealed]
- Section 480
- [Repealed]
- Forms (12VAC5-630)
- Documents Incorporated by Reference (12VAC5-630)
- Chapter 635
- Rainwater Harvesting System RegulationsRead all
- Part I
- General Framework
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- Applicability of Regulation
- Section 30
- Relationship to Virginia Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations
- Section 40
- Relationship to the State Water Control Board
- Section 50
- Relationship to the Uniform Statewide Building Code
- Section 60
- Right of Entry and Inspections
- Part II
- Procedural Requirements
- Section 70
- End Use Tiers for Rainwater Harvesting Systems
- Section 80
- Reserved
- Section 90
- Permits for Rainwater Harvesting Systems; General
- Section 100
- Application Procedures for a Construction Permit for a Rainwater Harvesting System for Tier 4 End Use
- Section 110
- Issuance of a Construction Permit
- Section 120
- Denial of a Construction Permit
- Section 130
- Revision of Approved Plans
- Section 140
- Installation Inspection and Correction
- Section 150
- Requirement for an Easement
- Section 160
- Land Records
- Section 170
- Issuance of Operation Permit
- Section 180
- Variances
- Section 190
- Enforcements, Notices, Informal Conferences, Appeals
- Part III
- Design and Installation
- Section 200
- Cross-ConnectionAbatement
- Section 210
- Backflow Prevention
- Section 220
- Water Storage Unit Location
- Section 230
- Materials and Equipment
- Section 240
- Design and Installation
- Section 250
- Filtration
- Section 260
- Disinfection
- Section 270
- General Certification
- Section 280
- Temporary Removal from Service
- Part VI
- Performance Requirements
- Section 290
- Performance Requirements; General
- Section 300
- Continuity of Water Supply
- Section 310
- Water Quality Standards
- Part V
- Operation and Maintenance Requirements
- Section 320
- Operator Requirements; Frequency of Inspection
- Section 330
- Operation and Maintenance; Operator's Responsibility
- Section 340
- Operation and Maintenance; Owner's Responsibilities
- Section 350
- Operation and Maintenance Manual
- Section 360
- Inspection Requirements
- Section 370
- Inspection Reports
- Forms (12VAC5-635)
- Chapter 640
- Alternative Discharging Sewage Treatment Regulations for Individual Single Family DwellingsRead all
- Part I
- General Provisions
- Section 5
- Definitions
- Section 10
- [Repealed]
- Section 20
- Purpose of Regulations
- Section 30
- Scope of Regulations
- Section 40
- Relationship to the Virginia Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations
- Section 50
- [Repealed]
- Section 60
- Relationship to the State Water Control Board
- Section 70
- Relationship to the Uniform Statewide Building Code
- Section 80
- Administration of Regulations
- Section 90
- Right of Entry and Inspections
- Section 100
- [Repealed]
- Part II
Procedures- Section 110
- Compliance with the Administrative Process Act
- Section 120
- Powers and Procedures of Regulations Not Exclusive
- Section 130
- [Repealed]
- Section 140
- Emergency Order
- Section 150
- Enforcement of Regulations
- Section 160
- Suspension of Regulations During Disasters
- Section 170
- Variances
- Section 180
- Informal Conferences and Formal Hearings
- Section 190
- [Repealed]
- Section 200
- [Repealed]
- Section 210
- Appeals
- Section 220
- Permits; General
- Section 230
- Application Process for Obtaining a Department of Environmental Quality General Permit Using the Combined Application
- Section 240
- Application for a Construction Permit
- Section 250
- Issuance of the Construction Permit
- Section 260
- Exception for Failing Onsite Sewage Disposal Systems
- Section 262
- Statements Required Upon Completion of Construction
- Section 264
- Operation and Maintenance Manual
- Section 266
- Issuance of the Operation Permit
- Section 270
- Denial of a Construction or Operation Permit
- Section 280
- Revocation of Construction Permits and Operation Permits
- Section 290
- Voidance of Construction or Operation Permits
- Section 300
- [Repealed]
- Section 310
- [Repealed]
- Section 320
- [Repealed]
- Section 330
- [Repealed]
- Section 340
- [Repealed]
- Section 350
- [Repealed]
- Section 360
- [Repealed]
- Section 370
- [Repealed]
- Section 380
- [Repealed]
- Part III
- Location, Design, Construction, Operation and Maintenance Criteria
Article 1
Site Requirements - Section 390
- General
- Section 400
- Classifications of Discharge Points
- Section 410
- Subdivisions
- Section 420
- Setback Distances from Discharge Points and Downstream Channels for the Protection of Public Health
- Article 2
- Design Requirements
- Section 430
- Performance Requirements
- Section 432
- Treatment Unit and Additional System Component Classifications
- Section 434
- Reliability
- Section 440
- Special Factors Affecting System Design
- Section 450
- Design Criteria for the Use of Intermittent Streams, Dry Ditches, or Wetlands
- Section 460
- Design Requirements for System Components
- Article 3
- Construction Requirements
- Section 470
- General Construction Requirements
- Section 480
- [Repealed]
- Article 4
- Monitoring, Operation, and Maintenance Requirements
- Section 490
- Monitoring
- Section 500
- Operation and Maintenance Requirements
- Section 510
- Information to Be Reported Electronically
- Section 520
- Failure to Submit Information
- Forms (12VAC5-640)
- Documents Incorporated by Reference (12VAC5-640)
- Chapter 650
- Schedule of Civil PenaltiesRead all
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- Purpose and Authority
- Section 30
- Applicability
- Section 40
- Administration
- Section 50
- Conduct Declared Unlawful
- Section 60
- Uniform Schedule of Civil Penalties
- Section 70
- Criminal Prosecution Precluded
- Section 80
- Civil Summons Ticket
- Section 90
- Authority to Issue Civil Summons Ticket; Penalties Collected
- Section 100
- Requirements for Civil Summons Ticket